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Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide

1st Edition

January, 2014
2 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
Relationship and Logistic
Concepts Guide

VWB Logistics

1st Edition –January, 2014


Motor Vehicle Industry

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 3
Plant Anchieta
Via Anchieta, Km 23,5
Zip code 09832-990
São Bernardo do Campo – SP
Phone: +55 11 4347-2355

Plant Curitiba
Estrada PR 025 – Km 6,75
Zip code 83183-00
São José dos Pinhais – PR
Phone: +55 41 3381-3399

Plant São Carlos

Rodovia SP 215, Luiz Augusto de Oliveira, Km 148, Zona Rural
Zip code 13560-590
São Carlos – SP
Phone: +55 16 3363-1000

Plant Taubaté
Av. Carlos Pedroso da Silveira, 10.000
Zip code 12043-000
Taubaté – SP
Phone: +55 12 3625-6186

4 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
The content of this guide is owned by VOLKSWAGEN OF BRAZIL LTDA.
Reproduction, without permission, exposes the violator to legal sanctions.

Responsible for Publishing and Content:

VWB Logistics
Marcelo Martin
Phone: +55 11 4347-2158
Marcelo Verde
Phone: +55 11 4347-2157
Eduardo Maniá dos Santos
Phone: +55 11 4347-2157

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 5

1 MAIN FOCUS.................................................................................................... 8

2 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 8

2.1 Abstract ...................................................................................................... 8

3 A/B/C PRICES .................................................................................................... 9

3.1 Logistics Cost – Explanation of A/B/C pricing ............................................... 9

4 LOGISTICS CONCEPT ...................................................................................... 14

4.1 Introduction............................................................................................... 14

4.2 Technical description of the concept JIT / JIS .............................................. 15

5 STANDARD PACKAGING ................................................................................ 19

5.1 Universal packaging ................................................................................. 19

5.2 Racks and special packages ...................................................................... 28

5.3 Identification packages.............................................................................. 42

5.4 Ergonomics and Occupational Health ........................................................ 49

5.5 Work safety .............................................................................................. 51

5.6 Physical inventory of packaging ................................................................. 52

5.7 Quality standard packaging ...................................................................... 52

6. TRANSPORT PROCESS ..................................................................................... 54

6.1 Transport CIF ............................................................................................ 56

6.2 Transport FCA / FOB ................................................................................. 57

7. INFORMATION FLOW AND EDI ..................................................................... 62

7.1 Release ..................................................................................................... 62

7.2 EDI ........................................................................................................... 62

7.3 Daily frequency ......................................................................................... 63

6 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
7.4 Invoice ...................................................................................................... 63

7.5 ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) .............................................................. 66

8. PRE-SERIES PROCESS ....................................................................................... 67

8.1 Resume ..................................................................................................... 67

8.2 Identification ............................................................................................. 68

9. SUPPLIERS EVALUATION ................................................................................. 70

9.1 Evaluation ................................................................................................. 70

10. CKD PROCESS AN STANDARDS..................................................................... 72

10.1 Technical specifications CKD packing....................................................... 72

11. CONTACTS ................................................................................................... 78

12. GLOSSARY .................................................................................................... 79

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 7

The purpose of this guide is to disseminate knowledge on the subject for all
involved, in order to describe and clarify all logistics processes with their assumptions
and standards that must be followed in their stages of supply.


2.1 Abstract
This guide sets out procedures, specifications and assumptions relating to the
development and recommendations about the logistics supply process, regulated by
standards set for units of VOLKSWAGEN OF BRAZIL (Anchieta, Curitiba, São Carlos
and Taubaté).

This guide provides recommendations regarding:

 Prices;

 -series;

 Transportation concept

 Logistics Supplier Evaluation;

 among others.



8 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |

3.1 Logistics Cost – Explanation of A/B/C pricing

‘A’ price
Is the price of the piece removed from the supplier plus the following items
listed below:
 Handling tasks
o Packing into transport containers
o Clear labelling of parts or containers
o Loading of containers onto freight carriers

 Quality assurancemeasures
o Container cleaning
o Label removal
o Conservation
o Packed including parts protection (quality assurance measures/not
o Observation of technical terms of delivery (parts protection,

*Parts protection: e.g. container casing, separating layers, dust covers, sealing
plugs, polyethylene bags, transport securing devices, paper, compartments, foam
sheeting, blister packs, adhesive tape, bubble sheeting, signode strapping, cork spacer
plates, cable protection bags, filling material, corrosion protection paper, VCI film, ESD
protective film.

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 9
‘B’ price
Parts more logistics costs (Δ (B Price - A Price))
 Transportation costs when the liability of the supplier (CIF)
o Shipping to transport parts, including tolls.
o Shipping insurance;

 Costs for transport packaging

o Acquisition of returnable packages according volumes and quantities
defined for logistics during sourcing negotiation. It must be follow
project life cycle.

 * Handling + Storage costs and export handling, when applicable:

o Discharging
o Storage
o Sequencing
o Repackaging into containers according to the VW
o Transportation and delivery to the point of use in accordance with the
conditions of carriage

Note: * This concept must first be requested by logistics planning VW, rated and
condensed by the parties before their application. You can see more details into topic
logistics concept.

‘C’ price
Parts of customs costs (Δ (C B price))

o Taxes and fees related legislation

10 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
Figure 3.1: Illustration about A/B/C price

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Figure 3.2: Form used to calculate logistics costs

12 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
A – Annual volume J – Transport equipment
B – Life cycle of the vehicle L – Packages per truck
C – Plant of delivery M – Freight cost
D – Logistics concept N – Heads
E – Distance from the supplier O – Area of internal storage
F – Package type P – Sequencing Center and / or external warehouse
G – Pieces per Package Q – Total Logistics Costs (without PIS / COFINS)
H – Float R – Sequencing Equipment
I – Cost per package

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 13

4.1 Introduction
The Logistics Concept is the element that determines the optimal delivery
conditions and planned by the factories supply, following the characteristics of the
part, the point of use, and aimed at streamlining the internal logistics flow.
It is the responsibility of the Factories logistics analysis and prescription of the
Logistics Concept, at the beginning of the process of quotation marks, when the
opening of the requisition for purchases. It is the responsibility of the supplier, in the
quotation process, know the logistical concept determined by VW for part and reflect
the B price needed for the completion of the same costs.

Below the four concepts and frequency of delivery determined by logistics VWB:
J I T - Delivery as a result of the assembly line (JIT - sequenced)
L A H - Delivery once a day.
S T A - Delivery leastwise once a week
V L B - Delivery in modulate or suppliers contracted by Volkswagen
* All impacts and relationships involved in this concept must first be evaluated before
its implementation, as well as the system of managing the flow of materials that will
All considerations and assumptions of this guide should be observed in the
process quote (SAM-CSC). These will be subject to review during the delivery process
and may result in demerit score of the logistics provider indicated in the decisions of
SAM-CSC evaluation, and the implementation of debts to the supplier due to use of
non-approved packaging.
This document is complementary to the request and the General Conditions
governing the cart under clause 1.2

14 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
4.2 Technical description of the concept JIT / JIS

When beginning a new project - a study of feeding line to define the process
flow and supply (supply line, from the point of use, to manufacture the supplier) is
When we identify space constraints at the point of use due to a wide range of
models and complexity, requiring a robust process, applied a JIS concept, where the
part is delivered in the right place at the right time, in the right quantity and following
For this reason, this model can supply from an area outside of the plant, known
as external JIS, or an area within the plant, and may be from the branch of a supplier,
or from a supermarket, administered by the automaker or supplier.
When we adopt the external JIS model, the supplier shall be at a maximum
distance of 12 km from the plant, or that attend the lead time of the operation,
measured at the output of the vehicle paint (M100) to the mount point of this piece. To
do this , the Supplier must have a communication link to receive this information ( call )
sequence to the factory and delivered at the point of use , using the necessary
resources ( sequencing , loading the cart , unloading and delivery at the factory at the
point of use, near to operator ) .
When the supplier is resident in one of our units, it should open a branch; get the
special treatment and bill once a day, in addition to meeting the requirements of
external JIS.
The same is liable for the costs of adapting to its subsidiary, following
responsibility matrix, defined by each plant.
If adopted the concept JIS and sequenced from a supermarket , will be defined in
SAM -CSC resources which are the responsibility of VW and what will be the
responsibility of the Supplier in accordance with the defined payment model .
The procedure above will ensure the implementation of a lean process without
waste and without losses.

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 15
The supplier must acquire software recommended by VW, which will make the
interface information necessary for this sequencing.
All details on "Techniques and Concepts JIT / JIS" can be found in the
specifications of JIT / JIS processes provided during sourcing.

Figure 4.1: Points of Reading

16 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
Figure 4.2: Model Composition of reaction time

The resources needed for JIS concept describes the activity of operators
receiving and sequencing, stating time and quantity for each operation, the example

0,3 forklifts / turn Receipt / shipment of materials Center JIS

1 operator/ turn Sequencing of material Center JIS
1 forklift Shipping and receiving Center JIS
0,3 tug Supply Point of Use

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 17
Figure 4.3: Process methodology

18 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |

5.1 Universal packaging

It is understood by universal packaging plastic and metal boxes that can pack
various items without the need for spacers and having synergy with various items.
The process of developing / packing specification starts from the Logistics Concept,
available to the Supplier in the moment of delivery of the premises for the price of the
Logistics Concept is set in the frequency, the condition and type of delivery (universal /
particular) packaging to be used for the listed number.
As this specification and logistics concept established, the supplier shall adopt
the package by filling the form for approval, called “Data Packing Purchased Parts “.
This form must be submitted for approval of those responsible.
At the discretion of the practical test will be conducted VOLKSWAGEN (try-out)
with prototype packaging , considering all the logistics from packaging Supplier in part
to their use at the point of use chain.
Packages must be subjected to quality control by means of durability and strength
tests, supported by technical reports. The supplier shall get these certificates from the
packages makers and presenting the VOLKSWAGEN when prompted.

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 19
5.1.1 Primary package
It is a container used to package small and / or standard parts.

Standard plastic box VDA

These boxes should necessarily be put on pallets to allow safe handling and fast
in shipping, receiving, transportation and storage.
Aiming to meet the standard VDA 6.3, always cover these boxes must be used in
order to prevent contamination of parts.

Plastic Box KLT

 Use: various parts;
 Standard Colour: Grey RAL 9022
 Approved for use on all plants.

External dimensions (mm)

Code Tara (kg)
length width height
KLT6421 594 396 210 3,70


External dimensions (mm)

Code Tara (kg)
length width height
KLT3147 297 198 147 0,57
KLT4147 396 297 147 1,08
KLT6280 594 396 280 2,67


20 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
The KLT Plastic Boxes shall have a maximum gross weight of 18 kg (box + parts
+ cover), to allow manual handling within the specifications required by the
occupational medicine (as SESMT standard).

Plastic Case Cover for VDA

 Approved for use on all plants.

External dimensions (mm)

Code Tara (kg)
length width height
TAM3020 300 200 20 0,10
TAM4030 400 300 25 0,20
TAM6040 600 400 25 0,60

Photo Illustration
 Standard Color: Grey RAL 9022


 KLT plastic boxes

Photo Illustration

5.1.2 Mechanized packaging

Are packages that allow handling by mechanical means, e.g. forklifts, pallet
jacks, trans-lifts, cranes, hoists, conveyors, among others.
The inputs to the forks of the moving means should have at least the following
Width= 710 mm Height= 90 mm

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 21
Plastic pallet
Used to allow movement of the primary container by mechanical means and for
larger parts that can be packaged without primary packaging.

Closing the cover should be used to improve the condition of maneuverability.

 Material: Plastic;
 Use: Mechanization of primary packaging (plastic boxes) and several
 The pallet should ensure locking the primary packaging (plastic boxes)
and spare, when the mechanical drive (side wings).
 Estimated Tara;
 The pallet must contain hole in the base, to facilitate the flow of water
and to ensure the quality of the material.

Code External dimensions(mm) Tara (kg)

length width height
PAL1 1200 1000 150 18,00

Photo Illustration
 Standard Colour: Grey RAL 9022
 Approved for use on all plants.

Due to the existence of different models and manufacturers of these pallets, the
Supplier shall consult those responsible for approving the pack when needed its

22 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
Plastic cover
 Estimated Tara
 Approved for use on all plants.
 Standard Colour: Grey RAL 9022

Code External dimensions (mm) Tara (kg)

length width height
COB1210 1200 1000 95 8,00

Photo Illustration

 Lock pallet with primary packaging (plastic boxes, separators, etc.) To
improve manoeuvrability and allow stacking.
 Lock plastic container
 Approved for use on all plants;

Palletizing of Plastic Boxes

Code Qt. layer Box/ layer Box/ Pallet

KLT3147 5 20 100
KLT4147 5 10 50
KLT6421 4 5 20
KLT6280 3 5 15

Photo Illustration
Because there specific characteristics for each plant VOLKSWAGEN, the
Supplier shall consult approvers for defining the amount of plastic per pallet boxes as
well as the "maximum height" of the set (+ plastic pallet boxes or pieces + cover
pallets ).

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 23
The packages must be completely arched, thus ensuring their safety and quality
during transport.

Plastic packaging
 Use: Various Parts
 Material: High Density Polyethylene
 The side opening should be the two biggest sides
 Guide pothole on 4 sides.
 Approved for use on all plants.
 Standard Color: Grey RAL 9022

External dimensions
Code Tara (kg)
length (mm)width height
GLT1185 1200 1000 850 63,0
Maximum Weight: 1000 kg

Photo Illustration

External dimensions (mm)

Code Tara (kg)
length width height
114830 1210 1010 850 39,0
Maximum Weight: 250 kg

Photo Illustration

24 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
5.1.3 Standardized packaging

Metal Box with Foldable Side Opening (longest side)

 Use: Various Parts
 Consider at least two suitable for placement of parts identification label
 Design of packaging Planning Package.
 Approved for use on all plants.
 Standard Color: Grey RAL 9022

Code External dimensions (mm) Tara (kg)

length width height
111940 1200 1000 758 127,0
111970 1600 1200 999 206,0
Maximum Weight : 1000 kg

111940 111970
Photo Illustration Photo Illustration

Note: Tara the estimated packaging

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 25
5.1.4 Important Information

As standard VW, packaging used in flow must comply strictly with the following
 The packages must be made with virgin material.
Pallets, Lids, Covers and GLT's - High Density Polyethylene
KLT's and RKLT's - Polypropylene

Photo Illustration Photo Illustration

 All packages have recordings in low relief with the owner's name
painted in black.

 The GLT's side vents must contain the 2 long sides to remove the material
and input pothole.

 GLT's and metal cans must have maximum weight (box of parts) of
1.000kg, due to ergonomic standards;

 The packages must be properly sprung to ensure process safety,

transportation and handling requirements.

26 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
Photo Illustration

5.1.5 Types and Characteristics of Package

Figure 5.1: Description of the universal package

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5.2 Racks and special packages

It is understood by special packaging containers of specific parts that are

developed according to part geometry features.
All details on "Special Packages" are available through the website .

The development process of the Special Packaging for purchased parts starts
from the definition of the logistics concept, available to the supplier at the time of
quotation number.
In logistic concept type of packaging to be used for the listed number is
Based on logistic concept, the supplier will trigger the Central Logistics to
answer all possible questions and receive appropriate guidance regarding deadlines
and procedures for preparation of the packaging design, prototype construction,
package layout prototype to try-out and provide documentation requested by
The supply part in the final packaging should occur from the Zero series
program, which the supplier is responsible for developing, approving its packaging
along VOLKSWAGEN, regulate the delivery of documentation approval and purchase
the lot traded to the Zero Series the program.
The documentation requested by the Strategic Planning and Logistics necessary
for approval of the package is as follows:
1) "Registration Form Code Packaging" which should be completed shortly after
the approval of the package in try-out;
2) "Packaging Approval Form";
3) FMEA of the package prepared by the supplier;
4) Technical Report with gathering ART (Technical Responsibility);
5) Drawing "as built" and structural design;

28 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
6) Instruction for Use of Packaging;
7) Copy of invoice of purchase of the lot traded packaging.

The supplier is responsible for developing the special packaging as needs and
requests of the VOLKSWAGEN of Brazil, meeting all standards and requirements of
this specification.
Packaging should be considered as returnable and mechanized handling.
Made the prototype, the Planning Packaging group performs try-out together
with the areas involved, aiming to see improvements, modifications and carry the
approval of the package.
For evaluation of the prototype is considered the entire supply chain, from the
utilization of the packaging supplier to the point of use and the return to supplier.
For the evaluation of the prototype try-out is considers the following items:
 Requirements mentioned in the topic Assumptions VOLKSWAGEN
Occupational Medicine contained in this guide;
 Requirements mentioned in the topic Assumptions VOLKSWAGEN
Occupational Safety contained in this guide;
 Simplicity and speed of placement of parts on the packaging;
 Security of pieces on the package;
 Simplicity, speed and reliability in storage and discharge;
 Treatment the requirements of line feed;
 Good working conditions for operators involved in the processes of
handling the packaging and parts, especially in relation to ergonomics
at workstations for loading and unloading of parts;
 Maintaining the quality of the parts placement or removal of the same,
the internal transportation of containers with forklifts, tugs and carts,
loading or unloading of containers and trucks along the road;
 Packages should be manageable with forklift by 4 sides. The feet and
cross the base of the packaging must permit the correct support of the
pothole, considering a minimum size of 1100mm long for them;

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 29
 Shall be limited to the minimum necessary mobile accessories in
packaging, as well as avoid any removable element. Mobile (or
articulated) separators in the open or closed positions, must: remain
stable standing aggregates packaging without departing from the same
set, being far enough from the outside of the packaging to avoid getting
hooked during the move;
 Packaging structure. Having durability compatible with the production
period (Life Cycle) of the product it is designed around 7 years
according to the production volume of the vehicle / model. In case of
replacement supplier will be guided on how it performs;

Tabs and leverage points / location of parts on the packaging must meet the
following items:
 Ensure non-dimensional deformation of the parts;
 Ensure non-occurrence of surface damage in parts;
 Do not allow longitudinal movement or side pieces, beyond tolerance
consistent with this purpose;
 Allow easy coupling of handling devices during placement or removal of
parts, when this is the case;
 Allow overlapping parts to optimize the size / capacity of the pack,
taking into account the items of ergonomics, quality and concept
established by Planning Packages;
 Packaging of pieces in packaging compatible with the devices needed to
weld on the frame position.

The packaging shall be considered satisfactory if:

 The above conditions are met;
 The packaging and accessories remain in perfect condition for
subsequent deliveries;

30 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
For the development of special packaging for purchased parts, should be
considered, among others, the following characteristics:
 Fragility
 Type of material
 Finish
 Weight
 Volume

Transportation and Storage:

 Adequacy standards for internal and road transport
 Cost of packaging
 Transportation Costs
 Number of pieces per pack
 Handling Safety
 Access to pieces in packaging
 Adequacy conditions at the point of use
 Ensure quality of material
 Mechanized drive (by mechanical means)
 Manageability enhancements, when stacking.

Where appropriate, shall be considered additional forms of protection to parts,

as follows:
Completed parts and / or painted parts:
 Tabs
 Dividers honeycomb
 preformed cavities
 parts machined or subjected to corrosion:
 Oily
 Special Plastics

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 31
 Machined Parts and prone to contamination by impurities:
 Insert plugs (easy removal)
 Wrapped Parts (in extremely necessary cases only)
 Other forms of protection may also be considered in addition to the
forms submitted.

The use of paper / cardboard, Styrofoam and any type of disposable material
is prohibited.

 It is the responsibility of the supplier of the piece: the design,
development, acquisition, maintenance and cleaning of Specialty
Packaging for purchased parts.
 Solder, mounts, settings and materials used are also the responsibility of
the vendor.
 The provided packages must be new.
 The Packaging Special Buy is subject to inspection when in use, without
notice. If there are abnormalities, the costs of any repairs are the
responsibility of the vendor.
 The conditions shall be in accordance with current legislation, especially
with regard to the transport of hazardous materials, such as flammable,
corrosive, etc.
 This guide should not be underestimated at the risk of causing problems,
which can lead to possible differences between supplier and
 No disposable equipment should be used in packaging.
 Special attention to electrical components, avoiding crushing wires and
 The packaging must permit easy removal of parts without damaging

32 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
Note: The items presented in this topic are not presented in order of importance.

5.2.1 Materials used in special packaging

The construction material of the base of the package must be metal pipe of
square or rectangular cross section. The columns shall be constructed of square section
metal tube.
The materials and gauges of pipes used must be compatible with the weight
and strain of the parts to be transported. The structure of the package will be assessed
at the time of the try-out.
Disposable materials should not be used on the packaging.

Figure 5.2: Developments packaging

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 33
All bolts, nuts and washers shall be galvanized.

PVC Components
All components are made in PVC, or attached to metal plates fixed by other
means, shall be approved by Planning Packages.
These components must have the following characteristics:
 Keep the hardness and the original basis over their useful life;
 Do not lose grip with mounting hardware;
 Do not break, break down or shearing;
 Not absorb water;
 Not harm the environment;
 Have constant section when applied to the plates;
 Adherence to existing properties when subjected to UV rays;
 Be free of blisters, cracks and striations.

The colour of the PVC must be set by the Planning Packaging VOLKSWAGEN
Brazil Ltda.

5.2.2 Dimensions of special packages

The dimensions of the packages should be scalable with the means of transport
used and the position of the pack in the production line, in order to optimize this and
consequently reduction in logistics costs.
The packaging used for transporting parts of the industrial park to the
production line should be scalable with dollies and if they have the dimensions thereof,
shall be subject to approval by the Group Planning Package.
For more information on media and transport consult VOLKSWAGEN Transport

34 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
Suggestion of Dimension Bases of Packaging

Figure 5.3: The dimensions of the base suggested for the handling

The dimensions shown are suggestions and it is the supplier consult the group
Planning Package for validation of existing dimensions for the parts in question, with
regard to the internal transport dollies and Feeding Line. Or accessed through the site

Figure 5.4: Grassroots settings

Special packaging without input

Special packaging with input

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 35
Packaging Folding
The feasibility study of folding carton should be conducted considering
transport distances and optimization of logistics cost. Importantly, the package must be
adaptable even when folded.
You should consult the group Planning Package to check on possible patterns of
folding systems.
MODEL A - LENGTH [mm] B - WIDTH [mm] C - HEIGHT [mm]
03 1000 800 / 1200
01 / 03 1200 800 / 1200
02 / 03 1400 800 / 1200
02 / 03 1600 800 / 1200
02 / 03 / 04 1800 800 / 1200 AS PART, MUST
02 / 03 / 04 2000 800 / 1200 MODULAR RACK
02 / 03 / 04 2200 800 / 1200 ON TRUCK
02 / 03 / 04 2400 800 / 1200 MAXIMUM
02 / 03 / 04 2600 800 / 1200 HEIGHT 1300mm
02 / 03 / 04 2800 800 / 1200
02 / 03 / 04 3000 800 / 1200
02 / 03 / 04 3200 800 / 1200
02 / 03 / 04 3400 800 / 1200

5.2.3 Stacking
To view the stacking guides see illustration below:

36 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
Figure 5.5: Stacking configurations and details - Guides

Shim to prevent oxidation

5.2.4 Label holders

The label holders must safely secure the certification label material.
A suggested model follows in the next illustration.

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 37
Figure 5.6: Settings and details of label holders

The location of the label-holder in two positions must be such as to provide the
functionality of the package and the label, preferably in the upper left and rear left
side of the package. This should be painted the same color of the packaging,
excluding the claw.

38 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
5.2.5 Identification of Special Packages

Figure 5.7: Settings and details of Identification Special Packages



Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 39

5.2.6 Latch-cannon
The standard locks to be used shall be type "cannon", no sharp corners and
rounded shape.

Figure 5.8: Settings and details of the Latch-cannon

All details on "Special Packages" are available through the website .

5.2.7 Maintenance

Goal is to establish the premises for the maintenance of special packaging used
parts "make" VOLKSWAGEN factories in Brazil.
For optimal use, it is important to consider planning for the maintenance of
packaging, with the aim of ensuring that the same quality can be used throughout the
life of the program to which they are destined.
As a result, the maintenance of coherent packages will be advantageous to
VOLKSWAGEN, making the cost of maintenance work, making methods of use are

40 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
streamlined and ensuring the quality and avoiding handling the omission of
We emphasize that this guide relates to preventive maintenance packages that
are within the standards described in this guideline, not being taken into account losses
resulting from accidents happened during your everyday use, which may damage your
external or internal structure, precluding placement or removal of parts transported by
o Peeled Paint: Sanding, applying background and retouch the site.
o Rust: Remove rust, apply background and paint the place again.
o Shaved Identification: Sanding, apply background, retouching and
identify the place again;

o Cords cracked weld: Remove cord and redo the welds.

o Misaligned structure: Reposition the structure retaining original
dimensions on drawing.

o Lock without action: Unlock the cannon, remove the dried grease and
clean the place shine the kit again and contact points.
o Other locks: Retry the operation with all guns regardless whether or
not you are in trouble.

o Articulation without action: Lift the joint, remove the dried grease,
clean and grease the local site and contact points again.
o Other joints: Retry the operation with all the joints are independent or
not a problem.

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 41
o Outside the specified hardness: Replace tabs.
o Lack of adherence with fastening material: Fasten tabs.
o Broken or sheared tabs: Change tabs


o Excessive play in the elements fixed with rivet replace the rivets.
o Lack of rivet, screws and nuts: Reset any that are missing

o Excessive play in the towers locking: Fix the towers on drawing.
o Missing or broken tabs: Restore or replace damaged separators.
o Misaligned Tower: Reposition the tower retaining original dimensions
on drawing.




5.3 Identification packages

It is essential that the packaging is identified with the name of the supplier logo
and packaging code with black background and low relief, which will allow the rapid
identification and return this.

42 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
The recordings shall be made as described below, in all packaging (including
all its parts - pallet, plastic box, plastic box lid, cover the pallet, etc.) Supplier, to allow
easy viewing and ready.


 The packaging must be supplier ID (name and logo) readable on all 4

sides, as shown below.

Note: The lack of identification makes it impossible to return the same.

Figure 5.9: Standard identification package KLT

 The packaging must have legible identification on all 4 sides.
 Columns 1 and 3 shall hold the Supplier Name / Logo.
 Columns 2 and 4 must have the code of the wrapper in black letters.

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 43
Figure 5.10: Standard identification package GLT

44 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
5.3.1 Default Label ODETTE
The shipping label Odette was planned and designed for use in all transport
packages between two trading partners - Supplier and Buyer. The format of a label is
ODETTE DIN A5 sheet (210 x 148 mm) or smaller size to KLT (210 X 80 mm). The role
of the label must be white with black print, with contrast print min = 75 PCS. The label
must be sufficient to ensure its reading at the destination durability.
The label is used in conjunction with the anticipated remittance information,
such as the message Despatch Advice (ASN), which is transmitted electronically
between the parties.

Figure 5.11: Standard of identification - Odette Label

Applicable to the racks,

metal cans and other

Apply plastic boxes KLT / RKL

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 45 GTL

Global Transport Label (New model)

Seeking improvements in the flow of information and synergies in the supply

chain process with its suppliers, the VWB Logistics migrating to this new label model
already used by trading partners in the world.
GTL tag is designed as a common goal, global standard in the automotive
industry. Involving AIAG, JAMA / JAPIA and ODETTE standards in its development.
The default document “GLOBAL SHIPPING LABEL is a standard template for the
automotive industry“ is the basis of these guide.
Compared with the ETO (ODETTE TRANSPORT LABEL), the GTL offers new
options material logistics due to certain improvements and features: clear identification
of packaging using a single code reading. Handling is greatly facilitated by scanning
all package information in only one field of 2D code instead of multiple fields barcode.
The format of the label Global Transport Label (GTL) is a sheet of DIN A5 (210
X 148 mm) or smaller in KLT (210 X 74 mm). The role of the label must be white with
black print, with contrast print min = 75 PCS. The label must be sufficient to ensure its
reading at the destination durability. The same should be allocated in a specific
location on the package guide (port labels) , no adhesives or glues .
The label should be used in conjunction with the Shipping Notice (ASN), which
must be passed two hours before arrival of the goods at the plant VOLKSWAGEN.

46 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
Figure 5.12: Standard of identification - Label GTL

148mm .
Applicable Rack's and

210 mm

74 mm Applicable in KLT's

All details about the standard of Global Transport Label Label (GTL) are
available through the website

The pattern of Odette (old standard used by VW) label will be
accepted until the day 01/06/2014, after this date will be accepted only
labels in standard GTL.

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 47
5.3.2 Identification, placement and arrangement of charges on shipping
Packages must be identified so that their labels are facing the operator of the
packaging, below is an illustrative Figure:

Figure 5.13: Identification, positioning.

The identification labels containers should be placed on the larger side of the
packaging (next to 1200mm), so getting in front of the operator to visualize the point
of discharge / dock.
This measure aims to avoid unnecessary handling that cause additional costs

48 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
5.4 Ergonomics and Occupational Health

1. Access to the workplace , as well as moving the employee to perform the operation ,
should be unlocked ;
2 . Jobs , as well as devices for packing parts , should have their height and adjustable
slopes . If not possible , should be determined by qualified ergonomists HEALTH
OCCUPATIONAL through anthropometric studies ;
3 . In case of manual transportation of parts , the distance between the parts storage
and point of operation must be less than or equal to 1.000 mm to work standing and
300 mm for seated work . It should be noted that the point of grip part it is convenient
for the operator , in order to handle the last part conditioned on the package. Note:
The medium range operator is 500mm ;
4 . The work should prevent lateral rotation of the spine ;
5 . Hand tools should have grip so to make contact with the entire surface of the hand ,
preventing , for handling , Adopt a abnormal posture of the upper limbs , the static
pressure of the fingers , hands , forearms and vibrations . Must have the approval of
the ergonomists of Occupational Health , prior to their acquisition ;
6 . The physical exertion at work should take into account the weight of the parts , the
point of the handle should be at least 600mm and maximum 1300mm in height ,
distances lifting , lowering , displacement , angle of rotation of the spine and frequency
of operation. The analysis shall be performed by ergonomists Occupational Health
through Ergonomic Evaluation Formula and EAWS or NIOSH Even though the
physical effort supported a rotation system operators should be established . If
physical exertion is not supported, shall be provided for auxiliary lifting or moving
parts system;
7 . The carts carrying parts shall be handle in height 1100 mm from the floor and
average angle of 30 ° . The wheel system should provide the lowest possible friction
with the ground and the initial effort to move it should not exceed 25 kgf . Package
Manual Universal and Special for purchased parts .
8 . Kanban shelves and Trilogic . The boxes from the shelves should have handles ,
and should not weigh more than 13 kg in total with the content, and located at a

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 49
minimum height of 600 mm from the floor and at most 1.300 mm of the floor in
accordance with individual weight, volume parts , thus as displacement performed ;
9. Boxes weighing 13 kg to 18 kg require an ergonomic evaluation of displacements
and time effort ;
10 . For activities on stationary upper limbs and away from the vertical position or
even moving above the shoulder position , provided systems against weight or
mechanical arm should be . ( Handlers) .
While this situation is not corrected , as well as jobs that require squatting or kneeling
position , should rodiziar from one hour to two hours depending on the ergonomic risk
tax. ( Need assessment enabled Ergonomist area of Occupational Health ) ;
11 . For jobs that allow a sitting position , the chair should have height adjustment of
the seat, backrest and footrest ;
12 . The time study of currently existing operations , should contemplate the difficulty
of access to the workplace . There will need breaks and casters in the activities that the
standards mentioned above can be met ;
13. All " tryout 's " machines , including robots , fixed or mobile devices , tools ,
changes in the assembly line in the stands , packaging , enf m , anything that might
interfere with the position and movements of employees , should be monitored and
approved by qualified ergonomists Occupational Health ;
14. The process modifications 3P (Production Preparation proccess ) should comply
with those standards . In case of doubt , the ergonomist should be involved .
If in doubt , SESMT should be involved .

50 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
5.5 Work safety

1 . The package must be free of sharp corners or sharp edges;

2 . In folding packaging , the weight of the moving parts must be minimized ;
3 . There should be no pinch points (for fingers and hands ) between the arts of the
packaging structure ;
4 . The distance between the inner sides of the structure of the package must be at
least 600 mm in order to facilitate access of the man in the removal of the piece;
5 . Wherever possible there should be input at the base of the package , preventing
gaps between the workstation and the floor of the pack . When technically feasible ,
the floor should be packing material with non-slip properties ( eg lath ) ;
6 . In busy packing manually , there should be a handle with a minimum diameter of
30 mm and tilted , as determined by the Occupational Medicine ;
7 . The positioning of the parts to be optimized in respect of installation / use ,
preventing the operator needs to rotate the package;
8 . The coating of the rollers should be such that it produces little noise as possible ;
9. Locks to prevent displacement must exist at least in two of the four wheels on the
diagonal ;
10 . When part features require ( heavy parts ) , the casters should have shock
absorbers ;
11 . The wheels must have a diameter such that facilitate manual movement of the
pack , limiting operator fatigue by 25 kgf , as determined by the Occupational
Medicine ;
12 . The hitch must own lock to the vertical position , limiting the horizontal position
and be painted with color highlighted.

exertion of the operator and accidents .

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 51
5.6 Physical inventory of packaging

The Volkswagen may ask, where necessary, physical inventories of packaging

with accompanying representative premises of suppliers.

All suppliers are subject to technical visits to survey, inventory and process

5.7 Quality standard packaging

The Volkswagen asks that all packaging must maintain an acceptable standard
of use and cleaning. Packaging must not drop out, bolts and holes that compromise the
quality of the product or bring risks to operators and dirt affecting part quality or
handling of packages.
Below follows graphics packages which should not be accepted in the flow:

Figure 5.14: Non-conformity of packaging - illustration.

52 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 53
Note: Further details are stated in the Guide for Acceptance, available with the
Logistics VWB.


The transport process can be divided into two groups:

 Transportation under the responsibility of the suppliers (CIF)

 Transportation under the responsibility of the customer (FCA)

54 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
Figure 6.1: Specification table of transport

Among the responsibilities of the supplier is no need for pallets with KLTS /
RKLTS allow the reassembly and are arched / filmed. The delivery must be release as
being that in cases where there is level with KLTS filled piece is completed, the spaces
must be filled with empty KLTS, allowing the reassembly and ending with the problem
of wooden pallets and KLT in the center, causing in wasted with the placement of carts
and transport in ballast.

Under the references and standards of equipment used in the operation:

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 55
Figure 6.2: Specification table of transport

Preparation of burden
After the production of the materials, the supplier must have prepared their
cargo (ready for collection with Invoice, ASN sent, mechanized cargo, etc ...) in a
suitable place and covered two hours before the scheduled time for the collection. Thus
there is a guarantee that there will be delays in shipments of cargo.

6.1 Transport CIF

Cost, Insurance and freight, this modal origin is responsible for shipping and
insurance of materials to the point of destination Volkswagen and as per general
conditions of purchasing, negotiated fees in the price of the part.
Transportation must comply with the standards as determined by logistic
VOLKSWAGEN technical data contained in that guide.
56 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
All equipment should preferably be of the type Sider due to the characteristics
of the docks in VWB units because equipment with other features not allow
mechanized discharges in VWB. (note: it may happen that the VWB request other
types of equipment, because some material with different peculiarities).
Its proper disposal and storage of cargo in the truck, according to the flow of
delivery, is required and will be evaluated by logistic plants VOLKSWAGEN Brazil by
Rating Logistics Providers.

6.2 Transport FCA / FOB

In VOLKSWAGEN, we integrate the concept of FCA within a broader process

called NTC (National Transport Concept). The details of this concept will be addressed
in the discussion below.
The loading sites must include all types of vehicle (trailer, truck and touch) and
be prepared to ensure the integrity of the materials during charging. The upload must
occur in a covered place in the presence of adverse climates).
This concept aims to encompass the various traffic flows under VOLKSWAGEN
responsibility to create an integrated flow of process materials.

The supplier is responsible for the proper loading of cargo on trucks available
for collecting , using hand labor for such qualified and suitable for the proper
handling of parts and packaging equipment .
Should there be any delay by the carrier or charging more than thirty minutes,
the supplier must inform VOLKSWAGEN Brazil to make the necessary arrangements.

System CNTi - Moniloc

What is it?
Scheduling windows of time for loading and unloading, suitable for industrial,
commercial, carrier, distribution centers, logistics operators and service system.

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 57
What does?
Optimizes the use of the internal structure with anticipated customer scheduling.
Allows full control of incoming and outgoing cargo and can be parameterized to
various types of load, types of vehicles, products and packaging. Allows further reduce
idleness docks loading / unloading and adapt them for peak use, through an
algorithm sequencing and scheduling of hourly grids.

How to access?
Can be accessed via an intranet or the Internet address

The supplier shall be informed of their obligation to register in their respective

Moniloc packet delivery.
The supplier is obliged to register with the CVA and proof of delivery stamp,
date and employee ID on incoming packages.

Preliminary collections
The Carrier shall provide the equipment to collect the suppliers (* Milk Run)
according to pre-established schedule (Windows) by VOLKSWAGEN
* The Milk Run System uses windows collection, they will be carried out
according to pre-established by VOLKSWAGEN registered and route map at specific
times. The Transported must meet the schedules window so that there are no stops on
the production line. (30' tolerance for Carrier).
The Carrier will receive via VOLKSWAGEN system - CnTI - Moniloc -
confirmation of the supplier until 18:00 (for VW plants) and until 15:00 (for CKD) the
day prior to collection, containing the following information:
a) Confirmation of the number of parts being transported on the following day.
The supplier can confirm a smaller amount than requested, and if you do not make
confirmation for any of the items available on the day, the system considers that the
amount will be ZERO, i.e., the carrier will not provide equipment for such
solicitation nor for return packaging;

58 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
b) A request / confirmation is generated in VOLKSWAGEN transport system for the
route set and collect the volume of routes confirmed by the suppliers of parts;
c) The request is sent to carriers in txt file by CnTI / Moniloc;
d) The carrier generates the CVA (Control of Leased Vehicles) and sends to the
VOLKSWAGEN system (interface) until 00:00;
e) The carrier should plan the loading of vehicles with packaging in conjunction with
the Center Consolidation in order to fulfil the windows of collections on suppliers
and respecting work hours from the center consolidation;
f) Failure to use the vehicle as request / confirmation, will also have its debited to
charge the amount of shipping as unrealized collection cost;
g) It is the responsibility of the supplier to perform its pre-defined window collection
together with VW, being aware that this non-compliance with schedules and
deadlines for the completion of the collection is your sole responsibility to fitting this
debit of downtime in collection / delivery.

Collections Full Truck Load / Consolidated

For this mode the Release becomes important in the efficacy of monthly and
weekly planning of vehicles. Therefore, to interpret the information contained in this
document, it becomes a differential to ensure effective planning, since the prediction of
the volume (parts and packaging) to be transported and the points of discharge of
pieces found in this document.
If the vehicle is loaded by the Center Consolidation with more points than
allowed the carrier shall record the occurrence in CnTI system and get in touch
immediately with VWT for instructions on how to proceed.

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 59
Figure 6.2: Specification table CNT.

Fluxo com centro de consolidação

60 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |

Figure 6.3: Consolidation Center

Preliminary collect
- Synergy volume (4 plants)
- Increased frequency of collection

CC - Functionality
- Separation Plant
- Separation of the discharge point

Consolidated route
- High frequency of delivery
- Reduction in waiting time and
lead time in the plant
- Maximum use of truck

All transportation within the CNT (freight paid by VW) must meet the rules
described in the shipping instruction at address the
menu AJUDA/INSTRUÇÃO DE EMBARQUE within the system Moniloc.

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 61
Figure 6.4: Shipping instruction CnTI


7.1 Release
The flow of information to the schedule of materials has a crucial role in the
supply chain where decisions related to transportation, packaging center consolidation
and is based on the volume of material.
In this way, the materials management system has been enhanced to inform the
daily demand data, which provides a more accurate and realistic view of the needs of

7.2 EDI
The study of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) for the auto industry began in
1986 when groups work Protocols and Formats were formed, whose work led to the
development of EDI in the Country
RND (National Data Network) standard, which allows communication between
the partners of the automotive industry through the electronic exchange of information
was thus created.
Through this channel and flow pattern of information are transmitted schedules
and data to our suppliers. Details on the implementation and layout can be seen in

62 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
7.3 Daily frequency
The frequency of delivery is a function of several factors, such as the ABC
classification, consumer demand, location of supplier, etc.
In this case the frequency shall be daily mostly for a few reasons:
 Discipline of the collect process at the supplier (cyclic process)
 Reduction of Inventory
 Reduction Investment packaging

7.4 Invoice

When issuing the invoice packing, it is necessary that the supplier meets certain
assumptions aiming at the good functioning of the process, as follows:
 Issue a single invoice for each shipment and by separating the discharge
point. This is necessary to optimize the internal flow in plants, planned to
transport a load up to 2 points on a journey.
Some fields are crucial in validating the invoice and make consistency on
receipt Gates in plants. The supplier shall be ensured that such information is in line
with the purchase order and release the information received, thus avoiding
differences in the receipt of materials.
 When issuing invoices packaging should look for the correct packaging
code to catalog VW, the unit value of the package, CFOP (property).
 The supplier must issue / print Ctes in cases where the carrier has
currency status, avoiding disorder when pierce the debt;

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 63
Figure 6.4: Layout do arquivo Nota Fiscal DANFE

Note: Suppliers who are on the process send of notice of shipment via ASN should
only use the updated version, EDI - RND04.

Rule for sending electronic invoices - Logistics Information

1. The financial and logistical standard XML files must be sent by the supplier at the
same time, through the means of transmission provided by the client company (maker).

NOTE: Remember that the NF-e has the same requirements of traditional Invoice and
is therefore mandatory advance electronic submission to the physical shipment of
materials automakers. Every file sent to the client must have previously passed the
validation processes with the SEFAZ, ie, the files will only be sent after obtaining the
receipt of approval, except in cases of notes issued in contingency.

64 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
2. The issuers of electronic invoices shall not suspend the sending of the Notice of
Shipment RND004 until the customer requests the cancellation of the same, ie, only
from the time that the same pass to send the logistic XML correctly.

3. To facilitate the receipt of the material by DANFE both the XML file of the NFE
(financial) as DANFE (paper) must be issued with the product code of the VWB.

4. Suppliers and / or carriers wishing the return receipt of the material should provide
printing DANFE in two ways. This way one will get the stamp of receipt and will be
returned to the carrier, and the other shall be kept by the customer.

5. Before starting the process of sending electronic invoice the vendor should contact
the responsible VWB defined by communicating the intention to commence the

7.4.1 XML
The XML file of the NF-e (eletronic invoice) must follow the Layout entered in the
Manual Integration Contributor, Technical Communication Standards, version 4.0.1, of
November/2009, available on the site .
The dispatch of the NF-e XML does not replace sending the ASN (Shipping Notice).
Addition or extension of NF-e, which must be forwarded at the time of shipment
of goods. Except in situations where the XML is sent according to the B2B project.
The use of e-mail, even as a contingency channel, should be treated with utmost
diligence by the supplier. This channel does not guarantee receipt of NF in maker and
because of the problems that may occur in the Mail Exchange departments of
companies, other than those related to security and traceability of such
It is noteworthy that NF-e is a document that may have the secret character, so
except for the SOX policies and thus invalidating the useÉ obrigatório o envio do
arquivo XML da NFe para a VWB.

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 65
Note: The cancellation of invoices may only be made within 24 hours provided the
goods have not left the property. Note that of the charge carriers between
municipalities or between States, shall mention in CTe data Invoice, which will prevent
the cancellation thereof.

7.5 ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice)

The ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice) is the electronic transmission of invoice

data at the time of issuance of paper, used for production parts.
From July 2010, also became mandatory to send ASN packaging, following the
same patterns of ASN products.
The electronic file has a standard format for the Anfavea, and are currently
used the updated file versions.
For questions about the file, shaping and filling, contact support at T-System
(11) 4347.5229, or via the Helpdesk E.Collaboration (e-mail:

66 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |

8.1 Resume
Call pre-series phase supply which precedes the launch of a product or
technical modification.
This phase is important to note that the standards described herein for the series
must be strictly followed, thereby avoiding detours and additional costs in the process.
These will be constantly evaluated for application in series without any problems.
The Pre-Series Logistics prepares programs for Pilots Series including the
administration of the same materials but also keeps updated lists the technical logistics
and its interfaces with the systems Engineering and Purchasing. The Logistics Pre-Series
are basically three pillars:
 Research of New Projects - Identify the logistical needs: capacity, timing,
scrap parts, freight flow, supply, etc.;
 Planning New Projects - Analyze the content of the projects, prepare the
program and structure of vehicles, meeting the milestones set for the
project. Promote the management of project information through the
 Implementation of New Projects - Ensuring the supply of Pre-Series
events within the planned deadlines, meeting all project requirements in
order to ensure the perfect start of SOP.

The process pre-series covers the same concepts discussed logistics for the serial
process with the addition of special IDs for each milestone.

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 67
8.2 Identification

The identification in process of pre-series varies according to the stage of the

process is that the material found. Each ID has a characteristic color on the edge of the
label as Figure below:

Figure 8.1: Identification process of pre-series

Important: The default label is sent by analysts pre-series to suppliers as

needed per event.

68 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
Figure 8.2: New standard sample identification

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 69

9.1 Evaluation

The providers have a key role in the supply chain and for this reason, Logistics
created a team called Supplier Chain Management (Management Suppliers) whose
main objective monitoring of logistics processes at suppliers through a checklist
assessment, identifying existing gaps and points of improvement.
Action plan if necessary, will be established in order to eliminate waste in every
chain, correcting faults and ensuring the provision of logistics within standards set by
Follows some points evaluated in this process below:
 Infrastructure (lack of coverage for dry cargo / vehicle entry, size trailer
to load, etc.).
 Project management
 logistical skills
 Processing of applications
 Production Planning
 Material procurement and Disposal
 Storage and Material Handling
 Packing and Shipping
 Issuance of invoices and labels

9.1.1 Evaluation of Logistics Suppliers (internal)

The VWB logistics also will monitor the performance of suppliers through a
cyclic rating to be held at some stages of the supply of materials.

Below the main objectives of this review:

70 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
 Identify weaknesses in the quality of logistics services provided by the
 Give basis for developing improvement plans and timelines for action
by the supplier;
 Allow monitoring of suppliers' reaction to the solution of problems;
 To support the veto suppliers unresponsive process improvement POP,
preventing its participation in new orders and subsequent loss of
current supplies.

9.1.2 Criterion

 Reliability of supply;
 Flexibility of supply;
 Quality of Service;
 Level of Adequacy of packaging;
 Identification of Materials;
 Level of Adequacy of transportation.

9.1.3 Concept

Uniform and centralized systematic evaluation, classification, and monitoring of

logistics performance of all suppliers of plants VW Vehicles Brazil.
Note the description:
 A - Fit supplier ( 100 - 90 points );
 B - Conditional Fit Supplier (Need Improvements) (89 - 75 points);
 C - Supplier not Fit. ( 74 - 0 points ).

Further details on this process can be seen at the link:

Note: The results of this evaluation will be used in the sourcing process for new
projects, and thus veto ranked suppliers with grade of C (not fit)

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 71

10.1 Technical specifications CKD packing

In order to ensure quality in supply CKD process, set some standards that are
highlighted below. Suppliers must follow these standards strictly.

10.1.1 Dimensions of cardboard boxes

Internal Dimensions External dimensions

Length Width Height Length Width Height
5754 1394 1074 575 1450 1130 730
1/2 5754 1394 1074 288 1450 1130 370
5755 1078 672 575 1130 725 730
5756 1394 1074 675 1450 1130 830
5762 2208 1396 575 2260 1450 730
5763 1078 672 220 1130 725 370
3722 1450 1060 680 1495 1130 850
3725 1060 670 680 1130 747 850
3729 1060 670 260 1130 747 425

Note: The time reported in the table includes the height of the pallet.

10.1.2 Stacking Considerations

 3 Dynamic;
 5 Static.

10.1.3 Individual minimum capacity

 Cardboard Box 300 Kg;

 Wood Box 500 Kg.

72 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
10.1.4 Specification Cardboard

External brace: 2 cardboard sheets glued with Kraft waves BC 860 g each
totalling 1720 g, and at the junction of the same should be done with staples.

The box should be stapled to the pallet.

Figure 10.1: Example internal brace

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 | 73
Figure 10.2: Illustrative pictures of CKD box

74 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
Figure 10.3: Exploded view of CKD box

11.1.5 Pictograms

1 - In the central part of the two major faces of the box should contain the
default logo Supplier part or CKD / Symbol VW / VOLKSWAGEN Brazil.

2 - Logo capacity / static and dynamic stacking.

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Figure 10.4: Pictographs (graphic)

76 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
10.1.6 Packing wooden
It is mandatory fumigation treatment (NIMF15) on packaging and pallets.
The wood used should be reforestation must have the certificate of origin.

Percentage of moisture content of wood.

 "SOLID" WOOD: (foundations, columns, hands-French, brains, latches,
skids, pallets, battens in general)
o 17% = maximum allowed at the checkpoints of the package, the
measurement points are in random places;

 PLYWOOD: (sides, ribs, hands-French, "flags", "combs" partitions in

o 19% = maximum allowed at the checkpoints of the pack.

10.1.7 Closing the box

The box should be arched braces 2-4 depending on the radial stress.

10.1.8 Protection
For metal parts should be used protective VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor).

10.1.9 Documents
To effect Packstuckaudit audit (audit of packaging and quality of the packaging
process) should be delivered to VW technical drawing packages and tabs with the
specification of the materials used in its construction, along with the form of packaging.

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11.1 Logistics plant

Logistic Planning Anchieta Logistic planning Curitiba

Eduardo Pelaes Garcia Viviane Reche
(11) 4347-2378 (41) 3381-3833

Logistics Operation Anchieta Logistics Operation Curitiba

Ricardo Trindade Alaudio Souza
(11) 4347-2930 (41) 3381-4328

Logistic Planning Taubaté Logistic planning São Carlos

Christian Fenner Ricardo Cutigi
(12) 3625-6557 FONE: (16) 3363-1189

Logistics Operation Taubaté Planning CKD

Jessica Senziani Cassio Lopes
(12) 3625-6207 FONE: (11) 4347- 2473

11.2 Central logistics

Strategic Planning Logistics Planning and Inventory EDI

Marcelo Martin Adenauer Pereira
(11) 4347-2158 (11) 4347-3899

Planning Packing and New Projects Transportation Planning and Operations

Marcelo Farias Fabio Marquez
(11) 4347-5086 (11) 4346-6873

78 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |

Milkrun – material collection process, passing by various suppliers.

BHM – German acronym (Behältermanagement), the BHM is the management of
returnable packaging under the rule of the VOLKSWAGEN Brazil.
Release – Programming material supply for plants with a horizon of daily, weekly and
monthly view sent to suppliers via systems.
EDI – Electronic Data Interchange - Information exchange system between
manufacturers and suppliers in a pattern of Anfavea.
E-collaboration – System which receives information via EDI in standard Anfavea
which is transformed into the viewing patterns of each supplier
CNT – Collection process where the freight carriers and are controlled by
VOLKSWAGEN itself, unlike the CIF
CIF – Collection process where the freight carriers and are controlled by the supplier,
unlike the CNT
Moniloc – System for managing collections of CNT are the link between suppliers,
conveyor and VOLKSWAGEN
GLT – German acronym (Grossladungsträger), is a plastic container with a larger
sizing to accommodate parts.
KLT - German acronym (Kleinladungsträger), is a plastic container with a smaller sizing
to accommodate parts.
ASN – Advanced Shipping Notice. Similar to the packing list notification containing
information about loading and when and which parts will arrive
CVA – Issued by the carrier Control of Leased Vehicles containing information such as
items transported, carried quantity and confirmation of invoice issued by Supplier
CTe – Electronic Bill of Lading. Document individualized for vehicle tax document for
transporting goods. The XML file layout should follow information given in the Manual
Integration Contributor, Technical Communication Standards, Version 2.0 July/2013.
WMS – Warehouse Management System.

Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I Janeary,2014 | 79
Full truck load (FTL) – Collection process at the supplier where there is no stop until the
final destination. Great time optimization to the maximum utilization of occupancy on
Cross Docking – Process where high turnover of goods pass through a center for
sorting and consolidation where they are stored for a short period of time later to
follow up their final destination.
ART- Annotation Responsibility Technical
FMEA - Analysis of Failure Modes and Effect
SAM-CSC- South of America – Corporate Sourcing Committee
SESMT - Specialized Service in Safety Engineering and Occupational Medicine.
VFF – Vehicle Pre-Release Series: Event that occurs on average 2 MONTHS before the
pre-series but the VWB pilot plants where vehicles are assembled from pre-release
series with the parts that are not sampled. Through this event are improved facilities
and production processes. In this event the "DAT" will be approved and made
available at the point of use.
VFA – Same concept the VFF but process focused on aggregate.
BAUMUSTER – Engineering Test
PVS – (Series production test): Event that occurs on average 3 MONTHS before the OS
formed with the means of production serial available under series conditions.
OS – (Zero Series): Event that occurs on average 3 MONTHS before SOP formed with
the means of production serial available under series conditions.
SOP – (Start of production): Event which is released in series and confirmation of
production releases for the final construction of the volume to be marketed.
J I T – Delivery as a result of the assembly line (JIT - sequenced)
L A H – Delivery once a day.
S T A – Delivery least once a week.
VLB – Delivery modulate or suppliers contracted by VOLKSWAGEN.
FCA – Free Carrier (Freight under the responsibility of the client).

80 Relationship and Logistic Concepts Guide - Logistic VWB I 1st Edition I January, 2014 |
The content of this guide is owned by Volkswagen Brazil.
Reproduction, without permission, exposes the violator to legal sanctions.

VOLKSWAGEN do Brasil Ltda

Indústria de Veículos Automotores

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