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ROUGH The Sons of Confederate Veterans – Camp 265



Home of the Rankin Rough & Ready’s – Brandon, Mississippi

Commander’s Report
I hope everyone is doing well. If not, let me know and we will
put you on our prayer list or find a way to help!
Our speaker this month is Mr. Jim Tyrney. He will have a
replica of the torpedo that sank the Cairo, hand grenades, and several
other weapons of the Civil War that you have probably never seen, much
less been able to hold.
Please go ahead and register for the Reunion and reserve time
off to help with the Relic Show on June 7th, 8th, & 9th, 2019.
We have a great speaker, good food, candidates for Division
Officers coming to speak, potential members coming to visit, a good
business session, and much more! So come early, bring someone with
you, and as sure as our Relic Show and Reunion are only two months
away, I’ll probably see you at our next meeting at the Bass Pro Shop on
April 6th, 2019. The OCR meeting starts at 5pm. We eat at 6pm and our
SCV meeting starts at 7pm. Remember to bring $13.50 cash for the
buffet. – Tim Cupit

Meeting Agenda for April 6th:

Agenda For April 6th, 2019 Meeting
- Open with prayer at 7pm sharp
- Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag and salutes led by 2nd Lt.
Commander Tom Lilly
- Trivia by Ralph Smitherman
- Guest Speaker–Mr. Jim Tyrney/Topic: Civil War Weapons

Unfinished Business
- Adopt minutes from March 2nd, Motion, 2nd, Discussion, Vote.
- Did everyone sign in & get a door prize ticket?
- and Facebook stats from Chris Merck
- 1st Thursday Coin Club Meeting at the Brandon Library at 6:30pm
hosted by Ed Lofton & draw for first door prize
- OCR Report by Brandi Gray
- Review 2019 MS Division SCV Reunion. We need members of the
camp to attend this reunion!!!
- Camp polo shirts– Lynn Gaskin
- April 7th Flag Raising At the last meeting on March 2nd, Brother Glynn Shows
- 4th Brigade Picnic Report spoke to us about the “Battle of the Cotton Bales” near
- Pearl Camp Memorial Service will be at the Old Brandon Cemetery on Redlick & Lorman, Mississippi. A story about the battle
April 13th
- Is there any other unfinished business? was also printed in the Clarion Ledger on Sunday, January
9, 1972 and recounts the events that happened during that
New Business battle. Thank you for sharing an almost lost piece of our
- New Members
- We need a head count for the buffet in April Civil War history!
- Candidate Speeches: Two Minutes Each
- Memorial Service Keep up with what’s happening in and around
- Door Prizes Camp 265 by checking out the official
- Open Floor Rankin Rough & Ready’s Facebook page!
- Close the meeting with prayer at approx. 8:40pm
- Pass The Hat

Commander’s Quote:
“If it’s important to you, you’ll find a way.
If not- you’ll find an excuse.”
by Tom Fortenberry

Boom; an expected explosion with an unexpected result. More to

Here is a good story about faith. The Bible says a lot about faith. We
read about the faith of others and God’s faithfulness.All of scripture is
about faith, from the youngest to the oldest, faith is evidenced in their
lives as it is evidenced in each of us. The SCV, Sons of Confederate
Veterans and the OCR, Order of the Confederate Rose, share a
common Cause. To defend and protect what God has given each of us
unified as one. Here’s a true story, a story each of us have and love to
share with others.
Fellow Rankin Rough and Readies SCV 265 Members:
Our history as a nation is like every other nation recorded with times
of War and Peace. My dad was a veteran of WW2. He told me one Nominations for our Mississippi SCV awards --to be
time that as a part of his training in the early part of the war, he trained presented at the Saturday night banquet of the Reunion WE
as a bomber pilot. On one of his training missions before being are hosting in June-- are NOW being accepted.
shipped out from the Midland Air force Training Base in West Texas,
my dad and his co-pilot were flying a bombing training mission near To make a nomination, please go to:
Fort Stockton, Texas. As he retold the story, they left early that
morning in a twin engine AT-11. The AT-11 carried a one thousand
pound bomb load consisting of ten 100 pound, high explosive bombs.
...and make your nominations after logging in.
If you haven't registered, please do so at that point.
As dear old pop recalled, they had flown to the assigned bombing
range, located their target, dropped their bombs and then returned to
Let us know if you have any problems getting signed in.
base. Easy mission so they thought. My dad, recalled years later that
the target had been totally destroyed with the resulting explosion The Awards Committee will accept nominations until May 1,
greater than he had experienced in previous training missions at the 2019, to allow time for judging and ordering the awards.
range. He further recalled that the bombing training mission on that
day had resulted with an unusually large mushrooming cloud of PLEASE (can't stress this enough) provide justification for
extremely black smoke and flame with additional explosions as they each nomination made. Don't just submit a nominee's name.
were leaving the bombing range to return back to base. Strange! My Rationale and documentation for your nominee will assist the
dad said that later that same day after they had returned from their committee with making a better, more educated decision and
mission that the report came in to the commanding officer at the does impact who wins. The committee can't keep up with
airbase. My dad, who was the pilot and his copilot were summoned what each person or group does for the past year so it's
for a briefing concerning the apparent explosion of an oil well just imperative this be included.
South of Fort Stockton. Local newspaper reports indicated that no Only members can make nominations. Thanks, Chris
one had been injured or killed as a result of the oil well explosion. It
appeared that since Uncle Sam was in a sure fire war it made better
sense at the time to just write off the explosion of the oil well as
unknown, except to God, than to write off needed pilots.

All of us, with out exception have stories we share at the supper table,
on the front porch, no matter where we are and on many occasions.
These are the stories which make up a part of us and which bind us
together as a family. Our personal stories are the real dispatches from
the front lines, shared with others to deepen ones faith with assurance
; so that day by day it is each of us, who are changed to reflect the One
Who does not change.

Mal. 3:6 For I Am the Lord, I do not change; therefore ye sons of

Jacob are not consumed.

May God Bless each of you and keep you.

Commander Tim Cupit traveled to Southaven, MS on March 12, 2019 to promote
Thomas Fortenberry, Chaplain, Camp 265 the upcoming Division Reunion.
Mary Ann Forrest Chapter of the Order of Confederate Rose
The time-change has not slowed the MAFOCR! In March we started with our first ever Mardi Gras Parade at the 1st Annual Krewe De
Roux in downtown Brandon. We had a great time and even threw a few Confederate beads!

Then onto our veterans and the bake sale to raise money and collect food items for the Freedom Foods Food Pantry located at the Sonny
Montgomery VAHospital. We literally filled the closet for our vets!Aspecial thank you to Robbie Lewis and VP Charla Lewis for setting up
this event and purchasing the food items.

Next, Chapter Member Maureen Chatham welcomed her grandson home from overseas. We are thankful for our men and women who
serve in the military. Chapter Member April Skipworth helped her dad, SCV Member Bryan Skipworth to honor the Confederates who
fought aboard the CSSArkansas!

And at the 4th Brigade picnic we were pleased to see Chapter Members Jamie Hamblin and Susan Cook receive Certificates of
Appreciation for their work on newsletters and sending out all of the Reunion invites, as well as making the flag for the upcoming
SCV/OCR Division Reunion.

We have many hard working ladies in our Chapter and we appreciate everything they do for the cause. What are you waiting on? Come join


For more information on the Mary Ann Forrest Chapter of the Order of Confederate Rose, or to become a member, please visit them online

You can also visit them on Facebook at:

Campaign message from Mr. Ian Powell:

I am running this year for 4th Brigade Commander. I have been in the SCV since 2014. I have been in the SCVMC1G
since 2017. I have been your 3rd LT. COMMANDER from 2016 - 2018.

Now I would like to be able to serve you as your next 4th Brigade Commander. I believe that our Brigade needs better
communication between the camps, and also to encourage the development of new camps. I will vow to try my best to
accomplice these tasks if I am elected. I will be open to any suggestions & concerns you may have regarding our Brigade.

I strongly stand behind our young guys in the MAGNOLIA RIFLES. They are our next to carry on the SCV CHARGE. I
am very proud of them & they need our encouragement & support.

I also strongly stand behind our ladies in the OCR MARY ANN FORREST CHAPTER 23. They are our backbone in all
that we do in our Brigade. They also need our encouragement & support.

– Ian Powell
by Charles Lewis
"The Confederate soldiers were our kinfolk and our heroes. We testify to the country our enduring fidelity to their memory. We
commemorate their valor and devotion. There were some things not surrendered at Appomattox. We did not surrender our rights and
history, nor was it one of those conditions of surrender that unfriendly lips and hands should be suffered to tell or write the epitaphs
of our Confederate dead. We have the right to teach our children the true history of that war." – Sen. E. W. Carmack, 1903

Fifty seven people signed in for door prizes at the March meeting. Bro. Glen Shows, Chaplin of the Jefferson Davis camp, Jackson, MS
was our guest speaker. He spoke on the Battle of the Cotton Bales at Redlick, MS and how it was important to his family.

Butch Kuriger made a motion the minutes from the February meeting be accepted. Bill Kuriger second the motion, and without any
discussion the motion passed.

Reports on OCR activities, the 2019 reunion and relic show, the Dixie National Rodeo Parade, camp polo shirts, April 7th I-55 Flag
Raising near Brookhaven, MS, the VA Hospital food drive, "Son of a Gun" movie, and the Adopt a Hwy trash pickup (on 2/23/2019)
were given.

Glen Pippen was presented his membership certificate by Commander Cupit. Glad to have you join us, Glen. The "pass the hat" took in
$184.00. Ninety two ($92.00) dollars was donated to the VA food drive and $92.00 was deposited in the bank.

The V. G. "Sonny" Montgomery VA Hospital in Jackson, MS has started a new program to help the Veterans. A food bank called Freedom
Foods Pantry has been set up in the hospital. On Wednesday, twice a month, from 10 AM to 12 PM an eligible Veteran being treated at
the hospital, can stop by Volunteer Services and pick up 2 bags of groceries. The MAF OCR and SCV Camp # 265 joined forces to
organize a food drive to help stock the pantry. After the bake sale on March 2nd at Ramey's in Florence, my wife and daughter shopped
for food for the pantry. With the $92.00 donated from the " pass the hat", other cash donations, and $184.00 raised at the bake sale
(making a total of $326.00) they were able to purchase quite a few groceries. Between the groceries purchased, those donated by Ramey's
shoppers, and those donated by SCV and OCR members we delivered between $650-$700 in groceries to the VA Freedom Foods Pantry
on March 12th!

Past Division Commander, Louis Foley and his wife Stephanie donated back to the camp the 2012 reunion flag. A 2019 reunion flag is
being made by Jamie Hamblin and Susan Cook.

On March 9 - 10 some of the camp reenactors took part in the Louisiana Blue and Gray on the Red at Fort Randolph and Buhlow State
Historic Site in Pineville, LA

On March 16, 2019 some camp members attended the Johnston - White Picnic in Louisville MS. Fellowship, good food, music by Rob
Millette,and an encouraging speech to his troops from General Robert E. Lee (a.k.a. Presley Hutchens) was enjoyed by the 60 plus in
attendance. Tim Cupit updated and invited all the attendees to the 2019 MS Division Reunion and Relic Show. OCR members Jamie
Hamblin and Susan Cook received Appreciation Certificates and Presley Hutchens was named 4th Brigade Compatriot of the Year. The
picnic was hosted by the John M. Bradley Camp of Louisville and was cohosted by the Lowery Rifles of Rankin County and the Jeff
Davis Camp of Newton, MS.

Please consider joining the Confederate Legion and support the Make Dixie Great Again campaign venue to go on the offensive, as a
national organization as opposed to locally. If you are interested check out their website at

I know this may seem early, but it is closing in on dues time. Dues are due at Division and Headquarters by July 31st. Start saving now,
so you can have them to me by July 17th, so I can process them and have them sent in on time. Dues are $50.00, made payable to SCV
Camp 265. Mail to me, Charles Lewis at 1324 Rosemary Rd. Florence MS 39073.

A special thank you Dave Adcox for traveling around the Division promoting the 2019 MS Division Reunion and Relic Show.

Condolences to JimBo Dear of the Lowery Rifles on the loss his father.

Upcoming Events:
- April 6 - Camp 265 monthly meeting and Candlelight Memorial Service. 7:00 PM Bass Pro, Pearl MS
- Stone Mountain Support for All Things Confederate National Event, Stone Mt., Georgia 12noon
- April 7 - I-55 Flag Raising Brookhaven MS. 2PM - 4PM
- April 13 - Lowery Rifles Confederate Memorial Service Brandon Cemetery 10 AM
- April 27 - State Confederate Memorial Service. Beauvoir Biloxi, MS 2 PM - 5 PM
- May 18 - 19 - Trail of Honor Harley Shop Jackson, Ms
- June 7 - 9 - 124th MS Division Reunion and Relic Show Brandon City Hall Brandon, MS
The Fourth Brigade Picnic on March 16th, 2019.

OCR & SCV bake sale at Ramey’s Grocery in Florence to raise money for the VA
food pantry.
The Magnolia Rifles re-enactment at Fort Randolph.

OCR &SCV food donation delivery for the VA food pantry on March 12, 2019.
MAFOCR Quarterly Meeting held in Bruce, MS.

Commander Tim Cupit traveled to Ripley, MS on March 7, 2019 to promote the Commander Tim Cupit (center) volunteering to serve at the Annual Brandon
upcoming Division Reunion. Garden Club fundraiser.
Chris Merck visited Brig/Gen Benjamin G. Humphreys Camp #1625 in Indianola Dave Adcox visited the Caledonia Rifles Camp #2140 on March 14, 2019 to promote
on March 2, 2019 to promote the upcoming Division Reunion. the upcoming Division Reunion.

Promoting the 2019 Division Reunion! Larry Eubanks traveled to Kosciusko, MS to promote the upcoming Division

Tim Cupit visited Jackson, MS on February 25, 2019 promoting the 2019 Division On February 28, 2019 Commander Cupit was promoting the Division Reunion in
Reunion! Laurel, MS.

MAFOCR members participated in the Brandon, MS Mardi Gras parade March 1, Susan Jones and other members of the Black Roses participated in the “Meet The
2019 on their custom-made float! Spirits” at the Beauvoir Confederate cemetery.
2 0 1 9 C IV I L W A R R E L I C S H O W
S AT . J U N E 8 TH 9 AM - 5 PM

SUN. JUNE 9 TH 9 AM - 4 PM

F O R I N F O C A L L T I M C U P IT 7 6 9 - 2 3 4 - 2 9 6 6
2019 Civil War Relic Show Update
Tim Cupit, along with Lynn Gaskin and Jim Tyrney traveled to Franklin, TN on December 1st and 2nd to solicit vendors for our show.
We made many good contacts and found many potential vendors. The trip was well worth it! I went to the Dalton Georgia Relic Show on
February 3rd and got an excellent response. The three of us also visited the Vicksburg Relic Show on February 9th. I hope to be able to
attend the Memphis Relic Show on March 31st. We have finished designing one of our ads for the newspapers, and used that to advertise
our show in a Civil War Collector & Dealer Directory that will be distributed all over the country. We have completed our flier design
and the fliers have been delivered. Please pick up fliers to hand out wherever you go. We’re not putting them out in businesses until three
weeks before the show. For now just hand them out to people you meet that show interest in the show. We have banners shipped out to be
reprinted for the 2019 show, and we need a few volunteers to change the dates on the yard signs (these are done by hand).

We sent all camp members, potential vendors, & past vendors a Christmas card that included a vendor registration form. Totaling over
600. Yes, that was a large task! The room has been secured, and tables have been reserved! I also reserved 150 extra chairs. A musician
has committed to come play at our show on Saturday & Sunday to create a better atmosphere. We have an exhibit secured that will
display handmade models of some of the ships used during the Civil War. This exhibit will add depth to our show and provide the public
with a unique look into the history of naval warfare.

WE NEED TO SELL ADS!!! We still need help raising money by selling ads in our newsletter or soliciting donations. Any help with this
endeavor would be greatly appreciated by all of us at Camp 265. Remember, it costs about $20,000 to put on our Relic Show! We have
sponsor sheets to use when selling ads with photos of activities our camp has done in the community, an explanation of how their
donation will be used, and information for them regarding a tax write off.

Remember: if you ask, you may be told no, but if you never ask- you’ll never be told yes! Please make plans to attend the 2019 Civil War
Relic Show and help us make it a success!

2019 Mississippi SCV Division Reunion Update

The Bibles for the goodie bags are in, as well as the Medals and reunion ribbons. The goodie bags have been secured, however the flag
for the reunion is still in the works. Music for Friday & Saturday nights has been confirmed.

I need help visiting other camps and handing out invitations! Invitations are available to anyone who wants to visit other camps and hand
them out (I can also email the invitations to you). I have visited and handed out invitations at the 2018 Reunion in Biloxi, Summit,
Meridian, Bruce, Columbia, Bay St. Louis, Florence, the October Executive Council Meeting, the Mechanized Cavalry Annual Meeting
in Louisville, Natchez, the 2nd Meridian Camp, Oxford, Corinth, and the 5th Brigade Christmas party in Hattiesburg, the Biloxi Camp,
the Hattiesburg Camp, the Vicksburg Camp, and the Pearl Camp, the Caledonia Camp, the Jackson Camp, the Laurel Camp, the March
Executive Council Meeting, the Ripley Camp, the Southaven Camp, and the 4 th Brigade Picnic in March. March will conclude my
travels for inviting camps. My attention needs to turn to the operational details of the Reunion and Relic Show.

Again - I need help visiting other camps! Please join me in thanking these SCV & OCR members for their
help in promoting our 124th Annual Reunion: Mike & Jeremy Bowling visited the Lucedale Camp.
Chris Merck has visited approximately 10 camps. Dave Adcox has visited approximately 15 camps.
Cookie visited the Forest Camp. Butch Kuriger visited the Clinton Camp. Tom Lily visited the Ponotac
Camp. Larry Eubanks has visited approximately 5 camps. Brandi Gray has visited approximately 10
SCV camps / OCR chapters. Jamie Hamblin & Susan Cook have completed approximately 2,700
pieces of mail to be sent out in March & they are currently working on our Reunion flag as well as the
table decorations for Saturday night. Susan Jones is working on the table decorations for Friday
night. There are many others helping with our Reunion. Please prepare to engage, register for the
reunion, and be able to help Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, June 7th , 8th , & 9th , 2019.

Our last Reunion Committee Meeting was on January 19, 2019 at Penn's in Brandon at 3pm. This meeting was open to everyone: SCV,
OCR, & family members. Our March 16th meeting was cancelled because it conflicted with the 4th Brigade Picnic. Our next Reunion
Committee Meeting is scheduled for April 13th, 2019 at Penn’s in Brandon at 4pm. This meeting is also open to everyone! We need all
members to register for the reunion and consider taking on a job for the Relic Show. Your help is needed!
SCV Camp#265
Commander Tim Cupit
317 Lake Heather Road, Brandon, MS 39047
C: 769-234-2966
E: Website:

June 6th, 2018

Mississippi Sons of Confederate Veterans,

Greetings from SCV Camp #265 in Brandon, MS. We are hosting the state/division SCV Reunion in
Brandon, Mississippi this year on June 7 and 8 of 2019 and wanted to personally invite each and every one
th th

of you and your families to attend.

Our first thought was: “How can we convince our fellow SCV members around the state to come to
the Division Reunion if they’ve never been or have not planned on coming?” Well let me tell you what we
brain stormed. We will be hosting a Civil War Relic Show in conjunction with our reunion! Isn’t that a great
idea?! We will have vendors for men and women, MS authors, MS artists, musicians, a live band (from MS)
playing period music, a cannon display outside, a civil war surgeon with all the tools of the trade inside, and
much, much more! The Relic Show will open at 9:00am on Saturday morning and close at 5:00pm Saturday
evening. Please come early, visit, and support the vendors that are here for you. Registration is from 3pm -
7pm on Friday afternoon and from 6am-9am Saturday morning. By the way, the relic show will be open to
the public so they can see what the SCV is all about. Your attendance will be very impressive to the public
and the vendors at the show. Men and women are welcome to wear their period clothes. At 6pm on Friday
afternoon we will have a president’s reception for all the vendors, members, and families. At the reception we
will be serving a large birthday cake along with dinner to celebrate Jefferson Davis’ 211th Birthday.
Hopefully feeding everyone will ease the financial strain of coming to the reunion. At 7pm we will have a
short musical performance. We will end the night by everyone singing “Dixie”. Dress for the business
meeting is business, business casual or period dress. Everyone who wants to dress out is welcome to be a part
of the color guard. This would make for an impressive picture for the Confederate Veteran magazine!
Opening ceremonies for the business session will be from 8am to 9am. The business session will run
from 9:00am – 1:00pm with our memorial service at 1:00pm through 1:30pm. Sorry, but the business session
is for division members in good standing only. After the business session we need a group picture of all
members! After the group picture will be a good time for fellowship time and an opportunity to get dressed
for the banquet starting at 6:30pm. At 6:30pm dinner will be served buffet style with some of the best food
you will ever lay your lips on. Let me put it this way, the last National Reunion I went to, I paid $30.00 for
lunch and got a turkey wrap! I assure you there will be no turkey wraps on our buffet!! The menu will be:
baked chicken and prime rib with all the trimmings.
At 7:30pm, Mr. Walt Grayson will be our speaker. He is a great speaker! The wives will enjoy him
just as much as you do. At 8:00pm awards will be given out and at 8:30pm door prize winners will be
announced! At 9:00pm we will end by the members singing “Dixie” and afterwards we will have a special treat
along with the announcement of the winner of the AR15.
Let’s look at finances. When you come to the reunion, dinner will be provided on Friday night for
FREE, there will be FREE coffee and donuts Saturday morning, hotel rates are from $89.00 a night, and
registration is $45.00. The banquet is $25.00/person, and in theory, the convention ends early enough for you
to drive home Saturday night and not spend the extra money on the hotel. That’s two days of entertainment
around some of the best people you will ever meet for approximately $70.00 for one person within driving
distance; $165.00 with a one night hotel stay; $190.00 with a one night hotel stay with your spouse. Now that’s
We here in Brandon are proud to be members of the Mississippi Division Sons of Confederate
Veterans and are not ashamed of it. We will not be having this convention in a barn in the middle of the
woods hiding from view. We are having this convention at City Hall in downtown Brandon; the largest room
we could find. We have a letter from the Mayor, the Rankin County Chamber of Commerce, and the Rankin
County Board of Supervisors welcoming the Sons of Confederate Veterans to Brandon and Rankin County
for our 124th annual reunion.
The task of putting all this together for the entire state has been no walk in the park. We will try to
personally visit each camp in the state to invite you to the convention but there will probably be more to do
than time and money will allow. On top of that, as each one of you know, everything done for the SCV is
done after working, church activities, school, kids, health issues, and without pay.
In closing, I want you to know we are doing this because we are proud of our history in this great
country, we are proud of our brave ancestors, and we are proud to be Sons of Confederate Veterans. Please
mark your calendars for June 7th and 8th 2019, request vacation days at work, put off the family reunion for
one year, whatever you have to do to come and support the vendors that will be here for you, meet your
fellow SCV members from around the state, enjoy some good ole southern hospitality, and let’s show
everyone that old times here are not forgotten! May God bless you and your families.


Tim Cupit

PS: Hotel reservations must be made by May 30th, 2019 to get the SCV rate. Contact info is on the
registration form.

Registration forms must be received by May 25th, 2019. We will register you at the door but, it comes
with the obvious consequences; name tags hand written, no goodie bag, etc.

Remember to bring your scrapbook! They will be judged on Saturday after the business meeting. Your
scrapbook will be good ways to let the other camps in the division see what you have done over the past
year and may also give other camps ideas for activities in their communities.

Activities in the community for nonmembers or people who do not want to attend the relic show: The
Bass Pro Shop, Braves Stadium, AG Museum, Children’s Museum, Wildlife and Science Museum,
Shopping at The Dogwood Promenade, Antique Stores, and much more!

The reunion, relic show, and registration will be at City Hall. (Address will be on the registration form)
2019 SCV MS Division Reunion Registration Form
124th Reunion – Mississippi Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans
25th Reunion – Mississippi Society, Order of Confederate Rose

Brandon, Mississippi – June 7th & 8th, 2019

Hosted By The Rankin Rough And Ready’s Camp #265 And Mary Ann Forrest Chapter #23, MSOCR
All Events Will be Held at The Brandon City Hall: 1000 Municipal Drive, Brandon, MS 39042

SCV Member Name________________________________________________________________________________

Title / SCV Camp Name & Number ___________________________________________________________________
OCR Member Name________________________________________________________________________________
Title / OCR Chapter Name & Number_________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________City_______________________State_____Zip___________
Phone # ____________________________Email_________________________________________________________
Spouse/Guest Name(s)-For Badges_____________________________________________________________________
All registered SCV members will receive a name badge, a convention medal, a program, and a bag of goodies
(quantity limited to 150). Registration at the door will receive the same as long as supplies last. OCR
registrants will have a Tea in lieu of a medal. If you wish to get a medal, please pay SCV price this will
automatically qualify you for the AR15 being given away Saturday night at the banquet! (Contingent upon
meeting all applicable laws and regulations in the state of Mississippi)


SCV before May 15, 2019 $45.00 After May 15, 2019 $50.00 QTY_____$______________

OCR before May 15, 2019 $20.00 After May 15, 2019 $25.00 QTY_____$______________

Ancestor Memorial: EACH MEMORIAL IS $10.00 QTY_____$______________

Please print or type each memorial on a separate page & submit before April 25th, 2019

Program Ads: $100.00 - full page; $50.00 - half page; $35.00 - quarter page; $25.00 - business card size
(Please email ad information on a separate page before April 25 th, 2019) $______________

Awards Banquet: $25.00 per adult plate QTY_____ $______________

$10.00 per child plate (15 and under) QTY_____$______________
(No Meal Registration after May 25, 2019)
Total Amount $______________

Please Make Checks Payable to SCV Camp #265 & Mail to: Tim Cupit, 317 Lake Heather Rd, Brandon, MS 39047

Contact Information: SCV Contact: Tim Cupit: 769-234-2966 or | OCR Contact: Brandi Gray:
601-896-8652 or

Host Hotel Info: La Quinta at 215 Dande Rd, Brandon, MS. SCV Rate - $89.00 plus tax Phone: 601-591-1045.
Ramada Inn at 341 Airport Rd. Pearl, MS SCV Rate - $89.00 double plus tax Phone: 601-933-1122
**All Reservations must be made by April 30, 2019**
Registration will be at City Hall between 4pm & 7pm Friday and between 6am & 9am Saturday.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans
Camp #265


317 Lake Heather Road BRANDON, MS
Brandon, MS 39047 PERMIT NO. 265

Our next meeting is April 6th

at Bass Pro Shops in Pearl at 7:00pm.
Come early!

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