Marriage Is Indeed Risky

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(Member, St. Paul University System)
St. Paul Avenue, 2727 Bantay, Ilocos Sur


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

in RED 107 Christian Vocation

for the first semester of the school year 2018-2019

Submitted to:

Mr. Daren Dawn Avila


Submitted by

Kimberly Faye A. Rondaris

BSE IV Biological Science

November 15,2018

Date Submitted

‘’Marriage is indeed risky”

Generally when we think of marriage, we always think of an old couple who have
been together for how many years. And would seems to us as forever. But what is really
marriage? If protein has its own components, then pretty sure marriage also has. And as
a married person, I have my own components too, like self-respect, selflessness,
communication, forgiveness, honesty and enduring to the end. Yes, you have to endure
everything. Because that is marriage. Marriage is love, and if there is love, there is risk.
If there is no risk, then there is no reward. It is all or nothing,
This movie really touched my heart being a wife. If only “Love Dare” book exist in
our place, I would surely buy one! Marriage does not guarantee success. People may
that think you are okay, that you have a strong marriage and you two are crazily in love
with each other. But deep inside your heart, you are totally broke.
It really has a realistic message that I appreciated. I would always asked myself,
“if Catherine can realize how Caleb really loves her, why is it too hard for my partner to
appreciate me?” I personally writhed with tears in my seat most of the time. I was the
only one reviving the near-dead marriage , and it is too hard. If Caleb gave up everything
he used to do, I also gave uo mine. I sacrificed everything just to be with him but it seems
it is not yet enough. The movie is right at the very first time. That marriage is not really
fireproof. A single fire can ruin everything you have built. A home. Heart. Self. Everything.
But you really need to be strong. Even if it hurts, you have to be still. Because I always
believe that if you really love the person, you are willing to wait. Wait for him to love you
back. Wait for him to appreciate you. Wait for him to realize that he loves you too. Because
that is love. You are willing to take the risk even if you are burning inside.

This may sound wrong, but I am just holding on to the vows we made. We
promised to hold each other in bad times even if he let my hand go. But I promised to
love him fully, forgive him quickly and to never stop trying.
The biggest risk is not taking any risk…
Maging Akin Muli


A non presumptious, not complicated, ordinary, cool boy, entered the seminary at
age 12 but he nevertheless enjoyed his childhood and teens, managed to have a couple
of girlfriends in secret, earned good grades, and taught himself to sing pop songs as well.
After ordination as a deacon, he was sent to his hometown to assist in the parish and gain
pastoral experience as a way of preparing for his ordination to the priesthood. He assists
the parish priest who teaches him the ways of life of a man of the cloth. At their parish,
Christopher commits a few mistakes that could send him back to the seminary and gets
entangled in a possibly explosive scandal involving his ex-girlfriend. Christopher must
prove he is made for the priesthood, and that he is ready for whatever it demands of him.
The film, a Jesuit story, explores the conflict between following human freedom or divine
wisdom and the issue between what each person chooses to do with one's life and what
God asks of each person. By tradition, he may now be addressed as "Reverend," a title
that sounds better with his full name, Christoper Santos, Jr. But he prefers to be simply
Junjun-ordinary, simple, cool. He has never doubted his vocation, but often wonders if
there are ways to live it "outside the box." Music is the language of his heart, the prayer
of his soul. He brings pop music in the church so that the youth will be attracted in
participating actively in the church choir or just by attending the mass every Sunday. At
first it had a conflict between the elder people who don’t want those kind of music bit then
the conflict was settled and the results was good. MAGING AKIN MULI accompanies
Junjun on his journey to the priesthood. At Santiago Apostol, he encounters the
complexities of life for his fellow pilgrims in the parish -a generous but demanding
benefactor, a young lady in distress, a couple whose son is on death row. And this man
serves as his first mission on how he can let the man realized that God loves him despite
all what he has done bad. The lives of these people enrich his own, but also challenge
his vocation to be good and holy, to belong to God. The film explores the tension between
human freedom, what people decide to do with their lives, and divine wisdom, what God
asks of each person.


The film is basically a story about a young deacon and his often puzzling but a
meaningful peregrinate towards life and search for spiritual enlightenment. The movie
obviously depicted his struggles and at the same time finding the relevance of his chosen
vocation. It talks about several issues that every priest faces.
I realized how challenging it must be for priests to fulfill their duties and
responsibilities without diverting from their chosen vocation. Especially when problems
came simultaneously, he became troubled and was on the verge of giving up. Little did
they know that they are not just facing issues and life’s dilemmas but also facing burdens
especially from the high expectation of the society.
Upon watching the movie, I remember how I became troubled and almost on the
verge of giving up because of the trials that came simultaneously. I admire how Junjun
surpassed all of his “vocation’s trials”. Similarly to us, as ordinary people who are
experiencing also “life’s trials”. We may experience great impediments in our lives but
we overcame those trials by having a mindset that these trials and problems were just a
diminutive compared to what Jesus’ had had experienced while he was still living. If
Junjun has his superior who helped him a lot, and his parish priest who also helped him
find his true vocation by testing him constantly, we also have our family , who serves as
our support system, who is always there for us no matter what happens, our “big push” in
our lives. But most importantly, our endless communication with God, our source of
motivation and inspiration to never give up in every trials.
As a woman who experienced so much life’s trials, I never give up. I never lose
focus. I never build barriers in my heart. I do everything in love. Because “PEOPLE WHO

“No amount of success in life can never compensate the failure in the family”
At work, inside burning buildings, Capt. Caleb Holt lives by the old firefighter's
adage: Never leave your partner behind. At home, in the cooling embers of his marriage,
he lives by his own rules. After seven years of marriage, Caleb and Catherine Holt have
drifted so far apart that Catherine wishes she had never married. Neither one understands
the pressures the other faces—he as firefighter and she as the public relations director of
a hospital. Regular arguments over jobs, finances, housework, and outside interests have
readied them both to move on to something with more sparks.
As the couple prepares to enter divorce proceedings, Caleb's father challenges his
son to commit to a 40-day experiment he calls "The Love Dare." Wondering if it's even
worth the effort, Caleb agrees, but more for his father's sake more than for his marriage.
When Caleb discovers the book’s daily challenges are tied into his parents' newfound
faith, his already limited interest is further dampened. While trying to stay true to his
promise, Caleb becomes frustrated time and again. He finally asks his father, "How am I
supposed to show love to somebody who constantly rejects me?" When his father
explains that this is the love God shows to us, Caleb makes a life-changing commitment
to love God. And—with God's help—he begins to understand what it means to truly love
his wife.
His job is to rescue others. Now Caleb is ready to face his toughest job ever...
rescuing his wife's heart. Caleb starts to tell Catherine about The Love Dare. Caleb
tearfully apologizes for his selfish behavior and asks her forgiveness. While Catherine
admits she sees some change in Caleb, she still cannot bring herself to trust him and
believe he has changed. Caleb understands and gives her as much time as she needs to
think things over. Days later, Catherine returns to the home care store to purchase linens
for her mother's new hospital bed, mentioning to the clerk that linens were the only thing
Dr. Keller didn't pay for. But when the clerk reveals to Catherine that it was Caleb two
weeks prior who paid $24,000.Catherine bursts into tears and leaves the store. Now fully
convinced of Caleb's genuine change of heart, Catherine runs home crying to put her
wedding ring back on her finger. After freshening up, she goes straight to the fire house
to tell Caleb that she now forgives him.Caleb's parents come to visit. While talking to his
son, Caleb's father reveals that, contrary to what Caleb had believed, he did not do The
Love Dare on his wife, she did it on him. This causes Caleb to recognize the impact his
mother has had in his life, and rushes home to reconcile with her. Caleb and Catherine
renew their vows in an outdoor ceremony, this time as a covenant with God.

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