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Mechanics of Materials Lab


Muhammad Arslan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Section - D

1- Introduction: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2- Theory: ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 History:................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Cable Transport: ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Cable Propelled Transit: ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.3.1 Top Supported: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3.2 Bottom Supported:................................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.4 Advantages of Cable Transport: ................................................................................................................................. 4
2.5 Disadvantages of Cable Transport: ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.6 Cable car: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.7 Types of Cable car: ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.7.1 Aerial Lift: ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.7.2 Railway System: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.8 Construction: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.8.1 Mono-cable technology: ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.8.2 Bi-cable or tri-cable technology: ..................................................................................................................................... 7
2.8.3 Grips:........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.9 Mechanism: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.10 Stress: ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.11 Strain: ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.12 Hooke’s Law: ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.13 Effect of Temperature: ..............................................................................................................................................10
2.13.1 Thermal Stress: ................................................................................................................................................................10
2.13.2 Thermal Strain: ................................................................................................................................................................10
2.13.3 Effect of increase in temperature:............................................................................................................................11
2.13.4 Effect of decrease in temperature:...........................................................................................................................11
3- Problem: .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 Method of Analysis: .......................................................................................................................................................12
3.1.1 Condition of Equilibrium:...................................................................................................................................................12
3.2 Free Body Diagram:.......................................................................................................................................................13
3.3 Calculations: .....................................................................................................................................................................13
3.4 Statics at point B and C: ...............................................................................................................................................14
3.5 Stress in the cable: .........................................................................................................................................................14
3.6 Strains in the cable: .......................................................................................................................................................15
4- Simulation Using Solidworks: ................................................................................................................................. 15
4.1 Stress and Strain at point A:.......................................................................................................................................15
4.3 Stress and Strain at point C: .......................................................................................................................................17
5- List of Accidents: .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
6- Comments: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
7- References: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18

Gondola Lift
Find out stress and strain produced in the wire connected between two poles, carrying
cable car with specified number of passengers in it.

1- Introduction:
Cable transportation is used for quick access to mountains equipped to ski slopes and connects the massive
of mountains for tourist attraction. It also represents a means of travel and entertainment, having an
important role in the development of mountain tourism, but also for winter tourism. Experiments remain
present in the life of a cable transport installation and after its introduction into production, to check the
stability of manufacturing technology, maintain quality and reliability, confirmed during certification. Any
changes to a product in mass production involve a review and approval based on appropriate tests. [1]

2- Theory:
2.1 History:
The first design of an aerial lift was by Croatian polymath Fausto Veranzio and the first operational aerial
tram was built in 1644 by Adam Wiebe in Gdańsk. It was moved by horses and used to move soil over the
river to build defences. It is called the first known cable lift in European history and precedes the invention
of steel cables. It is not known how long this lift was used. In any case, it would be another 230 years before
Germany would get the second cable lift, this newer version equipped with iron wire cable.
Other miningsystems were developed in the 1860s by Hodgson, and Andrew Smith Hallidie. Hallidie went
on to perfect a line of mining and people tramways after 1867 in California and Nevada.
The first gondola built in the United States for a ski resort was located at the Wildcat Mountain Ski Area. It
was a two-person gondola built in 1957 and serviced skiers until 1999. The lift was later demolished in
2004. The lift and its cabins were manufactured by a former Italian lift company: Carlevaro-Savio. One of
the longest gondola rides in the world, Gondelbahn Grindelwald-Männlichen, is in the Bernese
Oberlandin Switzerland and connects Grindelwald with Männlichen. [2]

2.2 Cable Transport:

Cable transport is a broad class of transport modes that have cables. They transport passengers and goods,
often in vehicles called cable cars. The cable may be driven or passive, and items may be moved by pulling,
sliding, sailing, or by drives within the object being moved on cableways. The use of pulleys and balancing
of loads moving up and down are common elements of cable transport. They are used in mountainous areas
where cable haulage can overcome large differences in elevation. [3]

2.3 Cable Propelled Transit:

Cable-Propelled Transit (CPT) is a transit technology that moves people in motor-less, engine-less vehicles
that are propelled by a steel cable. There are two Cable Propelled Transit types: top supported and bottom
supported. [4]
2.3.1 Top Supported:
Top supported systems, also known as aerial cable systems, are supported from above via a cable (which
may or may not be the same cable that propels the cabins — this varies by technology.) Aerial cable
technologies include:
i. Mono-cable detachable gondola
ii. Bi-cable detachable gondola
iii. Tri-cable detachable gondola
iv. Aerial Tram
v. Pulsed Gondola [4]

Figure 1 Top Supported [5]
2.3.2 Bottom Supported:
Bottom supported systems are supported by tracks or rails underneath, yet are still propelled by a cable.
Bottom supported cable technologies include:
i. Heritage Cable Car
ii. Funicular
iii. Hybrid Funicular
iv. Cable Liner
v. Mini Metro [4]

Figure 2 Bottom Supported [6]

2.4 Advantages of Cable Transport:
Aerial Cable Transport have the following advantages compared with other transport modes:
i. Independent transport relief and suitable for hilly areas
ii. Powered by electricity
iii. No CO2 emissions, if renewable energy is used for electricity
iv. Significantly-reduced noise emissions
v. No need of surfaces for transport [7]

2.5 Disadvantages of Cable Transport:

Despite their good characteristics, aerial cable cars also have certain limitations:
i. Limited Speed and capacity
ii. Suitable only for distances up to 7 km and offers wind resistance
iii. Extensive maintenance and controls
iv. Difficult to rescue people from aerial cable cars

v. Expensive infrastructure
vi. No heating or air conditioning in cabins [7]

2.6 Cable car:

A cable car is any of a variety of cable transportation systems relying on cables to pull vehicles along or
lower them at a steady rate. The terminology also refers to the vehicles on these systems. The cable car
vehicles are motor less and engineless and they are pulled by a cable that is rotated by a motor off-board.
2.7 Types of Cable car:
Following are the two types of cable car:
2.7.1 Aerial Lift:
Aerial lift is further divided into two types: [9] Aerial Tramway:
An aerial tramway, sky tram, cable car, ropeway or aerial tram is a type of aerial lift which uses one or two
stationary ropes for support while a third moving rope provides propulsion. With this form of lift, the grip
of an aerial tramway cabin is fixed onto the propulsion rope and cannot be decoupled from it during
operations. [9] Gondola: Figure 3 Aerial Tramway [10]

Gondola lift is a means of cable
transport and type of aerial lift which is supported and propelled by cables from above. It consists of a loop
of steel cable that is strung between two stations, sometimes over intermediate supporting towers. The
cable is driven by a bull wheel in a terminal, which is typically connected to an engine or electric motor.
They are often considered continuous systems since they feature a haul rope which continuously moves
and circulates around two terminal stations. [9]

Figure 4 Gondola [11]

2.7.2 Railway System:

A cable car is a type of cable railway used for mass transit where rail cars are hauled by a continuously
moving cable running at a constant speed. Individual cars stop and start by releasing and gripping this
cable as required. Varieties in which the vehicle rests on rails or a road:
 A system to haul trains along streets, for example the San Francisco cable car system
 A funicular is an isolated, passenger-carrying railway where the cars are permanently attached to a
common cable.
 A cable railway uses a cable or rope to haul trains. [9]

Figure 5 Railway System [12]

2.8 Construction:
Technologies differ depending on the number of cables and their function.
2.8.1 Mono-cable technology:
Mono cable technology is a term is used when a single cable is used to pull and support the cars. As
apparent in the name, Mono-cable Detachable Gondolas uses a detachable grip. This means cabins can
detach from the cable when in the station allowing for intermediary stations and turning. A Mono-cable
Detachable Gondolas utilizes a single cable which provides both support and propulsion. Mono-cable
Detachable Gondolas systems are generally supported by cylindrical towers, although custom
towers or lattice structures are also possible. Mono-cable systems are generally supported by cylindrical
towers, although custom towers or lattice structures are also possible. [13]

Figure 6 Mono-cable Gondola [14]

2.8.2 Bi-cable or tri-cable technology:
Bi-cable or tri-cable technology terms are used when one cable is used to pull the cars whilst one or two
others support their weight. The Bi-cable Detachable Gondolas uses a detachable grip. This means cabins
can detach from the cable when in the station. A Bi-cable Detachable Gondolas has two cables, one which
provides support and a second which provides the system’s propulsion. Bi-cable Detachable Gondolas
systems are generally supported by cylindrical towers. Cost is slightly higher than a Mono-cable Detachable
Gondolas system. The Bi-cable technology still has a slight speed advantage over the Mono-cable
technology. [15]

2.8.3 Grips:
There are two types Figure 7 Bi-cable Gondola [16] of grips used in the
construction of the gondola. Non-Detachable Grips:
A fixed grip is one that permanently connects a cable propelled transit vehicle to the cable. Because of this
direct connection, stopping or slowing a fixed grip vehicle involves stopping or slowing the entire system.
Aerial trams and pulsed gondolas both utilize fixed grip technologies. For an aerial tram, cabins are located
at opposing ends of the cable so that vehicles dock at the end stations at the same time. Generally fixed grip
systems can achieve greater speeds but have other limitations such as longer wait times and reduced
capacities, as compared to detachable grip systems. [17] Detachable Grips: Figure 8 Non-Detachable Grip [18]

A detachable grip is one that can separate itself from the cable. The detachability allows a cabin to slow or
stop within a station, without disrupting the flow of the entire system.
Upon approaching a stop, a mechanism located at the station opens the grip and the vehicle is slowed by
another mechanism. Passengers get on and off, the vehicle is re-accelerated to line speed, and while

departing the grip is re-engaged. This process is incredibly fluid, seamless and is virtually invisible to
riders. Since the design of the grip allows it to only open under a constant, targeted, external and specially-
designed force, a cabin with a detachable grip would never simply fall of the cable. [17]

Figure 9 Non-Detachable Grip [19]

2.9 Mechanism:
An aerial tramway consists of one or two fixed cables called track cables, one loop of cable called a haulage
rope, and two passenger cabins. The fixed cables provide support for the cabins while the haulage rope, by
means of a grip, is solidly connected to the truck. An electric motor drives the haulage rope which provides
propulsion. Aerial tramways are constructed as reversible systems; vehicles shuttling back and forth
between two end terminals and propelled by a cable loop which stops and reverses direction when the
cabins arrive at the end stations. The fixed ropes at the two sides and the haulage rope in the middle used
for propulsion. Usually the cableway station at the end is enough to hold the weight of the cable cars, but
sometimes the strain is too much that they have to transfer that strain to bollards. These bollards have rock
anchors penetrating deep into the mountain to provide additional support.
All the machinery including the electric motor which provides propulsion is housed in the lower station.
Sometimes, Mono cable detachable gondola technology is used. This means that only one rope is used for
both support and propulsion. This is used for short distances and for limited number of people. [20]

2.10 Stress:
The term stress (s) is used to express the loading in terms of force applied to a certain cross-sectional area
of an object. From the perspective of loading, stress is the applied force or system of forces that tends to
deform a body. From the perspective of what is happening within a material, stress is the internal
distribution of forces within a body that balance and react to the loads applied to it. The stress distribution
may or may not be uniform, depending on the nature of the loading condition.
A bar loaded in pure tension will essentially have a uniform tensile stress distribution. However, a bar
loaded in bending will have a stress distribution that changes with distance perpendicular to the normal
axis. The stress in an axially loaded bar is simply equal to the applied force divided by the bar's cross-
sectional area. [21]

Figure 10 Stress [22]

2.11 Strain:
Strain is the response of a system to an applied stress. When a material is loaded with a force, it produces
a stress, which then causes a material to deform. Engineering strain is defined as the amount of
deformation in the direction of the applied force divided by the initial length of the material. This results
in a unitless number, although it is often left in the un simplified form, such as inches per inch or meters
per meter. For example, the strain in a bar that is being stretched in tension is the amount of elongation or
change in length divided by its original length. As in the case of stress, the strain distribution may or may
not be uniform in a complex structural element, depending on the nature of the loading condition. [23]

Figure 11 Strain [24]

2.12 Hooke’s Law:

It states that within the limit of elasticity, the stress induced (σ) in the solid due to some external force is
always in proportion with the strain (ε). In other words, the force causing stress in a solid is directly
proportional to the solid's deformation. The determination of elastic modulus E from the tensile
experiment results is depicted in the figure.
𝛔 = 𝐄𝛆
It can be seen from the graph that the curve of stress versus strain is linear within the limit of elasticity of
the material. It is inferred that for the load below the limit of elasticity, the stress induced is in proportion
with the strain in the solid. [25]

Figure 12 Hooke's Law [26]
2.13 Effect of Temperature:
Static and dynamic mechanical properties of concrete are affected by temperature effect in practice.
Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the corresponding influence law and mechanism. Temperature
effects on cube compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, prism compressive strength, modulus of
elasticity, and frequency. [27]

2.13.1 Thermal Stress:

Thermal stress is stress created by any change in temperature to a material. These stresses can lead to
fracture or plastic deformation depending on the other variables of heating, which include material types
and constraints. Temperature gradients, thermal expansion or contraction and thermal shocks are things
that can lead to thermal stress. This type of stress is highly dependent on the thermal expansion coefficient
which varies from material to material. In general, the larger the temperature change, the higher the level
of stress that can occur. [28]

Figure 13 Thermal Stress [29]

2.13.2 Thermal Strain:

Thermal Strain is the tendency of matter to change in shape, area, and volume in response to a change in
Temperature is a monotonic function of the average molecular kinetic energy of a substance. When a
substance is heated, the kinetic energy of its molecules increases. Thus, the molecules begin vibrating more
and usually maintain a greater average separation. Materials which contract with increasing temperature
are unusual; this effect is limited in size, and only occurs within limited temperature ranges. The relative
expansion divided by the change in temperature is called the material's coefficient of thermal expansion
and generally varies with temperature. [30]

Figure 14 Thermal Strain [31]

2.13.3 Effect of increase in temperature:

Consider that the initial temperature of the wire is 22℃. Let the temperature of the wire increases by 5℃.
We can assume that there is no yield on the poles of the wire. The relation of final length of the wire will
𝒍𝒕 = 𝒍𝒐 (𝟏 + 𝜶𝒕)

𝑙𝑜 = Original length of the wire = 316m

𝑙𝑡 = Final length of the wire
𝑡 = Rise in temperature
𝛼 = Co-efficient of thermal expansion = 13 × 10−6 /℃
𝐸 = 200 × 109 Pa

Now, put values in the above equation;

𝑙𝑡 = 316(1 + 13 × 10−6 × 5)
𝑙𝑡 = 316.02054 𝑚

Change in length will be:

𝛿𝑙 = 𝑙𝑡 − 𝑙𝑜
𝛿𝑙 = 0.02054𝑚

Strain in the wire will be:

𝑒 = 0.000065

Stress in the wire can calculated using the formula:

𝜎 = 𝐸𝑒
𝜎 = 13 𝑀𝑝𝑎

2.13.4 Effect of decrease in temperature:

Consider that the initial temperature of the wire is 22℃. Let the temperature of the wire increases by 4℃.
We can assume that there is no yield on the poles of the wire. The relation of final length of the wire will
𝒍𝒕 = 𝒍𝒐 (𝟏 − 𝜶𝒕)
𝑙𝑜 = Original length of the wire = 316m
𝑙𝑡 = Final length of the wire

t = Rise in temperature
𝛼 = Co-efficient of thermal expansion = 13 × 10−6 /℃
𝐸 = 200 × 109 Pa
Now, put values in the above equation;

𝑙𝑡 = 316(1 − 13 × 10−6 × 5)
𝑙𝑡 = 315.983568 𝑚

Change in length will be:

𝛿𝑙 = 𝑙𝑜 − 𝑙𝑡
𝛿𝑙 = 0.01643𝑚

Strain in the wire will be:

𝑒 = 0.000052

Stress in the wire can calculated using the formula:

𝜎 = 𝐸𝑒
𝜎 = 10.4 𝑀𝑝𝑎

3- Problem:
Two gondolas are hung between two poles A and B. The distance between support towers is 300m. The
length of each cable segment under gondolas weighing WB = 7000 N and WC = 10000 N are DAB =
36.614 m, DBC = 218m and DCD = 61.4 m. The diameter of the cable is taken as 4cm. The cable sag at B is
∆B = 12m and that at C is ∆C = 22m. Find the stresses produced and also find the strain in the cables.

3.1 Method of Analysis:

A particle is said to be in equilibrium if it remains at rest if originally at rest, or has a constant velocity if
originally in motion. Most often, however, the term “equilibrium” or, more specifically, “static equilibrium”
is used to describe an object at rest. To maintain equilibrium, it is necessary to satisfy Newton’s first law of
motion, which requires the resultant force acting on a particle to be equal to zero. This condition may be
stated mathematically as:
∑𝑭 = 𝟎
where F is the vector sum of all the forces acting on the particle. It is also a sufficient condition. This follows
from Newton’s second law of motion, which can be written as ∑ 𝑭 = 𝒎𝒂 . Since the force system satisfies,
then 𝒎𝒂 = 𝟎, and therefore the particle’s acceleration 𝒂 = 𝟎. Consequently, the particle indeed moves with
constant velocity or remains at rest. [32]

3.1.1 Condition of Equilibrium:

If a particle is subjected to a system of coplanar forces that lie in the x–y plane, then each force can be
resolved into its i and j components. For equilibrium, these forces must sum to produce a zero-force
resultant, i.e.,
∑𝑭 = 𝟎

∑ 𝑭𝒙 𝒊̂ + ∑ 𝑭𝒚 𝒋̂ = 𝟎
For this vector equation to be satisfied, the resultant force’s x and y components must both be equal to
zero. Hence,
∑ 𝑭𝒙 = 𝟎

∑ 𝑭𝒚 = 𝟎
These two equations can be solved for at most two unknowns, generally represented as angles and
magnitudes of forces shown on the particle’s free-body diagram. When applying each of the two equations
of equilibrium, we must account for the sense of direction of any component by using an algebraic sign
which corresponds to the arrowhead direction of the component along the x-y axis. [32]

3.2 Free Body Diagram:

“A drawing that shows the particle with all the forces that act on it is called a free-body diagram (FBD)”


Figure 15 Free Body Diagram [33]

3.3 Calculations:
The gondola is considered to be moving at a constant velocity. So, we should use the equations of
equilibrium in order to solve this problem. But first we have to find the angles i.e. 𝜽𝟏 , 𝜽𝟐 and 𝜽𝟑 . The angle
𝜽𝟑 must be greater than 𝜽𝟏 and 𝜽𝟐 because the sag is greater in this portion due to more weight in this
portion. First, we compute initial values of theta angles (Degree).

For 𝜽𝟏 , we apply the sine rule;

𝑺𝒊𝒏𝜽𝟏 =
𝜃1 = 𝑆𝑖𝑛−1 ( )
𝜃1 = 19.132𝑜
Also, for 𝜽𝟐 we apply the sine rule;
∆𝑪 − ∆𝑩
𝑺𝒊𝒏𝜽𝟐 =
∆ 𝐶 − ∆𝐵
𝜃2 = 𝑆𝑖𝑛−1 ( )
𝜃2 = 2.63𝑜

And for 𝜽𝟑 , we apply the sine rule;

𝑺𝒊𝒏𝜽𝟑 =
𝜃3 = 𝑆𝑖𝑛−1 ( )
𝜃3 = 20.998𝑜
3.4 Statics at point B and C:
Applying the equations of equilibrium at point B in the FBD. Summation of all forces on X-axis and
summation of all forces will be equal to zero.
∑ 𝑭𝒙 = 𝟎
−𝑇𝐴𝐵 𝐶𝑜𝑠(𝜃1 ) + 𝑇𝐵𝐶 𝐶𝑜𝑠(𝜃2 ) = 0
∑ 𝑭𝒚 = 𝟎
𝑇𝐴𝐵 𝑆𝑖𝑛(𝜃1 ) − 𝑇𝐵𝐶 𝑆𝑖𝑛(𝜃2 ) = 𝑊𝐵

Also, applying the equations of equilibrium at point C in the FBD. Summation of all forces on X-axis and
summation of all forces will be equal to zero.

∑ 𝑭𝒙 = 𝟎
−𝑇𝐵𝐶 𝐶𝑜𝑠(𝜃2 ) + 𝑇𝐶𝐷 𝐶𝑜𝑠(𝜃3 ) = 0

∑ 𝑭𝒚 = 𝟎
𝑇𝐵𝐶 𝑆𝑖𝑛(𝜃2 ) + 𝑇𝐶𝐷 𝑆𝑖𝑛(𝜃3 ) = 𝑊𝐶

Solving the above equations simultaneously, we get the values of 𝑇𝐴𝐵 , 𝑇𝐵𝐶 and 𝑇𝐶𝐷 .

𝑻𝑨𝑩 = 24619.2 𝑁
𝑻𝑩𝑪 = 23275.6 𝑁
𝑻𝑪𝑫 = 24927.32 𝑁

We can also check the equilibrium at point B and C by using the following equations. From this, we can
verify our results and can also make sure that our system is in equilibrium.

𝑇𝐴𝐵 𝑆𝑖𝑛(𝜃1 ) − 𝑇𝐵𝐶 𝑆𝑖𝑛(𝜃2 ) = 7000 𝑁

𝑇𝐵𝐶 𝑆𝑖𝑛(𝜃2 ) + 𝑇𝐶𝐷 𝑆𝑖𝑛(𝜃3 ) = 10,000 𝑁

3.5 Stress in the cable:

To find stresses in the cables, we have to divide the tension in the cables by the cross-sectional area of the
wire used. The diameter of the wire used in this case is 4cm. So, the stress can be written as,

𝜎𝐴𝐵 = = 19.6MPa
𝜎𝐵𝐶 = = 18.52 MPa
𝜎𝐶𝐷 = = 19.84 MPa

3.6 Strains in the cable:
Strain in the wire can be calculated in the wire using the formula of change in length.

𝜹𝒍 =
𝛿𝑙𝐴𝐵 = 3.6 𝑚𝑚
𝛿𝑙𝐵𝐶 = 20.2 𝑚𝑚
𝛿𝑙𝐶𝐷 = 6.1𝑚𝑚

So, strain in the cable of our gondola is as follows;

𝜺𝐴𝐵 = 9.8 × 10−5

𝜺𝐵𝐶 = 9.2 × 10−5

𝜺𝐶𝐷 = 9.9 × 10−5

4- Simulation Using Solidworks:

When we perform the above problem on Solidworks, we get the following results:

4.1 Stress and Strain at point A:

Figure 16 Stress at point A

Figure 17 Strain at point A

4.2 Stress and Strain at point B:

Figure 18 Stress at point B

Figure 19 Strain at point B

4.3 Stress and Strain at point C:

Figure 20 Stress at point C

Figure 21 Strain at point C

4.4 Stress and Strain at point D:

Figure 22 Stress at point D

Figure 23 Strain at point D

5- List of Accidents:
The National Ski Areas Association reports 0.138 fatalities per 100 million miles transported compared
to 1.23 for cars.
 October 22, 1979: One person was killed and 17 other injured when two gondolas fell from the "Swiss
Sky Ride" at the Texas State Fair. Winds gusting to 40 miles per hour caused three cars to collide and
two fell on midway games below the cable.
 January 29, 1983: The Singapore Cable Car disaster, which saw seven people killed when two cabins
plunged into the sea after the cableway was hit by a Panamanian-registered oil rig being towed.
 September 5, 2005: Nine people died and ten were injured when a 750 kg concrete block was
accidentally dropped by a construction helicopter in Sölden, Austria. Hundreds had to be evacuated
from the lift.
 July 13, 2006: Five people, including a three-year-old girl, were injured after two cable cars collided and
one crashed to the ground. The accident took place at the Nevis Range, near Fort William in
northwest Scotland. There were no fatalities and the gondola was deemed safe for operation shortly
after the accident.
 February 18, 2007: A gondola car derailed from the cable at Ski Apache in New Mexico and rolled
backwards hitting another car. Eight people were involved in the crash but only two suffered minor
 March 2, 2008: A man fell out of a gondola in Chamonix and died, perhaps after he and one of his friends
leaned on and broke the plexiglass window. [34]

6- Comments:
The errors in the readings may be due to the following readings:
i. The density of the cable may not be uniform throughout.
ii. The temperature is not constant which may result in slight expansion of the cable.
iii. The error may be due to frictional effects between wire and the gondola.
iv. The cable might be less rigid and strong due to negligence of the manufacturer.
7- References:
[32] Engineering Mechanics Statics 10th Edition (Tenth Edition) by R.C. Hibbeler
[33] Mechanics of Materials (8th Edition) James M. Gere, Barry J. Goodno


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