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Vocabulary Reading Grammar

Let's warm up! page 4

• School subjects Article on a school • Verb to be - affirmative, negative and

WE are the
1 school
• Time magazine: Juan
Mantovani School
• Position of adjectives
paye 6 • Prepositions of time

WB paye 76 Pronunciation tip*

• Things w. e do Blog: Are all • Present simple - affirmative and

2 My favourite
every day vs
Things we do on
celebra tions
fixed in the
• Adverbs of frequency
paye 16 special days calendar?
WB paye 82 Pronunciation tip*

CLIL & Culture: Independence Day paye 26

• Animals and animal Online article: • Present simple - yes/no

3 Natural
• Verbs for things
Animals sometimes
become celebrities
questions, short answers and
wh- questions
paye 28 animals do • can / can't/ must/ mustn't
• Adjectives lo
describe animals
WB page 88 Pronunciation tip*

• Places and activities Website articte: Do • Present continuous - affirmative,

4 What's your
in town you like hanging
out with friends?
negative and interrogative
• Countable and uncountable nouns
paye 38 Have you got two • a lot of / some/any/ab-71
hours to spare? The
Science Interactive
Museum is a
wonderful option.
WB paye 94

CLIL & Culture: The Planetarium page 48

• Uses of computers Online forum: 1s • Present simple and present continuous

5 ICT in our lives
paye 50
and smartphones
• Adjectives of
1CT* good or bad?
Share your opinion.
• Object pronouns

personality What do you use it


WB paye 100

• Forms of transport Travel log: My • Past simple of to be affirmative,

Time to travel • Holiday activities trip to México:

negative and interrogative

paye 60 en unforgettable • Expressions of past time
experience • Past simple of regular and irregular
verbs - affirmative and negative

WB paye 106 Pronunciation tip*

CLIL & Culture: Places to visit near Buenos Aires page 70 1

Pairwork activities paye 72

*Integrated pronunciation suggestions

Listening & Speaking Writing Allilerojec~

• Ask and answer personal questions Write about a friend: PowerPoint presentation about special
• Ask for permission and make requests • Paragraphs ()copie al school
• Descriptive adjectives

• Describe a special day

• Talk about what you want to do on your
next birthday
Write a description of a typical day:
• Subjects in sentences
• Connectors: first, then, alter that,
4,. 11
Prezi presentation of en important


Let's wrap it up! Self assessment activities

- - Units 1 & 2 paye 27

• Describe animals Write signs for a natural reserve:

• Ask and answer questions about • Punctuation: futl stop, comma,
anima exclamation mark, question mark

• Shop for different items Write a description of a scene:

• Make suggestions • Articles: indefinite (a/ en)
and definite
• Pronoun reference

Let's wrap it up! Self assessment activities

- - Units 3 & 4 page 49

• Compare what people are doing Write a description of a picture:

with what they usually do • Conjunctions: and, but, because, so
• Ask about a person

Pronunciation tip*

• Plan a trip Write en informal email: A true / fichan story about the beSt
• Buy a ticket • Format worst experience in your life
• Content

1 Lets
' wrap it up! Self-assessnnent activities - Units 5 & 6 page 71
Let's warm upl

Vivían About me • Friends (150)

PROFILE ‘„ Vivian Vivian

I live in London. 4
I am in Year 7
1 am 15.
Hey Festival! Here we are! Let's dance! Welcome summer holidays!
1 study at Brighton School.
I play the guitar. Rocky at the beach with my cousin.
My dog is adorable!:1



Yes! Tickets in my hands!

An unforgettable moment. Hurray!

O Look at the profile. Complete the O Vivian is going to a music festival.

sentences. Imagine the nnoment when she
buys the tickets and complete the
1. Her name is
dialogue. Work with your classmate.
2. She is
Then, act the conversation out.
3. She lives in
Vivian: Hi!
4. She studies at
Assistant: Good ' • Can 1 help you?
s. She has friends.
Vivían: Yes, ' you got any tickets for
the Green festival?
WORK in PAI RS Assistant: Yes. Flovv many do vvant?

O Ask and answer the following Vivian: Four. How much are 4
questions with your classnnate. Assistant: 30 pounds each. It 5 a

1. What's your name? hundred a vventy pounds.

2. How old are you? Vivían: That's a lot of money, but 1 love all

3. Where do you live? the bands. Here you

Assistant: Enjoy the 7
4. How many friends do you have on social
networks? Vivian: Bye!
O In groups of four, make a list of all
the names of animals in English that
you know. Which ones can be pets?

1.00— bn.xn dcétv Slt aMOt. c~c111.11.r 0,1 Pst2rs;
Sud .7T Él and int41,2 prEnkia :fr:r rrgumr:
pfix-rt intlIstduscr., ZK1 thn
• irv'e,r , It4

Look at the picture of Vivian playing

football. True or false?

1. She is playing with her friendo o

Vivian 2. She is wearing grey shorts. o
4 3. The football is black and white. o
Happy New Year! New year, new sport.
4. She is focused. o
Hello everyone. I'm a footballer now!

O Answer in your notebook.

1. Do you play football?

2. What do you do in your free time?

Student A: turn to page 72.
Student B: turn to page 74.

O Discuss in pairs.

1. Do you like music festivals?

In this book you will find the following features:
2. What is your favourite band or artist?
3. What is your favourite gong? Activities te do with your

Questions or activities
• Look at the picture of the dog and
involving your personal
complete the paragraph. experience

Vivian ' got a 2

Rocky. He has got short
fur. Rocky's ears are
dog. Its name
ezi Content and Language
Integrated Learning

Social Emotional Learning

Download any free OR cede
She always ' with him in the park. Reader App en your mobile te
discover our Social Ernotionat
They run in the living room. That is Learning section, thought and
written for you ONLY!
not allowed.
Irack Tracks lo master your
lis- tening skills
Introduce yourself
Talk about schools
Tall( about timetables
Ask and telt the time
Ask personal questions and answer them
Ask for permission and make requests
Write about a friend

Observe these pictu res of Jennifer's school life.

ni, Y • . 11, . . •

09:00-10:00 Maths PE History Maths English

10:00 -11:00 English Maths Geography Itallan Italian

11:30-12:30 Science Italian Maths Science History

12:30-13:30 . Italian English Scien¿e English 1CT

15:00 - 16:00 Music Geography ICT Art PE
, 16:00-17:00 Guitar Basketball Guitar Basketball
Find in the pictures
1. a lab o 5. a guitar club o
2. a Geography teacher o 6. a uniform o
3. a school playground o 7. a dock o
4. a timetable o 8. a canteen o
True or false?

1. Jennifer goes to school from Monday to Friday. o

2. She has lunch at school. o
3. She cooks her lunch. o
4. She has Science lessons in the lab. o
5. Her school day is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. o
6. There are 12 obligatory subjects al school. o
7. There are optional subjects. o


Let's create a PowerPoint presentation about special people at school!

You will create a presentation of a person i n your school you consider lo be special.
Preview Look for tips on how lo build your project on p. 11. You will complete the project on p. 15.
School subjects • Look at the timetable and answer
the questions.
O a. Choose the correct option.

• French • Geography MONDAY

• ICT [Information • Science ICT
and Connmunication • PE
Technology) BREAK
1. My classmate does excellent cartwheels
- 117a
in our PE; lesson. PE
2. In we work with different
kinds of maps.
3. I [ove working in the [ab. 1. What time is Science? at eleven o'dock
is my favourite subject. 2. What time is PE?
4. Our teacher is from France. 3. What time is History?
5. Our lessons are in the 4. What time is break?
computer room on Mondays.
b. Complete the following sentences.
What's your teacher's name? O Discuss.
1. My Art teacher is 1. What are your favourite subjects?
2. My Music teacher is 2. Where are the lessons?
3. My English teacher is 3. What time are your English lessons?
4. My History teacher is 4. What time are your Science lessons?
5. My Maths teacher is 5. Where do you go at break?

Time O a. Ask and answer questions about

your timetable.
Match the times to the clocks.
Whal lime (5 ',':)cierica

O 9: At eleven o'clock.
9:00 10:21EI Fi 16:1111 Ffl
b. Write true and false sentences
about your timetable. Ask your
classmate to identify the wrong
O 1-in•1-11-1 Fi
O 111-1_11-F111 1 O Fi
ones. Then, switch roles.
1_11_1•1_ILI Fi 121 Ti

A: CM Thursdays English is at lo o'clock

in the gym.
00 half past four 00 quarter to two False! On Thursdays English is at II
half past ten 00 quarter past twelve o'cloa in the classroom.
00 nine o'clock 00 midnight
Education cerner!

Juan Mantovani School

by Marina Alonso

Hi! bu Marina Alonso

and 1'm 13 years old. I'm
in year 1 at the Juan
Mantovani Art School in ove our ccretaker, Mr tor r II
Santa Fe (Argentina). ve etijoy our Drcwiny lessons. Every month, we go to different
In the Future. I want to be a clubs where local artists teach
painter and a sculptor, so I go to Our school subjects are Spanish, us different things awesome!
this special school. It is For students English, Social Studies, Science, This month I'm going to the Living
who want to be creative and learn Maths and Citizenship. They are Statues Club and next month I
a lot about art. obligatory subjects, and so are want to go to the Tiles Club.
Drawing. Painting and Pottery.
The school day starts at 7:00 Sometimes, we leave the classroom a
and finishes at 430. It is long, We have come optional subjects bit untidy. Mr Forni, the caretaker
but I like it. come clays, there are too. This year I'm studying never complains and tidies up.
special activities. We visit museums, Colonial Art History. It's hard We loe him!
decorate hospital walls or have but its really interesting! Luckily
workshops on different artistic And sometimes we help him with
Miss Arnau, the librarian, always
productions. the cleaning.
gives me the books I need or helps
rae to Find information in the We work really hard, but we are
computer. more and more creative each day.
Thats ART!
We dont have PE lessons because
in the afternoon there are a lot of
extracurricular activities.
We visit children or elderly people
in hospital s and nursing homes.

We lave to be creative1
8 , .•., K , •><>0040000000000000.000000000000-(>000000

O Look at the pictures. What can you O Correct the following information.
see? Do you do these activities in
1. Marina is
your school?
2. Juan Mantovani is a typical school.
• Read the text and number the 3. Marina wants to go to the Clown Club.
pictures in order. 4. Students help the teachers with [he cleaning.
5. Students at Juan Mantovani School do
• Read the article and answer.
solidarity activities in the morning.
1. What is [he name of the school?
2. When doce the school day start? When
does it end?
3. What do students do in the afternoon? r
4. Who are the teachers in the clubs? O What is your school like?
5. Who is an important person for
Marina? Why? O Compare your school with Juan
Mantovani School. What is the
SOC L same? What is different?
Verb lo be
Study and complete the table.

I'm a student, I'm not a French teacher. Am Yes, 1 am. / No, I'm not
You're my classmate. You aren't a caretaker. you Yes, you / No, you aren't
He's our PE teacher. He isn't in the gym. Is he Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.
She's in grade 6. She a teacher. Is she Yes, she is. / No, she
half past four. It isn't break time. it Yes, it / No, it isn't.
We're in year 9. We in year 9. Are we Yes, we / No, we aren't.
They're in the [ab. They in the classroom. Are they Yes, they are / No, they

> See Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice book, p. 2

O with
a. Complete the sentences
the affirmative of to be. Use
contracted forms where possible.

1. My name Jenny.
2. I in year 1. It is important to pronounce
3. The school headmaster English. he and she correctly.

4. My new school great. ®. 02 Listen and repeat.

5. My class teacher Ms Stevens. She's thrrteen.
6. She very nice. twelve.
7. We really happy in nur new school. ntilm

e " Listen and repeat.

1. He's English 3. He's friendly.

2. She .s Australian. 4. She's happy.

Match the questions (1-6) to the

answers (a-f).

b. Complete the text about Imran 1. Are you Daniel?

with the affirmative (A-) or negative
(-) of to be.
2. Are you 14 years old? o
3. Is your English teacher very old? o
This ' (+1 Imran. He " 4. Is Mr Jones your teacher? o
1-1 thirteen. He ' (+) twelve. He
5. Is your school new? o
(-) Australian. He 1-d 6. Are the students in your class happy?
from Manchester. He likes his new school. It
(+1 cool. It's big and modern. The a. No, he's 23.
computer room [11 fantastic. The b. No, David.
teachers 8 (+) really friendly. Ms c. Yes, it's very new.
Stevens 9 (-) his class teacher. d. No, Mr Jones isn't our teacher.
Ms Harris. e. No, I'm 13.
f. Yes, they are.
Adjectives O Write the prepositions.
Study the box. 1. A: Is our ICT class on Wednesday?
B: No, it isn't. It is on Friday.
My school is modern.
1 go to n modorn school. 2. A: What time is the break?
B: It is 10.30 a.m.
> See Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practica book, p. 2 3. A: When is the excursion to the museum?
B: Monday.
O Complete the sentences with
adjectives from the box. 4. B Where is the Science class today?
A:: irs
the lab.
▪ hurd best 411 favourite
• tLyo pnigcal • easy
• special

typical o Ask and answer these questions

1. AHS is not a high school.
with your classmate.
2. My subject is PE.
3. My friend is good at History. 1. When is your birthday?
4. Maths is . We work a lot to pass! 2. When is our next English class?
5. Our lunch break is 3. When are the winter holidays?
6. At our school there are two clubs.
4. When is Independence Day?
7. It isri't a difficult test. It's very

Prepositions of time
O questions.
Now ask and answer the following
Give short answers.
Study the box. 1. ,,Iour school / big?

on Tuesday, on 24tli November

A: Is your school big?
in November, in autumn, in the morning 15: Yes, it
al eight &dock, at midnight 2. your best friend / clever?
3. your English teacher / a man?
> Seo Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practica book, p. 2 4. PE classes / in the gym?
5. Maths / in the science lab?
O a. Complete the note with the correct


PowerPoint presentation
is in
the gym and not about special people at
J•ne PE
the afternoon. school
The class is
2.00 Tip
a i'laths
Fridoy you have • Think about the person you will
Ad don't forget;
Altr Roberts describe in your PPT [PowerPoint1
presentation. Rennember to rnention
what he /she does. Ask him / her about his/
her timetable at school. Think about why he /
b. Reread the note and answer the she is important to you.
questions. • Use the examples in Exercise 1 of this section
1. Where are PE lessons in Jun- 7 in your description. Use the correct form of
the verb to be!
2. What time are PE lessons?
3. When is the Maths exam?

Asl< and answer personal O "andListen one more time

1. Where is the reportar from?
O Describe the picture. What can 2. What is his neme?
you see? 3. What does he take everywhere?
4. What year is Silvana in?
This is a school.
5. 1s she happy?

• e " Listen to the conversation Listen and complete.

and identify the characters in the
9:15 Iviati• Mr Lewis 2

" Listen again and choose the PE Ms Hope 4

correct option.
BREAK playground
1. The girl is Roxana SilvanD 7
11:30 Ms Dee
2. She is nervous / excited.
3. Today is/isri't her first day at this school.
10 Mr Miles
4. She is from Uruguay/ Argentina.
5. PEnCT is her favourite subject. 14:45 study time

Asl< for permission and
make requests
O a. Match the sentences (1-6) to
the answers (a-f).
1. Can 1 go to the toitet, otease? O
2. Can you repeat that? o
3. Can I ask you a question? o
4. Can I finish this for next class? o
5. Can 1 read? o
6. Can you tend me a pan? o
a. Yes. Read the first paragraph.
b. Sure. Here you are.
c. Sure. What's your question?
d. Yes, but be quick!
e. Sure. 1 said lo do exercise 3.
f. Yes, but don't forget to do di

b. ()) 10 Listen and check.

c. Look at questions 1-6 again.

1. Which questions are used to ask for

2. Which questions are requests?

Do you know any other classroom

a. El) (18 Listen. Which questions do expressions?
you hear? Tick 1- 1.
1. Where do you O r
2. What's your favourite subject?
3. Where are you from?
Y O a.thePractise
, asking and answering
questions in Exercise 7a.
4. Do you Eike the school.?
5. WhenS your birthday?
o b. Imagine you are in a student
exchange progrannnne and today is
b. 09 Listen again. True or your first day at school. Your
false? Correct the false sentences. classmate is a radio reporter and
asks you personal questions. Act
1. Irnran is a new student. C.) the interview out!
2. His parents are from India.
3. Jenny likes the school. O Go to PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES.
4. Jenny likes the gym. o Student A: turn to page 72.
5. Imran likes the computar room. O
6. Jenny's favourite subjects are Student B: turn to page 74

French and PE. o

Write about a friend • a. Read the ID card and the text
about Jenny.

Name: Jenny Burrows
Age: 13
Nationality: Australian
7 graphs
1 a;a— School: Brenton School
Favourite subject(s): PE and English
A piece of writing can have one or more
Favourite place(s) in the school:
paragraphs. canteen
Write related information in the same Best friend: Ruth

You can indent the first une of each friend's name is Unny 15urrows.
"bhe's r3 eare old and she's Australian.
L paragraph.
Jenny is a student at Srenton School. Fler school
is nem and modero. 1-ler fayourite subjects
are PE, and Uglish. 1 ler fayourite place in

O a. Match the adjectives to the nouns. the school is the canteen. big and comfortabk.
1. nice, friendly, good o Hr best friend's name i Ruth. She's nice
and friendly.
2. small, comfortable, big o isn't in Unny's class
but she's in the carne, school.

3. hard, easy, fun o

4. modern, primary, old o b. Match paragraphs 1-3 to these
a. subject
b. friend
c. classroom
Best friend o
Favourite school area o
d. school

b. Complete with the correct

Jenny o
adjective from Exercise la. c. Imagine you are Jenny Burrows.
Describe your school timetable.
1. If you are nice to people and enjoy being with Reread the text on page 9 or listen
others, you are again to track 5 to get inspired!
2. Something is when il is chool clays tar- -ts
very difficult.
• a. Complete the ID card with
3. When you sit on a couch, you information about a classmate.
feel relaxed.
4. The opposite of new is
5. A computer or a phone with new technology Nationality:

is School:
Favourite subject(s):
Favourite place(s) in the school:

Best friend:

Descriptive adjectives
Use adjectives to enrich your piece of
b. Use the information on the ID card
writing. Adjectives describe things,
to write about your classmate. Add
people and places.
details and divide the information
into paragraphs.

PowerPoint presentation about
special people at school
Let's complete the Project taski
Now that you have chosen the person you will talk about, write down all
the information you will include in your PPT.

e qw Put the information you will include in order. Remember to check the Project
Tip to include everything. Make a plan like this one:
Slide 1: Personal ID
Slide 2: Photo of the school where she or he goes / works
Slide 3: His / Her timetable
Slide 4: Describe your speciat person and include a pic of you with him or her! If you don't have any,
use your mobite or borrow one and take a setfie with this person.

O Don't forget to save your PPT presentation. You can share it with other people
through a social network.

Don't forget to bring your computer or tablet for the presentation! Make sure
that everybody can have a look at it.


Name: Stuclent Name

DOR: 02-06-1991

NAME This is my


introduce myself.
ask and answer simple personal questions.
ask and tett the time.
talk about timetables.
talk about schoots in different cultures.
identify and value different people working at school.
describe different school jobs.
express my preferences about school tifo.
1 My favourite days
Talk about what you do every day
Talk about what you do on special days
Say how often you do things
Describe a special day
Write a description of a typical or a special day
O Look at the pictures and find:
1. a religious celebralion o 5. a national holiday o
2. a school festival o 6. happy people o
3. a family celebration o 7. the odd one out o
4. an international event o
O Choose a special day from the pictures. Why did you choose it?
Do you celebrate it? How do you feel about this day?

What is your favourite special day? How do you celebrate it?

Buenos Aires'
Tango FestiN

Let's create a Prezi presentation of an important celebration!

You wilL be creating a Prezi presentation oí an important celebration.

You should describe it and give as many detaits as you can about what happens that day. Don't
forget to describe the music relatad to this celebration. You should also include photos!

Look for tips on how lo build your project on p. 18. You wiLl complete the project on p. 25.

Things we do every day vs • Use the activities in Exercise 1 to
Things we do on special days write about Helen's crazy day. Be
O Read the activities below. Write ED
1. !Ven brushes ber teeth with both hands.
for everyday activities or SD for
special days activities. 2. at 6.00 in the morning.

3. at midnight.
1. brush my teeth I
4. al 9.00 in the evening.
2. do craftwork
3. do my homewor k 5. in the garden.

4. eat out 6. in the classroom.

5. get / give presents 7. on the bus.

6. get up
7. go on a picnic WORK
8. go borne Use before and after to ten your
9. go to bed classmate what you usually do.
10. go to school
A: I have a show before 1 have breakfast. What
11. go to the theatre
about you?
12, have a shower
S: I have a show afl-er 1 have brea1(fast.
13. have breakfast
14. have dinner
9: Me, ton
15. have Lunch
16. make tasty snacks O Use the activities in Exercise 1 to write
17. act in a play four sentences in your notebook about
18. plant a tree what you do on special days. Then tell
a classmate.
19. watch a film
20. vvear new clothe‹; Oncea rnonth 1 ee a film with my parents.

Complete the following sentences

using words or phrases from
Exercise 1. In some sentences,
more than one option is correct.

1. lsometimes have , ,ome coffee and Prezi presentation of an

important celebration
slices of toast for 19 m*fmt
2. I always in the afternoon • Choose your special day and think Tip
before playing with my pet. about the music connected to this
day. Use your mobile to record it.
3. After dinner, I watch TV and then
4. At school we usually to • Use the activities in Exercise 1 of this section
as a reference lo describe what you do on
celebrate Earth Day.
this day.
5. I wake up al 6:30 but 1 at 7:00.
I love staying in bed some extra minutes!

6. We with some popcorn.

https://www.celebrationsaroundtheworld ,com

Celebrations ciountries - hotels • restaurants • travel • photos •

around the worl
Are Gill celebrations fixed in the calendar?
Hi! I'm Apikalia and I live in Kailua, u beautiful city 111 Hawaii. My favourite celebration is tuau.
Mum and Dad love parties and plan every detail of this celebration. First, they make a list of
guests. They invite oil my extended family ... and a lot of friends! There are sornetimes 60 people
in my house.

Our house is on the coast, so mum prepares a tiki bar on the beach and decorates the tables
with palrn tree leaves. She usually prepares cupcakes and decorates them with colourful paper
umbrellas. There are always jugs of oil sorts of fruit juice.

Dad always prepares exquisite fresh salads of mixed veggies, and my brother and I thread
veggies or fruit through bamboo skewers. we love doing it! We prepare lots of trays of them.

Then, we get ready to receive our guests. Mum and i wear aur bula costurnes, but my dad
and my brother never put on grass skirts. They usually wear lose cotton trousers.

After that, we receive our guests with the traditional bel (made with paper flowers) to
show thern we are happy to welcome them.

love this celebration because ah l my friends and relatives torne to my house. We play
luau games and dance until very late at night. And we can celebrate it any doy, for no
special reason!

O Read about Apikalia's favourite Choose the correct option.

celebration. True or false?
1. I bis blog is about a city in
1. Apikatia has a sisler. O a. Cancun O Hawaii
2. Apikatia's parents lave parties. 2. Apikalia invites friends
3. They have a house on the beach. and the extended family.
a. many b. few
4. They wear traditional costumes. O 3. Apikatia's dad grass skirt.
5. I here are a lot of vegetables and fruits
a. hardly ever wears b. doesn't wear
on the tables.
4. Lei is made with flowers.
6. Apikalia likes this celebration because
a. artificial b. natural
she gets presents.
7. Luau is celebrated on a fixed day. o
8. Apikatia's father never helps with
the party preparations.
O Are there any celebrations in
• Answer. your country that are similar
to Luau? Are there any in the
1. Where is Apikalia from?
town where you live?
2. What do she and her mother wear for Luau?
3. Who is invited lo the celebration? O What is your favourite
4. What do guests receive? celebration?
5. Why do they cetebrate Luau?
Go to CLIL AND CULTURE • page 26.
Present simple - affirmative • Complete the text with the correct
Study and complete the box. form of the verb.
New Year's Eve is special in my house. Every

1 go 1.() ..cH131. year my family ' ha [have) a party.

You lo school. We (invite) our friends.
He brushes his teeth.
My grandmother' (play) the
She al 7 o'ctock.
It plays with a bah. piano and my big sister 4 (dance).
Wr our teeth.
Rakel photos. Oh, and our
I 'ley get up at 7 o'clock.
dog Bobby 6 [eat) &I the food!

> Ser Grammar Reference 2, Extra Practico Book, p. 6. At midnight we lsing) an old
Scottish song called Auld Lang Syne, Then my
O Choose the correct form of the verb to
parents topen) the champagne
describe a special day in Lili's family.
and Esayl 'Happy New Year'.
1. Christmas day /are always special!
• Choose the correct option.
2. My grandmother make / makes tasty snacks
to share with the family. 1. Ile breakfast in the kitchen.
3. 1 decorates I decorate the house before a. does b. has c. drinks
guests come / comes home. 2. My friends the theatre once
4. After Christmas, dad plants / plant the tree a month.
in grandma's garden. a. go to b. goes to c. see
5. 1 wear / wears new clothes to match my 3. Paul and John craftwork.
Christmas hat. a. do b. does c. prepare
6. Early in the morning, mum give / gives the 4. 1 new clothes.
presents. a. use b. uses c. wear

O Look at the words and make

A: My grandrnother
A: in a palace.

You the guitar.
My dog / ca[
go(es) a motorbike.
My mother / father
My grandmother / eat(s) in a palace.
Listen to the -s sound. grandfather The Simpsons.
/s/ makes, helps, writes My neighbour
to bed late.
/z/ plays, goes, reads My teacher
drivels1 ice cream.
liz/ wat ches, dances, ch) , ,es My friends
Now read and say the verbs. My cousins
Present simple - negative O Put the adverb of frequency in the
Study and complete the box. right place.
1. Bobby does his homework. Ialways)
1 don't go lo school. 5olty aiways does his hornework.
You don't to school.
He doesn't brush bis teeth. 2. He eals vegetables (often)
She doesn't at 7 &dock.
It ptay with a ball.
VVe don't our teeth. 3. He uses bis mobile. (sometimes)
They don't get up at 7 o'clock.

4. He is late for school. (never)

See Grammar Reference 2, Extra Practice book, p. 6

5. He goes lo the cinema. lusually)

O Correct the sentences that are not
true for you.
1. 1 gel up late on weekdays.
Order the words to make sentences.

clon't get up late on weeKclays. 1. is/always on December 25 / Christmas Day

2. 1 get dressed in the bathroom. Ghristmas Pay is always on December 2.5.
3. My best friend rides a yellow bike. 2. good programmes / are / sometimes / There /
on TV
4. My mum sometirnes has dinner with
her friends.
3. usually / plays / Danny / computer games /
5. My dad cooks very well.
after school
6. My friends go to bed at 8 o'clock.

4. ernails / write /1/ to my grandparents / often

Adverbs of frequency
Study the box.
5. never / Juan's sister / her homework / does

Adverbs of frequency go after the verb

6. late for school / on Monday morning /
to be and before other verbs.
always / are / We
He is sometimes late for school.
HP usually goes to the cinema.

O a. Think of things you do. Tell
your classmate about them.

1. 1 atways
2. I usually
3. 1 often
4. 1 sometimes
5. 1 never

b. Now tell the class about

your classmate.
Pedro always does his homeworK.

Describe a special day 13Listen again and write the
activities that were not included in
O Find these things in the pictures. Exercise 2.
up at V30,
• candles • a present
• a balloon • a cake
a sleeping bag • pancakes

Ø ®12 Listen to Bianca and Selena 0 1 ' Listen to Imran and Jenny
and put the activities in the order describing their birthdays and write
Bianca does them. There is one extra each name next to the correct picture.
activity in the list below. Which is it?
000 00 09

• brush my teeth

• have a snack

• do my homework

• watch TV

• put on my pyjamas

• do the dishes

• take a shower

Tall< ctbout what you want
to do on your next birthday
O a. O 16 Listen to Nicole and Alex
answering questions about their
birthdays. Complete the sentences.
1. Nicole celebrates her birthday with
2. Alex celebrates bis birthday with

b. ® 17 Listen again and match.

1. On her next birihday, Nicole v,,ants lo
O and O.
2. On bis next birthday, Alex wants le 0,
and O.
a. listen to music d. have a burger
and dance e. hang around
b. go lo a shopping all day
centre f. invite friends and
c. eat pizza have a party

O a. Talk about your next birthday. Say

what you want to do and what you
don't want to do.
Dri my next bicthclay, I don't want to get up
early. 1 wad to get up late.

b. Write about your classmate.

Sofía doesn't want to get up early
She wants to get up late

O Think about the following special

O Listen again and choose the days and díscuss the following
correct answer. questions.
1. lmran wakes up at 6.00 / 7.00.
• Abril 2 • Juno 20 • September
2. He has pancakes and chocolate / vanilla
ice cream.
, May 25 • July 9 • December 2_5)
3. He has breakfast in bed / the kitchen.
. What do we celebrate this day?
4. On her birthday, Jenny usually has a
sleepover/ big party. • How do you cetebrate it at school?

5. Jenny and her friends go dancing/ dance in • Which one is your favourite day? Why?
Jennys bedroom.
6. They also watch a DVD / go to the cinema.
7. They have pizza or sandwiches/ burgers. Student A: turn to page 72.

Student B: turn to page 74.

Write a description Read the text and choose the correct
of a typical day connectors.

1 get home from school al about 5.00

and Ido a lot of things. 1 First/After that,
1 eat some biscuits and 1 talk lo my
Subjects in sentences mother about school. 2 Finally/ Then,
1 go to my bedroom and listen lo music.
Remember that in English every
3 Then / After that, ido my homework.
sentence has a subject.
And 'first/finany',1 have dinner and go lo bed.
• The subject usually goes right
Before 1 go lo sleep, 1 usually watch TV in
before the verb.
bed. It's my favourite time oí the da!
• The subject can be a noun or a

O Look at the text again and answer

O Underline the verbs and circle the the following questions.
subjects in the sentences.
1. What time does Tom gel homo?
o to bed al 10.00.
gets home at 5.00.
2. My brother goes lo bed al 11.00.

3. He's always late for school. 2. What does he talk about with bis mother?

4. On Fridays, school starts at 8.00.

5. Anna and Sarah never have breakfast.

3. Where does he listen to music 9
6. She doesn't have lunch at home.

4. What does he do belore he goes lo bed?


First, Then, A! ter that and Finally are
con nectors.

• Use connectors to show the arder

in which things happen and to
make ideas clearer for the reader.
• Use a comma 1 J after connectorsj

• Which connectors are in logical


1. First, Then, After that, ... Finally,

O Now write a paragraph about a day
2. First, ... Then, Finally, After that, ... in your life. You can write about
3. First, ... Atter that, Then, Finalty, a typical weekday (Monday to Friday)
4. Then, ... First, ... Atter that, ... or a typical Saturday or Sunday.

END of PROJEC1- 10 Prezi presentation ai an important
Let's compiete the Project tasid

O Now that you have chosen a special day and you have photos and music for
your presentation, you are almost ready! Choose the photos that you like the
most. Then, decide in which part of the presentation you want to play the song you
111- .
Label the photos. Use arrows and brackets for elements that you want to
highlight. For instance, if you wear a costume on the special day you wiLt talk
about, label the costume in the photo. The more you describe, the better.
Show your presentation to the class. List all the activities you do that day
and point out your favourite ones!

O Don't forget to bring your computer or tablet! Make sure that everybody can
have a look at it.

My Special Day:
Spring Day

about habits and routines.

discuss good ami bad habits,
talk about special clays and celebrations in different countries.
reftect about the importance of keeping family and national traditions.
ask and telt how often people do things.
ask and telt when peopte do things.
Lprepare a Prezi presentation.

Independence Doy
When is it?
Iii celebrated on 9th July.

What do people celebrate?

They celebrate the independence from Spain.

Argentinians fought hard Lo be free from the king

of Spain. 9th July 1816, is a very special date.
Since that day, Argentina is an independent country
and has its own government.

Let's celebrate it!

9th July is a national holiday. Students don't go Lo school and many people
don't work. On this day, people get together with their famities. Some stay
at home and some others go to the city centre to watch the parades. There
are many traditions! Food, drink and dance are very important!

Many people decorate their windows or balconies with the national flag.
They lave doing that. In many houses,
they get together Lo cook traditional
dishés, such as fried salty pastries
and carbonada, which is made with
maize, meat, sweet potatoes and a
dash of chilli, that adds a spicy flavour
to the dish. It is delicious and perfect
for winter! In the afternoon, people
have mate and sweet pastries as well
as many other types of cakes.

Long live the latid of the free!

O Read the text and answer the Reread the text. True or false?
questions. Correct the false statements.
1. When is Independence Day? 1. on 9th July people celebrate that they
are free from the king of England.

2. How do people celebrate it?

2. Many farnilies cook delicious dishes on this O
day, such as salty pastries and carbonada.
3. Chitdren go to school on 91h Juty.
3. Which dishes do families cook?
O What do you do on 9th Juty? Do you
celebrate it? How?

O Complete the questions and match them to the answers.
1. you get up on weekdays? a. 1 usualty get up at 6:30.

2. you meet at the Art Club? b. We eat special food and my mum bakes a cake.
I [ove it!
3. your favourite day in the year?
c. On Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4. it your favourite day? d. Because it is my birthday.
5. you and your family do that day? e. August 27th.
Find 10 words and write them in the corresponding column


Put the sentences in order to read Patricia's email.

a. My favourite time of the year is the summer break.

b. In the afternoon, I invite some friends borne and we play video games.

c. It is always special for my family because we are all on hotiday at home.
d. After breakfast, my mum and I go lo the club and we play tennis.
e. Dad and my little brother Mauro prepare lunch because they don't go lo the club.

020 Put the questions about Patricia's email in order and give a short answer.
1. summer / the / break / time / her / is / favourite / the/ in /year /?

2. parents / holiday / break / her / on / summer / are / the / in / ?

3. Patricia / friends / do / and / video games / her / play ?

4. go / mum / her / to / the / does / club / ?

5. Mauro / father / Patricia's / is / ?

/ 15
Total /50

Natural habitats
Talk about animals and their habits
Talk about what animals can do
Express what we must or mustn't do
Describe animals
Ask and answer questions about animats
Write signs for a natural. reserve
Look at the pictures and find:
1. a pet:
2. a farm animal.
5. a reptile:
6. an insect:
3. a vvild animal: 7. a mammal:
4. a bird:

O What animal(s)...
1. can fly? 4. has got coLourful feathers?
2. can swirn? 5. can't walk backwards?
3. can't walk?


Let's play a game: Guess the animal

You will be creating a matching memory game with cards for different animals.

Preview On ene of the matching cards, you should include as many details as you can about the animal.
The other card will have a photo of the animal. The player who collects more cards is the

Look Lar tips on how to build your project en p. 33. You will complete the project on p. 37.
Animals and animal parts Verbs for things animals do

O a. Classify the animals into three Read the sentences and discover the
groups. meaning of the verbs in italics.

1. Scorpions hide under stones or in the sand.

• fly • bear • tritt • butterfly
They sting insects to kilt them.
• bee • horse • sheep • monkey
2. Foxes adapt to their habitat. They can live in
• PIS • carnet • cow • mosquito cold places. Arctic foxes hibernate in winter.
'ion • chicken • tiger • elephant
3. Birds don't like cold weather. They migrate
to warm places in winter.
4. Birds usually build nests in trees. They
farm anirnals wild anima
aren'l mammals. They Lay eggs.
5. Snakes hunt mice and other small animals.
They bite their prey to kilt it.

Complete the sentences with verbs

b. Add two more animals to each from Exercise 3.
1. I n wintei , kat >

• a. Say the names of the animals in 2. Eagles often nests in rock

the pictures. formations.
3. Tigers for food.
b. Use your dictionary to match 4. Ants eggs
the words to the animal parts. 5. Small insects usually
under stones.
tail trunk sca les

O feathers beak wing Adjectives to describe

O horn tongue claws animals
O Decide if the adjectives express
positive or negative qualities. Write
+ or - in the boxes.
O aggresiive D friendly O fest
O intelligent 3 poisonous quiet

O clean slow O noisy

O dangerous dirty
O solitary
O Choose the correct option.
1. Some snake, are poisonous / dirty.
2. Tortoises are slow/ fast.
3. Cats are noisy / ctean.
4. Bulls are friencliy/aggressive.
5. Butterflies are quiet noisy.
6. Dogs are solitary /

IFamous Animals! s er É

• •
becorne CellebíttleS
Many people visiting Australia can't leave the country
They usually move in packs and
until they take a selfie vvith a quokka.
díg tunnels through vegetatíon for
The quokka is a marsupial. Female quokkas have got a pouch S:ling and sleepíng. People are
to carry theír babies (called "joeys") for seven months. Then, the destroying their habítat, so they are
babies become índependent. Quokkas have only one joey a year. endangered.
They are 40 lo 54 cm long with a 25 to 30 cm tau. They have gota
Tourísts lave takíng photos wíth them because they have
stocky body, with a short, broad head and rounded ears. They look
a permanent grín and, most ímportantly, they don't mínd posíng for
like a very small kangaroo. They can hop and they can also clímb
pictures. Tourísts can take photos, but they mustn't touch quokkas
small trees. Their fur is grizzled brown.
because it is íllegal. And they mustn't feed quokkas either. ft can
Quokkas live in ísland swamps, off the coast be dangerous, both for the anímals (they can die) and for the
of West Australia, maínly on Rottnest Island tourists. Quokkas bite dozens of people each year, usually chíldren.
and Bald Island, and also in eucalyptus Injuries are not seríous and they usually happen accídentally when
forests and riverbanks on land. They eat the anímals try to take snacks out of kíds' hands. Another danger
peppermint and eucalyptus leaves, as quokkas face is predators. Foxes and domestíc cats hunt them.
well as other greens. They store fat
At the moment, they are in special reserves to proted them from
in theír taus for times when
dangers. Luckily, their smile still appears in many photos.
they can't find food.

previousi 1 Z 3 4 5 1 next

O Read the article and label the parts O Answer.

of the quokka's body. 1. Why are quokkas famous?
2. Are they similar to rats? Why /Why not?
3. Are they similar to kangaroos?
Why / Why not?
4. Why are they endangered?
5. Why do they store fat in their taus?
6. Where do they sleep?
7. What do they eat?
8. What can they do?

O Read again and complete the chart. Are there any quokkas in
Argentina? Do you like thenn?
O Which wild animals are typical

in your country?

Name of the baby: O Which is your favourite animal?

Dangerous or sociable?: O What is it like? What else
Dantzers they L do you know about it?

Present simple yes / no questions, short answers

and wh- questions

Study and complete the table.

Yes, I do.
No, I
he Eike animals? Yes, he does Where does he see them?
No, she doesn't What it eat?

> See Granimar Reference 3, Extra Practico book, p. 10

O Write questions about the

quokkas. Use where, what,
why and how many.
1. What is a quokka? A marsupial.
2. do they live? In swamps.
O 1 " Listen to the pronunciation
3. are quokkas an endangered of does and doesn't, and repeat.
species? Because people are destroying
Does she work in a zoo? Yes, she does.
their habitat. Does she like .811 the animals? No, she
4. joeys do they have a year? One. doesn 't.

5. do they live now? In special

L 1.

6. months do they carry their Read the table about Peter Jackson,
a forest ranger. Write questions and
babies? Seven months.
WORK in PAIRS Does he prevent fires? Yes, he does.

• Ask and answer the questions.

If necessary, reread the article
on page 31.

1. tourists feed the quokkas?

A: Do tourists feed the quokkas? hunt animals

Yes, they do. work with firefighters

2. leopards hunt them?

protect the environment
3. quokkas like snacks?
feed animats
4. quokkas have a permanent
5. quokkas eat meat?
6. special reserves take
care of them?
7. they live in deserts?

O Read and complete the interview. b. Complete the sentences about

tourists and what they must or
INTERVIEWER: So Robby, telt us about your day.
nnustn't do.
What time ' (you / get up)?
ROBBY: I get up very early. 1. Tourists be careful.

INTERVIEWER: Where 2 (you / rnakel your 2. They give food to

filrns? the quokkas.
ROBBY: VVe film the animals in their natural 3. They read the signs in
habitat. natural reserves.
INTERVIEWER: What animals ' (you / 4. Snacks attract quokkas, so kids
be alert.
ROBBY: Birds and mammals.
INTERVIEWER: (you / like) one bird O Choose the correct option.
especia uy?
1. Quokkas can / can't live in humid areas.
ROBBY: Yes, I love the giant condor.
2. You must /mustri ) t respect nature.
INTERVIEWER: Where 5 it / livel?
3. Quokkas can! can't
ROBBY: In the Andes.
4. Quokkas can / can't survive for days without
INTERVIEWER: What (it / hunt and eat)?
ROBBY: II (eat) dead animals, so it
5. You must / mustn't touch these animals.
(not hunt).
INTERVIEWER: What animals 9 (you / like)? Write things you can and can't do.
ROBBY: 1 like all kinds of animals but 1 don't Then ask your classmate questions.
like mosquitos! They lave me, but 1
hate them!
( can Ewim. Gan you swirn?

O Complete the text with can, can't,

Can / can't / must / mustn't must or mustn't.
Study and complete the table.
You 1 remember the rules when you
go to the countryside. You 2 feed wild
animals. They 3 find and hunt for their
Affirmative Affirmative
own food. You take wild animals borne.
Quokkas can ctimb. 1 raed the signs.
hunt a quokka. You must obey the rules. They " survive if you take them from
A fox
their ha bitat. Some animals are dangerous, so you
Negative Negative
1 mustn't (must not) feed always be careful.
1 can't (cannot) dig trec
holes. the quokkas.
He survive You touch a quokka. PROJECT
without food.
Game: Guess the animal
> RI7firreocc 3, Lxtra book, [). 10
• Decide which animals you want
O a. Complete the sentences about to describe in your cards. Look for Tip
quokkas and what they can or can't photos of them.

do. • Use the article on p. 31 in

as a reference and think about
1. QuokkJs swirn.
what these animals can or can't do.
2. Domestic cats hunt them.
3. They live in swamps.


Describe animals
a. Use the names below to label
b. O " Listen again and read the
statements below. True or false? 1
the pictures. What do these animals 1. They telt< about bees and wasps. o
have in common?

redback sPider
2. There is more than one kind of bee.
3. If a bee stings you, you mustn't take the
e stinger out. o
taipan snak-
4. un tikes animals
(TUS scorpion
Q 21 Listen to the first part of the
radio programme and answer the
b. What poisonous or dangerous questions.
animals are there in your country?
1. What country is the man in?
O a. n 19 Listen to the conversation. 2. What are the three very poisonous animats?
What animal do they talk about?
3. Where exactly is he?
Circle the correct option.
4. What does he want to see?
a. b. mosquito c. I )((
b. Use the data in Exercise 5a to
describe the redback spider.

Ask and answer questions

about animals
O ® 23 Listen to imran and Jenny
playing a guessing game, and
choose the correct option. What is
the animal?
1. It tives on land / in the sea.
2. It's rare/ common.
3. It's always white / It has different colours.
4. It eats meat, fruit and vegetables / only
mea t.
5. It can / can't fl.y.
6. It's a mammal / bird.
7. Ls got four/two legs.


O Now write the questions for the

answers aboye.

1. Where
Where does it live?
2. Is it
3. What colour
4. What
O ® 22 Listen to the next part of 5. Can it
the programme and complete the 6. Is it
sentences. 7. Has it got
1. These spiders have got
Play the animal guessing game.
2. They are very
Ask your classmate questions.
3. You can find them in your
4. They Eike to climb into or into A: What dots it eat?
5. If this spider bites you, you must go to A: Gan it run?
l5: No, it can't.
a. Complete the sentences with A: Is it an insect?
information from the programme. 13: Yes, it is.

1. You can't Ilie redback spiders

very well, because they are very small.
2. Redback spiders don't tike

Student A: turn to page 71.

3. Redback spiders have Student B: turn Lo page 73.

Write signs for a natural O Punctuate the following natural
reserve reserve signs. Put full stops,
commas, exclamation marks and
question marks. Use capital letters
where necessary.

r--We use a fui" stop (.1 at the end oía

sentence. We use commas 1,1 lo separate
Don't get close to these
animals their necks are very
strong and they can hurt
items in a list. We also use a comma you do you want to take a
before and after for example. photo to them don't use
There are rnany dan gerous animals in flash take core of the
the ocean, for example, sharks, stingrays environment.

Lá nd blue ring octopuses.

Beware of the
Put four full stops in this text. Don't cheetah it is very
forget the capital letters. fast and it is a
predator does it hunt
A text with no full stops is very diÍi ru it to read of course it kifis its
we don't know where one sentence ends and grey
another begins you must put the full stops in the
right place a text with full stops is easy to read

• Put eight commas in this text.

This animal looks nice but it can
There are thousands of different types of birds
, hurt you do not try to touch it
for example the ostrich eagle seagull and parrot. does it look like a horse it is
They ah l have feathers but some of them cari't fly black and white but you
for example ostriches penguins and emus. mustn't try to ride
them be alert

Now create your own sign. Use the

r"- -
We use an exclamation mark 1:1 to , ;how
surprise or for ennpha.>
information about the quokkas that
you have. Remember to use full
stops, commas, exclamation marks
Stop! and question marks. Draw the
animal or look for a picture.
We use a question mark PI at the end
of a question.

e Vhat is a mammal?

Put an !or an?at the end of these

1. Can we camp here
2. Don't enter

3. Be careful
4. Do natural reserves have forest rangers
5. What does "poisonous" mean
6. Watch out
IL I NI LJ JI I- IN‘...."..31_ ■-•• (Jame: buess me animal

Let's complete the Project taskl

O Now that you have chosen the animals and the photos, you are almost
ready to play!

4511 You have to create matching cards: one card must have the photo of the animal.
The other caíd must list true facts about the animal.

You can play with one or more classmates. Ask your Science teacher for help
when creating the cards and writing the categories (mammals, birds, fish, etc).

Go online or look up in encyclopedias true facts about the animals in your list.
Look up facts that nnake those animals special.

Once you have both cards ready, make sure that the backs of the cards look
exactly the same. Put the cards with the photos facing down on one side of the
table. Put the cards with the information also facing down but on the other side
of the table.

Each player picks a card, reads the information and tries to find the picture that
matches. If the two cards match, the player keeps them both. if not, the player
must put them back in their original place. The player who collects more cards
is the winner!

ask and answer about animals and their habits.

describe animals and categorise them.
talk about what anirnals and people can do.
reflect upan animals' rights.
discuss what people must / mustn't do.
reflect upan the vatue of natural reserves.
write instructions and warnings.
> Talk about places in town
> Talk about what you do in town
> Describe what people are doing
> Shop for different iterns
> Make suggestions
> Make arrangements
> Write a description of a scene

Look at the pictures ami find these places. Put a tick (y' next to the shops.

o 4. a fast food restaurant o 7. a museum o

1. haker's

2. a bank oo 5. a flower shop

6. a greengrocer's
oo 8. a newsagent's

9. a planetarium
3. a chemist's

To which of these places can you go with no money?

09 Match the quotes to the places.

5. They show you the sky and the stars.
1. Mum loves flovvers.latways buy her
10 You can touch them!
rose for her birthday.
2. i'm on a diet, but croissants O 6. There are a tot of antiques. They O
are delicious!
3. I usually go for dad's newspaper
on Sundays.
show us our history.
7. Peopte deposit money there.
8. We sometimes go for a cheeseburger
4. We must eat healthy food. Fruit O on Saturday evening.
is great!

Where do you usually go? What do you do there? Which places are near you?

Let's play a garne: Guess the place in town'

You will be creating a guessing game about different places in your town.

Preview One card should include a description of the place and the other its photo. The player who matches
more cards is the winner!

Look for tips on how to build your project on p. 43. You will complete the project on p. 47.
Places and activities in town
• Look at the picture and answer the questions. Then number the pictures. You will
not use all the pictures.
Where can you ...? O BOUTIQUF
1. get money
2. see an art gallery
3. borrow a book • IC..115194
4. order a coffee 1111111 Un
•11111 III INRI III 1S
5. buy food
6. buy a dress
7. study
8. send mail
9. see a play
10. buy some painkillers
11. book a room for the
12. buy school supplies

O Listen to the sentences and

number the conversations.
O a. Ask your classmate questions

a. clothes shop
about places in town he / she goes to.
b. internet café
c. bank A: Do you go to fhc upermarket to buy
d. shopping centre food?
e. hairdresser's
Yls, 1 sometimes go with my mother.
f. cinema
g. DVD shop b. Test your memory. Take turns to
h. library
cover the picture in Exercise 1 and
answer questions about it.
i. supermarket
A: Where'5 the theatre?
• In your notebook, write sentences
about places in town you go to. Use ne)(t to the nriustum.
the activities in the box below. A: Where's the Lar?
between the hotel and the
• see a film • buy presents
• hang out • pay bilis
with friends • take the dog for
c. Draw a map of your
• rent a DVD a walk
neighbourhood. Include important
• go online • buy a magazine
places and label them.

1 often go to the cinema to SDD a film.



O Read the text. What is it about?


Science useum Roarns • Exhittors • Sclences•

Do you like hanging out with friends? llave you got two hours to spare?
The Science Interactive Museum is a wonderful option.
This is not your typical museo where you can only look at the display. In this museum you must touch things.
Are you curious about natural phenomena? Just play a bit and you can find the answers you are looking for.

Learning can be really fun!

There are different rooms on the two Iloors of the building:

1. Visual perceptíon. Mere are experiments about visual images, colours, movements, contradictory images and many other
2. Mechanics. Touch and do the tricks. You will discover many laws of motion.
3. Tech. Discover how radars detect planes and storms. Learn what satellites are ah l about. Use a GPS and understand how it works.
4. Music, waves and sound. What are sounds? Listen and see the sounds!
5. Light. Play with instruments to see how light influences our perception of things.
6. Electricity. You can experiment a "safe" electric shock, (reate your own electric circuit, play with magnets and many other activities.
7. Art. What is art? Learn about its history. Touch and feel textures. Learn about styles and technigues.
Identify different art periods.
8. Maths. How does it influence our lives? Experiment with it and become its friend!
9. Natural forces. What is happening with the climate? Why does the weather (halle? What provokes storms and thunders?
Observe, listen and learn. You can move freely about the rooms. Our belief is that we learn by doing.

O Observe and match the logos to the Why is the UNESCO logo in the
rooms in the museum. article?

O Write six things you can do in

this museum. Which one is your

O Do you like going to museums?

O What kind of museums do you
like to visit? Why?

O Are there any museums in your

town like the one in the article?

Go to CLIL AND CULTURE , page 48. 49,


Present continuoUS
Study and complete the table.

I'm ptaying. I'm not running working? Yes, 1 am. / No I'm

You playing. You aren't running. yeu doing'?
1-le's ptaying running he working? Yes, is. / No, he isn't.
She playing. She isn't she doing?
It isn't running.
They playing They aren't running Are they they
We're ptaying We running. VVhat we doing? N o, aren't

> Seo Grammar Reference 4, Extra Practice book, p 14

O a. Match the people to the activities. b. What are the people in the
1. buying a U 3. walking her dog O pictures doing? Ask and answer.

dress 4. Learning Maths O A: What are Me i and 5tua doing?

2. waiting for O They're buying a dress.
the bus O
O Complete the telephone
conversation with the present
continuous form of the verbs.

Mum: Helio. Anna. What ' are you doing

(you / do)?
Anna: Hi, Mum! We 2 Ishop)
in town.
Mum: Where are you?
Anna: We 2 (\Nati() atong
High Street now.
Mum: is there music?
Arma: Yes, a band 6 (play) in
the shopping centre.
Mum: And what 5 (Charlie / do)?
Anna: He 6 (shopl with his friends.
Mum: What 7 (they / buy)?
Anna: They ° (buy) some
Is things.
Mum: (you / buyl expensive things?
Anna: Don't worry. I 1 °
(not / spend) all my money.
Mum: Anna, can you hear me?
Anna: No, the.battery on my phone

Irun) out. See you tater. Bye!


• a. Order the words to make questions. A lot of / some / any + forms

1. Are / now parents / your / working / ? Study the box.

2. board / the teacher / is / on the / writing / ?

..wne / a lo! of + affirrnative forms
3. Are / speaking / we / Eng lish / now 1?
There are a lot of / some sandwiches.

4. your / in town ¡Are / school friends / There is a lot of /some cheese.

shopping / ? any+ negative & interrogativo forms

5. Listening lo / you / the teacher / Are / ? There aren't any apples./ There isn't any juico.
Are there any sweets? / Is there any milk?

b. Ask and answer the questions.

A fot of / some / any /
_;ountabie and a(n) + nouns
uncountable nouns

í I
a fot of / some / any+ plural countable
Study the table.
nouns & uncountable nouns
some / any / a lot of bananas/ water

Man) + singular countable nouns

a / one bis ui milk .,
' a banana
two biscut› mil( „..

> See Grammar Reference 4, Extra Practico book, p. 15

> See Grammar Reference 4, Extra Practice book, p. 15

O Look at the picture of the
Jenny and lmran are cooking with ingredients Jenny and Imran are
Jenny's aunt. They are using some using. Choose the corred t word.
of these ingredients. Countable or
1. Jenny and Imran are cooking
uncountable? Write C or U. chicken.

2. They need some /a garlic.

3. Also they are chapping some/ a onions.

4. Is there any/ some fish on the table?

5. There are a lot of / any tomatoes.

6. They don . t need to buy some/ any other

7. They don't have some/any fizzy drinks to drink.

Carne: Guess the place

1. apples O 6. garlic O in town
2. evocados O 7. meat O Tip
• Decide which places in town you
3. cheese O
8. mili< O want to describe in your cards.
4. chicken O 9. onions O Look for photos of people in them.

5. eggs O 10. tomatoes (9 • Use the activities in Exercise 1 as a

reference to describe what people are doing in
each place.
Shop for different items O ® " Listen and match the
conversations to the shops.
O Name the different places you see in
the picture. What can you do in each
1. Conversation 1 O a. Pharmacy
of them? 2. Conversation 2 b. Library

3. Conversation 3 c. Clothes shop

• O " Listen and cross out the items
that the boys buy. Which oncs arcn't
they buying? O O 28 Listen again and choose the
correct option.
• apples • oranges Conversation 1
--bervanas- • peaches
• blueberries • plums 1. Rose: wants to buy a white/ grey dress.
• grapes • strawberries 2. It's 12/20 pounds.
• milk • water
▪ orange juice
Conversation 2

3. Ben and Carol want a classic / comic.

• Ø 26 Listen again. True or false?
4. it's on the 5th/10th shelf.
1. Tim's mum wants to make a fruit salad.
Conversation 3
2. She needs the fruit for Susy's birthday- O
3. Sam and Tim have to huy ten oranges- 0 5. She buys 20/ 10 aspirins.

4. They have to buy milk and water. 0 6. Beth pays 11/13 pounds for both
Make suggestions
a. Match the suggestions (1-4) to
the answers ta-d).
1. What about going to the cinema? o
2. Why don't we have a drink? o
3. Shall we Look at the shops? o
4. Let's go borne. o
a. i'm not very thirsty.

b. OK, i'm tired loo.

c. Yes. Why don't we go to Zara first?

d. OK. What film shall we see?

b. "° Listen and check.

Take turns to suggest these
activities to your classmate.
• Why don't we have a pina?
• Cooct idea ('m hungrsj!

E) 29 Listen one more time and

complete the conversation in the
clothes shop. have a pizza

Rose: Have you got this dress in '

Assistant: Yes, it's over there. What 2

do you need?

Rose: , please.

Assistant: Here you are.

have an ice cream
Rose: it is very nice. How is it?

Assistant: 5 pounds. It's on

go to the park
Rose: That's good. III take it.
go to the
Assistant: OK, perfect! That's 12 pounds then.
shopping centre
Rose: Here you

Assistant: Thanks for buying. Have a

Student A: turn to page 73.
Rose: Oye.
Student B: turn to page 75.
Write a description of a scene

Artictes: lndefinite (a lan)

and definite (the)
1 Pronoun reference
Use a / an + noun [he first time you
Use a /an + noun the first time you mention someone or something.
mention someone or somelhing. Then use a pronoun (he Ishe lit I
Then use the+ noun. 1hey).
There is a man and a woman. There is a teenage girt.

The man is carrying a shopping bag. talking on the phone.


O Complete the description with a, an O For each first sentence (1-3) find a
or the. second sentence (a-c).
1. There is a beautiful clothes shop. o
This is '

important museum in Amsterdam,

photo of
2. There is a vvoman in red. o
Rijksmuseum. It is ' very big
3. A boy and a girl are crossing the streel. O
a. She is looking al a shop window.
It is close to 5 Van Gogh
b. They are laughing.
Museum. If you go, you can learn about c. I t is closed.
art and history oí Amsterdam.
O Now it's your turn!
In the picture, there are 7
• Read the description in Exercise 1 again.
lot of people. They are walking around and
• Gel a magazine and choose two photos with
taking photos next to" three or more people in them. Cut them out.
"I [ove Amsterdam" sign. People from all over • Choose a photo and describe it. Use the
present continuous.
world visit Ibis place.
• Use a, an, the and pronouns correctly.
Also, there is artificial lake • Then, sil in groups oí three. Display the
in the middle of the picture. It seems to be six photos. Read your description for your
cloudy day. classmates to guess the photo you are

END of PROJECT Game: Guess the ptace in tovvn

Let's complete the Project tasld

Now that you have chosen the places in town and the photos, you are almost
ready to play!

You have to create matching cards: one card must have the photo of the shop. The
other card must have a description of what the people are doing there.

e You can play with one or more classmates. Ask your class teacher for help
when creating the cards. Search online or ask your family about the places they
frequently visit and what they do there.

0 Once you have both cards ready, nnake sure that the backs of the cards look
exactly the same.

Put the cards with the photos facing down on one side of the table. Put the cards
with the information also facing down on the other side of the table.
Each player picks a card, reads the information and tries to find the picture that
matches. If the two cards match, the player keeps them both. If not, the player must
put them back in the corresponding place. The player who collects more cards
is the winner!


Prraik about places in town.

talk about what people can do in town.
suggest things Lo do for free.
make suggestions ami accept or reject them.
describe what people are doing.
ask for items in a shop.
Lorder food.

•The Planetarium
Tired of stuClying sitting at a desk?
Do yóu want lo hóve fun and larn
at the same time? The Plan9tarium
is the place for yotd

It is in Palermo, Buenos Aires.

"Its name is Galileo Galilei. This museum
has the shape of a planetl It is round.
Here you can learn many things about sunny day, you can also go for a picnic
space, the planets, the star, amona after your visit. There is a lake next to it.
other things.
It is also famous for its music shows.
t<People go and see photos of Many bands play in the park. You can
the universe, listen to enjoy the music and see the stars at the
fantastic stories and same time. Coal!
learn facts about
Astronomy. You can Go online and check the news!
also join a workshop. Visit its website and decide what
There are activities you want to learn about. Ask your
for everyonel Science teacher for assistance. She
or he might recommend you some of
The Planetarium is located in a park the activities or at least give you some
on Avenida Sarmiento. If you go on a tipsl The Planetarium also offers a free
If you go, take a copy to
Useful information the school and share your
experience with youf
Location: Av. Sarmiento and B. Roldán
Telephone: 4772-926 6 / 4771-66 •

Read the article about the Read the article again. Complete
Planetarium and correct the the chart.
Name of the museum:
1. The Planetarium is far from the city of
Buenos Aires.

2. lt is a place where you can learn about Usefut to learn about:

animals. Shows:

3. The activities are only for adults.

4. There is a bank next to the museum. O Do you like the stars? Which is your
favourite planet? What do you want
to learn about them? Would you like
to visit this place?

Choose the correct option.
Sandra: Hi! What 'are you doing/ do you do?
Victoria: I 2 'm looking/ look at my holiday photos. 'Do you/ Are you want to join me?
Sandra: Oh!' What / Where are you in Ibis photo?
Victoria: 5They/ We are at the Iguazú park. 'rm/ frs a natural reserve. You 'can/ must see wild
animals there.
Sandra: 'How many/ How much kinds of animals are there?
Victoria: There are 'any/a lob. You mmustn't/ must touch them because they are dangerous.
I "like m iiking the colourful birds with long 12beaks/ mouths.
Sandra: "What / WhO is this?
Victoria: He's my brother Francisco. He ''fishes/ is fishing in the river near the hotel. He 15is/ does
very Lucky. He always i6j catching / catches big fish.

Sandra: Is this your mother?

Yes! She ridoesn't like/ isn't liking wild Life. She i 8prefers/ is preferring going shopping. In
this photo, she l'buys/ is buying a t-shirl for grandpa at the mflower/ clothes shop.
Sandra: Oh! It's late. I must leave. See you tomorrow.

Correct the following information about Victoria.
1. vidorin i reading a magazine.
2. The family are al the cinema.
3. There are a lot of pets at the Iguazú Pairk
4. You can touch wibd animals.
5. Victorias brother [oyes huntinq.

O Put the words from the box in the correct column.

• aggressive • poisonous • claw • sheep • climb

• feathers • lion • fly • etephant

Wil.c1 animals Farm animals Parts of anim,gls What animals do What animals are like


O Complete the phrases with words from the box. Then, match.

• observe • p:ry•

1. a magazine a. Grocer's

2. old things from our history b. Museum

3. the stars o c. Clothes shop
4. for a dress o d. Planetarium

s. some apples o e. Newsagent's

ICT in our l'yes

> Talk about uses of computers and mobile phones

> Describe personality
Talk about what people usually do

> Talk about what people are doing

Compare what people are doing with what they
usuatly do

> Ask about a person

Write a description of a picture
Look at the pictures and match.
1. Facebook o 6. smartphone o
2. chat o 7. video conference o
3. online video o 8. photo o
4. dictionary o 9. message o
5. laptop o 10. search engine o
Which of the items mentioned in Exercise 1 do you use? How often?

How do you usually contact your friends?

Do you use the internet to do your homework? Which apps, social networks
and devices do you usually use?

'time 41 0..., LT11

Definition of UMI

1 a : the measured or measurable period during which an

action, proceso, or condition exists or continues : DURATIO

: a nonspatial continuum that is measured in terms of

events which succeed one another from past through pro
to future


Let's create a Pecha Kucha presentation!

In groups of 5, you vvill be creating a presentation about technological devices.

You shoutd include 20 pictures with descriptions.

Look for tips on how lo build your project on p. 55. You will complete the project on p. 59.


Uses of computers and Adjectives of personalitu
smartphones Study the box.

O Circle the activities that can only be

done using the internet. He's good.
She's a kind person.
1. call friends 9. send text messages
2. do research 10. send Whatsapp
3. edit photos messages O Match the emojis to their meaning.
4. nethin--' 11. take a selfie
5. play online games 12. update your status
6. post photos on social networks
7. scan a QR code 13. use Facebook
8. send an audio 14. use GPS apps to get
message to a place

O Use four activities from Exercise 1

to complete the texts. More than one rk.f‘f%
option is possible. 12)

1. angry O
2. cool O
3. crazy O
Kevin's favourite possession is bis tablet. He 4. excited

loves playing with his friend, Tom. He always 5. happy O

uses it to 'play onlirz garTi5
He usually 6. sed O
in the afternoon. He also
, because he wants to be
7. steepy O
in touch with his friends
8. worried O

O Use some of the adjectives

in Exercise 3 to complete the
Chatting with Max is fun. He types very quickly
and he laves emojis. He sends emojis when he
is anxious or ' . If he has a
idea, he sends the emoji with
Kristie has a new mobile. She doesn't the sunglasses. When someone says something
her friends, but she always uses' it to weird, he sends the upside down face, which
lo her family. She usually means "Are you ?” I laugh
with her dog, Puffy. Then she out loud when he sends the emoji with the Zs,
posts them on the internet and shares thern meaning "boringr or "I am
with her friends.

O Look at the text. How old are the people who write?


Forum • Topics • Posts Latest Posts •

40 ©
Is ICT* good or bad? Share your opinion.What do you use it for?
l'ye got a new smartphone. I'ni always online. I chat with friends on Whatsapp. It's free! I never
use the MP3 player. Now I'm using my book app to get extra studying material. Joaquín

I have a brother and there is only one desktop computer at home. I can't always use the computer,
but I sometimes go onIine for information. I'm saving money to buy a tablet. Alicia

I love my laptop. I always use it to do my homework. My mum doesn't like

social networks. l only connect with my closest friends. We upload photos
and comment on them. Now. I am doing homework online with two friends
from school.

Mum works at home on her computer. She's always online. I sometimes play video games on my
tablet and I always chat with my friends. This week, I'm chatting with my cousin Alejandrina. She lives
in Chile and we always connect on Skype. We are planning her visit to Argentina! Graciela

*Information and Communication Technology

O Read the entries. In your opin ion, are O True or false?

the opinions positive or negative?
1. Joaquín doesn't have a smartphone.
O Complete the chart. 2. He likes Whatsapp because he
doesn't have to pay. o
3. He doesn't have an MP3 player.
4. Alicia uses the internet to get
information. o
5. She wants a tablet. o
6. Eugenia [oyes her notebook. o
7. She posts photos on social networks. o
O Answer. Who 8. Graciela doesn't work in an office. o
1. is doing school work with ICT?
9. She plays video games. o
2. doesn't atways use ICT?

3. is planning a visit? • What is your parents opinion
about ICT?
4. doesn't like social networks?
O Do you think ICT can be
5. wants to buy a tablet?
LO What can you do to be safe?
Present simple and present continuous
Study and complete the table.

1 always use Facebook. Today i'm Tvvitter.

He online every day. He's playing with a Chilean friend right now.
We watch a film once a week. We watching a comedy now.
She always chats with her friends. She isn't with a stranger.
Do you usually post comments? you posting a comment now?

> See Gr¿unin¿yr Hoferc/wo 5, Extra .'1' -actice book, p. 18

O Read the time expressions. Put them O Look at the pictures and write
in the correct column. sentences connparing Mark's routine
with what he's doing today.
• right new e olways • now • usually
every day • today • once a week Mark usudy has breakfast in the kitchen,
but today he's having breakfast in be.

On a typical day Today

O Complete with the present simple or

the present continuous form of the
1. He usually (use) the GPS to go
to a new place but today he (ask)
for help.
2. 1 always (send) text messages,
but now 1 (record) an audio
3. A: she lupdate) her
status on social networks every day?
B: Yes, she usually (take) a
selfie and (say) where she is,
but today she Ido) a Science
project and she can't post anything.
4. A: What you (do)?
B: Right now 1 (play) online
games and 1 (listen) to music
O Ask and answer the following
5. My mum usually (google)
everything she iwant) to le.arn
1. What do you usually do on weekdays?
about. But today, she Inol have)
2. What are you doing now?
an internet connection, so she
3. What activities do you do once a week?
(read) an encyclopedia. When? Are you doing them today?
O Correct the errors. There can be O Choose the correct option.
more than one in each sentence. 1. 1- leG7a-yD atways is on his mobile
does 2. She never send / sends an audio mesbage.
1. Jimmy d-er his Maths homework \ivithout his
3. Talk to me/ me. Stop looking at the screen.
2. At the moment, he are doing mental maths. 4. Usually, when Jimmy is sleepy, he is / gets
angry easily.
He very good al it!
3. His teacher be very strict. 5. They are 1aking / take a selfie.
6. She is having/has lunch with her mum
4. She doesn't wants bis students to have their
mobites on when she is giving a class. right now.
7. There are a /ot of/much videos to watch
5. Jimmy and his friends isn't happy about this.
6. They using their phones.

O Put the verbs in the correct tense.

Object pronouns
• edit • look • post
Study the exannples and complete
k o have • ta-k-e
the rules.

want to see those photos. Can you show them to me?


pronoun object pronouns

pronoun + verb
• verb 4- prono un
• preposition + pronoun

> Seo Gramtnar Reference 5, Extra Practico book, p. 18

O Underline the subject pronouns and

circle the object pronouns. ity I ÍS taKing a selfie. She and her
friends al (he mobile's camera.
1. They chat with
2. Do you want lo use it?
She usually a picture once a
3. He gave her a flower. week, and she usualty ' them
4. I . m Listening to you. before uptoading them. Now she
5. We're writing to him. 5
a good time with Met and Vicky.
6. It's for them.
7. She's talking to us.
8. They're looking at you
Pecha Kucha
O Study and complete the table.
• Decide whích pictures you and your Tip
team will use. Each one of you has
to Look for 5 pictures of people using
technological devices. You have to
he describe what (he people in (he pictures
she are doing and what they usually do!

it • Use the activities in Exercises 2 and 3 as a

we reference to describe the actions in Present
continuous and in Present simple.

Compare what people b. Which devices haven't been
are doing with what they mentioned?

usually do
O Describe the people in the pictures. e ecorrectListen
"2 again and choose the
In picture thereio a teenal Lo'. He ic
1. Mark like.s doing his homework in the
O a. O 31 Listen to Mandy's
presentation. Tick [Ni the devices a. living room b. park
that she mentions. 2. Mark alvvays takes his with

1. mobile
2. camera
3. Right now, Mark ir;
3. joystick
a. studying b. taking a selfie
4. ebook
4. Joanna is reading a
5. MP3 player
a. play b. comic
6. laptop
5. Alexandre watching online
7. TV set
8. games console
a. doesn t like b. likes

Ask about a person
O ® "Listen to the questions and
answer using short answers.

Poes Mandy usually invite her friends?

Yes, she. do.

O " Stress on questions.
Listen and repeat.
Whars his name?

" Listen to the questions and

identify the stress.
1. Whars his name?
2. Whars he doing?
3. How old is he?
4. Whars he like?
5. I s he on Facebook?

6. Mandy to invite her friends
Student A: turn to page 73.
a. likes b.doesn't like
7. Mark and Paul's favourite pastime is Student B: turn to page 75.

a. video games b. online games

8. The boys playing an online game. • a. Practise the dialogue with a

a. are b. arenl classmate.
A: Whars your best friend's name?
® 33 Listen one more time. True or
B: María.
A: Whars she like?
1. Mark doesn't like going to [he park. o B: She's really friendly.
2. Mandy thinks studying outdoors is dull. o
3. Joanna reads plays. o b. Practise the dialogue in

4. Joanna thinks Maths is a difficult

o Exercise 7a again, but this time ask
about the following people. Take

5. Alexandre enjoys dancing. o turns and switch roles!

6. Sol is Mandy's best friend. o (..._

• neighbour e grandmother/grandfather )
7. Mark and Paul go lo [he same school. o • PE teacher e Science teacher •

8. They like playing online games. o

Write a description of O a. Read the description on the
a picture notepad and find the following
1. Vicky's personality
2. the reason why 5,he is taughing
Ts iS o picture of my
cousin Vicky. b. Read the description again and
Se is nice and frienclly. find examples of and, but, because
She is really fun to be and so.
with so we always have
a great time together.

In te picture, se iswatching an °ohne

stand-up comedy, that's why se is laughing.
Tenses in descriptions
Se always takes her laptop everywhere, but Use the present continuous to describe
se doesnt always use it to watch videos. what the person is doing.

Se usually looks up information, edits potos and To enrich your description, use the simple

reo& online news.

She is with her lnands on te keyboard because

present to give related information about
what the person always, usually or never
she is aso chatting with a school friend. ■11111111~~~~~
Multitasking Vicky! U s ricicty and se has no
O Read the description one more time
homework for next weekl
and answer the questions.
1. What is Vicky like?
2. What is she doing in the picture?
3. Which device does she take everywhere?
4. What does she use her computer for?
5. is she atso chatting? Who is she chatting
6. What day is it?
Conjunctions: and, but, be cause and so
7. Does she have homework for next week?
rAnd introduces extra information.
Vickyis really good at taking photos
Ø Now it's your turn!
and editing them. She has a good eyet
• Gel a picture of a friend using a
But introduces contrasting information.
technological device. Write a description of
Martin takes his mobile everywhere
her / him.
but he isn't using it right now.
• Compare what she / he is doing in the
Beca use introduces a re son why. picture with what she / he always / usually
I can't text her because she hasn't does.
got a mobile. • You can also use a picture from a magazine

So introduces a conseguence. and invent the information!

L My computer is broken so 1 c, -)h:t

use it.
Use these questions as a guide.

— What is she / he Eike?

— What is she / he doing in the picture?
— What does she / he always/ usually do?

Let's complete the Project tasld
O Now that you have fornned your group and chosen the 20 pictures, you are not
far from finishing your task!
• You have to prepare a Pecha Kucha presentation. As you will describe 20
pictures, your presentation should have 20 sudes.
• You shouldn't spend more than 20 seconds describing a sude. Be short and
concise! Straight to the point! Use simple sentences.
- Once you have all your pictures in sudes, rehearse what you will say and
that's it. You are ready!

O Each member has to read 4 texts. If you da re, you can record the speeches with
Audacity and attach the sound file to the Pecha Kucha presentation.

O Don't forget to bring your computer or tablet! Make sure that everybody can
have a look at it.

identity and classiiy ihUei en it.; Í devices.

tatk about how people use 1CT.
reftect upon the pros and cons of using internet social. network service;
describe personalities.
compare what peopte usuatly do with what they are doing.
write a description of a picture.
prepare a Pecha Kucha presentation.
Talk about forms of transport
Talk about holiday actiyities
Describe a past holiday
Plan a trip
Buy a ticket
Write an informal email
Look at the the pictures and find. Which one is not shown?

1. a family O 5. a beach O 9. a lake o

2. a ticket O 6. a suitcase 0 10. an advert o
3. a mountain O 7. a hotel 0 11. a wild place o
4. a rucksack O 8. a bus 0 12. a tent o
Complete the chart with ideas from this page.

Tick ) the pictu res that represent your

ideal holiday.

Underline in Exercise 2 the items

that would be part of your ideal


Let's tell a story about the best / worst experience of your Life!

You wiLl be telling a story about an experience.

You should choose a picture and a matching song. Ask the music teacher for help,
if necessary.

Look for tips on how to build your project un p. 65. You will complete the project on p. 69.

Forms uf tronsport d , 1110 y

O Match the forms of transport to the O Match the activities to the icons.




3. car 8. ferry

4. taxi 9. bus ej:41

5. plane

O go to the beach O walk around

00 O svvim in the. sea / O play board games
lake / river O play football
O stay in a hotel O go camping
O go horseriding O hire rnountain bikes
O have a barbecue
e a. Take the survey. Tick V).
1. How do you usually travel on holiday?

O by coach O by train
O by plane O by car
2. What do you usually take in town?

O tramo O taxis
O buses O the underground
3. Where do you go by bike?

• to the shops O to school

O lo the park - Lo my friendo houses

b. Ask a classmate the questions

in Exercise 3a and compare your
A: What do you usuaily taKe in town?
5: Trains and buse-s.

Telt a classmate what you do on

holiday. Say how often you do it.

usually go to the beach.

sometimes go camping.
My trip ••
an unfbrsettable experience saw the pyramids and an enormous field where
the Mayans played a game similar to basketball. We
Storting our trip learned a bit of Mexican history. VJe also visited the
It was my first time out of our country. We travelled to Xcaret park and walked through underground rivers.
the airport by bus. Everybody on I still can't believe it11 SWarn with dolphinsi Amazingl
the bus was on the same tour
There I met Sebastián and Miguel,
and we becarne friends. SdW wild animals
Je arrived at the airport and everywhere. There were
went directly to the check-in flamingos, macaws, coatis,
counter our luggage there and waited to board butterflies and a jaguar on
the plane. My f irst time on a plane! lt was incrediblel an islandl VJe could touch
turtles too.
First days in Mexico
The night
In Mexico, we stayed crt an ah-inclusive hotel. We could
eat and drink anythingl had a wonderful view of At night, there were always dirferent shows at the hotel
the sea from our bedroorn. walked to the beach and theatre. went to bed at midnight every day! Wow!
there were umbrellas and deck chairs waiting for us.

People at the hotel organised different beach

activities, so my sister had her own group and
I did what 1 wanted to do. Great!

The pyramids!
took a trip to the Chichen
Itza Mayan ruins.

O Read the text and put the activities O In your opinion, what are the most
in order. interesting things the author did?
a. learn Mexican history
O Discuss with a classmate and put
b. travel by bus
the activities in order, from the
c. visit Xcaret park
most interesting to the least
d. go Lo bed
e. arrive at the airport

f. svvi m vvith dolphins

O Read the text again and correct the

O Which places would you like to
incredible visit in your country?
1. The author thought the trip
O Which activities do you
2. He has a brother.
like doing when you are on
3. There was a view of the mountains from
their bedroom.
4. People at the hotel organised board games.
5. They saw an ancient football field.
6. The author swarn with turnes.
Go to CLIL AND CULTURE , page 70. o 7-

Post simple - to be
Study and complete the table.

tive Clues ions Short answer

1 was on holiday in She wasn't in he in Yes, he was. What was that?
January. Argentina in January. Mexico yesterday? No, he Where
you 9

We were at the beach They at Were you in Mexico Yes, you

in January. the airport yesterday. yesterday? No, you weren't.

> Seo Grammar Reference 6, Extra Practico book, p. 22

O Complete the sentences with O Complete the questions and short

the past simple of to be. Use answers about the text on paye 63.
contractions for the negative. 1. Where wtwe the family Last
surnrner? They were in Mexico.

2. Federico with
sorne school friends in Mexico?
No, he . He was with
hin fa rri ity.
3. he in a campsite?
No, he . He was in an
all-inclusive hotel.
4. Were there dotphins at Xcaret park?

weren't Yes, there . Amazing!

1. We (notl in Africa.
were 5. Where were the flamingos, macaws, coatis
We in Mexico.
and butterflies? They
2. The flight long and
in Xcaret.
tired after the long journey.
3. The beach fantastic.
Expressions of past time
The sea crystal clear.
4. My friends Inot) vvith me. • a. Put the expressions in
vvith my mum, iny dad chronological order.
and my sister.
O Last Friday O Last weekend
5. The hotel . near the
O last month O last year
beach. It awesome.
O Last night O two weeks ago
6. There were bikes in the hotel. They
O Last week O yesterday morning
free for us.
7. Food delicious. Tortillas
b. Use the expressions and ask your
classmate questions.
and avocado dips
very tasty. A: viere you at the beach (ast night?
5: No, 1 wasn't. \Mere you?
Past simple - regular verbs Post simple - irregular verbs
Study and complete the table. Study and complete the table.
Affirrnative Negative
1 watked along the My dad
1 went to Brazil. go Lo Brazil,
beach. wat"( along the beach.
11Ve saw sharks. \No didn't
We Yoti didn't hire

> Seo Grammar Reference 6, Extra Practico book, p. 22

> Seo Grammar Reference 6, Extra Practico book, p. 22

O Match the infinitives (1-6) to the past

O Complete the sentences with the
simple forms (a-f).
affirmative (+) or the negative (-)
past form of the verbs. 1. have a. went

1. we didn't arrive (1 in Bariloche at 6.00. 2. see b. did

we arrived (+) at 4.00. ARRIVE 3. take c. SWarn

2. We 1+) in a hotel. 4. go d. had

We (-1 in a campsite. STAY 5. swirn e. saw

3. Dad 1+1 a boat. 6. do f. took

He (-1a mountain bike. HIRE

O Complete with the affirmative or the
4. My sister Hchess. negative past form of the verbs.
She 1+1 video games. PLAY
1. Lian -i went (gol on holidays.
5. We 1+1 burgers.
2. I le [have) a nice time.
We (-) chicken. COOK
3. I le (go) to the beach and
Iswim) in the sea.
4. He [sed) sharks in the aquariunn.

5. Then, he (go) to a show with whales

and dolphins and Rake) many photos.
e 37 Listen and repeat.
/d/ a rrived /t/ cooked /Id/ visited

A true / fiction story

about the best / worst
• the
° correct
a. Listen and put the verbs in
experience in your Life
• Brainstorming time! In groups,
• liked • celebrated • played think about holiday locations. For
• chatted • washed • returned example: campsite, beach, reserve.
• crossed • started • explored Use colour paper and create a word
cloud. Keep it. You wilt use it laten

• Think about what you do when you are on


• Check out the Past simple rules you tearnt

in this section.
b. Read the verbs aloud.

Plan a trip O '0 Listen again and choose the
correct answer.
(i) Look at the picture and answer.
1. Solina in Melbourne last year.
1. What important places can you see?
b. wasn't
2. What city is represented in this map?
3. Can you see any forms of transport? 2. Rob and Jamie how to plan their trip.

o e 39
Listen to the conversation
a. know b. don't know

and circle the topics they talk about. 3. Selina mentions pLaces to visit.

a. three b. four
• Clothes
• Melbourne 4. Selina a map tu the boys.
• Tourist places
a. draws b. gives
• History
5. Travelling in Melbourne is
• Food
• Forms of transport a. not very cheap b. very cheap

Buy a ticket

O ® 43 Listen and answer.

1. What is Jamie buying?

2. What kind of tickets does he want: single or


3. How many tickets does he want?

4. How much money has he got?

5. Can he buy the tickets?

• 0" Listen again and complete the


Jamie: Excuse me, we want go tu

by 2
Man: What day do you want to travel?
Jamie: . Is that possible?

Man: Sure. Single or return?

Jamie: Return, please. We want tu return next

Man: How many tickets do you want?

Jamie: , otease.

Man: They're dollars each,

so that's 7 dollars.

Jamie: Sorry, how much are the tickets? l'ye got

Man: That's ah l right. Theyre
O ® 41 Listen to the second part of dollars in total.
the conversation. True or falso? Jamie: Cood. Here you are.

1. Selina got lost at the Eureka Tower. Man: Thank you. Have a good trip!

2. She has an app on her mobile that

helped hen
3. With the app, she typed the name of

the hotel and then followed the steps. o Student A: lurn tu page 73.

Student B: turn Lo page 75.

( H1)
"- 42
Listen again. Answer.
1. Where did she get lost? WORK
2. What did she do there?
3. What did she use to find her way out? O Practise the conversation in
4. Was it late when she got lost? Exercise 7 with a classmate.
Use your own ideas for the blanks.
Write an informal cm&
O a. Read Rob's email to his
mum. Circle the topics he gives
information about.
rn formal email
You can semi informal omails to people you
know well, such as friends or your family.
a. food d. hotel
You can use contractions and informal
b. weather e. local people

c. local cities f. aclivilies


b. What does he say about the topics Q Complete the informal email.
you circled?

00 X

(Q )no

. 1L From:
From: rob.peterson@jmaii.corn Subject:
Subject: /11hat's up, mum?

Hl mum, How are you? Thanks for your 1 email

We're having a(n) 2 time here in
How are you? Thanks for your emaill We're
having a great time here in Australia. We're
staying in a nice hotel. It's really hot, not like We're staying in a hotel.
Manchester! Right now, I'm sitting on a bench The weatner is 5 - it's
with Jamie in the Botanic Gardens. every day. The food is

Yesterday we had a barbecue in the garden

and I cooked kangaroo burgers! Australia is The people are really 8 and the
a wonderful place. I can't wait to show you
are really '°
the photos when I get home! Right now I'm " . Yesterday we
. It was 13
Here l'ye attached two. We met new people.
Wish you were here!
Their nannes are Max, Lily and Lisa. Hope
you like them. Tell me about you. PS: I am not spending too nnuch money.

Lots of love Love,

PS: Tell Selina that the app she told us about is

the best in the world.

Rob Imagine you are on holidays in

Mexico. Write an informal email to a
friend. Use the model in Exercise 2
to help you. Also, in the Reading
section on page 63 you can find cool
details you can use.

A true / fiction story about the best /

Let's complete the Project taskl

01) Now that you have a word cloud about different places, share with other groups
what you included in it. Exchange information and make your cloud bigger!

— You have already chosen what you will talk about. Answer this list of
questions on a separate sheet of paper.

g. Hovv was ii? / How did you feel?

d. What was the place like?

Choose ONLY ONE picture that represents the story. Show it to your
and ask thenn to guess what happened.

Then, telt your story

to your group. Record
your story with some -The worst experience
background music that in my life
matches your feelings. Ask -- a. When was
your ICT / music teacher b. lAihere was
• c. it?
for help if necessary. Who were
Now tell the story to your d. What was the place
e. like?
teacher and classmates! What was the
• weather like2
what did you do there?
If your picture is not g. How kW;
printed, you can download HOW did
you feel?
it to your phone and then
pass it around.

discuss about places to go on holidays.

talk about forms of transport.
telt< about holiday activities.
share opinions about past experiences.
reftect upon learning new things while having fun on holidays.
buy tickets to travel.
write an informal. ernail.

L write and telt a story about a special experience.

Places to visit near Buenos Aires

Planning a weekend out of the city centre?

Argentina (20)
Check out our travellers' suggestions.
My friend and 1 visited Tandil last weekend. It was
Hotels (3)
awesome. We went to the lake, to Monte Calvario,
Flights (65) which is a hill with religious significance, and to
see the stone called Centinela.
Rents (25)
We stayed at a camping site. It wasn't the most
Restaurants (14)
comfortable place, but the price was very good.
What to do (11) In Tandil, we didn't take any means of transport:
We walked! Ana, Palermo

My boyfriend and I went to San Pedro to spend
Forums two days away from the city. It was amazing.
We slept a lot.

We walked, took pictures and ate lots of oranges.

They were very juicy. Also, we hired two bikes
and rade ah l around town. We stayed at a family
SAN PEDRO horne. In the picture you can see our bedroom

I want to go back! Betty, Berazategui

• Look at the reviews. Do you know O Answer the questions.

any of these places? 1. Are the reviews positive or negative? Circle
all the positive adjectives and underline the
Read the reviews. True or false? negative ones in the text.
2. Which of these places would you like to
1. Ana and her friend stayed in a hotel.
visit? Why?
2. They walked when they were in Tandil.
3. Which touristic places are near your tovvii 2
3. They visited three places.
4. Which touristic places do you know?
4. You can eat oranges in Tandil.
5. Betty and her boyfriend stayed at a family
• Go online and find informatíon about a
6. Betty hired a car. place to visit near your town. Discuss
the information with the class.

O Choose the correct option.

Javiei Hi! 'Are you using I Do you use the online dictionary?
Marcos: No! I never 'do am doing homework on Sunday! 1 3 organise I m organising my holidays.
I 'surf /"m surfing the internet to find good tours. Can you help 5 my I me?
Javier: Sure! Last year I buy/ boug/it a tour online and it 7 was / were fun! Type .
Marcos: Wonderful! This site 8offers I offered big discounts for group trips. 1 9buy / going to buy a
package tour for the four oí lewe I us!
Javier: Well done!
/ 10

O Correct the following information about Javier and Marcos.

1. Marcos is doing his homework. 4. Marcos is going to travel with five friends.

2. Javier went on holiday Last month. 5. Javier is angry with Marcos' decision.

3. gives small discounts.


O Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form to read Mitton's email.

We ' (have) a great time with dad Itere in New York. The city (be)
wonderful and we " lwalk) to different places every day.
The plane trip [bel fabulous! Last night, we (arrive) on time at JFK

airport and 6 Ltake) the underground Lo the hotel.

Our hotel (not ¡be) luxurious, but we 8 (be) really cornfortable.

Tomorrow, we 9 Iwatch) the Spurs vs. the Lakers. I can't wait to see them!
I must leave now, dad m Evvait) for me at the restaurant.

O Write questions about the email and answer them.

1. Where / Milton and his father?

2. How / they travel?
3. What / the hotel like?
4. Who / they watch tomorrow?
5. What / his dad do now?
/ 10

• Match the halves to form the phrases. Then, write a sentence using each

1. edit a. a selfie

2. scan b. a GPS to find your way

3. send c. a OR code

4. take d. an audio message

5. use e. photo

Total /50

Student A Unit 2
Listening and Speaking, page 23.
Let's warm ua!
Pages 4 and 5. a. Read this text to your classmate.
Read slowly and clearly.
a. Ask your classmate questions
about her his ICT and social media
activities. elaM)Se, 'Ilftgap
1. Who do you chat with online'?
ittew- (-j,ecut4.1), c).~T5, 513,eej.aicea.V.kt,
2. When do you usually send audio messages?
CLe,Se, cuetuxe, It &Czecey&ate£
3. Which is your favourite website?
g-eteu-ek 9-cuux-aiel oul,d
4. Do you like taking photos with your mobile?
5. Are you in a WhatsApp group? Who are the Peopee, cÉcs. eot 4 tlú? o+-v tgily
members? cS. (17-el ceakbez aralzr,S. -MayLcs

13.eoph, e.(54.~. LIUGe, ate, 69,

b. Answer your classmate's questions
about your ICT and social media paitzucte& cua rto C-CU'v Se-e , gilLeCu-Wtk‘


Unit 1
Listening and Speaking, page 13. b. Listen to your classmate and
complete the text.
a. Answer your classmate's questions
about a friend.

1. Angie
LIZ& ecuuidzyd,
Her namei Angie. fuektLezi Ita4
2. 14
3. Brazit (Ue4,12.0_,e• gayyt~ gok t& aah„ak.
4. 20th March /gL ea-1 t to. ezgegitate,

5. Art ez~o_a.e I (10,3),, g-egom,

b. Ask your classmate about a friend. A 51- (Wedi-ueiAal. Peodaee, w-e.cvt,

Complete the table. co-e.ow-41 3 . axe. (rey

Whafs your friend's name? HooittaJA. L11,e1 lavz '"3

cuto/ leh.,25,. clpecipb, ccui, cuezo, c„.ecti,

Name :
' Liktz aRZ pallaie)S,

Nationality: ai-td clanee,S, [kv

Favourite subject:
Unit 3 Unit 5
Listening and Speaking, pago 3!). Listening and Speaking, page 57.

a. Answer your classmate's questions. a. Read your classrnate's list of names

Describe the word, don't say it! and ask her / hirn questions about
1. 6. swamp what they are like, and about their
2. joey 7. hunt activity in social networks.
3. 8.
15: Who's Garla?
4. reserve 9.
A: 5he's my cousin.
5. scales 10.
5: What's she like?
b. Now ask your classmate about the A: 5he's very
missing words. PCIS She- iike 6hatfing online with her
A: What's number 3? friends?
It's where animals live. A: No, she doesn't. 5he loves calling them.

Unit 4 b. Write a list of five names of people

you know and give it to your
Listening and Speaking, page 45.
classmate. Answer your classmate's
a. Telt your classmate what these questions.
people are doing. Ask her / him
where they are. Unit 6
A: Pete and Tom are studying. Where are Listening and Speaking, page 67.
Are they at school? a. Listen to your classmate telling you
about her / his trip. Complete the
A: Yes, they are.
table with notes.
. . ....
. koss

and Vatery Place :
Form of transport:
. Patrick
First activity:
Second activity:
studying at school
and Tom Anima Le:
Mark tatking lo a doctor al the hospital
Theresa walking her dog ni Hm park
ni ille b. Now telt your classmate about your
Linda buying plasters
Liwilii,l's trip. Remember to use the past
b. Answer your classmate's questions
1. go / beach 2. go / train
and complete the chart. Then, tell
I went to the he-ah ,

your classmate what these people

3. swim / sea 4. hire / a horse
are doing. Ask him or her where
5. see / a shark
they are.

Student B Unit 2
Listening and Speaking, page 23.
Lars wan.
Pages 4 and 5 a. Listen to your classmate and
complete the text.
a. Answer your classmate questions
about your ICT and social media
activities. egi~ TLew, Cfr 11
b. Ask your classmate's questions o., 51~£ cÉaí3,
about her / his ICT and social media adtwtz. Itbt ceeeeKatece,
activities. eg-etw-e.e41, g'o~,z8 cua regituzutl.

1. What do you usuatty tatk about vvhen you cPeop¿e, &gt cs4 tg,L94 tl,b5
chat online?
2. Can you describe your favourite website?
1 e akA . 7/1aaklis
,acut, co,stu.h,a)s..S..eia
3. What is your favourite web page about?
5. Do you edit your photos?
6. Do you post content on Facebook? What do ef utzupoij)..4 ewie
you usually post?

Unit 1
11 , 1 ening and Speaking, pago 13. b. Read this text to your classmate.
Read slowly and clearly.
a. Ask your classmate about a friend.
Complete the table.

What's your friend's t'ame?

( figz
c& "Ve, itdm ,

Name :

Age: Ít)e).1
Nationality: ovy cota tks st„,,t to,
Favourite suhject:

e.,90,,,e&A ~12 ). (11,e5, am,e, ovt5,

b. Answer your classmate's questions
Lhp<vd.44.. (1V-el ccu, ge,atIvos,
about a friend.
c e3te Carv d50- cu-ealt
1. Max
His name is Max. g 1 co)92"&s,.raia, aya,
2. 12 cuizt dcu,zei, Lh stxeets,
3. Chile
4. 9th November
5. IT
init 3 Unit 5
i‹,,iorung and Speaking, page 35. Listening and Speaking, page 57.

a. Ask your classmate about the a. Write a list of five names of people
missing words. you know and give it to your
15: What's nunnber classmate. Answer your classmate's
A: It's a cluol(Ka's baby, questions.

b. Now answer your classmate's b. Read your classmate's list of names

questions. Describe the word, don't and ask her / him questions about
say it! what they are like and about their
1. feathers 6. activity in social networks.
2. 7.
13: Who's arla?
3. poisonot, 8. signs
A: SIne's my cousin.
4. 9. habitat
What's she like?
5. 10. quokka
A: She-' s very funny.
f5: Does she chatting on1ine wi-th her
Unit 4
Listening and Speaking, page 45.
A: No, she- doesn't. She- laves calling them.
a. Answer your classmate's questions
and complete the chart. Then, telt Unit 6
your classmate what these people Listening and Speaking, page 67.
are doing. Ask him or her where
they are. a. Tell your classmate about your trip.
Remember to use the past tense.
Ross looking at un art !' al un art
1. go / mountains
and Valery 1 collection gallery
Simon seeing a play at a theatre 1 went to the mountains.
2. go / coach
buying vegetables
3. hire / a mountain bike
buying shoes 4. take /a tot oí pho tos
5. see / an eagle

b. Now listen to your classmate telling

you about her / his trip. Complete
the table with notes.

b. Tell your classmate what these

Place :
people are doing. Ask her / him
Form of transport:
where they are.
First activity:
A: Izoss and Valety are fooKing at an art Second activity:
collection. Where are they? Animats:
15: Are they at an art gaflery?
A: Yes, they are.
WE are the school

Complete the web with the words in Q Complete the sentences.

the box. Ci/ography we learn about maps.
1. In

• Library • science LEb 2. In we learn to do different

• canteen • classroom sporls.
• gym • computer room
3. In we learn about musical

6. 4. In we learn about computers.
5. In we learn to do experiments.

O Write the correct times.


2. Places in
my school

c. d.

• Fínd eight more school subjects e. f.

II 1 S TOR Y M T I O ® 02 Listen and complete.


PRI ANNNE.NC 17-mrsclay

Subjecl VVecinesclay

O G EOGR A PII y Makiis 9 am

R(ENGL I 51110H Music

6eography 1 I. I 5- am 3 pm-
Hzslory 9 am
Lu_ricli I pm I pm


N M A 1H5C11 P Science


O Read the text about Ana's school. Match the names of the places to the pictures.

O Answer the questions.

13olton Park
Ni, trn A. This is nly school,
'lea,- 7, it's
Se.condarj Schvol. I arys in
950 students. \Ale
a 19i,g, selool, There are
bjea-ts: English, Mciths, Science,
haue ten s u
DesLvi ree_hK,010 0 , 1c_.-r, PE, French, Spanish,
culd. Geoqraphs.

sports flelds. I love sports.

1 -Mese cLre the wirrter
footbo_11, hoe-key and rugbj
btle plo_j
rrsnle.r. We'ue qot
ard terwks and erleket in s u

e 6.'9 0' 1-'2 °.

reca noue)s, rnage2-i1

2 This Ls the kbrar(. L
arld riewspapers here. I also use
c-omputers, u/e c- orne
the referenc.e books avid
do projec.t work.
here to study arid to

There Ls a lot of
3 This Ls the se-teric..e lab.
e-herylistri arld
equipment , \ale c-ome here to O
1L-G I
experinlents. It's i_yrteresting arld

Y ou e-avi ec.ct hot or
4 111G5 i5 thE. C,(1rTreerl;
ood bad but the c.ainteeri
food here. ?1i f
Ls very noisj o_t lurie_htirne.

1. Which year is Ana in?

Yar 7. O Write the name of the place.
1. You come here to learn.
2. 1-low many si udents are there in the school?

2. You read newspapers here.

3. How rnany subjects are there?

3. You play rugby here.

4. What sports are . there?

4. You eat hot food here.

5. Where are the reference books?

5. The computers are here.

6. Which [hings are there in [he science [ab?

6. You do experinnents here.

7. Is Ihe leed horrible?


O sentence,
Look at the pictures. Write a
a question and a short
O Write negative sentences.

1. Hn 15.
answer for each picture.
not 15.
2. You're English.

3. Her favouríte subject is Science.

4. Jenny and her family are from France.

5. We're from Mexico.

1. She /8 2. He / Chinese
She's S. / Is she 1?
6. He's my classmate.
Yes, she is.

• Match the questions (1-7) to the

answers (a-y).

1. What's your name?
2. When's your birthday?
3. Where's your school?
4. What's your favourite subject?
5. Who is your Art teacher?
3. They/at home 4. II / not / PE
6. How old are you?
7. What time is Geography?

a. at 10 o'clock
b. in Manchester
c. in May
d. History
e. 13

f. Victor
g. Ms Evans
5. I 1,fly / not / at school 6. She / not / at the Write true answers to the questions
cinema (1 to 5) in Exercise 3.

1. My naru is .




O Put the words in arder. O Listen to Imran's mum and put
her questions in orden
1. nice / our / is / school
a. Are the teachers nice? o
2. is / subject / Maths / a / difficult b. What's his name? o
c. And what about lunch? o
3. Art / favourite / my / is / subject d. Are the students in your class o
e. Is there a computer room? o
4. got/lab/we/new/a /have f. Is there a gym? o
g. Do you like your new school? o
5. is / gym / there / big / a h. A girlfriend? o
O Match these answers to the
6. good ¡are / they / very / friends
questions aboye.

1. Yes, it's great.

• Write ¡TI, at or on. 2. His name's Mr Thomas.
3. No, Mum, just a friend.
oin the sclool football tearn! 4. Yes, l'ye got a new friend.

5. Yes, there's a big gym.
6. The food's not bad.
Prae,tit..e. 2 Mordass and Tliursdass,

1730 pm.
7. Yes, very nice, especially our
start 3 5.00 pm n and fuish Y

Cloppionship: Ju1s )5th,

class teacher. o
8. Yes, with 30 computers. o
O Complete the questions with Can 1 or
Can you.

1. lend me a pericit? .
*Oí course. Here you are.'
2. go to the toilet, otease?'
'Yes. Be guick!'
• read
'Yes, please. Read Part 1.'
4. explain that again?'
'Sure. No problem.'

O Complete the paragraphs with O Complete the information about Lara.
sentences from the box.
her ctassroom • Tirn
• They like Music and Art. • French and History • British
• I'm a student at Lincoln School. • Lara Lane • 12
• We play it in (he gym and it's fun aerobics
We do a tot of exercises in class.

. My name is Jenny. 1'm 14 years old.

UK 11111 11111111113 1
2. My favourite subject is Maths. It's hard but
I love it.
3. My best friendo are Daniel and Laura.
They don't like Maths. Favourite subjects:
Favourite place at school:
Special club:
4. 1 like sports. My favourite sport is
basketball. Best friend:

O Match adjectives to opposite O Use the information on the ID card

meanings. to write about Lara. Divide the
information into paragraphs.
1. good a. new
Use adjectives to add details.
2. easy b. boring
nam Lara Larl. 1-)t is
3. small c. short
4. old d. hard
5. long e. bad
6. f un f. big

• What can these adjectives describe?

Add one more word to each group.

1. friendly, nice
a friend, a teacher,
2. hard, difficult
an exercise, a test,
3. new, modero
a ¿ab, a classroorn,
4. fun, interesting
a teacher, a book,

VOCABULARY • Complete with the correct form of
the verb to be. Use contractions
O Complete the sentences. when possible.

1. 'What's your favourite at school, 1. Margaret our Science teacher.

John? 'Art.' Her classes are fun.
2. There is a good _ in my school 2. Harry British. He's American.
where we can read books or study. 3. you a good student, Pauta?
3. We study algebra in the class. 4. Helto. I John.
4. At my school, is at one 5. The students in my class at school
o'clock in the canteen. really friendly.
5. Tom has PE in the every 6. My name is Paul and this is Alex.
Monday and Friday at school. We friends.
6. Break is at 10.30 in the 7. My neme Tom. l'm 12.
7. We go to the to do 8. My teachers very funny.
9. Tom and Lily in the Library.
10. PE my favourite subject.
O Circle the correct option. ENGLISH IN USE
1. Sam in the Library. Write appropriate questions for the
a. are b. is C. a answers.
2. My birthday is May.
a. in b. at C. on
3. Her best friends in her classroom.
a. aren't b. isn't c. am not
4. your Geography teacher?
a. He is b. Are he c. Is he
5. l've got a
a. new classmate b. classmale new
In March.
c. new classmates
6. 'Are they in Year 9?' 'Yes,
At three.
a. are they b. they are c. are
7. 'lo PE your favourrte subject?' No,
In the computer room.
a. it isn't b. it is c. he isn't
8. Music is Fridays.
a. at b. in C. on
9. Break is 10:30 am.
Ms Jameson.
a. on b. in c. at
10. Maths tests are
I'm fine. Thanks.
a. big b. hard c. new
11. Jeremy and Becca classmates.
Yes. Sally is our Science teacher.
a. isn't b. aren't c. not are
My favourite days

O a. Use the phrases in the box to 0 a. Use the chart to classify the
complete the sentences. activities.

• brush my teeth • eat out • din-fte-n

. • lunch
• plant a tree • has lunch • for a picnic • a shower
• go to bed • prepares tasty snacks • breakfast • heme
• dinner • to the theatre
• go lo becl • lo school
1. 1 watch TV alter dinner and then I

2. At school we to
celebrate the Earth Day.

3. She hardly ever at

the canteen.

4. Grandma for Easter.

5. 1 atways befo re
going to bed.

6. Sam and Susie usually

b. Match the verbs (1-6) to the
for their anniversary.
nouns / phrases (a-f).
b. Reread the sentences in 1. wear a. in a play
Exercise la. Write SD for special day 2. act b. craftwork
or ED for every day activities. 3. do new clothes

1. 4. 4. lake d. tasty snacks

2. 5. 5. prepare e. presents

3. 6. 6. gel / give f. photos

• Mary McFly is a flight attendant on a plane. Look at her tirnetable and write
about her day. Write the times in words.

2E~ 1 9/1 up at luarter to six in ?rape. 1 ...

- Prague
05.45 get up
- Paris
08.15 breakfast
- London
9.45 read newspaper
12.30 lunch, write an email
San Pablo
21.00 dinner, phone borne
- Buenos Aires
00.15 shower, brush
my teeth, go to bed
VERY tiredl

O Read the descriptions. Match them to the pictures.

Titie: Title:

kandy is a beautifuf clty in Sri Lanka. There is a big temple

On 25'hianuary, people
and in the temple there is a relic of Buddha - a tooth. It is
in Scotland celebrate the
in a beautlful old box. People thlnk Buddha's tooth is
magic. In birthday of a very special
August there is a special procession to see it.
man. He isn't a king or a
religious person. He is Robert
Burns, the greca Scottish poet.
On that night, people always
Title: eat haggis, a Scottish speciality.
They play lots of Scottish music
There 1s at.s'1iiw/ •ith horses illenorca. 11 take.s. place and read the poems of Robert
¡e 11w suntmer lhere is anule and people sing and
dancx in the sirvo'. 7/len the horses come into 11e street
and jump. people pus!? and make the horses walk
Oil two legs. Iiv amazing!

• Write the correct title for each text.

e Jaleo • Burns Night • The Festival of the Tooth

• Match the sentences to the festival. Find in the texts the words for the
following definitions.
1. They cal special fooci.

2. It's a religious festival. o 1. a very old object rdic

3. Animals are important. o 2. has special powers

4. It's in winter. o 3. a type of church

5. It's the festival of a famous man. o 4. a royal person

6. It's not a European festival. o 5. surprising and very good

O Complete the third person singular O ® " a. Listen and complete the table
form of these verbs. with information for Robby and Rita.
1. She go / 6 2. She eat

3. She read 4. He ha Get up before 7.30 never

5. He finish 6. She vvatc:h Use a smartphone
7. He do 8. She write Speak English to my
• Correct the sentences. Go to bed after 12.00

1. At Halloween, we make metan lanterns. Sing in the shower

At Halloween we don't maKe melon

lanterns. We maKe pumpKin lanterns. b. Use the information aboye and
2. In Sri Lanka, people visit a museum to see write sentences about Robby and
tooth. Rita.
1. Hobb y usually gets up before 7:30.

3. Al Jaleo festival, cows dance in the streets.

2. Rita 50 Mtill1 V>

4. On Borns Night, peopte write poetry.

• Write the adverbs of frequency in the c. Complete the column about you
correct place. and write five sentences in your
• always • fICV0f • often
\ • sometimes • usually
03 Complete the sentences about you
with an adverb.
a. never
1. 1 always go lo school by bus.
b. 2. For breakfast, I di okinne

3. My English teacher speaks
English in class.
e. 4. My father cooks dinner.

5. 1 am late for school.

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
6. We play football in the


O Complete with the correct fornn of • ® Qr"
Listen and number the special
want and a verb fronn the box. days.

• see • go • wear • laave

1. On her next birthday, María

new clothes.

2. On Saturday, he
for a picnic with friends.

3. We
a fitm tonight.

4. Tomorrow they

Lunch with me.

O Complete the crossword and find the


a. Complete the sentences with

these words.

• sL oovm
e °times • tights
• • carnet
• t-shirt • you
• red • chicken
\, • presents • Thanks

1. Every rnoming I have a in 1. Here, this is for yoU

the bathroom. 2. very much. Thatis
2. I read before 1 go to a great
3. We oIl TV on Sunday afternoon. 3. Roses are
4. 1 usually lunch at school. 4. 1 you.
5. 1 in a beautiful country. 5. They ride on a
6. On Saturdays 1 cion't up 6. The next day we get
before ten o'clock. 7. The are beautiful.
7. I always have before I go to school. 8. Can I have
8. Sometimes we wake up tate and
b. O " Listen and check.
to school.

9. My sister salsa very vvell.

The message is:

O a. Read this text about a special day. c. Write about David's day.
Complete it with the words in the Remember the s.
First David ' 905 up and then he
Then his mother
(• I (x2) • It (x2) • Mum Then David and
• My name • Today • They After that, the postman . Finally,

a. Read the text about a festival.

o HL. 1 Da_Vid arid rns Complete it with these sentences.
O spec-iai das Ls lYth februars,
o alwass get early • There is also a lot of music and
o arld go dowvistairs Do have dancing.
breakfccst with rrly farrily. • I live in Mendoza and my favourite
o 3
nis favourite rneal. festival is - La Fiesta de la Vendimia - .
Le O-IVO-SS 0--00k5 cz. spee-ia.1 • It's about work in the field, grapes
LLq breakfast w¿th c.L11 rns and wine.
favour¿te things. Theri, 1 have

6-0 cc shower arde wash rrly hair.

like tO JOOk I'm from Argentina and we have a
the postr1o_r1 arrives cLt lot of special days in my country.
9.00 ani o_rd lots of c-ards
e.orne throt..4.9h the le-tter box. It starts on the Last Sunday in February
6 're 01 for me! rodas is and it ends on the first Saturday in
St. Valentiriels Dc.cs cuid March. There are parades and fireworks.
the postrnall thiviks I have
lots oÇ girlfr¿erds. Uut really
7 The festival is about the present and the
is niy birthdas! 8 15
CLISO Mordas culd I have Do
It's great.
qo to

David b. Read this text about the East day

of the festival and add connectors.

b. Why is 14th February a special The Last day

day for David? On this day we go to an amphitheatre
with space for over 20,000 people. It's
in a park near the city of Mendoza.
, there is a lot of
music and dancing. 2
there is a beauty contest and we
choose the - Queen - of the festival. And
3 , there are lots of
lights and fireworks.

VOCABULARY O Order the words to make sentences.
Hedor! to school / always / al nine
O Complete the text. o'clock / goes

H1, my name's Mark and I'm twelve. Every

morning H at 7.30, I 2. Paul / sometimes ¡Late / for school / is
3 and I go lo school. School
at 8.30 and 5 al 3.00. 3. Tony and Theresa / online gannes /
Then I and I . In the usually / play / in the afternoon
evening, I and watch television.

4. Luke and Meg / at night / television /

• Complete the text.
watch / often
Leila's favourite festival is Diwali. She
celebrates it with her family. During Diwali,
5. wear / to / Sally / clothes / birthday/
they ' the house with lights. They wants / for / her / new
new clothes and they go and
3 friends and family. They
thern presents. They a big party.
O Complete with before or after.
• Complete the sentences with true
1. Half past ten is nine o'clock. information.
2. Matt always brushes his teeth h
1. On Mondays, I get up
goes to school. 2. Then, I
3. Sheila usually goes to bed at 11 o'clock. 3. And after that, I
She never goes to bed midnight.
4. On Saturdays and Sundays, I get up
4. We prepare the food the party.

5. In the afternoon, 1
GRAMMAR 6. In the evening, I

Choose the correct optíon. 7. My favourite special day is

8. It is my favourite day because
1. Matilda don"t speak / speaks very good
9. On this day, 1
10. (a friend's name) special
2. I like music but I don't play / not play
an instrument. day is

3. Betty is a vegetarian. She doesn't eat / 11. It is favourite day because

Int eats meat.
4. Bobby and Clara iive / iives in Granada. 12. On this day, she / he
5. My grandparents don't comes / come to my
house every Sunday for lunch.

6. Juan wants to go goes borne atter school.

Natural habitats

O Label.

O head


• Irte-ael • teg • foot • eye • [lose • ear • mouth

• tongue • horn • wing • scates • teeth • tait • neck

O Circle the word that corresponds to each animal. O Order the Letters and
scates feathers trunk
write the adjectives.
1. bird fingers

wings trunk horns 1. sinosuoop poisonous

2. elephant teathers
3. fish beak scales toes fingers 2. gaviserges

4. snake leg horns wing tongue 3. tedifynr

5. bull horns hands arms trunk 4. ynios

5. eeiiontlttg

O Change the words in ítalics for one of the following verbs.

¡ • hunt • hibernate • lay • build nests • migrate

1. Bears sleep in the winter. 51ars hibu-nate in MI wintr.

2. Birds make houses in trees

3. Snakes look for small anirnals to eat.

4. Birds travel to other places in winter.

5. Chickens produce eggs.

a. What do you know about snakes? Read the quiz and circle the correct

1 How many snake species are Snakes don't have visible ears.
there in the world? Can they hear?
a. 300 a. No, they can't.
b. 3,000 b.They can only hear other snakes.
c. 30,000 c. Yes, they can hear very well.

2 How many snakes are dangerous? How long can snakes be?
a. about one percent of ah l species a. about 3 metres
b. about thirty percent of ah l species b. about 6 metres
c. Ah l snakes are dangerous. c. more than 9 metres

3 How many vertebrae does 7 How do snakes reproduce?

a snake have? a.They lay eggs.
a. about 180-500 b. They have babies.
b. none c. Some lay eggs and others have babies.
c. about 34
What can we use snake venom for?
4 What does a snake use its a. asthma medicine
tongue for? b. anti-venom vaccine
a. to drink c. pesticides
b. to eat
c. to smell

Adapted from

b. Check your answers below. How many did you get right?
6-8 Wow, you re a snake expert!
3-5 Not bad for a beginner!
1-2 Its obvious you pretor rabbits! cis 'D'L Y9 'e'g ' Y e•E


O Look at the table and write about Q Order the questions and answer
what the animals eat and don't eat. them.

1. Where / polar bears / live / do

tigers Where do polar bears live?
giraffes The,/ live in the Arctic.
cows 2. colour / What / is / their hair

1. Tigers eat meat. The don't eat

3. do / What / eat / polar bears
plants or fruit.
2. Uraff/5

4. in the ice / make / they / What / do

3. C.OWS

4. DW15
5. do / What / they / in winter / do

• Choose the correct option.

6. baby polar bear / How many kilos /
weigh / does

O Answer the questions with a short


1. Do polar bears live in the Antarctic?

Polar bears 1 .17)/1ives in the Arctic. They
Nn, the,y don't.
2 is / are usually white and t heir long hair
2. Are bears omnivores?
3 protect / protects them from the cold. Polar
bears 4is / are omnivores. They 5eat / eats
fish but they 6prefer / prefers seals. They 3. Does a spider eat fruit?
sometimes 7hunt / hunts walruses and white
whales. A polar bear smake/makes holes in 4. Do owls sleep at night?
the ice and 9 wait / waits for a fish or a seal.
In winter, they wmake / makes holes in the
5. Does a penguin live in the Antarctic?
snow and hibernate. The baby polar bear only
"weigh / weighs 1 kilo.
6. Do koala bears come from Australia?

a. What is the name of this animal?
O a. Write sentences O
pictures using can / can't.

3. parrot / talk

4414 -

a. the blue star fish

4. dog / swim 5. worm / fly 6. bear / dance
b. the tiger fish
1. An elephant tan't jump. c. the blue ring octopus
b. Do you think it is dangerous?

c. e" Listen to the first part
of the interview and check your

b. Make the sentences into questions.

• a. u" Listen to the second part.
1. Cflan an dephant jump? Number the questions in the order
2. you hear them.
si a. Do octopuses have beaks 9
b. What does it eat? o
c. Where does this octopus Live? o
d. What does it do all day? o
• Complete the text with must/ mustn't. e. How does it kill them? o
give dogs a lot of attention b. e" Listen again. True or false?
1 e UthSet y are very loving animals. You
1. The octopus likes cold water. o
take them for a walk every day
2. It hunts during the day, o
because they get fat. You
train them well. They 3. It eats plants. o
sit when you say They 4. It bites with its teeth. o
run into the road. You 5. It kills with poison. o

and you 8
always give them good food
give them chocolate.
6. It carít kilt humans. o

O Punctuate with !, ?or . O Write the text correctly. Don't forget
1. Helpl

2. What's the name of that strange animal

Do you know this animal?
3. 1 like dogs cats and birds

4. Does it bite

5. What an ugly dog

6. Gorillas don't eat people

7. Pets especially dogs like a lot of attention

• Correct the mistakes.

1. There is a tot of different species of

snakes. ar
2. A femate panda have a baby every two
CO Read the text again and answer
the questions.
1. Where do sloths live?
3. Polar bears eats fish.
in tr/Is
4. Mate lions don't usually hunts.
2. Are they fast animals?

5. My cat don't like milk.

3. What is their natural habitat?
6. Frogs can lo live on land and in water.

4. How many toes have they got?

7. Bears hibernates in winter.
8. Birds has feathers.
5. What can't they do well?
9. Chickens doesn't lay eggs.

• Find the 14 punctuation mistakes in 6. What can they do?

this text.

D o you know this animal! its a sloth.

Sloths are very slow and, Very strange
animals. They live in trees and eat sleep
and mate upside down.They sieep 15 hours
a day? they usually live between 10 and 20
years, Thelr native habitat Is the rain forests
of Central and South America. Some sioths
have got two toes and some have got three
They cannot walk very well but they can
swim, what a funny animal?


VOCABULARY O Choose the correct option.
1. Elephants climb trees.
O Which is the odd word out? a. can't b. mustn't c. doesn't

1. elephant, horse, horn, pig, camet 2. Students play loud music

2. ant, foot, nose, arm, mouth in the Library.

3. beak, chicken, cow, mosquito, snake a. can b. must c. mustn't

4. tail, feather, wing, bear, trunk 3. You always be careful

with wild animals.

• Choose the correct option.
a. must b. mustn't c. can
1. You bite food with your 4. How many languages Stan

a. teeth b. mouth C. toes speak?

2. A foot has got five a. can b. cans c. must
a. teeth b. fingers c. toes 5. You respect nature.
3. You with your ears. a. can't b. must c. mustn't
a. hear b. see c. bite

4. You walk with your WRITING

a. fingers b. arms c. legs
O Punctuate the text with commas, full
5. Birds usually their nests in 1rees.
stops and capital Letters.
a. build b. lay c. migrate
many people imagine that mountain gorillas
6. Foxes small animats at night.
are noisy aggressive creatures but they are
a. sting b. hunt c. hide
normally peaceful gentle social vegetarian
animals when people see an angry gorilla
GRAM MAR it is usually a mate gorilla protecting his
family group
O Write questions for these answers.

1. Quokkas live in island swamps, ENGLISH IN USE

2. They eat peppermint, eucalyptus leaves
and other greens. O Answer each question twice.
3. They have one joey a year. What have they got?
4. Femate quokkas carry their joey in pouches. 1. Elephants
5. Quokkas bite dozens of peopte each year. 2. Bulls
6. They usuatly bite children. What can they do?

3. Birds
4. Fish
What do they do to kilt their prey?

5. Scorpions
6. Snakes
What must we do to protect animals in zoos?

7. ,We must

8. We mustn't

What's your choice?

O Complete the names of the places. Q Find nine more things you can

Hairdr,DfisDr's l_tn_t C C SI S C R S A
n m

O a. Match each verb (1-9) to a noun


1. get a. clothes
2. see b. a haircut
3. rent c. money
4. have d. a book
5. meet e. a film
6. try on f. the internet
7. borrow g. friends
k ry
8. surf h. bills
Complete the sentences with the 9. pay i. a DVD
correct preposition.
b. Where can you do these things?
bank internet café hairdresser's 1. MI can gd monea at thl bank.
DVD shop
I shopping centre cinema

1. The internet café is bfrtwfn [he
bank and the hairdresser's.
2. The DVD shop is Ihe Unk.
3. The shopping centre is [he
DVD shop and the cinema.
4. The hairdresser's is the
internet café.

„loday 's SPeCia/ off

s AB
14.00, 16.00, 18.00,
I Tickets £4.50 Family ticket £15.00

Wednesdly laali-price tickets


The Place
Sale on nowl
I \ Incredible prices1
e ■
a 1
n AII ¡eans and
t-shirts reduce Open 7 days a week
10.00 am to 8.00 pm
C 'A colours and sizes. Go online satul d a ys from 7 0 0,7 7

40p for 30 minutes

Meet your friends and chat!

TiC ket5 f3.5°
n seons
05 90
free \\
1-ois - 7
friends, (7o1
o9 9

Answer the questions.

1. What day is the teen disco?
Shampoo and haircut ..... £10 Saturday
Haircut ................................. £7
Children's haircut ............ £3.40 2. How much is a family cinema ticket?
special student prices
Thursdays --

pen a
sida s t'II
3. What day can students have a cheap


4. What can you buy in Jean Machine?

O Read the adverts and write the 5. What meat is cheap today?
names of the places.
1. Hairdresser's Gut it!
6. 1s the internet café open on Sundays?
2. Clothes shop

3. Internet café
7. How much is an hour of internet access?
4. Supermarket

5. Disco
8. How much are children's haircuts?
6. Cinema
• Match the verbs to the pictures. Write the correct form of the verbs.
Hi Chris, it's Dad. What ,ar you (oing
(you / do)?
CHRIS: Hi Dad. 1? (finish) my
DAD: 1 can hear the TV.'
(you / watch) TV?
CHRIS: No, V m not. I
(listen to) the radio.
DAD: What 5
(Amy and Lizzie / dol?
CHRIS: They 6 (play) on the
DAD: Where's Mum?
CHRIS: She . s al the supermarket. She
(buy) some food.
Dm): OK. See you laten Bye.
a. listen to music d. play football
h. have a haircut e. watch a film Write the words in the word webs.
c. 1ry on clothe-; f. read a magazine
• cinema • milk
• Write questions and answers about • bread • water
the pictures. • &V-B • sugar
• computer • aspirin
1. girls / cook?
Art the girls cooKing
No, thly aren't cooking.

They'rt iisttning to music.

2. boys / play guitar?


3. the woman / drive a car?

4. the boy / write a [eller? MUSiC

5. the girl / eat a hamburger?

6. the girls/ do homework?

Look at the picture and circle the O a. O 1 "
Listen to the conversation.
correct word. Where is Sophie?

b. O " Listen again. Complete the


ASSISTANH : Helio. ' C-an 1 hotp you?

SOPHIE: Yes, please. id like to write
ASSISTANT: OK. It costs E1 for 30 minutes
or £2 for two
A: What is there in the fridge? SOPITIE: Two ' please.
B: There's ' a I some cheese and l'ye got lots of emails to write!
a I some butter. But there isn't
AssisTANT: Do you want a
' any/ some bread.
A: Are there' some I anyeggs? sopHis: Yes, please. An
B: Yes, there are anyl a lot of eggs but there ASSISTANT: OK. That's 7
aren't 6 anyl a lot of sausages. otease. You can pay laten
A: Are there'some I anydrinks? Thank you.
B: There's 'any/ some milk but there sonniF: Thank you.
isn't 'any! some juice.
A: Is there 1 any/ some fruit?
B: Yes, there's "a an apple and O a. For each first sentence (1-5) find a
12 an I a pear. second sentence (a-e).
A: OK. 1 want la anl a egg, some I a milk í-ind
'san I a apple, please. 1. Im verythirsty.

2. It's a lovely day. o

3. It's Peter's birthday. o
• Complete the sentences with some
or any. 4. I'm hungry.
5. It's Mother's Day.
1. 1 want orr)1 new shoes, but 1 can't
find shoes1 like! a. Shall we buy him a present?
2. Have you gol magazines? Yes, b. Let's make some sandwiches!
there are under the TV. c. Let's go for a walk1

3. Have you got brothers or d. Why don't we go for a drink?

sisters? e. Shall we buy her some flowers?
4. There are great films in the
DVD shop al the moment. b. E) i Listen and check.
5. Ive got money in the bank.

O Choose the correct option to
complete the sentences.
1. Sam always buys red flower at
the flower shop.
a. a b. an c. the

2. Then, he goes to newsagent's

in front of his house.
a. a b. an c. the

3. On Saturdays he has burger with

a. a b. an c. the

4. He has got pet. He takes it to the

vet once a month.
a. a b. an c. the

5. Its name is Spotty. It has got

enormous body.
a. a b. an c. the
e a . Look at the
picture. What
6. Sam's mum, Lili, works in bank can you see in it?
a. a b. an c. the
7. She wears uniform.
a. a b. an c. the
8. She usually buys takeaway
coffee on her way to work.
a. a b. an c. the
9. She has to wear same uniform
every day. b. Complete this description of the
a. a b. ¿in c. the picture with the words a, the, it, they
and she.
• Use the prompts to write a new
dialogue. TIir picture of Key West.
is small island in the south of
A: What / you do? Florida, USA. In picture, there is
B: 1 / look / present / for Mum.
teenage girl. is walking
into shop. The name of
A: Why / you buy her / present? / It /
shop is Shell Warehouse. - 9 sells
her birthday? shelts and a lot of other souvenirs. "
B: No.1/ buy present / because / Mother's Day. are really beautiful. " girt is wearing
A: Why / you not / buy flowers? shorts.1 think 12 s summer and
on holiday in Key West.
B: Good idea!
A: Lefs / gol flower shop / round / comer.


O Complete the sentences with these a. Complete the sentences with
words. some, any, a or an.
• sausages • pears
1. Can you buy me DVD for my
• croissants • bananas
• aspirin • magazines birthday, ptease?
• toothpaste • bread 2. l'ye got new music.
• chewing gum • steak
3. Take aspirin and go to bed.

1. You can huy at a chemist's. 4. Cartas buying magazines.

2. You can get al a newsagent's. 5. Have you got black jeans in a

3. You can buy at a fruit shop. size 12?

4. You can get al a butcher's.

b. Tick ( ) the sentences where
5. You can buy al a baker's.
a lot of is also correct.

1. o
2. o
3. o
4. o
5. o
• Complete the conversations with
your own ideas.

• Complete the sentences. 1. A:

B: l'm doing my homework.

1. You can have a at a
2. A:
B: To the library.
2. You can try on t-shirts, jeans and
3. A:
other at a clothes shop.
B: Yes, she is.
3. You can a DVD at a DVD shop.
4. A:
4. You can a film at a cinema.
B: No, they aren't.
5. You can with friends at an
5. A: Let's go to the disco.
internet café.
6. You can a present at a
6. A:
shopping centre.
B: No, thanks. 1 don't like pizza.
7. You can .biLis at a bank.
7. A:
B: No, we haven't got any.

8. A:
B: lts $300.
ICT in our lives
O Match. b. Write five sentences about yourself
1. speak a. a file using activities from Exercise 2a. You
2. download b. ontine gamas
can write about when, whyor how
often you do them.
3. play c. a setfie

4. take d. on the phone 1. I somItimes smd mak to

5. post e. research my tuchers.
6. send f. a QR code 2.
7. do g. an audio message
8. scan h. comments 3.

• a. What do you use your computer

for? Tick ( 1 the activities you do.

1. stay connected with friends O 5.

2. do research O
3. chat on Facebook O 6.
4. check the weather O
5. do homework O
6. send emaits
Complete the sentences to describe
O Anna. Use the words in the box.
7. play games O
8. post comments
• angry • sad
9. watch films / videos • worried • excited
10. download music • coot • Lazy
11. shop online
12. listen to music 1. Anna is so She is atways funny,
positiva and happy.
2. She is never late. She gets when
her friends don't arrive on time.
3. She always wears very trendy clothes. She
4. She is never . She is always
5. She gets when she cari't find a
solution to a problem.
6. She's not boring. She's always
about making plans for the weekend.

O Read the article.

Books and bookshops:

Is there any hope for them?
e live in a digital age. People download music and
watch films online. As a result a lot of record shops
and DVD shops are dosing. 'The number of bookshops is
also going down as more and more people are buying real
or electronic books online. Is there any hope for books with
real pages? And for bookshops? Ibis is what book lovers
have to say.

I got an e-reader for my birthday-a perfect

I live in a small town. I love going to the local bookshop gift! What's so good about it? You can
near my house. They have comfortable chairs to sit have a lot of books on it. You only need
down and browse books. `The shop owner knows internet access and a credit card.
me well and often helps me choose the right book. You click“Download" and you get the
I like real books with real pages1 --Cathy e-book you want in a few seconds!
I usually order books online. Amazon is my The problem is that some books are
favourite website. Their prices are really good and not available as e-books. And e-books
they deliver books to your home in just a few are not available in every language.
In my country you can get ah kinds of books online. -Kristle
great! -Junior

Complete with real books, e-books, Complete the chart with information
online and at bookshops. from the texts.

1. Cathy likes reading

and she buys them Buying books at bookshops
2. Junior likes reading
Buying books ontine
and he buys them
Having an e-reader
3. Kristie Likes reading
and she buys them

b. Write questions and answer them.
O a. Complete the sentences with
the Present simple or Present 1. Where / the Slaters / live?
continuous forms of the verbs in
Where do the Slaters live?
They live in Uventry.
1. She a violin lesson every
2. What / they / do / right now?
week. (have)
2. I on Facebook at the
moment. (not chat)
3. They _ a Geography test right 3. Where / Mrs Slater /work?
now. (take)
4. She Facebook every day.
(not use)
4. What / Richard / eat?
5. he usually
ontine? (play)
6. he his
computer now? (use) c. Correct the sentences.

b. Reread the sentences in Exercise 1. The Slaters live in London.

la and circle the time expressions. don't live in London.
They live in Goventry.
• a. Read the text.
2. Mrs Slater works in a school.

3. Rose is looking at a cat.

4. Richard and Rose go lo different schools.

The Slaters are not always on holiday! They

usually work very hard. They live and work in
Coventry. Mr Slater is a teacher in the centre
of town and Mrs Slater is a doctor in a local 5. Mr and Mrs Slater are working.
hospital. Rose and Richard go to the same
school near their home. They like school a lot.
They all like travelling and go to a different
country every year. This year they are having 6. The Slaters are having a holiday in Portugal.
a great holiday in Spain. Right now they are
sitting in a street café. Mr and Mrs Stater are
having some coffee. Richard is eating an
ice-cream. Rose is looking at a dog. The dog
looks hungry. It wants some ice-cream.
O Complete the text with the correct O a. O 1 ' Listen to the conversation.
Can Nadia go out with Mark today?
form of the verb. Use the present
Why / Why not?
simple or present continuous.
Miriam is an interpreter and she ' travels
(travel) lo lots of countries. She
(speak) Spanish, French and English. At the
moment she 3 (read) a book of poetry b. Listen again. True or false?

on the plane to Paris. She (listen) to 1. Nadia is watching a comedy. o

her favourite music - heavy metal! She 2. Mark is downloading music. o
5 (Eike) her job, but she
(want) to be a poet
3. Mark is doing homework.
4. Mark's Maths teacher always
O Complete the sentences with gives him homework. o
your own ideas. Use the present
5. Nadia is doing homework.
6. Nadia's Maths teacher never
gives her homework. o
'renda is a student. Toda»( is different because
7. Nadia is playing the piano. o
it's a holiday.
1. Brenda has breakfast at 6.00, 8. Nadia plays the piano. o
but today she 9. Nadia has piano lessons every Tuesday. o
c. Complete the first part of the
2. Brenda has lunch in the school
canteen, but today she
MARK: Hi, Nadia. It's me, Mark.
NADIA: Hi, Mark. How are you?
3. At 5.00 Brenda usualty does her
MARK: I'm fine. What you
homework, but today she

4. At 10.00 Brenda goes to bed, but
a comedy. It's really funny. And you?
today she
MARK: Well, I 4
tO music and my
Maths honnework. It's so long-
O Complete the sentences with the
30 exercises in all!
correct object pronoun. NADIA: That sounds like a lot.
1. Do you have my mobile phone? Please give it MARK: Well, our Maths teacher always
lo us a lot of homework.

2. We are playing Monopoly. Do you want to NADA: That's terrible. Our Maths teacher
doesn't usually gives us
play with
homework. And 1 7 have
3. Where is Tommy? Why don't you call
any homework for tomorrow!

4. Sarah looks sad these days. Let's invite d. O 15 Listen again and check.
to the cinema.


O Complete the sentences using and, • The following sentences compare

what the children are doing with
but, so and because.
what they always, usually or
1. They always go out together
sometimes do. Complete them with
they are good friends.
your own ideas.
2. He doesn't have a mobile phone
1. Barbara, Marco, Delfina and Danny are
he's got a computer.
having a good time. They are good friends
3. She's very kind she loves to
so they alvvays have a great time together.
help people.
4. 1 don't study much 1 always

pass my tests.
I must 2. They are sitting in the sun in a park. They
5. 1 have a test tomo rrow
sit and study.
6. 1 am studying Maths 1 don't

understand a topic. 3. Barbara is doing some Maths exercises.

7. My mum is cooking 1 aro She

helping her!

4. Marco is holding a ball. He

Look at a picture of four friends
-Barbara, Marco, Delfina and Danny.
Tick ( 1 what you think they are 5. Delfina and Danny are reading sorne notes.
doing. They

O Write a description of the picture.

• lnclude information about what the people
are doing and what they always, usually or
sometimes do.
• Remember to use and, but, because and so
to join some of your sentences.
• Use your imagination!
0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0

• making plans for the weekend

• doing homework
• reading for a test
• looking at a magazine
• having a good time
• sitting in the sun
• playing football
• taking notes
• laughing

VOCABULARY CO Use the information to write
O Complete the sentences.
1. Sophie / usually ¡listen / pop music / but /
1. 1 like photos on Facebook. now / rock
2. Please me a text message Sophi/ usually listens tú pop music
when you get home. listtning tú rocK.
but now
3. 1 sometimes online games.
2. Manan / always / read / novels / but / right
4. She loves on Skype.
now / the newspaper
5. We often go online to
3. My friends / usually / play / video games /
• Write an adjective for each but / now / chess

1. This person makes me laugh. 4. we / always / work hard / school / but / today
2. This person never works hard. / celebrate / its anniversary
3. This person doesn't talk much.
4. This person is nice to others.
Complete with object pronouns.
GRAMMAR 1. She's so pretty. Here's a picture of

O Complete with the present

continuous. 2. We don't understand this exercise. Can you
¡otease help
1. Chris (not / play( football.
3. Peter's over there. Please, call
He's at school.
2. Where / go)?
4. 1 haven't got a pen. Can you lend
3. John (listen) to music.
4. Bob and Ruth (not / work).
5. Where are my keys 2 1 can't find
They're on holiday.

O Complete with the present simple.

1. María (nOt Ma ke) friend ,

online. Answer about yourself.

2. What kind of information
1. What are you doing right now?
(she / have) on her profile?
3. What (you / use) your
2. What time of the day is it?
computer for?
4. We (not / do) homework on
3. What do you usually do at this time of the day?
Time to travel
O Put the Letters in order and O Complete the activities that Jenny
complete the crossword about likes doing on holidays.
forms of transport.
1. o T O T E

2. 1-1 1V.-,1 NG
3. VE A

h;11 7



1. sub
5. LA DA
4. choca
O Es
9. nimotanu kieb

2. drunedogurn
3. romnoita
5. rca
6. nelpa
7. xtia 7.

8. yrerf



Ori T AV

10. T Y NA

O Read the text. It is a diary from the year 741.

The Val: íg 741 and my llame íg Alanívandak. an old »tan and

.9 stay at how but ,hen .9 mas younl .9 liad an exeítin9 lile. .9 mas
a nieteliant. .9 ttavelled evety ¡fen• to ettanilan in ehina to 61-at and sell
thin9s. The lttst time .9 ttavelled to ehano'an .9 pons onty thitteen.

(the putney was ve ty intetestinl but tt was wintet and vety caíd.
.9t mas also lot oto aht»ultg. 70e statted wtth hotses 6ut tlien me chanled thern lot camets.
eamels wete the only antnials that coutd carry ts acqogs the desat, 6ut they ;vete valí expensive.
/14y uncle and usually ttavelted with odia nietettants but it was dangetous. &Indas attacked
and killed many metchants. Oe wete aboays ve zy harry when lile anived tn elianjan. .9t mas a
6eautitut cuy with ltuit ttees and a tale. (Zhe knaTket mas 6ío and liad lotsat thín9s. uged loto(

ta pay lo/. the thinls ;ve Nanted. (D'eh t,e put diem en iota camets vid kue took diem
Thai toeu lood tbnes.

O Answer the questions. Match the first part of the sentences

(1-5) to the second part fa-e).
1. Was Nanivandak young or old in 741?
lit was ola. 1. Every year Nanivandak e
2. What was his job when he was young?
2. He started his trip o
3. He finished his trip o
4. The market in Chang . an o
3. Was his first journey to Changan easy?
5. Nanivandak took o
a. had many things.
4. How old was he on his first trip? b. travetted to China.
c. with camets.

5. Were bandits dangerous? d. a tot of things home.

e. with horses.

6. What was Nanivandak's opinion of O Match the adjectives (1-6) to the

Changan? nouns (a-f) in the diary.

1. otd - a. journey
7. How did they pay for things? 2. beautiful b. camels
3. expensive c. winter

8. How did they take things homo? 4. big d. man

5. interesting e. city
6. cold f. market
O Complete the sentences with the O Write questions using the prompts
affirmative (+1 or negative 1-) past and answer them.
simple form of to be. 1. Mere / you / Last night?
Where were you last night?
I was at the cinema.
2. Who / you with?

3. Why / you / Ibero?

4. Where / your / lriencis?

1. 1 Wa5 (+)on holiday last

5. your parents / al homo?
2. We (+) in Misiones.
3. The weather (+1 great. O a. Write the past tenses of these
4. It (-) rainy. regular verbs.
It (+I sun ny.
1, start started 4. cook
5. The hotel (+) nice.
2. travel 5. walk
6. The rooms hirj.
3. play 6. visil
They (+) smatl.

7. The people (+) very b. Use past time expressions and

friendly. the verbs in Exercise 4a to write
8. The place (+) beautifut.
sentences about the pictures.
9. The waterfalls (+I great!

O Answer the questions with true


1. Where were you yesterday at 7.00?

2. Were you with your family?

3. Where were you last weekend? 1. Last March he visited Varia.

2. Last summer
4. What was the weather like on Sunday? 3.

5. Were you late or early to school Ibis 5.
rnorning? 6.

O Write past simple sentences using O a. Complete the dialogue with the
these prompts. Add any necessary missing sentences.
words. • You're welcome.

1. Rob / be / zoo / last weekend
• II takes about 24 hours.
La5t weekend 17-ob was at the zoo. • What day do you want to travel?
2. He / take / SOITle beautiful photos • A roturo ticket is E89.

A: Excuse me, I want to go to Barcelona from

3. He / not go / farniby London. How much is it by coach?
B: 1 Single or return?
4. He / go / friendo A: Roturo.

5. They / seo / a tot of / animols A: Un Monclay.


6. They / hoye / lunch / small restaurant A: And how long does it Lake lo gel lo Barcelona?

7. They / have / great time A: Thank you.


• Complete the sentences with a verb

in the past.
Yesterday was a terrible doy. First,
1 Wa5 Ibe) late lo school.
The Maths teacher was furious. In class

[do) four exercises and they

£ 89 return
(be) all wrong. The teacher

(sed my exercises and was

furious again! Then I (have) b. 16 Listen and check.
lunch in the canteen. The burgers

(be) horrible! What a doy! • e 17 Listen to the man buying

tickets and answer the questions.
O Complete the questions with How
1. How many tickets does he want?
much and How many.
1. tickets do you want? -
2. Where does he want lo go?
Two, please.
3. Does he want single or return tickets?
2. are two tickets lo the

airporl? 10.50.
4. When does he want to travel?
3. people are travelling with

you? - [bree. 5. When does he want to return?

4. is that backpack? -- E 59.99. 6. How much do the tickets cost?

O a. Find seven more mistakes in the email.

To: sylvia . 1987@gma i I .com

Subject: It's me from New York!!!

Hi Sylvia,

We'raveing)a wonderful time here in New York. We arived on Monday. We're stayng in
a hostel. lis OK but our room is very small. The people here are very friendly. We meet some
nice boys in the hostel. Yesterday the weather was terrible - it rainned all doy so we visit the
museums. We're eatting lots of different food. Last night we goed Fo a rock concert. It was great.
Wish you were here! Lots of lave


b. Write the correct version here.
We're having a wonderful time here in New York

• Use the words in the box to complete 0 Imagine you are on holiday. Use the
the sentences. prompts to write an email to your
• weather • [ove • terrible • Wish j
• say helio • food
people • time • lovely • Hi • • peopLe
good / bad time -
place? • things you do
• weather • say goodbye
1. Hi Jacky. • accommodation
2. We're having a wonderful
3. The food is
4. The is great.
5. The hotel is .1 like our.
6. The are friendly.
7. you were here.
8. Lots of

O Complete the senten ces with these • Complete the sentences with the
words. past simple form of the verbs.
• fceorarcy h • taxi • mountain bike 1. They (be) in Salta. They
• • plane • underground
[have) a wonderful time!
1. They crossed the river by
2. They (take) the train. They
2. The Spanish word for the
(not take) the bus.
is 'subterráneo'.
3. The views [be) beautiful. They
3. A to the city centre is very
Iseel a lot of mountains.
expensive. Let's take the bus!
4. The weather (be) hot. It
4. There is a from Manchester
(not be) cloudy.
to London at 8.30. It takes five hours.
5. They Estay) in a hotel. The service
5. My brother [oyes cycling. He wants
(be) good.
a new for his birthday.
6. They (not hire) rnountain bikes.
6. The from Malaga to London
They (go) horseriding.
takes two hours.
7. The horses (be) old. They
(not be) fast.

• Complete the letter.
1-li Jane,
I'm ' a great time on the beach.
We' re ' in a beautiful hotel and the
is nice and sunny. Yesterday we
to the aquarium and 1 5 a lot
of photos. 6 you were here!

O Match the verbs (1-10) to the words

or phrases (a-j).
Lovo, Kim

ride a. a barbecue Think about what you did at the
2. go b. in a hotel times given and complete the
3. play c. board games sentences.
4. stay d. a horse 1. Yesterday at 4.00 in the afternoon,
5. ha ve e. to the beach 1 did my &tography homework
6. take f. a good time 2. Yesterday morning
7. see g. photos 3. Last month
8. have h. in the sea 4. Last Friday
9. walk i. wild animals 5. When 1 was on holiday,
10. swim j. around 6. The Last time 1 went to the zoo
Datos de catalogación bibliográfica

The Publisher would like to acknowledge María Alicia

What's Up? 1 Student's Book / Cathy Myers Eet ad;
Maldonado for her adaptation and pedagogical supervision
adaptado por María Alicia Maldonado. - 3a ed adaptada. - Ciudad
Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Pearson Education, S. A., 2016.
of the Whars up? 3d edition series as well as Mónica
112 p. ; 30 x 21 cm. Rodriguez Salvo for her collaboration en developing the
Social and Emotional Learning content and activities.
ISBN 978-987-615-422-2
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Affirmative and negative

1/ You / He / She / It / We / They can swim.
1/ You / He / She / it We They can't swim.
can't = cannot

Questions and short answers

Can she swini? Yes, she can. / No, she can't.

Permission and requests

Can I use your camera?
n And: related information
He likes entine games an d he plays all day.

But: constrasting information

He likes online gamas bu t he never plays.

Because: fact-reason
He usually wins because he is a good player.

So: reason-fact
Can you open the window?
L He is a good player so he usually wins.

Affirmative Negative
I / You / He / She / It / We / I hey must go. 1/ You / He / She / It /We /They mustn't go. mustn't = must not
Questions and short answers: Must he go? Yes, he must. / No, he mustn't.

.11.1.=■.. .11311■1
Object pronouns
Affirmative and negative • verb + object pronoun

I want to go out • preposition (for, from, te, at, etc.) + object pronoun
I don't want to stay al home. Look at these books. I bought them for us.
He wants lo eat pizza.
He doesn't want lo eat sandwiches.
Subject pronouns Object pronouns
D you want to come?
Do Singular I me
Does she want to stay? you you
Suggestions he him
Let's go to the cinema. she her
Why don't we go to the park? it ;t
What about going to the shopping centre? Plural we us
Shall we go for a burger? you you
they them

always usually often sornetimes never Prepositions oí time

100% 0% + July on + Tuesday al + 9 o'clockl

Position summer 24t5 April midday
2005 midnight
I am sometimes late to school. Ito be + adverb)
the morning night
I sometimos study on Sundays.
the afternoon
ladverb + other verbsi
the evening .41

Affirmative Negative
Countable nouns Singular a (n) He's buying a book. a In) He's not eating an ice cream.
Plural some / a lot of He's got some /a lol of books. some / a lot of
There is some / a lot of milk.
Uncountable nouns any/ a lot of He hasn't gol any / a lot of books. any / a lot of
There isn't any / a lot of milk.



For audio files go to

rack Lii

1 Credits

2 1 - WE are the iiitiliaot 76 5

3 79 1

4 2 - - My fayou [-de days 84 4

85 1

6 85 2 b. t tos Page Ex.

7 3- Natural habitats 91 1 e. 13 5- ICT in our tives 103 1 a.

8 2a. 14 1 b.

9 2b 15 1 d.

10 4 - Whars your choice? 97 1 a. 16 6 - Time te travel 109 1 h.

11 1 b. 17 2

12 2b. 18 The end

Affirmative Negative Questions and short answers

English. I'm not English. Am I English? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
He! She / It's twetve. He / She / It isn't twelve. Is he twetve? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.
You / We / They're hapPY- You / We / They aren"t hapPY. Are they happy? Yes, they are.
No, they aren't.
'm -le 're = ere is net aren't = are not

Affirmative Negative Questions and short answers

I / You / We / They like I /You /We /They don't like snakes. Do I like snakes? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
snakes. Does she like snakes? Yes, she does.
He / She / It doesn't like snakes.
He / She / It likes snakes. No, she doesn't.

don't = do not doesn't = does not

Affirmative Negativo Questions and short answers

I'm studying. 1'm not studying. Am 1 working? Yes, 1 am. / No 1'm not.
He! She / It's studying. He / She / It isn't readíng. Is he working? Yes he is. / No, he isn't.
You / We / They're You / We / They aren't reading. Are they working? Yes, they are.
studying. No, they aren't.

He isn't reading. = He's not

We aren't reading. = We're not

Affirmative Negative Questions and short answers

I / He/ She / It was in Africa. 1 / He / She / It wasn't in China. Was it there? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn't.
You / We /They were in You / We / They weren't in China. Were we there? Yes, we were.
Africa. No, we weren't.

wasn't = was not

wer (111= were not

Regular verbs Irregular verhs

Affirmative and negative Affirmative and negative
I/ You / He / She/ It / We / They cooked burgers. 1 / You / He / She / It /We / They went to the cinema.
I / You / He / She/ It /We /They didn't cook chicken. 1 / You / He / She / It /We /They didn't go to the zoo.
didn't = did not

Verbs from Unit 6: be - was, do - did, go - went, have - had, see - saw, swim - swann, take - took
Other common verbs: buy - bought, come - carne, drink - drank, eat - ate, give - gave, make - made, say - said
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3rd edition
Engage with eye-opening
topics and discover your

For students:
> Use your prev. ious knowledge to observe and associate
information presented through images'and contextualisation.
> Recycle learnt material to interpret new information.
> Work with your partners and discuss the topics to reflect
critically and learn more about yourself and others.

Students' components:
• Student's Book with Workbook
• Interactive Student's Book: Interactive
Student's Book
• Extra Practice 81 Fast Finishers Book
• Grammar Quick Check
• Online Workbook audio files

For teachers:
> Uting students' previous. experience of the world as a springboard,
we move through a series of interconnected, meaningful tasks until
they complete a Final Project in each unit.
> Drawing from observation of images to recall students' previous
knowledge, new vocabulary is presented to facilitate the
understanding of updated and challenging readings.
> Contextualised grammar practice enables students to visualise and
internalise new linguistic concepts introduced in each unit, which
are permanently spíraled through the series.
> Collaborative work and informed discussions will help students to
reflect critically and become better aware of themselves and others.

Teacher's components:
• Downloadable Teacher's Book with extra practice & readings
• Access to Interactivity to follow students' progress, upload material or
assign homework, amongst other things
• .Online Class & Workbook audio files

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Ah l digital material available at: 1 91 17:6111111160

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