Newsletter 2018 (4rt Quarter)

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Page 1

Donation from Harvest Caye

Thanks to the support of local partners Humana People to
People Belize received a generous donation of sixty-eight
mattresses from Harvest Caye. The donation was wel-
comed and sixty-eight persons from three communities
were grateful to receive a mattress.
Humana People to People Belize would like to extend a
special thanks to Harvest Caye administration for the
support they have given us with donations and participa-
tion in other activities in district development. The mat-
tresses were in good condition. We are happy that these
mattresses are now reused and spared from being
dumped as garbage .

Donation from Citrus Product of Belize Limited

Every year we have the unconditional support from one

of our local donors, Citrus Product of Belize Ltd. who
donates garbage drum to distribute to families in the
project, community centres, bus stops and schools. An
arrangement with village leaders are made concerning
responsibilities for disposal of garbage drums. This en-
courages people to put garbage on its proper place at
the same time fighting against land pollution. When a
garbage drum is given, we encourage the family to sort
their garage from organic and inorganic. The organic
wastes can be used in their back yard gardens as com-
post for the plants.
Thanks you CPBL for the constant support.
Page 2
Welcome to our two new Development Instructors
Child Aid Toledo welcomes the two new Development
Instructors to the project who will be working for the six
months in Red Bank Village.

Lina Nieto from Colombia and Jitka Schejbalova from

Czech Republic are students of Richmond Vale Academy
who are currently volunteering as development instruc-
tors in Red Bank village in Belize. Since September 2018
they have been working with women's groups providing
workshops and presentations about nutrition, organic
gardening and crafts. As volunteers in a Child Aid project
they work closely with the local school, where they edu-
cate children about good hand washing habits and partic-
ipate in school gardening club. Building and designing
garden for children which is based on permaculture prin-
ciples has not only influenced students to grow their own
food but had also encouraged local men to form their
own group with the aim to practice organic farming. The
DIs hope to create an impact by building a village play-
ground from recycled materials where kids can learn and
experience their surroundings through play, exploration
and interaction. By providing a different kind of learning
space they want to evoke creativity in children and excite
them to attend school every day, therefore support their
academic and social success in the future.
After noticing a tremendous social pressure on young
adults formed by the clash of traditional and modern cul-
ture they have created activities to keep adolescents ac-
tive in their own community. By including them in village
cleanup actions and gardening projects they strive to in-
troduce young adults as the driving force toward change.
In giving them the responsibility of organizing a fundrais-
ing event they hope to support not only their love for
sports but give them the opportunity to build their role in
this society. Both Lina and Jitka are originally fine artists
and they believe that art and creativity is a powerful tool
for social transformation. Through painting, literature
and visual arts they developed workshops to help Red
Bank inhabitants to connect with their culture. At the
end of their 6 months service period they hope to have
influenced the Red Bank community in a positive way.
They are grateful to be able to live and experience life in
rich Maya culture and gain a valuable lessons of life.
Humana Belize is proud to have passionate instructors
who dedicate many hours of their time to make positive
changes in the communities. The feedback from the peo-
ple in the communities is essential because it facilitates
their work and inspired them to continue fighting shoul-
der to shoulder with their people.
Page 3
End of year cleaning campaign
Bella Vista is one of those communities that do not have
a proper garbage disposal system in place which causes a
sanitation issue inside the community and its outskirt
areas. Even though there is a dump site 7 minutes away
from the community, villagers tend to throw away their
garbage at the road side and in the savannah. Bella Vista
have an approximate population of 10,000+ which cre-
ates the garbage issue a problem for the entire commu-
nity. We all agree that individual health and hygiene is
supreme in everything and it largely depends on the en-
vironment we live in. It is important to keep our envi-
ronment clean in order to prevent the emerge of diseas-
es like malaria, dengue and other diseases related to a
poor environmental sanitation. Child Aid works under
line # 2– health and hygiene and line # 8 environment,
whereby environmental campaigns are carried out,
workshops about global warming /climate change are
made, families are organized with proper garage systems
and are encourage to reduce use of plastic, tree planting
actions are executed and sessions about reduce bush or
forest fires take place.
On December 22nd 2018 a community highway clean-
ing action took place from the entrance of San Isidro to
the entrance of Bella Vista where ten groups were orga-
nized consisting of ten participants per group. We had
the participation of church groups, village action groups,
youth and women groups and volunteers. We had the
support of people who used their vehicles to take the
garbage collected to the dump site. Humana People to
People is delighted to have the cooperation of groups
and individuals who opt to take the responsibility of hav-
ing a cleaner and healthy community. We thank you all
for making a successful cleaning campaign.
Empowering women groups Page 4

Women groups have been formed for the past ten

years in order to create impact in their lives by empow-
ering them economically, physically and emotionally.
Women groups are enrolled in different activities de-
pending on the area of their interest. Some of the activ-
ities that have taken place in this quarter are nutrition
sessions, cleaning campaigns, literacy sessions, income
generating activities like raising chicken, gardening,
embroidery and fundraising.

A good example of a women group that is actively par-

ticipating in many activities and actions with the Child
Aid project is this from the first photo which is formed
by eight enthusiastic members ready to learn and
share knowledge with other women. The group have
been active for more than a year and with this short
time they have accomplished and learnt many things
together. They are involved in raising chicken and so
far their income generating project have been success-
ful because they manage to generate the income for
expansion from the start up amount that were given at
the beginning of their project. We motivate and con-
gratulates this group for their hard work and dedica-

Another good example of an active women group is the

one from the second photo which is new in the project
and is formed by ten members who have been working
together for the past six months. The group have been
doing a wonderful job by involving themselves in learn-
ing more about organic farming, cooking demonstra-
tions, budgeting trainings, cleaning campaigns and
much more. Presently they are fundraising by selling
the food they make after doing a cooking session with
the program officer responsible for that community.
Their future plan is to make enough income to buy
chicken wire to initiate their poultry project as an in-
come generating activity. Like these groups there are
many more and they all inspire us to continue promot-
ing team work and empower women in rural communi-
‘Improved sanitation project’ Page 5

Improved Community Sanitation, Hygiene and Residue

Disposal in Santa Rosa and San Roman project was
from June to December 2018. Ten latrines where built
in ten households whose beneficiaries were part of the
construction and were able to learn how to maintain
the composting toilets. Sixty four (64) people from the
ten house holds were more than satisfied in improving
their sanitation conditions at home. Two latrines were
build at respective community centers which 2,915
residents can have access to use. Humana People to
People thanks the German Cooperation for supporting
and funding the project. We also extends a special
thanks to the community members that actively partic-
ipated in the construction of their toilets.

‘Improving Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products to Reduce

Post-harvest Losses Project’
Improving Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products to Reduce Post-harvest Losses project have also successful-
ly concluded this year. We are glad to say that through this project forty women have received a silo to improve the
storage facility in their households. Grains that are stored are mostly corn and beans. These women were given train-
ings on how to maintain their silos, proper grain storage and budgeting so they can have a convenient food security ini-
tiative at home. Grains are exposed to rodents, insects and temperature conditions, however with the silos and the
proper maintenance the families can store their grains as longs as needed.

HPPB thanks the Swiss Embassy in Mexico and Belize for supporting and funding the project. Thanks to the beneficiar-
ies families who made the project a successful achievement.
Update from CRRF Project Page 6

The Community Disaster Risk Reduction Fund ( CDRRF)

project Implemented by Humana People to People Be-
lize consists of Four Components. In Component 2: Im-
proved the Agricultural Farming Systems Resilient to
Climate Change Impacts using the Farmers’ Club Model
included the construction of Greenhouse Cover Struc-
ture in all the nine farmers clubs. Vegetable seeds such
as Cabbage, Cilantro, Celery, and Sweet Pepper were
given by the CDRRF project to the Farmers Clubs to
plant inside the greenhouse cover structure. Blue Creek
Farmers Club consists of 13 members. Four (8) males
and Five (5) females. The Club successfully harvested
120 pounds of Cabbage, 20 pounds of Celery, 20 Pounds
of Sweet pepper, and 15 pounds of cilantro. The Club
decided that the crops harvested, half was to be sold and
the other was for the club members household con-
sumption. From the income generated from the sales the
club will procure more seeds to continue the cultivation
of vegetables for sale and their daily use. All clubs also
got a pig pen and piglets.
Page 7
Strengthen, Enforce, Empower Human Rights

The SeeHR Project under the theme “Strengthen Empower Enforce Human Rights” working in partnership with the
Belize Family Life Association and technical support from The Human Rights Commission of Belize, we continue to
conduct training spread across 10 communities in Southern Belize. The topics were Gender-Based Violence and
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We push forward in raising awareness to Human Rights by educating
key members of the ten communities to be able to train others for future training.

SeeHR along with its partners are working on a Training Manual for each person in the groups in order to guide
them when all trainings are finish so they may be able to use in order to conduct their own training. Before closing
off for the Christmas Holiday we invited 3 members from each group to celebrate with us Human Rights day in Bella
Vista Village at the Humana People to People Office. The event started with a presentation of each group of what
they have learnt from the trainers during the course of training sessions in 2018. We continued by watching a very
informative movie about how the Universal Declaration of Human Rights came about. The event ended with over a
fifty persons creating posters for the road march and putting hands together in reference to spreading across the
theme with each person at the event put an image with paint of their hands on a banner which was used in the front
line for the road march.
Page 8

Humana People to People Belize is a member of a network of

32 organizations engaged in international solidarity, cooperation and
HUMANA PEOPLE development in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas.
TO PEOPLE The development work of the Humana People to People Movement
BELIZE is rooted in a commitment to fight alongside The Poor in a collective
process that supports people to make changes, solve problems and
improve their lives.

Monkey River Road,

Toledo District,
Belize Central America.
PO BOX 1728, Belize City

Phone: (+501) 678 99 43


Country Director: Susanne Jensen


Project Manager: Clothes and Shoes: Jaime Barrientos


Project Manager: Child Aid Toledo: Pantaleon Escobar


Project Manager: CDRRF/Farmers Club: Elizabeth Muschamp


Project Manager: Strengthen Empower Enforce Human Rights: Indira Williams


Grant Management and Content Material: Cindy Rodezno


Partnership & Promotion: Ishelly Williams & Andrea Perez

Email: ,


Dangriga Town, Commerce Street, Stann Creek District

Santa Cruz, (beside the football field), Stann Creek District
Independence (Mango Creek), Toucan Street, Stann Creek District.
Bella Vista, (in front of A&A Supermarket) Toledo District
Placencia, (Main road, beside Scotia Bank) Stann Creek District
Punta Gorda Shop ( George Street, Punta Gorda Town) Toledo District

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