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Speaking Test and

Skills Assessment
Teachers’ handbook

I&D Team

Lida Quiroga, Fredy Reyes, Julieth Hernández, Fabián Buitrago and Andrés Becerra

Bogotá 2018.
# Page
1 Speaking tests 1
2 Content Criteria 1
3 Form Criteria 1
4 Evaluative descriptors 2
5 Table of goals FUNDAMENTALS 3
6 Table of goals TOP NOTCH 1 3
7 Table of goals TOP NOTCH 2 4
8 Table of goals TOP NOTCH 3 5
9 Table of goals SUMMIT 1 6
10 Table of goals SUMMIT 2 6
11 Suggested questions FUNDAMENTALS 8
12 Suggested questions TOP NOTCH 1 10
13 Suggested questions TOP NOTCH 2 12
14 Suggested questions TOP NOTCH 3 14
15 Suggested questions SUMMIT 1 17
16 Suggested questions SUMMIT 2 20
17 Table of proportions SPEAKING TEST 23
18 SPEAKING TEST Score sheet 24
19 Skills Assessments 26
20 Goals and situations 26
21 Situations FUNDAMENTALS 27
22 Situations TOP NOTCH 1 27
23 Situations TOP NOTCH 2 28
24 Situations TOP NOTCH 3 28
25 Situations SUMMIT 1 29
26 Situations SUMMIT 2 30
27 Evaluative criteria 31
28 Evaluative descriptors 31
29 Table of proportions SKILLS ASSESSMENT 34
30 Answer Sheet FUNDAMENTALS 35
31 Answer Sheet TOP NOTCH 1 38
32 Answer Sheet TOP NOTCH 2 40
33 Answer Sheet TOP NOTCH 3 42
34 Answer Sheet SUMMIT 1 44
35 Answer Sheet SUMMIT 2 46
Speaking tests

Welcome to the Speaking Test. The following is a general view of what a Speaking
Test is, please read this carefully.

For Speaking Test you can ask the student the provided questions to evaluate
speaking proficiency. Also ask follow up questions making them more suitable
depending on the level you have identified the student might have. Other questions
can be asked as you please so long as they have to do with the evaluated units and
the communication goals provided pages below. Take into account the following
criteria and sub-criteria at the moment of evaluating:

Content criteria

 Appropriateness: The student answers the question taking into account the
proper use of the language being careful and thorough with the use of
structures, tenses and grammatical categories within the answer provided.
 Completeness: The answer given by the student is well structured in terms of
length and content. The student does not limit him/herself to answer briefly
or listlessly.
 Coherence: Whereas in appropriateness we evaluate the intersentential
lexical and grammatical relationships, in coherence the student is capable of
establishing a sense (in terms of semantic relationships) that makes his/her
answer understandable or easy to get across.

Form criteria

(Some of this aspects have to be put into consideration if the student has a physical
limitation in his/her voice production system.)

 Intelligibility: Student’s speech is clearly modulated so that the listeners have

a complete comprehension of the message. The student does not mumble or
hiss but instead his/ her mouth movements and openness allow
comprehension. The voice pitch and volume is good enough to be heard.
 Fluency: Student’s speed of speech contributes for the message to be
conveyed. When the student pauses or hesitates it is because he/she is clearly
organizing ideas rather than not knowing what to say. The student also uses
interjections to avoid silence while structuring the message to communicate.
 Pronunciation: Phonemes are well said in regards to their place and manner
of articulation.

You may find the criteria and sub-criteria parameters in the answer sheet provided
to the student in each folder so that in case of not knowing what you are evaluating

or the student demanding any explanation on what are the criteria you evaluate
upon you can have access easily to that information.

Evaluative descriptors

Along with the criteria demanded in the evaluating process you are also provided
with something we call evaluative descriptors. These justify the level of proficiency
according to the grade you bestowed the student after his/her test. Students must
be aware of the descriptors as well as you since they clearly explain why the student
got such grades and what are both, their abilities and weaknesses. Grading is going
to be out of 30 points since each criteria’s maximum is “5” and there are 6 criteria as
listed above. However, to give the final grade, the teacher must do proportions
taking into account that 30 points equal a grade of 10 and so forth (See table of
proportions). Such descriptors are:

Grade 0-2/10: No use of language in terms of speaking, student lacks vocabulary

and is not capable of articulating ideas. Needs to work a lot on form and content.
We highly recommend more practicing and commitment.

Grade 3-4/10: Some of the ideas are clear and somewhat organized; however,
aspects of form and content need to be worked on. Vocabulary use is basic and the
structures used to get the ideas across still have some mistakes.

Grade 5-6/10: Student’s skills when speaking are accurate, many aspects regarding
form and content are well handled, student shows good knowledge. Vocabulary and
grammar are good enough yet still need more working.

Grade 7-8/10: Speaking is good and student’s communicative and supporting

abilities in terms of oral production are high. Form and content demonstrate high
knowledge and capacity. Few mistakes were made and communication is achieved.

Grade 9-10/10: Student’s speech is fluent and accurate, regardless the context or
type of questions the student is capable of structuring and supporting ideas as good
as possible. Vocabulary is highly used and communication goals fulfilled at best.

These descriptors condense all skills regarding speaking in both criteria explained
above, that is why you only read the words form and content. It is very important
that students and teacher have clear the purpose of each concept here formulated
so that no misunderstandings and misconstrues be present.

Now you will find the tables of goals per book and also the questions for you to ask
in your Speaking Test. Please feel free to use and even improve them. We hope you
find them useful and interesting.

Table of goals.

Fundamentals units 1 to 7
Goal #1 Students introduce themselves by giving their personal information.
They are also capable of spelling words in case of being needed and
providing information regarding to numbers.
Goal #2 Students speak about daily routines by mentioning activities, habits,
routines, and so forth. They also speak about jobs or occupations.
Goal #3 Students speak about their relatives and friends, they describe their
features and physical characteristics, they also give information about
their personal lives.
Goal #4 Students identify locations and are able to give instructions as to how
to get from one place to another.
Goal #5 Students share their opinion about clothes in terms of likes and dislikes,
they are also capable of describing the clothes they wear and those of
the people around by mentioning colors, sizes and characteristics.
Fundamentals units 8 to 14
Goal #1 Students speak about the place where they live, they can describe their
home, neighborhood and surroundings. They can speak about furniture
and appliances.
Goal #2 Students identify weather changes and conditions. They use present
participle in continuous tenses as present and future. They use count
and non-count nouns to describe objects and actions occurred within a
certain time.
Goal #3 Students speak about past activities, they are able to structure
questions and answers with both: to be and did. They also mention their
preferences on outdoor activities and how to pass free time and sharing
with others.
Goal #4 Students know how to describe someone, they can also mention body
parts and their characteristics. They also speak about ailments, accidents
and remedies.
Goal #5 Students are aware of their abilities and can speak easily about them,
they also are capable of politely request and ask for different things.

Top Notch 1 units 1 to 5

Goal #1 Students are able to get acquainted with others by asking for more
personal information. They also can identify people by giving more
precise personal information about them.
Goal #2 Students can give information regarding to time and place. They use
prepositions of time and place as well as interrogative pronouns to
speak about events and invitations.

Goal #3 Students speak about immediate and extended families, relationships
and marital statuses. They are able to answer "wh" questions aimed to
compare people.
Goal #4 Students use spoken language in a restaurant context. They are able to
categorize and describe food as well as to communicate with others
within the context.
Goal #5 Students describe actions and situations related to technology, they are
able to speak about brands, models and features on appliances,
gadgets and machines; they also speak about problems that might
occur on those matters.
Top Notch 1 units 6 to 10
Goal #1 Students speak about healthy habits and activities along with sports and
exercises. They are also capable of expressing possibility and obligation
Goal #2 Students use present participle verbs and some other adjectives along
with intensifiers to describe bad and good travels experiences.
Goal #3 Students discuss about clothes in terms of type, color, size, brands and
price. They are able to replace direct objects by using object pronouns.
They can also compare items and describe where they can be found in
a department store.
Goal #4 Students can speak about traveling by discussing and giving
suggestions about schedules, types, services, announcements and
Goal #5 Students are able to ask for recommendation, bargain prices, make
deals and discuss about spending money.

Top Notch 2 units 1 to 5

Goal #1 Students are able to speak about traveling experiences. They also speak
about countries in terms of habits, gestures and costumes.
Goal #2 Students speak about movies, movie genres, actors and movie plots.
They are able to communicate situations taking into account lenght of
time and preferences.
Goal #3 Students can use all kind of expressions as to hotel reservation and
staying, they communicate in a hotel context, they are capable of
stating conditions and requirements.
Goal #4 Students identify and express car and driving statements by using
vocabulary and expressions related to the topic. They are able to use
phrasal verbs.
Goal #5 Students communicate on personal care and appearance. They speak
about personale care products, and personal concepts of beauty.
Top Notch 2 units 6 to 10

Goal #1 Students recognize the importance of eating well and are capable of
speaking about it. They can make choices on food and speak about food
passions, types and descriptions.
Goal #2 Students are aware of their own and someone else's personality by
speaking about mental, psychological and social issues
Goal #3 Students give their own opinion about art. They can speak about types
of art, materials and styles. They can also discuss about their favorite
artists and their talents.
Goal #4 Students recognize the technological advancements and the usefulness
of devices nowadays. They can compare product features and speak
about the internet.
Goal #5 Students relate moral dilemmas to ethics and values, they can describe
situations and discuss ethical choices. They also speak about personal
values and moral responsibilities.

Top Notch 3 units 1 to 5

Goal #1 Students are able to make small talks, confirm information by using tag
questions, describe a busy schedule and speak about manners and
Goal #2 Students are able to show concern and offer help regarding medical
issues; they can also describe symptoms and illnesses as well as medical
procedures and types of medication.
Goal #3 Students know how to offer solutions and speak about quality of
service. They are also able to plan and run an event.
Goal #4 Students can describe and recommend books; they can also inquire
about books and articles by asking embedded question. They are also
capable of speaking about reading habits and the transformation of
reading processes throughout the time.
Goal #5 Students can give information about natural disasters, report news and
happenings, communicate news and emergency procedures.
Top Notch 3 units 6 to 10
Goal #1 Students explain changes of intentions or plans, express regrets, discuss
skills, abilities and qualifications. They can also speak about success.
Goal #2 Students use expressions to wish good holidays, speak about local
customs and traditions in general that are different depending on the
country they take place.
Goal #3 Students describe technology, new inventions and discoveries by
discussing their impact in society. They can also take responsibility for
a mistake.
Goal #4 Students speak about controversial topics politely, they can also
propose solutions to global problems and debate the pros and cons of
different issues.
Goal #5 Students describe geographical locations, speak about geographical
risks of the different natural settings and their features. They can also
discuss solutions to global warming.

Summit 1 units 1 to 5
Goal #1 Students can describe their personality, they also are able to discuss
about someone’s behavior, compare perspectives on world problems
and discuss creative ways to achieve a goal.
Goal #2 Students are able to describe how they have been enjoying the arts, can
express a negative opinion politely, describe a creative personality and
discuss the benefits of the arts.
Goal #3 Students are able to express buyer’s remorse, talk about financial goals
and plans, discuss good and bad money management and explain
reasons for charitable giving.
Goal #4 Students can describe clothing details and formality. They can also talk
about changes in clothing customs, examine questionable cosmetic
procedures and discuss appearance and self-esteem.
Goal #5 Students can politely ask someone not to do something, they are able
also to complain about public conduct, suggest ways to avoid being a
victim or urban crime and discuss the meaning of community.
Summit 1 units 6 to 10
Goal #1 Students exchange opinions about the treatment of animals, discuss the
pros and cons of certain pets, compare animal and human behavior and
debate the value of animal conservation.
Goal #2 Students evaluate ways and places to shop, discuss their reactions to
ads, problem shopping behavior and can persuade someone to buy a
Goal #3 Students can describe family trends, discuss parent teen issues,
compare generations and discuss caring for the elderly.
Goal #4 Students can speculate about everyday situations, they can also present
a theory, discuss how believable a story is and evaluate the
trustworthiness of news sources.
Goal #5 Students are able to suggest ways to reduce stress, describe how they
got interested in a hobby, how mobile devices affect them and compare
attitudes about taking risks.

Summit 2 units 1 to 5
Goal #1 Students ask about someone’s background, discuss career and study
plans, compare their dream and goals in life and describe job

Goal #2 Students describe the consequences of lying, express regret and take
responsibility, explore where values come from and discuss how best
help others.
Goal #3 Students express frustration, empathy and encouragement. They can
also describe how fear affects them physically, discuss overcoming
handicaps and hardships. They also examine the nature of heroism.
Goal #4 Students discuss how to overcome shortcomings, how to acknowledge
inconsiderate behavior, explain how to handle anger and explore the
qualities of friendship.
Goal #5 Students discuss the benefits of laugher, respond to something funny,
are able to analyze what make them laugh and can determine the limits
of humor.
Summit 2 units 6 to 10
Goal #1 Students describe causes of travel hassles, can express gratitude for a
behavior while traveling, discuss staying safe on the internet and talk
about lost, stolen or damaged property.
Goal #2 Students can suggest that someone is being gullible, they can also
examine superstitions talk about the power of suggestion and discuss
Goal #3 Students can speak about their talents and strengths, they also suggest
ways to boost intelligence explain how they produce their best work
and describe what makes someone genius.
Goal #4 Students discuss the feasibility of future technologies, evaluate
applications of innovative technologies, discuss how to protect our
environment and examine future social and demographic trends.
Goal #5 Students are able to react to news about global issues, describe the
impact of foreign imports, discuss the pros and cons of globalization
and suggest ways to avoid culture shock.

Now please find suggested questions per goal below. You can add questions so long
as they aim the purpose of each goal shown above.

FUNDAMENTALS – Units 1 to 7

Goal #1

1. What is your name and how do you spell it?

2. Tell me your last name using the correct title. Spell it too.
3. Spell a long word so that your classmates identify it.
4. Tell us your telephone number.
5. How do you greet according to the time of the day?

Goal #2

1. What is your day like?

2. What do you do on weekends?
3. Who do you live with and what do they do?
4. Do you like your occupation? Why? What is it?
5. Mention three occupations or professions and describe what they do.

Goal #3

1. Think about a person in your family, how does this person look like?
2. Do you have a sibling? Are you similar? Describe yourself and your sibling.
3. Describe one person so that your classmates guess what the person is.
4. Ask about who someone is, require descriptions from your classmates.
5. Ask the teacher his/her age; tell the group how old your relatives are.

Goal #4

1. Mention three places in your neighborhood, what services do you get there?
2. What is there across the street from your house, around the corner, next to?
3. How do you get from your house to the school?
4. What means of transportation do you use to commute daily?
5. Ask questions to your classmates about places in their neighborhoods.

Goal #5

1. What clothes are you wearing right now?

2. Do you like the clothes of the person next to you?
3. What colors don’t you like to use with your clothes?
4. What do you wear when you go on vacation?
5. Ask your classmates about their sizes and clothing preferences.

FUNDAMENTALS – Units 8 to 14

Goal #1

1. Do you live in a house or an apartment? How do you like it?

2. What’s your neighborhood and your address?
3. Tell me some places in your neighborhood and what they are for.
4. Describe your house, what rooms are there and what’s in them?
5. Tell me three appliances you have at home and what do you use them for.

Goal #2

1. What’s the weather like today? Do you like it or not? Why?

2. Imagine next Sunday a sunny day, what are you doing next Sunday?
3. What do you think is your (mother, father, brother…) doing right now?
4. How many people are there in your family? How many of them like rainy days?
5. How much healthy food do you usually eat? Do you drink much water?

Goal #3

1. Tell me about your last vacation, how was it? Where did you go to? Who did
you go with? When was it? What didn’t you like about it and why?
2. When were you born? What about some of your relatives?
3. What do you like to do when you go out with your friends or family?
4. What did you do the day before yesterday? What day was it?
5. On Fridays many people like to go dancing. How often do you go dancing?

Goal #4

1. How does your favorite (actor, singer, writer…) look like?

2. Describe your face and your body. Are you and your parents alike?
3. What was the last injury you got? Why did you get it?
4. What remedies do you often use when you get sick?
5. What do your parents recommend when you get a (cold, toothache, fever…)?

Goal #5

1. What can you do so well? What are you good at?

2. What aren’t you good at? What do you do so badly?
3. Look at your classmates, what do you think are their abilities?
4. What was the las time you were too (tired, busy...) to accept an invitation?
5. Ask your teacher or classmate a polite request.

TOP NOTCH 1 – Units 1 to 5

Suggested questions

Goal #1

1. Introduce one of your classmates to the group. Say as much as you can.
2. Speak about a celebrity you like and you don’t. Tell the reasons why.
3. What’s your nationality, birthplace and hometown? What about a classmate?
4. Do you have a nickname? If so, why do people call you like that?
5. Speak about your occupation. Speak as much as you can.

Goal #2

1. What’s your favorite music? Why do you like it?

2. Do you listen to music when you work or do homework? Why (yes/no)?
3. Tell me three music genres you don’t like. Why don´t you like them?
4. Invite someone to a cultural event, mention as much as you can about it.
5. Give directions to a classmate as to how to get to a place.

Goal #3

1. Who do you live with?

2. Think about a close relative, how are you similar / different?
3. What’s your marital status? What about your (sibling’s, cousin’s…)?
4. Why do people usually get divorced or separate?
5. At what age usually do adult children move away from home? How come?

Goal #4

1. Imagine you are hungry, what do you want to eat right now?
2. What is your favorite restaurant, what kind of food do they serve there?
3. Think about a restaurant you don’t like. Why don’t you recommend it?
4. You are a waiter and I am the dinner guest, tell me what the menu is?
5. Think about your favorite plate. What are the ingredients?

Goal #5

1. Mention some devices you have at home that are defective or obsolete.
2. What is your favorite cellphone brand? Why do you like it?
3. What brand of computers you don’t recommend? Why?
4. Think about three electronic devices and tell me what do you use them for.
5. Do you have any problem whit any of the devices you have at home? How
can you solve the problem or fix the device?

TOP NOTCH 1 – Units 6 to 10

Suggested questions

Goal #1

1. Do you exercise? If so, what activities do you do? How often?

2. What are you possibly doing tomorrow?
3. What are your obligations, what do you have to do tomorrow morning?
4. How is your daily routine like?
5. What does your (father, friend, brother…) do to stay in shape?

Goal #2

1. What was the last trip you had? Where did you go to?
2. How did you like your last vacation?
3. Tell me about a trip that was bumpy, long, boring…
4. What is the most (interesting, unusual, relaxing…) place you traveled to?
5. Tell me some good and bad travel experiences you had.

Goal #3

1. Do you like to wear any accessories?

2. What clothes do you wear when doing sports?
3. Do you care about brands when you buy clothes?
4. Compare the clothes you are wearing right now in terms of price.
5. What clothes do you consider appropriate for a formal meeting?

Goal #4

1. What do you prefer, traveling by plane, bus, ship…?

2. What transportation should I take if I want to get fast to my destination?
3. Could I take a direct flight if I want to get directly to my destination?
4. Is it common to rent a car where you live?
5. Tell me a transportation problem you recently experienced.

Goal #5

1. Do you buy often? How do you pay for the things you buy, cash or cards?
2. Tell me the nicest thing you have at home.
3. What are the most expensive clothes you have?
4. Is your room big enough for large furniture and appliances?
5. Why is it important to understand the customs of other countries?

TOP NOTCH 2 – Units 1 to 5

Suggested questions

Goal #1

1. What is the most amazing place you have traveled to?

2. Have you been to a city that you would like to visit again?
3. Tell me the weirdest food you have tried. How did you like it?
4. Tell me a frightening experience you had recently.
5. What haven’t you done that you would like to do?

Goal #2

1. What kind of movies do you like?

2. Is there movie genre you particularly don’t like?
3. Are you late often? How do you apologize when you arrive late to a place?
4. Would you rather see movies in the cinema or at home?
5. What is your all-time favorite movie? Who are the actors? What’s the plot?

Goal #3

1. Do you usually stay in hotels when you travel?

2. When selecting a type of bed, what’s your preference?
3. Will you travel soon? Will you stay in a hotel if so?
4. What do you do if you need to travel but you can’t make hotel reservations?
5. What hotel services do you use when staying at a hotel? Why?

Goal #4

1. Do you drive? If so, do you consider yourself a good driver?

2. What is the main cause of driving accidents in the place where you live?
3. Have you had, been or witnessed an accident before?
4. What is the (trunk, hood, engine, windshield…) for?
5. Describe two problems people generally have with their cars.

Goal #5

1. How often do you buy personal care products? Where do you buy them?
2. What personal care products do you use? How much of them do you use?
3. How often do you get a haircut, manicure, massage…?
4. Do you know any person who got a cosmetic surgery? What surgery?
5. Do you agree with cosmetic surgeries? Why? Would you get one?

TOP NOTCH 2 – Units 6 to 10

Suggested questions

Goal #1

1. What food are you crazy about? Why do you like it so much?
2. What didn’t you use to eat before that you like to eat now?
3. What did you eat that now you don’t use to?
4. Are you allergic to any kind of food? What are the symptoms?
5. Describe a typical plate in your country or the place where you live.

Goal #2

1. Do you think the colors you wear influence the way you feel?
2. What colors is your house painted? Do you like it?
3. What are you afraid of? Is it impossible for you to overcome that fear?
4. Do you have siblings? Are you the baby, the middle child or the oldest?
5. Do you have different or similar personalities with your relatives?

Goal #3

1. Do you have any artistic talent? What is? How often do you practice it?
2. What kind of art do you like? What kind of art is not of your taste?
3. Tell me three movies directed by your favorite directors.
4. Mention some paintings you like and who were they painted by?
5. Do you have any handcrafted object at home? Tell us about it.

Goal #4

1. Are you a technology savvy? What technology are you good at?
2. What do you use your computer for?
3. Have you had any problem with your computer, cellphone...? What was it?
4. Compare two devices in terms of similarities and differences?
5. What do you use internet for? What pages do you usually visit?

Goal #5

1. Have you found something and tried to return it?

2. Have you had any moral dilemma? What did you do?
3. What would you do if you found a wallet with a lot of money and
documents in it?
4. What do you think about people having tattoos?
5. Mention two old fashioned customs that still exist.

TOP NOTCH 3 – Units 1 to 5

Suggested questions

Goal #1

1. How do you like to be addressed when both, you first meet a person and
when you already have certain degree of acquaintance?
2. Tell me something of your interest and confirm the information by using the
tag question structure.
3. Mention three things you had already done before you came to class.
4. Tell me something that is offensive for you but for the average people is not.
What do you consider (impolite, taboo, customary…)?
5. Is there any table manner that you consider unnecessary or useless? Why?

Goal #2

1. Have you ever had any dental emergency? What was that about? What did
you do to take care of it?
2. What symptoms do you feel when you are about to get a flu? How do you
feel with those symptoms?
3. Imagine I have a terrible headache, show concern about my ailment and
offer some help.
4. Call a doctor and make a medical appointment; mention the medical
procedure you need to get done and have the appointment scheduled.
5. Mention three medications and what you might use each of them for.

Goal #3

1. I am tired of having to do household chores every weekend, none of my

relatives help me. What should I do? (Use causatives)
2. We have waited for a long time for the waiter to come and bring us the
check but he won’t do it. What should we do? (Use causatives)
3. Mention three things you need to get done by the end of the day.
4. Is there anything in your house that needs to be fixed or needs to get
5. What are the best ways for a business to keep its customers coming back?

Goal #4

1. What kind of books do you enjoy reading? Why are those books so
enjoyable to read for you?
2. Have you ever read a (cliff-hanger, page-turner, hard to follow…) book?
Which was it? Why did you like it or not?

3. Which is the book that you have found hard to read? Why was it hard?
Despite you found it hard, did you like it?
4. Ask me a question about books? Use embedded questions structure.
5. Do you need to have a special setting when you read? Is there any special
format you prefer (e-books, audio books, regular books…)?

Goal #5

1. Do you watch news? Report what you heard in the last news you watched.
2. Imagine there is an earthquake in this moment and you are with a friend in a
closed space. What would you tell your friends to do to avoid getting hurt
by rubble?
3. Report what you said in part 2 as if you had been the one who was told.
4. Have you experienced any natural disaster? Which was it? How did you feel
when it happened? What did you do?
5. Mention a natural disaster and discuss about elements and supplies that
need to be prepared for such happening.

TOP NOTCH 3 – Units 6 to 10

Goal #1

1. What is the best career for you?

2. Have you ever changed your mind after or before settling on something?
3. Tell us something you were going to do but you suddenly changed plans.
What was that that you were going to do and what made you change plans?
4. Do you think you should have done something different to what you did in
terms of careers and job choices?
5. If you apply to a job, what (qualifications, skills, knowledge…) would you
speak about so you can get the interviewer to give you the job?

Goal #2

1. Mention three traditions you are familiar with from countries different to
2. Tell me a tradition in your country, speak about the clothes that are used,
types of music listened, dishes, dances and events.
3. How do people commemorate holidays in your country?
4. How do people celebrate weddings in your country?
5. Is there any holiday or tradition you don’t like or you don’t agree with?

Goal #3
1. Mention one invention that resulted from a discovery. Describe the
invention and discuss on what is its purpose.
2. Think about a manufactured product. Describe it and speak about its
3. Speak about a product that you’ve recently gotten. Speak about its qualities,
technology, features and characteristics.
4. Think about a (unique, wacky, low-tech, efficient…) invention. Tell why is that
invention like you think. Speak about the invention and what is it for.
5. Which do you think is the most important invention that has ever existed?
Why do you think so?

Goal #4

1. How much do you know about world politics? What is the political thinking
or ideology that rules in your country?
2. What is the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship? What is
your opinion about these two concepts?
3. Do you like to talk about politics? Do you think politics is a good topic for
4. Mention two controversial issues and explain why are they controversial in
your country. Do you usually speak about these topics with your friends?
5. If there’s a controversial topic and they mention ideas you don’t agree with,
how do you do to debate such issues politely?

Goal #5

1. Describe the most important cities or places in your country. What is their
location in relation to the geographical distribution of your country?
2. Are there particular places in your country that are characterized by the fact
of representing risks to the people who travel there? Why are those places
3. Think about three geographical places in your country. Describe the places
and their features.
4. What do you do to take care of environment? Do you care about pollution,
climate change, renewable energy, etc.?
5. What country would you like to visit in order to see its landscapes and
natural settings. Why do you like those places?

SUMMIT 1 – Units 1 to 5

Goal #1

1. Are you an optimist, a realist or a pessimist? Why do you think so?

2. What do you think when you apply for your daydreamed job but you don’t
get it?
3. Do you consider yourself (easygoing, hardworking, considerate, modest…)
Why do you think you are like that? Give examples of what you daily do and
makes you consider you have such traits of personality?
4. Think about one person from your family; describe his or her behavior taking
into account all the vocabulary you learnt in the unit.
5. Mention some world problems you worry about; discuss about the possible
causes and consequences of such problems.

Goal #2

1. What is your favorite musical band or group? Why do you like the music
they do?
2. What events do you enjoy the most and which you don’t? Why?
3. Mention one song you don’t like and tall why you don’t like it. Express your
opinion politely.
4. Do you consider yourself someone creative? Is there any person you
consider a genius? If so, tell us about the person.
5. Is it possible that arts can be used as therapy? If so, how can it be?

Goal #3

1. Do you use to spend a lot of money? Do you like to buy and buy things
when you have money with you?
2. Have you ever felt remorse after buying something really expensive or
3. Have you ever bought something hard to operate? Did you wish you could
return it or give it to someone else?
4. Do you usually keep the track of your expenses or you don’t ever know
where your money goes?
5. What do you think about charitable giving? What are some reasons people
donate money to or volunteer for charities?

Goal #4

1. When it is about wearing clothes, do you prefer being trendy and

fashionable despite lack of comfort?
2. Describe the clothes you wore in the last formal event. Be precise in every
single detail.
3. Can clothing affect the way people behave, communicate or feel in certain
contexts such as working or giving a speech in front of an audience?
4. What do you think about cosmetic procedures, is there any that you
consider inappropriate, questionable or even illegal?
5. How do you think appearance influences on a person’s self-esteem?

Goal #5

1. What kind of environment would you prefer to live in?

2. Describe your neighborhood as it is and mention the aspects you consider it
is lacking to be a better place for you.
3. What problems have you experienced with your neighbors and how do you
ask them politely not to do something they are doing and is bothering you.
4. Mention your biggest pet peeve. Why do you find it disturbing or
bothering? Describe a situation in which a person did such thing you hate.
5. What kinds of crimes should visitors to your city be aware of or need to be
concerned about? What would you recommend to those people so that they
are not victims of urban crime in your town?

SUMMIT 1 – Units 6 to 10

Goal #1

1. How do you think animals should be treated? Do you agree with the way zoos
are treating animals nowadays?
2. What is the wildest animal you have seen so far, describe the animal, what is
it like, is it dangerous? Use more adjectives to describe it.
3. Do you have any pet? Is there any pet people have that shouldn’t be had as
pet? Why?
4. Describe animal social groups and physical features. Describe learned
behavior in animals as well as actions by instinct.
5. What are some endangered animals you can think of? What are the threats of
their survival?

Goal #2

1. Do you know any person who has bad shopping behavior? What does that
person do? Why do you think that person should change such behavior?
2. Do you usually buy the first thing you see or you prefer to evaluate ways,
places to shop and prices instead?
3. What is the function of ads? What is the most interesting ad you have ever
4. What is the most annoying commercial or ad you have seen, why do you
consider that ad such way?
5. What are the characteristics of a compulsive shopper, do you consider
yourself a compulsive shopper? Do you know any person who buys

Goal #3

1. What do you think about parents grounding children? What do you think
parents should do when their children misbehave or become troublemakers?
2. Did / Do you have curfews at home? What did / do your parents do if you
disobey and arrive later than you were / are supposed to?
3. Describe the way your parents are. do you feel ok with that? Do you wish they
were different in some aspects? How so?
4. How do you think teenagers’ behavior has changed throughout generations
and the pass of the time?
5. How are older family members traditionally cared for in your country?

Goal #4

1. Tell me something you used to consider as a fact but then you realized it was
not that true.
2. Have you ever heard of news that make no sense? Do you generally believe
what you hear or read in the news?
3. Tell us something you are very certain of, use vocabulary of degrees of
certainty to speak about such matter.
4. Where do you think the pyramids in Egypt came from? Speculate about where
they came from. Present a theory different from the affirmation that they were
created by Egyptians.
5. Mention some new sources you trust the most and you don’t trust at all. Give
a reason why you feel that way about those facts.

Goal #5

1. How do you spend your free time?

2. Do you describe yourself as a loner, sedentary, laid back…? How do you think
others consider you are?
3. How do you do to reduce stress of work or school? What would you
recommend to a person who is constantly stressed in the office?
4. Do you have any particular hobby? How did you get interested on it?
5. When it’s about taking risks, what risks do you find easy and difficult to take?

SUMMIT 2 – Units 1 to 5

Goal #1

1. What are your careers and study plans? Have you ever had these plans or you
have been changing them?
2. Tell us about your dreams and goals in life. Have you fulfilled them?
3. How qualified are you for the job you want now or in the future? Explain.
4. Tell do’s and don’ts about a job interview. Have you ever had a job interview?
5. What are the aspects you take into account when you write a formal letter?

Goal #2

1. When you make a mistake do you take responsibility of your acts?

2. Mention the last time you made a mistake and how you reacted, did you take
responsibility or simply avoided it?
3. Why do you think for some people it is so hard to tell the truth, express regret,
accepting they were wrong or take responsibility for their acts?
4. Think about your own values; where did they come from? Were they given by
your parents, peers, religion, culture…?
5. How do people help others; do you personally like to help people? If so, how
do you do it?

Goal #3

1. Can you tell of a situation in which you felt so scared? How did you react when
that occurred?
2. When was the last time you expressed encouragement to someone? What
was that person going through so that you considered necessary to
encourage that person to get over such situation?
3. Do you think fear can affect people physically? If you think so, have you ever
been physically affected because of a frightful situation? How did you react?
4. What are some physical handicaps people face? What are some other
hardships that might limit people’s ability to succeed?
5. What are the characteristics of a hero or a heroine? Have you ever acted as a
hero or saved someone from an eminent accident?

Goal #4

1. What is your biggest shortcoming? Has it made it difficult to get along with
2. Have you ever overcome a shortcoming of yours? If so, how did you do? Why
did you find it necessary to overcome such defect?
3. How do you handle anger when you feel totally pissed? Tell of a situation in
which you have felt so angry and mention the way you reacted.
4. Do you act the same way when you get angry with someone you know as you
do with a stranger?
5. Do you have a best friend? If so, why are you best friends, what are the
qualities of friendship that have kept your friendship going on? If you don’t
why is that hard for you to establish a steady friendship relationship?

Goal #5

1. Tell something you consider as funny. Do you consider yourself as a person

with a good sense of humor?
2. Tell us about an embarrassing social situation a friend of yours went through.
3. Do you tend to laugh all the time? Do you know of a person who laughs all
the time? Describe some topics or situations that have made you laugh.
4. Do you consider humor must have a limit? Is there any joke you have found
offensive or you think has crossed the limit?
5. Tell a joke you think is going to make us laugh a lot.

SUMMIT 2 – Units 6 to 10

Goal #1

1. Have you had any hassle when traveling? Explain and discuss about the
2. Describe a frustrating situation you have had. Why was that frustrating? How
did you do to get over it?
3. Have you had any problem while traveling in which you received help from
others to solve it? How did you express gratitude to the person who helped
you solve that problem?
4. Mention some security problems internet has. How do you think those
problems can affect the user? What do you do to stay secure on the internet?

5. Have you ever been robbed? Tell us about the last time you were robbed,
what did they steal from you?

Goal #2

1. Is there any visual illusion you think is amazing? Describe it. Tell us about an
image that you have wrongly interpreted.
2. How do advertisement convince gullible people to buy or consume from a
product? Do you consider yourself a gullible person?
3. Are you a lucky person? Have you ever had a lucky break such as winning the
lottery or saving luckily from an accident?
4. Are you superstitious? Do you carry out any superstitious practice to get good
luck or fostering achievement on what you daily do?
5. What is your biggest phobia? Why do you think you are afraid of such thing?
Do you think you are going to be able to get over your phobia somehow?
What would you have to do for doing so?

Goal #3

1. How emotionally intelligent are you? How do you react when you feel down
or you lose an opportunity, feel upset or someone criticizes you?
2. Are you talented? What are your talents and strengths? What have you done
to take advantage of such talents?
3. Describe people you know who exhibit any type of intelligence explained by
the “multiple intelligence theory”
4. Why do you think people often have problems staying on task when they have
to do something? When does that happen to you?
5. What makes a person genius? Speak about a genius in history you particularly
are fond of.

Goal #4

1. Tell of a prediction you have heard and you consider might come true by the
end of the 21st century.
2. What future technologies do you think are feasible and what are not? Envision
the future and discuss about it.
3. What do you think about cloning, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and
many other innovative technologies that have been appearing lately?
4. Do you think any of these technologies can be meant to protect the
environment? Which ones do actually damage the environment of the planet?
5. Is your city highly populated? What about crime rate, birth or mortality rate
in your country?
Goal #5

1. Do you think English language is important in the interconnected world of

2. What do you think is the main reason why people are interested in learning
English nowadays?
3. Think about a global issue or problem; discuss about it. Why has it been
considered an issue? What is your opinion about it?
4. Recall a global issue you have lately heard of, report it and give your own
impressions on the matter.
5. About globalization, do people in your country generally view increased
international trade positively or negatively? Explain.

Table of proportions

The following table shows the proportion that must be made with the resulting
points out of 30. This proportion gives the final grade for the speaking test in a grade
out of 10.

Table of proportions
Points Grade Points Grade Points Grade
1 0.3 11 3.6 21 7
2 0.6 12 4 22 7.3
3 1 13 4.3 23 7.6
4 1.3 14 4.6 24 8
5 1.6 15 5 25 8.3
6 2 16 5.3 26 8.6
7 2.3 17 5.6 27 9
8 2.6 18 6 28 9.3
9 3 19 6.3 29 9.6
10 3.3 20 6.6 30 10

Speaking test – Score sheet

Speaking test 1

Speaking test 2

Evaluative criteria

Content criteria:

 Appropriateness: The student answers the question taking into account the proper use of
the language being careful and thorough with the use of structures, tenses and grammatical
categories within the answer provided.
 Completeness: The answer given by the student is well structured in terms of length and
content. The student does not limit him/herself to answer briefly or listlessly.
 Coherence: Whereas in appropriateness we evaluate the intersentential lexical and
grammatical relationships, in coherence the student is capable of establishing a sense (in
terms of semantic relationships) that makes his/her answer understandable or easy to get

Form criteria:

(Some of this aspects have to be put into consideration if the student has a physical limitation in
his/her voice production system.)

 Intelligibility: Student’s speech is clearly modulated so that the listeners have a complete
comprehension of the message. The student does not mumble or hiss but instead his/ her
mouth movements and openness allow comprehension. The voice pitch and volume is good
enough to be heard.
 Fluency: Student’s speed of speech contributes for the message to be conveyed. When the
student pauses or hesitates it is because he/she is clearly organizing ideas rather than not
knowing what to say. The student also uses interjections to avoid silence while structuring the
message to communicate.
 Pronunciation: Phonemes are well said in regards to their place and manner of articulation.

Evaluative descriptors

Grade 0-2/10: No use of language in terms of speaking, student lacks vocabulary and is not capable
of articulating ideas. Needs to work a lot on form and content. We highly recommend more practicing
and commitment.

Grade 3-4/10: Some of the ideas are clear and somewhat organized; however, aspects of form and
content need to be worked on. Vocabulary use is basic and the structures used to get the ideas across
still have some mistakes.

Grade 5-6/10: Student’s skills when speaking are accurate, many aspects regarding form and content
are well handled, student shows good knowledge. Vocabulary and grammar are good enough yet still
need more working.

Grade 7-8/10: Speaking is good and student’s communicative and supporting abilities in terms of
oral production are high. Form and content demonstrate high knowledge and capacity. Few mistakes
were made and communication is achieved.

Grade 9-10/10: Student’s speech is fluent and accurate, regardless the context or type of questions
the student is capable of structuring and supporting ideas as good as possible. Vocabulary is highly
used and communication goals fulfilled at best.

Skills Assessments

Welcome to SKILLS ASSESSMENT Teachers’ handbook. Innovation and Development

department has designed this document so that you have all the information
pertaining to this evaluative process and make sure all the stablished is being well


Skills assessment is an evaluation students have each two units and it evaluates the
level of proficiency students have at the moment of using the language in
hypothetical contexts. These contexts must be provided to the students so that they
perform and recreate the situation given as if it was actually occurring; this is the
most remarkable difference between Speaking test and Skills assessment, whereas
in the former language in context is evaluated, in the latter communication is
stablished by means of question and answer.

Multiple aspects of the language are taken into account when the students perform,
then teachers must be aware of all these evaluative elements we are explaining lines

Goals and situations

Goals are the abilities the student is supposed to fulfill based on the knowledge
acquired in the classroom regular classes. These goals are the parameters the
evaluation is based upon. The achievement of such goals determine the level of
fulfillment the students show and the level of performance the students are able to
reach when communicating in a real conversation.

Speaking tests and Skills assessments share the same goals since they are created
based on the ones proposed by the books. This was also meant taking into account
that both Speaking Tests and Skills Assessments are carried out in the same
classroom and their activities are shared by all the students within the session. Along
with the goals we provide the teacher with a number of situations (one per goal)
they are able to use in order to contextualize the student in the act of performance.
These situations try to condense all the aspects covered and studied during the two
units to be evaluated and respond to the elements demanded by the goals.

Teachers are free to design and use their own situations if they please; however, they
must make sure that the situations proposed comply with both the determined goals
and the whole covering of all the lessons (the most of them) presented in the two
units to be checked.

Skills assessment situations for Fundamentals
Evaluated units Goal Situation
Students introduce themselves by giving their
personal information. They are also capable of You are a group of friends in a bar. A new person comes to the group and introduces
FUND E.C. 1-2
spelling words in case of being needed and providing himself/ herself. The new person also introduces another person that comes with him/her.
information regarding to numbers.
Students speak about their relatives and friends, they
describe their features and physical characteristics,
they also give information about their personal lives. You are with friends in a café looking photos and describing your family, when a tourist
FUND E.C. 3-4
They also identify locations and are able to give arrives and asks for locations. Discuss places and how to get there.
instructions as to how to get from one place to
Students share their opinion about clothes in terms of
likes and dislikes, they are also capable of describing
You are a group of friends planing an event (birthday party, wedding, graduation…)
the clothes they wear and those of the people around
FUND E.C 5-6 Discuss about the time (day, month, hour, moment of the day…). Also speak about the
by mentioning colors, sizes and characteristics. They
clothes people have to wear for that event (types, colors,elegant, casual…)
can also speak about happenings by using time
Students speak about the place where they live, they
can describe their home, neighborhood and You are new in the school/university, you are having a conversation with a group of people
FUND E. C 7-8
surroundings. They can speak about furniture and about where you live and what do you do in a normal routine.
Students identify weather changes and conditions.
They use present participle in continuous tenses as You are with a group of friends thinking about possible plans for the weekend, you decide
FUND E.C 9-10 present and future. They use count and non-count to cook at home on Saturday night. Discuss the recipe you are going to do (include
nouns to describe objects and actions occurred within ingredients, quantities etc)
a certain time.
Students speak about past activities, they are able to
structure questions and answers with both: to be and
did. They also mention their preferences on outdoor On your last vacation you traveled with your family to a beautiful place, you did a lot of
activities and how to pass free time and sharing with things, visited many places on different days, met a lot of people and ate much new food.
FUND E.C. 11-12
others. They also know how to describe someone, At the end of your trip, you got very sick and you got an injury. You needed medication.
they can also mention body parts and their Tell this experience to a friend in the park.
characteristics. They also speak about ailments,
accidents and remedies.
Students are aware of their abilities and can speak You are in a park with friends from different countries talking about your life stories, then
FUND E.C 13-14 easily about them, they also are capable of politely you discuss about your plans for the future (having kids, getting married, change careers)
request and ask for different things. lastly someone invites you to a concert and you politely decline the invitation.

Skills assessment situations for Top Notch 1

Evaluated units Goal Situation
Students are able to get acquainted with others by
You moved to a new city and it is the first day in your new job. You arrive to the Front Desk of the
asking for more personal information. They also can
company and you give your personal information to the receptionist. You continue to one of the
identify people by giving more precise personal
floors and introduce yourself to your colleagues(Talk about your personal information, your
TN1 E.C. 1-2 information about them. Students can give
birthplace, hometown, your occupation and your likes or dislikes). Finally, to give you the welcome,
information regarding to time and place. They use
they want to invite you to an event (a movie, play, concert, talk,etc) and you must decide if you go or
prepositions of time and place as well as interrogative not. Say as much as you can.
pronouns to speak about events and invitations.
Students speak about immediate and extended
families, relationships and marital statuses. They are
able to answer "wh" questions aimed to compare You are about to marry and your family invited you to dinner. You all check the menu, speak to the
TN1 E.C. 3-4 people. Students use spoken language in a restaurant waiter and ask for food and prices. You share family pictures and introduce your extended relatives
context. They are able to categorize and describe food You talk about your family cultural traditions. They congratulate you and finish the dinner.
as well as to communicate with others within the
Students describe actions and situations related to
technology, they are able to speak about brands,
One of your friends is starting a new electronics bussiness. You recommend him products,
models and features on appliances, gadgets and
appliances or gadgets that people would like to buy. (Talk about the benefits, the features or the
machines; they also speak about problems that might
TN1 E.C. 5-6 problems of those products). Additionally, he asks you if you know about electronics for staying in
occur on those matters. Students speak about healthy
shape. You tell him that it is better to exercise and you talk about the activities that you can do for
habits and activities along with sports and exercises.
that. You plan to go exercising in the future.
They are also capable of expressing possibility and

Students use present participle verbs and some other
adjectives along with intensifiers to describe bad and
You are planning to travel on vacation to a different place and you are discussing where to go with
good travels experiences. Students discuss about
your friends/family. You talk about the trips you did in the past (good an bad things) and the kind of
TN1 E.C. 7-8 clothes in terms of type, color, size, brands and price.
places you like to visit. After you decide where to go, you plan also the kind of clothes you need for
They are able to replace direct objects by using object
that trip and the stores where you can buy them.
pronouns. They can also compare items and describe
where they can be found in a department store.

Students can speak about traveling by discussing and

You travel to USA to a very important technology exhibition and you go to the airport and buy the
giving suggestions about schedules, types, services,
airplane tickets (Discuss schedules and book travel services) There is a problem with the
TN1 E.C 9-10 announcements and problems. Students are able to
transportation while you travel. Then, in the tech exhibition you see a device you want to buy (ask
ask for recommendation, bargain prices, make deals
also for recommendation about other devices, bargain for a lower price)
and discuss about spending money.

Skills assessment situations for Top Notch 2

Evaluated units Goal Situation
Students are able to speak about traveling
experiences. They also speak about countries in terms
You are in a mall and you get reacquainted with a couple of friends from Canada, you talk
of habits, gestures and costumes. Students speak
TN2 E.C. 1-2 about interesting experiences and then decide to go to the cinema. Discuss preferences for
about movies, movie genres, actors and movie plots.
movie genres.
They are able to communicate situations taking into
account lenght of time and preferences.
Students can use all kind of expressions as to hotel
reservation and staying, they communicate in a hotel You are making a road trip this weekend with your friends. One of them does not want to
context, they are capable of stating conditions and do it because he thinks driving is dangerous and cars have many problems. You convince
TN2 E.C. 3-4 requirements. Students identify and express car and him that you are a good driver and that you always prepare everything. (Talk about driving
driving statements by using vocabulary and habits). You decide where to go and where to stay. (Mention the hotel services you would
expressions related to the topic. They are able to use like).
phrasal verbs.
Students communicate on personal care and
appearance. They speak about personale care
products, and personal concepts of beauty. Students You are in a family meeting, one of your cousins says that she wants to have a liposuction
TN2 E.C 5-6 recognize the importance of eating well and are procedure, all the family talk about beauty standars , then you recommend her a healthy
capable of speaking about it. They can make choices diet. Talk about lifestyle changes.
on food and speak about food passions, types and
Students are aware of their own and someone else's
personality by speaking about mental, psychological Your friend is sad because he/she lost the job. You cheer your friend up by telling that
and social issues. Students give their own opinion he/she is a nice person (mention possitive aspects of your friend's personality). Then you
TN2 E. C 7-8
about art. They can speak about types of art, materials invite you friend to an art gallery. In the art gallery you speak about art, objects and your
and styles. They can also discuss about their favorite favorite artist.
artists and their talents.

Students recognize the technological advancements

and the usefulness of devices nowadays. They can You are a system engineer and work in an important bank, you are in the court being
compare product features and speak about the judged becasuse you hacked their web page, then you explain you were trying to
TN2 E.C 9-10 internet. Students relate moral dilemmas to ethics and troubleshoot a problem and you discover that the bank was stealing the costumers with
values, they can describe situations and discuss ethical the lowest incomes, so you decide to return their money back. Explain the moral dilema
choices. They also speak about personal values and you were in that moment between doing something ilegal and help others.
moral responsibilities.

Skills assessment situations for Top Notch 3

Evaluated units Goal Situation
Students are able to make small talks, confirm You are traveling to a foreign country. You meet a co-worker in the airplane and begin to
information by using tag questions, describe a busy make small talk. The person you met is from a different region so you discuss about the
schedule and speak about manners and etiquette. differences between your customs. You describe your schedules to each other so far. As
TN3 E.C. 1-2 Students are able to show concern and offer help you wait for your transportation to leave, you start feeling bad. You describe your
regarding medical issues; they can also describe symptoms and your friend tells you about treatments and medication. You reject some
symptoms and illnesses as well as medical procedures explaining why. Finally, you survive, you arrive at your destination and you phone to make
and types of medication. a medical appointment.

Students know how to offer solutions and speak about
quality of service. They are also able to plan and run
You are planing a party to celebrate your graduation. You are organizing everything so you
an event. Students can describe and recommend
assign responsibilities to your friends as you explain what must be done. You discuss
books; they can also inquire about books and articles
TN3 E.C. 3-4 where you can get the best quality services. In a point, you become nostalgic about your
by asking embedded question. They are also capable
studies and talk about the books you used to read. You share anecdotes of your reading
of speaking about reading habits and the
habits and how they have changed up to now.
transformation of reading processes throughout the
Students can give information about natural disasters, You just heard the news and realized there are several natural disasters happening in your
report news and happenings, communicate news and neighborhood soon. You advice your family about the preparations to be done in the case
emergency procedures. Students explain changes of that all the disasters occur and you leave because you have to go to a job interview. Once
TN3 E.C 5-6
intentions or plans, express regrets, discuss skills, in the interview, you are asked about the intentions you had in the past related to your life
abilities and qualifications. They can also speak about plans. You talk about the motivations or regrets that led you to decide your present life,
success. including the abilities, skills and qualifications that you have acquired as the years unfold.

Students use expressions to wish good holidays, speak

about local customs and traditions in general that are You are abducted by aliens. They ask you why your planet should be saved so you talk
different depending on the country they take place. about the local customs, cultural traditions and the holidays that make the earth worthy.
TN3 E. C 7-8
Students describe technology, new inventions and Also, you mention discoveries and inventions that have contributed to the universe growth
discoveries by discussing their impact in society. They and that justify human race existence.
can also take responsibility for a mistake.
Students speak about controversial topics politely,
they can also propose solutions to global problems One of your friends is planning to travel to an exotic location this year so you advice him
and debate the pros and cons of different issues. places to consider (Talk about the geography, the setting and possible risks your friend
TN3 E.C 9-10 Students describe geographical locations, speak about may face). Some of the places you suggest are in a country that is dealing with
geographical risks of the different natural settings and controversial issues so you discuss them, propose solutions and try to convince your friend
their features. They can also discuss solutions to to omit them and choose a place.
global warming.

Skills assessment situations for Summit 1

Evaluated units Goal Situation
Students can describe their personality, they also are
able to discuss about someone’s behavior, compare
perspectives on world problems and discuss creative Does music help you cope with problems? Why/Why not? Your classmate asks you if you
SMMT1 E.C. 1-2 ways to achieve a goal. Students are able to describe like ___________ music as much as he/she does, but you don't. Discuss politely the reasons
how they have been enjoying the arts, can express a of your stand.
negative opinion politely, describe a creative
personality and discuss the benefits of the arts.
Students are able to express buyer’s remorse, talk
about financial goals and plans, discuss good and bad
money management and explain reasons for
A friend of yours is living beyond his/her means but he/she is putting aside his/her
charitable giving. Students can describe clothing
SMMT1 E.C. 3-4 appearance. Make him/her feel remorse about what he/she has bought and how this has
details and formality. They can also talk about
affected his/her style.
changes in clothing customs, examine questionable
cosmetic procedures and discuss appearance and self-
Students can politely ask someone not to do
something, they are able also to complain about
public conduct, suggest ways to avoid being a victim
or urban crime and discuss the meaning of Your friend wants to buy an exotic animal to keep it as a pet. Try to convince him/her not
SMMT1 E.C 5-6
community. Students exchange opinions about the to do it. Provide reasons.
treatment of animals, discuss the pros and cons of
certain pets, compare animal and human behavior
and debate the value of animal conservation.
Students evaluate ways and places to shop, discuss
their reactions to ads, problem shopping behavior and
can persuade someone to buy a product. Students can
SMMT1 E. C 7-8 Create two ads of the same product that appeals for two generations.
describe family trends, discuss parent teen issues,
compare generations and discuss caring for the
Students can speculate about everyday situations,
they can also present a theory, discuss how believable
a story is and evaluate the trustworthiness of news
Discuss about a world-known mystery providing details and your point of view. Do you
SMMT1 E.C 9-10 sources. Students are able to suggest ways to reduce
think current technology could prove it false?
stress, describe how they got interested in a hobby,
how mobile devices affect them and compare
attitudes about taking risks.

Skills assessment situations for Summit 2
Evaluated units Goal Situation
Students ask about someone’s background, discuss
career and study plans, compare their dream and
goals in life and describe job qualifications. Students Someone that you know is telling you about his/her future studies. Discuss how could that
SMMT2 E.C. 1-2
describe the consequences of lying, express regret profession contribute to help other people and what values are required to achieve it.
and take responsibility, explore where values come
from and discuss how best help others.
Students express frustration, empathy and
encouragement. They can also describe how fear
affects them physically, discuss overcoming handicaps
You're visiting a zoo with your boyfriend/girlfriend, but you are afraid of ____________ so
and hardships. They also examine the nature of
SMMT2 E.C. 3-4 you do not go with him/her. Describe how that animal makes you feel. After that, try to
heroism. Students discuss how to overcome
calm down your boyfriend/girlfriend because he/she is very upset.
shortcomings, how to acknowledge inconsiderate
behavior, explain how to handle anger and explore
the qualities of friendship.
Students discuss the benefits of laugher, respond to
something funny, are able to analyze what make them
laugh and can determine the limits of humor.
You are traveling abroad with your friends. Ask them for a favor. Make that favor turns into
SMMT2 E.C 5-6 Students describe causes of travel hassles, can express
a practical joke.
gratitude for a behavior while traveling, discuss
staying safe on the internet and talk about lost, stolen
or damaged property.
Students can suggest that someone is being gullible,
they can also examine superstitions talk about the
power of suggestion and discuss phobias. Students You are applying for a really good job offer. Show the interviewer that you are the most
SMMT2 E. C 7-8 can speak about their talents and strengths, they also suitable candidate for it. Sadly, at the end you notice it is probably a scam. Justify in front
suggest ways to boost intelligence explain how they of the interviewer why you think so.
produce their best work and describe what makes
someone genius.
Students discuss the feasibility of future technologies,
evaluate applications of innovative technologies,
discuss how to protect our environment and examine
You are the head director of a national recycling company. Explain how your company
future social and demographic trends. Students are
SMMT2 E.C 9-10 would contribute to the country and how could you make social investments to improve
able to react to news about global issues, describe the
global welfare.
impact of foreign imports, discuss the pros and cons
of globalization and suggest ways to avoid culture

Evaluative criteria

The evaluative criteria refer to the aspects that are going to be evaluated in the test.
We must remember that there are some elements that are possible to be recognized
and measure during a communicative interaction. The following are the evaluative
criteria and what they refer to. You might find these in the answer sheet and are the
ones you are going to take into account at the moment of giving the student a grade
based on his/her performance:

 Goal achievement: Refers to the fulfillment of the goal established for the
evaluated units.
 Grammar accuracy: Refers to the proper use of the language in term of
structure, tenses, grammatical categories and so forth.
 Vocabulary use: Refers to the number of words and the appropriateness of
such related to what is being spoken about and the way they are used in
relation to context, topic, sense, intention and meaning. The many and well
applied words the students use, the better.
 Pronunciation: Refers to the way the student produces the sounds in terms
of place and manner of articulation.
 Fluency: Refers to the students’ speed of speech based on pause, hesitation,
use of interjections, modulation and sequence when elaborating their idea.

These EVALUATIVE CRITERIA are subcategorized depending on the grade achieved

by the student in each one of them. Is in this part where we need to know what the
evaluative descriptors are.

Evaluative descriptors

Evaluative descriptors are different for each evaluative criterion; they depend on the
grade given by the teacher; better said, the grade given by the teacher depends on
or gives an account of what is being delimited by the descriptors.

 Descriptors on GOAL ACHIEVEMENT:

o Graded “1”: The student does not achieve the goal whatsoever. What
was produced by the speaker does not give an account of what the
goal demands to be evidenced. It is recommended to review all the
lessons belonging to the two units just evaluated and make sure all the
topics and elements of these are well understood.
o Graded “2”: The student lacks elements to achieve the goal. Little
aspects described by the goal were evidenced during the performance.
It is recommended to review all the lessons belonging to the two units

just evaluated and make sure all the topics and elements of these are
well understood.
o Graded “3” The goal is achieved; some aspects need more working
though. During the student’s performance many of the abilities
evidences in the goal could be noticed. However, it is recommended
to practice quite more and make sure all the topics and elements within
the units are well understood.
o Graded “4” The achievement of the goal is accurate and sufficient. The
student’s use of language and recreation during the situation shows
what the goals expected and what is enough to have a good
performance for the goal to be achieved. Few aspects of the goal were
put aside and little was not taken into account.
o Graded “5”: The student learned all the necessary throughout the
units to be able to achieve the goal completely. All aspects shown
during his performance contribute to the fulfillment of what was
expected. Do not forget to keep on practicing.

 Descriptors on GRAMMAR ACCURACY

o Graded “1”: The student does not follow any of the grammatical rules
taken into account in the units evaluated. Grammar needs to be
worked on more thoroughly. Simple grammar mistakes are still being
produced; and more complex structures are not the exception.
o Graded “2”: The student has many mistakes regarding grammar.
Topics in the units seem not to be well understood. The student needs
more working on recognizing grammatical categories presented in the
evaluated units.
o Graded “3”: Even though some mistakes are recurrent, the general
idea of grammar categories and the following of basic rules according
to the level are achieved. It does not mean the student can stop
practicing. More practice needs to be procured to improve the existing
o Graded “4”: Grammar is well used and structured; however, it is very
important to work more on some petty mistakes that are still made.
Tenses and word order are accurate and precise.
o Graded “5”: Grammatical structures, tenses and word order are
perfectly produced. It is clear that the student has generated a great
understanding of all grammatical concepts according to the level

 Descriptors on VOCABULARY USE

o Graded “1”: Almost no words were used in the performance of the

o Graded “2”: The words were similar and repetitive; no new words were
implemented. Most of the words are of everyday use and so basic for
the current level.
o Graded “3”: Not all the words the student uses are basic; some of them
are worlds that require some reading and understanding of complex
structures. However, the student needs to practice more on the
acquisition of new words.
o Graded “4”: Use of words is according to the level the student has.
The student does not limit himself to use words commonly presented
in his book, but instead tries to bring new words to his understanding
which is clearly evident in the speech produced.
o Graded “5” Vocabulary is accurate, widely used and articulated
without mistakes. It is noticeable that there has been commitment and
effort in the process of learning and memorizing words and

 Descriptors on PRONUNCIATION:

o Graded “1”: Speech is not clearly modulated. A lot of mistakes are

produced in terms of pronunciation. Modulation needs working since
the message of what the student wanted to communicate was not
understood by the hearer.
o Graded “2”: Many mistakes are produced at the moment of
pronouncing words. Although some words are well pronounced, the
most of them need to be checked and improved.
o Graded “3”: The pronunciation of the most of the words is correct;
however, there are many words that are still being mispronounced.
o Graded “4”: Few mistakes were made while speaking in terms of
pronunciation. The most of the words are well pronounced.
o Graded “5”: No mistakes of pronunciation were identified. The student
has a great understanding in terms of pronunciation. It is necessary to
keep working on that.

 Descriptors on FLUENCY:

o Graded “1”: There’s no speech in the student’s production, words are

not connected at all and the performance turned slow and not
o Graded “2”: The most of the time the student stops or hesitates when
speaking. Speech is hardly ever connected and articulation of words in
terms of speed is almost non-existent.
o Graded “3”: The speech produced is the most of the times fluent;
however, in some moments the student hesitates or pauses interfering
with the communicative purpose.
o Graded “4”: Almost all the time the student spoke fluently. There was
little evidence of pause and hesitation while speaking.
o Graded “5”: Fluency is excellent. No mistakes were evidenced and the
speech was highly fluent and articulated. It is recommended to keep
on working on that aspect.

All previous descriptors establish the reason why the student was given determined
score. It is very important that a copy of this handbook be at hand in every classroom
since at the moment of evaluating students might inquire as to the reasons


Now you will find the answer sheets and the table of proportions to grade and
score the answers given by the students.

Table of proportions

Depending on the score given to the student by adding up each grades per criterion
the teacher is going to give a final grade by making proportions using the
information in this table:

Students introduce themselves by giving their personal information. They are also capable of spelling words in case of being needed
and providing information regarding to numbers.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 1-2 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade


Students speak about their relatives and friends, they describe their features and physical characteristics, they also give information
about their personal lives. They also identify locations and are able to give instructions as to how to get from one place to another.

1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 3-4 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students share their opinion about clothes in terms of likes and dislikes, they are also capable of describing the clothes they wear and
those of the people around by mentioning colors, sizes and characteristics. They can also speak about happenings by using time
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 5-6 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students speak about the place where they live, they can describe their home, neighborhood and surroundings. They can speak about
furniture and appliances.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 7-8 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students identify weather changes and conditions. They use present participle in continuous tenses as present and future. They use
count and non-count nouns to describe objects and actions occurred within a certain time.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 9-10 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students speak about past activities, they are able to structure questions and answers with both: to be and did. They also mention
their preferences on outdoor activities and how to pass free time and sharing with others. They also know how to describe someone,
they can also mention body parts and their characteristics. They also speak about ailments, accidents and remedies.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 11-12 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students are aware of their abilities and can speak easily about them, they also are capable of politely request and ask for different
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 13-14 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students are able to get acquainted with others by asking for more personal information. They also can identify people by giving more precise
personal information about them. Students can give information regarding to time and place. They use prepositions of time and place as well as
interrogative pronouns to speak about events and invitations.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 1-2 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students speak about immediate and extended families, relationships and marital statuses. They are able to answer "wh" questions aimed to
compare people. Students use spoken language in a restaurant context. They are able to categorize and describe food as well as to communicate
with others within the context.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 3-4 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students describe actions and situations related to technology, they are able to speak about brands, models and features on appliances, gadgets
and machines; they also speak about problems that might occur on those matters. Students speak about healthy habits and activities along with
sports and exercises. They are also capable of expressing possibility and obligation.

1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 5-6 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students use present participle verbs and some other adjectives along with intensifiers to describe bad and good travels experiences. Students
discuss about clothes in terms of type, color, size, brands and price. They are able to replace direct objects by using object pronouns. They can also
compare items and describe where they can be found in a department store.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 7-8 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students can speak about traveling by discussing and giving suggestions about schedules, types, services, announcements and problems. Students
are able to ask for recommendation, bargain prices, make deals and discuss about spending money.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 9-10 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students are able to speak about traveling experiences. They also speak about countries in terms of habits, gestures and costumes. Students speak
about movies, movie genres, actors and movie plots. They are able to communicate situations taking into account lenght of time and preferences.

1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 1-2 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students can use all kind of expressions as to hotel reservation and staying, they communicate in a hotel context, they are capable of stating
conditions and requirements. Students identify and express car and driving statements by using vocabulary and expressions related to the topic.
They are able to use phrasal verbs.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 3-4 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students communicate on personal care and appearance. They speak about personale care products, and personal concepts of beauty. Students
recognize the importance of eating well and are capable of speaking about it. They can make choices on food and speak about food passions,
types and descriptions.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 5-6 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students are aware of their own and someone else's personality by speaking about mental, psychological and social issues. Students give their own
opinion about art. They can speak about types of art, materials and styles. They can also discuss about their favorite artists and their talents.

1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 7-8 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students recognize the technological advancements and the usefulness of devices nowadays. They can compare product features and speak about
the internet. Students relate moral dilemmas to ethics and values, they can describe situations and discuss ethical choices. They also speak about
personal values and moral responsibilities.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 9-10 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students are able to make small talks, confirm information by using tag questions, describe a busy schedule and speak about manners and
etiquette. Students are able to show concern and offer help regarding medical issues; they can also describe symptoms and illnesses as well as
medical procedures and types of medication.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 1-2 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students know how to offer solutions and speak about quality of service. They are also able to plan and run an event. Students can describe and
recommend books; they can also inquire about books and articles by asking embedded question. They are also capable of speaking about reading
habits and the transformation of reading processes throughout the time.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 3-4 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students can give information about natural disasters, report news and happenings, communicate news and emergency procedures. Students
explain changes of intentions or plans, express regrets, discuss skills, abilities and qualifications. They can also speak about success.

1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 5-6 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students use expressions to wish good holidays, speak about local customs and traditions in general that are different depending on the country
they take place. Students describe technology, new inventions and discoveries by discussing their impact in society. They can also take
responsibility for a mistake.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 7-8 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students speak about controversial topics politely, they can also propose solutions to global problems and debate the pros and cons of different
issues. Students describe geographical locations, speak about geographical risks of the different natural settings and their features. They can also
discuss solutions to global warming.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 9-10 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students can describe their personality, they also are able to discuss about someone’s behavior, compare perspectives on world problems and
discuss creative ways to achieve a goal. Students are able to describe how they have been enjoying the arts, can express a negative opinion politely,
describe a creative personality and discuss the benefits of the arts.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 1-2 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students are able to express buyer’s remorse, talk about financial goals and plans, discuss good and bad money management and explain reasons
for charitable giving. Students can describe clothing details and formality. They can also talk about changes in clothing customs, examine
questionable cosmetic procedures and discuss appearance and self-esteem.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 3-4 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students can politely ask someone not to do something, they are able also to complain about public conduct, suggest ways to avoid being a victim
or urban crime and discuss the meaning of community. Students exchange opinions about the treatment of animals, discuss the pros and cons of
certain pets, compare animal and human behavior and debate the value of animal conservation.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 5-6 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students evaluate ways and places to shop, discuss their reactions to ads, problem shopping behavior and can persuade someone to buy a
product. Students can describe family trends, discuss parent teen issues, compare generations and discuss caring for the elderly.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 7-8 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students can speculate about everyday situations, they can also present a theory, discuss how believable a story is and evaluate the trustworthiness
of news sources. Students are able to suggest ways to reduce stress, describe how they got interested in a hobby, how mobile devices affect them
and compare attitudes about taking risks.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 9-10 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students ask about someone’s background, discuss career and study plans, compare their dream and goals in life and describe job qualifications.
Students describe the consequences of lying, express regret and take responsibility, explore where values come from and discuss how best help
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 1-2 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students express frustration, empathy and encouragement. They can also describe how fear affects them physically, discuss overcoming handicaps
and hardships. They also examine the nature of heroism. Students discuss how to overcome shortcomings, how to acknowledge inconsiderate
behavior, explain how to handle anger and explore the qualities of friendship.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 3-4 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students discuss the benefits of laugher, respond to something funny, are able to analyze what make them laugh and can determine the limits of
humor. Students describe causes of travel hassles, can express gratitude for a behavior while traveling, discuss staying safe on the internet and talk
about lost, stolen or damaged property.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 5-6 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students can suggest that someone is being gullible, they can also examine superstitions talk about the power of suggestion and discuss phobias.
Students can speak about their talents and strengths, they also suggest ways to boost intelligence explain how they produce their best work and
describe what makes someone genius.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 7-8 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade

Students discuss the feasibility of future technologies, evaluate applications of innovative technologies, discuss how to protect our environment
and examine future social and demographic trends. Students are able to react to news about global issues, describe the impact of foreign imports,
discuss the pros and cons of globalization and suggest ways to avoid culture shock.
1 2 3 4 5
Goal Achievement
Grammar Accuracy
Units 9-10 Vocabulary Use
LAB OK COMMENTS: Teacher's name__________________________ Final Grade


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