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SPE 150249

Wireless Instrumentation in the Oil & Gas Industry - From Monitoring to

Control and Safety Applications
Stig Petersen, SINTEF and Simon Carlsen, Statoil ASA

Copyright 2012, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Intelligent Energy International held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 27–29 March 2012.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been
reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its
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reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

Wireless instrumentation, defined as the merger of wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies with industrial field
instrumentation, has become increasingly popular in the process industries since the recent ratifications of the WirelessHART
and ISA100.11a specifications. By providing reliable self-healing and self-configuring wireless communication, these
standards offers a cost-efficient alternative to traditional wired field instruments.
In process automation, field devices can be classified in three categories according to the nature and criticality of their
application; namely monitoring, control and safety. These can be further divided into usage classes, for instance enabling the
distinction between open and closed loop control. The requirements of the wireless communication protocol vary depending
on the usage class of the wireless instruments, e.g. there is a major difference from using a wireless sensor for history
collection every few minutes, to being a part of a closed loop with a process time of a few hundred milliseconds.
This paper provides a survey of the current status of wireless instrumentation in the oil and gas industry. The requirements
and challenges, along with financial drivers and benefits, are addressed, and an overview of WSN technologies and
international standards are presented. Through extensive theoretical analysis, laboratory experiments and pilot installations, it
has become apparent that wireless instrumentation is ready for adoption at scale in non-critical monitoring applications. For
control and safety systems, however, the currently available solutions have limitations which must be addressed through
research and innovation before they are able to fulfill the more stringent requirements found in these types of applications.

The last decade has been the stage for a rapid development of wireless communication technologies for low-cost, low-power
wireless devices capable of robust and reliable communication [1]. The IEEE Std. 802.15.4 for Low-Rate Wireless Personal
Area Networks [2] has been the enabling technology for numerous applications within the field of wireless sensor networks
(WSNs) [3].
Although WSNs quickly found their way into a wide variety of application domains, the adoption of wireless sensors in the
process automation industries were slow. The lack of an open, international standard fulfilling industrial requirements was
believed to be the major reason for the initially reluctant industrial WSN deployment [4]. This changed in September 2007,
when the HART Communication Foundation (HCF) released the HART Field Communication Protocol Specification,
Revision 7.0 which includes the definition of a wireless interface to field devices, referred to as WirelessHART [5].
WirelessHART was approved as an IEC standard in 2010, with the classification IEC 62591 [6].
Parallel to the HCF’s development of WirelessHART, the International Society of Automation (ISA) standards committee
ISA100 initiated work on a standard for wireless industrial automation and control applications, called ISA100.11a [7].
ISA100.11a was ratified as an ISA standard in September 2009, and later updated in 2011, and it aims to provide secure and
reliable wireless communication for non-critical monitoring and control applications.
In addition, the Chinese Industrial Wireless Alliance also developed a standard for process automation, WIA-PA (Wireless
networks for Industrial Automation - Process Automation). WIA-PA was approved as an IEC standard 62601 in 2008, and
later updated in 2011 to IEC 62601 [8].
With these international standards for wireless instrumentation for the process industry in place, wireless sensors started to
appear in the portfolio of the major automation system vendors. Laboratory experiments and pilot installations were initiated
by the industry end users, and by today thousands of devices have been deployed and used for wireless instrumentation at
many process industry plants, facilities and sites world wide.
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This paper provides a survey of wireless instrumentation in the oil and gas industry. The paper is structured as follows; the
next section provides an introduction to WSN terms and technology, followed by a section on relevant international standards.
Next, the drivers, motivations and benefits for using wireless instrumentation in oil & gas are discussed, along with another
section which presents the technical requirements for the technology. Furthermore, an overview of the current status of the
technology in the oil and gas industry is given, before the paper is concluded with an outlook to the future trends and aspects
for wireless instrumentation.

A WSN is a collection of distributed, autonomous sensor devices which collaborate to monitor physical or environmental
phenomena such as temperature, pressure, vibration, noise, gas and smoke. The sensor devices communicate wirelessly with
each other, and a WSN typically consists of numerous sensor devices and a network administrator which collects the sensor
data from the network.

Wireless sensor device

A wireless sensor device consists of several elements, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Wireless Sensor Device

The sensing unit measures a physical phenomenon (e.g. temperature or pressure), and an analog-to-digital converter
quantifies and convers the measurement to the digital representation needed for further processing and communication. The
processing unit analyses the sensor data and encapsulates it in data packets according to the communication protocol .The
processing unit is also responsible for handling and scheduling the communication. The communication unit provides the
wireless interface, and handles transmission and reception of data packets. It consists of an antenna and a Radio-Frequency
transceiver. The memory and storage are used for temporary and permanent storage of firmware, configuration parameters and
sensor data. The power unit is normally a battery, and it provides power to all other components of the wireless sensor device.
One of the main challenges of WSNs is to combine long battery lifetime (i.e. low power consumption) while
simultaneously supporting complex communication protocols running on low power microcontrollers with limited processing
power and resources.

Protocol stack
Stacks are used as a layered and abstract description for network protocol design in communication standards. The stack
consists of several layers, and each layer is a collection of related functions for the specific task of the layer. A stack layer
provides information and services to the layer above, and it uses information and services from the layer below. Information
and service exchange between layers is performed in a standardized message format.

Figure 2 OSI-model and simplified WSN-model

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The most commonly used protocol stack is the seven layered Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Basic Reference Model
[9]. WSN standards and specifications use a simplified version of the OSI-model where the presentation layer and session
layer are merged into the application layer, as illustrated in Figure 2.

Network topologies
Depending on the communication protocol and the routing capabilities of the network devices, network topologies in a
WSN may range from star to (full) mesh. In a star topology, all devices communicate with a central coordinator, as illustrated
in Figure 3a. In this setting, the sensor devices are not capable of communicating with each other. In a mesh topology, on the
other hand, all devices are capable of communicating with all other devices within radio range, creating the topology shown in
Figure 3c. It is also possible to have a combination of a star and mesh topology, called star-mesh. In a star-mesh there is a
kernel mesh network created by router devices, and an outer network of sensors connecting to the routers. An example of a
star-mesh topology is depicted in Figure 3b.

Figure 3 Examples of network topologies: a) star, b) star-mesh, c) mesh

There are two different routing algorithms which are used for routing data packets within WSN; graph and source routing.

Figure 4 WSN routing

A graph route is a list of transmission paths that connect network end points. A network may have multiple, overlapping
graphs, and a device may have multiple graphs going through it. An example of graph routing is presented in Figure 4. Here,
device A communicates with device F using Graph 1. To send a packet to device F, device A can transmit either via device B
or C, which in turn will forward the packet according to their own graph routing configurations. The following routes from A
to F are possible using Graph 1: A-B-D-F, A-C-D-F or A-C-E-F. Similarly, to communicate with device D, device A sends
packets according to Graph 2.
Unlike graph routes, a source route is a single directed route between a source and a destination device, and it defines the
specific path a packet must take when travelling from its source to its destination. If any of the links in a source route fails, the
packet is lost. This is not the case for graph routes, where each device has multiple associated neighbors to which they may
send packets, ensuring redundancy and enhancing reliability compared to source routing.
The routes in a network are configured by the network manager based on periodic health reports from devices indicating
the historical quality of the wireless connectivity to their neighbors.
4 SPE 150249

Time-division multiple access

In the standards for industrial WSNs, time-division multiple access (TDMA) combined with frequency hopping is used for
channel access. The communication schedule is divided into timeslot and channels, where a collection of timeslots forms a
superframe. The superframes repeat continuously throughout the network lifetime, using the term frame to separate specific
instances in time of a superframe, as illustrated in Figure 5.

Figure 5 TDMA timeslots, frames and superframes

Communication between devices in the network happens in dedicated link. A link is specified by its superframe, timeslot
offset relative to the first timeslot of the superframe, and the channel offset. In consecutive frames, a link will always have the
same timeslot offset, while the channel offset changes according to the defined frequency hopping pattern. Two devices are
typically assigned to a specific link, one as a source and the other as the destination. Within a timeslot, the source device may
transmit a data packet to the destination device. The destination device will upon successful reception of a data packet transmit
and acknowledgment packet (ACK) to the source. If the source device fails to successfully receive an ACK, the data packet
will be retransmitted on the next available timeslot for the given link.

Source Data

Destination ACK

Figure 6 Data transmission within a timeslot

To ensure data confidentiality, authenticity and integrity, wireless protocols must implement sufficient security
mechanisms and algorithms. However, for WSNs with limited resources (e.g. processing power and memory capacity),
traditional security solutions can not necessarily guarantee security requirements in industrial wireless networks [10]. The
following list illustrates various security issues that wireless networks are susceptible to:

• Accidental Association: Unintentional access to a wireless network by a foreign computer or device.

• Malicious Association: Access to a wireless network is obtained by hackers in order to steal user information,
passwords or data, or to launch other attacks and install malicious software.
• Identity Theft: Hacker which is able to impersonate an authorized device or user by listening to credential traffic.
• Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: Hackers gaining access to a network with Malicious Association, and transparently
monitor network traffic and/or provide false information and data to other network users.
• Denial of Service: A target device or gateway is flooded with bogus protocol messages and data in an attempt to
reduce or suspend its responsiveness and ability to perform regular functions. Intentional jamming of a wireless
communication channel falls under this category.
• Network Injection: Accessing access points / gateways to introduce bogus network configuration commands that
may affect routers, switches and intelligent hubs. The network devices may crash, shutdown, restart or even
require reprogramming.
• Byzantine Attack: Attack where an intruder reprograms a collection of compromised sensors, whereby they send
fictitious sensor readings to the control room.
• Radio Interference: Interference from other wireless networks operating in the same frequency bands.

The main tasks of the security mechanisms in WSN protocols are to provide protection against the attacks mentioned
above by ensuring secure communication between devices, and to provide message authenticity and data confidentiality.
SPE 150249 5

Wireless instrumentation
Wireless instrumentation is defined as the merger of WSN technologies with process automation disciplines. A wireless
field instrument is typically a traditional, formerly wired, sensor or actuator equipped with an additional radio transmitter,
antenna and power supply (battery). The instrument parts (i.e. sensor or actuator elements) are the same as for a wired
instrument, and they have the same measurement performance characteristics and accuracy.
The advent of wireless instrumentation does, however, allow for the development of custom-made industrial wireless
sensors, which are typically smaller and cheaper than the wired editions. Examples of such new field devices are wireless
vibration sensors and wireless gas detectors.

Wireless instrumentation usage classes

When discussing wireless instrumentation, it is helpful to divide field instruments into application areas or usage classes.
The ISA has proposed a usage class structure where instrumentation is divided into six classes, with each class representing
different requirements and application criticality.
NAMUR, the international user association of companies in the chemical and pharmaceutical process industries, has an
active working group within wireless instrumentation. Here, field instrumentation is divided into three classes; A, B and C.
NAMUR (A) covers ISA 0, NAMUR (B) covers ISA 1-3 and NAMUR (C) covers ISA 4-5. Table 1 maps the ISA usage
classes against the NAMUR classes.

Table 1 ISA Usage classes compared to NAMUR classes for field instrumentation
Category ISA Class ISA application description NAMUR Class
Safety ISA 0 Emergency action NAMUR (A)
ISA 1 Closed loop regulatory control
Control ISA 2 Closed loop supervisory control NAMUR (B)
ISA 3 Open loop control
ISA 4 Alerting/Flagging
Monitoring NAMUR (C)
ISA 5 Logging & download/upload data

The three categories for wireless instrumentation, monitoring, control and safety, will be used throughout this paper to
separate the different applications and their drivers, requirements, status and future development.

International standards for wireless instrumentation

The IEEE Std. 802.15.4 [2] defines the physical layer (PHY) and the medium access control sublayer (MAC) for low-rate
wireless personal area networks. Features such as low complexity, cost and power, makes it a suitable candidate for WSNs [3].
With a growing number of solutions based on the IEEE Std. 802.15.4 PHY and MAC, it has become the de facto standard for
many WSN solutions, both standardized and proprietary. The three industrial specifications for wireless instrumentation,
WirelessHART, ISA100.11a and WIA-PA, are based on the IEEE Std. 802.15.4

IEEE 802.15.4
The IEEE Std. 802.15.4 [2] was initially released in 2003 and updated in 2006. The standard comprises four different
PHYs, three in the 868/915 MHz band and one in the 2.4 GHz band. 27 channels are defined, numbered from 0-26. Channel 0
is in the 868 MHz band, Channels 1-10 are in the 915 MHz band and Channels 11-26 are in the 2.4 GHz band. In the 2.4 GHz
band the channel width is 2 MHz and the channel spacing is 5 MHz.

WirelessHART is a part of the HART Field Communication Specification, Revision 7.0 [5], which was ratified in
September 2007. WirelessHART enables wireless transmission of HART messages, and was the first standard to be released
which specifically targets industrial applications. WirelessHART was approved as IEC standard 62591 in 2010.
WirelessHART is based on the IEEE Std. 802.15.4 PHY and MAC, although the MAC has been modified to allow for
frequency hopping. Furthermore, WirelessHART only operates in the 2.4 GHz band, which allows for global availability.
TDMA with frequency hopping is used as channel access method, and with a full mesh network topology, WirelessHART
offers self-configuring and self-healing multi-hop communication.

The ISA100 standards committee of ISA aims to deliver a family of standards for wireless systems for industrial
automation. ISA100.11a [7] was the first standard to emerge, being ratified in 2009 and updated in 2011. ISA100.11a is
designed for secure and reliable wireless communication for non-critical monitoring and control applications. Critical
applications are planned to be addressed in later releases of the standard.
ISA100.11a is based on the IEEE Std. 802.15.4 PHY and MAC, but the MAC has been adopted to allow for frequency
hopping and extended security mechanisms. ISA100.11a only defines operation in the 2.4 GHz band.
6 SPE 150249

TDMA with frequency hopping is used as the channel access mechanism. ISA100.11a supports both routing and non-
routing devices, so network topologies can be either star, star-mesh or full mesh depending on the configuration and
capabilities of the devices in the network.
An ISA100.11a network is able to carry multiple fieldbus protocols, such as Foundation Fieldbus, PROFIBUS and HART.
There is also integrated support for IPv6 traffic and routing in the network layer.

WIA-PA [8] is a specification for system architecture and communication protocol. It is built upon the IEEE 802.15.4 PHY
and MAC. WIA-PA was developed by the Chinese Industrial Wireless Alliance (CIWA) under the urgent requirements of the
process automation industries. WIA-PA became a Public Available Specification (PAS) of IEC via IEC voting on October 31,
2008 with number IEC/PAS 62601. The WIA-PA network topology is formed using cluster heads as essential device types.
Each cluster head forms a local star network. Only devices belonging to the specific cluster head can become cluster members.
The cluster members are typically field devices, i.e. sensors and actuators. Field devices are solely input/output devices, with
no routing capability. As a consequence, network topology is limited to a star-mesh configuration. Redundancy is achieved at
the cluster head, by adding a redundant cluster head. In this manner, the local star network as a whole benefits from
redundancy. However, there is no alternative route for broken links from field device to cluster head.
To present, we are not aware of any industrial versions of wireless instrumentation employing WIA-PA.

Drivers, motivations and benefits

The oil & gas industry differs from many other industries, e.g. factory automation, in several aspects, which may lead to a
slightly different set of drivers and motivations. The introduction of wireless instrumentation should provide benefits that
support and improve production and HSE performance, and at the same time reduce capital and operational expenditures
(CAPEX and OPEX, respectively).
Although the financial margins commonly are significant larger in oil & gas industries compared to e.g. manufacturing and
factory automation, so are also the costs associated with development, engineering, commissioning, and installation tasks. In
oil & gas producing facilities, the supporting infrastructure (wiring, junction boxes, cabinets and power supplies) and the
engineering related to this, represent the largest contributions to the total cost of field instrumentation. Even a modest
percentage reduction in the cost for installing or adding field instrumentation can represent large values. Indeed, the cost
saving perspectives represents one of the major motivational factors for introducing wireless instrumentation in the oil & gas
It is appropriate to distinguish between Greenfield (new developments) and Brownfield (existing) installations when
discussing the drivers, motivations and benefits for wireless instrumentation in the oil & gas industry.

Greenfield projects
As the discovery rate of larger oil fields is decreasing rapidly, future developments (Greenfield) need to focus more and
more on cost-effective solutions for marginal fields. To achieve an acceptable break-even, many of these production facilities
are planned as limited-, or even unmanned facilities. At a marginal field, the production process is often subject to changes
more often compared to a larger field. A change in the production process may require a change in instrumentation. The
flexibility that is provided by wireless instrumentation opens for the planning of dynamic production environments to a much
larger degree compared to traditional plant designs with wired instruments.
For Greenfield projects in general, CAPEX related to engineering, commissioning and installation represent the major cost
savings. Savings by implementing wireless instrumentation are limited to the elimination of local field cable and associated
field-run cable trays to local remote-I/O cabinets. The number of instruments in a wireless network installed in a traditional
offshore platform environment will be influenced both by the layout of the facility and by the limitation of the technology. A
wireless network comprises field instruments (wireless sensors) and a reception point, commonly referred to as the wireless
gateway. The number of wireless instruments per gateway will depend on:

• Update rate per wireless instrument; a fast update rate will occupy more time slots in the fixed-length superframe
than a slow update rate (see technology-section), thus reducing the maximum number of devices in the network.
• The physical environment. For example, radio transmission not possible between neighboring spaces that are
shielded from each other by metal partitions, since a metal partition is an effective RF shield. Thus, wireless
instruments cannot share gateways between such shielded locations.

It is possible to calculate estimated cost savings for wireless instrumentation networks, assuming a network with e.g. 30
wireless instruments per gateway. The cost estimate includes the following parameters:

• Cost savings related to cable and cable tray installations

• Reduced costs due to no need for circuit drawings
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• Added cost for the wireless instrument; a wireless instrument is estimated to 30% higher purchase cost compared
to the equivalent wired version
• Gateway cost (shared by 30 wireless instruments)

By using typical vendor prices, and cost estimates on work load and hours from former Statoil projects, the total cost
saving per wireless instrument is approximately USD 3,300. Note that the cost saving per instrument will increase with an
increased number of wireless sensors per gateway, and vice versa.
For offshore facilities, weight savings is also a preferred advantage introduced by wireless instrumentation. In addition to
the facilities’ total weight, logistics and freight weights from onshore supply bases to offshore facilities also affect the weight
budget. As the case for for cost savings, the main contributions to weight savings comes from the elimination of cabling, cable
trays, junction boxes, I/O cabinets and similar. A weight budget estimate carried out by Statoil takes into account the following

• Weight savings related to cable and cable trays, including supporting installations
• Added weight from cabling, including trays and support for the wireless gateway
• Added weight from wireless gateway

For Greenfield projects, calculations performed by Statoil show that the net weight saving per wireless instrument is
approximately 31 kg. The base for the calculations is also here a wireless network with 30 wireless instruments per gateway,
and the weight saving per instrument will increase with an increased number of wireless sensors per gateway, and vice versa.

Brownfield projects
In modification projects (Brownfield), it is assumed that cost and weight savings will be even higher than for Greenfield.
The added value from wireless instrumentation in Brownfield is due to:

• Existing installations do not have the remote I/O architecture required to support additional instrumentation. For
this reason, installing supplementary wired instrumentation will require pulling cables all the way from instrument
to local equipment room
• Pulling cables to local equipment room will in most cases require junction boxes on the way
• Terminating the signal in local equipment room will require marshaling cabinets

The savings will vary among installations as a result of:

• Distance between instrument and local equipment room

• Spare capacity on cable trays
• Spare capacity in junction boxes
• Spare I/O channels
• Size of planned wireless network, i.e. more instruments per gateway equals a lower cost per instrument

For typical monitoring instruments (pressure, temperature, etc), cost savings is estimated to 2-3 times higher compared to
Greenfield projects with remote I/O. For vibration monitoring instruments, the cost savings is estimated to be even higher.

General drivers, motivations and benefits

In the above sections on Greenfield and Brownfield considerations, cost savings and weight savings have been presented as
the major drivers for implementing wireless instrumentation in the oil & gas industry. However, ever since the dawn of the
wireless era in the industry there have been additional drivers for going wireless. These motivational factors include:

• Simplified upgrades and/or replacements, reduction of time and complexity

• Easy installation of temporary instrumentation, e.g. added monitoring capability in a part of the process plant
during special conditions
• A wireless infrastructure allows for mobile instrumentation, for example portable field instruments used during
maintenance and modification tasks
• Overall contribution to increased HSE

Practical experience shows that for existing installations (Brownfield), the process of taking the initial decision to install
wireless instrumentation is subject to most assessments and discussions, and thus becomes the most time consuming part of
the process. Once the wireless instrumentation infrastructure is established, new application areas and new field instruments
rapidly emerge. A good example is Statoil’s Gullfaks field, which back in 2007 started with one wireless sensor network
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serving 13 wireless temperature transmitters at Gullfaks A. Today, the three Gullfaks facilities (A, B and C) have several
wireless sensor networks serving about 140 temperature and pressure transmitters, used for different applications.
New development projects should plan with a wireless strategy in mind. Even though development projects traditionally
rely on well proven technology, this is also the case for instrumentation. However, the time has definitely come to offer
wireless technology the attention it deserves in the planning process. Although at the planning stage all application areas or
possibilities of wireless technology may not be obvious, designing the plant with a strategy for wireless instrumentation and
also preparing for a wireless infrastructure should be a part of the design specification.

The requirements for wireless instrumentation in the oil & gas industry can be divided into two categories; general
requirements which are not application depended and apply to all wireless instrumentation, and more specific requirements
related to the application and usage classes (as described in the previous section).

General Requirements
The following requirements apply to all wireless instrumentation, regardless of usage class.
Unlicensed frequency bands
The radio spectrum is a limited natural resource, and as a result, the frequency band usage is strongly regulated by the
authorities. Most frequencies are licensed for specific applications and technologies, but there are still some portions of the
frequency bands which are open for free, unlicensed operation. These bands are called ISM-bands (industrial, scientific and
medical), and their availability varies by country and region.
The most common ISM-band for short-range wireless communication is the 2.4 GHz band, which has the benefit of being
globally available.
Friendly coexistence with other wireless solutions
Wireless technologies are becoming more ubiquitous, even in industrial facilities. When two or more wireless systems are
deployed within radio range of each other, it is imperative that they are capable of friendly coexistence. This means that
neither system should suffer critical performance degradation during operation.
Most wireless instrumentation solutions operate in the globally available 2.4 GHz band, which is also occupied by the
popular IEEE 802.11-based wireless local area networks (also known as W-Fi). The widespread adoption of Wi-Fi has also
reached the process industries, and it is expected that most wireless instrumentation deployments will be in an area that is
under influence from a nearby Wi-Fi access point.
Standardized and open solutions
Standardized and open communication protocols provide the industry with the flexibility and freedom to choose between
multiple vendors while having guaranteed interoperability. Standardized solutions also have the added benefit of longer
lifespans for component availability and support compared to proprietary solutions, while at the same time preventing
commitment to a single supplier.
Information security and privacy
Wireless instruments transmit information over the air, which make them more vulnerable to eavesdropping and other
security breaches than their wired counterparts. To ensure data confidentiality, authenticity and integrity, the wireless
protocols must implement sufficient security mechanisms and algorithms to prevent unintentional and malicious threats and
Quantifiable network performance
The performance of wireless communication is susceptible to environmental changes in the deployment area. Factors such
as moving equipment and personnel, electromagnetic noise and interference from machinery, interference from other wireless
systems, variations in temperature and humidity, and weather (e.g. rain and snow) might influence the quality of a wireless
communication link. It is therefore important to be able to quantify within reasonable accuracy the expected and operational
performance with regards to availability and reliability of wireless solutions.
Specific requirements for the network performance parameters will vary according to the usage class, as described in the
next section. Typical measurement parameters for the network performance are:

• Latency. Latency should be defined as the end to end delay of data delivery, measured from the sampling instant of a
sensor till the senor data is received at the data consumer (typically the control room software). As most wireless
instrumentation deployments have a wired connection from the wireless gateway to the control room, the latency
includes the whole communication chain, i.e. starting from the originating sensor, through the wireless network and to
the gateway, and over the wired bus to the final application. The latency from the wireless transmission will as such
only be a part of the total latency, although it should be possible to measure and report the specific latency for each
data packet traversing the wireless network.
• Packet loss. Packet loss is the percentage of packages which a lost in transmission. It is registered by the transmitting
device by failure to successfully receive an ACK from the destination device. Packet loss is measured on a link to link
basis. Packet loss is used as a quality measure for links, and is the foundation for the self-healing and self-configuring
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capabilities of WSNs. Links which suffer from high packet loss over a period of time will be reported as bad, and the
routing protocols will be updated in order to reduce their usage.
• Reliability. Reliability is defined as the percentage of data packets which reach their final destination in a timely
manner, i.e. within a certain time deadline. It is worth noting that in WSNs it is possible to have a high reliability even
in networks which suffer from packet losses, due to the fact that lost packets are retransmitted.
Battery lifetime
The lack of cables is one of the main benefits and motivational drivers for wireless instrumentation. Unfortunately, this
means that all power needed to operate the wireless instruments must originate from a local power source, typically a battery.
It is also possible for the devices to harvest and scavenge energy from the environment (e.g. through harvesting energy from
the sun, vibration, temperature fluctuations and so on), but currently
Operation in harsh and hazardous environments
Process plants are found in practically any environment and climate world wide, and the deployment condition for wireless
instruments may range from cold winter with snow and ice in arctic regions, to heat and sand in desert regions. The electronic
and mechanical components must be designed and encapsulated in order to withstand any external influences, and as
mentioned in the network performance-requirement, the wireless communication link must also be able to handle these
Furthermore, most process plants are classified as hazardous areas, where stringent requirements apply to any equipment
installed in such locations. Regulations and classifications for equipment operating in hazardous areas vary from country to
country. In the European Union it is governed by directive 94/9/EC [9] and for the US and Canada it is follows the North
American Hazardous Locations Installation Codes. The hazardous locations certification documents and standards from the
Internationcal Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) are used by most other countries in the world.
Commissioning, engineering, provisioning and integration
Wireless instrumentation for industrial applications should provide identical electric and mechanical interfaces as wired
systems. As wireless instrumentation is expected to live side by side to wired systems in the foreseeable future, it is imperative
that the integration to existing networks, fieldbuses and back-end systems is made as smooth as possible. The mechanical
quality and expected lifetime of a wireless instrument should be equivalent to a wired instrument, including the radio
communication part of the device. Mounting brackets and other mechanical details, as well as the quality of these, should also
be identical to those of wired instruments. Wireless gateways should be mechanically designed to sustain harsh environments,
while providing easy mounting and termination of field cables.
Wireless instruments need to be configured before they can join a wireless network. The process of configuring new
devices to join an existing network, commonly referred to as provisioning, should be implemented as straight forward as
possible in order to ensure this becomes an simple task in the field.
The wireless gateway represents a single point of failure. For most industrial applications, it is preferable with redundant
gateway systems providing automatic fail-over in the case of loss of one gateway. For control and safety systems this should
be an absolute requirement. It is preferable with gateway systems that integrate directly with the PCDA (Process Control and
Data Acquisition) system, for example in the form of CPU modules that fits directly into the controller node. This way, only
the radio module or antenna needs to be installed in the process area. For hazardous environments, such architecture is
preferred because it simplifies ATEX issues for the wireless gateway. “All-in-one” gateway solutions has proved to be
difficult to design in intrinsic safe versions according to ATEX zone 1 requirements, due to inherent power requirements for
the CPU boards.

Specific requirements for monitoring applications

Monitoring applications includes tasks which, by definition, are not of any immediate operational consequence, nor affect
plant safety in any regard. As a result, the network performance requirements for wireless instrumentation applied in
monitoring applications are quite relaxed. However, it is still of interest to maintain a certain level of service quality in order
for the application to be of any benefit. To maintain a proper data update and application value, it is should be expected that
wireless instrumentation for monitoring applications to have a high reliability (~99%), and a latency level which is not too
high compared to the measurement rate.

Specific requirements for control applications

In control applications, the main challenge is to be able to provide sensor and actuator data in a timely and regular manner.
Control applications typically operate with an error margin of 10-3, which means that the reliability of the wireless network
should be at least 99.9% (with wireless network reliability of 99.9% there will be no room for errors in other components and
communication paths). Latency should be kept as low as possible, and it must naturally be relative to the sampling rate of the
process. In addition to low latency, it is of high importance to have low jitter (defined as the variance of the latency of
consecutive data updates), as it is challenging to design control algorithms which are capable of handling aperiodic reception
of sensor data. To achieve low latency and jitter, it is recommended to implement proper fieldbus interfaces (e.g. PROFIBUS
or Foundation Fieldbus) on the wired side of the wireless gateway and on the instrumentation backbone networks.
10 SPE 150249

Another advantage, if not a strict requirement, for control applications is to have a common timing domain for all
components in the system. This means that the clocks of wireless sensors and actuators and the wireless gateway should be
synchronized with the clocks of the controllers and control system. Propagating time information through the wireless network
should be possible, as a clock accuracy of 1 ms is already required for all wireless devices in order for the TDMA timeslot
structure to work properly according to todays wireless standards.

Specific requirements for safety applications

In safety applications, the main challenges are found in reliability and timeliness for the communication. As opposed to for
example control loops, rapid update rates (in the millisecond range) are normally not the important issue. On the contrary,
safety applications require mechanisms that ensure that data packets arrive at the designated destination within a well defined
timeout window. For most safety systems continuous monitoring is required, and in case a sensor reading is above a specified
threshold value, a well defined response to the control system is required.
Safety systems in the oil & gas industry are subject to comply with a certain Safety Integrity Levels (SIL). The standard
IEC 61508 [10] defines SIL from a set of requirements that both accomplish hardware safety integrity and system safety
integrity. There are four SIL levels (1-4), where SIL 4 is defined as the most dependable and SIL 1 as the least.

Current status
To date, most wireless instrumentation deployments in the oil & gas industry have been limited to non-critical monitoring
applications. Previous research and experience from theoretical studies, laboratory experiments and pilot installations on
offshore installations has shown that wireless instrumentation is fully capable of providing sufficient operational performance
for non-critical monitoring applications [11][12]. As a result, several oil & gas producing companies has approved wireless
instrumentation for non-critical monitoring purposes, and, within these limitations, wireless instrumentation is ready for
adoption at scale in the industry. Wireless instrumentation technology is still not considered mature enough for other
application areas, as the currently available solutions are not able to fulfill the more stringent requirements for control and
safety applications.
However, recent research and development of a SIL 2 compliant wireless gas detection system might lead to the approval
of wireless instruments for safety applications in the near future [13].

Wireless gas detection

In a safety system, all communication is initiated from the controller. The controller performs periodical requests to verify
that all alarm sensors are healthy. After the transmission of one such “keep alive” request, the control system will wait a
predefined time for a response from the sensor. If a response is not received within the timeout window, the sensor will be
declared as unavailable and the control system will trigger a system fault alarm. This is the fundamental operation of all safety

Figure 7 Wireless gas detection system

At the Norwegian Continental Shelf, fire & gas alarm systems are required to hold a SIL 2 certification. For a
communication system to be compliant with SIL 2 requirements, four mechanisms must be supported:

• Sequence numbering
• Timeout in the absence of no response
• Device code name (unique identifier)
• Data consistency checking
SPE 150249 11

There currently exists no wireless standard or protocol suitable for wireless instrumentation that has the above safety
mechanisms as an integrated part of the specification. At the same time, it is preferable to use an open standard for wireless
instrumentation. In practice, the selection of protocol becomes a choice between WirelessHART and ISA100.11a, which
already are introduced in the technology-section. The first version of the wireless gas detection system decided to use
ISA100.11a as the protocol for the wireless interface, and furthermore to implement an open safety protocol end-to-end
throughout the gas detection system. Thus everything in between the wireless gas sensor and the controller, including the
wireless part of the communication, is considered a “grey channel”. PROFISAFE [15] is one such open safety protocol with
SIL 2-rating, designed to be implemented on top of PROFINet [16]. This means that the entire communication channel
between sensor and controller must support PROFINet. The complete network from gas detector to control system is thus
composed from both wired and wireless parts, as illustrated in Figure 7.
Controller Wireless Gateway Gas Detector




Figure 8 Communication stack end-to-end

Since ISA100.11a initially does not have PROFINet implemented, the ISA100 gateway was modified to support this
protocol. By utilizing ISA100.11a’s GSAP (Gateway Service Access point) interface, it is in principle possible to add support
for any TCP/UDP based protocol, and PROFINet is no exception. The entire communication stack end-to-end from gas
detector to controller can then be illustrated as shown in Figure 8. Note that the safe protocol, PROFISAFE, only needs to be
implemented on each end of the chain; that is on the controller side and on the gas detector side. The infrastructure in between
is considered a grey channel which in principle only has the requirement that it needs to support PROFINet, which becomes
the carrier for PROFISAFE.

Figure 9 Periodic safe communication between contoller and detector in the abscense of gas

The safety time for hydrocarbon detection systems is defined in the standard IEC 60079-1 [17], and the current
requirement is 60 seconds from gas is detected until an alarm must be triggered in the control system. The gas detector needs
to respond to safe requests from the controller within this time in order to be declared as safe. The safe request from the
controller must contain all the four SIL 2 mechanisms defined above. To improve the reliability, e.g. increase the probability
that controller requests are acknowledged within the timeout window, and thus preventing the control system from triggering a
system failure alarm, it makes sense to perform several communication attempts within the timeout window. For a wired
system, one could pass safe requests at short intervals thus obtaining a very high probability that at least one detector response
12 SPE 150249

comes through within the 60 second window. Obviously, in a wireless system with battery operated sensors, there is a trade-
off between communication intervals and battery life time. For this particular application, it has been decided to transmit safe
requests at 20 second intervals, which equals three attempts within the 60 seconds timeout window. In the normal situation
where no gas is detected, the communication between controller and gas detector will take place as illustrated in Figure 9.
In the normal situation, the controller transmits a request at time instants t = 0s, t = 20s, t = 40s, and so on. This periodic
traffic serves as a handshake between controller and detector, only passing status information about the detector. Since there is
a one-to-one mapping between request and response, as required by safety systems, the sensor is unable to report gas alarms in
between requests and responses. That means, if the system was implemented to immediately send responses to controller
requests, there would be a “blind time” with a worst case of ~20 seconds between gas detection and alarm message. The
apparent dilemma can be solved by introducing a delayed response from the gas detector. By delaying the detector response to
a time just before a new request is expected, the system will always be ready to report gas. With a request interval of 20
seconds, the response is held in the detector for 18 seconds, leaving a maximum of 2 seconds for transmission time (wireless
and wired) back to the controller. To ensure transmission times less than 2 seconds, the “depth” of the wireless mesh network
is limited to a maximum of two hops. If gas is detected, the buffered response will be transmitted immediately. Thus the
response time from gas is detected until the controller receives the alarm message is limited to network transmission times.
Worst case occurs if gas is detected just after the release of a buffered message. The total response time will then be
approximately 4 seconds. The project has specified the maximum response time to 5 seconds. When gas is detected at the gas
sensor, the communication between controller and detector will take place as illustrated in Figure 10.

Figure 10 Communication between controller and detector when gas is detected

After release of the buffered message, which is in the safe message format, the detector will continue to transmit gas
concentration messages every two seconds. These messages in between the 20 seconds safe message intervals will be in native
ISA100.11a format (i.e. they are not “safe” messages). In Figure 10 they are illustrated as dotted, red arrows whereas the
continuous-lined red arrows are PROFISAFE messages.
With a defined maximum detector response time (5 seconds), at the same time limiting the network topology to maximum
two hops in the wireless mesh, the expected battery life time is estimated to be two years. Statoil is a partner in this
development, and will pilot the system during 2012. If the project turns out successfully, it will demonstrate that wireless
communication in safety systems has proven to be a realistic alternative for some applications. Other application areas are
expected to arise in the near future.

Future trends
At the time of writing, non-critical monitoring it is the only application area where wireless instrumentation is qualified as
a fully accepted alternative to wired instrumentation within the oil & gas industry. However, monitoring applications only
account for a modest or limited part of the total instrumentation at an oil & gas producing facility. It is therefore of interest to
give an estimate of the total distribution of field instruments at a process facility, with respect to the already introduced
instrumentation classes. For a classical oil & gas producing facility at the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS), the distribution
of field instrumentation is roughly estimated as shown in Table 2.
SPE 150249 13

Table 2 Distribution of field instruments on a typical NCS facility (source: Statoil)

Category (NAMUR class) ISA Class ISA application description Distribution [%]
Safety (A) Class 0 Emergency action 15
Class 1 Closed loop regulatory control 15
Control (B) Class 2 Closed loop supervisory control 45
Class 3 Open loop control
Class 4 Alerting/Flagging
Monitoring (C)
Class 5 Logging & download/upload data ~10

Table 3 illustrates the instrumentation classes and application areas where wireless instrumentation is accepted as an
alternative to wired installations. Note that wireless is also used for applications that strictly speaking fall into the control
category, but this is limited to “human-in-the-loop” control, where an operator manually takes action based on readings from
wireless instruments. Examples of this category are corrective actions to temperature or pressure drops, by for instance starting
a compressor manually.

Table 3 Application areas whereas wireless instrumentation is accepted to date

Category (NAMUR class) ISA Class ISA application description
Safety (A) Class 0 Emergency action
Class 1 Closed loop regulatory control
Control (B) Class 2 Closed loop supervisory control
Class 3 Open loop control
Monitoring (C) Class 4
Class 5
Logging & download/upload data
} To-date use of wireless
instrumentation in oil & gas

Comparing Table 2 and Table 3 yields that wireless technology is currently capable of covering roughly 30 % of the total
instrumentation at a typical offshore oil & gas facility. In other words, there are still no wireless alternatives for the remaining
70 % of the instrumentation. The already established drivers for wireless instrumentation (cost and weight savings, flexibility,
etc) should hold for all categories, including control and safety, making the potential for wireless in the oil & gas industry even
more significant than today. This fact should in itself be a driver for the development of wireless technologies that satisfy the
requirements for control and safety applications.

The current situation with three international standards competing to become the de fact standard for wireless instrumentation
in the process industries is not beneficial to the industry. From a technical perspective, the differences between the standards
are marginal [19], so the future of the standards will probably be a political and marketing battle, more than a technical one.
Despite the ongoing struggle to gain market positions, there are ongoing initiatives to merge the standards. The ISA100
committee has created an ISA100.12 working group which has the stated goal of investigating long-term possibilities for
merging ISA100.11a and WirelessHART. Furthermore, NAMUR, the international user association of companies in the
chemical and pharmaceutical process industries, has published recommendations on the convergence of the standards for
industrial wireless sensor networks (WirelessHART, ISA100.11a and WIA-PA) [20]. However, these convergence issues are
expected to take time, and it is not certain that they will succeed in creating a unified, global standard for wireless
instrumentation. So, for the time being, the end users will have to decide between multiple standards when deploying wireless
instruments in their plants and facilities, a situation which is far from ideal.
Currently, wireless instrumentation is only approved for use in non-critical monitoring applications. There still remains
research and development work for the technology to be able to fulfill the stringent requirements for control and safety
domains. Although safety is generally considered a more challenging category than control due to the strict requirements for
safe and reliable communication of alarm signals, the more relaxed timing requirements (e.g. 60 seconds for gas detection)
makes it inherently more suitable for wireless communication than control loops, where low latency (down to milliseconds)
and low jitter (variance in latency) are the main issues. As a result, the first wireless solutions for safety applications are
expected to appear in the near future, while further study is need for development of real-time wireless technology for process

The authors acknowledge the support of the real-time wireless communication for process control (WiCon) project, which is
funded by the Research Council of Norway (grant 201376/S10).
14 SPE 150249

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