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Clarissa Osornio

ISM-Period 7

"Recent Findings from Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Has Provided New Information

about Radiology (Coronary Ct Angiography: Reversal of Earlier Utilization Trends)."

Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, 16 Mar. 2019, p. 2926. Academic OneFile,

d=1d001a7f. Accessed 20 Mar. 2019.

• Trends in coronary CT angiography based upon place of service and provider specialty
based upon a service.
• Data detailed by images, radiology has been presented
• To as trends in the coronary
• Nationwide Medicare Part B master files for 2006 through 2016 were the data source
• Current Procedural Terminology, version for codes for CCTA performed in private
offices hospital outpatient departments
• Emergency departments for the code
• Physician specialty codes were used to identify CCTA interpreted by Radiologists,
cardiologist and all the other physicians as a group.
• The total utilization rate of CCTA in the Medicare population rose sharply from 2006 to
2007 peaking at 210.3 per 100000 enrolls
• CCTA practice has risen 58% compared to the 38% cardiologist
• HOPD utilization has also occurred recently, primary among radiologist
• After years of declining utilization, the utilization rate of CCTA is now increasing,
predominantly among radiologist
• The research came from concluded the Coronary Angiography: Reversal of Earlier
Utilization Trent’s
• Journal of the American College of Radiology
• The new components report that additional information may be obtained from a hospital
• Cardiovascular Diagnostic Techniques of Health and Medicine, in the University of
Thomas Jefferson
This article was a refresher that Radiology is still creating new and easier ways to satisfy their
results, personally this article was interesting, and I hope to see changes in our own hospitals and
clinics like this.
Clarissa Osornio
ISM Period 7

Clark, Judith Freeman, and Robin E. Clark. “Pediatric Radiology.” The Encyclopedia of Child

Abuse, Third Edition, Facts On File, 2007. Health Reference Center, Accessed 22

Mar. 2019.X-rays on infants began around the year of 1906

• 1st x-ray was documented in 1926 in a Children’s hospital

• John Caffey who is a radiologist pediatrician, completed an article explain the risk factors
and results of images of babies
• Although his evidence did not add up, we were looking at the discovery of X-rays and
child abuse
• They later started researching the difference between actual injuries such as falling or if
the infant has been abused
• A whole bunch of groups went through this research
• The syndrome of parent infant traumatic syndrome was created which was when fractures
in stage of healing were including subdural hematomas also with the battered baby
syndrome and the Caffey- Kempe syndrome
• Serval tomography which are CT scans, were the best invention to calculate if a baby has
been abused
• They were the most common set of images that detected liver, spleen etc.
• MRI and ultrasounds were also used
• Most fractures say research are most likely with child abuse rather than actual falls or
improper movements
• X-rays can or must be used when dealing with court cases to prove the abuse and trial is
up for the judge to decide whether they are guilty or not
• Yes, X-rays because they are easier to read

This was very surprising to me because X-rays could go a long way with court issues and can
truly help a kid out with abuse, this research was very effective and can hopefully increase its
technology to find out more.
Clarissa Osornio
7th period
“Special Procedures Technologist Career Information - IResearchNet.” Career Research, 10 Mar. 2015,

• Operate in medical diagnosis and imaging equipment like CT, CC which is new to me
and it stands for Cardiac Catherization which is a topic for my final presentation.
• MRI’s are also used during these procedures and angiography
• The equipment in the area has increased so there is a need for more special procedures to
do these operations
• They are also taught how to deal with patients that are scared and have anxiety towards
doing these things.
• They do not put their patients to sleep, so when the patient is awake during a procedure
they will normally screaming and having anxiety
• Specials technologist normally have to deal with specific diagnostics equipment and
testing procedures
• An angiographer is the special technologist who specifies in angiograms which shows
any changes that may have occurred to the blood vessels of the patient’s circulatory
• Special procedures technologist might assist Radio technologist with positioning a
patient for examination
• Some special procedures techs might even use Cardiologist with CT scans

This article helped me understand the significance of the time and dedication it takes to actually
do this job.

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