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BA MACMILLAN EXAMS Ready for CAE workbook with key A MACMILLAN EXAMS Ready for workbook RI «] (miele the updated CAE exam ‘Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP. A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited (Companies and representatives throughout the world, ISBN 978-0-2300-2888-3 (+key edition) ISBN 978-0-2300-2889-0 (key edition) ‘Text © Roy Norris and Amanda French 2008 Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008 First published 2008 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, Stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any ‘means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or ‘otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Designed by eMC Design; Mlustrated by Richard Duszczak, Peter Harper and Laszlo Veres Cover design by Barbara Mercer Cover photograph by Corbis ‘We would like to thank Joe Wilson, Deborah Friedland, Amanda Anderson and Louise Tester for their excellent editorial work. Roy Norris would also like to thank his wile, Azucena, and daughters, ‘Lara and Elisa, for their support and understanding. Amanda French would like to thank Liam Keane, and staff at Languages International, Auckland. ‘The publishers would like to thank Paulette Dooler, Permissions Consultant for all her hard work in obtaining text permissions for this course. ‘The author and publishers are grateful for permission to reprint the following copyright materia: Extract fom Is this Your idea of fun?’ by Mark MacKenzie copyright © The Independent 2004, fist published in The Independent 11.02.04, reprinted by permission of the publisher Extracts from sland Hopping toa New World’ by Alex Markels copyright © U.S News & World Report 2004, frst published in {US News & World Report 23.02.04, reprinted by permission of the publisher Esc rr The house of maps by Pees Whi Gon Magazine December 2003, reprinted by permission of the publisher {Extract from No cure for the summertime blues’ by Paul Gould copyright © Paul Gould 2003, ist published in Financial Times (06.09.03. reprinted by permission of the thor Extract from ‘Ring for Mrs Jeeves’ by Kate Spicer copyright © N Syndication 2002, fist published in The Sunday Tomes 01.09.02, reprinted by permission of the publisher. Extract from‘A dally hug brings the ouch of success’ by Oliver “Wright copyright © NI Syndication 2002, first published in The Tires 05.0402, reprinted by permission of the publisher: Extract from Machine rage is dea... long live emotional ‘computing: consoles and robots detect and respond to users’ feelings’ by Robin McKie copyright © Guardian News & Media Limited 2004, frst published in The Observer 11.04.04, reprinted by permission ofthe publisher Extract from The Kitchen God’ Wife by Amy Tan (Fontana, 1991) copyright © Amy Tan 1991, reprinted by permission of Harper Collins and Abner Stein, Extract from ‘Dutch freedom and respect allow youth to flourish’ by Isabel Conway copyright © The Independent 2007, first Published in The Independent 14.02.07, reprinted by permission of the publisher. Extract from Paws for thought’ by Mary Brald copyright © NL Syndication 2004, first published In The Sunday Tames 01.02.04, reprinted by permission of the publisher. Extract from ‘Noises after hours by Luisa Dillner copyright © Guardian News & Media Limited 1996, ist published The Guardian 23.01.96, reprinted by permission of the publisher [Extract from ‘Musial genius is goneti, twins study shows by David Charter copyright © N I Syndication 2001, fist published {in The Times 09.03.01 reprinted by permission of the publisher Extract from "The boy who broke every rule in the Book’ by ‘Scarlet Thomas copyright © The Independent 2008, first published in The Independent 29.02.08, reprinted by permission of the publisher Exact from "The new way to burn fat ~ set yourself on fire’ by Hazel Knowles copyright © The Telegraph 2005, first published in The Sunday Telegraph 05.12.05, reprinted by permission ofthe publisher Enc fom Wg ay to work gut by Wanda Cah ona © The Telegraph 2003, first published in The Daily Telegraph 06.02.03, reprinted by permission of the publisher Extract from The Truth is out There on the Net by Clive ‘Thompson copyright © Clive Thompson 2004, taken trom The ‘New Zealand Herald 05.04.04. Extract from Mobile throwing contest is too close to cal’ by Tim, Moore copyright © NI Syndication 2002, first published in The Times 23.08.02, reprinted by permission of the publi Extract from ‘Driving in New Zealand’ taken from, reprinted by permission of the publisher. Extract from The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton (Hamish Hamilton, 2002) copyright © Alain de Botton 2002, reprinted by permission of Penguin Books Lid, Extract from ‘Wide Angle National Geographical Western and Southern Europe’ edited by Ferdinand Protzman (National Geographic, 2005), reprinted by permission of the publisher, ‘Extract from ‘Dear luggage wish you were here.” by Mark ‘Hodson copyright © NT Syndication 2002, fist published in The ‘Sunday Times 28.08.02, reprinted by permission of the publisher. ‘Extract from ‘The revolution in the way we travel’ by Simon Calder copyright © The Independent 2007, first published in The Independent 15.06.07, reprinted by permission of the publisher. Extract from ‘Social climbers bulld new life in treetops’ by Tom Robbins and Geraldine Murray copyright © NI Syndication 2000, first published in The Sunday Times 13.02.00, reprinted by permission of the publisher. Extract from ‘My Paris’ copyright © The Independent 2004, frst published in The Independent on Sunday 21.03.04, reprinted by permission of the publisher Extract from ‘Student stands by Tammy Wynette for geography degree’ by Paul Stokes copyright © The Telegraph 2002, first published in The Daily Telegraph 19.07.02, reprinted by permission ofthe publisher. 7 ‘Extract from ‘How the opera is being repackaged to appeal to young school children’ by Tim Walker copyright © The Independent 2007, first published in The Independent 22.03.07, reprinted by permission of the publisher. Extract from 'Hippo Heaven’ by Mark Debble copyright © BBC Wildlife 2003, first published in BBC Wildlife Magazine February 2003, reprinted by permission of the publisher. Extract from Rainforest Concern Advertisement: We Have a Choice ‘copyright © Rainforest Concern, reprinted by permission of the publisher. Extract from The World Without Us by Alan Weisman (Virgin Books, 2007) copyright © Alan Weisman 2007, reprinted by ‘permission of the publisher. Extract from ‘Give them stick’ by John Litchfield copyright © The Independent 2004, first published in The Independent 24.03.04, reprinted by permission of the publisher. Extract from ‘Britain is the ready-meal glutton’ by Anthony Browne copyright © NT Syndication 2003, first published in The ‘Times 21.02.03, reprinted by permission of the publisher. ‘Extract from ‘Elderly lose £40 million in distraction’ by John ‘Steele copyright © The Telegraph 2001, first published in The Daily Telegraph 28.12.01, reprinted by permission of the publisher, Extract from ‘What's so good about EMA?’ from tuk, copyright © HMSO. Extract from ‘Who needs money when you've got a spring in your step?’ by Hermoione Eyre copyright © The Independent 2004, first published in The Independent 17.03.04, reprinted by permission of the publisher. Extract from ‘Giving money away makes you feel better = especially if you're a woman’ by Steve Connor copyright © The Independent 2007, first published in The Independent 15.06.07, reprinted by permission of the publisher. Extract from ‘The joy of modern life’ by Rachel Ragg copyright © The Independent 1999, first published in The Independent 21.12.99, reprinted by permission of the publisher. ‘These materials may contain links for third party websites. We have no conirol over, and are not responsible for, the contents of such third party websites. Please use care when accessing them. The authors and publishers woud keto thank the following for permission to reproduce their photographs: Alamy pp20, 44 Corbis pp4,9, 58 Eye Ubiquitous pp36, 68, 92 Image Source pp|3, 32, 72 Jupiter pp39, 84 Although we have tried to trace and contact copyright holders before publication, in some cases this has not been possible. If contacted, we will be pleased to rectify any errors of omissions at the earliest opportunity. 2o12 2011 2010 2000 2008 woe7es4a21

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