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ALBUM - ANDROMEDA UNCHAINED - Released August 14th 2007

1. Freak Storm At Post Zeta....One Child Missing... (0:49)

One summer day the child of CITIZEN PZ 0356male and his wife CITIZEN PZ 7593female goes playing in
the hills behind the settlement Post Zeta. Post Zeta is one of the most remote settlements on the planet
of Andromeda, a planet in the galaxy Andromeda and the first planet (besides the Earth) to be colonized
by man.

2. Snowbound (6:21)

A sudden and violent snowstorm hits Post Zeta this particular summer day. The mayor organizes a
search party to find the boy. But to no avail. The boy is found lifeless, frozen to death. The parents are
numbed, their lives suddenly without purpose.
3. Waking Hour (4:19)

Several months later civil war breaks out on planet Andromeda. In a series of devastating attacks a new
powerful ruler gains control of most of the planet. Since it's not long after the tragic death of their child,
CITIZEN PZ 0356male and CITIZEN PZ 7593female joins the resistance in search for a new meaning to
their lives. They manage to escape to Sector X, the last stronghold of the resistance.

4. Andromeda Unchained (4:59)

After many years of building their strength, the resistance is is ready for a counterattack under the
slogan ANDROMEDA UNCHAINED. They have trained a specially intelligent boy to plant a virus in the
governments mainframe computer, located in Sector Q. The virus contains a program designed to wake
up the population from the psychic restrain the new ruler holds them under. Simultaneously they will
launch an all out military attack on all government structures. It can not fail.....

5. Banished From Sector Q (0:37)

Something goes terribly wrong. The boys cover i d has been compromised and he has been banished
from Sector Q. But How?

6. Beyond Redemption (5:50)

The dictator/King of Andromeda has a secret. He is capable of entering peoples minds if they are
receptive to control. This is the way he assembled an army big enough to attack the former rulers and
possess most of the planet, with the exception of Sector X. Slowly, but securely, he finds a mind inside
the resistance receptive to his powers. The King feels his position threatened and work hard at accessing
the one mind in the resistance he has been able to open up. Finally the last defenses of this individual
crumbles and all the secrets of the resistance spills to the king. The king now has knowledge of
everything. From the cover id of the boy that must plant the virus to the entire strategy of the

7. Resurrection Time (5:11)

CITIZEN PZ 0356male thinks his wife CITIZEN PZ 7593female is acting stranger with each passing day.
What is wrong? It's only after the failed attempt at planting the virus he learns that his wife's mind is
now almost totally under the kings control. She is the one responsible for the ultimate failure of the
resistance. At the moment this dawns on him the king attacks Sector X. After a short desperate battle
the resistance is history. Widespread and in small groups of no more than a hundred individuals there is
no hope of further fighting the rulers of andromeda. The group CITIZEN PZ 0356male is with, hides in a
cave. He has time to think about his wife's betrayal. He feels empty. The loss of his son, his wife and the
course he has fought for all those years weighs down on him.

8. Escape Pod (0:31)

Exploring the cave the group finds one of the escape pods rumored to exist. The pods are space crafts
that can travel on the intergalactic streams. Their purpose being to rescue the pioneers back to earth if
anything should go wrong during the colonization of Andromeda. Many centuries old it is highly
doubtful whether this old machinery will actually work, let alone find the intergalactic stream.
Remembering stories told to them as children about "the paradise earth" a flickering hope is lit. Even
though "mother earth the origin of mankind" is just a tale of old to them, they are determined to get
there. Or die trying.

9. This White Storm Through My Mind (8:17)

At the moment of launch an avalanche of thoughts rush through CITIZEN PZ 0356male. Tired to the bone
he thinks back to happier times. Before the death of his son. Before the "maggots" ate up the mind of
his wife. Later, in the emptiness of space, he reflects on the recent history of Andromeda, and if it is
inherent in the human nature to be destructive. He has a premonition....

10. The Final Overture (6:15)

The escape pod does find the stream that will lead it back to earth. Entering the earths atmosphere,
something seems to be wrong. Maybe the instruments have gone awry, or the atmosphere is hardly
breatheable? After landing the group takes their first steps on the planet. Only to find that tales of the
earthly paradise may once have been true but certainly isn't anymore. Even though the earth has seen
none of the andromedan planet wide civil wars, the earth has faced another kind of destruction. An
environmental holocaust. The planet is dying. Survivors of this destruction tell their story to the
andromedans. Any hope they may have had of a better life on earth dies.

11. Take Me Home - (5:13)

Reality sinks in. Life on Planet Earth is in it's own way no better than on planet Andromeda. Here the
fight for the few resources left has resulted in all governing structures disintegrating. Small gangs fight
for what they can can get in order to survive. CITIZEN PZ 0356male longs for home. An impossible dream
of course. But wouldn't it have been better never to have joined the resistance. Maybe a life suppressed
and under constant control would have been better than this. He thinks of his wife. What happened to

12. Point Of No Concern – (5:59)

CITIZEN PZ 7593female is having memory recalls. Sometimes she sees flashes of another life. What is
this life? Who is that man and that boy? She feels strangely attached to those images. The King is loosing
his psychic control over her. That's no good. Maybe a reinstallation of her new memory will help? She is

13. The End Of Millennium Road - (10:17)

What are the options for the andromedans on earth. Going back to Andromeda is not an option, neither
is staying on earth. Human kind has to start afresh. Centuries ago several earthlike planets was
discovered in Dimension D, also known as the "Canis Minor constellation" . As the 3. millennium draws
to a close CITIZEN PZ 0356males group takes another bold decision. Abandon everything and type in
Dimension D as their destination.

14. The Stars Of Canis Minor - (1:14)

....last destination of mankind....

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