Chapter Five 5.1 Conclusion

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Chapter five

5.1 Conclusion
Mother and child are one unit and most vulnerable to the morbidity and
mortality, Hence it is essential to protect them through appropriate
action at each level MCH epidemiology programmer emphasizes the
analytical skills to address the health problems of the mothers and
children through surveillance, assessment, planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation Nurse as team member of the health can
contribute her skill for the promotion of health of mother and
children Essential element in MCH services include six elements. Pre-
conception care is the first step followed by antenatal care which is a
vital and called a normal care, Services provided during such care are
intended to promote and protect health and well-being of mothers and
their fetus.
Most MCH in Somaliland are concentrated to the poor, and the poor can
access to MCH care with no financial barrier.
In home visiting we are concluded our view in this words “Kindness is the
only language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
5.2 opportunities
 The approval letters that the university and the teacher decided to give us.
 The workers that were working both MCH and the School we visited.
 The staff leaders that allowed us to make practice in both MCH and School.

5.3 challenges
 First time we faced some problems from MCH like they didn’t allowed to
make practice in the MCH.
 Second time it was when we visited the homes there are some homes that
rejected us.
5.4.1 Experience that we get from school
1) That we can stand up community to make awareness.
2) That we can make something benefit to community.
3) That we can change the communities bad believes.
5.4.2 Experience that we get from MCH
1) how to make INC
2) how to make EPI
3) how to make ANC
4) how to make PNC
5) how to make OPD
6) how to make Nutrition
5.4.3 Experience that we get from home visiting
1) How to make questionnaire
2) How to consultation parents
3) How to give advice for lactating women’s
5.5 Recommendation
5.5.1 Recommendation towards government

 We are recommended to the ministry of health to give work

to the experienced ones.
 We are also recommended to bring good health services to
every health units.
 Finally we are recommended to the ministry of education to
make health education and awareness to the community.
Recommendation towards health professionals.

 We are recommended to health professionals to maintain the

sterilization to prevent the infections.
 We are recommended also to not loudness the patients
especially nurses.
5.6 Recommendation towards ADMAS UNIVERSITY.

 We are recommended to ADMAS UNIVERSITY to make this

course for long time.
 We are recommended to ADMAS UNIVERSITY to start this course
from second year.
5.7 Appendixes

Lactating mother’s Questionnaire

Age Father Mother
Name Age

1. Did you plan to breastfeed prior to delivery/birth of your baby?

2. How soon after birth did your baby FIRST latch on to your breast to eat?
3. Did you and your baby have any trouble with latching on in the early hours or days
immediately after delivery?
4. How are you feeding your baby?
a) Breastfeeding exclusively
b) Both breastfeeding and feeding breast-milk substitutes
c) Feeding my baby breast-milk substitutes (not breastfeeding at all)
5. Did the staff offer you any help with breastfeeding since that first time? Yes , No?
a) Within 6 hours of when your baby was born
b) More than 6 hours after the birth of your baby
c) None
6) What advice have you been given about how often to feed your baby? Or Health education
about breastfeeding?
a) Yes
b) No
a) Less than 6 times
b) Less than 8 times
c) 8-10 times
d) More than 12 times

8)What do you believe in breast feeding

9) how long you feed your baby?
a) 2 years
b) 1 year and half
c) 6 months
d) none
10) Did you know if you feed two years you will not get pregnant?
a) yes
b) no
11) did you know the advantage of breast feeding?
a) yes
b) no
11) what do you believe about breast feeding?
a)something good
b) normal
c) something bad
12) what kind of problem you faced about breast feeding ?


(K. K. Gulani)

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