Artemis Fowl

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Exposition- Artemis Fowl and Butler regain there memory after there memory wipe (there

memory got wiped at the end of the book before this book) and finds out that Opal is loose.

Rising Action-

1. Holly’s commander dies because of Opal’s trap Holly and her Commander had fell into.
2. Artemis Fowl and Holly gets trapped by Opal in an old amusement park which was the
home of trolls (vicious creatures), but escapes.
3. Artemis, Holly, and Butler finds out that Opal is going to show the fairy’s secrets to
human beings.

Climax-Artemis, Holly, and Butler goes underground to stop the shuttle that is going to reveal
the fairy’s secrets. Artemis, Holly, and Butler manage to change the shuttle’s course. Holly also
manages to catch Opal and her allies.

Falling Action-

1. The fairy police comes and gets Opal and her allies arrested

Resolution-Holly convinces the fairy police that she hadn’t killed her commander and quits her
job of working in the fairy police department.

Setting-The story takes place in both underground and aboveground. At the beginning of the
story the setting is aboveground, but when the book starts to come to the middle and the end
the story’s setting changes to under ground. Like when Artemis Fowl was trying to steal the
“The Fairy Thief” he was aboveground but as the story progressed he became underground like
when Artemis Fowl and Holly was trying to catch Opal under ground.
Conflict- Opal, one of Artemis’s old enemies comes out of security to take revenge on Artemis
Fowl, Holly, and Holly’s commander. Opal has made the whole fairy world believe that Holly
had killed her commander and now Holly and Artemis Fowl can’t tell the fairy world that Opal is
trying to uncover the underground secrets of fairy civilization to human beings.

Resolution-Holly convinces the fairy world that she hadn’t killed her commander and that Opal
had killed him. Holly also traps Opal and her allies and helps the fairy police arrest them just
before the human world found out about the fairy’s secret.

Artemis Fowl- He is an ingenious teenage boy who stands out from other teenagers. Artemis
Fowl, though young for his age, is a thief; he has been stealing things like the famous painting
among thieves called “The Fairy Thief”. His family motto called “Gold Is Power” makes him the
thief he is, He as body guard called Butler. He found out fairy civilization and are friends with
the fairies. He is mainly friends with a Holly who works at the fairy police department.

I did like this book, but I really didn’t like this book enough to give a five star rating so I gave a
four star rating. The reason why I didn’t like this book that much was because I really like
adventure and it really hadn’t given me enough of the adventure that I was thinking it would
have given me. Still, since the book had some adventure in it, I gave a four star rating.

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