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The Ochsner Journal 9:144–148, 2009

f Academic Division of Ochsner Clinic Foundation

Psychological Assessment of the Patient Undergoing Bariatric Surgery

Allison G. Snyder, PhD

Department of Psychiatry, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA

ateness for surgery. This requirement stems from the

ABSTRACT National Institutes of Health consensus statement (1991)
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the that recommended that patients be ‘‘selected carefully
critical domains assessed during the psychological evaluation of after evaluation by a multidisciplinary team with medical,
candidates for bariatric surgery. Although no formal standard surgical, psychiatric, and nutritional expertise.’’1 Al-
exists in the literature, there is growing recognition of the though psychological evaluation has become standard
important elements to be addressed and the appropriate means for most surgery programs, no clear guidelines exist
for collecting the necessary data to determine psychological about what that assessment must involve. This article
readiness for these procedures. Information regarding the reviews the core areas of the psychological assessments
components of the clinical interview and the specific measures conducted at Ochsner Medical Center as part of the
used for psychological testing are discussed. Given the limited screening of candidates for bariatric surgery.
data on predicting success after surgery, determining psycho- Although no standard of best practice yet exists
logical contraindications for surgery is addressed. Additionally, for psychological evaluation of the patient undergoing
the multiple functions served by the psychologist during this bariatric surgery, the data are growing with regard to the
assessment procedure are highlighted along with the value of critical elements and domains for assessment and the
this procedure in the patients’ preparation for surgery. various functions the assessment must serve.2–7 At
Ochsner, the psychological assessment involves two
parts: a clinical interview and psychological testing.
Patients meet with a psychologist for a clinical interview
INTRODUCTION that focuses on behavior, psychiatric symptoms, and
As the rates of obesity increase, so do the medical understanding of the surgery; they then complete
problems caused and exacerbated by this physical psychological testing, which provides an objective
state. For many, traditional methods of weight loss have measure of their presentation style, psychological
proven ineffective for achieving and maintaining signif- adjustment, and readiness for surgery. This approach
icant weight reduction. Bariatric surgery (ie, laparoscopic matches the growing body of evidence regarding the
important elements for inclusion in this assessment.
gastric banding, gastric bypass) offers these patients the
Although patients often are hesitant and uncom-
opportunity to experience significant weight loss that can
fortable with the notion of seeing a psychologist
be maintained. The number of obese patients seeking
before surgery, the information discussed during the
bariatric surgery is steadily rising. But, unlike traditional
clinical interview is critical not only for assessing their
diets for which risks are low and discontinuation can
appropriateness for surgery but also for enhancing
occur at any time, bariatric surgery has inherent risks and
their success during the postsurgery adjustment.
requires highly restrictive, long-term behavioral changes
Many patients report, after the interview, how valuable
afterwards. Therefore, these patients typically are
it was for them to examine the issues raised. The core
required to complete a thorough evaluation, including
parts of the clinical interview include reasons for
psychological assessment, to determine their appropri-
seeking surgery, weight and diet history, current
eating behaviors, understanding of the surgery and
Address correspondence to: its associated lifestyle changes, social supports and
Allison Snyder, PhD history, and psychiatric symptoms (current and past).
Department of Psychiatry As each of these domains is addressed, the psychol-
Ochsner Clinic Foundation ogist functions as an assessor collecting data, an
1514 Jefferson Highway, BH-444 educator providing information, and a therapist
New Orleans, LA 70121 enhancing motivation and managing the emotions
Tel: (504) 842-4025 often encountered during the evaluation.
Key Words: anxiety, bariatric surgery, depression, eating Patients are asked how they have come to this
disorders, psychological assessment decision and their rationale for having bariatric

144 The Ochsner Journal

Snyder, AG

surgery. Given the seriousness of this choice, it is patients’ current efforts as a sign of their determina-
critical that patients are seeking surgery for the tion to improve their health.
appropriate reasons and have realistic expectations
about what can be achieved. Most patients describe a CURRENT EATING BEHAVIORS
desire to lose weight to improve current medical Although the nutritionist completes a thorough
problems, enhance mobility and energy, and promote assessment of eating habits, it also is critical for the
health and longevity. Further discussion of this issue psychologist to review these behaviors, as they
is needed when patients report external pressure to contain information about motivation, need for be-
have the surgery, an overemphasis on physical havior modification, and possible eating disorders.
appearance, and unrealistic ideas regarding the Motivation and attitude about a lifestyle change are
changes that will come about in their lives following evident in a patient’s eating and exercise behaviors
weight loss. If the reason for having the surgery is before surgery. As most have met with the nutritionist
unrealistic and fails to match what the surgery can and many have been asked to follow modified diets in
achieve, patients are at risk for possible mood issues preparation for surgery, adherence with these recom-
and for noncompliance after surgery.3,7 Patients are mendations provides clues to likelihood for compli-
also asked their goal weight and anticipated time ance after surgery. This discussion provides an
frame for achieving that goal, which provides addi- opportunity to reinforce the adaptive change taking
tional information about realistic expectations. Inter- place and the information provided by the nutritionist.
estingly, studies have found that extremely obese Some individuals, despite having had a nutritional
patients often underestimate the weight loss that can consultation, demonstrate a lack of understanding
be achieved with surgery, which may be in part due to about how their current eating behavior contributes to
difficulties conceptualizing such a significant reduc- their weight issues and what the healthier alternatives
tion in weight.3 are. These patients are referred back to the nutritionist
for additional counseling.
WEIGHT AND DIET HISTORY Among these patients, eating disorders are not
A second element of the clinical interview is a uncommon. Specifically, it is estimated that 10% to
review of the patient’s weight and diet history by using 25% meet criteria for binge-eating disorder,9 which
a time line to highlight associated life events (eg, involves the consumption of a large quantity of food in
marriages, pregnancies, job changes). Information is a brief period (,2 hours) during which the person feels
obtained regarding when weight first became prob- a subjective loss of control.10,11 Unlike bulimia
lematic, types of diets tried, outcomes with previous nervosa, binge-eating disorder does not involve
efforts, factors that contributed to regaining weight (if purging after eating. Additionally, some patients
lost), and family history of obesity. Most patients report night eating syndrome, which is defined by an
have an extensive history of diet attempts with individual’s consuming more than 35% of daily
minimal long-term success.8 If patients have not calories after dinner and by disruption of sleep by
yet attempted the more traditional approaches (eg, episodes of nocturnal eating.11 Of the mentioned
Weight Watchers), they often are encouraged to eating disorders, bulimia nervosa is the only clear
follow a presurgical diet and exercise plan to see contraindication to surgery, as the purging poses
what they can achieve before proceeding with serious health risks. When identified, patients with
surgery. This issue can be particularly challenging bulimia nervosa are referred for cognitive behavioral
when assessing younger patients who may be treatment to address the binging and purging before
experiencing the early onset of health problems but proceeding with surgery. Mixed data exist about the
have yet to maximize their efforts with traditional diet impact of binge eating disorder on outcome, with
and exercise. This discussion often reveals the some studies finding no negative effects as the
enduring beliefs about food that people have binging resolves and others suggesting the increased
acquired over the years. For example, as patients potential for ‘‘grazing’’ after the initial weight loss.4
talk about their family history with weight and eating These patients are encouraged to consider supportive
habits, they may reveal that they were taught to counseling when they binge frequently or are con-
‘‘always clear the plate’’ or that leaving food is cerned with being able to control the binges after
‘‘wasting’’ food. This presents an opportunity for the surgery.
psychologist to discuss the importance of modifying In terms of exercise, many morbidly obese
these unhealthy beliefs so that they do not under- patients are unable to engage in much physical
mine the patients’ efforts in the future. It is also a time activity because of pain, shortness of breath, and
to address the shame that often accompanies so joint issues. Patients are questioned about their
many failed attempts at weight loss and reinforce the attitudes and knowledge about, feelings toward, and

Volume 9, Number 3, Fall 2009 145

Psychological Assessment of the Patient Undergoing Bariatric Surgery

plans for future exercise, with emphasis placed on the organizations can all impact the patient’s experi-
essential role of exercise in their daily routine for ence.4,7 Patients are asked to describe who lives in
successful weight maintenance in the long term. In a the home with them and how they have reacted to the
study of noncompliance after bariatric surgery,12 lack decision for surgery, what the eating habits and/or
of exercise was found to be the most likely area of weight issues of these persons are, and who will be
noncompliance (41%). Given the high rates of available to help them immediately after surgery. Also
noncompliance and the critical nature of exercise addressed are the potential social consequences of
with long-term success, the psychologist has an having the surgery, such as others expressing
opportunity to address this problem proactively negative opinions (eg, ‘‘it’s cheating’’), jealousy and
during the assessment. sabotage, discomfort on the part of a spouse or
significant other when the patient is losing weight, and
UNDERSTANDING OF THE SURGERY AND the inability to eat and drink in similar fashion to others
ITS ASSOCIATED LIFESTYLE CHANGES when on an outing or during holidays. Depending on
In light of the decision that patients undergoing the patient’s network and history, particular examples
bariatric surgery are making when they consent to in this domain will be explored to assess how the
surgery, a thorough understanding of what they are patient will handle the challenge. Often, this is an area
agreeing to is essential.3,4 As part of the psychological that patients have not considered and the psycholo-
assessment, patients are asked to describe what the gist has the opportunity to educate them so that they
surgery entails, the risks and potential outcomes can be proactive rather than reactive when situations
associated with it, and the lifestyle changes that are unfold.
required for success. The patients’ specific procedure
(laparoscopic gastric banding or gastric bypass) PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY
determines the details of this discussion. If patients Clearly, a primary function of the psychological
are unable to demonstrate a basic and clear under- evaluation is to determine the presence of any
standing of these factors, they are referred back to the psychiatric conditions that would impair the patient’s
surgeon and/or nutritionist for additional counseling. ability to handle the surgery. Patients are assessed
Very infrequently, the need for intellectual testing has with regard to symptoms of depression, anxiety,
been apparent to determine basic competence for mania, psychosis, suicidal ideation, substance abuse,
informed consent. Many patients have attended history of abuse, family history of mental health
seminars and talked with people who have had the issues, and any treatment experiences. In addition, a
surgery; this enhances their understanding of what Mini-Mental Status Examination is completed. This
they are undertaking. During this discussion, the role domain is critical given the high prevalence of
of the surgery as a tool, and not as a magical cure, is psychiatric and behavioral complications observed
emphasized. The idea that the surgery ‘‘stops’’ them in this patient population.2,13,14 Recent studies have
from overeating is challenged. Instead, they are found that among people with extreme obesity,
reminded that the surgery allows them to feel satisfied depression is common. One study15 found that
with a small amount of food but that they are people with a body mass index greater than 40 kg/
responsible for stopping when that point has been m2 were five times more likely to have had an episode
reached. If they fail to stop, they will face conse- of depression in the past year than those of average
quences such as ‘‘dumping’’ soon after the surgery weight. Studies have found that, at the time of
and possible weight gain at a later time after surgery. presurgical psychological assessment, 23% to 47%
This point undermines the notion that the surgery of patients report using psychotropic medication.4
absolves patients of responsibility for their eating Although the prevalence of depression may be high in
choices. Rather, patients are encouraged to view the this patient population, it alone is not a contraindica-
surgery as a tool that they can use to improve their tion for surgery. Rather, the severity of depression is a
health if they make the appropriate choices. critical factor, as many patients with mild depression
are likely to see it resolve after surgery, when quality
SOCIAL SUPPORTS AND HISTORY of life measures consistently demonstrate improve-
The dramatic lifestyle changes experienced by ment in mood and functioning.16 Intervention is
patients who undergo bariatric surgery occur not in a needed when the depression is severe enough to
vacuum but within the framework of the social undermine the patient’s ability to adhere with recom-
network that surrounds them. Immediate family mendations, when suicidal ideation is present, and if
members living with the patient, the extended family bipolar disorder or psychosis is suspected. When any
and friends with whom he/she socializes, and col- mood issues are identified, patients are provided with
leagues and associates at work or in community information regarding appropriate treatment resources.

146 The Ochsner Journal

Snyder, AG

In addition to depression, anxiety can be a factor In a recent survey of practitioners completing psy-
that affects a patient’s coping through the surgery chological evaluations of patients undergoing bariatric
experience.6,16 The nature of anxiety disorders may surgery,2 most clinicians reported using objective
increase a patient’s risk for difficulties in controlling personality tests (63.4%) in conjunction with clinical
apprehension before or immediately after surgery, interviews (98.5%). Interestingly, no assessors report-
when unexpected medical news is presented or ed relying solely on the clinical interview for their
changes are made to the treatment plan, and in evaluations. The likely explanation for this finding is
regard to somatic sensations to which they may be that the patient feels tremendous pressure to appear
oversensitive and interpret as problematic. History of psychologically fit so as to proceed with the surgery.
substance abuse raises concerns, as there is some This pressure can lead to the intentional and
anecdotal evidence that when patients can no longer unintentional distortion of information presented by
‘‘abuse’’ food, they shift addictions.6 Further study is the patient. The value of objective psychological
needed to clarify this potential association. Obviously, testing is that the commonly used measures have
current abuse of drugs and/or alcohol and any validity scales that detect when patients present
nicotine use are contraindications for surgery and information that is overly favorable.17 At Ochsner,
must be addressed fully before proceeding. When the objective testing includes the Minnesota Multi-
patients disclose a history of sexual abuse, the phasic Personality Inventory–2, the most common
psychologist discusses the emotional reactions that test used in this field, and the Millon Behavioral
may arise related to significant weight loss. For some Medicine Diagnostic, that, with its bariatric norms,
patients, the dramatic change in weight and increased allows for comparison with other patients that have
attention from others on their body results in undergone bariatric surgery. Although many other
discomfort, and the experience of a smaller body tests and inventories are available, these two have
size is interpreted as heightened vulnerability. These been selected for use given their utility and practicality
reactions can result in self-sabotage and the regaining within this setting.
of weight after surgery. Patients are informed of these Before completing the tests, patients are encour-
issues and encouraged to seek assistance should aged to answer the items in an honest and straight-
they encounter such difficulties. Patients who are forward manner. In an attempt to reduce some of their
currently in treatment and/or taking psychotropic apprehension, patients are informed that this is not a
medication are asked if they have discussed this ‘‘pass/fail’’ test or one that by itself would stop them
decision with their care provider(s) and what respons- from having the surgery. Getting valid results is the
e(s) they have received. There is great value in the challenge with this patient group, as is true whenever
opinion of a care provider who has an ongoing mental health evaluations are used for decision
relationship with the patient. In light of the stress making (eg, job application, custody evaluation).
associated with a lifestyle change, patients are Given the potential for delay or denial of surgery,
encouraged to maintain their treatment plan through- patients clearly are motivated to minimize any
out the process and not to abruptly discontinue either emotional difficulties they might be experiencing. A
therapy or medication just because they feel better recent study17 found that addressing this defensive-
after losing weight. ness when invalid Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Once these domains have been assessed, the Inventory–2 profiles are obtained can result in valid
psychologist reviews the information and highlights profiles upon retesting. The results of the objective
any areas needing special attention. For example, the testing not only provides information about the
psychologist would summarize the details provided patients’ presentation style, but it also reflects the
by the patient about eating behaviors and depression presence of psychopathology, personality disorders,
and then review recommendations concerning be- psychosocial stressors, and areas of potential diffi-
havioral shifts, cognitive reframing, or treatment culty with adherence and compliance. The information
interventions that could be helpful. At this time, obtained is highly useful for clarifying and further
patients are asked if they have any remaining illuminating the realities of a patient’s state of
questions or concerns. When all their questions have psychological adjustment as well as for highlighting
been answered, the focus shifts to the second phase any potential challenges for the surgical team in the
of the assessment, the psychological testing. management of the patient.


Objective psychological testing is a valuable tool When all this information has been obtained and
that provides critical information to complement the scored, it is summarized in a brief report for the
subjective data collected during the clinical interview. surgeon. Contained in this report are summaries of

Volume 9, Number 3, Fall 2009 147

Psychological Assessment of the Patient Undergoing Bariatric Surgery

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