Final Project Rubric

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Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Poor

Design Solved all aspects Solved most Solved aspects of Design was
Functionality of the aspects of the the created without
problem/design problem/challenge, problem/challenge, considering the
challenge with but has 1 incorrect but has 2 purpose for a
100% accuracy. component. Design missing/incorrect specific
Design reflects meets the need it components. customer, target
critical thinking was designed for. Design nearly audience, or
and addresses a meets the need it authentic use.
specific need. was design for.
Demonstrates a
driving purpose
for the design.
Design Efficiency No wasted Little wasted Scale is off, printed Scale is off,
material, printed material, printed to a little too large or printed way too
to the correct the correct scale. small. large or too
scale. Could have been small.
oriented differently
to save material.
Originality 3D print is 3D print is 3D print is 3D print not
personalized and completed but is completed but is original and was
unique with similar to another too similar to downloaded
multiple design. Could have another design. from the internet
components added more Design is random or uses pre-made
added. details. and creativity is parts.

Aesthetics Final project is Final print is Final print is Final print is

creatively creatively balanced random and random and not
balanced and and accurate but somewhat very accurate
extremely has some design accurate.
accurate. flaws.

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