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Taller de recuperación/Profundización
Estudiante: ____________________________________ FECHA°________

Une word in English and Spanish 5. Complete correctly with the verb to be
1. Greetings
Good night Buenas tardes She ___ my sister
Good morning Adios
Good bye Buenas noches A. Am B. Is C. Are D. You
Good afternoon Buenos días
Hello Hola
The boys _________in the school
2. My family
Father Mamá A. Am B. Is C. Are D. You
Mother Papá
Sister Hermana
Brother Tia He____ an doctor
Uncle Hermano Aunt
Tio A. Am B. Is C. Are D. You
3. Lospronombres personales en inglés son.
I___ a student
A).I,You,He, She, It, We, You, They
B) I,Have ,He, Girl, It, WE, You, They A. Am B. Is C. Are D. You
C). I,Are, Am, She, It, WE, You, They
D) I,You,He, She, It, Their, Our, Your
We _______ students
4. Traduce the verb to be
A. Am B. Is C. Are D. You
I am _______________ You are _____
He is _______________
She is _______________
It is _______________ We are ________
You are ______________
They are ______________

Los posesivos: Con estos podemos mostrar a quién le pertenece algún objeto:

Pronouns Posessive Adjectives Examples Spanish

I My My bag is black Mi bolso es negro

You Your Your name is _____ Tu nombre es _____

He His (for men) His pen is yellow Su lapicero es amarillo

She Her (for women) Her dog is nice Su perro es lindo

It Its (for objects) Its leash is white Su correa es blanca

We Our Our teacher is tall Nuestro maestro es alto

You Your Your houses are big sus casas son grandes

They Their Their books are small Sus libros son pequeños

6. Ubica el posesivo que corresponde a cada pronombre

She is my mother. ____ husband is my father

A. Her B. My C. Our D. His

He is my brother.____ car is red

A. Her B. My C. Our D. His

I am in class. ____ bag is blue

A. Her B. My C. Our D. His

We are in the school. ___ school is big

A. Her B. My C. Our D. His

7. Responde y traduce con That, this, these, those

8. Look the figure and answer


_________ ball is big

A. This

B. That

C. These

D. Those

_________ turtles are in the beach

A. This
B. That
C. These
D. Those

_________ rabbit is eating carrot _________ butterflies are flying

A. This A. This
B. That B. That
C. These C. These
D. Those D. Those
9. Responde y traduce Complete y traduce with have or has:
completando con el verbo to be
Am, Is, Are We _______
A. Am B. is C. are D.

He _____ in swimming
They _______ a house
A. Am B. is C. are D.
A. Have B. Has C. are D. She
He _____ two cars
They _____ Skating
A. Am B. Has C. Have D. They
A. Am B. is C. are D.
We _____ a scholar library
A. Am B. is C. Has D. Have
She _____ writing
A. Am B. is C. are D.
She _____ a pencil
A. Have B. Has C. Are D. It
I _____ a studying
I _____ a dog
A. Am B. is C. are D.
A. Am B. Has C. Have D. We

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