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Water in food production and processing: Quantity and quality concerns

Article  in  Food Control · June 2003

DOI: 10.1016/S0956-7135(02)00090-7


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3 authors, including:

Roy Kirby Jamie Bartram

EFSA European Food Safety Authority University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


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Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299

Water in food production and processing: quantity

and quality concerns
Roy M. Kirby , Jamie Bartram b, Richard Carr b

Unilever, Safety and Environment Assurance Centre, Unilever Colworth House, Sharnbrook, MK44 1LQ Bedford, UK
World Health Organisation, Water, Sanitation and Health, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Received 19 September 2001; received in revised form 11 June 2002; accepted 16 July 2002

Water of high quality is or will become a scarce commodity in many areas. Food production and processing require large
amounts of water of varying quality. Water reuse during food production and processing occurs and will likely increase in the
future. Wastewater has been used for food production for many years in some locations. Awareness of the close association between
water and food-borne disease is growing and thus there is a need to develop rational water use management plans within the food
industry that maximize health protection. The food processing industry has long used hazard analysis and critical control point
(HACCP) programmes to make their products safer. There is a trend in water supply to implement similar programmes. This article
will focus on water quality and quantity issues in food production and in the factory. For food production, it is important to
understand how water demand, sources of pollution, water reuse and contamination of food through water affect food safety.
 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Aim livestock watering, aquaculture) and in processing (as an

ingredient, transport medium and hygiene aid). Food
The aim of this paper is to discuss the principal issues companies must therefore address the future trends re-
related to water quality and quantity in food produc- lating to this resource.
tion. Primary production to transformation (factory The food and water industries have a common ob-
processing) is covered. Retail and catering issues will not jective, namely that of supplying quality goods or ser-
be discussed. The paper is not intended to be a com- vices to consumers. Implicit in this objective is that the
prehensive review of all information but will focus on product or service should be ÔsafeÕ.
recent developments and future perspectives. Water, like food, is a vehicle for the transmission of
many agents of disease and continues to cause signifi-
cant outbreaks of disease in developed and developing
countries world-wide. It was identified as the source of,
2. Introduction
among others, the worst outbreak of Escherichia coli
O157:H7 in Canada to date (Kondro, 2000). A Cryp-
Improvements in health over the past century have
tosporidium outbreak in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA in
been underpinned by positive advances in the manage-
1993, affected approximately 400,000 consumers and
ment of vital resources such as water and food. Water
caused 54 deaths (Kramer, Herwaldt, Calderon, & Ju-
supply and quality, and food security and safety are
ranek, 1996; Hoxie, Davis, Vergeront, Nashold, & Blair,
intertwined. Freshwater resources and especially high
quality freshwater resources are becoming increasingly
Water can also contaminate food. In 1970, a cholera
scarce, driven by factors including population growth,
epidemic in Jerusalem was traced back to the con-
urbanisation and probably global climate change. The
sumption of salad vegetables irrigated with raw waste-
availability of freshwater resources adequate in both
water (Shuval et al., 1986). Helminths, protozoa and
quantity and quality is vital to food security and pro-
viruses also may be spread from contaminated water to
duction. It contributes in initial production (irrigation,
food. Contaminated irrigation water has been associated
with hepatitis A outbreaks in lettuce (Rosenblum,
Corresponding author. Mirkin, Allen, Safford, & Hadler, 1990), tomatoes
0956-7135/03/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
284 R.M. Kirby et al. / Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299

(Williams, Bell, Berry, & Shapiro, 1994), raspberries The disposal of waste products is a major consider-
(Ramsay & Upton, 1989), and strawberries (CDC, ation in the water cycle that contributes to reduced
1997a); and cyclosporiasis outbreaks in raspberries quality and to which the food production and processing
(CDC, 1996), lettuce (CDC, 1997b), and basil (CDC, industries contribute. Much of the world faces challenges
1997c). Ascaris infections have frequently been associ- as a consequence of industrialised food production, due
ated with the consumption of vegetables irrigated with to high-density production of animal proteins (on land
untreated or inadequately treated wastewater (Blumen- and in water), and the associated problems of effluent
thal, Mara, Peasey, Ruiz-Palacios, & Stott, 2000; Mara disposal. Efficient food production generally requires use
& Cairncross, 1989). of artificial fertilisers and pesticides and increases soil
In the context of this paper, people can be exposed to erosion and runoff. All of these activities have an impact
infectious agents or toxic chemicals through on water resources. These growing pressures create a
– the ingestion of contaminated water incorporated vicious cycle: increasing exploitation of water resources
into foods; leads to more water pollution that further reduces the
– the ingestion of foods irrigated with or harvested availability of clean water etc. Sustainable alternatives
from contaminated water; and including water treatment and reuse where practical will
– the ingestion of foods that have come into contact need to be implemented during food production and
with contaminated water during processing. processing if access to adequate water resources is to
There are many competing demands for fresh water and continue and thereby gains in food quantity, quality and
their number is increasing. They include food produc- affordability are to be maintained.
tion and processing; domestic supplies; industry; tour-
ism and leisure; energy production; navigation; and the
need to maintain ecosystem integrity. Different uses may 3. Water in primary production
be polluting and/or make quantity/quality demands on
resources (see Table 1). 3.1. Water demand and use
The pressures on the worldÕs water resources are
growing. Water usage in North America increased by Primary production of food requires copious
approximately 800% from 1900 to 1995, while global amounts of water. More than two thirds of all fresh-
water use in 2000 was estimated to be nearly three times water abstraction world-wide (and up to 90% in some
that in 1950 (Shiklomanov, 1998). As demand increases, countries) goes towards food production. Already
pollution of water resources has further reduced the freshwater resources are depleted in many areas of the
availability of water of quality appropriate for given world. By 2025, it is estimated that 35% of the worldÕs
purposes. Increased demand and reduced availability population will live in countries affected by water stress
inevitably affect quality (Ford & Colwell, 1996). Re- or scarcity (Gardner-Outlaw & Engleman, 1997; Hin-
duced water availability is already leading to attempts richsen, Robey, & Upadhyay, 1998). Rain fed agricul-
by the food industry to optimise its use. ture is already practised to a maximum extent in many
areas, therefore, increases in food production will re-
quire increased irrigation. Approximately 40% of the
Table 1
WorldÕs food is currently grown on irrigated land
Consumption and contamination of water by common water uses (Gleick, 2000). Worldwide, the amount of irrigated
Water uses Consuming Contaminating
land is expected to grow by 0.6% a year between 1996
and 2030. However, due to population growth the
Domestic use Yes Yes
Livestock watering Yes Yes amount of irrigated land per capita is estimated to have
Irrigation Yes Yes reached its peak in 1978 and has declined since then by
Aquaculture Yes Yes 5%, with declines of 17–28% predicted by 2020 (Postel,
Commercial fisheries Yes Yes 1999).
Forestry and logging Noa Yes
Irrigation is often inefficient and thus there are sig-
Food processing Yes Yes
Textile industry Yes Yes nificant opportunities to reduce water use in food pro-
Pulp and paper industry Yes Yes duction. Postel (2001) estimates that freshwater use for
Mining Yes Yes irrigation can be reduced by significant amounts by in-
Water transportation No Yes troducing new techniques such as drip irrigation, effi-
Hydroelectric power generation No Nob
cient sprinkler systems, by timing water application to
Nuclear power generation Yes Yes
Recreation No Yes match plant requirements, and by developing new water
efficient crop varieties. Moreover, improving irrigation
Source: Bartram and Ballance (1996).
Water availability may be altered due to changes caused in run-off efficiency may also increase crop yields and reduces
regimes. water pollution by limiting the amount of runoff and
Thermal characteristics of the water body may be altered. controlling the process of salinisation (Gleick, 2000;
R.M. Kirby et al. / Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299 285

Postel, 2001). For example, when farmers in India Table 3

switched from conventional irrigation techniques to drip Approximatea crop water requirements to produce food harvested
irrigation they were able to increase the crop yield per Crop/Food Water Requirement
unit of water applied from 46% for potatoes to as much (kg of water per kg of food produced)
as 243% for sweet potatoes (Gleick, 2000). Potato 500–1500
Wheat 900–2000
Water savings during primary production can also be
Alfalfa 900–2000
achieved by growing more crops during the cool season Corn/maize 1000–1800
when there is less evaporation (and in some regions Sorghum 1100–1800
more rainfall), by better management of fallow land, Soybeans 1100–2000
and by better crop management (Seckler, 1996). For Rice 1900–5000
Chicken 3500–5700
example, a project in Malaysia showed that 25% less
Beef 15000–70000
water was required to grow rice by using a Ôdry seedingÕ
Source: Gleick, 2000.
approach compared to the traditional method that re- a
These are approximate values, and they vary significantly by
quired pre-transplant flooding of the rice paddies region, climate, irrigation methods, and other factors.
(Seckler, 1996).
Water use can also be made more efficient by
adapting the water quality to the crop. Seckler (1996)
cites an example where salty drainage water from one Aquaculture is a very diverse activity that takes place
crop is used to irrigate cotton, which is salt-tolerant. The in a wide variety of freshwater, brackish water and salt
highly salty drainage water from the cotton is used to water environments. Water quantity and quality re-
irrigate halophytes (extremely salt tolerant plants). quirements are highly variable and relate to the use of
In the future, water resources are likely to be im- both in situ resources (e.g., water bodies) and abstracted
pacted not only by population growth but also by water (e.g., ground water, surface water). The quantity
greater economic prosperity. For example, as societies of the water depends on the type and density of or-
grow wealthier, meat consumption typically increases ganisms being raised (Barg & Phillips, 1997). In recent
(see Tables 2 and 3). It is much less efficient to use water years aquaculture has been one of the fastest growing
to raise crops that are then fed to animals than it is to sections of primary production (Rana, 1997). In 1995,
produce crops for direct human consumption. For ex- aquaculture products accounted for nearly 26% of the
ample producing a kilogram of beef takes 8 to 85 times worldÕs fish harvested for direct human consumption
more water (depending on soil and climate conditions and 6.2% of the worlds total farmed animal protein
and irrigation methods) than growing a kilogram of production. In Asia, fish supplies 24.5% of all animal
grain (Gleick, 2001). As societies become more affluent, protein to the diet––a large portion of which is produced
they will likely use more water for food production in aquaculture (Tacon, 1997).
further reducing the quality and quantity of this re- One way in which countries compensate for water
source (Tables 2 and 3). scarcity is to import highly water demanding products
such as grain. It takes approximately 1000 tons of water
to grow 1 ton of grain. Therefore importing a ton of
Table 2 grain frees 1000 tons of water that can be put to other
Calories available by region, percentage of diet as meat, water needed
uses (e.g., industrial and commercial) (Postel, 1999). This
to produce the average regional diet
strategy for water replacement works well as long as
Region Calories Percentage Estimated
(Kcal) of watera to
there is a global surplus of grain and countries that need
regional calories produce to import it have enough money to pay for it. However,
diets from regional diet many of the current and future water scarce countries
(1989) meat (m3 /p/yr) are poor and may not be able to afford to import enough
Africa, Sub-Saharan 2191 10 640 food (Postel, 1999).
Centrally Planned Asia 2541 15 920
Eastern Europe 3345 28 1430
Former USSR 3253 30 1570
Latin America 2555 19 1030 3.2. Sources of water contamination
Middle East/North 2819 13 1070
Africa Surface waters, particularly rivers, are difficult to
OECD-Pacific/Oceania 2691 24 1210
protect from contamination. A range of anthropogenic
South and East Asia 2485 12 770
Western Europe 3350 36 1710 activities may contaminate surface waters including;
North America 3133 35 1830 agriculture; municipal and industrial wastewater dis-
Source: Gleick, 2000. charges; overloaded or leaking sanitation systems; im-
Includes both rainfall and irrigation water. Assumes variations in proper disposal of garbage and hazardous wastes;
regional irrigation efficiencies. mining; deforestation/landscape alteration; incineration
286 R.M. Kirby et al. / Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299

of wastes leading to airborne deposition of heavy metals wastewater, or enter the groundwater directly from
(e.g., mercury, cadmium); industrial processes; com- leaking sanitation systems or animal waste storage fa-
bustion related air pollution which leads to acid rain and cilities. Nitrates are very soluble and can contaminate
others (WHO, 1996a). aquifers through leaching. Nitrates are stable in ground
Agricultural activities are responsible for much water water and can build up to high concentrations. A
contamination. Concern about the impact of agriculture number of countries including China, Indonesia, Mex-
on the quality of water resources is often related to ico, Moldova, Nigeria, Romania, Slovenia, the United
diffuse sources––contamination by agro-chemicals, nu- Kingdom and the United States of America have re-
trients and hazardous microbes (pathogens) in particu- ported high concentrations of nitrates in their ground-
lar (EEA/WHO, 1997). water. (Sampat, 2000; Nixon et al., 2000).
Intensive livestock operations concentrate animal Pesticides can leach into ground and surface waters
wastes––often in on-site storage facilities such as la- and may cause health effects in extremely low concen-
goons that can contaminate surface and ground water trations. Pesticides may be directly sprayed over crops
sources with pathogens and/or nitrates. For example, in grown in flooded fields (e.g., rice paddies) and have been
1995, 25 million gallons of untreated effluent spilled found in significant concentrations in ground water
from a hog waste storage lagoon into the Neuse River in from many countries (Nixon et al., 2000; Sampat, 2000).
North Carolina, USA. A similar event happened in the For example, Atrazine a herbicide is frequently identi-
same river after flooding caused by hurricane Floyd in fied in groundwater in the United States of America.
1999 (Wright, 2001). Concentrations above the WHO guideline of 2 lg/l have
Livestock often act as non-symptomatic carriers of been identified in groundwater from a number of States
human pathogens (e.g., E. Coli O157, Salmonella spp., in the USA (USEPA, 2000).
Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium) and their wastes may Aquaculture activities may also contaminate water.
contain high concentrations of these organisms. Animal For example, fish feed and waste products from net-pens
waste can therefore contaminate human and animal where fish are raised may add biological oxygen demand
drinking water sources. Contaminated water used for (BOD) and nutrients to the local environment, exacer-
livestock watering can result in the infection of many bating eutrophication and the formation of anoxic
animals within the same herd or in different herds or conditions. Chemicals used in aquaculture, including
flocks that use the same water source. pesticides and antibiotics, may also contaminate the
Pathogen transmission to other livestock has been water and have a low probability of contributing to the
associated with the use of inadequately treated manure spread of antibiotic resistant pathogens (WHO, 1999).
and manure slurries. There are two reports of E. coli Aquaculture activities also affect water quality indi-
infection in cattle involving grazing after recent appli- rectly. For instance, when mangroves and wetlands are
cations of farm slurry: one in which the cattle invaded a destroyed to create new production areas soil erosion
recently treated field; and, the second, a large study increases and sediments are washed into the water.
showing association between infection of cattle and However, some aquaculture activities can have benefi-
grazing with a median delay of 10 days after application cial effects on water quality. For instance, incorporating
of waste (Goodburn, 1999). aquaculture into a well-designed wastewater treatment
Studies by Doyle (1998) confirmed that E. coli system can help to prevent water quality deterioration,
O157:H7 is a highly resistant pathogen capable of sur- especially when the alternative is discharging raw or
vival in water for long periods especially at low tem- partially treated wastes into surface waters. Similarly,
perature. E. coli O157:H7 has been reported by Wang, cultivating seaweed in coastal areas can help to reduce
Zhao, and Doyle (1996) to remain viable in bovine nutrients in the water (Barg & Phillips, 1997).
faeces for 70 days and Kudva, Hatfield, and Hovde
(1995) demonstrated survival for 21 months in sheep
manure. Other pathogens are also capable of long-term 3.3. Public health consequences of contamination during
survival or even replication in the environment––par- primary production
ticularly when they are protected in animal faeces.
Robertson, Campbell, and Smith (1992) demonstrated Contamination of foods during primary production
that up to 40% of certain strains of Cryptosporidium can play a role in the transmission of food-borne dis-
oocyst remained infective after 176 days in cow faeces. ease; for example recent outbreaks of E. coli O157:H7
The longer pathogens can survive in the environment, have been traced back to the use of contaminated water
the more likely they are to contaminate water and po- used during irrigation or propagation (FDA, 1999). In
tentially food crops. the 1990s, outbreaks of human illness associated with
In many areas, a significant problem affecting the consumption of raw vegetables and fruits (or un-
groundwater is nitrate contamination. Nitrates are ap- pasteurised products from them) have increased in many
plied to land as fertilisers, in manure and sludge, in developed countries.
R.M. Kirby et al. / Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299 287

One study has demonstrated that E. coli O157:H7 patitis A involving approximately 300,000 cases (Lees,
could be taken into lettuce plants and seedlings from 2000). Norwalk viruses have also been implicated in
contaminated irrigation water and manure slurries sys- disease outbreaks associated with the consumption of
temically through the roots, resulting in contamination raw oysters (CDC, 2000a). In some countries (e.g.,
of the edible plant portions (Solomon, Yaron, & Japan) contaminated shellfish cause a significant per-
Matthews, 2002). If more evidence for this type of centage of the food-borne illnesses reported each year
pathogen uptake is discovered this would have impor- (Cato, 1998).
tant implications for the use of manure slurries (and to a Excessive levels of nitrates are associated with met-
lesser extent wastewater) for the production of vegeta- haemoglobinaemia in bottle-fed infants when contami-
bles that are consumed raw. E. coli O157:H7 is of par- nated ground water is the source of drinking water
ticular concern because of its ability to survive in the (WHO, 1996a). Methaemoglobinaemia in infants has
environment (Wang et al., 1996), its low infectious dose been reported in a number of countries––particularly in
(less than 1000 cells) (Ackers et al., 1998), and its po- Eastern Europe (Knobeloch, Salna, Hogan, Postle, &
tential for causing severe health outcomes in susceptible Anderson, 2000).
populations (e.g. children). However, more research is In many countries, industrial wastewater is often
needed to find out how widespread this phenomenon is mixed with municipal wastewater and is used for irri-
and its significance to public health. gation. Industrial wastes may contain toxic organic and
Seed sprouts are particularly susceptible to contami- inorganic chemicals that can be taken up by crops. For
nation from manure or contaminated water. The warm example, in Japan, China including the province of
moist conditions under which these are grown can Taiwan, rice accumulated high concentrations of cad-
facilitate the growth or re-growth of pathogens. The mium (and other heavy metals) when it was grown in
production and consumption of raw seed sprouts has soils contaminated with irrigation water containing high
increased in many countries. Consumption of these levels of industrial discharges (Chen, 1992). In Japan,
products has been associated with a number of disease Itai–itai disease––a bone and kidney disorder––associ-
outbreaks. For example, in Japan over 6000 people ated with chronic cadmium poisoning, occurred in areas
became ill when they ate radish sprouts contaminated with where rice paddies were irrigated with water from the
E.coli O157:H7 (Infectious Agents Surveillance Report, contaminated Jinzu river (WHO, 1992). In some parts of
1997). Other outbreaks associated with contaminated China, the use of industrial wastewater for irrigation is
sprouts have occurred in Canada, Denmark, Finland, thought to be associated with health effects. For exam-
the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and ple, in affected areas a 36% increase in hepatomegaly
Sweden (Taormina, Beuchat, & Slutsker, 1999). (enlarged liver), and a 100% increase in both cancer and
The regulation of water quality for irrigation is of congenital malformation rates were observed compared
international importance because agricultural products to control areas where industrial wastewater was not
grown with contaminated water may cause health effects used for irrigation (Yuan, 1993).
at both the local and international levels. Exports of For occupational safety pesticide exposure and in-
contaminated fresh produce from different geographical fection by water-borne helminths following the use of
regions can facilitate the spread of both known patho- wastewater and excreta in agricultural irrigation are
gens and strains with new virulence characteristics into concerns. Epidemiological studies have shown that crop
areas where the pathogens are not normally found or irrigation with untreated or inadequately treated waste-
have been absent for many years (Beuchat, 1998). As water causes a significant increase in intestinal nematode
food production and trade expands, international infections in crop consumers and field-workers (Blu-
guidelines are increasingly important to prevent out- menthal et al., 2000; EEA/WHO, 1997).
breaks of food borne disease and pathogens from being The health risks associated with chemicals found in
introduced into new geographical areas. For example, wastewater and sludge may need to be given more at-
shigellosis outbreaks occurred in Norway, Sweden and tention, particularly as the level of industrialization
the United Kingdom in 1994 due to contaminated let- increases in developing countries. To control adverse
tuce imported from southern Europe (Frost, McEvoy, health and environmental effects from toxic substances,
Bentley, Andersson, & Rowe, 1995; Kapperud et al., industrial wastes should be adequately pre-treated to
1995). Furthermore, a cyclosporiasis outbreak in the remove these chemicals and/or should be managed
United States was linked to the consumption of con- separately from municipal wastewater and excreta.
taminated raspberries imported from Guatemala (CDC,
1996). 3.4. Use of wastewater in primary production
Contamination of seafood harvesting areas (parti-
cularly where shellfish are harvested) can have health As populations increase, more human excreta are
impacts. In 1988, the consumption of contaminated produced. Most methods of disposing of excreta dam-
shellfish in Shanghai China led to an outbreak of he- age health and the environment including sewerage.
288 R.M. Kirby et al. / Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299

Sustainable alternatives must be found that protects Table 4

human health and the environment. Fortunately, waste- Examples of pathogens associated with raw domestic sewage and
sewage solids (NRC, 1996)
water is particularly suited for use in agriculture because
of its nutrient and water content. In water-scarce areas Pathogen Examples Examples
wastewater, both treated and untreated, is often used to
Bacteria Shigella spp. Bacillary dysentery
irrigate crops. This has important health implications,
Salmonella spp. Salmonellosis (gastro-enteritis)
which may be both beneficial and detrimental, at the Vibrio cholerae Cholera
local level and the international level. However, evidence EHEC Gastroenteric diseases
suggests that wastewater can be used safely in agri- (variety of)
culture and aquaculture, if adequate safeguards are Yersinia sp. Yersiniosis (gastro-enteritis)
Campylobacter jejuni Campylobacteriosis
incorporated into the process. WHO Guidelines for
wastewater and excreta use in agriculture and aquacul-
ture provide a framework for wastewater quality for use Viruses Hepatitis A Infectious hepatitis
Norwalk Acute gastro-enteritis
in crop production. The WHO Guidelines for the safe
Rotavirus Acute gastro-enteritis
use of wastewater and excreta recommend a multi- Poliovirus Poliomyelitis
barrier approach to maximize health protection. These Coxsakie ‘‘flu-like’’ symptoms
Guidelines are currently under revision. Echovirus ‘‘flu-like’’ symptoms
In a limited water quality survey of rivers in Central Protozoa Entamoeba Amoebiaisis (amoebic
and South America, Europe and Asia and the Pacific, histolytica dysentery)
many of the rivers exceeded WHO faecal coliform Giardia lamblia Giardiasis (gastro-enteritis)
guideline targets for unrestricted irrigation using waste- Cryptosporidium sp. Cryptosporidiosis
water (WHO, 1987; Mara & Cairncross, 1989). For
Balantium coli Balantidiasis (gastro-enteritis)
example, 18 out of 31 (58%) rivers sampled in Europe
did not meet the faecal coliform guideline value (WHO, Helm- Ascaris sp. Ascariasis (roundworm
inths infection)
1987; Mara & Cairncross, 1989). Thus, in some cases,
Taenia sp. Taeniasis (tapeworm infection)
imposition of strict water quality standards will restrict Necator americanus Ancylostomiasis (hookworm
the use of treated wastewater in agriculture and could infection)
paradoxically lead to the use of less safe water. Simi- Trichuris trichuria Trichuriasis (whipworm
larly, water quality guidelines need to be adapted for the infection)
social, economic, and environmental conditions of each
country. When countries with inadequate resources for
wastewater treatment adopt overly strict water quality significantly to the cost and complexity of the process
standards for use in agriculture the end result is that (Table 5). However, such treatments are currently not
they may be ignored entirely. WHO guidelines for widely used in many areas (EEA/WHO, 1997). Patho-
wastewater use in agriculture are protective of public gens that are removed from the wastewater by treatment
health but still allow for the cost-effective recovery of usually end up concentrated in the sludge.
the valuable nutrient and water resources in the waste- Many questions have arisen regarding the public
water. health and environmental implications of the land ap-
plication of wastewater and sludge. The application of
3.5. Use of sludge in primary production sludge through spraying and other means leads to con-
cern about how potential contaminants may affect water
Sewage sludge is defined as residual sludge from sources. The use of untreated wastewater sludge and
sewage treatment plants that treat domestic or urban manure or partially treated manure slurries as fertilisers
waste-waters, and from other sewage plants treating for the production of fruits and vegetables is a major
waste-waters or a composition similar to domestic and contributing factor to contamination that causes food-
urban waste-waters (CIWEM, 1995). Sewage sludge borne disease (Beuchat, 1998; MacGowan, Bowker,
unless it is adequately treated, contains large numbers of McLauchlin, Bennett, & Reeves, 1994). In Switzerland
pathogenic micro-organisms. salmonellosis in humans attributable to the use of sludge
Sewage sludge is often applied to agricultural lands has led to a decision to require all sludge to be pas-
because of its value as a soil conditioner and fertiliser. teurised (WRC, 1998). Many of the statutory controls
Raw sewage contains a wide range of pathogens, many on the treatment and use of sewage sludge in agriculture
of which are also food-borne (Table 4). Primary and were established before E. coli O157 or Cryptospori-
secondary wastewater treatments do not adequately re- dium parvum had been widely recognised as important
move pathogens without further steps. Tertiary treat- pathogens.
ment of wastewater reduces the concentrations of most Sludge and some artificial fertilisers may contain
microbes-sometimes to non-detectable levels, but adds heavy metals that could potentially pollute the soil and
R.M. Kirby et al. / Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299 289

Table 5
Typical numbers of micro-organisms found in various stages of wastewater and sludge treatment (NRC, 1996)
Microbe Number per 100 ml effluent Number per g of sludge
Raw sewage Primary treatment Secondary treatment Tertiary treatment Raw Digestedb
Faecal coliform 1 E9 1 E7 1 E6 <2 1 E7 1 E6
Salmonella MPN 8 E3 800 8 <2 1.8 E3 18
Shigella MPN 1 E3 100 1 <2 220 3
Enteric virus PFUd 5 E4 1.5 E4 1.5 E3 0.002 1.4 E3 210
Helminth ova 800 80 0.08 <0.08 30 10
Giardia lamblia cysts 1 E4 5 E3 2.5 E3 3 140 43
Indicates coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection.
Mesophilic anaerobic digestion.
MPN is the most probable number.
PFU is the plaque forming units.

groundwater. Many heavy metals are insoluble and are can be applied to land. Sludge treatments are required
adsorbed by soil particles but several heavy metals, such to achieve specific removals of indicator bacteria (e.g.,
as cadmium, are soluble and may pollute the ground- E. coli and Salmonella spp.) and concentration limits
water. Heavy metals tend to accumulate in soils over for heavy metals and some organic compounds are
time, increasing the chances that they will be taken up specified. In the United States of America, the Part 503
by plants. For example, Gr€ ossman (1988) cited in WHO Sludge Rule (Table 7) is the current management
(1991) found elevated levels of nickel in green vegeta- strategy for the application of sludge to land. These
bles, cabbage, onions, beans and peas grown on soils standards use risk assessment information to maximize
contaminated with nickel from sewage sludge applica- health protection. However, Isole, Kyvsgaard, Nansen,
tion. and Henriksen (1991) suggested that the prescribed
Wide variation has been found among national rules waiting period between the application of Class B
regarding the required treatment of sewage sludge sludge and animal grazing may not be adequate to
(WRC, 1994) (Table 6). The 1986 EU Directive (86/ prevent the transmission of tapeworm to grazing cattle.
278/EEC) provides general requirements for sludge Barbier, Perrine, Duhamel, Doublet, and Georges
used in agriculture. The EU Working Document on (1990) also concluded that sewage sludge containing
Sludge (3rd Draft, 27 April 2000) specifies required Taenia saginata eggs offers a serious risk for cattle even
treatments and restricts the circumstances where sludge after a three week non-grazing period. Al-Ghazali and

Table 6
Examples of legislated treatment of sewage sludge for agricultural use in Europe and the USA (WRC, 1994)
Country Pathogen limits
EU Sludge must be treated before being used in agriculture. Member states may nevertheless authorise the use of untreated sludge
without risk to human health
Denmark None, but restrictions on application
Germany No untreated sludge may be used on agricultural or horticultural soils. 1982 Ordinance required disinfection prior to application to
grass land or grazing crops. 1992 Ordinance prohibits sludge use on permanent pasture
Netherlands Sludge to be treated (biological, chemical, thermal, storage or other process) designed to destroy ‘‘a major part’’ of pathogens in
Sweden and ‘‘Stabilisation’’ is strongly recommended and in certain applications such as parks and landscaping is mandatory
Spain As in EC directive: no grazing 3 weeks after application: use in gardening and fruit production banned during their vegetative cycle,
except fruit trees: not to be applied within 10 months of harvest to fruit or vegetables that may be eaten raw
Portugal Banned: use along the side of rivers and lakes; use within 100 m of houses and 200 m of villages and other populated areas; within
50 m of wells and boreholes used for irrigation: within 100 m of drinking water. Must be mixed into the ground within 2 days of
application. Application must be done into deep soils to ‘‘protect soil and surface ground water quality’’
UK Sludge to be treated except where injected or otherwise worked into the soil. Treatments pasteurisation, mesophilic anaerobic
digestion, thermophilic aerobic digestion, composting, lime stabilisation or storage
USA Sludge must be treated to reduce its ‘‘pathogenic content and vector attraction’’. Sludge classified as Class A is the applied to land
with which the public is expected to be in contact. Class B is the land with which the public is not expected to be in contact
treatment as defined in regulations
(Every EU country has different regulations.)
290 R.M. Kirby et al. / Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299

Table 7
EU and USA pathogen limits for sewage sludge (WRC, 1994)
Country Pathogen limits
EU None set
Italy Not more than 1000 MPN/g dry solids of Salmonella if used on agricultural land
Luxembourg None, except for use on grassland and in market gardening
Netherlands Sludge to be treated (biological, chemical, thermal, storage or other process) designed to destroy ‘‘a major part’’ of pathogens in
Portugal None, but powers exist for monitoring content if necessary
UK None, but code of practice refers to possible presence of Salmonella, beef tapeworm, potato cyst nematodes and viruses
USA Class A: faecal coliforms must be <1000 MPN/g dry solids or Salmonella <3 MPN/g dry solids. Class B: geometric mean of density
of faecal coliforms in seven samples must be no more than 2 E6. Alternatively, the treatment works can use a process to
significantly reduce pathogens as defined in regulations
Class A is the applied to land with which the public is expected to be in contact.
Class B is the land with which the public is not expected to be in contact.

Al-Azawi (1986) reported that treatment of sewage does • Diverting industrial wastes from municipal waste-
not always yield a cake or final discharge free of Listeria. water streams or pre-treating industrial waste to
The practice of using treated effluents and sludge on remove toxic chemicals.
land used for food crop production is likely to be limited • Restricting application of animal manureÕs to soil.
by several factors: • Constructing and using well operated and maintained
sanitation facilities that inactivates pathogens or pre-
1. Public health concerns regarding pathogens and toxic vents their release into the environment. Latrines
chemicals. should be placed a safe distance (e.g. at least 30 m)
2. Concerns about heavy metals and organic chemicals from water wells and away from shallow aquifers
building up in soils. Legislation in many countries is and porous soils.
making it more difficult to use treated sludge because • Selecting appropriate crops.
of this. For example, a recent statement from the Eu- • Protecting springs and wells from surface drainage
ropean Community Economic and Social Committee and flooding. Animal husbandry should be ade-
on the use of sewage sludge in agriculture indicated quately controlled or excluded in zones near springs
that heavy metal levels in sludges should be set at and wells.
such a level that over a period of 10,000 years the • Optimising the use of chemical fertilisers and pesti-
concentrations of heavy metals in the receiving soils cides to match crop requirements and crop pest life-
should only be allowed to increase by a total of cycles.
100% (Frerichs, 2000). If this policy is implemented • Preventing direct overspray of pesticides over water
it would severely restrict the current use of sewage bodies. Respect a minimum distance between spray-
sludge in agriculture. ing operations and water. Establishing unsprayed
3. Availability of cropland close to wastewater treat- ‘‘buffer zones’’ alongside a watercourse will reduce
ment plants (not usually relevant for sludge). the likelihood of contamination. In the Netherlands
4. The costs associated with the use of treated effluents it is predicted that this method along with measures
and sludge that stem from the perception that nega- to reduce atmospheric deposition and leaching could
tive health effects could result. Food producers and reduce pollution in water by 70–80% (WHO, 1996a;
retailers are concerned about the potential liability EEA/WHO, 1997).
for health risks attributed to the consumption of food • Developing microbial water quality standards for
grown with the use of treated wastewater effluents or harvesting filter-feeding shellfish. Monitoring of
treated sludge. There is a need for convincing scien- water quality and shellfish-flesh.
tific evidence that all aspects of the process are being
carefully managed. Numerous pathogens are capable of survival in water
and the environment for long periods especially at
3.6. Prevention of contamination in primary production low temperature. Treatment of contaminated water or
product with disinfecting chemicals such as chlorine or
In general, contamination of water and food during chlorinated water reduces populations of pathogenic
primary production can be reduced by bacteria but cannot eliminate them. Other pathogens
such as viruses, protozoa or helminths are generally
• Treating wastewater and sludge adequately before it more resistant to chlorine than bacteria by varying de-
is discharged into surface water bodies or applied to grees. Reduction in risk can better be achieved through
land. controlling points of contamination including in the
R.M. Kirby et al. / Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299 291

field (Beuchat & Ryu, 1997). Multiple barrier ap- high concentrations of helminth eggs should be
proaches have been included in WHO guidelines since stored for at least a year or digested as above.
the mid 1980s (Bartram, Stenstrom, & Fewtrell, 2001;
Mara & Cairncross, 1989).
When industrial wastewater is mixed with municipal
wastewater high concentrations of toxic chemicals may Seed sprouts––a unique case
be found in the sludge turning it into a hazardous waste Sprouts are grown from seeds in warm and
that requires special disposal to limit adverse health and humid conditions that facilitate the growth or re-
environmental effects. Additionally, toxic chemicals can growth of bacteria that may be present on the seed
interfere with the biological processes that are used to or in the water. Rinsing seeds in a chlorine solution
treat the wastes thus reducing the effectiveness of the prior to growth is not highly effective for reducing
treatment. Therefore, it is important to separate toxic bacterial concentrations because the bacteria may
industrial wastes from municipal wastes before treat- be protected within the seed itself or may be in-
ment to preserve sludge reuse options and protect public troduced from the water or during handling. More-
health. over, even a small number of pathogenic bacteria
WHO guidelines for the safe use of wastewater and may be able to grow to an infectious dose rapidly
excreta in agriculture and aquaculture establish mi- under the warm and moist conditions used to de-
crobial quality targets but they also emphasise best velop sprouts (Taormina et al., 1999). The CODEX
practices compatible with HACCP principles. When Alimentarius Commission recommends that natu-
implemented these reduce the potential health effects ral fertilisers such as manure and sludge should be
associated with the use of wastewater and excreta highly treated to significantly reduce pathogens
(including sludge) in agriculture (Mara & Cairncross, before they are applied to crops producing seeds for
1989). Because helminth infections often pose the great- sprout production. Similarly, the Commission rec-
est health risks to farm workers (and their families) and ommends that the quality of the water used should
crop consumers from the use of wastewater, sludge be dependent on the stage of the process. Potable
or excreta in agriculture (Mara & Cairncross, 1989; water should be used to wash the seeds and dur-
Blumenthal et al., 2000), WHO Guidelines focus on ing the sprouting process (CODEX Alimentarius
treatments that significantly reduce the viability of Commission, 2000).
helminth eggs. Helminth eggs are generally very envi-
ronmentally persistent. Excreta and sludge treatments
therefore usually require storage for many months to
ensure helminth egg inactivation. Storage times can be Where biological contamination of water and food
reduced when the excreta and sludge are allowed to products is likely (e.g., when inadequately treated
digest at higher temperatures. wastewater is used as a water source) then industrial
WHO recommends each of the following procedures crops that will be processed with heat (e.g., potatoes,
for the treatment of sludge, excreta, and nightsoil to vegetables for canning etc.) can be grown (Mara &
minimise adverse health effects prior to sludge disposal Cairncross, 1989).
or use of sludge or excreta as a fertiliser (Mara & Nitrate contamination of surface and ground-waters
Cairncross, 1989, Helmer & Hespanhol, 1997; WHO, can be reduced by improving land management prac-
1996b): tices (e.g., by establishing buffer zones near streams) and
by closely matching fertiliser applications to crop nu-
• storage for 2 years at ambient temperatures (warm trient requirements (GESAMP, 2001). Contamination
climates), or of water and food with pesticides can be reduced by
• batch thermophilic anaerobic digestion at 50–55 C adopting integrated pest management strategies and by
for 13 days, or maximising pesticide efficiency by targeting specific pests
• forced-aeration co-composting of excreta with do- at appropriate times (i.e., in the right season, or to
mestic refuse for one month (temperature should rise correspond with a particularly vulnerable life stage)
to 55–60 C), followed by 2–4 months of maturation, (GESAMP, 2001).
or Some shellfish (such as mussels, oysters, and clams)
• raw sludge and excreta can be safely applied to the obtain their food by filtering large quantities of water
land by subsurface injection, or placed in trenches and are therefore particularly susceptible to contamina-
and covered with at least 25 cm of soil before crops tion. Excreta-related human pathogens and heavy metals
are grown (where soil conditions and the depth to are taken in with the food particles and can be concen-
the water table permit), or trated in the tissues. Shellfish are also frequently eaten
• liquid nightsoil can be stored for one week and ap- raw or partially cooked. Before marketing, shellfish and
plied to land but the settled sludge that may contain other fish may be held in clean water to reduce excreted
292 R.M. Kirby et al. / Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299

organisms––a process known as depuration. However, cluding use as a thermal transfer medium, as a transport
depuration is highly variable and often ineffective at re- medium and in cleaning.
moving contaminants––particularly viruses (Edwards, Currently food companies are putting much effort
1992; Power & Collins, 1990). Methods for preventing into reducing water consumption during transformation
contamination of filter-feeding shellfish often focus on and significant savings can be made. There are five ways
monitoring microbial indicators in harvesting areas and of reducing water consumption in food processing pre-
restricting harvesting in pollution prone locations (e.g., mises:
near sewage out-falls) (USFDA, 2000). However, this
approach has limitations. Current microbial indicators • Reduction in uncontrolled use.
may not correspond to virus concentrations in the water • Improved planning and control.
(WHO, 1996a) and thus filter-feeding shellfish can still • Water reuse.
become contaminated even when they are growing in • Water recycling after treatment.
areas that meet water quality standards (Griffin et al., • Layout design improvements.
Typically water consumption can be reduced by up to
30% by simple cultural and operational changes with
little capital investment. Examples include awareness
4. Water in the factory––food processing and monitoring programmes and taps that automati-
cally shut-off when not in-use. Similar savings are also
4.1. Water demand and use possible with reuse, recycling and design improvement
programmes however capital investment is higher and
Water use during transformation is significantly greater consideration needs to be given to the impact of
lower than during primary production but it is none the the changes on finished products quality and safety.
less still important. Water is a significant component of
many foods. It can either be added directly as an in- 4.2. Sources of water contamination
gredient or be present as part of the raw materials (see
Table 8). Food producers have been legitimately adding The principle ways in which water can impact on
water to food since food processing began. There are contamination of the food products in the factory are:
also many examples of water as a processing aid in-
• The incoming water itself.
• The factory environment including the water storage
and distribution system.
Table 8 • Factory workers.
Water quantity and quality requirements for selected processes in food
In practice the absolute exclusion of all pathogens
Process Relative Water quality from domestic water supply is an unachievable goal.
water quantity
Water should present a negligible risk to public health
Primary production
(be ‘‘safe’’) which does not imply sterility, nor the
Aquaculture High Low)Medium
Irrigation High Low complete absence of pathogens. If water is ‘‘safe’’ or
Special cases (e.g., sprouts) High High–Potable potable then any viruses or pathogenic protozoa that
may be introduced into foodstuffs should not represent a
Food processing
Direct preparation of product Low High–Potable significant health risk. The same cannot necessarily be
Bottled water High High–Potable said of bacteria subsequently introduced to foodstuffs
Cooling water High Medium)High which under certain conditions may be subject to re-
Product washing Medium–High Medium–High growth.
Fluming water High Medium–High
Our understanding of the behaviour of micro-
Production of ice, hot water, ? Medium–High
and steam organisms in the environment is slowly developing. For
Air conditioning and humidity ? Medium–High example Brown and Barker (1999) reported that ‘‘In situ
control in the natural environments micro-organisms exist in a
Starting-up, rinsing and clean- High High nutrient deprived, slow or non-growing state in sus-
ing of processing equipment
pension (planktonic) or, predominantly as biomasses
Cleaning and disinfection of High Medium
processing facilities and adherent biofilms (for a review of biofilms and their
Sanitization water ? ? relevance to the food industry, see Kumar & Anand,
Boiler feed water and High Medium 1998; Hood & Zottola, 1995). Protozoa can act as an
fire extinguishing important reservoir [of pathogenic bacteria] in the en-
Sources: CODEX Alimentarius Commission, 2000. vironment. Moreover, organisms such as Legionella
R.M. Kirby et al. / Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299 293

pneumophila and Mycobacterium avium grown in amo- tamination of the water supply. The report concluded
ebae have been shown to have increased virulence as that for the majority of commercially processed foods
compared to cells grown on agar.’’ Cryptosporidium represented either a low or negligible
Personal health and hygiene play a critical role in the risk (Water quality for the food industry: management
controls for controlling microbial contamination. Fae- & microbiological issues, 2000). To date no incidents of
cal-oral diseases are a primary concern. Workers during cryptosporidiosis have been attributed to commercially
the growing, harvesting, sorting, processing and pack- processed foods (Cryptosporidium, 2001).
aging of foods can spread these diseases. Infected This issue raises the concept of suitability for in-
workers have been implicated as the source of several tended use and ‘‘fit for purpose’’ at point of consump-
food-borne outbreaks (EEA/WHO, 1997). tion. Some possible examples of suitability for use are
given in Table 8.

4.3. Public health consequences of contamination during

food processing 4.4. Prevention of contamination in factory production

Contamination of food products during transforma- Food processors may source water either from mu-
tion can play a role in the transmission of food-borne nicipal suppliers or from their own wells. The type and
disease; for example cross contamination of meat prod- degree of treatment required to make water safe differs
ucts during processing can lead to human disease out- depending on the quality of the raw water source. It is
breaks (Armstrong, Hollingsworth, & Morris, 1996; important to define water quality targets and determine
Tuttle & Gomez, 1993). Water can play an important the tolerance of variation from these targets. Procedures
role in this process. need to be in place to effectively address failures to meet
A recent outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in the USA water quality targets. As with other things in life, pre-
highlighted the potential impact of water supply quality vention is better than cure and prevention of pollution
on food producers. During the USA outbreak food rather than technological intervention to remove it is
manufacturers who could have used the affected water always preferable.
where forced to recall potentially affected product even The fundamental purpose of water treatment is to
though no cases of cryptosporidiosis where traced back protect the consumer from pathogens and from impu-
to the consumption of contaminated food. This is po- rities in the water that may be injurious to human health
tentially of great significance for the food industry. or aesthetically unpleasant. Where appropriate, treat-
Water quality monitoring––particularly for microbial ment should also remove impurities which, although not
contaminants––does not and realistically as yet cannot harmful to human health, may make the water unap-
take place in real time. Awareness of the incidence of pealing, damage pipes, plant or other items with which
water and food born illness may only come about after the water may come into contact, or render operation
the gathering of substantial epidemiological evidence. It more difficult or costly (WHO, 1996a). These purposes
is therefore possible that contaminated non-potable are achieved, by introducing successive barriers, such as
water may have been supplied to food companies for coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and advanced
some time before they are made aware of it. The lag- treatments, to remove pathogens and impurities. The
time between water quality monitoring and a discovery final barrier is often disinfection (WHO, 1996a). Table 9
of contamination means that responses may occur some provides an overview of water treatment technologies
time (up to 3 months) after the event has occurred. and their applications.
Thus, products produced before and after the issuing of WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality set mi-
a ‘‘boil water notice’’ may be affected. crobial and chemical standards for potable water. The
Cryptosporidium is resistant to treatment with chlo- new third edition of the drinking water guidelines ex-
rine, and monitoring is not continuous, consequently, pand the use of risk assessment and further incorporate
occasionally a slug of contamination can pass through the use of HACCP principles, and are intended for ap-
the treatment works even in water considered to be plications where ‘‘potable’’ quality is called for.
potable (Gale & Stanfield, 2000). Additionally, Cryp- HACCP, the system, is a systematic approach to
tosporidium has been identified on fresh produce (Monge identification, assessment and control of hazards (CO-
& Chinchilla, 1996) and caused a disease outbreak as- DEX Alimentarius Commission, 1997) during produc-
sociated with unpasteurised apple juice (Millard et al., tion, processing, manufacturing, preparation and use of
1994). Because the parasite is chlorine resistant, con- food, water, or other substances to ensure that the food,
tamination could be spread to other produce via chlo- water or other substances are safe when consumed or
rinated wash water. However, in 2000 a food research used. The HACCP system incorporates safety control
association (CCFDRA) published an analysis of the risk into the design of the whole process rather than relying
posed to the food industry by Cryptosporidium con- solely on end-product testing. Therefore, the HACCP
294 R.M. Kirby et al. / Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299

Table 9
Overview of representative unit processes and operations used in water reclamation
Process Description Application
Solid/liquid separation
Sedimentation Gravity sedimentation of particulate matter, chemical floc, and Removal of particles from turbid water that are
precipitates from suspension by gravity settling larger than 30 lm
Filtration Particle removal by passing water through sand or other porous Removal of particles from water that are larger
medium than about 3 lm. Frequently used after sedi-
mentation or coagulation/flocculation
Biological treatment (wastewater)
Aerobic biological Biological metabolism of wastewater by microorganisms in an Removal of dissolved and suspended organic
treatment aeration basin or biofilm process matter from wastewater
Oxidation pond Ponds up to 1 m in depth for mixing and sunlight penetration Reduction of suspended solids, BOD, pathogenic
bacteria, and ammonia from wastewater
Biological nutrient Combination of aerobic, anoxic, and anaerobic processes to Reduction of nutrient content of reclaimed water
removal optimize conversion of organic and ammonia nitrogen to molec-
ular nitrogen (N2 ) and removal of phosphorus
Waste stabilization Pond system consisting of anaerobic, facultative and maturation Reduction of suspended solids, BOD, pathogens,
ponds ponds linked in series to increase retention time and ammonia from wastewater
Disinfection The inactivation of pathogenic organisms using oxidizing chem- Protection of public health by removal of
icals, ultraviolet light, caustic chemicals, heat, or physical separa- pathogenic organisms
tion processes (e.g. membranes)
Advanced treatment
Activated carbon Process by which contaminants are physically adsorbed onto the Removal of hydrophobic organic compounds
surface of activated carbon
Air stripping Transfer of ammonia and other volatile components from water to Removal of ammonia and some volatile organics
air from water
Ion exchange Exchange of ions between an exchange resin and water using a Effective for removal of cations such as calcium,
flow through reactor magnesium, iron, ammonium, and anions such as
Chemical coagulation Use of aluminium or iron salts, polyelectrolytes, and/or ozone to Removal of particles by sedimentation and
and precipitation promote destabilization of colloidal particles from reclaimed water filtration
and precipitation of phosphorus
Lime treatment The use of lime to precipitate cations and metals from solution Used to reduce scale-forming potential of water,
precipitate phosphorus, and modify pH
Membrane filtration Microfiltration, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration Removal of particles and microorganisms from
Reverse osmosis Membrane system to separate ions and particles from solution Removal of dissolved salts and minerals from
based on reversing osmotic pressure differentials solution; also effective for pathogen removal
Source: Adapted from Asano and Levine, 1998.

system provides a preventive and thus a cost-effective 4.5. Water reuse and recycling in the factory
approach to product safety. Initially created for the food
processing industry, HACCP has subsequently been In the factory, there are possibilities for increasing
applied to a number of different processes including water use efficiency and promoting water reuse. Water
drinking water treatment, aquaculture production, and reuse can be made more efficient by targeting the water
the use of sewage sludge in the agriculture industry quality requirements to the particular process. However
(Havelaar, 1994; Garrett, Lima dos Santos, & Jahncke, in many countries potable water use is a requirement for
1997; Godfree, 2000). all applications in food premises. Matching water
Access to a sufficient supply of safe water is essential quality requirements with the type of water use requires
in maintaining public health. In situations where there is an analysis of the critical control points and an evalu-
inadequate water, direct and indirect effects on health ation of the potential for contamination of the food
are observed. Poor hygiene, enforced by the lack of products. For example, using water of lower quality
water, results in the increased transmission of infectious might be appropriate for washing the factory floor but
disease (Black et al., 1981; EEA/WHO, 1997). A supply could pose a health risk if it is used for washing equip-
of potable water to factory workers is therefore impor- ment surfaces that come into contact with the food
tant in minimising the risk of contamination of food product. Therefore in addition to developing a frame-
products with infectious pathogens. work for water reuse in food production/processing,
R.M. Kirby et al. / Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299 295

Table 10
Examples of water reuse in food and beverage production
Process Potential water sources Possible water reusesa
Crop production Wastewater/sludge Aquaculture
Food processing Condensate water Direct preparation of product
Cooling water Product washing
Fluming water Production of ice, hot water, and steam
Equipment rinse water Air conditioning and humidity control
Product rinse water Starting-up, rinsing and cleaning of processing equipment
Permeates from membrane filtration Cleaning and disinfection of processing facilities
Sanitization water Boiler feed water and fire extinguishing
Source: CODEX Alimentarius Commission, 2000.
Different microbiological, chemical, physical, and organoleptic water quality standards will be required for each category of reuse to prevent
product contamination/deterioration and exposure of workers to potentially harmful contaminants.

where possible water reuse in the factory should be in-

tegrated into existing HACCP programs. logical or physical contaminants in amounts that
Water that is recycled will need to be treated to im- represent a health risk to the consumer;
prove its quality particularly when it comes into contact • Reuse water should not adversely affect the qual-
with food or beverage products or is used to clean sur- ity (flavour, colour, texture) of the product;
faces that will come in contact with the products (see • Reuse water intended for incorporation into a
Table 8). In 2000, the CODEX Alimentarius Commis- food product shall at least meet the micro-
sion published ‘‘Proposed Draft Guidelines for the Hy- biological and, as deemed necessary, chemical
gienic Reuse of Processing Water in Food Plants’’ (see specification for potable water. In certain cases
text box) (CODEX, 2000b). Some companies that find physical specifications may be appropriate;
themselves competing for increasingly scarce water • Reuse water shall be subjected to on-going mon-
supplies have found that it is more cost effective to treat itoring and testing to ensure its safety and qual-
and reuse their process water than to locate new supplies ity. The frequency of monitoring and testing are
(Wouters, 2001). Advanced water treatment technolo- dictated by the source of the water or its prior
gies (see text box) make it possible to treat water to a condition and the intended reuse of the water;
very high degree, significantly reducing potential health more critical applications normally require greater
risks associated with water recycling. It is even possible levels of reconditioning than less critical uses;
to treat wastewater to such a high degree that it can be • The water treatment system(s) chosen should be
safely used as a supplement to potable drinking water such that it will provide the level of recondition-
supplies––as the city of Windhoek, Namibia has done ing appropriate for the intended water reuse;
since 1968 (Haarhoff & van der Merwe, 1995). However, • Proper maintenance of water reconditioning sys-
treating water to such a degree is expensive. The quality tems is critical;
of the water and thus the degree of treatment required, • Treatment of water must be undertaken with
should correspond to the water use (see Tables 8 and knowledge of the types of contaminants the
10). Matching water quality requirements with the type water may have acquired from its previous use;
of water use requires careful analysis. Therefore devel- and
oping a framework based upon ‘‘fit for purpose’’ for • Container cooling water should be sanitised (e.g.,
water reuse in food production/processing would also chlorine) because there is always the possibility
benefit water recycling programmes. that leakage could contaminate the product.

Because water and food-borne diseases are often

CODEX Alimentarius Commission, ‘‘Proposed
closely linked it is important that water use and reuse in
Draft Guidelines for the Hygienic Reuse of Pro-
food production and processing be evaluated using the
cessing Water in Food Plants’’.
same HACCP approach.
Among other requirements the CODEX guide-
lines specify the following:

• Reuse water shall be safe for its intended use and 5. Conclusion
shall not jeopardise the safety of the product
through the introduction of chemical, microbio- To achieve sustainable water management both
the primary producers and food processors need to
296 R.M. Kirby et al. / Food Control 14 (2003) 283–299

recognise and engage in managing their roles as water Rule (USEPA, 1998) also includes HACCP-like strate-
consumers and polluters. A first step may be to use gies for reducing drinking water related disease (God-
available water more efficiently. As discussed, there is free, 2000). It is likely that further use of HACCP
large potential for increasing the efficiency of water use programmes in water treatment, water supply, and
in primary production and in food processing. Reducing water reuse processes will have similar results. Deere,
the amounts of water used may also correspond to a Stevens, Davison, Helm, and Dufour (2001) outline the
reduction in water pollution––particularly in primary development of a HACCP system for drinking water
production. and present some case studies for identifying critical
In recent yearÕs food producers have recognised the control points.
unsuitability of the end product testing approach with WHO has long recommended implementation of a
regard to pathogens either in raw materials or finished multiple barrier approach similar to HACCP for pro-
goods. This is largely due to recognition of the severe tecting public health. In the meantime food producer
limitations of among others the use of indicator organ- HACCP plans should anticipate and address the limi-
isms and sampling. General agreement exists amongst tations of the current safety control systems for water.
food processors that Quality Assurance systems based Fortunately for the food industry potential threats to
upon a preventative approach are more effective for consumer safety from contaminated water are often
assuring food safety than end product testing. HACCP mitigated to some degree by the subsequent downstream
is recommended as the QA tool to meet the current and processes (critical control points) such as filtration and
future demands of the worldÕs food supply (WHO, heat.
1993). Improved management of water resources will likely
There is a disparity between legislation requirements lead to more water reuse. Water reuse is already oc-
for food companies and companies supplying municipal curring in both primary production and in the factory.
water to the food industry. Water companies are cur- Safe water reuse requires rigorous management ap-
rently in a unique position as suppliers of raw materials proaches based on good science. Therefore, it will be
to the food-processing sector. EU legislation General important to ensure that safeguards are in place to
Food Hygiene Directive EU 93/43/EEC requires that maximize public health protection. WHO Guidelines for
HACCP principles be applied to all food processing the safe use of wastewater and excreta in agriculture and
operations. All suppliers to food processors must aquaculture provide a framework for producing food
therefore have HACCP Plans. The only exception is safely using reclaimed water.
water utilities. WHO Guidelines for drinking water quality set mi-
Application of HACCP systems in many different crobial and chemical quality targets for potable water.
manufacturing or treatment processes has led to more Water is currently classified as either potable or non-
efficient prevention of adverse health effects associated potable. It would seem perfectly possible to argue that
with the consumption or use of the products. For ex- what is important is suitability for intended use. The
ample, the implementation of an industry wide HACCP need exists for food companies to have a framework
program for seafood processors in the US is thought to based upon sound science to allow them to assess the
have averted 20–60% of the normal number of seafood- potential for optimising water use and for assessing the
borne illnesses (Birley & Lock, 1998). A similar program potential impact of changes in water quality on their
for the prevention of food-borne Listeriosis in the US business. This framework must be based upon accepted
reduced the incidence and mortality of this disease by risk assessment frameworks for chemical and micro-
44% and 49% respectively over a period of four years biological hazards and be compatible with current
(Billy, 1997). HACCP protocols. It is important that the food indus-
Limited evidence suggests that implementation of try work in collaboration with scientific experts and
HACCP-like processes will also reduce water-related non-governmental organisations to develop the neces-
disease incidence and outbreaks. For example, In the sary framework. In the future, therefore, guidelines may
United States of America disease outbreaks associated be based around evaluating suitability for use. Options
with drinking water supplied from surface water de- may include a scheme of water quality classification (i.e.,
creased from 31.8% of all drinking water outbreaks in not just potable and non-potable) based upon the po-
1995 1996 to 11.8% in 1997–1998 (Barwick, Levy, tential of the water to come into contact with food and
Craun, Beach, & Calderon, 2000). Much of this reduc- the likely outcomes of downstream food processing ac-
tion was attributed to a partnership between the US tivities.
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