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Here are the things you have to do in order to achieve your A.T.B.I.C.D.T.T.C.

1.Read this article

There are fool proof ways not to trip, everyone knows that. But efficient ones?
That’s a different story. Sure, not walking will ensure you don’t trip, but really, be
realistic. Here I will list the ways you can easily not trip.
This first one might be the easiest of all: Walk slowly with your legs together
at the knees. It may seem stupid, but ask yourself, Have I ever seen someone
walking like that trip? Of course you haven’t is the answer! But now ask yourself
THIS. Have I ever seen someone not walking like that trip? Well, sadly, you almost
definitely have. It happens somewhere in the world every day. I don’t mean to be
rude, but those people obviously didn’t think their walking strategy through.
If you have a big ego and worry about being seen walking that way, I fully
invite you to enjoy a life of skimmed knees and elbows. Oh, tell your friends about
this, will you? Just because you're egotistical doesn’t mean that they are, and they
might welcome my ways of bruise free knees.
Now, I won’t just leave you with one tip because after all, it is Trip-Tips, with
an S. Here one is: Keep your center of gravity low. In other words, stay low, duck
down. Walk on your knees if you’re really prone to tripping. People might stare if
someone waddles down the street, crouched, but hey, at least your legs are fine!

This class also teaches you how to save someone who’s about to trip. Yell at
the unlucky tripper to get their attention. Throw them the rope that you were just
randomly holding onto. In order to enhance the experience, push and pull at the
rope, exaggerating everything. Eventually, after at least five minutes of pushing and
pulling, you should do one final yank, pulling them towards you. Finally, hug them
and fake cry for a while, blubbering about how they almost died.
If you happen to trip (it’s very unlikely if you follow the standard procedure),
you should yell very loudly to get the attention of a passerby who’s holding a rope.
Also be alert for the yell of someone trying to save you. When you get passed a
rope, grab onto it and to the pushing/pulling thing again. When the final yank
happens, hug them and fake cry about how they saved your life.

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