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8th Week (Criminal Law) their seducer, while the daughters are living
with their parents.
a. What is Article 246?
Any person who shall promote or facilitate the
Art. 246. Parricide. — Any person who shall kill
prostitution of his wife or daughter, or shall
his father, mother, or child, whether legitimate
otherwise have consented to the infidelity of
or illegitimate, or any of his ascendants, or
the other spouse shall not be entitled to the
descendants, or his spouse, shall be guilty of
benefits of this article.
parricide and shall be punished by the penalty
of reclusion perpetua to death. d. What are the elements of death or physical
injuries inflicted under exceptional
b. What are the elements of parricide?
“Parricide is committed when:
(1) a person is killed;
1. A legally married person or parent
(2) the deceased is killed by the accused; surprises his spouse or daughter (the
latter must be under 18 and living with
(3) the deceased is the father, mother, or child, them) in the act of committing sexual
whether legitimate or illegitimate, or a intercourse with another person
legitimate other ascendant or other
descendant, or the legitimate spouse of 2. He/she kills any or both of them or
accused.” People v. Sales October 3, 2011 G.R. inflicts upon any or both of them any
No. 177218 serious physical injury in the act or
immediately thereafter
b.1. Discuss People v. Ignacio, G.R. No.
107801, 26 March 1997. 3. He has not promoted or facilitated the
prostitution of his wife or daughter, or
b.2. Discuss People v. Sales, G.R. No. that he has not consented to the
177218, 03 October 2011. infidelity of the other spouse.
c. What is Article 247? Notes:
Art. 247. Death or physical injuries inflicted 1. Article does not define or penalize a
under exceptional circumstances. — Any legally felony
married person who having surprised his spouse
in the act of committing sexual intercourse with 2. Not necessary that the parent be
another person, shall kill any of them or both of legitimate
them in the act or immediately thereafter, or
3. Article applies only when the daughter
shall inflict upon them any serious physical
is single
injury, shall suffer the penalty of destierro.
4. Surprise: means to come upon suddenly
If he shall inflict upon them physical injuries of
or unexpectedly
any other kind, he shall be exempt from
punishment. 5. Art 247 is applicable when the accused
did not see his spouse in the act sexual
These rules shall be applicable, under the same
intercourse with another person.
circumstances, to parents with respect to their
However, it is enough that
daughters under eighteen years of age, and
circumstances reasonably show that the


carnal act is being committed or has derailment or assault upon a street car or
been committed locomotive, fall of an airship, by means of
motor vehicles, or with the use of any other
6. Sexual intercourse does not include
means involving great waste and ruin.
preparatory acts
4. On occasion of any of the calamities
7. Immediately thereafter: means that the
enumerated in the preceding paragraph, or of
discovery, escape, pursuit and the
an earthquake, eruption of a volcano,
killing must all form parts of one
destructive cyclone, epidemic or other public
continuous act
8. The killing must be the direct by-
5. With evident premeditation.
product of the rage of the accused
6. With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly
9. No criminal liability is incurred when
augmenting the suffering of the victim, or
less serious or slight physical injuries
outraging or scoffing at his person or corpse.
are inflicted. Moreover, in case third
persons caught in the crossfire suffer f. What are the elements of murder?
physical injuries, the accused is not
1. That a person was killed.
liable. The principle that one is liable for
the consequences of his felonious act is 2. That the accused killed him.
not applicable because he is not
committing a felony 3. That the killing was attended by any of
the following qualifying circumstances
d.1. Discuss People v. Abarca, G.R. No.
74433, 04 September 1987 1. with treachery, taking
advantage of superior strength,
d.2. Discuss People v. Oyanib, G.R. No. with the aid or armed men, or
130634-35, 12 March 2001. employing means to weaken
the defense or of means or
e. What is Article 248?
persons to insure or afford
Art. 248. Murder. — Any person who, not impunity
falling within the provisions of Article 246 shall
2. in consideration of price,
kill another, shall be guilty of murder and shall
reward or promise
be punished by reclusion temporal in its
maximum period to death, if committed with 3. by means of inundation, fire,
any of the following attendant circumstances: poison, explosion, shipwreck,
stranding of vessel, derailment
1. With treachery, taking advantage of superior
or assault upon a street car or
strength, with the aid of armed men, or
locomotive, fall of airship, by
employing means to weaken the defense or of
means of motor vehicles or with
means or persons to insure or afford impunity.
the use of any other means
2. In consideration of a price, reward, or involving great waste or ruin
4. on occasion of any of the
3. By means of inundation, fire, poison, calamities enumerated in the
explosion, shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, preceding paragraph, or of an


earthquake, eruption of a homicide and be punished by reclusion

volcano, destructive cyclone, temporal.
epidemic or any other public
h. What are the elements of homicide?
1. That a person was killed.
5. with evident premeditation
2. That the accused killed him without any
6. with cruelty, by deliberately
justifying circumstances.
and inhumanely augmenting
the suffering of the victim or 3. That the accused had the intention to
outraging or scoffing at his kill, which is presumed.
person or corpse
4. That the killing was not attended by any
4. The killing is not parricide or infanticide. of the qualifying circumstances of
murder, or by that of parricide or
1. The victim must be killed in order to
consummate the offense. Otherwise, it
would be attempted or frustrated 1. Intent to kill is conclusively presumed
murder when death resulted. Hence, evidence
of intent to kill is required only in
2. Murder will exist with only one of the
attempted or frustrated homicide
circumstances. The other circumstances
are absorbed or included in one 2. There is no crime of frustrated homicide
qualifying circumstance. They cannot be through negligence
considered as generic aggravating
circumstances 3. When the wounds that caused death
were inflicted by 2 different persons,
3. Any of the qualifying circumstances even if they were not in conspiracy,
must be alleged in the information. each one of them is guilty of homicide
Otherwise, they will only be considered
as generic aggravating circumstances 4. In all crimes against persons in which
the death of the victim is an element,
4. Treachery and premeditation are there must be satisfactory evidence of
inherent in murder with the use of (1) the fact of death and (2) the identity
poison. of the victim
f.1. Discuss People v. Mapalo, G.R. No. h.1. Discuss Abella v. People, G.R. No.
172608, 06 February 2007. 198400, 07 October 2013.
g. What is Article 249? i. What is a tumultuous affray?
Art. 249. Homicide. — Any person who, not A tumultuous affray takes place when a quarrel
falling within the provisions of Article 246, shall occurs between several persons who engage in
kill another without the attendance of any of a confused and tumultuous manner, in the
the circumstances enumerated in the next course of which a person is killed or wounded
preceding article, shall be deemed guilty of and the author thereof cannot be
ascertained. The quarrel in the instant case is


between a distinct group of individuals, one of 2. if it is not known who inflicted

whom was sufficiently identified as the principal serious physical injuries on the
author of the killing, as against a common, deceased, all persons who used
particular victim. It is not, as the defense violence upon the person of the
suggests, a "tumultuous affray" within the victim.
meaning of Art. 251 of The Revised Penal Code,
j.1. Discuss People v. Wacoy, G.R. No.
that is, a melee or free-for-all, where several
213792, 22 June 2015.
persons not comprising definite or identifiable
groups attack one another in a confused and k. What are elements of physical injuries
disorganized manner, resulting in the death or inflicted in a tumultuous affray?
injury of one or some of them.
1. that there is a tumultuous affray as
j. What are the elements of death caused in a referred to in the preceding article.
tumultuous affray?
2. That a participant or some participants
1. That there be several persons. thereof suffer serious physical injuries
or physical injuries of a less serious
2. That they did not compose groups
nature only.
organized for the common purpose of
assaulting and attacking each other 1. that the person responsible therefor
reciprocally. cannot be identified.
3. That these several persons quarreled 2. That all those who appear to have used
and assaulted one another in a violence upon the person of the
confused and tumultuous manner. offended party are known.
4. That someone was killed in the course l. How is the crime of giving assistance to
of the affray. suicide committed?
5. That it cannot be ascertained who  Acts punishable:
actually killed the deceased.
1. Assisting another to commit suicide,
6. That the person or persons who whether the suicide is consummated or
inflicted serious physical injuries or who not
used violence can be identified.
2. Lending his assistance to another to
Notes: commit suicide to the extent of doing
the killing himself.
1. Tumultuous affray exists hen at least 4
persons take part in it  Notes:
2. When there are 2 identified groups of 1. A person who attempts to commit
men who assaulted each other, there is suicide is not criminally liable
no tumultuous affray
2. A pregnant woman who tried to commit
3. Persons liable are: suicide by means of poison but instead
of dying, the fetus in her womb was
1. person/s who inflicted serious
expelled, is not liable for abortion
physical injuries


3. Assistance to suicide is different from the people were, it is only alarm under
mercy-killing. Euthanasia/mk is the art 155.
practice of painlessly putting to death a
3. Usually, the purpose of the offender is
person suffering from some incurable
only to intimidate or frighten the
disease. In this case, the person does
offended party
not want to die. A doctor who resorts to
euthanasia may be held liable for 4. Intent to kill is negated by the fact that
murder the distance between the victim and
the offender is 200 yards
4. Penalty is mitigated if suicide is not
successful. 5. A person can be held liable for
discharge even if the gun was not
pointed at the offended party when it
m. What is Article 254? fired for as long as it was initially aimed
at or against the offended party.
Art. 254. Discharge of firearms. — Any person
who shall shoot at another with any firearm o. What is Article 255?
shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in
Art. 255. Infanticide. — The penalty provided
its minimum and medium periods, unless the
for parricide in Article 246 and for murder in
facts of the case are such that the act can be
Article 248 shall be imposed upon any person
held to constitute frustrated or attempted
who shall kill any child less than three days of
parricide, murder, homicide or any other crime
for which a higher penalty is prescribed by any
of the articles of this Code. If the crime penalized in this article be
committed by the mother of the child for the
n. What are the elements of discharge of
purpose of concealing her dishonor, she shall
suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its
1. that the offender discharges a firearm medium and maximum periods, and if said
against or at another person. crime be committed for the same purpose by
the maternal grandparents or either of them,
2. That the offender has no intention to
the penalty shall be prision mayor.
kill that person.
p. What are the elements of infanticide?
 Notes:
1. That a child was killed.
1. The offender must shoot at another
with any firearm without intention of 2. That the deceased child was less than
killing him. If the firearm is not three days (72 hours) of age.
discharged at a person, the act is not
3. That the accused killed the said child.
punished under this article
q. What is Article 256?
2. A discharge towards the house of the
victim is not discharge of firearm. On Art. 256. Intentional abortion. — Any person
the other hand, firing a gun against the who shall intentionally cause an abortion shall
house of the offended party at random, suffer:
not knowing in what part of the house


1. The penalty of reclusion temporal, if he shall 3. That the violence is intentionally

use any violence upon the person of the exerted.
pregnant woman.
4. That as a result of the violence that
2. The penalty of prision mayor if, without using fetus dies, either in the womb or after
violence, he shall act without the consent of the having been expelled therefrom.
3. The penalty of prision correccional in its
1. Unintentional abortion can also be
medium and maximum periods, if the woman
committed through negligence
shall have consented.
1. The accused can only be held
liable if he knew that the
r. What are the elements of intentional woman was pregnant
2. If there is no intention to cause
1. That there is a pregnant woman. abortion and neither was
violence exerted, arts 256 and
2. That violence is exerted, or drugs or
257 does not apply.
beverages administered, or that the
accused otherwise acts upon such
pregnant woman.
u. What is Article 258?
3. That as a result of the use of violence or
Art. 258. Abortion practiced by the woman
drugs or beverages upon her, or any
herself of by her parents. — The penalty of
other act of the accused, the fetus dies,
prision correccional in its medium and
either in the womb or after having been
maximum periods shall be imposed upon a
expelled therefrom.
woman who shall practice abortion upon
4. That the abortion is intended. herself or shall consent that any other person
should do so.

Any woman who shall commit this offense to

s. What is Article 257?
conceal her dishonor, shall suffer the penalty of
Art. 257. Unintentional abortion. — The prision correccional in its minimum and medium
penalty of prision correccional in its minimum periods.
and medium period shall be imposed upon any
If this crime be committed by the parents of the
person who shall cause an abortion by violence,
pregnant woman or either of them, and they
but unintentionally.
act with the consent of said woman for the
t. What are the elements of unintentional purpose of concealing her dishonor, the
abortion? offenders shall suffer the penalty of prision
correccional in its medium and maximum
1. That there is a pregnant woman. periods.
2. That violence is used upon such
pregnant woman without intending an
abortion. v. What are the elements of abortion practiced
by the woman herself or by her parents?


1. That there is a pregnant woman who x. What are the elements of abortion practiced
has suffered an abortion. by a physician or midwife?

2. That the abortion is intended. 1. That there is a pregnant woman who

has suffered an abortion.
3. That the abortion is caused by –
2. That the abortion is intended.
1. the pregnant woman herself
3. That the offender, who must be a
2. any other person, with her
physician or midwife, causes or assists
consent, or
in causing the abortion.
3. any of her parents, with her
4. That said physician or midwife takes
consent for the purpose of
advantage of his or her scientific
concealing her dishonor.
knowledge or skill.
1. Liability of the pregnant woman is
1. It is not necessary that the pharmacist
mitigated if the purpose is to conceal
knew that the abortive would be used
her dishonor. However, there is no
to cause abortion. What is punished is
litigation for the parents of the
the act of dispensing an abortive
pregnant women even if their purpose
without the proper prescription. It is
is to conceal their daughter’s dishonor
not necessary that the abortive be
2. In infanticide, parents can avail of the actually used
mitigating circumstance of concealing
2. If the pharmacist knew that the
the dishonor of their daughter. This is
abortive would be used to cause
not so for art 258
abortion and abortion results, he is
liable as an accomplice

w. What is Article 259?

Art. 259. Abortion practiced by a physician or y. What is a duel?

midwife and dispensing of abortives. — The
Duel: a formal or regular combat
penalties provided in Article 256 shall be
previously concerted between 2 parties
imposed in its maximum period, respectively,
in the presence of 2 or more seconds of
upon any physician or midwife who, taking
lawful age on each side, who make the
advantage of their scientific knowledge or skill,
selection of arms and fix all the other
shall cause an abortion or assist in causing the
conditions of the fight
z. Who are liable in a duel?
Any pharmacist who, without the proper
prescription from a physician, shall dispense any 1. Principals – person who killed or
abortive shall suffer arresto mayor and a fine inflicted physical injuries upon his
not exceeding 1,000 pesos. adversary, or both combatants in any
other cases

2. Accomplices – as seconds


aa. Who is a second? dd.1. Discuss Aguirre v. Secretary of

Justice, G.R. No. 170723, 03 March 2008.
Those persons who assist, direct, and support
others eugaged in fighting a duel. ee. When is physical injuries considered
serious physical injuries?
bb. What is challenging to a duel?
1. Injured person becomes insane,
1. Challenging another to a duel
imbecile, impotent or blind
2. Inciting another to give or accept a
2. Injured person –
challenge to a duel
1. loses the use of speech or the
3. Scoffing at or decrying another publicly
power to hear or to smell, loses
for having refused to accept a challenge
an eye, a hand, foot, arm or leg
to fight a duel
2. loses the use of any such
cc. What is Article 262?
3. becomes incapacitated for the
Art. 262. Mutilation. — The penalty of reclusion work in which he had been
temporal to reclusion perpetua shall be habitually engaged
imposed upon any person who shall
3. Injured person –
intentionally mutilate another by depriving him,
either totally or partially, or some essential 1. becomes deformed
organ of reproduction.
2. loses any other member of his
Any other intentional mutilation shall be body
punished by prision mayor in its medium and
3. loses the use thereof
maximum periods.
4. becomes ill or incapacitated for
the performance of the work in
dd. What are the elements of mutilation? which he had been habitually
engaged in for more than 90
1. There be a castration i.e. mutilation of
organs necessary for generation
1. Injured person becomes
2. Mutilation is caused purposely and
ill or incapacitated for
labor for more than 30
Notes: days (but not more
than 90 days)
1. In the first kind of mutilation, the
castration must be made purposely. Notes:
Otherwise, it will be considered as
1. Serious physical injuries may be
mutilation of the second kind
committed through reckless
2. Mayhem: refers to any other intentional imprudence or simple imprudence
2. There must be no intent to kill


3. Impotent should include inability to 13. Loss of the power to hear in the right ear is
copulate and sterility considered as merely loss of use of some other
part of the body
4. Blindness requires lost of vision in both
eyes. Mere weakness in vision is not 14. If the injury would require medical
contemplated attendance for more than 30 days, the illness of
the offended party may be considered as lasting
5. Loss of power to hear must involve both
more than 30 days. The fact that there was
ears. Otherwise, it will be considered as
medical attendance for that period of time
serious physical injuries under par 3
shows that the injuries were not cured for that
6. Loss of use of hand or incapacity of length of time
usual work in par 2 must be permanent
15. Under par 4, all that is required is illness or
7. Par 2 refers to principal members of the incapacity, not medical attendance
body. Par 3 on the other hand, covers
16. In determining incapacity, the injured party
any other member which is not a
must have an avocation at the time of the
principal part of the body. In this
injury. Work: includes studies or preparation for
respect, a front tooth is considered as a
a profession
member of the body, other than a
principal member 17. When the category of the offense of serious
physical injuries depends on the period of the
8. Deformity: means physical ugliness,
illness or incapacity for labor, there must be
permanent and definite abnormality.
evidence of the length of that period.
Not curable by natural means or by
Otherwise, the offense will only be
nature. It must be conspicuous and
considered as slight physical injuries
visible. Thus, if the scar is usually
covered by a dress, it would not be 18. There is no incapacity if the injured party
conspicuous and visible could still engage in his work although less
effectively than before
9. The loss of 3 incisors is a visible
deformity. Loss of one incisor is not. 19. Serious physical injuries is qualified when
However, loss of one tooth which the crime is committed against the same
impaired appearance is a deformity persons enumerated in the article on parricide
or when it is attended by any of the
10. Deformity by loss of teeth refers to injury
circumstances defining the crime of murder.
which cannot be impaired by the action of the
However, serious physical injuries resulting
from excessive chastisement by parents is not
11. Loss of both outer ears constitutes qualified serious physical injuries
deformity and also loss of the power to hear.
Meanwhile, loss of the lobule of the ear is only
a deformity ff. What is considered as a deformity?

12. Loss of the index and middle fingers is either Deformity is a condition of physical ugliness. It
a deformity or loss of a member, not a principal must be a permanent and conspicuous. The loss
one of his body or use of the same of the front teeth, the development of a
pigmented scar on the face, or the loss of the


pinna of the ear is considered deformities. 5. It falls under this article even if
However, the development of a scar in covered there was no incapacity but the
parts of the body may not be considered medical treatment was for 13
deformity because it is not a conspicuous and days

gg. What is Article 264?

ii. When is physical injuries considered slight
Art. 264. Administering injurious substances or physical injuries?
beverages. — The penalties established by the
1. That which incapacitated the offended
next preceding article shall be applicable in the
party for labor from 1-9 days or
respective case to any person who, without
required medical attendance during the
intent to kill, shall inflict upon another any
same period
serious, physical injury, by knowingly
administering to him any injurious substance or 2. That which did not prevent the
beverages or by taking advantage of his offended party from engaging in his
weakness of mind or credulity. habitual work or which did not require
medical attendance (ex. Black-eye)
hh. When is physical injuries considered less
serious physical injuries? 3. Ill-treatment of another by deed
without causing any injury (ex. slapping
1. That the offended party is incapacitated
but without causing dishonor)
for labor for 10 days or more (but not
more than 30 days), or needs medical jj. What is maltreatment?
attendance for the same period of time
to treat or handle badly, cruelly, or roughly;
2. That the physical injuries must not be abuse: to maltreat a prisoner.
those described in the preceding
articles Art. 235. Maltreatment of prisoners. — The
penalty of arresto mayor in its medium period
Notes: to prision correccional in its minimum period, in
addition to his liability for the physical injuries
Circumstances qualifying the offense:
or damage caused, shall be imposed upon any
1. when there is manifest intent to public officer or employee who shall overdo
insult or offend the injured himself in the correction or handling of a
person prisoner or detention prisoner under his charge,
by the imposition of punishment not authorized
2. when there are circumstances
by the regulations, or by inflicting such
adding ignominy to the offense
punishment in a cruel and humiliating manner.
3. when the victim is either the
If the purpose of the maltreatment is to extort a
offender’s parents, ascendants,
confession, or to obtain some information from
guardians, curators or teachers
the prisoner, the offender shall be punished by
4. when the victim is a person of prision correccional in its minimum period,
rank or person in authority, temporary special disqualification and a fine not
provided the crime is not direct exceeding 500 pesos, in addition to his liability
assault for the physical injuries or damage caused.


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