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Iron-Deficiency Anemia: Reexamining the Nature and

Magnitude of the Public Health Problem

An Analysis of Anemia and Pregnancy-Related Maternal Mortality1,2

Bernard J. Brabin,3 Mohammad Hakimi* and David Pelletier†
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, England and University of Amsterdam, Emma
Kinderziekenhuis, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands; *Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia; and †Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853

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ABSTRACT The relationship of anemia as a risk factor for maternal mortality was analyzed by using cross-
sectional, longitudinal and case-control studies because randomized trials were not available for analysis. The
following six methods of estimation of mortality risk were adopted: 1) the correlation of maternal mortality rates with
maternal anemia prevalence derived from national statistics; 2) the proportion of maternal deaths attributable to
anemia; 3) the proportion of anemic women who die; 4) population-attributable risk of maternal mortality due to
anemia; 5) adolescence as a risk factor for anemia-related mortality; and 6) causes of anemia associated with
maternal mortality. The average estimates for all-cause anemia attributable mortality (both direct and indirect) were
6.37, 7.26 and 3.0% for Africa, Asia and Latin America, respectively. Case fatality rates, mainly for hospital studies,
varied from ⬍1% to ⬎50%. The relative risk of mortality associated with moderate anemia (hemoglobin 40 – 80 g/L)
was 1.35 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.92–2.00] and for severe anemia (⬍47 g/L) was 3.51 (95% CI: 2.05– 6.00).
Population-attributable risk estimates can be defended on the basis of the strong association between severe
anemia and maternal mortality but not for mild or moderate anemia. In holoendemic malarious areas with a 5%
severe anemia prevalence (hemoglobin ⬍70 g/L), it was estimated that in primigravidae, there would be 9
severe-malaria anemia-related deaths and 41 nonmalarial anemia-related deaths (mostly nutritional) per 100,000
live births. The iron deficiency component of these is unknown. J. Nutr. 131: 604S– 615S, 2001.

KEY WORDS: ● pregnancy ● anemia ● mortality ● malaria ● iron deficiency

Maternal mortality continues to be a major health problem care facilities. Harrison (1989) has championed the arguments
in the developing world. Nearly 600,000 women die each year for developing improved pregnancy care to reduce maternal
as a result of complications of pregnancy and childbirth; most mortality in developing countries. In reports from Nigeria, he
of these deaths could be prevented with attainable resources has highlighted the importance of maternal anemia as a con-
and skills (WHO 1996). The worldwide maternal mortality tributory factor to maternal death (Harrison 1975, Harrison
ratio (annual number of deaths of women from pregnancy- and Rossiter 1985). In 1987, international agencies and lead-
related causes per 100,000 live births) is estimated to be 390 ers from 45 countries established the Safe Motherhood initia-
per 100,00 live births (Abousahr and Royston 1991). Most of tive with the goal of reducing half of maternal deaths by the
these occur in developing countries, where women have a risk year 2000 (World Bank 1993). A key component of Safe
of dying in pregnancy and childbirth that is 50 –100 times Motherhood is the eradication of anemia during pregnancy.
greater than that of women in the developed world (Starrs The WHO has produced estimates of the global burden of
1987). In the developing world, rates are as high as 700 per deaths attributable to anemia (all forms) in women of repro-
100,000 live births in many parts of Africa and in some ductive age (Murray and Lopez 1994). These are summarized
countries in south Asia. These large differences in risk are in Table 1. The total estimate is a minimum of 16,800 and
related primarily to differences in available obstetric care for maximum of ⬃28,000 annually with a greater risk of anemia-
women living in areas with inadequate antenatal and delivery related death in younger women.
The relationship of anemia as a risk factor for mortality is
derived mainly from cross-sectional studies and can be con-
Presented at the Belmont Meeting on Iron Deficiency Anemia: Reexamining
the Nature and Magnitude of the Public Health Problem, held May 21–24, 2000 in founded for several reasons. Most studies report hospital data,
Belmont, MD. The proceedings of this conference are published as a supplement often for moribund women, and there is limited attention to
to The Journal of Nutrition. Supplement guest editors were John Beard, The factors such as pregnancy hemodilution, hemoglobin rise in
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA and Rebecca Stoltzfus, Johns
Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD. late pregnancy, concurrent infection, hemorrhage, prior treat-
This article was commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO). ment or poor maternal nutritional status. In young women
The views expressed are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect living under endemic malaria conditions, especially in urban
those of WHO.
To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed. E- areas in which adults may have poor malaria immunity, severe
mail: malarial anemia and cerebral malaria may occur and can

0022-3166/01 $3.00 © 2001 American Society for Nutritional Sciences.


TABLE 1 timation of hemoglobin (Hb)4 or hematocrit, and analytical methods.

Hematocrit was converted to a Hb value by dividing by 3 and
Estimated anemia deaths (in thousands) in women of multiplying by 10. Studies that listed anemia as a direct cause of death
reproductive age1 were of particular value, permitting the estimate of the total number
of maternal deaths attributed to anemia. Data from the WHO com-
Region 15–29 y 30–44 y pilation of maternal mortality was reviewed and categorized by source
(hospital or community), direct or indirect cause of anemia, region
Developed (all) —2 — and number of studies available. Hemoglobin midpoint values were
Developing (all) 9.0 7.1 calculated when the range was available. For other studies, anemia
EME3 — — cut-off points were used below which proportional groups of women
FSE — — with anemia were defined.
India 3.5 1.0 Analyses. The definition of maternal death used in this review
China 1.5 3.0 was based on the 10th revision of the International Classification of
OAI 1.6 0 Diseases, which defines a maternal death as the death of a woman
SSA — — while pregnant or within 42 d of termination of pregnancy, regardless

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LAC — — of the duration and site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to
MEC — — or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not from
World 9.3 7.5 accidental or incidental causes (WHO 1992a).
Maternal deaths were also divided into two groups as follows: 1)
1 Source: World Bank (1993).
direct obstetric deaths, resulting from obstetric complications of the
2 A dash (—) indicates ⬍1000 deaths.
3 Abbreviations: EME, established market economies; FSE, formerly
pregnant state (pregnancy, labor and the puerperium), interventions,
omissions or incorrect treatment, or a chain of events resulting from
socialist economies; OAI; other Asia and islands; SSA, sub-Saharan
any of the above; and 2) indirect obstetric deaths, resulting from
Africa; LAC, Latin America and Caribbean; MEC, Middle Eastern cres-
previously existing disease or disease that developed during pregnancy
and was not due to direct obstetric causes but was aggravated by the
physiological effects of pregnancy.
For each of the studies selected, estimates of the relative risks and
rapidly lead to death (Granje et al. 1998). For these reasons, their 95% confidence intervals were calculated using established
methods. These were used with prevalence estimates to obtain pop-
most studies form an inadequate basis for determining how ulation-attributable risk (PAR) of anemia-related maternal mortality.
anemia relates causally to maternal survival in communities, Several case fatality studies could not be used in the risk analysis
and extrapolation from hospital delivery data must be consid- because they did not present mortality data for the less-anemic
ered an approximation that may be misleading. subjects in their study population. The formula for PAR is as follows:
Intervention studies with maternal mortality as an outcome
measure are required to determine causality, but these are very PAR ⫽ deaths related to anemia/total deaths
difficult to conduct for both ethical and logistic reasons. For
example, there are very few studies that did not use transfusion ⫽ 关Prev ⫻ 共RR ⫺ 1兲兴/兵1 ⫹ 关Prev ⫻ 共RR ⫺ 1兲兴其
as an emergency procedure in severely anemic women at term where Prev is the prevalence of anemia of a given severity and RR is
(Fullerton and Turner 1962). If transfusions are taken into the ratio of mortality in the anemic to mortality in the less anemic
account, then near-miss fatality could be an alternative out- (referent group).
come measured, but the true risk in such cases remains uncer- Methods of estimation. The following six methods of estimation
tain. In view of these difficulties, a number of alternative were adopted: 1) The correlation of maternal mortality rates with
approaches that independently assess this risk must be maternal anemia prevalence derived from national statistics in the
WHO compilation on anemia in the world. 2) The proportion of
adopted. Consistency between analyses of severe anemia and maternal deaths attributable to anemia. 3) The proportion of anemic
poor survival would add credence to the strength of a causal women who die (i.e., case fatality estimates) and how this risk varies
relationship. Several issues are related to estimating attribut- with anemia severity. 4) PAR of maternal mortality due to anemia. 5)
able risk for specific causes of anemia and in quantifying risk Adolescence as a risk factor for anemia related mortality. 6) Causes of
for moderately anemic women because less anemia may still anemia associated with maternal mortality.
contribute to death from other causes. Such information Definitions. Mild anemia was defined as Hb ⬍110 g/L, moderate
would be helpful for intervention decisions. anemia as ⬍70 g/L and severe anemia as ⬍50 g/L. The 110 g/L cut-off
value is based on international convention, whereas the other two
cut-off values are commonly used in the literature. The 50 g/L cut-off
value is related in part to functional consequences associated with
METHODS cardiac decompensation.
Identification of published studies. Published studies on the
relationship between anemia (defined by severity) and maternal mor- RESULTS
tality were identified using Medline, references in published papers,
Cochrane Review issues and personal communications. Unpublished Maternal mortality and anemia prevalence. A detailed
data from Nigeria available in a detailed hospital report by Lawson compilation of anemia prevalence in women published by
and Lister were reanalyzed and included in a separate summary of WHO includes estimates of maternal mortality from anemia
Nigerian data. Studies that included postnatal deaths up to 40 d were for nine selected countries (WHO 1992b). These estimates
included, although in practice few studies reported follow-up data range from 27 per 100,000 live births in India to 194 per
beyond delivery. 100,000 live births in a hospital-based study in Pakistan to 42
Selection of studies for inclusion in the analyses. Studies in- of 44 maternal deaths in Somalian refugee camps. The cut-off
cluded in the review were limited to cross-sectional, longitudinal and values for defining anemia vary for these studies as does anemia
case-control studies because no randomized controlled trials were
available for analysis. Attention was given to the assessment of prevalence in the communities in which these women live
possible biases in studies of mixed validity. Studies identified were
reviewed with regard to the following factors: maternal age, parity,
anemia severity, clinical presentation, gestational age, use of blood 4
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; Hb, hemoglobin; HIV, human immu-
transfusion, length of follow-up, etiological diagnosis, laboratory es- nodeficiency virus; PAR, population-attributable risk.

population prevalence estimates for all-cause anemia and ma-

ternal mortality ratios, and how does this differ between areas
with high and low maternal mortality?
The graph shown in Figure 1 uses data on anemia preva-
lence from the WHO tabulation of available information on
nutritional anemia in women (WHO 1992b), and maternal
mortality ratios reported by United Nations Children’s Fund
(1999) for the years 1990 –1997. Anemia prevalence values for
individual countries were selected by using the following cri-
teria: national data if available, altitude ⬍ 2000 m, not a
refugee population, survey completed after 1980, largest avail-
able sample size and actual (not estimated) prevalence avail-
able (Table 2). Anemia refers to Hb values ⬍110 g/L. The

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correlation between these two variables is highly significant
(Pearson correlation coefficient 0.561, P ⬍ 0.001). For eval-
uations of the goodness of fit for three models, i.e., linear,
quadratic and exponential, the coefficients of determination
were 0.315, 0.424 and 0.411 with F-values 19.3, 15., and 29.3,
respectively, indicating that the exponential (logarithmic)
FIGURE 1 Correlation of the prevalence of anemia in women and
model fits the data well.
the maternal mortality ratios per 100,000 live births for 44 countries. Considerable caution is required in interpreting the associ-
Log Y ⫽ 1.50 ⫹ 0.019X; R2 ⫽ 41.1%; P ⬍ 0.0001. CI: confidence ation shown in Figure 1 because confounding and correlates
interval; PI: predicted interval. that are based on country-level information may not neces-
sarily reflect the relationship at an individual level. There is a
strong possibility that the association may be driven by a large
(WHO 1992b). The WHO tabulation adopts the interna- number of data points in one quadrant of the scatterplot from
tional definition for anemia for pregnant women of ⬍110 g/L. one region (sub-Saharan Africa) that has high rates of mater-
The percentage below this value identifies the anemic popu- nal mortality, anemia and malaria, poor obstetric care and
lation, although no single value will separate all anemic from other confounders. Nevertheless the association is of interest;
all nonanemic women. What is the relationship between these it has not been described previously and may provide insight at

Maternal mortality ratios (MMR) and maternal anemia prevalence

MMR (per Anemia Sample MMR (per Anemia Sample

Country 100,000) prevalence size Country 100,000) prevalence size

% n % n

Africa Asia/Middle East

Burundi 1300 80 Random Indonesia 650 74 3300
Kenya 650 33 291 Philippines 280 48 158
Mozambique 1100 58 748 China 95 13 645
Tanzania 770 86 1317 Israel 7 16 559
Zambia 650 34 1911 Bangladesh 850 62 178
Algeria 220 42 222 India 570 88 3829
Sudan 660 36 121 Iran 120 8 169
Tunisia 170 38 — Pakistan 340 51 1571
Benin 990 55 126 Pacific
B. Fasso 930 24 30 Papua New Guinea 930 94 294
Gambia 1100 61 81 Vanuatu 280 41 1135
Liberia 560 78 547 Europe/USA
Niger 1200 47 360 United Kingdom 9 19 49
Nigeria 1000 47 95 Czechoslovakia Italy 15 23 664
Cameroon 550 8 90 Belgium 12 10 65
Chad 1500 37 112 France 10 0 83
S. Africa 230 33 229 Germany 15 15 233
Caribbean/S. America Netherlands 22 17 5000
Cuba 95 10 225 USA 12 26 796
Jamaica 120 62 National 12 28 Large
St Lucia 30 22 National
St Vincent 43 20 National
St Kitts/Nevis 130 43 3170
Bolivia 390 25 200
Brazil 220 32 1615
Guyana 190 63 19062
Peru 280 53 75

Maternal deaths and days of life lost due to severe anemia

All cause maternal Maternal deaths attributed Maternal mortality from Days of life lost from
Region mortality ratio1 (A) to anemia (%)2 (B) anemia (A ⫻ B)3 maternal anemia4

Africa 640 6.37 40.77 576,291

Asia 420 7.26 30.49 430,981
Latin America 270 3.00 8.10 114,495

1Per 100,000 live births.

2Derived from tabulations in World Health Organization 1991.
3Proportion of maternal deaths attributable to anemia ⫻ all cause maternal mortality ratio per 100,000.
4Days of maternal life lost per 100,000 live births per year due to death from anemia; (A ⫻ B ⫻ 38.7 [expectation of life in years at age 25 for a
West African country] ⫻ 365.25 [average days in a year]).

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national levels for programs designed to reduced maternal cause anemia and the days of life lost from maternal anemia. In
mortality. Africa, this mortality is fivefold higher than for Latin America.
The prevalence values are related to all-cause anemia and Within these regions, maternal mortality from anemia varies
no conclusions can be inferred in relation to iron-deficiency greatly among countries. For example, in community studies in
anemia. The WHO compilation separately lists a smaller num- Asia, values vary (per 100,000 live births) from 27 in India and
ber of studies that report serum iron concentrations and give 54 in Bangladesh to 194 in Pakistan and in Africa from 35 in
values below the norm (⬍9 ␮mol/L). Applying the same Senegal to 82 in Kenya (WHO 1991).
criteria for selection as for the anemia surveys, 17 studies were Within-country variation is also considerable. In the WHO
available for analysis along with the maternal mortality ratio. (1991) Global Factbook, only three countries worldwide listed
A positive correlation was observed that was not significant three or more studies giving values for maternal deaths attrib-
(Pearson correlation 0.415, P ⬎ 0.098). utable to anemia. These are Nigeria, Tanzania and India.
Few community studies are available that report anemia Table 4 shows the summary of data for these countries and
prevalence in women and the maternal mortality ratio for illustrates the widely inconsistent estimates of anemia-attrib-
large samples from the same cohort of women. A prospective utable mortality among studies in these selected countries.
rural community study in Malawi, in a malarious area, esti- There are a number of reasons for this. First, only two of the
mated the maternal mortality ratio as 398 (per 100,000 live Indian, one of the Tanzanian and none of the Nigerian studies
births) and found an anemia prevalence (hematocrit ⬍0.25) were community based. Second, estimates will vary according
in pregnancy of 6.2% for the same cohort (McDermott et al. to whether maternal deaths reflect differences in outcome
1996). between large tertiary referral hospitals and smaller district
The proportion of maternal deaths attributable to anemia. hospitals. Third, risk of death will alter depending on the
A detailed compilation of reports on the causes of maternal prevalence of hemoglobinopathies, malaria and nutritional
deaths attributable to anemia is published by WHO (1991). deficiency among populations within a country. Four of the
This lists 62 reports from 33 countries for which a proportion Nigerian studies, for example, selectively reported on maternal
is provided for maternal deaths attributable to anemia. Ane- deaths attributed mainly to hemoglobinopathies.
mia is listed as a direct cause of death in 26% of these reports The proportion of anemic women who die. The relation-
and as an indirect cause in the remainder. The definitions of ship of anemia and its correlates can best be examined in
anemia vary substantially between studies and many are based individuals. Acute onset of anemia during pregnancy will
on clinical assessment alone; most (88.5%) are hospital based, greatly increase the risk of death because this can lead to rapid
with a high proportion of complicated deliveries. cardiac decompensation. When the Hb concentration is ⬍ 80
Anemia was given as a direct cause of between 1 and 46% g/L, compensatory mechanisms fail, lactic acid accumulates
(mean 10.0%) of maternal deaths in 23 studies. Many reports and patients become breathless at rest. Cardiac failure may
did not include anemia as a cause of death; most were from occur when Hb is ⬍ 40 g/L, especially with twin pregnancies
Latin America, but 52 studies were from Africa and 45 from or splenomegaly (Fleming 1989b), and when anemia is not the
Asia. No study lists anemia both as a direct cause for severe primary cause of death, it may frequently be a contributory
cases and indirect cause for others, suggesting that the criteria
for attribution depend on the obstetrician’s perception of the
relative importance of anemia, with many listing anemia only TABLE 4
as an indirect cause. There is little documentation for the Anemia as a cause of maternal death1
criteria used in these clinical judgments.
The average estimates for all-cause anemia-attributable Percentage of deaths attributable
mortality (i.e., both direct and indirect) from these reports are to anemia
6.37, 7.26 and 3.00% for Africa, Asia, and Latin America, Number of
respectively. These regional estimates average considerable Country studies Mean Median Range
variation among countries. They correspond reasonably well
with three community-based studies from Africa (mean 7.3%) n
and four community-based studies from Asia (mean 9.4%)
Nigeria 19 8.0 4 1–46
(WHO 1991). Crude maternal mortality ratios from anemia Tanzania 9 9.1 9 1–15
can be calculated by using these values and regional estimates India 11 13.3 13 7–22
for the maternal mortality ratio. These estimates are given in
Table 3, which shows the maternal mortality ratio from all- 1 Data derived from World Health Organization 1991.

Pregnancy hematocrit levels and case fatality in Nigerian studies

Year Location Hematocrit Deaths Survivors Case fatality Reference

% n n %

1953–54 Ibadan1 4.5–8.0 6 17 26.09 Lawson and

9.0–13.0 7 54 13.72 Lister 1954
14.0–18.0 2 59 3.28
19.0–22.0 0 46 0.00
1957–58 Ibadan 5–72 5 4 55.56 Fullerton and
8–10 10 24 29.41 Turner 1962
11–13 3 36 6.12

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1957–68 Ahmadu Bello 7 158 4.24 Harrison 1975
14–18 3 153 1.92
19–26 1 244 0.41
⬍14 (transfused) 5 292 1.68
⬍14 (not transfused) 6 16 27.27
1961 Ibadan 5–8 4 12 25.0 Johnson and
9–12 5 68 6.85 Ojo 1967
13–16 1 59 1.67
17–20 0 57 0.00
21–24 0 28 0.00
Ahmadu Bello ⬍14 5 20 20.00 Harrison 1982
15–25 3 87 3.33
25–29 0 143 0.00
Ahmadu Bello3 ⬍14 11 111 9.02 Harrison and
15–20 10 175 5.42 Rossiter
20–25 20 221 8.30 1985
25–29 14 317 4.22
30–34 19 327 5.49
35–39 24 322 6.93
40–44 15 155 8.82
⬎45 8 28 22.22
1961–62 Ibadan ⬍15.5 4 132 2.94 Oja 1965

1 Deaths due to acute blood loss excluded.

2 Not treated by exchange transfusion.
3 Unbooked women.

factor. The distinction between anemia as a primary or con- transfusion greatly influence mortality risk in severely anemic
tributory factor for death is related to its acute and chronic women, and disparity among findings for individual countries
pattern of onset. Severe acute anemia can be a primary and could primarily reflect these differences. In this context, it is of
rapid cause of death, (e.g., in Nigeria) related to the acute value that there are seven studies for comparison from Nigeria
hemolysis of sickle cell disease (Lawson 1962), whereas alone, three of which are reports by Harrison and his col-
chronic anemias are considered to be frequent contributory leagues (Harrison 1975 and 1982, Harrison and Rossiter
factors, especially to the consequences of hemorrhage and 1985). Case fatality fell with transfusion from 27.3 to 1.7% in
infection. Iron-deficiency anemias may contribute to increased women with hematocrit values ⬍0.14. The Nigerian studies
morbidity and mortality by increasing maternal susceptibility are especially valuable because they allow assumed midpoints
to infection (Brock 1999). Because there is good documenta- to be calculated for each hematocrit category, and the results
tion that pregnant women are more susceptible to several represent findings from large teaching hospitals that are ter-
infections (Brabin 1985), further information is required to tiary referral centers in which adequate obstetric care facilities
determine how increased susceptibility to injection is related should be available. Also at the time these were undertaken,
to nutritional anemia. Increased infection risk could provide a maternal human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection was
plausible biological mechanism for increased mortality risk in not a confounder. A single report from India from a tertiary
moderately anemic women. facility also presents data that allow a midpoint to be calcu-
How can acute and chronic influences on mortality risk in lated (Table 6) (Sarin 1995). The data listed in Table 6 for the
anemic women be distinguished, and is there a threshold effect non-Nigerian studies mostly do not allow estimation of Hb
for anemia severity at which maternal mortality greatly in- midpoints nor provide case fatality estimates for very severe
creases? Tables 5 and 6 summarize available data on case anemia (Hb ⬍50 g/L).
fatality in relation to pregnancy hematocrit or Hb values. Figure 2 shows the plot of maternal case fatality against Hb
Nearly all of these studies are hospital based and report women level for studies from Tables 5 and 6 for which Hb midpoints
dying mainly in the perinatal period. Several provide no were available (Hb equals hematocrit divided by 3 and mul-
information on exclusions or duration of postpartum follow- tiplied by 100). Case fatality ranges from ⬍1% to ⬎50% and
up. The proportion of women treated by transfusion is unclear mortality increases with extremely low Hb levels (⬍30 g/L).
except for five studies (Cheng-Chi et al. 1981, Fullerton and This result is driven by four data points from Ibadan, Nigeria,
Turner 1962, Harrison 1975, Harrison and Rossiter 1985, Isah in mid-century, with Hb levels ⬍25 g/L. If these four points
et al. 1985). Differences in available obstetric care and blood are excluded, there is no apparent relationship between Hb

Pregnancy hemoglobin (Hb) levels and case fatality in non-Nigerian studies

Year Location Hb Deaths Survivors fatality Reference

g/L n n %

1935 Ceylon Hookworm ⫹ve 30 691 4.16 Wickramasuriya 1937

Marked pallor
1953–58 Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) ⬍651 21 1205 1.71 Tasker 1958
1953–62 Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) ⬍652 35 2215 1.58 Llewellyn-Jones 1965
1977–80 Indonesia (urban and rural) ⬍100 — — 0.72 Cheng-Chi et al. 1981
1964–73 India (Calcutta) ⬍70 87 2378 3.53 Konar et al. 1980

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1982–94 India (Punjab) 117 8231 1.40 Sarin 1995
70–109 184 19462 0.94
⬎110 38 10533 0.36
1985–86 Zambia (Ndola) ⬍70 0 11 0.0 Fleming 1989a
1985–87 Papua New Guinea ⬍80 1 64 1.54 Brabin et al. 1990
1989–91 Gambia ⬍75 2 199 1.0 Foord et al. 1992
1989–90 Guinea (Konakry) Symptomatic 59 128 31.55 Thonneau et al. 1992
1991–93 Guinea (Konakry) ⬍110 12 1396 0.85 Diallo et al. 1995
1990–91 Kenya ⬍60 6 67 8.21 Zucker et al. 1994
1993–94 Malawi ⬍803 2 362 5.49 Verhoeff et al. 1999,

1 Transfusion rarely used; Hb distribution mean ⫽ 47.2 g/L.

2 Transfusion rarely used; Hb distribution mean ⫽ 49.4 g/L.
3 Hb distribution mean 70 g/L.

levels and case fatality rates among the remaining data points. (Brabin 1983). However, in a recent study in Malawi, the
For the studies listed in Tables 5 and 6, few details are attributable risk of anemia in pregnancy was greater for iron
provided on the etiology of anemia, the relative contribution deficiency than malaria (Verhoeff et al. 1999).
of acute or chronic disease, coexisting conditions, exclusions, Population-attributable risk of maternal mortality due to
percentage transfused and other aspects of obstetric care. anemia. Attributable risk can be a useful summary statistic
These factors can create both positive and negative confound- for describing the effect of a risk factor on mortality at the
ing. No details on iron-deficiency anemia are provided, al- population level. However, the more severe anemia becomes,
though Llewellyn-Jones (1965) stated that aggressive paren- the more likely it is to have multiple causes and not be due to
teral iron was their main form of therapy. Fullerton and Turner iron or nutritional deficiency alone. This creates difficulties in
(1962) in Nigeria mention the importance of hookworm coin- establishing attributable risk, particularly across populations
fection and Wickramasuriya (1937) in Ceylon stratified case whose epidemiological background and disease exposure may
fatality by the presence or absence of hookworm infection and be very different. This problem was addressed by Pelletier and
showed significantly higher risk of death in infected women colleagues (1993) in discussing the epidemiological evidence
who presumably had chronic iron-deficiency anemia, [relative for a potentiating effect of malnutrition on child mortality.
risk 2.1; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.3–3.4]. Most reports Causality should be inferred only in the light of the con-
were from malarious areas, and malaria is an important con- sistency of the epidemiological evidence, and in the present
tributor to pregnancy anemia, especially in primigravidae discussion, terms such as PAR are meant to refer only to
statistical associations. Rush (2000) estimated relative risks for
anemia-attributable maternal mortality and discussed in detail
the limitations of several of the studies cited in Tables 5 and
6. On the basis of evidence available, he considered it a
reasonable working assumption that maternal mortality is
greatly increased with severe anemia, and the strength of the
relationship made it appropriate to assume a causal association
with severe anemia but that the association with moderate
anemia was less clear.
By way of deriving the most reliable estimates of the effects
of moderate anemia, the relative risks from five of the studies
that had adequate data were calculated using only internal
reference values and mutually exclusive categories of Hb con-
centrations. These estimates are shown in Tables 7 and 8. For
the moderate Hb range (40 – 80 g/L), there is no consistency in
the relative risk estimates among the five studies although all
are from one country (Nigeria). The table also highlights the
small sample size for most of these analyses, suggesting caution
FIGURE 2 Case fatality in relation to maternal hemoglobin (Hb, in drawing inferences from these individual values. When the
g/L). data from all five studies are pooled, the relative risk of

Relative risk of maternal mortality for moderate anemia using five Nigerian studies with adequate data

Moderate Relative risk

Study reference hemoglobin range Deaths Survivors (95% CI)

g/L n n

Ibadan (Johnson and Ojo 1967) 40–69 2 117 —

ⱖ 80 (reference) 0 27
Ahmadu Bello (Harrison and Rossiter 1985) 47–80 30 426 1.16
ⱖ 80 (reference)1 72 1193 (0.77–1.75)
Ahmadu Bello (Isah et al. 1985) 45–60 2 59 —
ⱖ 60 (reference) 0 45

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Ahmadu Bello (Harrison 1975) 47–63 3 156 4.62
ⱖ 63 (reference) 1 244 (0.49–44.1)
Ahmadu Bello (Harrison 1982) 47–80 3 90 4.61
ⱖ 80 (reference) 1 142 (0.49–43.7)
Mantel Haenszel weighted relative risk 1.35

1 Hemoglobin ⬎150 g/L excluded.

mortality associated with moderate anemia was estimated to be million. In this group of adolescents (10 –19 y), the WHO has
1.35 (95% CI: 0.92–2.00). The lack of a significant association estimated that anemia prevalence (Hb ⬍110 g/L) is 16% in
arises in part because mortality risk in the referent groups was less-developed countries but 45% in Africa (DeMaeyer and
not low and none of these groups were nonanemic. The Adiels-Tegman 1985). The risk of anemia is high in teenage
relative risk of maternal mortality for severe anemia (⬍47 g/L) primigravidae in developing (Arkutu 1979, Barr et al. 1998,
for the same five studies was significantly increased at 3.51 Fazio-Tirrozo et al. 1998) and developed countries (Beard
(95% CI: 2.05– 6.00) (Table 8). 1994, Osbourne et al. 1981). Maternal deaths in a community
Estimates of PAR derived from these data are shown in study using verbal autopsy in Tanzania showed no association
Table 9. The PAR value of 31% reported by Zucker et al. with maternal age (Macleod and Rhode 1998). These authors
(1994) for a group of women with a 6% severe anemia prev- did not examine whether maternal deaths related to anemia
alence (Hb ⬍60 g/L) is higher than the estimated value for were more common in adolescents. In a large hospital-based
severe anemia at this prevalence from Table 9 (⬃13%). A best study in Northern Nigeria, a higher maternal mortality from
estimate of the actual prevalence of severe anemia in many severe anemia (43%) was compared in very young (⬍15 y)
developing countries is likely to be ⱕ5%. Pending further adolescent, older adolescent and nonadolescent pregnant
studies, the only PAR estimates that could be defended would women (⬍10%) (Harrison 1989). Lawson and Lister (1954) in
be based on the strong association between severe anemia and an early Nigerian study of 188 moderately anemic women (Hb
maternal mortality. ⬍70 g/L) observed a case fatality of 1.89% in adolescent
Adolescence as a risk factor for anemia-related mortality. pregnancies compared with 8.89% in nonadolescent women
Over half of the world’s population is ⬍25 y old and ⬎80% of (␹2 ⫽ 2.9, P ⬍ 0.1). Only 3 of the 53 adolescents were ⬍16
the world’s youth live in developing countries. In the mid- y old.
1990s, the global teenage population was estimated at 513 In an early study from Guyana of the pattern of mortality

Relative risk of maternal mortality for severe anemia using five Nigerian studies with adequate data

Severe hemoglobin Relative risk

Study reference range Deaths Survivors (95% CI)

g/L n n

Ibadan (Johnson and Ojo 1967) 27–39 4 73 —

ⱖ 80 (reference) 0 27
Ahmadu Bello (Harrison and Rossiter 1985) ⱕ47 11 111 1.58
ⱖ80 (reference)1 72 1193 (0.86–2.91)
Ahmadu Bello (Isah et al. 1985) ⬍45 13 68 —
ⱖ 60 (reference) 0 45
Ahmadu Bello (Harrison 1975) ⬍47 7 158 10.39
ⱖ 63 (reference) 1 244 (1.3–83.7)
Ahmadu Bello (Harrison 1982) ⬍47 5 20 28.60
ⱖ 80 (reference) 1 142 (3.5–235)
Mantel Haenszel weighted relative risk 3.51

1 Hemoglobin ⬎150 g/L excluded.


TABLE 9 reasonable because in areas of high transmission, a large num-

ber of studies have confirmed that P. falciparum malaria and
Population attributable risk of maternal mortality for moderate anemia are more frequent in primigravidae (Brabin 1983).
and severe maternal anemia Figure 3 shows the relative risk for anemia in first compared
with later pregnancies at different Hb cut-off values using data
Anemia Moderate anemia Severe anemia derived from studies in malarious areas of Africa and Papua
prevalence hemoglobin hemoglobin
New Guinea. The figure is derived from a previous estimate of
% 40–80 g/L 27–47 g/L this excess risk (Brabin and Rogerson 2001) but includes
additional studies (Isah et al. 1985, Lawson and Lister 1964)
5 0.017 0.111 not identified at the time of the earlier analysis. The goodness
10 0.034 0.201 of fit shows a highly significant association for a quadratic
15 0.050 0.273 model (R2 ⫽ 0.996; P ⫽ 0.0041). This model indicates that, in
20 0.065 0.334 malarious areas, there is only a small excess of mild anemia in
25 0.080 0.386
primigravidae compared with multigravidae. A larger excess is

Downloaded from by guest on 03 March 2019

30 0.095 0.430
35 0.109 0.468 observed with moderate and severe anemia (Hb ⬍80 g/L:
40 0.123 0.499 relative risk, 1.55, 95% CI: 1.4 –1.7; Hb ⬍7: relative risk 1.86,
95% CI: 1.6 –2.1). The PAR values of anemia due to malaria
in primigravidae derived from this method are given in Table
10, which shows that ⬃1 in 6 cases of severe anemia (Hb ⬍70
after the eradication of hyperendemic malaria (Giglioli 1972), g/L) and 1 in 25 cases of mild anemia (⬍110 g/L) can be
100 deaths were recorded for pregnant women in 1937–1966. attributed to malaria in primigravidae. Table 10 also shows
Of these women, 24% were ⬍20 y old and none was ⬎40 y PAR values derived using a second method based on the
old. There was a marked reduction in the incidence of such presence or absence of P. falciparum parasitemia. There is
deaths in successive periods of improved malaria control. Ane- reasonable agreement between PAR calculations using these
mia related to hookworm infection was given as the primary two different methods. These are consistent with results from
cause in 4 of these deaths. No information was provided on the a randomized controlled trial of antimalarial drugs in Kenya
incidence of severe malarial anemia. (Shulman et al. 1999).
There is a scarcity of data on adolescent mortality and If 5–10% of severe anemias (Hb ⬍70 g/L) in primigravidae
severity of anemia in developing countries. Presumably, onset are assumed to be due to sickle cell disease in sub-Saharan
of nutritional anemia at an early age results in chronic anemia Africa and 18% due to malaria (from Table 10), then the
that perpetuates any risk of anemia-related mortality through remaining 75% of cases would be attributable mainly to iron,
subsequent pregnancies. Effective antenatal care may reduce folate, vitamin A and vitamin B-12 deficiencies or HIV infec-
these risks because more frequent antenatal care visits for tion. In the Nigerian studies summarized in Table 5, HIV was
pregnant adolescents in Malawi correlated with a significant not a contributing factor because all of these surveys were
reduction in the prevalence of severe anemia (Brabin et al. completed before 1962. Nutrient deficiencies were therefore
1998). the major contributors.
Causes of anemia associated with maternal mortality. Cause-specific mortality in primigravidae related to severity
Anemia in pregnancy in women in developing countries is of anemia can be calculated using the following formulas:
multifactorial in etiology. Iron- and folate-deficiency anemias
are common. The former are related to nutritional deficiency P ⫻ 共PAR m) ⫻ (CFR)
and intestinal helminthic infections and the latter to poor ⫽ maternal mortality from malaria anemia
intake and chronic hemolytic states. Hemolytic anemia, to a
greater or lesser degree, is commonly seen during pregnancy in
malarious areas of developing countries. The observation that
severe anemia is greatly reduced in patients who have received
regular malaria prophylaxis during pregnancy (Fleming et al.
1986, Garner and Brabin 1994, Shulman et al. 1999) indicates
that it is related to chronic infection with Plasmodium falcipa-
rum malaria. It is therefore not surprising to find that the
number of patients admitted with severe anemia is highest
during the months after the rainy season (Fleming 1970,
Verhoeff et al. 1999).
Hemolysis as a factor in the development of megaloblastosis
in folate-deficiency anemia has been demonstrated by Chana-
rin et al. (1959) and P. falciparum infection is an important
cause in holoendemic malarious areas (Fleming et al. 1986). A
further group of patients who contribute to these severe he-
molytic anemias are those with sickle cell disease. This group
accounted for ⬍10% of all cases in Ibadan, Nigeria (Fullerton
and Watson-Williams 1962). What proportion of the remain-
der of severe anemias can be attributed to either malaria or
iron deficiency or both?
One approach to estimating the malaria-attributable ane-
mia component is to calculate this anemia excess in primi- FIGURE 3 Relative risk for different severities of anemia in primi-
gravidae compared with multigravidae and attribute this ex- gravidae compared with multigravidae. Y ⫽ 7.48 ⫺ 1.2X ⫹ 0.056X2, R2
cess to their greater exposure to malaria. This assumption is ⫽ 99.6%; P ⫽ 0.004. Hb, hemoglobin; CI: confidence interval.

Population-attributable risk (PAR) estimates (%) due to Deaths attributable to iron deficiency anemia (all forms) in
malarial anemia in primigravidae using two different methods women 15– 44 y old1,2
of calculation
Deaths 1990 Deaths 2000 (projected)
Method for calculation of PAR
Number Rate (per Number Rate (per
Anemia risk in parasitemic Region (thousands) 100,000) (thousands) 100,000)
Anemia risk in
Hemoglobin primigravidae compared to non-parasitemic
cut-off value, compared with EME 0 0.2 0 0.1
g/L multigravidae1 Papua New Guinea2 Malawi3 FSE 0 0.2 0 0.1
India 5 2.8 2 0.9
China 4 1.3 1 0.4
⬍110 3.9 3.3 1.8
OAI 4 2.2 2 0.8
⬍100 3.8 — —

Downloaded from by guest on 03 March 2019

SSA 2 2.2 1 0.9
⬍90 6.1 — —
LAC 3 2.6 1 1.2
⬍80 12.1 14.52 14.63
MEC 2 1.9 1 0.8
⬍70 18.0 — —
World 20 1.7 8 0.7
1 From Figure 3. Assumes the proportion of primigravidae among
1 Source: Global Health Statistics by Murray and Lopez (World Bank
pregnant women is 25%.
2 From Brabin et al. (1990). 1993).
2 Abbreviations: EME, established market economies; FSE, formerly
3 From Verhoeff et al. (1999).
socialist economies; OAI, other Asia and islands; SSA, sub-Saharan
Africa; LAC, Latin American countries; MEC, Middle Eastern crescent.

P ⫻ 共1 ⫺ PAR m) ⫻ (CFR)
nant women in the denominator population, whereas the
⫽ maternal mortality from nonmalarious anemia estimate in this analysis is per 100,000 live births in primi-
where P is the prevalence of severe anemia, PARm and (1- gravidae. The difference between these estimates highlights
PARm) are the PAR estimates, respectively, for malarial and the fact that the risks for anemia-related mortality are greater
nonmalarial severe anemia in primigravidae, and CFR is the for the pregnant population and include several nutritional
case fatality rate (taken as 1.0% from Fig. 2). Through the use factors other than iron deficiency.
of this formula, then, in a holoendemic malarious area with a These calculations suggest that nutritional deficiency is a
5% severe anemic prevalence (Hb ⬍70 g/L), there would be 9 major component of severe anemia deaths even in malarious
severe malaria anemia-related deaths per 100,000 live births to areas. The calculations were based on primigravidae, but this
primigravidae and 41 nonmalarial anemia-related deaths (Ta- conclusion should apply to multigravidae, who are less suscep-
ble 11). tible to malarial infection and may have a higher prevalence of
Table 12 summarizes deaths attributable to iron-deficiency nutritional deficits and iron-deficiency anemia than primigrav-
anemia (all forms) in women 15– 44 y old and published by idae (Isah et al. 1985).
WHO (1993) as part of their Global Burden of Disease Statistical
Reports. The mortality rates per 100,000 attributable to iron- DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
deficiency anemia were ⬍ 2.8 per 100,000 population for the The more severe the anemia, the more likely it is to have
regional estimates in 1990, and projected deaths were lower for multiple causes and not be related solely to iron deficiency.
the year 2000. The estimate for sub-Saharan Africa (2.2 per This creates difficulties in establishing attributable risk. Be-
100,000 population) is much lower than the value derived cause several factors contribute to the prevalence and severity
above for nonmalarial pregnancy-related anemia mortality (41 of anemia, it cannot be assumed that distinct epidemiological
per 100,000 live births). The difference is influenced by the parameters predict the effect of anemia on maternal mortality.
method of calculation, which, for the global burden of disease This is a difficulty in an analysis that aims to identify specific
estimate, includes the total number of pregnant and nonpreg- components of attributable risk. The specific nonmalarial
components (mainly nutritional) of this attributable risk can
be estimated, but the proportion of these related specifically to
TABLE 11 iron-deficiency anemia, while uncertain, could be substantial.
Because moderate anemias are common and less strongly
Malaria and nonmalarial factors contributing to severe anemia
associated with malaria, nutritional deficiency anemias would
mortality in primigravidae living in malarious areas1 comprise the larger component of anemia-attributable mater-
nal mortality. This result highlights the need to determine
Severe anemia (hemoglobin ⬍70 g/L)
prevalence as proportion Malarial Nonmalarial mechanisms by which nutritional deficiency anemia, espe-
cially iron deficiency, could increase maternal mortality. Nu-
0.05 9.02 412 tritional deficiency may impair immune responsiveness, and in
0.06 10.1 49 nonpregnant women, iron-deficiency anemia has been associ-
0.07 12.6 57 ated with increased risk of death from circulatory disease
0.08 14.4 66 (Elwood et al. 1974). Iron deficiency is likely to be a major
0.09 16.2 74
0.10 18.0 82
contributory cause, although vitamin A deficiency could also
be important. Routine supplementation with vitamin A in a
1 PARm ⫽ 0.18 (taken from Table 10); 1-PARm ⫽ 0.82; case fatality large trial in Nepal reduced maternal mortality, but the mech-
rate taken as 1.0%. anisms were poorly defined and not obviously attributable to
2 Per 100,000 live births in primigravidae. anemia reduction (West et al. 1999). Folate deficiency may

also be important (Baily 1995). HIV infection, which is com- the declining level of Hb in some patients meant that they
mon in some pregnant populations in Africa and in some reached a point of no return and would die however they were
studies has been associated with lower Hb levels, could en- treated. Fifty years later, maternal and fetal losses are still
hance the effect of nutritional deficits on mortality risk. unacceptably high, although today we have better ways of
Figure 2 showed that high Hb values (⬎130 g/L) were preventing women from reaching that point of no return.
associated with slightly increased mortality risk. This result
was obtained through the inclusion of the data of Harrison and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Rossiter (1985), which showed a marked increase in mortality
risk in women with hematocrits ⬎0.45. The explanation for We thank James Bunn for finding the early report by Professor
this is not known but could be related in part to dehydration John Lawson and U. Lister (1953–1954), Jean Taylor for expert
and hemoconcentration in emergencies. Mortality in nonpreg- secretarial assistance and several colleagues for kindly helping with
nant Caucasian women with high hematocrits was attributed data sources and references.
to higher cholesterol and blood viscosities in such subjects and
was related in part to cardiovascular disease (Elwood et al.

Downloaded from by guest on 03 March 2019

1974). Similar mechanisms may apply in women from devel-
oping countries, but some caution is required in interpreting Abouzahr, C. & Royston, E. (1991) Maternal mortality: a global factbook. World
Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
this observation because the result is from a single study. Arkutu, A. A. (1979) Pregnancy and labour in Tanzanian primigravidae aged 15
There is almost no evidence that the treatment of anemia years and under. Int. J. Gynaecol. Obstet. 16: 128 –131.
other than with exchange transfusion (Fullerton and Turner Bailey, L. B., ed. (1995) Folate in Health and Disease. Marcel Dekker, New
York, NY.
1962) or judicious use of blood transfusion (Lawson and Lister Barr, F., Brabin, L., Agbaje, S., Buseri, F., Ikimalo, J. & Briggs, N. (1998)
1954), or treatment of acute severe malarial anemia (Gilles et Reducing iron deficiency anaemia due to heavy menstrual blood loss in
al. 1969) lowers risk of maternal mortality. A controlled in- Nigerian rural adolescents. Public Health Nutr. 1: 249 –257.
Beard, J. L. (1994) Iron deficiency: assessment during pregnancy and its
tervention trial would be a stronger approach, but this would importance in pregnant adolescents. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 59 (suppl.): 5025–
require a very large sample size and may not be ethically 5105.
acceptable. Thus, indirect methods of analysis are of particular Brabin, B. J. (1983) An analysis of malaria in pregnancy in Africa. Bull. WHO
61: 1005–1016.
relevance in demonstrating the strength of associations of Brabin, B. J. (1985) Epidemiology of infection in pregnancy. Rev. Infect. Dis. 7:
anemia with maternal mortality. There are several limitations 579 – 603.
to this approach that have been mentioned previously, not Brabin, B. J., Ginny, M., Sapau, J., Galme, K. & Paino, J. (1990) Consequences
least that the methods of Hb measurement vary (methods of maternal anaemia on outcome of pregnancy in a malaria endemic area of
Papua New Guinea. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 84: 11–24.
include Sahli, Talquist, hematocrit, hemacue, Coulter counter Brabin, B. J. & Rogerson, S. (2000) The epidemiology and outcome of mater-
techniques and use of optical spectrophotometers). However, nal malaria. In: Malaria in Pregnancy: Deadly Parasite Susceptible Host (Duffy,
this analysis has identified a large number of reports and the P. & Fried, M., eds.). Harwood Academic Publishers, Newark, NJ (2001).
Brabin, L., Verhoeff, F. H., Kazembe, P., Brabin, B. J., Chimsuku, L. & Broadhead,
strength of statistical associations can be adequately tested. R. (1998) Improving antenatal care for pregnant adolescents in southern
Estimates of PAR can be defended on the basis of the strong Malawi. Acta Obstet. Gynaecol. Scand. 77: 402– 409.
association between severe anemia and maternal mortality, Brock, J. H. (1999) Iron and the immune system. In: Iron and Infection, 2nd ed.
(Bullen, J. J. & Griffiths, E., eds.). John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY.
but not for mild or moderate anemia. The policy implications Chanarin, I., Dacie, J. V. & Mollin, D. L. (1959) Folic acid deficiency in haemo-
of this are, first, that some reduction in maternal mortality lytic anaemia. Br. J. Haematol. 5: 245–256.
should be achievable in developing countries through reduc- Cheng-Chi, I., Agoestina, T. & Harbin, J. (1981) Maternal mortality at twelve
teaching hospitals in Indonesia—an epidemiologic analysis. Int. J. Gynaecol.
tion in severe maternal anemia, with the greatest effect result- Obstet. 19: 259 –266.
ing from reductions in both malaria and nutritional anemias. DeMaeyer, E. & Adiels-Tegman, M. (1985) The prevalence of anaemia in the
This conclusion contrasts with the situation in Western coun- world. World Health Stat. Q. Rep. 38: 302–316.
Diallo, M. S., Diallo, T. S., Diallo, F. B., Diallo, Y., Camara, A. Y. & Onivogui, G.
tries, where neither historical review nor review of obstetric (1995) Anémie et grossesse. Rev. Fr. Gynecol. Obstet. 90: 138 –141.
literature identified a plausible contribution of nutritional Elwood, P. C., Waters, W. E., Bentjamin, I. T. & Sweetnam, P. M. (1974)
factors to the decline in maternal mortality (Ronsmans et al. Mortality and anaemia in women. Lancet 1: 891– 894.
1999). The size of this effect is likely to be small unless there Fazio-Tirrozo, G., Brabin, L., Brabin, B., Agbaje, O., Harper, G. & Broadhead, R.
(1998) A community based study of vitamin A and vitamin E status of
is a very high prevalence of severe anemia in the population. adolescent girls living in the Shire Valley, Southern Malawi. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr.
However, the evidence is insufficient for or against treatment 52: 637– 642.
of iron-deficiency anemia as a preventive measure for maternal Fleming, A. F. (1970) Seasonal incidence of anaemia in pregnancy in Ibadan.
Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 23: 224 –230.
mortality. Second, with good antenatal and obstetric care, Fleming, A. F. (1989a) The aetiology of severe anaemia in pregnancy in Ndola,
most anemia-related deaths are preventable, and policies to Zambia. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 83: 37– 49.
reduce anemia prevalence should not be divorced from efforts Fleming, A. F. (1989b) Anaemia in pregnancy in tropical Africa. Trans. R. Soc.
Trop. Med. Hyg. 83: 441– 449.
to provide adequate antenatal and delivery facilities for Fleming, A. F., Ghatoura, G.B.S., Harrison, K. A., Briggs, N. D. & Dunn, D. T.
women in developing countries. Putting into operation nutri- (1986) The prevention of anaemia in pregnancy in primigravidae in the
tion interventions as the magic pill approach will have to guinea savanna of Nigeria. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 80: 211–233.
Foord, F. A., Fox-Rushby, J. & Weaver, L. T. (1992) The effect of a midwifery
compete with budgets allocated for essential obstetric care. outreach service on maternal anaemia and mortality in rural Gambia. Unpub-
Finally, iron deficiency and malarial anemia should be treated lished report, pp 1–20. Dunn Nutrition Group, MRC Laboratories, Gambia.
differently from other categories of risk in maternal health Fullerton, W. T. & Turner, A. G. (1962) Exchange transfusion in treatment of
severe anaemia in pregnancy. Lancet 282: 75–78.
such as height, weight, age, parity, previous history and use of Fullerton, W. T. & Watson-Williams, E. J. (1962) Haemoglobin SC disease and
antenatal care services. Iron-deficiency anemia, like malarial megaloblastic anaemia in pregnancy. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 69: 729 –735.
anemia, is in fact a complication, a medical condition that Garner, P. & Brabin, B. J. (1994) A review of randomised controlled trials of
requires treatment. The broad use of terminology, which clus- routine antimalarial drug prophylaxis during pregnancy in endemic malarious
areas. Bull. WHO 72: 89 –99.
ters together such unrelated criteria, could be detrimental to Giglioli, G. (1972) Changes in the pattern of mortality following eradication of
effective health care strategies (Rhode 1995). hyperendemic malaria from a highly susceptible community. Bull. WHO 46:
John Lawson, in his classic annual report in 1954, con- 181–202.
Gilles, H. M., Lawson, J. B., Sibelas, M., Voller, A. & Allan, N. (1969) Malaria,
cluded that it was hoped that maternal (and fetal) loss from anaemia and pregnancy. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 63: 245–263.
anemia would show a steady decline in the future. In his view, Granje, A. C., Machungo, F., Comes, A., Bergstrom, S. & Brabin, B. (1998)

Malaria related mortality in urban pregnant women in Mozambique. Ann. Trop. Zucker, J. R., Lackritz, E. M. & Ruebush, T. K. (1994) Anaemia, blood trans-
Med. Parasitol. 92: 257–263. fusion practices, HIV and mortality among women of reproductive age in
Harrison, K. A. (1975) Maternal mortality in anaemia in pregnancy. West Afr. Western Kenya. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 88: 173–176.
Med. (April): 27–31.
Harrison, K. A. (1982) Anaemia, malaria and sickle cell disease. Clin. Obstet.
Gynaecol. 9: 445– 447. DISCUSSION
Harrison, K. A. (1989) Tropical obstetrics and gynaecology. 2. Maternal mor-
tality. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 83: 449 – 453. Participants: Pelletier, Beard, Brabin, Allen, Rasmussen,
Harrison, K. A. & Rossiter, C. E. (1985) Maternal mortality. Br. J. Obstet. Habicht, Tielsch, Premji, Oppenheimer, Stoltzfus, Horton
Gynaecol. 92 (suppl. 5): 100 –115. Dr. Pelletier: Several comments on the Nigerian studies,
Isah, H. S., Fleming, A. F., Ujah, I.A.O. & Ekwempu, C. C. (1985) Anaemia and
iron status of pregnant and non-pregnant women in the guinea savanna of which report the lowest hemoglobin values. They are all from
Nigeria. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 79: 485– 493. around 1960, all from one country, and all with a certain level
Johnson, J.W.C. & Ojo, O. A. (1967) Amniotic fluid oxygen tensions in severe and type of obstetric care and they are clearly pulling the risk
maternal anemia. Am. J .Obstet. Gynecol. 97: 499 –506.
Konar, M., Sikdar, K., Basak, S. & Lahiri, D. (1980) Maternal mortality. Ten curve up. So, if you fit various models to that, it turns out the
years survey in Eden Hospital. J. Indian Med. Assoc. 75: 45–51. best fit is exponential. I am trying to zero in on the mild and
Lawson, J. B. (1962) Maternal mortality in West Africa. Ghana Med. J. (De- moderate range, independent of any sort of very powerful data

Downloaded from by guest on 03 March 2019

cember): 31–36.
Lawson, J. & Lister, U. G. (1954) Clinical Report of the Department of Obstet-
points that are pulling it up. There does not seem to be any
rics, University College, Ibadan, Nigeria. April 1st 1953–December 31st, 1954. relationship if you exclude those four studies. So, if we want to
Vail and Company, Ltd., London, UK. look for a dose-response relationship, we really have to see
Llewellyn-Jones, D. (1965) Severe anaemia in pregnancy as seen in Kuala evidence of it over the entire distribution and be wary of
Lumpur, Malaysia. Aust. N. Z. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 5: 191–197.
Macleod, J. & Rhode, R. (1998) Retrospective follow-up of maternal deaths influential data points, especially because those seem excep-
and their associated risk factors in a rural district of Tanzania. Trop. Med. Int. tional.
Health 3: 130 –137. Dr. Beard: Do we have any documentation of the kind or
McDermott, J., Slutsker, L., Steketee, R. W., Wirima, J. J., Breman, J. G. &
Heymann, D. L. (1996) Prospective assessment of mortality among a type of obstetric care that was given then relative to what is
cohort of pregnant women in rural Malawi. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 55: 66 –70. available in that part of the world now?
Murray, C.J.L. & Lopez, A. D. (1994) Global and regional causes of death Dr. Brabin: I think the obstetrics has improved greatly. I do
patterns in 1990. In: Global Comparative Assessments in the Health Sector—
Disease Burden, Expenditures and Intervention Packages, pp. 21–54. WHO,
not think we can ignore those four points. These old Nigerian
Geneva, Switzerland. studies document the situation with relatively little interfer-
Oja, O. A. (1965) The pattern of anaemia in Western Nigeria. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. ence, where women have desperately low hemoglobin and are
68: 32–36.
Osbourne, G. K., Howat, R. C. & Jordan, M. M. (1981) The obstetric outcome
dying. These are the only data that exist in the world.
of teenage pregnancy. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 88: 215–221. Dr. Pelletier: I am not suggesting we ignore them. It would
Pelletier, D., Frongillo, E. A. & Habicht, J.-P. (1993) Epidemiologic evidence for be, probably, the causal effect of severe anemia.
a potentiating effect of malnutrition on child mortality. Am. J. Public Health 83: Dr. Beard: Are you willing to allow those four studies to
1130 –1133.
Rhode, J. E. (1995) Removing risk from safe motherhood. Int. J. Gynaecol. stay in the analysis?
Obstet. 50 (suppl. 2): S3–S10. Dr. Pelletier: Yes, for the purposes of making inferences
Ronsmans, C., Campbell, O. & Collumbien, M. (1999) Slight modifications in about severe anemia, but if we start fitting curves they will
definitions could alter interpretation of results. Br. Med. J. 319: 1201.
Rush, D. (2000) Nutrition and maternal mortality in the developing world.
begin to have a distorting influence on our judgment. Imagine
Am. J. Clin. Nutr. (in press). that it was absolutely horizontal and then it goes up with
Sarin, A. R. (1995) Severe anaemia of pregnancy, recent experience. Int. J. severe anemia. If you fit an exponential curve to that, it is
Gynecol. Obstet. 50 (suppl. 1): S45–S49.
Shulman, C. E., Dorman, E. K., Cutts, F., Kawuondo, K., Bulmer, J. N., Peshu, N.
going to fit very nicely.
& Marsh, K. (1999) Intermittent sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine to prevent Participant: Are there other sub-Saharan Africa studies of
severe anaemia secondary to malaria in pregnancy: a randomised placebo- the mid-1960s in your pile of 28 studies? I am just trying to
controlled trial. Lancet 353: 632– 636. figure out what the situation would be if you took them all out.
Starrs, A. (1987) Preventing the tragedy of maternal deaths. A report of the
International Safe Motherhood Conference, Nairobi, Kenya. World Bank, Dr. Pelletier: Actually, I am looking at that curve again
Washington, DC. and Brabin is right. It is not just those four. It turns out that
Tasker, P.W.G. (1958) Anaemia in pregnancy. A five year appraisal. Med. J. eight data points are up there. Seven of the eight are from
Malaya 8: 3– 8.
Thonneau, P., Toure, B., Cantrelle, P., Barry, T. M. & Papiernik, E. (1992) Risk Nigeria. One is from Guinea. So, they are all from sub-Saharan
factors for maternal mortality: results of a case-control study conducted in Africa. Some of the less extreme points are also from Africa.
Conakry (Guinea). Int. J. Gynaecol. Obstet. 39: 87–92. Dr. Allen: Were they all the same investigators?
United Nations Children’s Fund (1999) State of the World’s Children. United
Nations Children’s Fund, New York, NY
Dr. Brabin: No. There were three different groups of in-
Verhoeff, F. H., Brabin, B. J., Chimsuku, L., Kazembe, P. & Broadhead R. (1999) vestigators.
An analysis of the determinants of anaemia in pregnant women in rural Dr. Beard: One of the things that generally concerns me
Malawi—a basis for action. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 93: 119 –133. about hospital-based data in resource-poor environments is
West, K. P., Katz, J., Khatry, S. K., LeClerq, S. C., Pradhan, E. K., Shrestha, S.,
Connor, P., Dali, S., Christian, P., Pokhrel, R. & Sommer, A. (1999) Double what gets you admitted to a hospital. What gets you admitted
blind, cluster randomised trial of low dose supplementation with vitamin A or to a hospital if you show up with a hemoglobin of 30 or 40 g/L
␤ carotene on mortality related to pregnancy in Nepal. Br. Med. J. 318: is going to be very different from what gets you admitted if you
570 –575.
Wickramasuriya, G.A.W. (1937) Malaria and Ankylostomiasis in the Pregnant show up with a hemoglobin of 60 or 80 g/L. Right? So, it seems
Woman. Their More Serious Complications and Sequelae. Oxford University to me that the people who are showing up with hemoglobins
Press, London, UK. of 60 or 80 g/L are being admitted primarily for completely
World Bank (1993) World Development Report 1993: Investing in Health.
World Bank, Washington, DC.
other reasons.
World Health Organization (1991) Maternal Mortality—a Global Factbook. Participant: That would tend to diminish the relationship.
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Beard: That would tend to inflate the mortality risk
World Health Organization (1992a) International Statistical Classification of
Diseases and Relative Health Problems. 10th rev. ed., vols. 1 and 2. WHO,
among the moderately anemic because they are selected for a
Geneva, Switzerland. higher risk profile. I think the question is in the mild-to-
World Health Organization (1992b) The prevalence of anaemia in women: a moderate range of anemia, what is it that hospital-based data
tabulation of available information. Maternal Health and Safe Motherhood can tell us in this kind of environment, and how much is
Programme, Geneva, Switzerland.
World Health Organization (1996) Revised 1990 estimate of maternal mortality. selection bias influencing our assessment of the relationship.
A new approach by WHO and UNICEF. WHO, Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Habicht: At least down to 60 g/L or so, I do not see any

admissions because of hemoglobin. They are all there for other related to the risk, because postpartum hemorrhage is associ-
reasons. Now, is there any reason to believe that those other ated with mortality. I do not know the mechanism.
reasons would be different across the hemoglobin range? Prob- Dr. Tielsch: This is outside primagravida—independent of
ably not. that?
Dr. Brabin: Any woman who comes to the hospital what- Dr. Brabin: Independent.
ever her hemoglobin is admitted so that she can deliver her Dr. Oppenheimer: I remember seeing a review about ma-
baby. ternal mortality in Nigeria in the 1960s and they had a real
Dr. Habicht: I think we need to divide the conversation problem with anemia and heart failure because they did not
into different parts. First, do we believe that that excess risk have effective rapid-acting diuretics. If they were transfused,
below 50 g/L is really there? It seems to me that everybody their heart failure got worse. In fact, they were trying to use
believes that. So, the second question is whether there is any exchange transfusion to cope with this problem. So, there was
excess risk above 50 g/L? From these data, if you just took the a particular problem of management of severe anemia and
fitted lines away so you were not being prejudiced, you would heart failure.
not see a relationship above 50 g/L. This is an underestimate Dr. Brabin: The Nigerian studies do give clinical reasons

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of the true relationship. If it is a flat line, it is an underestimate for death, and heart failure is mentioned as one cause of death.
because those people are being selected into the hospital It has been shown in Nigeria that exchange transfusion dra-
sample because they are likely to die. matically reduced the risk of death in these severely anemic
Dr. Tielsch: So, you think the comorbidity profile of women.
women with hemoglobin 60 g/L at admission for birth is the Dr. Beard: Some of us may recall Henry J. Whipple, who
same as for women who have 100 g/L at admission. I suggest won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for looking at the effects of
that is not probably true, in fact, because we know that anemia severe anemia on cardiovascular adaptation and cardiac fail-
is related to poverty and poor health. So that women who get ure. So, this question of severe anemia, oxygen transport and
admitted—who are coming to the hospital to deliver—and cardiovascular adaptation has been around for a really, really
have got an admission hemoglobin of 100 g/L are likely to be long time.
healthier. Dr. Stoltzfus: It is remarkable that this hemoglobin mor-
Dr. Habicht: Then your conclusion is very clear. Taking tality risk curve is flat across the wide hemoglobin range about
that into account—rather than this apparent flat relationship 60 g/L, given all we expect from other anemia survival curves
between hemoglobin and mortality—you then have a positive in nonpregnant adults. I think that reverse causality is part of
relationship between hemoglobin and case fatality above 60 all these anemia-survival associations, but the fact is that they
g/L, going up to the right-hand side. are there, even in well-cared-for populations, even in surgical
Dr. Tielsch: I cannot figure out what the true relationship patients, who are not necessarily suffering from an infectious
is. disease that is causing their surgery. The fact that this occurs
Dr. Premji: I wanted to ask Brabin whether he has any clue in British data makes it astounding to me that that is absent in
about the association between malaria and mortality. African data. I do not know what to conclude from that.
Dr. Brabin: I cannot enlighten you. We have done a Dr. Pelletier: Bear in mind that these data points are
retrospective analysis of a very large data set from the north assembled from 12 different studies. So, the picture is a bit
coast of Papua New Guinea and an equally large data set from deceiving. We are used to having a reference group and several
the highlands of New Guinea. In the malaria-endemic north groups of increasing severity, and then you would expect to see
coast, for the same level of hemoglobin in the mother at something like that. However, this is a meta-analysis. There is
delivery there was a significantly increased risk of postpartum lots of stuff going on between these data points besides differ-
hemorrhage. This is just a hint that malaria is in some way ent degrees of anemia.

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