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I was hired as an Instructor in Cavite State University since 2016 and started in Bacoor Campus and I

was given an opportunity to teach at the Main Campus in Indang since the first semester of school yea
r 2017-2018 until now. Since I was the youngest in age and from the experiences as an educator in ou
r Department, seeking advices from my senior colleagues is really important to survive.

At first, I was a little bit shy when I needed to ask something from them with regards to my job as an e
ducator, especially about research and extension activities within the college and the university. Additi
onal task were given and the process on how to do those task were so new to me. I tried to figure out t
hings and to know the process by myself until I realized that I cannot do it all alone when I was assign
ed to do the research proposal for funding that needs to be presented in our University’s In House Rev
iew. Since I don’t have an experience, nor skillful and equipped enough, I started Appreciative Inquiry
in everything that I need to be done and sought the respective persons advise. Through their help, d
oing my job became too easy for me. My appreciative inquiry was really effective. I was able to create
the research proposal and presented it in the University In House Review. The presentation goes well
and the panels wanted to collaborate with the research proposal that I’ve presented during that time. F
ollowing the instructions and advices of my senior colleagues really helps a lot upon writing and the pr
esentation of the proposal.

The research proposa/project was composed of six studies. And we assigned six study leaders. Throu
gh the help of my senior colleagues, I was able to teach and lead them in our research team. I was als
o able to advice graduating students in their thesis study.

At first, I was the one who inquires but then I became the one who leads. This is how appreciative inq
uiry and appreciative leadership really works in education and development from my own experience.

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