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Page C2, Wednesday, October 27, 2010 Carroll County Times


lightens dishes
A few months ago, while Karen Silvermann
waiting in the deli line at
Shoppers, I noticed a dis- Coupon Corner
play of condiments: sauces,
mustards and flavored name of the hotel or resort.
mayonnaises. One jar in There’s not necessarily a
particular had a deep pink guarantee if nothing shows
color, and it turned out to up, but if there is a prob-
be a cranberry-horseradish lem, you can stay at an-
mayonnaise. other place.
Since I like to lighten-up I checked out a resort re-
many recipes, I decided to cently and felt better
make the mayo myself, knowing nothing had been
using light mayo, horserad- reported, but I’m still going
ish and very finely to do a thorough inspec-
chopped Craisins (dried, tion of the unit when I get
sweetened cranberries). It there.
tasted great, but then I The best article on bed-
started to think about mak- bugs I’ve seen anywhere
ing a spread for wraps, so I was by Andrea Sachs in
used an 8-ounce package The Washington Post Oct.
AP PHOTO of light cream cheese,
about ½ cup of finely 10. She gives tips on what
Chevre with Cyprus black flake sea salt and cacao nibs is shown Oct. 5. Mark Bitterman, author of the chopped Craisins and to do before and after your
new cookbook “Salted,” does not take salting lightly and shows it with this recipe. about cup of walnuts that trip. She tells how to check

Serious flavor
were so finely processed for bedbugs at the hotel,
they resembled a nut meal. what supplies you may
Eventually, I used more need if you have bedbugs,
cranberries and walnuts in where to find them and
each successive batch, until more. It’s a long, but excel-
I’d almost doubled the lent read. In fact, it could
amounts. save you thousands of dol-
This mixture works es- lars, not to mention a very
Writer uses book to change the way Americans think about salt pecially well when spread
on wraps with turkey
stressful ordeal.
Sachs also lists a website,
BY MICHELE KAYAL crystals, Bitterman says. it costs $5 or $15 it doesn’t Cyprus black flake sea salt breast. You can use more,
or less Craisins and wal- to see a video demonstra-
ASSOCIATED PRESS Moisture dictates “mouth matter,” he says. 1 baguette nuts according to your
feel,” while mineral content Next, get in touch with tion of a bedbug inspec-
Salting as a deliberate act. taste, but I’ve found it’s tion.
will play up or tone down a your palate. If you like bold- On a sheet of foil, spread best to process the Craisins
Sounds a bit intense. And ness, go with flaky salt. If
for Mark Bitterman, it is. It’s food’s intrinsic qualities, the cacao nibs in a single and walnuts together, be-
such as fruitiness. Crystal you like subtlety, go with White pepper
a call to action, a plan to layer. Roll the log of goat cause when processing the
size creates different sensa- fleur de sel. But also know Craisins alone, they’re hard White pepper is some-
banish bland food. that not only does each salt cheese carefully in the
“Think about salting as a tions on the tongue. to get out of the food thing I use in a lot of
For example, a salt with a taste differently, they must nibs so the cheese doesn’t processor. dishes. When we go to the
deliberate act,” says Bitter- be stored differently, too. stick to your fingers. Once Since this spread isn’t
man, author of “Salted,” a broad, flat flake — say a U.K., it’s very inexpensive.
Maldon sea salt — will offer Flaky salt can be kept on the the cheese is well coated, cooked, you can use regu- It costs about $2 to $3 a jar,
312- page devotional to salt. table in a simple dish; fleur lar, light or fat-free cream
“an electrical pop of salt” or roll the log with a little which is saying something,
“This isn’t about being a de sel should be stored in an cheese. It can be altered
even “a kapow,” he says, more pressure to embed considering how much
fancy chef. It’s about how to while the moisture- filled airtight container. slightly for other dishes,
make every single food you the nibs into the cheese. too. If you thin it with a lit- more things cost in Europe.
micro- grains of a French Bitterman also believes So, I always tuck a few bot-
eat in your daily life come kosher salt is too refined to Place the cheese on a tle milk, it can be used as a
fleur de sel will create “a tles into my suitcase.
alive.” be tasty. serving plate. dip for fruit or cookies.
pliant, supple feeling” on Thin it more to use as a Here, however, you can
Because, truth is, salt has the tongue. For an all-around cooking Sprinkle the cheese with
dressing for fruit salad. expect to pay about $6 to
a powerful effect on food. Using the language of salt, use sel gris instead, he the salt, allowing the crys- $7 per small, name-brand
And just a little bit goes a wine, Bitterman talks about advises, a large- grain, rela- tals to tumble across the
long way. Most importantly, Bedbugs bottle, but not any longer.
salts that are “unctuous,” tively inexpensive salt full plate. Go to Weis’ international
salt added at the stove or that impart “spiciness” or of character- giving miner- Bedbugs have become a aisles and you’ll find Badia
Cut the baguette into huge problem, and since
table isn’t what worries “butteriness.” He refers to a als. spices in the Hispanic sec-
health officials. That would thin slices and arrange they don’t discriminate,
salt’s “meroir,” the qualities tion. A two-ounce jar of
be the salt added to Chevre with Cyprus them around the cheese they can be anywhere. But
it derives from its ocean, Badia ground white pepper
processed food. and calls himself as a black flake sea salt and log or place them in a bas- now travelers can find out
if a problem has been re- sells for a mere $1.99.
So salt on. And here’s Bit- “semelier.” cacao nibs ket to serve alongside.
ported at a hotel or resort
terman’s tips to help you And he’s on a mission to before they make reserva- Karen Silverman lives in
sort through the maze of change the way Americans
1 cup unsweetened
Start to finish: 10 min- tions. Eldersburg and can be
salts that crowd the market. think about — and use — cacao nibs
utes Visit reached at kizsk@verizon
Salts vary in moisture, salt. First, he says, get over 8-ounce log chevre
Servings: 8 and give the city, state and .net.
mineral content and the the idea that salt is “cheap.” (fresh goat cheese)
size and structure of their “A box will last a year, so if Two 3-finger pinches of

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