Perfect Attendence 2

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Onorio {O.C.

) Colucci,
Chief Administrative Officer

April 3, 2017

Dianne Flacks
Risk Management
400 City Hall Sq - Suite 403

Dear Dianne:

I'm pleased to be sending this letter of congratulations to you for perfect attendance
in 2016 .

It is with sincere appreciation that I acknowledge your demonstrated commitment to

your duties and to the public we serve.

I'm also grateful for the wellness that you enjoyed this past year and I wish you
another year of prosperity in health and wellbeing throughout 2017.

All the best,

Onorio Colucci
Chief Administrative Officer


cc: Dana Paladino - Manager of Risk & Insurance

Human Resources - Employee Docket

City of Windsor I 350 City Hall Square West I Room 201 I Windsor, ON I N9A 681 I

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