CCT 10-27-2010 - Food: Quick and Simple Chicken, Jump C3

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Carroll County Times Wednesday, October 27, 2010, Page C3


Indian food adapts to home

Slow cooking simple, flavorful
BY MICHELE KAYAL in lentils, curries and other
ASSOCIATED PRESS Indian dishes, and does it
while you’re at work. “Once
Next time you have a han- you do the preparation by
kering for Indian food, don’t purchasing the spices, it’s
think take- out. Think dump and go,” Singla says.
ahead. For Diwali, which is a
That’s the message from meatless holiday for many
Anupy Singla, author of Indians, Singla suggests
“The Indian Slow Cooker” starting with rajmah (cur-
(Surrey Books, 2010), who is ried kidney beans), rase
Chef Rene Redzepi is shown. Redzepi is the chef of on a mission to correct mis-
the moment ever since his restaurant grabbed wale aloo (spicy potatoes in
perceptions about Indian broth) or spiced cauliflower
first place on Restaurant Magazine’s list of the food — that it’s heavy; that
world’s 50 best restaurants last spring. and potatoes. “There’s no
you have to buy “100 spices” standard menu for Diwali,
to make anything; that it’s but those hit upon the most

Chef captures
“hot”; that it’s labor inten- popular recipes from the
sive. north,” Singla says. “And
And to help her get out you have to have a dessert
the message of ease, she en- because Diwali is all about
listed that most ubiquitous

time and place of American kitchen tools,

the slow cooker.
“It’s a very traditional way
of Indian cooking, where
the sweets.”
For that, she suggests
kheer, a cardamom- scented
rice pudding studded with
things are breaking down
Regional ingredients staple in recipes over hours and hours,” says
And remember that in a
country where many people
Singla, who came to the U.S.
BY AMY SERAFIN resisted, foraging for wild from India’s Punjab region cook over a single gas
ASSOCIATED PRESS herbs and experimenting when she was 3. She says burner, home style food was
with Icelandic cheese and slow cookers actually have designed to be simple.
To cook like the world’s Norwegian razor clams. Yet
best chef you might try his much in common with the
he felt he was still cooking old clay ovens found in In- Spiced cauliflower
recipe for snails, which in-
structs the reader to feed
in a style borrowed from dian villages. and potatoes AP PHOTO
the places he had trained,
them lettuce for a couple of including elBulli and And with Nov. 5 marking 2 large cauliflowers, Spiced cauliflower and potatoes are shown. This
days, put them in a pan of Thomas Keller’s The the start of Diwali — the In- washed and cut into 1-inch easy to make dish can be served with naan, an
water, and bring it to a boil, French Laundry. dian festival of lights — it’s pieces (about 8 cups) oven- baked flatbread.
“making sure that the snails Redzepi’s culinary a great time to test her the- 2 large potatoes (russet
don’t escape.” epiphany came while he ory. Because with a focus on or yellow), peeled and
It’s not your typical cook- presents, visiting friends
In a 4- to 5-quart slow enough liquid to prevent
was hunting for musk-ox in diced cooker, combine all ingredi- anything from sticking to
book entry. But Rene and family, giving thanks for
Greenland, the temperature 1 medium yellow or red ents except the cilantro. the sides of the cooker.
Redzepi is hardly your typ- good fortune and eating it’s
ical cook. a frigid 55 below zero. “It onion, peeled and coarsely Mix well. Add the cilantro. Mix well
was healthy to take time out easy to see the appeal of Di- chopped
At age 32, he is the chef of wali for anyone.
Cook on low for 3 hours. but gently so as not to
the moment, ever since his and think, ‘Why I am doing 1 medium tomato, diced Mix once or twice during break up the cauliflower.
these things?’ ” he said. Here are some tips from
Copenhagen restaurant, Singla to get you started.
(optional) cooking, especially in the
Noma, grabbed first place “Suddenly I could put a 2-inch piece fresh ginger, beginning. Eventually the Start to finish: 3 hours
on Restaurant Magazine’s word to it, that the main peeled and grated cauliflower will release Servings: 6
thing people should experi- Spice it up
list of the world’s 50 best 3 cloves garlic, peeled
restaurants last spring. He ence is a sense of time and Just seven basic spices and chopped, minced or
R ea dy to Q uit
stole the spotlight from will get you started: red grated
perennial “it” restaurant el- Now, every dish he cre- chili powder, ground co- 3 to 4 green Thai, ser-
Bulli in Spain and estab- ates is a microcosm of its riander, black mustard
origins, a little piece of na-
rano, or cayenne chilies,

U sing To ba cco ?
lished with surprising seeds, turmeric powder, cored and chopped
suddenness the supremacy ture on a plate. black salt (kala namak),
At Noma, you might eat a 1 tablespoon whole
of a movement known as garam masala and cumin cumin seeds
pot of raw radishes in a malt
neo-Nordic cuisine.
When Noma opened and hazelnut soil. A quail
seeds. These form the foun-
dation of North Indian
1 tablespoon red chili F ree Jum p S ta rt to Q uitting C la ss
seven years ago, Nordic
gastronomy was an oxy-
egg smoked in hay. Horse-
radish snow. Birchwood
cooking, and can be found
in most well- stocked gro-
1 tablespoon garam M o nda y N o vem ber 1st 6-8pm
moron. Danish colleagues
mocked Redzepi for his
meringue. And, of course,
those snails, alongside the
1 tablespoon salt C a rro llC o unty H ea lth D epa rtm ent
pledge to use indigenous same moss they inhabit in Dump and go
1 teaspoon turmeric R egistra tio n needed: C a ll410-876-4429
ingredients in a region the wild. His pure, contem- powder
porary style has struck a Which means dust off 3 tablespoons vegetable Vo u chers fo r C ha ntix (w ith D r.P rescriptio n)
where very little grows, and
where haute cuisine was ei- chord — his 12-seat restau- that slow cooker you got as or canola oil o r fo r N ico tine R epla cem enta tclinic

ther French or Italian. rant receives 4,000 reserva- a wedding gift. The slow 1 heaping tablespoon C iga rette R estitutio n F und P ro gra m
But Redzepi stubbornly tion requests a day. cooker brings out the flavor chopped fresh cilantro

C o m e Jo in th e
cent, 5 to 7 minutes. Add egg whites, then roll in the
the spinach and Italian breadcrumbs. Repeat with
From Page C1 seasoning, then cook until the remaining breasts and
all of the liquid has evapo-

H a llo w een Fu n!
rated. Mix in both set aside.
To get the best flavor in
cheeses. Set aside. In a large ovenproof skil-
your crumbs, use a high
quality cheese such as One at a time, lay each let over high, heat the re-
Parmigiano- Reggiano. chicken breast flat on a maining ½ tablespoon of

S a tu rd a y ,O cto ber30,2010 
cutting board. Use a par- oil until shimmering hot.
Chicken stuffed with ing knife to make a hori- Swirl the oil around the
cheddar, gorgonzola zontal slit along one side
and spinach to create a pocket in the
meat. Do not cut all the
bottom of the pan and
carefully add the chicken. 4pm -6pm
way through. Place a Cook until browned on one
1 ½ tablespoons olive quarter of the cheese mix- side, about 2 minutes.
oil, divided
1 small yellow onion,
ture in the pocket, then Turn breasts over and Ad m is s io n: $5 .0 0 perpers o n inc lu d es :
press the meat together place the skillet in the
diced over it. Repeat with the • Ad m is s io n to M in i Zo o w ith Pe ttin g Zo o Are a (in c lu d e s fe e d fo r a n im a ls )
2 cloves garlic, minced remaining breasts and set oven. Bake until the • C a rn iva l Type G a m e s w ith prize s
1 cup frozen chopped chicken is no longer pink • C a n d y fo r a ll c hild re n thro u gho u tthe fa rm
spinach, thawed and at the center, about 20
squeezed to drain excess In a shallow dish or pie • C o s tu m e C o n te s tw ith Prize s  (s e e w e b s ite fo r d e ta ils )
water plate, mix the bread- minutes. • Life s ize M a s c o tC a rto o n C ha ra c te rs (S po n ge b o b , S hre k, K u n g Fu Pa n d a & M o re )
1 teaspoon Italian sea- crumbs, Parmesan, pars-
ley, salt and pepper. In • Fa c e Pa in tin g b y a fa n ta s tic fu n a n d ha ppy c lo w n
1 ounce shredded re- another bowl, lightly beat
duced- fat cheddar cheese the egg whites with a fork. Start to finish: 40 min-
utes (20 minutes active)
Co s tu m e Co ntes tTim es a c c o rd ing to Age G ro u ps :
Holding a stuffed breast
1 ounce crumbled Gor-
together firmly, dip in the Servings: 4 Ages0-2 yearsjudged at4:30 pm
gonzola cheese
4 boneless, skinless Ages 3-6 yearsjudged at5:00 pm
chicken breasts, Ages 7 years& up judged at5:30 pm
trimmed of fat (about 1 W A G N E R ’S M E ATS,LLC T he Q u a lity M ea tPeople
pound) M t. A iry L ocker Com pa ny Oc t. 27th - N OV . 2n d , 2010
Ï cup seasoned Ital- C hoice S irloin S teaks $6.69/LB SAUSAG E O F THE W EEK :
ian- style breadcrumbs C hoice T-B one S teaks $9.69/LB M ILD ITA LIA N LIN KS - $3.19/LB (This eventis gea red to w a rd s yo u nger
2 tablespoons grated C hoice B one In C huck R oast $2.89/LB NO W TA KING O RDERS FO R THA NKSG IV ING
c hild ren a nd w ill no tb e s c a ry)
Parmesan cheese Lean & Tender
2 tablespoons chopped C enter C ut P ork C hops $3.39/LB O Y STERS,C HO IC E BEEF C UTS A ND FRESH PO RK
flat- leaf parsley Fresh P ork S pare R ibs $2.09/LB S ide of B eef S old $2.25/LB
H ind Q uarter of B eef S old $2.45/LB
G rade A w hole Fryers $1.39/LB S ide of P ork S old $1.89/LB
½ teaspoon salt
black pepper 6 0 4 N . M a in St. •M t. Airy, M D •3 0 1-8 2 9 -0 5 0 0 •3 0 1-8 3 1-74 4 0
Ha y

2 large egg whites W W W .W AG N ER SM EATS.CO M

Rid e s
VISA •M ASTERCA RD •D IS COVER •Ho u rs : M on.-Fri.8am -5pm ;Sat.7:30am -1pm

Heat the oven to 400 F.

G rand O pening Special
In a medium skillet over
medium- high, heat 1 ta-
blespoon of the olive oil. e a c h 
Add the onion and garlic
and saute until translu-
C offee an

DRS.BLUM & BRUCK only $1.00


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