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Spelling Bee Words

Word Meaning Sample Sentence

1. memorable (adj.) worth remembering or It was one of the most
easily remembered. memorable moment of my
2. advertisement (noun) a notice or This ice-cream
announcement in a public advertisement is showing a
medium promoting a product, new type of flavour
service, or event or publicizing a
job vacancy.
3. discipline (noun) the practice of training In school, everyone must
people to obey rules or a code maintain discipline at all
of behaviour. times.
4. principal (noun) the head of a school or The principal always makes
college. morning announcements
every day.
5. restaurant (noun) a place where people This new restaurant serves
pay to sit and eat meals that are a great chicken soup.
cooked and served.
6. phantom (noun) a figment or part of the He tried to clear the
imagination/ illusion. phantoms from his head
and focus on the present.
7. Legitimate (adj.) able to be defended with You must provide a
logic or justification. legitimate evidence to
defend yourself in court
8. outrageous (adj.) shockingly bad or These days, children play
excessive. outrageous pranks on their
teachers in school.
9. chameleon (noun) a lizard that changes skin A chameleon can change
colour to match what surrounds its skin colour to the
it so that it cannot be seen surroundings.
10. extravagant (adj.) lacking restraint in It was rather extravagant to
spending money or using buy both the new phone
resources. and a new computer.
11. rhinoceros (noun) a very large thick- A rhinoceros has a large
skinned animal from Africa or horn on its face.
Asia, which has one or two
horns on its nose
12. stationary (adj.) not moving, or not The traffic got slower and
changing slower until it was
13. dominant (adj.) most important, powerful, The President plays a
or influential. dominant role in guiding the
nation to the future.
14. paralyze (verb) cause (a person or part of We paralyze in fear when
the body) to become partly or we have heard the terrible
wholly incapable of movement. news.
15. impromptu (adj.) done or said without You need to be flexible in
earlier planning or preparation. your impromptu speech.
16. acoustics (noun) the properties or qualities The opera hall requires a
of a room or building that proper acoustics design to
determine how sound is improve sound quality.
transmitted in it.
17. notification (noun) when you tell someone Please make a notification
officially about something, or a about the school event
document which does this. here.
18. catastrophe (noun) an event causing great Hurricane Katrina has
and often sudden damage or created a serious
suffering; a disaster. catastrophe in USA.
19. fluorescent (adj.) (of a substance) having or This type of dye has added
showing fluorescence or vivid a fluorescent aura to the
colour. cloth.
20. marvellous (adj.) Extremely good Your latest test result is
21. Interesting (adj.) Someone or something This experiment has lead us
that is interesting keeps your to some interesting results.
attention because they are
unusual, exciting, or have a lot
of ideas
22. simultaneous (adj.) occurring, operating, or It was a simultaneous
done at the same time moment when the cars
crashed between each
23. notorious (adj.) famous or well known, Pablo Escobar was one of
typically for some bad quality or the most notorious criminal
deed. in Colombia.
24. examination (noun) A kind of test Study well and prepare for
the next examination.
25. attitude (noun) a feeling or opinion about I do not like your attitude
something or someone, or a towards your friends.
way of behaving that is caused
by this
26. congratulations (noun) something that you say Congratulations, you finally
when you want to congratulate won the competition.
27. texture (noun) the feel, appearance, or The texture on this piece of
consistency of a surface or a wooden board is too rough
substance. to use.
28. procrastinate (verb) delay or postpone action; Please do not procrastinate,
put off doing something. especially your homework.
29. measurable (adj.) able to be measured, Our height and weight is
confirmed the size, amount and measurable with the right
degree with a device. equipment.
30. hilarious (adj.) extremely funny The TV episode last night is

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