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Page C4, Wednesday, October 27, 2010 Carroll County Times


Keep kids safe on Halloween Teen bakes ‘Cakes to Die For’
BY ED WATERS JR. ents bought it for me for came out very well.”
Children are four times cut across yards, where THE FREDERICK NEWS- POST my 16th birthday.” Hopkins, who has a de-
more likely to be hit by a stones, lawn ornaments and The hearse came from gree in baking arts from
car on Halloween than any other hazards may be hard FREDERICK — Lucie
Shelton has always wanted SNS, a company in Con- Johnson & Wales Univer-
other night of the year. It is to see in the dark. Keep your
own doorsteps and porch to bake cakes. necticut that sells used sity, said she is glad to see
important for parents and
caregivers to make sure well lit. Even as a child, she had hearses. “It really is kind of Shelton following in her
children are walking safely ■ Burns: Make sure cos- Easy Bake ovens and en- fitting with the name of my footsteps. Shelton applied
and staying visible to driv- tumes and accessories are joyed creating cakes for business.” to Johnson & Wales, which
ers while out trick-or-treat- labeled “flame resistant,” family and friends. At the CTC, Shelton was she said offers culinary
ing. Maggie Rauser and use flame-resistant ma- Now, at the age of 17, she working with a pink choco- training competitive with
All the usual rules of Health Department terial when making cos- has her own business — late and corn syrup mix- that of the Culinary Insti-
pedestrian safety still apply: tumes. Avoid baggy, flimsy Cakes to Die For. ture that will be part of a tute of America.
walk, don’t run, cross the or billowing costumes. Shelton is a senior at large cake for one of the Shelton said that even if
street only at a crosswalk or or flashlights to be more Keep jack-o’-lanterns that Frederick High School and teachers at the center. she doesn’t go to college,
corner, after looking both visible to drivers. are lit with candles away in the culinary arts pro-
Drivers can do their part from doorsteps and walk- “Lucie is very creative,” cakes are in her future —
ways, and never dart out gram at the Frederick
by being especially careful ways, and consider using County Career and Tech- said her baking arts either working in a shop or
into the street. glow sticks instead of can- teacher, Bridgette Hopkins. owning one.
An adult should accom- in residential neighbor- nology Center.
hoods. Drivers should slow dles. She even has a hearse for “She helped make a cake Shelton doesn’t have a
pany children younger than down and look for kids at ■ Choking: Parents sho- for one of the other teach- website. “They can contact
12. Kids will be excited, and her business.
intersections, on medians uld inspect candy and treats “It is a 1991 SNS Cadil- ers’ sister’s wedding that me on Facebook at Cakes
they’ll need active supervi- and on curbs. to make sure they are sealed lac,” Shelton said. “My par- included marshmallow. It to Die For.”
sion. Older kids, who have Other Halloween hazards and have no signs of tam-
demonstrated the maturity and precautions include: pering. Children younger

and good judgment to go ■ Falling: Costumes than 6 should not be given
trick-or-treating with should be short enough to hard candy or other small,
friends without adult super- avoid tripping, and shoes round items.
vision, should stick to a pre-

and headgear should fit For more information,
determined route with good properly. Choose face paint call the Carroll County
lighting. and makeup, because they Health Department at 410-
Costumes and bags do not restrict vision as 886-4448.
should be decorated with masks do. Toy weapons and
retroreflective tape and, if other props should be flexi- Maggie Rauser is the Safe
possible, made of light col-
ble so they do not present Kids Coordinator for the
an injury hazard if the child Carroll County Health De- T hursda y N o vem ber 4,2010 N o a dm issio n cha rge/
Kids can carry glow sticks falls. Don’t not let children partment. D o o rs o pen a t5 p.m .•B idding begins a t6 p.m .
no bu yer’s fee.
B a nd D A uctio ns – 435 S ulliva n R d.,W estm inster
Treats proof bowl. Sprinkle the
gelatin over the top and
in a medium saucepan
and bring to a boil over
From Page C1 place the bowl in a small high heat, stirring until
saucepan. sugar is completely dis- O ver 500 item s,do na ted by lo ca la rea m ercha nts a nd individua ls
speed just until combined. Poor simmering water solved. inclu ding G iftB askets,bo o ks,petitem s,children’s item s,jew elry,
into the pan and halfway
Divide the dough in half,
up the outside of the bowl.
Peel the pears, leaving co llectibles and m em o rabilia,G iftC ertificates o f allkinds and m o re!!
and flatten each piece the stem intact. Slice off
slightly (about 1-inch Stir the rum, and remove the bottom à inch of B a ke ta ble a nd R efreshm entsava ila ble,C o m e jo in u s fo r a fu n evening!
from the heat when the
thickness), cover tightly
with plastic wrap and re- gelatin is totally dissolved.
each pear to create a flat,
stable base.
Perfectforholiday giftpurchases!
frigerate for about 1 hour. Remove the bowl from the Reduce heat to keep
Preheat the oven to 375 pan and let cool to room poaching liquid at a bare 5 C luster D ia m o nd 3 R a vens C lub L evel
degrees. Roll out each temperature. simmer and add the L a dder N eckla ce S ea ts & Pa rking
piece on was paper to Ã- Beat the eggs in a large
inch thickness. Use cookie bowl until the mixture
pears, laying them on
W hite G o ld - $599 va lu e FE A T U R E D Su nda y,N o vem ber 28th
vs.B u cca neers
cutters to cut out desired thickens. Slowly add the
their sides so they are al-
most completely sub- do na ted by C arroll IT E M S $710 va lu e - do na ted by
shapes-bats, pumpkins, sugar, beating constantly merged. Cook, turning C oun ty Jew elry & L oan Frien d of N IE , H erb H en derson
headstones and bake on a until the mixture becomes pears occasionally so
cookie sheet for 10 min- light and lemon colored they become saturated on
utes. Cool completely. (about 4 minutes). Mix in all sides, until they are G ift V o ucher fo r
For the glaze: Heat the the pumpkin, spices and just tender when pierced W o o den Firepla ce S teinw o rld 2-do o r S im ple L a st W ill&
Nutella, milk and confec- orange zest. Add the gela- with a fork, about 7 min- M a ntle C o nso le C upbo a rd Testa m ent a nd
tioner’s sugar in a small
pot over low heat until
tin mixture and mix thor-
utes. w ith Scro llD esign $500 va lu e do na ted by Po w er o f A tto rney
combined and slightly
Allow pears to cool $700 va lu e do na ted by G avigan ’s $1000 va lu e do na ted by
Using clean beaters,
warm. Spread each cookie whip the heavy cream in a
completely in their F irew orks, in c H om e F urn ishin gs L aw O ffices of S tahl&
with the glaze and deco- separate bowl until stiff.
poaching liquid. Serve im- B lock, L L C
rate as desired with jim- mediately, placed upright
Gently fold the cream into on the plate, or transfer A llpro ceeds benefitC arrollC ounty T im es’ N ew spapers in E du catio n P ro gram ,a specialpu rpo se fu nd o f the C o m m u nity
mies, sprinkles, mini chips, the pumpkin mixture. Fo u ndatio n o f C arro llC o u nty and w illbe u sed to pro vide new spapers atno charge to o ver 250 C arro llC o u nty classro o m s thisyear.
or Halloween candy. Allow Spoon the mixture into in- pears and liquid to an air-
them to set on a wire rack. dividual dishes or use as a tight container and store Forquestions,inform ation orto donate,contact
in the refrigerator for up
Store in an airtight con- cookie filling and refriger- to 2 days.
Gwen W eltyat410-857-8554
tainer. Makes 24 cookies. ate for at least 4 hours. Top Item s a rriving da ily.Fo r a listo f item s,go to

with whipped cream be- w w w .ca rro llco untytim m /nie/a uctio n
Source: www.dianas Source:
fore serving if desired.

Pumpkin rum mousse

Source: www.perfect A-TO W N B AR & G R IL L E

H allow een
1 envelope unflavored
gelatin Vanilla poached pears

¼ cup amber rum 5 cups water
4 large eggs 2½ cups granulated
Ð cup sugar sugar
1 cup pumpkin puree
4 (1-by-3-inch) strips Saturday October 30
2 teaspoons cinnamon
lemon zest 9:00 pm
2 teaspoons ginger
1 teaspoon freshly grated 1 vanilla bean, split Jagerm eister Prom otion
lengthwise and scraped, Costum e Contest • DJ
2 teaspoons freshly reserving the seeds and
grated orange zest pod
It w ill be a e!
1 cup very cold heavy 4 Bosc or Anjou pears
r T im
cream (about 1 pound)
Whipped cream (op-
tional) Combine the water, 1 8720 Brickstore Rd. • Ham pstead
41 0-374-3439

sugar, lemon zest and

Place the rum in a heat- vanilla bean seeds and pod H o m e o f Raven ’s Ro o st #9 9

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