Design For Manufacturing and Assembly: Dr. S. Vinodh, Dept. of Production Engineering NIT Tiruchirappalli

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Design for Manufacturing

and Assembly

D r. S . Vi n o d h ,
Dept. of Production Engineering
N I T Ti r u c h i r a p p a l l i
Design For Manufacturing (DFM)?
Why (DFM)?
What are the objectives of (DFM A)?
•While designing any component, the designers
mainly concentrate on the end use of the
component/ assembly
•As designers are not exposed to the
intricacies of manufacturing, they purely think
of the component from functional point of view
•Design for manufacture is a concept that
should be strictly followed to get the full benefit
of lean manufacturing
While designing any component there are
many issues to be considered namely,
Raw material
Customer requirements are fully met
Manufacturing process
Quality parameters
Ease of assembly
Example for (DFM)
DFMA Guidelines
DFMA Guidelines
DFMA Guidelines
Design for Machinability
Designing for ease of assembly
DFM Method
1- Estimate the Manufacturing Costs
DFMA Examples
Thank you

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