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Introduction on Employee Retention:
Employee Retention involves taking measures to encourage employees to remain in the
organization for the maximum period of time. Corporate is facing a lot of problems in
employee retention these days. Hiring knowledgeable people for the job is essential for
an employer. But retention is even more important than hiring. There is no dearth of
opportunities for a talented person. There are many organizations which are looking for
such employees. If a person is not satisfied by the job he’s doing, he may switch over to
some other more suitable job.
In today’s environment it becomes very important for organizations to retain their
employees. The top organizations are on the top because they value their employees and
they know how to keep them glued to the organization. Employees stay and leave
organizations for some reasons. The reason may be personal or professional. These
reasons should be understood by the employer and should be taken care of. The
organizations are becoming aware of these reasons and adopting many strategies for
employee retention.

A. Compensation
B. Growth
C. Support
D. Relationship
E. Environment

A. Compensation
Compensation constitutes the largest part of the employee retention process. The
employees always have high expectations regarding their compensation packages.
Compensation packages vary from industry to industry. So an attractive compensation
package plays a critical role in retaining the employees.
Compensation includes
salary and wages, bonuses, benefits, prerequisites, stock options, vacations, etc. While
setting up the packages, the following components should be kept in mind:

Salary and monthly wage: It is the biggest component of the compensation package. It
is also the most common factor of comparison among employees. It includes

 Basic wage

 House rent allowance

 Dearness allowance
 City compensatory allowance

Growth and development are the integral part of every individual’s career. If an
employee can not foresee his path of career development in his current
organization, there are chances that he’ll leave the organization as soon as he gets
an opportunity.

Work profile: The work profile on which the employee is working should be in
sync with his capabilities. The profile should not be too low or too high.

Personal growth and dreams: Employees responsibilities in the organization

should help him achieve his personal goals also. Organizations can not keep aside
the individual goals of employees and foster organizations goals. Employees’
priority is to work for them and later on comes the organization. If he’s not
satisfied with his growth, he’ll not be able to contribute in organization growth.

Training and development: Employees should be trained and given chance to

improve and enhance their skills. Many employers fear that if the employees are
well rained, they’ll leave the organization for better jobs. Organization should not
limit the resources on which organization’s success depends. These trainings can
be given to improve many skills like:

 Communications skills

 Technical skills
 In-house processes and procedures improvement related skills
 C or customer satisfaction related skills
 Special project related skills

Need for such training can be recognized from individual performance reviews,
individual meetings, employee satisfaction surveys and by being in constant touch
with the employees.

C. Support

Lack of support from management can sometimes serve as a reason for Employee
retention. Supervisor should support his subordinates in a way so that each one of them is
a success. Management should try to focus on its employees and support them not only in
their difficult times at work but also through the times of personal crisis. Management
can support employees by providing them recognition and appreciation.

Employers can also provide valuable feedback to employees and make them feel valued
to the organization.

The feedback from supervisor helps the employee to feel more responsible, confident and
empowered. Top management can also support its employees in their personal crisis by
providing personal loans during emergencies, childcare services, employee assistance
programs, counseling services.

Employers can also support their employees by creating an environment of trust and
inculcating the organizational values into employees. Thus employers can support their
employees in a number of ways as follows:

 By providing feedback

 By giving recognition and rewards

 By counseling them

 By providing emotional support

Sometimes the relationship with the management and the peers becomes the reason for an
employee to leave the organization. The management is sometimes not able to provide an
employee a supportive work culture and environment in terms of personal or professional
relationships. There are times when an employee starts feeling bitterness towards the
management or peers. This bitterness could be due to many reasons. This decreases
employee’s interest and he becomes de-motivated. It leads to less satisfaction and
eventually attrition.

A supportive work culture helps grow employee professionally and boosts employee
satisfaction. To enhance good professional relationships at work, the management should
keep the following points in mind.
 Respect for the individual: Respect for the individual is the must in the
 Relationship with the immediate manager: A manger plays the role of a mentor
and a coach. He designs ands plans work for each employee. It is his duty to
involve the employee in the processes of the organization. So an organization
should hire managers who can make and maintain good relations with their
 Relationship with colleagues: Promote team work, not only among teams but in
different departments as well. This will induce competition as well as improve the
relationships among colleagues.

 Recruit whole heartedly: An employee should be recruited if there is a proper

place and duties for him to perform. Otherwise he’ll feel useless and will be

dissatisfied. Employees should know what the organization expects from them
and what their expectation from the organization is. Deliver what is promised.
 Promote an employee based culture: The employee should know that the
organization is there to support him at the time of need. Show them that the
organization cares and he’ll show the same for the organization. An employee
based culture may include decision making authority, availability of resources,
open door policy, etc.
 Individual development: Taking proper care of employees includes
acknowledgement to the employee’s dreams and personal goals. Create
opportunities for their career growth by providing mentorship programs,
certifications, educational courses, etc.
 Induce loyalty: Organizations should be loyal as well as they should promote
loyalty in the employees too. Try to make the current employees stay instead of
recruiting new ones.
E. Environment

It is not about managing retention. It is about managing people. If an organization

manages people well, employee retention will take care of itself. Organizations should
focus on managing the work environment to make better use of the available human

People want to work for an organization which provides

 Appreciation for the work done

 Ample opportunities to grow

 A friendly and cooperative environment

 A feeling that the organization is second home to the employee

Organization environment includes

 Culture

 Values
 Company reputation
 Quality of people in the organization
 Employee development and career growth
 Risk taking
 Leading technologies
 Trust

Types of environment the employee needs in an organization

 Learning environment: It includes continuous learning and improvement of the

individual, certifications and provision for higher studies, etc.

 Support environment: Organization can provide support in the form of work-life

balance. Work life balance includes:
o Flexible hours
o Telecommuting
o Dependent care
o Alternate work schedules
o Vacations
o Wellness

 Work environment: It includes efficient managers, supportive co-workers,

challenging work, involvement in decision-making, clarity of work and
responsibilities, and recognition.

Lack or absence of such environment pushes employees to look for new opportunities.
The environment should be such that the employee feels connected to the organization in
every respect.


Employers have a need to keep employees from leaving and going to work for other
companies. This is true because of the great costs associated with hiring and retraining
new employees. The best way to retain employees is by providing them with job
satisfaction and opportunities for advancement in their careers. The saying, food help is
hard to find, is even truer these days than ever before because the job market is becoming
increasingly tight.

 To study retention strategies used by organization to retain Employee Talent.
 To study the compensation/reward structure of the organization provided to the
 To study and Improve the level of employee satisfaction.
 To study the development practices adopted the organization.

Scope of the study

The study was focused on EMPLOYEE RETENTION since it is necessary to focus on

the levels of satisfaction by smooth functioning of organization are also to maintain and
retain employees for longer time. So the study encompasses both managerial and non-
managerial employees of Big Bazaar.

Source of data:
The study is based on both Primary data and Secondary data
Primary data:

Primary data is collected through a well structured questionnaire circulated among

sample respondence and through personal interviews with them.

Personal discussions were held with the following officials to elicit relevant information
for the purpose of the study.

Secondary data:

Secondary data was sometimes collected from more than one source.

The secondary data is collected from the official records of the company, through
journals, websites etc.,

Sample Size:
Sample size is 100


1. Study is mainly based on corporate data it may not full fill the need.

2. Limited knowledge about the study

3. Short duration of the study, the data presentation may not give the true picture.

4. The data may not be accurate


Company Profile:

Big Bazaar is not just another hypermarket. It caters to every need of your family.
Where Big Bazaar scores over other stores is its value for money proposition for the
Indian customers.

Big Bazaar is a chain of hypermarket in India. As of June 2, 2012 there are 214 stores
across 90 cities and towns in India covering around 16 million sq.ft. of retail space.
Big Bazaar is designed as an agglomeration of bazaars or Indian markets with clusters
offering a wide range of merchandise including fashion and apparels, food products,
general merchandise, furniture, electronics, books, fast food and leisure and
entertainment sections.

Big Bazaar is part of Future Group, which also owns the Central Hypermarket, Brand
Factory, Pantaloons, eZONE, HomeTown,, KB's Fair Price to name
a few and is owned through a wholly owned subsidiary of Pantaloon Retail India
Limited(BSE: 523574 523574), that is listed on Indian stock exchanges.


Big Bazaar was launched in September, 2001 with the opening of its first four stores in
Calcutta, Indore, Bangalore and Hyderabad in 22 days. Within a span of ten years,
there are now 161 Big Bazaar stores in 90 cities and towns across India. By September
2012 BIG BAZAAR will have two more stores in North east namely SILCHAR and
JORHAT in Assam.

Big Bazaar was started by Kishore Biyani, the Group CEO and Managing Director of
Pantaloon Retail India. Though Big Bazaar was launched purely as a fashion format
including apparel, cosmetics, accessory and general merchandise, over the years Big
Bazaar has included a wide range of products and service offerings under their retail
chain. The current formats includes Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar, Electronic Bazaar and

Furniture Bazaar. The inspiration behind this entire retail format was from Saravana
Stores, a local store in T. Nagar, Chennai

The stores are customized to provide the feel of mandis and melas [2] while offering the
modern retail features like Quality, Choice and Convenience. As the modern Indian
family's favorite retail store, Big Bazaar is popularly known as the "Indian Walmart".

On successful completion of ten years in Indian retail industry, in 2011, Big Bazaar
has come up a new logo with a new tag line: ‘Naye India Ka Bazaar’, replacing the
earlier one: 'Isse Sasta Aur Accha Kahin Nahin'. [3]


3-C Theory

According to Kishore Biyani's 3-C theory, Change and Confidence among the entire
population is leading to rise in Consumption, through better employment and income
which in turn is creating value to the agricultural products across the country. Big
Bazaar has divided India into three segments:

India one: Consuming class which includes upper middle and lower middle class (14%
of India's population).

India two: Serving class which includes people like drivers, household helps, office
peons, liftmen, washermen, etc. (55% of India's population) and

India three: Struggling class (remaining 31% of India's population).

While Big Bazaar is targeted at the population across India one and India two
segments, Aadhaar Wholesale is aimed at reaching the population in India three
segment. With this, Future Group emerged as a retail destination for consumers across
all classes in the Indian society.


The Big Bazaar Store in Nagpur.

Most Big Bazaar stores are multi-level and are located in stand-alone buildings in city
centers as well as within shopping malls. These stores offer over 200,000 SKUs in a
wide range of categories led primarily by fashion and food products.

Food Bazaar, a supermarket format was incorporated within Big Bazaar in 2002 and is
now present within every Big Bazaar as well as in independent locations. A typical Big
Bazaar is spread across around 50,000 square feet (4,600 m2) of retail space. While the
larger metropolises have Big Bazaar Family centres measuring between 75,000 square
feet (7,000 m2) and 160,000 square feet (15,000 m2), Big Bazaar Express stores in
smaller towns measure around 30,000 square feet (2,800 m2).

Big Bazaar has the facility to purchase products online through its official web page,
and offers free shipping on some of their products.[5]

Values & Cultures

Our Values

We acknowledge that every individual brings different perspectives and capabilities to the
team and that a strong team comes together with a variety of perspectives. What hold
them together are the core values that lay the foundation of this strength. Through the
entire chain of Future Group we identify these values with what is called The Future
Group Gene.

 Indianness: Confidence in ourselves.

 Leadership: To be a leader, both in thought and business.
 Respect & Humility: To respect every individual and be humble in our conduct.
 Introspection: Leading to purposeful thinking.

 Openness & Transparency: To be open and receptive to new ideas, knowledge
and information.
 Valuing and Nurturing Relationships: To build long term relationships.
 Simplicity & Positivity: Simplicity and positivity in our thought, business and
 Adaptability: To be flexible and adaptable, to meet challenges.
 Flow: To respect and understand the universal laws of nature.

We Love to rewrite rules, even as we retain our values.


We work in an environment where the deadlines are tighter and the jubilations even more
exciting. We like to maintain this energy we've got going on, so we make sure to bring on
board exactly the right people. Everyone here has a range of amazing (and often hidden)
talents and creative interests.


Kashyap heads Future Bazaar. Prior to this, Kashyap founded Chaupaati Bazaar after
returning to India in Nov 2007. Chaupaati enabled Indian consumers to purchase
products and services by phone. In Sep 2010, Chaupaati merged into India's largest
retailer Future Group. Earlier, Kashyap started the US office of Geodesic (NSE: 503699)
in the capacity of VP, Business Development doing online affiliate sales in North
America and mobile OEM sales in Taiwan & China. Kashyap was an early employee at
Jasper Design Automation. Besides naming the company, he made contributions to the
sales campaigns for key customers and prospects in North America and Northern Europe.
While a final year student at IIT Bombay, Kashyap co-founded Righthalf, the first
campus start-up as part of the IIT Bombay Business Incubator. After a successful
acquisition of Righthalf by Stratify, he moved to the Silicon Valley in late 2000. Since
then, he has worked with high-tech startups doing sales, business development and
product management. Kashyap graduated from IIT Bombay in 2000 with a B. Tech.

Computer Science and Engineering. Kashyap loves traveling, snowboarding, bungee
jumping and climbing mountains.

Gaurav Agarwal

Gaurav heads marketing at Future Bazaar. As the head of marketing, Gaurav is in-charge
of online traffic, marketing affiliates and vendor program.

Gaurav has led many roles in early stage to growth phase startups often working in
companies with less than 30 employees. His last stint was with Amar Chitra Katha where
he created the New Media Division from scratch and grew the spread of ACK Comics to
all platforms. Prior to ACK, he has worked in the microfinance technology sector and
even attempted a startup in the complex event processing space.

Gaurav graduated from IIT Bombay in 2003 with an B. Tech and M. Tech. in Micro

The Big Bazaar is one such department store to have set up shop

across the country. Since its first outlet opened in Kolkata in late

2001, the Big Bazaar has spread to towns and cities at an alarming

rate. Currently 106 outlet .These multi-level shopping meccas stock

everything from food to fridges, and cookware to clothes. However,

the Big Bazaar isn't your ordinary department store. It's been

especially designed to appeal to the Indian consumer.

Big Bazaar With a slogan of "Is se sasta aur accha kahin nahi!" , the Big

Bazaar targets itself directly atthe average Indian's love of following the crowd

and scrambling for a good discount.

Parent-Pantaloon Retail India Ltd

Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited, is India’s leading retailer that operates multiple

retail formats in both the value and lifestyle segment of the Indian consumer


Headquartered in Mumbai (Bombay), the company operates over 12 million

square feet of retail space, has over 1000 stores across 71 cities in India and


The company’s leading formats include Pantaloons, a chain of fashion outlets,

Big Bazaar, a uniquely Indian hypermarket chain, Food Bazaar, a supermarket

chain, blends the look, touch and feel of Indian bazaars with aspects of modern

retail like choice, convenience and quality and Central, a chain of seamless

destination malls. Some of its other formats include Brand Factory, Blue Sky, all,

Top 10 and Star and Sitara. The company also operates an online portal,

A subsidiary company, Home Solutions Retail (India) Limited, operates

Home Town, a large-format home solutions store, Collection i, selling home

furniture products and e Zone focused on catering to the consumer electronics


Pantaloon Retail was recently awarded the International Retailer of the Year

2007 by the US-based National Retail Federation (NRF) and the Emerging Market

Retailer of the Year 2007 at the World Retail Congress held in Barcelona.

Target Audience

Big Bazaar targets higher and upper middle class customers, the large and

growing young working population is a preferred customer segment, Big Bazaar

specifically targets working women and home makers who are the primary

decision makers.

Product mix

Denims& t-shirts Fabrics& cut pieces Formal wear Casual wear Party wear

Ethnic wear Accessories Under garments Night wear Dress material Saris Staples

Ready to eat Ready to cook International food Spices Imported bazaar Tea&

coffee Fruits Vegetables Imported fruits Dairy products Soft drinks Packaged

juices Milk item Frozen foods Ice creams Shampoos Detergents Soaps Liquid

wash creams deodorants Home cleaners utensils plastics crockery


Value pricing (EDLP) Promotional pricing ,low interest financing

,psychological discounting, special event pricing Differentiated pricing ,time

pricing, Bundling.

Place-store locations

Initially identifies future/ potential development areas, acquire such areas at an

early phase before the real estate value booms, and located at high traffic areas.


 “ Saal ke Sabse Saste 3 Din”

 Future card(3% discount)
 Shakti card
 Advertising(print ads, TV ads, radio)
 Brand endorsement by M.S DHONI
 Exchange offer
 Weekend discounts
 Point of purchase promotions
 ` Junk' swap offer- “Exchange anything


Mr. Kishore Biyani, Managing Director

Kishore Biyani is the Managing Director of Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited and the

Group Chief Executive Officer of Future Group.

 Mr.GopikishanBiyani,Wholetime Director

Gopikishan Biyani, is a commerce graduate and has more than twenty years of

experience in the textile business.

 Mr. Rakesh Biyani, Wholetime Director

Rakesh Biyani, is a commerce graduate and has been actively involved in

category management; retail stores operations, IT and exports. He has been

instrumental in the implementation of the various new retail formats.

 Mr. Vijay Biyani, Wholetime Director

Vijay Biyani has more than twenty years of experience in manufacturing, textiles

and retail industry and has been actively involved in the financial, audit and

corporate governance related issues within the company.

 Mr. Vijay Kumar Chopra, Independent Director

V.K.Chopra is a fellow member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)

by profession and is a Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB)

Employee Retention
For managers, nothing feels better than having a strong, successful,

happy workforce in place that is mutually focused on the organization’s

performance. Hiring top-quality individuals is an important task on its own,

but essential to any manager’s ongoing process is a critical retention

strategy. In fact, hiring does not end when the candidate has accepted the

position. Advantageous initiatives and well-planned processes must be

firmly in place and consistently nurtured so that employees will have

reasons to remain with your company for growth to continue. Following a

well developed strate gy will let you reduce recruitment through retaining

your top-performing talent.

Obviously, you cannot hold onto all your best people, but you can

certainly minimize the loss. Reducing employee turnover is a strategic and

vital issue, beneficial to your company’s bottom line. It has taken

considerable time and resources to attain a staff that you are proud of – to

replace them starves your organization of many essential success factors

(money, overall attitude, productivity, etc.) and the company’s ultimate

triumph. The intent of this whitepaper is to help you discover the importance

of retaining your valuable employees and provide you with a list of



“Look after your people and the business will look after itself”.

Like an art collector who has spent time and research attaining that

Great Master’s work which embodies the talent, skills and training of the

artist, getting excellent staff requires the same passion. The collector protects

the painting with superior security and environmental methods. In your

position as a manager of people you must do whatever you can to keep that

priceless individual who works hard for your company and generates strong


As an experienced business person, you have undoubtedly used, or are

in the process of using effective hiring tools to assemble what you believe to

be the best staff, with exceptional skills and who fit well into your

company’s unique culture. In a competitive, professional world, top

performers are often made a variety of offers before they settle on one career

position. But once they are working for you, they need reason and

motivation to remain.

The old adage “Look after the small things and the big things look after

themselves” can easily apply to your workforce.

Your staff is more than employees. They are valuable individuals with

unique competencies and characteristics who require appreciation as much

as a paycheck. In fact, people are the single most valuable element within

your organization.

Employee Retention Benefits

 Businesses that invest in employees and have high employee

engagement have a competitive advantage in their ability to make it

through a recession.
 These companies will emerge from the recession stronger and

healthier unlike the companies whose workforce has been decimated.

 Employees feel respected, valued, and appreciated
 Employees get to be players and not just hired hands
 Employees get to make a difference


Who is ultimately responsible for staff retention?

Retention starts at the top. Sourcing, hiring and retaining motivated

employees is the responsibility of the company’s governing board and

Leadership Team. Getting and keeping good staff demands focused, formal

and informal policies and procedures that make retention a prime

management outcome. Managers need to appreciate staff every day and

constantly work to keep them on board.

The HR department alone cannot reduce turnover.

The High Cost of Employee Turnover

The costs of high staff turnover can be incredible. Some of the substantial

costs that occur when a person leaves your organization include the


1. Recruitment costs

● From advertising to the time spent interviewing and sourcing.

2. Training costs

● Orientation materials and trainers’ time (ex. call center agents require on

average 4 - 6 weeks or more of classroom training).

3. Lost Productivity Costs

● A new employee operates between 25%-50% of productivity levels for the

first three months, not including the time spent by existing employees to


4. Lost sales costs

● The loss of business when the role is vacant.

Some common retention strategies:

1. Communicate Effectively With Your Employees

• This is the most critical tactic of all.

• Assumptions and speculations are deadly to employee morale and the

health of the organization.

• Encourage your workers to share their concerns with you and in turn

share your concerns with them. This fosters openness and trust

between all parties involved.

2. Search for Ways to Redeploy Employees

• It doesn't make sense, financially or otherwise, to get rid of valuable

employees during an economic downturn.

• When the recession is over you will need to replace these workers and

at what cost?

• Instead, shift these workers to other areas that are still performing


• Employees that leave companies take valuable knowledge with them.

3. Make Wiser Choices when Hiring Employees and Managers

• Consider the corporate culture that this prospective employee or

manager must fit into and determine if there is a match.

• Doing so will ensure that not only will the employee/manager match

the company's expectations but the company will match the

employee's or manager's expectations.

4. Be an Effective, Ethical Leader

5. Be a Great Motivator, Innovator and Leader

• Inspire your employees to achieve great things.

• Believe in their capabilities.

• Encourage them often to stretch out of their comfort zones.

• Listen to their ideas and implement them.

• In a nutshell, champion them and they will champion you and the


6. Treat Employees Fairly and Respectfully

• Your employees are your company's best asset and you must protect

and nurture them.

• Whether you know it or not, you are in the business of growing


• Let them know how valuable their contributions are to the company.

• Honor your commitments to them.

Retention Strategies of BIG BAZAAR

 Top Performer Profiling
 Orientation and OnBoarding
 Performance Reviews
 Career Pathing and The Two-Way Value Proposition
 Communication and Employee Engagement
 Morale Boosting
 Competitive Compensation
 Non-monetary Reward and Recognition
 Employee Surveys
 Exit Interviews
 The Boomerang Effect



Data Analysis And Interpretation

It is an astonishing skill to discover the new things for a researcher in his study. It calls
for the researcher’s own judgment and skill. Analysis means a critical examination of the
assembled and grouped data for studying the characteristics of the object studying and for
determining the patterns of relationship among the variables relating to it.


it is special king of ration. It is used in making comparison between two or more series of
data that are used to describe relationship. Moreover % can also be used to compare the
relative terms of the distribution of two or more series of data.

Percentage analysis

Actual Population
Simple Percentage = -------------------------- x 100
Sample Size


Table No.1 Shows the employee’s category distribution on the basis of gender

S.No. Gender No.of Employees Simple Percentage

1. Male 58 58
2. Female 42 42
Total 100 100


The above table shows that 58% of the employees are belong to male category and the rest 42% are belongs
to female category..

Chart 1
Chart showing the number of respondents based on gender

Table No.2 Shows the age wise distribution of the employees

S.No. Age Group No.of Employees Simple Percentage

1. 18-25 Years 25 25
2. 26-35 years 50 50
3. 36-45 Years 25 25
4. 46-55 Years 0 0
5. Above 55 Years 0 0
Total 100 100


The above table shows that majority of the employees i.e., 50% are attained the age 18-25 Years,
25% of the employees are attained the age 18-25 years and 25% of the employee are attained the age
between 36-45 years and there is no respondents in the age 46-55 and above 55years.

Chart showing age group of respondents

Table No. 3 Shows the experience of the employees

S.No. Experience No.of Employees Simple Percentage

1. Below 1 Year 48 48
2. 1-3 Years 35 35
3. 4-6 Years 17 17
4. 7-9 Years 0 0
5. 10-12 Years 0 0
Total 100 100


The above table shows the experience of the employees i.e, 48% of the employees is below 1 Year, 35% of
the employee are between 1-3 years and 17% of the employees are between 4-6 Years, there is no
respondents in the 7-9 years and 10-12 years.

Chart Showing the experience of the respondents

Table No.4 Shows the income level of the employees

S.No. Income No.of Employees Simple Percentage

1. Rs. 3001 - 4000 68 68
2. Rs. 4001 – 5000 12 12
3. Rs. 5001 – 6000 5 5
4. Rs. 6001 – 7000 15 15
5. Above 7000 0 0
Total 25 100

The above table shows the income level of the employee i.e., 68% of the employees is Rs. 3001 –
4000, 15% of the employees are Rs. 6001 – 7000 and 12 % of the employees are Rs. 4001 – 5000, 5% of
the employees are Rs. 5001 – 6000.


Chart showing the income of the respondents


Table No.5 Salary and Compensation

S.No. Factors No.of Employees Simple Percentage

1. Highly Satisfied 2 2
2. Satisfied 17 17
3. Neutral 20 20
4. Dissatisfied 43 43
5. Highly dissatisfied 18 18
Total 100 100

The above table shows employees satisfied with their salary and compensation i.e, 2% of the
employees said highly satisfied, 17% of the employees said satisfied and 20% of the employees are said
neutral and 43% of the employees said dissatisfied and 18% are highly dissatisfied.


Chart showing salary and compensation

Table No.6 Leave Benefits

S.No. Factors No.of Employees Simple Percentage

1. Highly Satisfied 12 12
2. Satisfied 46 46
3. Neutral 33 33
4. Dissatisfied 9 9
5. Highly dissatisfied 0 0
Total 100 100


The above table shows employees leave benefits i.e, 12% of the employees said highly satisfied,
46% of the employees said satisfied and 33% of the employees are said neutral and 9% of the employees
said dissatisfied and 18% are highly dissatisfied.


Table No. 7 Health related benefits

S.No. Factors No.of Employees Simple Percentage

1. Highly Satisfied 12 12
2. Satisfied 39 39
3. Neutral 35 35
4. Dissatisfied 14 14
5. Highly dissatisfied 0 0
Total 100 100


The above table shows employees Health related benefits i.e, 12% of the employees said highly
satisfied, 39% of the employees said satisfied and 35% of the employees are said neutral and 14% of the
employees said dissatisfied and 18% are highly dissatisfied.

Chart showing about the health related benefits

Table No. 8 Long term care insurance

S.No. Factors No.of Employees Simple Percentage

1. Highly Satisfied 12 12
2. Satisfied 64 64
3. Neutral 13 13
4. Dissatisfied 11 11
5. Highly dissatisfied 0 0
Total 100 100


The above table shows employees Long term care insurance i.e, 12% of the employees said highly
satisfied, 64% of the employees said satisfied and 13% of the employees are said neutral and 11% of the
employees said dissatisfied.


Chart showing about the Long term care Insurance


1. Most of the customers buy their requirement in Big Bazaar on the basis of Weekly

and monthly basis. Customers realized that Big Bazaar stores provide qualitative

products/service with reasonable price.

2. At present time Big Bazaar provide different types of product assortments to the


3. Continuously opening of Big Bazaar chains in different major cities, increasing

quantities of the customers & profit show that Big Bazaar most accepted name in

organized retail chain in India.

4. Big Bazaar mainly deal with middle income group people who want qualitative

product with reasonable cost.

5. Big bazaar has a good reputation of itself in the market.

6. Big bazaar has positioned itself in the market as a discounted store.

7. Big bazaar holds a huge customer base. The majority of customers belong to middle

class family.

8. Impulse buying behavior of customers comes in to play most of the times in big bazaar.

9. There are more than 50 big bazaars in different cities of India, it seems that there is a

vast growth of big bazaar lying as customers demand is increasing for big bazaars.

10. Big bazaar is a hypermarket as it provides various kinds of goods like apparels,

grocery, stationary, food items, electronic items, leather items, watches, jewellery,

crockery, decorative items, sport items, chocolates and many more. It competes with

all the specialty stores of different products which provide goods at a discounted rate

all through the year.

11. The major players in retail industries are Big bazaar, The Tata Groups (Croma),

Vishal Retail Group, Reliance Retail, Kirana stores & Sabka Bazaar etc.

 Big bazaar should include more of branded products its product category so as to

attract the brand choosy people to come in to big bazaar.

 Big bazaar should provide large parking space for its customers so that they can

easily park their vehicles.

 It should make different cash counters for different customers. Cash counter and

credit card payment counter should be placed differently in order to reduce the

rush and save the customer’s time. This will be a kind of motivator for the

customers of big bazaar.

 The service of the sales person is needed to be improved. Personal care should be

taken by the sales person for the customers so that the customers feel good.

 During the off peak hour’s big bazaar should provide some offers to its customers

so that people would be encouraged to come to big bazaar during off peak hours.

The customers who are present in the mall during the off peak hours of big bazaar

will definitely go in to big bazaar if surprise offers are made at that time.

 Customer care department is needed to take proper care of customer complaints

and queries. The person sitting at the help desk of big bazaar should be able to

provide all necessary information to the customers whenever it is required.

 The infrastructure is needed to be changed a bit during weekends as heavy crowd

comes in to big bazaar during those days.


Retention programs often fail because managers do not know and, therefore, do not act
on themost important areas affecting and employee’s intention to leave. Across the
organizations, individual development and career advancement stand out as both frequent
and critical key drivers of any employee’s intent to leave.

While the general conclusions across organizations may appear similar,at more micro
level, the composition and ordering of specific retention key drivers is unique to each
company. In addition, the meaning attached to specific drivers and, therefore, the actions
to be taken may vary by organization.

Before implementing targeted solutions to improve retention, managers need to

determine which factors drive retention th their organization as well as the meaning of
those drivers.
Thus I conclude that this employee retention is very important task in an every
organization to have retained the employees.
Put simply - you’ll have a successful company if you treat your
employees well so they want to stay with you.

 Employers who are able to minimize their employee turnover during the recession

period are going to emerge from it stronger and healthier than those companies

whose employees have defected.

 Do everything you can to make sure that you keep your employees happy,

engaged, and productive. Your company depends on it.

 Hiring top-performing and enthusiastic employees requires a certain knack. But

keeping those employees is an art. Increasing retention requires careful planning

and implementation resulting in a solid program which incorporates many or all

of the solutions mentioned above.

 In fact, many of the retention strategies mentioned above cost little or no money

to implement and require nothing more than carefully planned time dedicated to

long-term goals. Companies must realize that by keeping their turnover levels

low, they are in fact improving their bottom line.

 The cost of retaining existing top performing employees, the cost difference and

time constraints is staggering.

 It is essential that every recruiter and manager should be concerned with retention

from the start of any recruiting program. The process should be conscious of the

end goal:
 To keep the individuals who outperform in your company.
 Making the new employee aware that the intention is to keep them as long

as possible.
 Encourages the employee in committing to long-term goals and planning

within the organization.

This study will help in evaluating employee retention program to ensure that our

organization has the best possible practices in place to reduce costly turnover. To partner

with a forward thinking organization who will deliver quantifiable results to your

retention problem and, ultimately, your bottom line, these strategies can help a lot.


Designation: Qualification:

1. Why have you chosen to remain employed with the BIG-BAZAAR?

Career advancement opportunities
Challenging work
Employee benefits
Less travel
Other _________________________


► Kotler Philip, marketing management, (Pearson education, 12th edition)

► Malhotra K. Naresh, marketing research (An applied orientation), Research design,

(Prentice hall of India pvt. 5th edition)

► Berman B and Evans J.R, Retail Management (Pearson education, 10th edition)

► Louden D.L. & bitta delia consumer behavior ( tata Mc. Graw hill, 4th edition )

► Newman A.J. and Cullen P,Retailing,Environment and operations(Vikas,1st Ed.)

Retention review- From Wikipedia retention


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