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COURSE TITLE: Purposive Communication
COURSE CREDIT: 3 Units (3 hours per week)
TYPE OF COURSE: General Education Core
DOMAIN: Arts and Humanities

Purposive Communication enhances the students’ five communication skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing, simulated in
academic settings. The Course equips them with tools for critical evaluation of a variety of texts and focuses on the power of language and the impact of
images to emphasize the importance of conveying messages responsibly. It also enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal
tasks that provide them opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or global context.
In this course, the students will discuss and develop the criteria for effective communication, converse and report intelligently on an individual
or group basis on a subject of their choice, write and deliver formal speeches, and prepare academic or technical papers integrating audio-visual or web-
based presentations. These combined activities will enable them to practice and apply strategies of communication in their other academic endeavors,
their chosen disciplines, and their future careers with a clear purpose and audience in mind.

COURSE OUTCOMES: In this course, the students will:

1. Describe the nature, elements, functions, and types of verbal and non-verbal communication in various and multicultural contexts;
2. Determine culturally appropriate terms, expressions, and images;
3. Identify moral and ethical grounds of dispositions in communicative interactions;
1. Explain how cultural and global issues affect communication;
2. Convey ideas through oral, audio-visual, and/or web-based presentations for different target audiences in local and global settings using
appropriate registers;
3. Create clear, coherent, and effective communication materials;
4. Present ideas persuasively using appropriate language registers, tone, facial expressions, and gestures;
5. Write and present academic papers using appropriate tone, style, conventions, and reference styles;

6. Evaluate multimodal texts critically to enhance receptive (listening, reading, viewing);
7. Evaluate communication situations with ethical and moral considerations;

1. Adopt cultural and intellectual awareness and sensibility in communication of ideas;
2. Appreciate the differences of the varieties of spoken and written language;
3. Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas; and
4. Appreciate the impact of communication on society and the world.


Week and
No. of Topics Learning Outcomes Assessment Methods and Resources
Week 1 Communication Describe the nature, Taking quizzes and completing seatwork on Course orientation and expectation
(3 hours) Processes, Principles, elements, functions, and topics discussed setting
and Ethics types of verbal and non-
verbal communication in Brainstorming, analyzing, and presenting Lecture and class discussion on:
various and the group output on a particular topic, in -nature, elements, functions, and types
multicultural contexts different formats: of verbal and non-verbal communication
e.g. -how the notion of a “process” fits into
Identify moral and ethical -Non-linear Communication Model (with communication
grounds of dispositions in additional elements based on students’ - elements of communication in various
communicative interactions own understanding) texts and contexts
-students’ own definition of the - ways in which communication is guided
communication process by culture and context
-how Filipinos and citizens of other - introduction to ethos, pathos, and logos
countries get offended in Communication (Aristotle Theory in
-comparison chart of Mr. Ethical and Mr. Communication)
Unethical -ethical considerations in communication
- some problems that may arise if one does
not show ethics in communication Viewing of
-solutions to unethical communication -short video clips on ethical issues in
practices through role play communication
-some examples of unethical -YouTube/TED Videos on

Week and
No. of Topics Learning Outcomes Assessment Methods and Resources
communication that students have communication/public speeches
witnessed -famous speeches (giving importance to
ethos, pathos, and logos)
Writing a reflective essay on
-how to extend cultural boundaries and See:
how to resolve struggles in dealing with -classical and contemporary
them communication processes
- the message of a story (cite a similar 10 Surprising Ways on How to Offend
situation where you find communication People in Other Countries -
as powerful)
cross-cultural communication (Pellegrino
the power of words from:
Mr. Ethical and Mr. Unethical -
TEDx Bergen

Week and
No. of Topics Learning Outcomes Assessment Methods and Resources

Week 2 Communication and Explain how cultural and Taking quizzes and completing seatwork on Lecture and class discussion on an essay
(3 hours) Globalization global issues affect topics discussed or a video clip of various media (e.g. TV
communication commercials, movies, newscasts, etc.)
Brainstorming, analyzing, and presenting
Evaluate communication the group output on a particular topic, in Presentation of a series of scenarios to
situations with ethical different formats: the students; ask how they would
and moral e.g. respond to each scenario (e.g. Scary
considerations -short skit showing different Woman)
communication situations with ethical and
Appreciate the impact of moral considerations Knowledge grounding/activating
communication on -- Marawi donation drive of the government schema: Analysis of Marawi donation
society and the world and different NGOs (Bibles and pork drive of the government and different
products were distributed) NGOs (where Bibles and pork products
-a web showing the relationship of cultural were distributed)
and global issues to communication
Conducting a simple survey inside the The GDELT project
campus or on the internet on how people Article entitled "Meme-tracking and the
appreciate communication through the use Dynamics of the News Cycle" from
of social media
Creating a visual campaign for blood
donation for different audiences: Filipinos,
Middle Eastern, etc. (minimum of 3), using
any free apps i.e. Powtoon, Canva,
Sprite, etc.

Graphing/Charting/Detecting fake news/

memes using

Week and
No. of Topics Learning Outcomes Assessment Methods and Resources
Week 3 Local and Global Determine culturally Taking quizzes and completing seatwork on Lecture and class discussion on
(3 hours) Communication in appropriate terms, the topics discussed -using culturally appropriate terms,
Multicultural expressions, and images expressions, and images
Settings (sensitivity to gender, Brainstorming, analyzing, and presenting -varieties and registers of spoken and
race, class, etc.). the group output on a particular topic, in written language;
Varieties and different formats: -cultural appropriateness in
Registers of Spoken Adopt cultural and e.g. communicating as tackled in a film/video
and Written intercultural awareness -video documentation of business -communication environment and
Language and sensitivity in meetings, family gatherings, worship/ speech acts (locutionary, Illocutionary,
communication of ideas prayer/church service) of different cultural and perlocutionary)
groups in the Philippines (Chinese, Indian, -communication and culture
Appreciate the differences etc.) (the class presentation must include
of the varieties of spoken analyses of verbal and non-verbal registers) Viewing of
and written language -various cultural and intercultural modes of -prime TV soap operas
communication -films or videos
(e.g., words/gestures used in a particular --showing different speakers from various
region or country to show respect) and/or regions communicating in a multilingual
various issues in communications [e.g., use setting
of politically correct words in today’s world; --The Babel and other similar themes
gender sensitivity through language])
-stereotypical roles shown in identity Exercises on using culturally appropriate
groups in prime TV soap operas terms, expressions, and images
- cultural differences and how these affect
an individual's speech act in the given Interview of invited speakers/students
communication environment from different cultures

Writing a reflective essay on those times See:

one was insensitive to identity groups and
the changes that he/she wants to adopt in grade/from_global/language_arts/langu
his/her attitude age_registers.html

Week and
No. of Topics Learning Outcomes Assessment Methods and Resources
Weeks 4-5 Evaluating Messages Evaluate multimodal Drawing a diagram of an effective listening Lecture and class discussion on
(6 hours) and/or Images (e.g. texts critically to process, and presenting it to the rest of the -critical reading and listening
pictures, enhance receptive class -levels of listening and the elements that
illustrations) of (listening, reading, work in the process
Different Types of viewing) skills Introducing each other to the rest of the
Texts Reflecting class Interview of invited speakers/students
Different Cultures Convey ideas through from different cultures or a classmate for
(regional, Asian, oral, audio-visual, Writing a personality sketch of each other some interesting information
Western, etc.) and/or web-based
1. What is the presentations for Designing a questionnaire to be used in Exercises on analyzing content of various
message? different target gathering interesting information about texts (like authentic texts about cultural
2. What is the audiences in local and another person sensitivity from the various media [texts,
purpose of the global settings using e-mails, and social media; newspaper,
message? appropriate registers Inviting people to join cause-oriented magazine, and journal articles; print and
3. How is the events using various media such as e-mail, electronic advertisements])
message conveyed Adopt awareness of social media, print and/or electronic
by the text and/or audience and context in advertisements Taking down notes to support a summary
image? presenting ideas of a short video clip on a social-
4. Who is the target Analyzing communication issue
audience of the -Brochures and Websites (Audience,
message? Purpose, Language Use, etc.) using various Listening exercises on various
5. What other ways brochures/websites written for different communicative actions where students
of presenting the audiences need to paraphrase some ideas and draw
message are there? -Print Ads/Infographics meaning out of them
Short video clips of various listening
Making a comparison chart of the different situations to evaluate communicative
multimodal texts showing their advantages behaviors that work effectively to achieve
and disadvantages critical listening purposes

Adapting the analyzed website/brochure for Real-world brochures, websites, print ads,
a different audience by recreating it infographics, etc.

Week and
No. of Topics Learning Outcomes Assessment Methods and Resources

Designing logos Different types of multimodal texts such as

comics, posters, picture story books,
graphic novels, blogs, and the like


Weeks 6-7 Communication Aids Convey ideas through oral, Designing and preparing/creating an Lecture and class discussion on
(6 hours) and Strategies Using audio-visual, and/or web- interactive, memorable, and compelling -preparing audio visual and web-based
Tools of Technology based presentations for face-to-face or web-based presentation or presentations
different target audiences in brochure/infographic/website about a -identifying problems with the research
local and global settings current issue presentation in the video
using appropriate registers
Uploading the web-based presentation Seminar/Workshop on elements of
Adopt awareness of (audio-video) through the class web/fan effective multimedia presentation/web
audience and context in page or FB group page development
presenting ideas
Presenting the outputs to the rest of the Oral, audio-visual, and/or web-based
class or a panel/teacher/industry expert presentations to promote cultural values
(e.g., respect for elders, ‘bayanihan’
spirit, etc.)

Texts and video/audio clips from various


Week and
No. of Topics Learning Outcomes Assessment Methods and Resources
Weeks 8-9 Communication for Convey ideas through oral, Self-assessing communication Lecture and class discussion on
(6 hours) Various Purposes audio-visual, and/or web- apprehension, and speech preparation and -informative, persuasive, and
1. To obtain, provide, based presentations for delivery skills argumentative communication
and disseminate different target audiences in -types of speeches (read, memorized,
information local and global settings Setting up rules and strategies on effective impromptu, extemporaneous)
2. To persuade and using appropriate registers persuasive speaking (in small groups) -public speaking
Create clear, coherent, and Delivering Sample texts (inquiry letter, police reports,
effective communication -individual read, memorized, impromptu, or political speeches, letters of appreciation,
materials extemporaneous speeches etc.)
on current socio-political and cultural issues
Present ideas persuasively -Public Awareness/Information Campaign, Short exercises: asking for information
using appropriate language Position/Policy Presentation, Advocacy/ through inquiry letter or interview,
registers, tone, facial Persuasive Speech using various media response to queries, incident reports;
expressions, and gestures (Radio Ad, Print Ad, TV Ad, Web campaign, public announcements (audio/video, social
etc.) media) about disaster preparedness;
Adopt awareness of -a newscast editorial about environmental issues;
audience and context in -testimonials formal one-minute speech based on
presenting ideas current issues
Conducting a debate
Peer critiquing of speech performance using
a rubric resources/lesson-plans/audience-purpose-
Comparing videos of different speakers
Analyzing/Reconstructing existing

Making a new presentation to fit the needs

of the new generation

Week and
No. of Topics Learning Outcomes Assessment Methods and Resources
Weeks Communication for Create clear, coherent, and Submitting research note cards Lecture and class discussion on effective
10-11 Work Purposes - effective communication (summaries, paraphrases, and direct communication and oral presentations in
(6 hours) (e.g. healthcare, materials quotes from various resources) the workplace
education, business
and trade, law, Present ideas persuasively Writing Workplace documents (e.g. minutes;
media, science and using appropriate language -exercises on communication materials for memos; reports)
technology) register, tone, facial the workplace (e.g. minutes, memo,
expressions, and gestures request, business/technical/incident Analysis of different communication
reports, letters) materials
Adopt awareness of -a Trip or Narrative Report (regarding a
audience and context in workshop/seminar attended) Sample communication materials from
presenting and -an argumentative essay different workplace settings (e.g.,
communicating ideas minutes, memos, requests,
Interviewing several people from different business/technical/incident reports,
fields about their views on the research letters, etc.)
Research from internet, print sources
Presenting a written and/or oral group about current issues, advocacies, etc.
report of a medical case/ business
proposal/ media campaign proposal/
program or project proposal for
addressing a health issue/problem using
communication aids and strategies/tools
of technology

Conducting a Town Hall Meeting: in groups,

students present their concepts or
advocacies through extemporaneous

Creating relevant technical/business

documents (e.g., section of user manual for

Week and
No. of Topics Learning Outcomes Assessment Methods and Resources
Game Design, Product Description for SMIT,
Country Profile/Advisory for CDA, etc.)

Weeks Communication for Write and present academic Completing worksheet exercises on Lecture and class discussion on
12-14 Academic Purposes papers using appropriate documenting sources (APA/MLA style) communication for academic purposes
(9 hours) (e.g. research-based tone, style, conventions,
journal or magazine and reference styles Developing an arguable thesis statement Independent research (topic proposal,
article, etc.) that can be translated into a full-length literature review, data gathering, data
Adopt awareness of academic paper analysis)
audience and context in
presenting ideas Planning, researching, and Analysis Papers (e.g., literary analysis,
organizing the first draft of the academic political science) and/or Technical Papers
Convey ideas through paper (for journal article or magazine article)
oral, audio-visual, on political, social, cultural, economic or
and/or web-based Preparing the final draft, formatting, health, environment issue, etc.
presentations for editing, and proofreading the paper
different target Academic Presentations (e.g., paper
audiences in local and Revising the research paper presentation for a local/international
global setting using conference; lecture presentations for a
appropriate registers Submitting the final paper local/international forum) of
analysis/technical paper
Preparing, presenting, and submitting a
Multi-modal Advocacy Campaign (print,
audio, visual, web-based) addressing
current issues tackled in previous tasks (e.g.
good governance, responsible citizenship,
disaster preparedness, environmental
preservation, poverty reduction, etc.)

Researching on a course-related term

(jargon) and creating a magazine article
using various sources with proper

Week and
No. of Topics Learning Outcomes Assessment Methods and Resources


GE Learning Outcome 1: GE Learning Outcome 2: GE Learning Outcome 3:
Course Topics
Intellectual competencies Personal and civic competencies Practical responsibilities
A. Communication Processes,
Principles, and Ethics L O P
B. Communication and
Globalization L O P
C. Local and Global Communication
in Multicultural Settings
D. Evaluating Messages and/or
Images of Different Types of Text
Reflecting Different Cultures L P P
E. Communication Aids and
Strategies Using Tools of Technology P
F. Communication for Various
Purposes L P P
G. Communication for Work
Purposes L P P
H. Communication for Academic
Purposes L P P
Legend: L – learned in the course, P – practiced in the course, O – not yet learned/practiced but the opportunity to do so exists


God- With Creative & Socially Professionally One with the
TOPIC of Individual
centered Integrity Innovative Responsible Excellent Plight of the Poor
A. Communication Processes, Principles, and / / / /
B. Communication and Globalization / / / /

C. Local and Global Communication in / / /

Multicultural Settings
D. Evaluating Messages and/or Images of / / / / /
Different Types of Text Reflecting Different
E. Communication Aids and Strategies Using / / / / /
Tools of Technology
F. Communication for Various Purposes / / / / / / /

G. Communication for Work Purposes / / / / / /

H. Communication for Academic Purposes / / / / / /


1. Students are expected to regularly attend class and engage in intelligent discussions/conversations. They are only allowed to incur a maximum
of 5.5 absences for the entire term. An absence is computed as 1 and tardiness is computed as .5. Coming to class after the first 5 minutes will
already be considered as a late and coming to class after the first 30 minutes will be considered as an absence. Blue forms are only to be
honored if submitted in advance of absence date. Should a student go beyond the allowable number of absences until the official last day of
the term, s/he will automatically fail the course regardless of class standing in other course requirements.
2. Students are to demonstrate the Benildean values of intellectual honesty and integrity in their outputs. All papers and presentations should be
submitted with proper citations and documentations. Any student who plagiarizes will receive an R (0.0) in the subject. While they are allowed

to borrow ideas and arguments from authors to support their writings, accurate and full acknowledgement must be clearly stated in all
submissions and presentations.

A student with special need/s should discuss with the teacher the types of accommodation that can be prepared and provided for him/her.

1. 200-300 word essays (informative, descriptive, and argumentative)
2. 1,500-2,000-word academic paper on approved topic
3. Summary of video clip shown in the class
4. Individual speech delivery for the speaking module
5. Attendance in required seminars on specific course topics (i.e. web page development, visual communication, page design)
6. Multi-modal Advocacy Campaign

Class Participation 0-10%
Individual Outputs 15-20%
Group Outputs 10-15%
Quizzes 10-15%
Final Exam 15-20%
Project 15-20%
TOTAL 100%

It is hoped that everyone will complete the course successfully, but if a student is having doubts about his/her progress, the teacher will be
happy to discuss his/her standing in the course.
Schedule: _________________________
A student may make an appointment simply by talking to the teacher before or after class or by sending him/her an e-mail. S/he may also ask
any questions directly via e-mail.
e-mail Address: _________________________

Adler, R. B. (2013). Communication at work: Strategies for success in business and the professions. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Anderson, K. & Tompkins, (2015). P. Practicing communication ethics: Development, discernment and decision-making. Routledge.
Anderson, N. J. (2013). Active skills for reading. Boston, Massachusetts. National Geographic Learning.
Axelrod, R. & Cooper, C. (2013). The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing. (10th ed.). Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Beebee, S. (2013). Business and professional communication: Principles and skills for leadership. Boston, MA: Pearson.
Blass, L. (2013). Pathways: Reading, writing, and critical thinking 2. Boston, MA. National Geographic Learning.
Bullock, R. and Goggin, M. (2013). The Norton field guide to writing (3rd ed.). W.W. Norton and Company.
Burke, J. (March 20, 2014). Re: Defining reading. Retrieved from
Camp, S. C. & Satterwhite, M. L. (2015). College english and business communication (10th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill Education
Carter, C. E. (2014). Mindscapes: Critical reading skills and strategies. Boston: MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Chase, R. and Shamo. S. (2013). Elements of effective communication. (4th ed.). Washington, Utah: Plain and Precious Publishing.
Citing sources. (2014.) Retrieved from
Creative oral communication for Filipino students: A practical application. (2012). Quezon City: Great Book Publishing.
Dainton, M. and Zelley E. (2015). Applying communication theory for professional life. A practical Introduction. (3rd ed.). Sage Publications.
Elder, J. (2014). New worlds: An introduction to college reading. Boston: McGraw Hill.
German, K. M. (2013). Principles of public speaking (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Guffey, M. E. (2015). Business communication: Process and product. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
Locker, K.O. (2014). Business communication: Building critical skills (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Lucas, S. E. (2012). The art of public speaking (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Maskari, K. M. (2013). A practical guide to business writing: Writing in English for non-native speakers. Chichester, Sussex: South-Western Cengage
Mather, P. (2012). Reading and all that jazz: Tuning up your reading, thinking, and study skills (5th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. McDonald, J.C. The reader
(2nd ed.). USA: Pearson Education.
Newman, A. (2013). Business communication: In person, in print, online. Mason, OH: South-Western.
Quintanilla, K. M. ( 2014). Business and professional communication: Keys for workplace excellence. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Richardson, J.S. (2012). Reading to learn in the content areas (8th ed.). USA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Roen, D. (2013). The McGraw Hill Guide: Writing for college, writing for life (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
Searles, G. (2014). Workplace communication: The basics. 6th ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.Smith, B. D. (2013). Breaking through: College reading. New
York: Longman.
Talbot, F. (2012). Improve your global business English: The essential toolkit for writing and communication across borders. London: Kogan Page.
Thill, J. V. (2013). Excellence in business communication. Edinburgh Gate, Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Veit, R. (2014). Writing, reading, and research. Stanford, CT: Cengage Learning.
Verderber, R. F. (2012). The challenge of effective speaking (15th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Weinschenk, S. (2012). 100 things every presenter needs to know about people. Berkeley, CA: New Riders. Wood, J. (2015). Communication in our lives.
Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Updated: October 2017


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