5 Steps To Effective Blog Post Promotions PDF

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5 Steps to Effective Blog Post Promotions by www.tipsclear.

You’ve written a stellar blog post. Now you want all of the world to see it.
How do you get people to your blog post? How do you make sure people from
social media and the search engines end up on your website?

Here are the five steps you need to take to effectively promote your blog

Step 1: Write a Keyword Rich, Attention Catching Title

Your title needs to do two jobs.
First, it needs to have your main keywords in it. This helps let Google know
what your site is about.
It should also be attention catching. This will get more people from the
search engines to click on your site.

Step 2: Post Your Post to Your Social Network

Don’t underestimate the power of your own social network. Chances are you
have several hundred friends on Facebook who already know and like you. You
may also have followers on Twitter.
Post your new blog post to these social networks. This is a great way to get
initial traction, initial comments and initial backlinks.

Step 3: Ping Social Bookmarking Sites

Post your links to social bookmarking sites like Reddit, Digg or StumbleUpon.
Some of these sites, like StumbleUpon, limit the amount of times you can
post your own site. On the other hand, sites like Reddit allow you to post
your links as many times as you want.

Every time you post a new piece of content, post it on social bookmarking
sites. If you’re posting a piece of linkbait or an infographic, it pays to hire
someone who has a high “karma” rating or a strong reputation to post it for
you. That’ll help get you to the front page faster.
Step 4: Post a Dozen Comments
Go out to other blogs and post a dozen comments. For each comment, put
your new blog post in the “website” area to generate a new backlink.
Make sure each of your comments is high quality and inspires other people to
click on your link.
Don’t do this for the “link juice.” Blog comments have very little real SEO
value anymore. However, if you can get your link in front of a lot of people in
your target audience, you’re still going to get a lot of targeted traffic.

Step 5: Implement an Effective Backlink Campaign

Finally, implement an effective backlinking campaign. If you’re targeting a
keyword that isn’t too competitive, you can post just 5 to 10 moderate level
PR links to your blog post. If you’re trying to rank for a highly competitive
keyword, you’ll want to do a lot more.

One great way to quickly find places you can get high PR backlinks is in
FaceBook SEO community and Best Bloggers.

With Warm Regards

Chinnagounder Thiruvenkatam

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