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TREX ates copscin Continental Division 2000.25 Avene Bronview 1.60153 X-Ray Tube #1 Warm up Procedure 1, Select the manual mode. 2. Select the 3-factor mode. 3, Select table top exposure mode. 4, Select the large focal spot. 5. Select the 200 mA station. 6. Select 250 ms time, (mAs should read 50) “7. Select 80 kVp. 8. Make 5 exposures, @ 30 seconds apart. The tube warm up procedure is complete. Ray Tube #2 Warm up Procedure . Set up for fluoroscopy per the exam your are going to do first. . Place a single layer of a lead apron on the tabletop under the image intensifier. . Position the table bucky under the lead apron and the image intensifier so you have something to view on the monitor. . Press on the fluoroscopic button on the handle or step on the foot pedal for 15 seconds. . Watch the fluoroscopic timer to monitor the 15 seconds of time. . Watch the monitor also to make sure you have an image and that the system is functioning properly for your first exam. The tube warm up procedure is complete. TREX vies coneraien Continental Division 2000.25" Avente Broadview, 60153 X-Ray Tube Warm up Procedure 1, Select the manual mode. 2. Select the 3-factor mode. 3. Select table top exposure mode. 4, Select the large focal spot. 5. Select the 200 ma station. 6. Select 250 ms time. (mAs should read 50) 7. Select 80 Vp. 8. Make 5 exposures; @ 30 seconds apart. The tube warm up procedure is complete. (008005 aor ove BuSaNWTTIN set Serr 008 $29 C021 o's 8 109 Oso1sze oo ses 096 008 ote oer 008 OS 009 OSy og 059 ozs o6e os. S29 005 Sze 00S Or Ove One z ose ‘O02 z oan 00 jewjeg | uonoeig ‘SONOOSSAWIL SGNOOAS-SHadNVITHIN (Sv) Uoyo16di05 PAW LYVHS NOISHSANOD SVN YGRAL

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