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Seed Germination and Seedling Growth


On this experiment, the students first gathered the needed materials for the laboratory experiment
which were: the mung bean ( Vigna radiata), Erlenmeyer flasks, distilled water, rubber stopper glass
plugs. On the first set up, to see the effects of gas composition, the students prepared three 250 ml
erlenmeyer flasks and spread a piece of cotton on each. Afterwards, 25 ml of distilled water was poured
and 10 uniformly sized seeds were placed in each flask and the first flask was covered with cotton while
the second and third were covered with the rubber stopper with the glass rubber tubing. N2 gas was
then added on the second flask by connecting the tube to the gas source, allowing the air to flow inside
the flask. This was done for three minutes and sealed with a pinch cock. This procedure was also
repeated on the third flask but with the CO2 gas. The three flasks were then placedat room temperature
for two days and the students observed and recorded the length of the seed and the number of seeds
that germinated.

On the second set up to see the effect of the temperature on seed germination, three petri dishes
were prepared with filter papers moistened with 8ml of distilled water placed on each dish. After, ten
seeds of uniformed sizes were placed on each petri dish and each were set on different temperatures.
One was placed at room temperature, the other inside a refrigerator and the last inside an oven. The
After two days the students counted the number of seeds that germinated in each petri dish.

On the third set up on the effect of the hydrogen ion concentration on seed germination. Four petri
dishes were prepared and each lined with filter paper. The standard set up dish was moistened with 8
ml distilled water while the other three were placed with 8 ml of treatment solutions buffered at
different pH levels. After, 10 seeds of uniformed size were placed on each petri dish and incubated at
room temperature for two days. After, the number of seeds that germinated and changed in length
were recorded.

On the fourth set up on the effect of varying osmotic concentration on the seed germination, four
petri dishes were lined with filter paper as well. The first dish was moistened with 8 ml of distilled water
and the other iwth 8 ml of 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% NaCl solutions. Next, 10 uniformly sized seeds were
placed on each petri dish and then incubated at room temperature. After two days respectively, the
students observed the number of seeds that germinated and recorded the percent of germination in
each flask.

Discussion of Results

A. Effect of gas composition

Oxygen is required by the germinating seed for metabolism. Oxygen is used in aerobic respiration,
the main source of the seedlings energy until it grows leaves. Oxygen is an atmospheric gas that is found
in the soil. On the other hand, carbon dioxide, feedback inhibition will happen since carbon dioxide is
already a product of respiration. For the nitrogen gas, it stimulates an anaerobic environmtne just like in
a waterlogged soil, however the nitrogen gas was not conducted in the experiment. The data obtained
showed that the ordinary air had the highest rate of germination and the carbon dioxide shows no rate
of see germination. When N2 gas and carbon dioxide were placed in the flask, no percent or
germination occured same as to the growth of the length of the hypocotyl-root axis of the seed. This is
II. Gross Composition of Plants


All living organisms have definite structures that allows them to perform vital functions. These
structures, when broken down into their chemical component parts are made of both organic and
inorganic components. Plants are composed of water, carbon-containing organics, and non-carbon-
containing inorganic substances.
Plant cells need essential substances, collectively called nutrients, to sustain life. Plant nutrients
may be composed of either organic or inorganic compounds. An organic compound is a chemical
compound that contains carbon, such as carbon dioxide obtained from the atmosphere. Carbon that
was obtained from atmospheric CO2 composes the majority of the dry mass within most plants. An
inorganic compound does not contain carbon and is not part of, or produced by, a living organism.
Inorganic substances (which form the majority of the soil substance) are commonly called minerals:
those required by plants include nitrogen (N) and potassium (K), for structure and regulation. (The
Chemical Composition of Plants - Boundless Open Textbook, 2016).
Since plants require nutrients in the form of elements, it is important to understand the chemical
composition of plants. The majority of volume in a plant cell is water. Soil is the water source for land
plants. It can be an abundant source of water even if it appears dry. Plant roots absorb water from the
soil through root hairs and transport it up to the leaves through the xylem. As water vapor is lost from
the leaves, the process of transpiration and the polarity of water molecules (which enables them to
form hydrogen bonds) draws more water from the roots up through the plant to the leaves . Plants need
water to support cell structure, for metabolic functions, to carry nutrients, and for photosynthesis. The
amount of water in plant tissues can be determined by getting the difference between the dry weight
and the fresh weight.

Once a plant has been dried it undergoes combustion where the plant is is subjected to very high
temperature until it turns to ash. These ashes that remains are the elements and the minerals in the
form of oxides. Contrary to this, in the process of combustion, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and
nucleic acids are organic components that form into carbon dioxide, water or in a form of oxides of

Discussion of Results

Based on the results, the fresh weight of the roots used were 5.5 g of papaya and 2.5 grams of
bromeliad. The roots dried up using a filter paper and afterwards, the students took it to dry weight. The
students observed that the dry weight of the roots is lighter than its fresh weight having 5.3 grams in the
papaya and 1.8 grams in the bromeliad. The weight of the roots became lighter due to the lost of its
water composition, thus the water escapes the roots as water vapor and the roots lost about 3.64% or
0.2 grams of water in the papaya and 28% or 1.8 grams in the bromeliad. To compare the dry weight
from the ash weight, there was a decrease of 96.36% or 4.6 grams in papaya and 72% or 1 gram in
bromeliad in the weight when it was turned to ashes through combustion. Its ash weight showed a
drastic decrease in weight because their solid composition such as lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and
nucleic acids has been turned into gaseous forms and remains in organic materials in the ash. Organic
matter was known by getting the difference of the dry weight and the ash weight.

III. Inorganic Components


On the detection of the presence of some mineral elements in plant tissues the students made use
of their ashes from the last experiment. To start with, the students first obtained the ash solution. The
ash was placed on a 250 ml beaker and added with 10 ml distilled water and was stirred. Afterwards, the
pH of the solution was tested with a lithmus apepr and 5 ml of 1M HCl solution was added to note the
formation of bubbles. Then, 25 ml of distilled water was added again, stirred and filtered.

To start with the qualitative test for the presence on mineral elements, first was the test for
calcium. 2.25 ml of 10% CaCl2 or the calcium solution was placed on one test tube and 2.5 ml of the ash
solution on the other. After, 5 ml of 10% NH4Cl or the ammonium chloride and 2 ml of 1:4 NH4OH or
ammonium hydroxide were added. Then, using the lithmus paper, the students tested the alkalinity. The
set up was the stood for 5 minutes before it was filtered then 1 ml of saturated ammonium oxalate was
added to the filtrate. The set up was then warmed in a hot water bath until precipitate formed. Lastly,
the students examined a few crystals from the set up under a microscope and described and drew the

On the next test, to test for magnesium, the mixture of the test tube with the ash solution from the
calcium set up was filtered and the filtrate was then transferred at another test tube. A standard
solution was then prepared by placing 5 ml od 10% MgCl2 or the magnesium chloride on a separate test
tube. Afterwards, 1 ml of 1:4 NH4OH and 10% Na2HPO4 or sodium phosphate dibasic were added on
each test tubes. Each were examined and the crystals were viewed under the microscope and the
results were compared and drawn.

On the test for sulfur, two test tubes were labeled and on the first test tube, 2 ml of 10% standard
phosphorus solution and on the test tube 2 with 5 ml of the ash solution. After, 2.5 ml 8.5%
(NH4)2MoO4 of ammonium molybdate was added on each and were mixed. 1.5 ml of 20% Na2SO3 or
sodium sulfite, 1 ml of 0.5% C6H6O2 or the hydroquione and 1ml 1M HCl were added. The two test
tubes were then mixed and stood for five minutes. The intense blue coloration indicated the presence of
the phosphorus.

On the test for iron, two test tubes were obtained and on the first test tube, 5 ml of 10% FeCl3 was
added and 3 ml ash solution on the second test tube. 2 ml of 10% KCNS or potassium thiocyanate was
then added on each test tube. Afterwards the students compared the color intensity in each of the
tubes. This is because the formation of a reddish solution indicates the presence of iron.

Lastly, on the test for potassium, two watch glasses were labelled as 1 and 2. on watch glass no. 1, 1
ml of 10% KCL or the standard potassium solution was placed and 1 ml of the ash solution on the watch
glass no. 2. After, 2-3 drops of 1M HCl were added to each solution in the watch glass. A bunsen burner
was then lit and adjusted to a blue flame of about 1 inch high. Two wire loops were then assigned to
each solution and dipped in and the loop was then brought to the blue edge of the flame to observe if
there is an appearance of a violet flame.

Discussion of Results

In the first experiment, which tested the level of calcium, ammonium chloride and ammonium hydroxide was
added in two tubes containing a standard calcium solution and the other with the ash solution to determine their
level of alkalinity. After adding the ammonium chloride and ammonium hydroxide, both solutions had a PH level of
7. Since the solution is acidic, a drop of ammonium hydroxide was added to filtrate ** and was treated with a
water bath until it formed a precipitate. Based on the results, the standard solution exhibited a cloudy white color
while the ash solution was clear and thus both the solutions have a precipitate. Both soultions were observed
under the microscope and both had the presence of crystals. These crystals are an indicator of a positive result for
the detection of calcium, magnesium and sulfur. Calcium crystals displayed a black and white crystal for both the
standard and ash solution. Afterwards, a test for magnesium was conducted and the crystals were present and
appeared to be the ammonium magnesium phosphate.

B. (2016, May 26). The Chemical Composition of Plants - Boundless Open Textbook. Retrieved April 02,
2017,from boundless-biology-textbook/ soil-and-plant-nutrition-
31/ nutritional-requirements-of-plants-186/ the-chemical- composition -of-plants-710-11934/

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