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ST – Mastery 35%

Strategies Planned
•! • Demonstration (of a mixture of a solid and a liquid creating a gas)
•! • Hands-on experience (eating root beer floats, exploring with base 10 blokcs )
•! • Direct instructions (about what to draw in the science lesson)
•! • Categorizing (different states of matter and different types of clouds)

Multiple Intelligences fostered

•! • Body/Kinesthetic – manipulating and using base 10 blocks to understand place value

SF – Interpersonal 35%

Strategies Planned
•! • Group experiences and working with others (to create hypothesis)
•! • Chances to share ideas with other students and present ideas to the class (showing
student work at the end of the science lessons as well as the writing and guided reading
•! working in small groups to promote talking

Multiple Intelligences fostered

•! • Musical/Rhythmic – N/A
•! • Interpersonal – working in groups to create hypothesis

NI - Understanding 20%
Strategies Planned
•! • Relating and connecting clouds and states of matter
•! • Gaining information through direct instruction and investigations conducted
•! • Chances to work independently while drawing and labeling as well as independent
•! • Comparing and contrasting electricity and magnetism

Multiple Intelligences fostered

•! • Intrapersonal – drawing pictures and labeling to show understanding
•! • Verbal/Linguistic – allowing students to share their work visually and verbally with
the class.

NF – Self-expressive 10%
Strategies Planned
•! • Discussion and chance to ask questions during instruction
•! • Discovery learning (in conducting investigations and watching experiments)
•! • Creating hypotheses (in both science lessons)

Multiple Intelligences fostered

•! • Logical/Mathematical – creating hypotheses and conducting experiments
•! • Visual/Spatial – drawing and labeling clouds as well as root beer floats
•! • Naturalist – investigations of clouds will be conducted outside, investigations will help
students understand the natural world around them.

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