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1. Are you aware about the safety training programs conducted in the company?
Yes No

2. Do you get chance to report unsafe conditions and accidents to your superior?
Yes No

3. Number of injuries in the company for a 3 year period?

Yes No

4. Opinion about the first aid facility provided by the company?

Yes No

5. What is your opinion about the necessity of safety training program in the company?
Yes No

6. Do you know how to respond to an emergency such as fire?

Yes No

7. How much of time will you spend for leisure?

Yes No

8. How much of time you work continuously?

Yes No
9. Are you satisfied with the working condition in the company?
Yes No

10. Do you follow all established safety rules and procedure?

Yes No

11. Do you attend all required safety training programme?

Yes No

12. How do the company carrying out the safety training programme?
Yes No

13. How you evaluate the effectiveness of training programme?

Yes No

14. Is there any special group for conducting the training program?
Yes No

15. How you evaluate the safety training team in the company?
Yes No

16. Does your organization have a current emergency respond plan?

Yes No

17. Which of the following receive health and safety training ?

Yes No

18. The number of hazardous work place in the company?

Yes No
19. The number of employees workimg at risky situations?
Yes No

20. Do you think the company should improve their safety training program?
Yes No

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