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Carroll County Times Thursday, October 28, 2010, Page A7


Nuns to auction ACLU sues over slur

off baseball card Police: State trooper used derogatory word
ASSOCIATED PRESS The lawsuit, filed in Bal- day that the agency released
timore County Circuit everything it was permitted
Proceeds from Honus Wagner BALTIMORE — The
Maryland State Police
Court, attempts to compel by law to disclose and de-
state police to release the tailed its reasons for deny-
memorabilia to go to ministries should release the files
detailing its investigation
information. ing Dashiell’s public
State police spokesman information requests in two
into a trooper who ut- Greg Shipley said Wednes-
ASSOCIATED PRESS cardboard could sell for tered a racial slur in a
letters to her attorneys.
even a fraction of that. voicemail message for a
BALTIMORE — Sister “It just boggles your
Virginia Muller had never black woman and disclose
mind,” Muller told The As- how the trooper was dis-
heard of shortstop Honus sociated Press. “I can’t re-
Wagner. ciplined, the ACLU of
member a time when we Maryland argued in a
But she quickly learned have received anything like AP PHOTO lawsuit filed Wednesday.
the baseball great is a this.” A rare century- old T206 Last November, state
revered figure among col- The brother of a nun who
lectors, and the most
Honus Wagner baseball police Sgt. John Maiello
died in 1999 left all his pos- card is shown. It is the left Teleta Dashiell a
sought- after baseball card sessions to the order when
in history. And thanks to an most sought-after base- voicemail and apparently
he died earlier this year. ball card in history. thought he had hung up
unexpected donation, one The man’s lawyer told
of the century- old cards when he had not.
Muller he had a Honus He can be heard using
belongs to Muller and her Wagner card in a safe- de- Auction Galleries in Dallas,
which is auctioning the the N-word in conversa-
order, the Baltimore- based posit box.
card. tion with another trooper.
School Sisters of Notre When they opened the
“The T206 set is known Dashiell, of Princess
Dame. box, they found the card,
as ‘The Monster’ among Anne, filed a complaint,
The Roman Catholic with a typewritten note: paid political advertisem en t
collectors. It’s just really and state police told her
nuns are auctioning off the “Although damaged, the that the incident was in-
card, which despite its poor value of this baseball card tough to complete the en-
tire set,” Ivy said. The vestigated and that her
condition is expected to should increase exponen- complaint had been sus-
fetch between $150,000 and tially throughout the 21st Wagner card is “one of
those that’s always sought- tained. The agency also
$200,000. The proceeds century!” indicated that Maiello,
will go to their ministries The card was unknown after, always desirable, and
who remains a state
in 35 countries around the to the sports- memorabilia there’s not a big population
trooper, had been disci-
world. marketplace because the of them. Even in a lower
plined, but it did not say
The card is part of the nuns’ benefactor had grade, they do have quite a
bit of demand and com-
how. w w w .Ju stin R
T206 series, produced be- owned it since 1936. It has a Dashiell and the Ameri-
tween 1909 and 1911. About big crease in the upper mand a strong price.” can Civil Liberties Union
60 Wagner cards are right- hand corner, and Wagner, nicknamed “The of Maryland filed public
known to exist. three of the white borders Flying Dutchman,” played information requests for
A near- mint- condition have been cut off. for 21 seasons, 18 of them details on how the com-
T206 Wagner card sold in It has also been lami- with the Pittsburgh Pirates. plaint was handled and
2007 for $2.8 million, the nated. But even in poor He compiled a .328 career how Maiello was disci-
highest price ever for a condition, a T206 Wagner batting average and was plined, but the agency re-
baseball card. Muller re- card is prized by collectors, one of the five original in- fused, saying it was a
mains aghast that the 1¼- said Chris Ivy, director of ductees into baseball’s Hall confidential personnel
inch- by-2½- inch piece of sports auctions at Heritage of Fame. matter.

Theft the Community Center,

she said, but are passing
ever stole them, Mathias
and returned to the organ-
From Page A1 them back and forth be- Because of the security “Union Bridge is a close R eady to L isten ,R eady to L ead!
tween the volunteers, programs installed on enough community that A s D elegate,Ju stin R eady w illfight in A n n apolis to:
She and the other volun- which is difficult and time them by the public library, eventually it’s going to P ass realtax relief for fam ilies,businesses and retirees
teers who run the com- consuming. come out with who did
users cannot save any in- E xpose and elim inate w astefulspending
puter lab three nights a “I don’t want [the theft] this,” she said.
formation on the hard P rotect our 2nd Am endm ent R ights
week at the Community to interfere with a program Charges from this case
drive and they are unable
Center feel uneasy, she that has been very suc-
cessful,” Mathias said of to visit websites that don’t
include second- degree V ote for Ju stin R eady
burglary, theft and mali-
said, believing the person
who stole the laptops must the lab, which recently comply with the library’s cious destruction of prop-
for State D elegate on N ovem ber 2n d!
have known how they were celebrated its one-year an- guidelines. erty, Kasten said. “I am pro u d to endo rse Ju stin R eady fo r the H o u se o f D elegates fro m
stored and most likely was niversary. Mathias said Bridges D istrict5A .Ju stin has the rightkind o f experience needed to represent
a user of the computer lab. Another frustrating does not have enough Reach staff writer Carrie the peo ple and he isready to serve.A sm allbu siness o w ner,Ju stin w ill
point in the theft is that funding to purchase new fightto redu ce taxes and elim inate w astefu lspending.E lecting Ju stin R eady
The Bridges volunteers Ann Knauer at 410- 857- w illhelp bring realpo sitive change to M aryland.G o v. M ike H ucka bee
are no longer storing the these laptops would be laptops, so they are hoping 7874 or carrie.knauer@car

computer lab equipment at virtually useless to who- the laptops will be found By Au thority - Frien ds ofJu stin Ready,Rebecca Alford-Ready,Treasu rer

Tired of Volatility?
H ow a b out s ta b ility. H o lid
lid ay
3 Y ear Term
Currently yielding

G uaranteed R ate
O p e n H o us
us e at
Guaranteed Rate 10% free w ithdraw alea.yr.
Fullcontractvalue paid atthe end ofpolicy
year.Form No FPIA-0110
of 3% **
5 Y ear AP Y *
Currently yielding

10% free w ithdraw alea.yr.S urrender
Charges(Y r.1-9% ,Y r.2-7% ,Y r.3-5% ,Y r.4-
C lem entine’s
C o u ntry B o u tiqu e
3% ,Y r.5-1% ,Y r.6-0% ) Form No FPA (5)-

8 Y ear AP Y *
Currently yielding
Thursda y ,N ovem ber 4 • 5pm - 8pm
3.50% F rida y ,N ovem ber 5 • 10a m - 8pm
10% free w ithdraw alea.yr.S urrender

*S a turda y ,N ovem ber 6 • 10a m - 5pm

Charges(Y r.1-10% ,Y r.2-9% ,Y r.3-8% ,Y r.
4-7% ,Y r.5-6% ,Y r.6-5% ,Y r.7-4% ,Y r.8-
3% ,Y r.9-2% ,Y r.10-1% ,Y r.11-0% ) Form

S unda y ,N ovem ber 7 • 12 - 5pm

No FPA (8)-122009-IL

All p la ns p ro v ide full w ithdra w a l a tthe end o fthe sta ted tim e.
Currentyield effective 10/1/10.Ratesare subjectto change on new issues only.ContractForm s FPA (5)(8) (10) -

*G etC a sh F or Your
122009-IL.S ingle prem ium D eferred A nnuity.Form No FPIA 0110 isa single prem ium im m ediate annuity.Issued
by W estern CatholicUnion,a fraternalbenefitsociety founded in Quincy,IL in 1877.Notavailable in allstates.

*A currentA PY (A nnualPercentage Yield)m eans thatW estern CatholicUnion currently pays thisA PY only forthe
period the annuity issubjectto a w ithdraw alcharge.ThisA PY isnotguaranteed and can fluctuate up ordow n U nw a nted G old
during the w ithdraw alcharge period.Ifyou purchase a long term annuity( 3 yearsorm ore) from W estern Catholic W e w illha ve a rep on site
Union itw illhave a m inim um guaranteed interestrate of3% .Thism eans even ifthe currentA PY decreases
during the w ithdraw alcharge period,the guaranteed interestrate,notthe currentA PY,foryourannuity w illnever S a t.,N ovem ber 6th. 1-5pm .
drop below the 3% stated in the certificate during the term ofthe annuity.

**The 3% guarantee appliesto Form s FPA (5) (8) (10) -122009-IL

Stop by to see w hat’s new , w e have u niqu e gifts

for everyone on you r list inclu ding Y O U !
W e w illbe closed O ct. 31sta nd N ov. 1st. to prepa re for the O pen H ouse.

D o na ld E. O a tes , CLU, ChFC 14-18 John S t • W es tm ins ter,M D


4 0 14 Ha m ps tea d M ex ic o R d ., Ha m ps tea d , M D

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