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SPE 95279

The Perfect Wellbore!

C.J. Mason, SPE, BP Exploration, and D. C-K Chen, SPE, Halliburton Sperry Drilling Services

Copyright 2005, Society of Petroleum Engineers

three-dimensional wells could be drilled with minimal
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and mechanical loads. Needless to say, there would be many other
Exhibition held in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., 9 – 12 October 2005.
technical challenges to overcome for such extreme wells [1].
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to A common view is that a perfect wellbore is associated
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at with excellence in directional drilling. Whilst this association
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
is critically important, there are many other significant
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Abstract The recent maturing of 3D rotary steerable technology in

Wellbore quality is a term frequently used in the drilling particular has led to renewed interest in wellbore quality and
community; however its meaning is not well understood, its its claimed benefits. This raises an important issue, since there
context frequently confused and its value underestimated. For is no common definition of the term “wellbore quality”. This
most drilling engineers, a quality wellbore is one associated topic is therefore an underlying theme of the paper.
with a directionally drilled borehole that is smooth, in-gauge,
and has minimal spiralling. The claimed benefits of such a The link between drilling and casing running operations
wellbore includes improved drilling performance, ease of has already been explored [2]. A procedure was developed to
running casing, better logging tool response, and highly utilise information extracted from the drilling phase to predict
competent cement jobs. To date it has been too difficult or too likelihood of casing running success or failure. One of the key
complex to relate such benefits to wellbore quality in a obstacles in this process was the requirement to provide a
meaningful and measurable way. In order to reduce existing meaningful measure of wellbore quality. Quantification of
subjectivity, a procedure has been devised whereby wellbore wellbore quality is therefore a key feature of the current paper.
quality can be measured in a practicable way. This resulting
process is embedded in what is called the Wellbore Quality Results of an industry survey into the usage and context of
Scorecard (WQS). The system works by individually scoring the term “wellbore quality” are given in the first section of the
drilling, tripping-out and casing running responses for any paper. Based on these results, a qualitative definition of
drilled hole section. A total score ranging from 0 to 20 is wellbore quality is proposed. The paper then discusses the
computed, where 20 is considered to be “The Perfect contentious issue of quantifying wellbore quality. It explores
Wellbore”. This represents significantly better than expected the inherent difficulty of doing this and the potential impact a
torque and drag responses from drilling, tripping-out of hole recognised system could have on various drilling services. The
and casing running. Practical applications of the WQS are paper then considers analogues from both inside and outside
demonstrated on both horizontal and extended-reach wells. the oil industry. Interestingly the most successful processes
involve the use of a simple scorecard method. After
Introduction extensively reviewing numerous drilling and casing running
Aesthetically, the perfect wellbore can be envisioned as a operations, a scorecard method has been proposed as a suitable
flawless, three-dimensional hollow cylinder with a smooth vehicle for quantifying wellbore quality. The underlying logic
frictionless finish. It must also have the property that a casing of this approach is explained and case studies based on field
or completion string, if required, can be easily run to depth experience presented. The paper concludes by summarising
within it. key observations and suggests development options for the
If, in practice, it were feasible to drill a perfect wellbore,
there would be many associated benefits. For example, there Note that the work described in this paper is at a relatively
would be virtually zero torque and drag. Elimination of early stage and is intended to stimulate discussion and interest
frictional drag would have a far reaching impact in that within the drilling community.
extremely high step-out extended-reach or very complex
2 SPE 95279

Review of Wellbore Quality trajectory tortuosity) during the sliding part of the drilling
A review of papers from the SPE library provided an process” [8].
interesting insight into the context and usage of the term
wellbore quality. Below, extracts from the drilling literature “Steerable drilling assembly selection is fundamental for
are cited to illustrate how the term has been used. wellbore quality improvement to minimise the pipe-sticking
incidence and provide coiled tubing accessibility for barefoot
At the outset it is considered that there is no right or wrong horizontal completions”. “Well construction (performance)
definition, provided the context of the term is understood. optimization and trouble free and high quality well delivery
What can be inferred from the quoted extracts is that the term are considered essential issues for the economics of drilling
wellbore quality is used in a fairly consistent manner. wells and introducing new related technologies” [9].

It will also be seen that wellbore quality is often used as a “It is based on the premise that hole spiralling is the primary
relative term to relate to a change in performance between cause of poor hole quality, that spiralling can easily be
wells. Many papers associate (1) cost benefits and (2) eliminated, and that desirable benefits can be clearly
economics with a high quality wellbore. A third category is demonstrated by eliminating spiralling and thus improving
concerned with operational consequences of improved hole hole quality”. “We believe that back calculated friction factors
quality: better hole cleaning; improved ROP (rate of are the most objective and reliable means of quantifying hole
penetration); reduced tortuosity; less torque and drag; quality, rather than convoluted measurements of angular
elimination of wellbore spiralling; in-gauge hole; smoother change” [10].
wellbore; lower vibration; fewer tool failures; prolonged bit
life; improved logging tool response; better cement jobs. A “Recent evidence suggests that any torque and drag benefits
few papers also associate wellbore quality with reductions in derived from reducing dogleg as measured by survey data
friction factors or torque and drag. (macro-tortuosity) are likely to be completely overwhelmed by
the torque and drag generated by poor wellbore quality
“Tangible improvements in cost-per-foot and drilling (micro-tortuosity)”. “A non-spiralled, high quality hole will
optimization, as well as intangible benefits in wellbore quality have a drift diameter equal to its gauge, presumed to be the
and predictable drilling performance” [3]. nominal bit diameter” [11].

“These tools have been introduced to the Middle East where “A high-quality wellbore is generally considered to have (1) a
they demonstrated their ability to improve hole quality and gauge hole, (2) a smooth wellbore, and (3) a wellbore with
reduce operators overall costs in the carbonates of the Arabian minimum tortuosity. Field data indicate that generating a
Gulf. Observed benefits included: torque and drag values are straighter; high-quality wellbore has improved almost every
lower than in comparable wells drilled with conventional aspect of drilling. These improvements include lower
systems; friction factors are significantly less, making it easier vibration, better bit life, fewer tool failures, faster drilling,
to slide; wellbore drift is retained making it easier to run stiff better hole cleaning, lower torque and drag, better logging tool
BHAs, liners and casing” [4]. response, and better casing and cement jobs” [12].

“With RSTs (rotary steerable tools), changes to wellbore The Perfect Wellbore
trajectory are made while the drillstring is in continuous Operators are not in the business of drilling geometrically
rotation. This advantage improves wellbore quality, hole perfect wellbores, but in drilling cost effective, fit-for-purpose
cleaning and rate of penetration (ROP). It also reduced wells that meet safety, directional, and reservoir objectives.
wellbore tortuosity, torque and drag, and eliminates the However the purpose of exploring the concept of a perfect
harmful effects of ‘negative weight on bit’, especially on wellbore is to provide focus and generate new ideas to extract
extended-reach (ERD) programs” [5]. additional value from the drilling and completion process.

“Oriented drilling has proved to be time consuming and would There is an inextricable link between the perfect wellbore
often result in poor borehole quality”. “This technique, and wellbore quality. The perfect wellbore should be viewed
therefore, allows the use of extended-gauge bits, which in turn as one that achieves the highest possible, practicable wellbore
have a significant impact on wellbore quality specifically the quality. To aid the discussion the following definition of a
elimination of wellbore spiralling” [6]. perfect wellbore is proposed.

“Albeit its good ability to conserve cuttings, the KCI/polymer • no unexpected deviations from the planned wellbore
based fluid has not shown any better performance with respect • minimum tortuosity
to wellbore quality than other currently used water based • no wellbore spiralling
drilling fluids” [7]. • no residual cuttings bed
• no ledges
“By assimilating surface torque with downhole bit and • no wellbore breakout / hole in-gauge / no hole ovality
drillpipe behaviour, the technology allows drillers to maximize
• minimum hole size drilled for required casing
drilling efficiency and improve wellbore quality (due to less
• hole fit for purpose to run casing with ease
SPE 95279 3

It is considered that deviations from the above perfect Casing running failure can be attributed to a number of key
wellbore definition will result in an inferior or non-optimally factors: casing string and connection design combination;
designed wellbore in some way. inappropriate centralisation strategy; wellbore deterioration;
tight hole; running through depleted zones; troublesome
The perfect wellbore could be associated with the entire formations such as sloughing shales. Casing running
drilling and completion process from spud to well delivery. operations tend to magnify any potential hole problems that
However the context of a perfect wellbore in this paper is that might be observed when tripping drilling assemblies. It is also
each hole section should be considered separately. In noteworthy that casing running friction factors tend to be
principle, the combination of all hole sections can be consistently higher than those observed during drilling [14].
integrated to provide a wellbore quality assessment for the One way to think about this observation is that, in theory, true
entire well. mechanical friction should be the same for all operations.
Deviations from this baseline could be attributed to wellbore
As previously mentioned, the perfect wellbore is quality effects. Interestingly there are examples where casing
associated with many more issues than just directional drilling running drag is virtually zero [14]; such cases provide
achievements. In practical terms, the construction of the valuable insights into understanding wellbore quality effects.
perfect wellbore is dependent on the provision of an optimal
well design followed by flawless execution. The extended Below the benefits of drilling a perfect or near perfect
drilling team which comprises operator and service company wellbore are detailed.
personnel will have a team agenda for achieving excellence.
Impacts of a perfect wellbore.
• For the operator, the perfect wellbore could be one that is • minimal torque and drag levels during drilling
drilled and completed cost effectively and meets safety, • no stuck pipe events
directional, and reservoir objectives. • improved weight transfer – better ROP
• easier hole cleaning – no pack-offs
• For the directional driller, the perfect wellbore could • low vibrations – improved downhole tool reliability and
mean no unexpected deviation from the planned wellpath longer bit life
and no borehole spiralling. It could also be extended to • reduced casing wear
include a smooth casing run to bottom in the as-drilled • easier casing or completion running
wellbore. • better logging tool response
• better cement job
• For the mud engineer, the perfect wellbore could mean a
• capability to drill more challenging wells
well where mud rheology has been maintained within a
prescribed set of weight and rheology parameters, hole In terms of influencing wellbore quality, everything from
cleaning had resulted in no residual cuttings beds, no mud
the planning phase through to execution will have an impact in
losses and no barite sag.
some way. Below key factors are listed:
• For the driller, the perfect wellbore could be one where all Factors that influence wellbore quality
surface drilling parameters have been maintained within
• planning and assurance
their specified range.
- casing design (diameter, weight and shoe depths)
- hole size (annular clearance)
• For the rig contractor, the perfect wellbore could represent - well trajectory design (inclination, dogleg severity)
one where no unplanned maintenance or equipment - drilling mud (type, weight, rheology, lubricity)
failures have occurred. - drilling assembly (drillpipe size, BHA and bit)
- drilling parameters (WOB, ROP, RPM, flow rate)
• For the cementer, the perfect wellbore could be one that is - planned operational practices
drilled perfectly in gauge, casing achieves 100% stand-off • subsurface conditions
and the planned slurry and displacement goes exactly to - lithology (formation, stringers, faults, rock strength)
plan. - pore pressure (mud overbalance)
- fracture gradient (circulation losses)
Overall, the perfect wellbore could be considered to be a
• drilling operations
super-set of all the above.
- wellbore instability (hole ovality, breakout)
- hole cleaning (residual cuttings bed)
It is important to be mindful of the fact that even though a
- ledges (formation transitions, stringers)
high quality wellbore may have been drilled, it is perfectly
- key seating (profile design)
possible for a casing running operation to fail [13]. Depending - filter cake thickness (oil based vs. water based mud)
on the circumstances and application, it is entirely possible to
- wellbore spiralling (micro-tortuosity)
unknowingly design a casing running operation that will fail to
- downhole vibration (equipment failures)
run to depth. A simple example of such a failure involves - excessive torque and drag
drilling a hole size that is too small for the planned casing size.
- actual operational practices
4 SPE 95279

Measuring Wellbore Quality Recall that the “perfect wellbore” can be associated with
The industry has adopted various measures that reflect drilling an in-gauge borehole drilled with minimal torque and drag
and completion efficiency. High level indicators tend to be levels. Torque and drag are excellent response parameters due
used and are based on performance metrics such as number of to the fact that they continuously change with time, have
dry hole days per 10,000ft drilled, cost per foot drilled ($/ft), predictable trend patterns, and are relatively easy to
number of days per completion operation, drilling cost per understand.
daily production rate ($mm/mboed) and drilling cost per total
oil recovery ($/boe). These measures provide useful However it must be emphasised that each operation has its
benchmarks for comparing offset wells and can also be used to own set of torque and drag characteristics. For example, drag
rank performance between operators. Even though such levels during 9-5/8-in. casing running will be much higher
metrics give no explicit measure of wellbore quality, its effect than that observed when tripping drillpipe in the same hole.
will, of course, be embedded within each indicator.
Another key factor is to understand the sensitivity of
To date the industry has lived with a vague definition of changes in torque and drag levels to wellbore quality.
wellbore quality and exploited its uncertainty to illustrate good Interestingly if true mechanical torque or drag levels can be
or poor drilling performance. The likely reason that industry reduced to zero, it is expected that any residual torque or drag
has stalled in developing a useful metric is that it is considered would accurately reflect wellbore quality. Rather surprisingly
too complex or even too expensive to produce anything of there some examples of this in the current literature. For
lasting value. Additionally having a poor wellbore quality example, such reductions arise when floating casing in a mud
number associated with a particular service could be whose density renders the casing neutrally buoyant. This
detrimental to good business. This means that the ground phenomenon occurred during the extended-reach programme
rules for any system need to be clearly understood. at Wytch Farm [14].

There are two main approaches that can be used to develop Wellbore Quality Analogues
a wellbore quality measure. There are explicit methods where In the quest to develop a meaningful measure for wellbore
some physical attribute of the wellbore is measured. The other quality, a review of methods used within and outside the
approach is implicit and involves measuring a parameter that oilfield industry was undertaken. Each has a degree of
responds to a change in wellbore quality. Implicit methods subjectivity but has the merits of being well established and
tend to be more subjective but can be very insightful when universally accepted within their own area of application.
properly implemented. A more detailed description of each Below, two contrasting approaches are described. The first
approach is given below. method could be termed explicit since it makes an assessment
through observation. The second approach is termed implicit
Explicit Methods. Explicit methods can be used to measure since an evaluation is made according to level of response.
quantities such as wellbore spiralling (pitch and amplitude),
tortuosity (average and maximum dogleg severity), gauge IADC Dull Bit Grading System. Some 25 years ago the
(average and maximum hole diameter) and even surface finish IADC established a dullness grading system for roller cone
(interpreted from an image log). Statistical techniques can be bits. The initial grading system was subsequently revised in
employed to further process the data. The main drawback with 1987 and 1991 to accommodate fixed cutter bits [16]. Once a
explicit methods is that it is difficult to correlate results to a bit is retrieved, a study is made of its cutting structure, bearing
direct measure of wellbore quality. The missing link is the condition and overall state. An accurate assessment provides a
relationship of an explicit measure with drilling and casing good picture of how the hole may have been drilled. Expert
running performance. interpretation then aids in the selection of the next bit and, if
needed, revised break-in procedures and operating practices.
One interesting, explicit approach of note was developed
to define a degree of difficulty index based on as-drilled Essentially eight columns of information are used to report
definitive survey data [15]. Whilst the basis for such a metric dull bit conditions on bit records. It is not intended to go into
is arguable, it does have the merit of providing a simple detail here, but to highlight the fact that eight categories are
mechanism for ranking wells in the same development based used to describe the state of the dull bit.
on their directional drilling complexity. As above, the main
disadvantage is that there needs to be linkage with the The dull grade assessment is relatively simple to carry out
performance. by competent personnel; however some, limited subjectivity is
involved. Interestingly, there is not a single number that
Implicit Methods. Implicit methods can be used to measure reflects the overall condition of the bit.
wellbore quality according to the type and level of response of
various operations. Superficially, this tactic may appear more Glasgow Coma Score (GCS). One interesting example used
subjective than an explicit approach; however it does have the in medical emergencies to assess head trauma is the so called
merit that drilling and casing running operations will respond Glasgow Coma Score [17], [18]. GCS is the most widely used
to changes in wellbore quality. scoring system used to quantify level of consciousness
following traumatic brain injury. It is used primarily because
of its simplicity and has a relatively high degree of
SPE 95279 5

inter-observer reliability. The score is instantly recognised by • Final trip-out of hole response: (prior to running casing)
all medical personnel and correlates well with outcomes provides a better measure of wellbore quality than the
following severe brain injury. drilling response
• Casing running response: provides a final and most
The GCS is scored between 3 and 15, 3 being the worst, important measure of wellbore quality
and 15 the best. It comprises three parameters: best eye
response; best verbal response; best motor response. Details of The fundamental principles require that that a lower
the scoring system are given in Table 1. weighting of scores should be associated with the drilling
phase and a higher range with casing running.
It will be observed that the phrase “GCS of 11” is
essentially meaningless, since it is ambiguous. It is therefore The WQS has been purposefully designed to give a range
important to break the figure down into its components, such of scores from 0 to 20 where 0 is the worst and 20 the best. It
as E3V3M5 = GCS 11, i.e. “eye response of 3”, “verbal comprises three parameters: drilling response; final trip-out of
response of 3” and “motor response of 5”. A GCS of 13 or hole response, and casing running response. These are briefly
higher correlates with a mild brain injury; 9 to 12 is a described in the sections below.
moderate injury and 8 or less a severe brain injury.
Drilling Response. The scores for drilling response are given
Other factors which alter the patient’s level of in Table 2. Note that the maximum possible score from the
consciousness interfere with the scale's ability to accurately drilling phase is 5, i.e. accounts for 25% of total score.
reflect the severity of a traumatic brain injury. So, shock,
hypoxemia, drug use, alcohol intoxication, metabolic The biggest indicator of poor wellbore quality are stuck
disturbances may alter the GCS independently of the brain pipe or near stuck pipe events. Such events may reflect a
injury. A patient with a spinal cord injury will make the motor difficult drilling environment or operational problem; however
scale invalid and severe orbital trauma may make eye opening it is important that the WQS reflects the outcome of each
impossible to assess. The GCS also has limited utility in operation.
children, particularly those less than 36 months. In spite of
these limitations, it is quite useful and is far and away the most Ideally, continuous monitoring of torque and drag and
widely used scoring system used today to assess patients with downhole drilling parameters such as ECD (Equivalent
traumatic brain injury. Circulation Density), weight on bit, torque and vibration
should be carried out. If the well is drilled as near perfectly as
Knowledge of the GCS assessment suggested an approach possible, then each response parameter should follow a
that could be appropriate for a categorising wellbore quality. A smooth and noise-free trend line. Any deviation from a trend
parallel approach has therefore been developed which includes line may indicate a potential problem.
three key response variables, a total quality score and some
flexibility to accommodate unusual situations. Transient or temporary operational problems, e.g. due to a
mobile cuttings bed, are lumped together under the same
Wellbore Quality Scorecard (WQS) category. In the drilling phase, it is considered that such events
In this section the new wellbore quality scorecard (WQS) impact wellbore quality in only a modest way. These are
assessment system is described. Understandably such a typically attributed to poor operational practices or unknown
concept will be controversial and sometimes subjective. It is problems. Since the drilling process can normally recover
unlikely that the proposed scheme will be correct every time; from such incidents, only a moderate penalty is assigned.
however, it is an approach that can evolve and improve.
It is considered that the primary response parameter during
The approach proposed here, based on the Glasgow Coma drilling is surface torque. Pick-up and slack-off values during
Scorecard system, is intended to be relatively simple and connections tend to be more variable and are therefore
reflect considerations that take place naturally during drilling considered weaker indicators of wellbore quality. The
and casing running operations. The basic approach adopted observation that all parameters (mainly torque and drag)
here is to penalise poor responses and reward good operational follow a smooth trend line throughout the drilling process is
responses. The three response variables relate drilling, considered to reflect a high quality wellbore. If, in addition to
tripping-out and casing running to wellbore quality and its smoothly trending parameters, torque and drag is considered
variability. Different weighting factors are applied to reflect to be much lower than offset well experience or what would
the relative impact of wellbore quality on each of the response normally be expected, wellbore quality at this stage can be
variable. The guiding or fundamental principles described considered to be excellent.
below rely on hypotheses that are based on extensive drilling
and casing running operational experience. In the event that a pilot hole is drilled and then
under-reamed with a separate assembly, it is recommended
Fundamental principles for WQS that the subsequent under-reaming response is used in the
scorecard assessment. However, information from the drilling
• Drilling response: provides only a limited measure of phase can also be used if deemed appropriate.
wellbore quality
6 SPE 95279

Final Trip-out of Hole Response. The proposed scoring Provided the appropriate casing drag analysis has been
system for the tripping-out response is given in Table 3. carried out and any necessary mitigation put in place, it is
Recall that the tripping-out response is considered to provide a reasonable to expect that casing will run to depth. Should any
better measure of wellbore quality than the drilling response. significant wellbore quality issues persist after the last trip-out
In this category the maximum score is 7, i.e. 35% of the total of hole, it is likely that the casing will interact with these in
score. some way. The intensity of the reaction will depend of the
extent and severity of the downhole problem.
Most importantly, the final trip-out of hole provides the
last chance to decide if the wellbore is fit for purpose to run A stuck casing string or casing string that has to be
casing. The drilling assembly is either tripped-out (with or recovered because of downhole problems is given the lowest
without pumps on) or sometimes back-reamed. It is also fairly possible response score.
common to carry out additional trips to verify the integrity of
wellbore. Casing which travels through a zone susceptible to
differential sticking can be subjected to severe static friction
Aligned with the drilling response assessment, a stuck pipe effects, usually detectable from drag on connections. A similar
event will equate to a low quality score. The next most phenomenon can occur if a thick filter cake or sludge
negative response relates to ignoring the presence of a residual embedded with loss circulation material remains along the
cuttings bed or the presence of a strong differential sticking wellbore. This sticking effect is one of the most common
environment. Both are detected by overpulls occurring over a causes of stuck casing strings. A penalty score related to the
continuous interval of the wellbore. Ledges and key seating magnitude of static drag is assigned. In such cases, the design
are considered to be the next most significant hazard. Note of the casing running operation usually through intensive
that ledges detected during tripping-out may not necessarily centralisation should be a focus for the team.
register when tripping-in and vice versa. A common strategy is
to test the severity of a ledge by passing the assembly over it The next category ranks problems that can be rectified
several times. during the casing run. These problems could be attributed to
ledging, tight hole, cuttings beds or wash-outs. The ranking is
Downhole problems that can be rectified are only modestly based on a preferred course of action, such as wiping several
penalised in the WQS. If pick-up weights follow a low noise, joints to remove excess drag, circulation for annular cleansing
smooth trend line (i.e. no overpulls) then a high quality through to reaming, should rotation be possible.
response can be recorded. If, in addition to a low-noise smooth
trend line, lower drag levels than expected are recorded during Using the Scorecard. For each of the response categories,
the trip-out of hole, the quality response can be considered to data and/or operational performance should be reviewed to
be excellent. identify score entries. In each case the lowest score should be
recorded on the sheet together with an explanation or
Back-reaming is often used as a precautionary measure to justification.
maximise hole cleaning prior to casing running.
Unfortunately, the consequence of back-reaming is that the The numbers for each category are summed to give a total
effect of any wellbore imperfections may be masked. In the wellbore quality score. Suggestions for total score ranges are
event that back-reaming is use to prepare the hole, the score given below.
should primarily be based on torque response. It is recognised
that, if carefully executed, back-reaming is a very effective • 0 < WQS ≤ 2 stuck pipe or stuck casing
method of cleaning a hole. Because of the inability to • 2 < WQS ≤ 6 low quality wellbore.
effectively judge the tripping-out response, back-reaming is • 6 < WQS ≤ 10 medium quality wellbore
scored fairly high, but cannot attain the highest score. • 10 < WQS ≤ 14 high quality wellbore
• 14 < WQS <20 excellent quality wellbore
Once the final drilling assembly has been pulled out of • WQS = 20 “The Perfect Wellbore!”
hole, there is an expectation that casing will run to depth.
Once experience is gained with the WQS, a tripping-out To avoid ambiguity and to maximise learning, it is
response score above a certain level should give confidence important to break the figure down into its key components.
that casing has a high probability of running to depth. For example D4T4C5 (drilling response of 4; tripping-out
response of 4; casing running response of 5) = “WQS of 13”.
Casing Running Response. The scoring system for casing Similarly D3B5L3 would represent (drilling response of 3;
running response is given in Table 4. In this case, a maximum back-reaming response of 5; liner running response of 3) =
score of 8 is possible; 40% of the total score. This reflects the “WQS of 11”.
higher weighting given to casing running performance. This is
based on experience by recognising that casing running is It is important to note that the WQS can be adjusted to
generally more sensitive to remaining wellbore imperfections. match different operating environments. Therefore, it might be
The larger casing diameter, heavier weight, increased stiffness appropriate to tune the scorecard to the local area in which
and elevated surge pressure transients during running all drilling is taking place. Local area tuning could include
contribute to this observation.
SPE 95279 7

adapting the rankings and scores and extending the categories. wellbore strengthening designer mud system used; a cuttings
One disadvantage of different ratings is that value may be lost flow measurement system was operated to monitor hole
when wellbore quality is considered from a global perspective. cleaning; the casing connection design changed. Each of these
changes will have contributed to wellbore quality
Wellbore Quality Scorecard Case Studies improvement in some immeasurable way.
In this section the WQS is applied to both horizontal and
extended-reach drilling case studies. 3. ERD Onshore Wells UK. The final example comes from
drilling extended-reach wells from the Wytch Farm oil field
1. Horizontal Well Offshore Norway. The first example is based in the South of England. Experience of drilling in this
based on drilling a long horizontal reservoir section and area is well recorded in the literature [20], [21]. In this case,
running a thick, heavy wall liner. The well is drilled from a the WQS was applied to a number of wells to sense check the
platform in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. The key scoring and ranking process. The application here corresponds
well design parameters are shown in Table 5. to drilling 12¼-in. hole and running 9-5/8-in. casing.

In order to complete the WQS, a review of data from each Interestingly, even though a large volume of drilling and
of the operational phases is required. The torque drilling casing running data was collected during the campaign some
response is illustrated in Figure 1; the hookload response five years ago, no tripping-out data were stored. Missing or
during the last trip-out of hole, in Figure 2; and the hookload poor quality data highlights one of the difficulties of using a
response during the liner run, in Figure 3. scorecard approach.

The intention of the scorecard is to identify the attributes A WQS summary has been compiled in Table 10 for five
that best describe drilling, tripping, and liner running of the longest wells. A high level review of the table indicates
responses based on the suggested WQS framework. The that there is a very good drilling response. This reflects the
completed scorecard is shown in Table 6. What is interesting relatively benign nature of the mainly mudstone overburden
about this example is that even though the liner ran to depth during drilling. These longer wells were also drilled later in
and the operation was considered successful, the scorecard the ERD programme and therefore reaped the benefits of
reflects the degree of difficulty in meeting the section significant learning. The casing running response is also
objectives. In this case a “WQS of 8” is recorded which generally very favourable. Well M05 had the lowest response
reflects a medium quality wellbore and the degree of difficulty score and corresponds to the only well in the set where
in drilling and running liner in the reservoir section. It might conventional casing running was carried out. All other casing
also be the case that a maximum “WQS of 12” is only ever strings were floated or partially floated in. Note that casing
achievable in that area. This result when compared to other floatation at Wytch Farm means that the 40 ppf 9-5/8” string is
offset wells in the field could be used to provide additional nearly neutrally buoyant in 1.25 SG mud. This means that the
focus where improvements are needed. casing will only make light contact with the wellbore. This in
turn means minimal frictional drag and it is speculated that
2. ERD Wells Caspian Sea. The next case study relates to hookload variations in this instance can be directly related to
two extended-reach wells recently drilled in the Caspian Sea wellbore quality.
[19]. Here two 17½-in. hole sections were drilled and cased
using different design strategies. The well design parameters In the absence of tripping-out response data, the approach
for both wells are summarised in Table 7. The WQS is used here was to assign a default value that is one less than the
completed for Well 1 in Table 8 and Well 2 in Table 9. casing running response. The justification for this is that
tripping-out should be less sensitive to wellbore quality than
A comparison of the two scorecards illustrates a step casing running. The high scores “WQS range from 11 to 18”
change improvement in assessed wellbore quality from Well 1 reflect high to excellent hole quality. Interestingly each of the
“WQS of 8” to Well 2 “WQS of 13”. It is noted that according 12¼-in. hole sections were drilled with motor or rotary
to the scorecards both wells were indistinguishable during the assemblies, i.e. before rotary steerable assemblies were
back-reaming trip-out of hole. This does highlight that it is not commonly available. For illustration, a composite drilling
always easy to predict casing running response, especially response plot is shown in Figure 6.
when back-reaming is carried out. Additionally, performance
results from the 13-3/8-in. casing runs, confirms the premise Conclusions
that greater weighting should be given to the casing running Wellbore quality should not just be concerned with directional
response when forming the WQS. For illustration, plots of drilling achievements. Wellbore quality should reflect the
casing running hookload data for Well 1 and Well 2 are given overall performance of the drilling and casing process.
in Figure 4 and Figure 5, respectively.
It has been valuable to look within and outside the industry
When a dramatic improvement in wellbore quality is to see how subjective measures are assessed and managed.
detected between similar offset wells, an understanding of the Measures using scorecards tend to work best provided clear
key changes to the well design and operational practices is explanations of the scoring process are given and are best
sought. The drilling strategy for Well 2 included the following illustrated using meaningful case studies.
changes: hole drilled and under-reamed in a single pass;
8 SPE 95279

A scorecard method (WQS) has been developed to assign a 6. Al-Suwaidi, A., Allen, F., Taylor, R., Hussein, K. and Russell,
number to wellbore quality and has the merits of relative R., “Experience with Rotary Steerable Systems in Onshore Abu
simplicity, consistency, and flexibility. Whist this approach Dhabi Fields”, SPE/IADC 85291, 2003 AE/IADC Middle East
Drilling Conference and Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., 20-22
does have some inherent subjectivity; it does provide the basis
Oct 2003.
for developing a better system. As a minimum, the scheme 7. Kjøsnes, I., Løklingholm, G., Sassen, A., Syrstad, S.O., Age, A.
presented here should stimulate discussions during both well and Solvang, K.A., “Successful Water Based Drilling Fluid
planning and execution. The proof of this approach will be in Design for Optimizing Hole Cleaning and Hole Stability”,
the consistent application to further case studies and uptake by SPE/IADC 85330, 2003 AE/IADC Middle East Drilling
the industry. Conference and Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., 20-22 Oct
Wellbore quality estimates are clearly only as good as the 8. Maidla, E. and Haci, M., “Understanding Torque: The Key to
underlying data that describes them. Data visualised from Slide Drilling Directional Wells”, IADC/SPE 87162, 2004
IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., 2-4
surface logging systems provide the best method of providing
March 2004.
inputs into the WQS. For complex or high cost wells such data 9. Ismail, G., Fada’q, A.S., Kikuchi, S., El Khatob, H., “Ten Years
is routinely available; however, some considerable effort is Experience in Horizontal Applications & Pushing The Limits Of
required to process, filter, and plot the data into a usable Well Construction Approach in Upper Zakum Field (Offshore
format. Advanced automated systems for processing such data Abu Dhabi), SPE 87284, 9th Abu Dhabi International Petroleum
are needed and the industry is urged to address this need. For Exhibition and Conference, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., 15-18 Oct
lower cost operations, where high frequency data has not been 2000.
recorded, it is important to capture and record pertinent events 10. Gaynor, T., Hamer, D., Chen D. C-K. and Stuart, D.,
into a morning reporting system to provide the required WQS “Quantifying Tortuosities by Friction Factors in Torque and
data inputs. Drag Model”, SPE 77617, 2002 SPE Annual Technical
Conference, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., 29 Sep-2 Oct 2002.
11. Gaynor, T., Chen, D. C-K., Stuart, D. and Comeaux, B.,
Adoption of a WQS system should encourage operators, “Tortuosity versus Micro-Tortuosity – Why Little Things Mean
drilling contractors, directional drillers, mud companies and a Lot”, SPE/IADC 67818, 2001 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference,
other key personnel to become better acquainted with all Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27 Feb-1 Mar 2001.
aspects of wellbore quality. Additionally, it is quite possible 12. Chen, D. C-K., Gaynor, T., Comeaux, B. and Glass, K. “Hole
that a WQS system could be used for incentivising drilling and Quality: Gateway to Efficient Drilling”, OTC 14277, 2002
casing running performance. OTC, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 6-9 May 2002.
13. Mason, C.J., Lopez, J., Meling, S., Munger, R. and Fraser B.,
In the context of the WQS, it is entirely possible to drill a “Casing Running Challenges for Extended-Reach Wells”, SPE
84447, 2003 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
perfect wellbore. The challenge is in recognising the Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., 5-8 Oct 2003.
achievement, learning from it and then repeating it. 14. Mason, C.J., Allen, F.M., Ramirez, A.A. and Wolfson, L.,
“Casing Running Milestones for Extended-Reach Wells”,
Acknowledgements SPE/IADC 52842, 1999 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference,
The authors wish to thank BP Exploration and Halliburton Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 9-11 Mar 1999.
Energy Services for their support and permission to publish 15. Oag, A. and Williams, M., “The Directional Drilling Scorecard
this paper. – A New Approach to performance Benchmarking”, IADC/SPE
59196, 2000 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, New Orleans,
Louisiana, 23-25 Feb 2000.
16. Winters W.J. and Doiron, H.H., “The 1987 IADC Fixed Cutter
1. Mason C.J., Williams, L.G. and Murray, G.N., “Reinventing the
Bit Classification System”, SPE/IADC 16142, 1987 SPE/IADC
Wheel – Reducing Friction in High-Angle Wells”, SPE 63270,
Drilling Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., 15-18
2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas,
Mar 1987.
Texas, U.S.A., 1-4 Oct 2000.
17. Teasdale G. and Jennett B., “Assessment of coma and impaired
2. Mason, C.J. and Chen, D. C-K., “Drilling Metrics for Improved
consciousness. A practical scale”, The Lancet, 1974, 2:81-84.
Casing Running Performance”, SPE 89912, 2004 SPE Annual
18. Teasdale G. et al. “Adding up the Glasgow Coma Score”, Acta
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.,
Neurochir. Suppl., 1979, 28:13-6.
26-29 Sep 2004.
19. Kidd, G.N., Najafov, A. and Tukshaitov, A., “Learning the
3. DeLucia, F.V., “Benefits, Limitations and Applicability of
Right Lessons – The Key To Delivering a Record ERD Well in
Steerable System Drilling”, SPE/IADC 18656, 1989 SPE/IADC
the Caspian”, SPE 95590, 2005 Annual Technical Conference
Drilling Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., 26 Feb-
and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., 10-12 Oct 2005.
03 Mar 1989.
20. Meader, T., Allen, F. and Riley, G., “To the Limit and Beyond –
4 Russell, R., “Improving Borehole Quality and Drilling
The Secret of World-Class Extended-Reach Drilling
Efficiency with a New Suite of Drilling Tools”, SPE 78497,
Performance at Wytch Farm”, IADC/SPE 59204, 2000
2002 SPE International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference
IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana,
Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., 13-18 October 2002.
U.S.A., 23-25 Feb 2000.
5 Mensa-Wilmot, G. and Stacey, B., “PDC Bits and Rotary
21. Modi, S., Mason, C.J., Tooms, P.J. and Conran, G., “Meeting
Steerable Tools – Functional Challenges, Stabilization
the 10km Challenge”, SPE 38583, 1997 SPE Annual Technical
Requirements and the Establishment of Operational
Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., 5-8
Compatibility”, IADC/SPE 72280, 2001 IADC/SPE Middle
Oct 1997.
East Drilling Conference, Bahrain, 22-24 Oct 2001.
SPE 95279 9

Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) Score

Best Eye Response (4 points)
- no eye opening 1
- eye opening to pain 2
- eye opening to verbal command 3
- eyes opening spontaneously 4
Best Verbal Response (5 points)
- no verbal response 1
- incomprehensible sounds 2
- inappropriate words 3
- confused 4
- orientated 5
Best Motor Response (6 points)
- no motor response 1
- extension to pain 2
- flexion to pain 3
- withdrawal from pain 4
- localising pain 5
- obeys commands 6

Table 1: Glasgow Coma Scorecard (GCS)

Drilling Response (5 points maximum) Score

Severe drilling problems
- stuck pipe 0
- near stuck pipe incident 1
Transient drilling problems
- poor hole cleaning with high cuttings bed 2
- severe pack-off 2
- severe loss circulation 2
- erratic torque and drag response 3
Torque and drag response
- all parameters follow smooth trend 4
- lower than expected torque and drag 5

Table 2: Drilling Response – WQS

Final Trip-out of Hole Response (7 points) Score

Stuck pipe 0
Residual cuttings bed / differential sticking
- section length with overpulls > 100 klbs 1
- section length with overpulls > 50 klbs 2
- isolated overpulls > 100 klbs 3
- isolated overpulls > 50 klbs 4
Transient tripping-out problem
- loss circulation 5
- unplanned circulation 5
- unplanned reaming and back-reaming 5
Drag response
- smooth drag levels measured throughout 6
- better than expected drag levels recorded 7
Back-reaming Response (6 points) Score
- erratic torque signature 5
- smooth torque signature 6

Table 3: Final Trip-out of Hole Response – WQS

10 SPE 95279

Casing Running Response (8 points) Score

Severe casing running problems
- stuck casing 0
- casing pulled apart 0
Differential sticking environment
- static friction > 100 klbs on connections 1
- static friction > 50 klbs on connections 2
Remediation needed during casing run
- unplanned rotation need to assist casing run 3
- circulation used to assist casing run 4
- joints wiped to reduce elevated drag 5
Casing run without significant problems
- elevated but smooth drag levels 6
- expected drag levels measured 7
- better than expect drag levels recorded 8

Table 4: Casing Running Response – WQS

Well Design Details units value

well design parameters
previous casing size in. 9-5/8
previous shoe MD m 3,200
previous shoe TVD m 2,654
section final MD m 5,400
section final TVD m 2,576
open hole attributes
diameter in. 8½
length m 2,200
ascent m 79
average inclination m 92
average DLS °/30m 1.69
maximum DLS °/30m 7.94
liner design parameters
length m 2,772
outside diameter in. 5½
linear dry weight ppf 32.5
connection type Vam Top HT
centraliser type solid
centralisation frequency no/jt 1
mud parameters
mud type SOBM
mud weight sg 1.50
additional lubricants No
drillstring parameters
drillpipe diameter in. 5½
assembly type 3D RSS
operational details
tripped-out prior to casing run yes
losses during drilling no
losses during liner run no

Table 5: Horizontal Well Offshore Norway – Well Design Details

SPE 95279 11

Horizontal Well Offshore Norway Score

Drilling Response (max 5 points) 3
Persistent erratic torque response observed. This observation is indicative of vibration problems typically
observed in the chalk reservoir section. These vibrations are considered to be a transient problem and
should not significantly impact overall wellbore quality. Average cased/open hole rotary friction factors
of 0.20/0.15 correspond to typical field wise torque behaviour.
Final Trip-out Of Hole Response (max 7 points) 2
Elevated levels of drag in excess of 50klbs are observed from 4,300 to 4,600m and from 5,200 to 5,400m
and suggest a possible hole cleaning problem.
Overpulls also occur at chalk / shale transition zones.
A form of slip-stick axial drag is also present when pulling the BHA through the open hole section.
Average cased/open hole friction factors of 0.15/0.20 are typical of field wise experience.
Liner Running Response (max 8 points)
Liner running in open hole is far from smooth, significant axial slip-stick events observed which 3
intensity increasing with depth.
Significant reciprocation and working over last 600m required.
String also had to be torqued up to overcome tight spots.
Slack-off cased hole/open hole friction factors of 0.12/0.45 are in line with field experience.
WQS (D3T2C3) 8
A score of 8 corresponds to a medium quality wellbore. (Maximum possible score 20)

Table 6: Horizontal Well Offshore Norway – WQS

Well Design Details Units Well 1 Well 2

well design parameters
previous casing size in. 16 16
previous shoe MD m 1,373 1,590
previous shoe TVD m 1,202 1,237
section total depth MD m 3,185 3,220
section total depth TVD m 1,937 2,017
open hole parameters
diameter in. 17½ 17½
length m 1,812 1,630
average inclination ° 66.1 60.9
average dogleg severity °/30m 0.54 0.76
maximum dogleg severity °/30m 1.55 3.13
casing design parameters
length m 3,166 3,201
outside diameter in. 13-3/8” 13-3/8
nominal dry weight ppf 72 72
connection type Vam SLIJ-II Hydril 521
centraliser type bow spring sub bow spring sub
centralisation frequency no/jt 1 1
mud parameters
mud type SOBM SOBM
mud weight sg 1.58 1.58
StressCageTM mud used no yes
drillstring parameters
drillpipe diameter ins. 5-7/8” 5-7/8
assembly type 3D RSS 3D RSS
operational parameters
drilled 14¾” pilot and under-reamed to 17½” yes no
drilled and under-reamed 14¾”x17½” no yes
hole back-reamed prior to casing run yes yes
losses during drilling and back-reaming yes no
losses during casing run yes yes

Table 7: Caspian ERD Wells – Design Parameters

12 SPE 95279

Caspian Sea – Well 1 Score

Drilling and Under-reaming Response (max 5 points) 2
Good torque response during drilling of pilot hole, occasional torque spikes observed. Higher torque levels
recorded during under-reaming and increased number of torque spikes. Circulation losses a major problem
requiring treatment.
Transient problems occurred and therefore should not significantly impact overall wellbore quality.
Cased/open hole friction factors of 0.20/0.20 calculated during under-reaming.
Final Trip-out Of Hole Response – back-reamed (max 6 points) 5
Good torque and drag responses during back-reaming. No torque or drag spikes observed. The score of 5
reflects that hole cleaning is likely to be good, but also reflects that back-reaming will mask any wellbore
quality issues. Cased/open hole friction factors of 0.20/0.15 calculated during back-reaming.
Casing Running Response (max 8 points)
Despite the string being intensively centralised, very significant static friction effects occurred during casing 1
running. However, the casing managed to get to depth. Dynamic cased/open hole friction factors of 0.25/0.40
were calculated. A SDQ (static drag quotient) of 100 lbs/m reflects a very high level of static drag.
WQS (D2B5C1) 8
A score of 8 indicates a medium quality wellbore. (Maximum possible score 19)

Table 8: Caspian Sea Well 1 – WQS

Caspian Sea – Well 2 Score

Drilling Response (max 5 points) 3
Good torque response during drilling and under-reaming, occasional torque spikes observed.
Occasional torque spikes are considered to be a transient problem and should not significantly impact overall
wellbore quality. No losses occurred during drilling.
Cased/open hole friction factors of 0.20/0.20 calculated for torques during drilling.
Final Trip-out Of Hole Response – back-reaming (max 6 points) 5
Good clean trip-out of hole of drilling assembly.
Good clean trip-in of back-reaming assembly.
Good torque and drag responses during back-reaming. Some isolated torque spikes observed, but drag very
smooth. The score of 5 reflects that hole cleaning is likely to be good and clean drag signatures occurred
during previous trips. Cased/open hole friction factors of 0.20/0.15 calculated from back-reaming operation.
Casing Running Response (max 8 points) 5
Despite the string being intensively centralised, static friction effects occurred during casing running. Very
low dynamic cased/open hole friction factors of 0.25/0.15 were calculated, reflecting that the wellbore is in
excellent condition. A SDQ (static drag quotient) of 50 lbs/m reflects a low level of static drag which is a
persistent effect for this type of operation in the field.
WQS (D3B5C5) 13
A score of 13 indicates a high quality wellbore. (Maximum possible score 19)

Table 9: Caspian Sea Well 2 – WQS

Drilling Tripping-out Casing Running

Well Response Response* Response WQS
Name (Max 5) (Max 7) (Max 8) (Max 20)
M05 4 3 4 11
M09 4 5 6 15
M11 5 4 5 14
M14 5 6 7 18
M16 4 6 7 17
* Estimated values based on casing running response

Table 10: Wytch Farm ERD – WQS

SPE 95279 13

50 1,000
BHA 8: RSS + PDC Bit
45 BHA 9: RSS + PDC Bit 900
String RPM
40 800

35 700
Surface Torque (kNm)

30 600

String RPM
25 500

20 400

15 300

10 200

5 100

0 0
3,100 3,300 3,500 3,700 3,900 4,100 4,300 4,500 4,700 4,900 5,100 5,300 5,500

Measured Depth (m)

Figure 1: Drilling Response – Norway Well (Drill 8½-in. with 5½” DP, RSS and PDC Bit)

9-5/8" Shoe TD @
BHA 9: Hookload @ 3,200m 5,398m
BHA 9: Surface Torque
Hookload (tonnes) / Surface Torque (kNm)

250 Pick-Up: FF=0.15/0.20 Elevated Drag Elevated Drag

4,400-4,600m 5,200-5,400m

Mud Type: OBM

200 Weight = 1.50 SG
PV = 36 cP
YP = 21 lbf/100ft²


needed to reduce drag


0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500

Measured Depth (m)

Figure 2: Tripping-out Response – Norway Well (Trip-out 8½-in. hole with 5½” DP, RSS + PDC Bit)
14 SPE 95279

8¼" Reamer Shoe 9-5/8" Shoe Liner Shoe
67m 5" 18.0# Q125 H-125 Liner @ 3,200m @ 5,398m
453m 5" 26.7# Q125 Vam Top HT
2,252m 5½" 32.6# Q125 Vam Top HT
Mud Type: OBM
200 69m 7" 32.0# P110 Vam Top HT
Weight = 1.50 SG
Hookload (tonnes) / Torque (kNm)

2,557m 5½" 26.4# DP 5½" FH

PV = 35 cP
YP = 19 lbf/100ft²

Surface Torque
150 Hookload
Slack-Off: FF=0.12/0.45


8¼" solid centraliser on 5" casing
8" solid centraliser on 5½" casing
8¼" solid centraliser on 7" casing

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500

Measured Depth (m)

Figure 3: Liner Running Response – Norway Well (Run 2,772m 5½-in. Liner on 5½-in. drillpipe)

600 120
16" TOL 16" Shoe
@ 1,373m
Surakhany Sabunchi Balakhany
@ 105.2m

Static Up: Mudloggers Data

500 Mud Type: SOBM 100
Pick-Up: Rig Floor Data
Hookload: Mudloggers Data Weight = 1.58 SG
Slack-Off: FF=0.25/0.40 PV = 32 cP
Static Down: Mudloggers Data YP = 26 lbf/100ft²

Block Velocity (m/min)

400 Slack-Off: SDQ=100 lbs/m 80
Block Velocity
Hookload (klbs)

1 Bow Spring Sub per joint run in Open Hole

300 60

200 40

100 20
Travelling Block Weight = 65 klbs

0 0
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500

Measured Depth (m)

Figure 4: Casing Running Response – Caspian Well 1 (Run 3,166m 13-3/8” Casing)
SPE 95279 15

600 120
Hookload 16" Shoe Upper
Surakhany Sabunchi
Dynamic Slack-Off: FF=0.25/0.15 @ 1,590m Balakhany
Dynamic Pick-Up: FF=0.25/0.15
Slack-Off: SDQ=50 lbs/m
500 Static Down Drag 100
Block Velocity

Centralisation Strategy
126 bow spring subs run 1 per joint in open hole

Block Velocity (m/min)

400 80
Mud Type: SOBM
Hookload (klbs)

Weight = 1.58 SG
PV = 44 cP
YP = 28 lbf/100ft²
300 60

200 40

Travelling Block Weight = 50/58 klbs

100 20

0 0
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500

Measured Depth (m)

Figure 5: Casing Running Response – Caspian Well 2 (Run 3,201m 13-3/8-in. Casing)




30 M09
Surface Torque (





0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000

Measured Depth (m)

Figure 6: Drilling Response – Wytch Farm Wells 12¼-in. Section Composite Plot

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