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Discourse Unit Interview Guide Discussion

R 1. Till now in the management of Alia Madrasha

of Bangladesh what important reforms have
taken place?
I A Reforms according to Bangladesh Education
Commission( Kudret e Khuda) 1974
On July 25, 1972 as per decision of Bangladesh
Government National Education Commission
was formed.
1. Uniformity in Madrasha Education
2. Bengali language as compulsory in all
levels instead of Urdu.
B National Curriculum and Education
Program Committee (1076)

After the change of political scenario in 1975 ,

the then government formed a committee on
National Education Program. With the
recommendations of that committee complete
syllabus of Madrasha Education ( Ebtedaie –
Kamil) was formed.
C According to Interim Education Policy
Converted the Ebtedaie level to universal
primary school.

One additional subject as per decision of

Madrasha board was included in the syllabus.

In Madrasha education two years was reduced

to make equivalent with general education.

Changes took place in the salary structures of

the teachers and employees of Madrasha .

D Major reforms in Earlier

Some recommendations from Mafizuddin
Education Commission were adopted in 1988-

Ebtadaie course duration will be 5 years and up

to 6 years ages of children will be enrolled.

Primary scholarship examination at the end of

ebtedaie class 5

Formulation of specific policy for the ebtedaie


Dakhil and Alim level.

Duration for the Dakhil and Alim course fixed
at 5 and 2 years .

Introduction of four branches like Humanities,

Science, Mujabbid, Ifjul Quran from class 9
dakhil and introduction of three branches like
Humanities, Science, Mujabbid at Alim level.

Decision was taken that the madrasha board

will conduct the final examination of Dakhil
and Alim and also Dakhil Junior Scholarship
will be controlled by Madrasha board.

The provision of easy type questions and

MCQ were ensured in madrasha education
according to general education system.

Condition was imposed that board should

recommend in establishing and approval of
grants for the dakhil and alim madrasha .

Arabic was approved as the medium of

instruction at Dakhil and alim level.

Dakhil should be treated equivalent to S S C

and Alim should be equivalent to H S C.

E Training for Madrasha Teachers

F In 2002 the than V C of Islamic University Dr.
Mustafizur Rahamn was appointed as the
convener of the reformation committee for
madrasha education. According to
recommendations of that committee, decision
was taken to maintain the standard and
intransigence of madrasha education after
comparison with general education syllabus .

Syllabuses and curriculums were formulated

from the class 1 to alim and books were
developed on that basis .

The teachers were trained to develop their

G Standard of fazil and kamil
In 2006 Fazil was treated equivalent to degree
course and kamil was given the standard of
Masters course under the Islamic university of
Kushtia. Honors standard was given to 34 Kamil
madrasha. Fazil and Kamil madrashas were
brought under the Islamic Arabic university
after its establishment .
R 2 Do you think that the reformations which
have been done in madrash education system
are sufficient?
In Bangladesh most of the reformations in the
I madrasha education were positive. The scope
of the positive sides should be extended. There
is no reason to consider these as sufficient.
Rather keeping intact the objectives and
intransigency more reformation should be
3 Do you think that the reformations which
R were brought in Alia madrasha education
were practically necessary.
I Yes, in broader sense .
R 4 Do you think that were there strong
commitment from government side in the
reformations which were adopted in Alia
madrasha education system?
I Without strong commitment of government no
national decision can be implemented. From
that point of view I must say government had
strong commitment. But all the reformations
claim to be examined whether these were
done spontaneously or under pressure.
R 5 How far this comment is justified that the
reformations which were done with the
pressure of donor organizations?
I Practically political causes were more practical
rather than idealistic reformations. Because
Alia madrasha education system is an old
education system which were adopted after
the ignorance of Muslim’s liberty in this sub-
continent. And this was introduced with
government finance in 1780. So with the
demand of time and necessity the
reformations had to be brought in this system.
Of course due to Muslim majority population
of the country , the donors are specially
concerned to Islamic sentiment. Their
influence is proved to be clear when it is found
that the imposition of the condition that
among the staff there should be 33% of female
. And there are some other conditions like that.
R 1 What are the main constraints of reformation
of Alia madrasha education?
I A Inadequate facilities for Teachers training.
There is only one training institute (BMTTI)
which is not sufficient for this system
B Non existence of Commerce : Due to non
availability of Commerce subject the students
get interest towards schools and colleges.
C Burden of subject: In comparison with schools
and colleges number of books are more and
they are compelled to appear in examination
with much total number . Due to this problem
many people get interest to go there where
few books are taught.
D Illegibility in reading books. The poems and
stories of Arabic literature of senior classes
have been incorporated in the junior classes.
Due to this some complicacy arise
E Insufficient number of trained teachers:
Except some madrasha in urban areas there
are scarcity of trained teachers in the rural
area madrashas. Specially there are big
scarcity of the skilled teachers for the
subjects like Arabic, English literature and
science and also for creative method.
F Limitation of actual religious sentiments . Due
to this many people may be disappointed or
frustrated .
G Discrimination to Madrasha: Madrasha
students become the victims of discrimination.
They become victim of discrimination and
harassment while they want to choice the
subjects in the university for higher
education, though they come through same
level of syllabus and have quality .
H Lack of expansion of the development of
madrasha education system. The people of
the country are not aware about the changes
that are taking place regularly and English is
taught there. It is also not known to the people
that other than Bengali some subjects are
taught there which are appropriate to the
modern age. For this reason they become
interested to send their children to school and
colleges and reluctant to send to madrasha .
I Discrimination in Employment: It is difficult to
appoint competent teachers for madrasha due
to complicacy of registration. It is not
understandable that an Arabic teacher must be
skilled in higher Mathematics .
R 2 Do you think that finance is a major
constraints in reformation of madrasa
I No, it is not a major one. The main problem is
the mentality of the authority. If there is
sincerity to fulfill the education right and if the
budget is placed and approved equally and
also if the responsibilities are shouldered by
government then the finance should not be a
limitation .
R 3 What are the management problems which
are considered to be causes to the
reformation of Alia Madrasha Education
I Some Important matters are there.
A Outlook of elected governments. The elected
governments include the important issues of
national interest in their manifesto. But they
could not consider the Alia madrasha
education as inseparable part of education of
the country. For this reason all management
problems are continuing . It is expected that
the separation process of Arabic university and
madrasha education directorate will be
speedy during the present government
B There is no any curriculum board for madrasha
education like general education. If the issue
would have been considered with importance
then a separate wing could be formed for
madrasha education. Though a separate
section is there in madrasha board for this
purpose but there is only one man power. How
the development of madrasha education is
possible with such management?
C Not only in madrasha education even in
general educational institutions there are
undesired political interferences due to lack of
specific policy.
R 4 What are your recommendations to remove
the constraints of the reformation from
madrasha education management
I Some steps should be taken on priority basis.
A Various levels of this system should be brought
under some specific Ministry for control.
Specially the Ibtedaie madrashs should be
given importance like primary education and
brought under the directorate of Ministry of
Primary Mass Education.
B Considering the religious sentiment of the
people of the country at least 10 Ibtadaie
madrash from each union area should be
made public and all facilities should be
ensured like primary schools.
C Teachers training institutions in every district
level should be established by rotation for the
madrasha teachers training. And that should
be implemented in the divisional level without
D Like ‘PTI’ and ‘NAP’ training institutions should
be established for ibtadaie madrashas
E Several training projects should be initiated
like general education system.
F Re construct the Islamic Arabic university and
madrasha education directorate to the desired
standard and make this more dynamic.
G Special steps should be taken to construct the
infrastructures of the madrashas. For this
special project should be taken.
H All subjects in madrasha curriculum should be
made more appropriate for the modern time
and life related.
R (3) What reformations have taken place in
teaching method and examinations of Alia
I Some important matters are highlighted
A Decided to introduce the modern technology
at all levels like, making of digital content.
B Decided to assigned one more teachers to
conduct classes
D Introduction of Mid-day
E Introduction of scholarship at collective and
individual ibtedaie level.
G Introduce maximum of creativity lesson in
maximum classes.
H Adopted the proposal to introduce science at
Fazel level
I Decision taken to appoint teachers from pool.
R 2. Till now what kind of reformations have been
done in examination process of Alia madrasha
education level.
I A Arranging examination with similarity to
general education under NCTB
B Taking practical examination in the class room
and add the marks with the central
C MCQ system has been introduced
D Introduction of Tutorial examination at higher
E Introduced the creative method
F Opportunities to select more than one subject
by adjusting with general subjects at Fazel
R 3 How the training of madrasha teachers can be
helpful in implementing the reformations at
Alia education process and examination
I Teachers, the backbone of education , will
have the opportunity to be introduced with
reformed process and management. And also
their awareness on implementation techniques
of reformation is essential as priority basis.
Considering the issues there is no any
alternative of the teachers training. Though
since few years the creative method has been
continuing but due to lack of training most of
the teachers can not set standard questions on
this subject. So it can be said that the time
useful training can play a vital role to make the
teachers as key persons to keep up the
standard of educational system.
R 4 Do you have any other recommendations to
improve the Alia madrasha teaching system
examination management?
I A Examination complexity should be reduced at
various level.
B In the teaching process not only skills in
subject but ethical development should be
given emphasis and making of sound
environment on moral character practicing is
C The fulfillment of the necessity of madrasha
should be given priority while appointing the
Arabic teacher.
R 1 Do you thing that the merging of Alia
Madrasha curriculum is essential?
I The Alia madrasha should be continued with
intransigence to achieve its objectives for
national interest. So I don’t feel any necessity
to merge it with the general curriculum .
Because there are possibilities of practical
causes to discontinuation of its intransigence if
it is merged with general curriculum.
R 2 What are the steps that are taken to reform
the Alia madrasha curriculum?
I To reform the curriculum various steps have
been taken in several times-
01 According to recommendations of Education
Committee in 19 72 , Bengali has been
introduced in all level instead of urdu.
02 As per report of 1974 a curriculum and a full
syllabus were developed.
03 Last of all as per policy of education the
structure of question was changed by
introducing creative question method in 2010.
04 As the process of merging with general
education , all subjects are taught according to
general curriculum except Arabic, Quran, hadit,
Fiquah and other Islam related subjects which
are not adjustable to the high extent with
Islamic ideas.
05 Comparatively something have been reduced
in the Islamic basic subjects.
R 3 Do you think that gaps are reduced after
merging the Alia education curriculum with
general education which were earlier?
I Reduced significantly
R 4 What recommendations of development or
reformations you suggest in co-curriculum of
Alia madrasha education.
I A Formation of Scout group on institution basis.
B Introduce the healthy recreational activities
through which the students would be able to
know the Muslim nation hood , would be
introduced to the actual history and traditions
of the country and present them self to the
country men by their behavior.
C Formation of clubs on the basis of different
languages and issues. Like Arabic language
club, English language club, debating club etc.
D Introduce the students with history and
traditions by showing different visual
E Publishing the literary magazines by forming
literary –cultural council on institution basis.
F Enhance the library activities
R 5 Do you think that, the steps taken to merging
the Alia madrasha education curriculum are
I The process of merging is interrogative .
R 1 What Impacts are found upon the students
the degree holders of Alia madrasha
educations after taking the steps on it?
I A Facilities are available for higher education in
the universities at home and abroad.
B More or less job facilities are available in
governmental and non-governmental
R 2 What impacts are there on the appointment
of educated degree holders at education,
after reformation of Madrasha education
I Limited facilities are there for them
R 3 After reformation in Alia madrasha education
system what progress have been achieved
for educated people of this education to take
admission in the institutions higher
I A After introducing the science in the madrasha
education the students can show their credit in
taking admission in the medical, engineering
and other science related subjects.
B After introducing 200 marks in Bengali and
English some complicacy could be overcome
to some extent to take admission in the public
universities, though it is extra burden
R 4 Do you feel that job facilities for the educated
persons of Alia madrasa education have been
created after reformation in Alia madrasha
I Yes, but in limited scope
R 1 What recommendations you have more to
reform the Alia madrasha education
I A The main important thing is that to ensure the
equal status of Alia madrasha education by up
holding its intransigence and the sound
environment of for the national interest.
B Ensure sufficient manpower for maintaining
the standard of honors.
C Ensure more regularity of classes and
examinations at fazel and Kamil level to avoid
session jam and frustration among the
R 2 What recommendations you have to
modernize this education system for easy
employment of the degree holders of Alia
I A It is essential to give up the avoiding tendency
because of madrasha certificate holders at all
level. Rather it should be justified from the
point of merit and efficiency considering the
citizen rights.
B The mentality to consider the bearded , cap
users and Panjabi users people as different
species should be given up. Rather they should
be paid honor as symbol of Muslim brother
hood in the Muslim majority country.
R 3 Does it seem to you that the teachers of Alia
madrasha think that the reformation of
madrasha education will be more strengthen
after Islamization of this education?
I I think the matter is relative. Practically
expected mentality and up holding of this
mentality will be depending on initiative to
R 4 Do you think that the Islamization result of
knowledge and education will be helpful to
achieve the objectives of merging of
madrasha education?
I It is difficult to reply by saying Yes or No. Some
illustration is necessary here. What is the
objective of merging that needs to be
explained. It is difficult to implement the
concept of Islimization keeping secularism in
national education management. Practically
the concept of expected Islamization and
merging initiative are contradictory with each
other. If there is thinking to merging keeping,
intransigence of madrasha education, Islam
should be given priority at total management.
It is not good at all that madrasha education
should be merged with general education.

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