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I would like to thanks to some people…
Who helped me in completing this
As they are my best people!
They understand me every time…
They take me out of every single
Thanks to all of you, for helping me in
writing this book…

Name of some people

1. Mr. Yash Gupta

2. Ms. Subhashree
The person to whom this book is
dedicated will remain as a secret…

The Purpose of writing this book is… my
own feelings for her, as those feelings
are unspeakable for me…

I felt hard sometimes…

That why I wrote… this book…
It’s easy to express feelings in writing!

This Book contains the story of my life,
as I loved someone real bad…
As she was an important part of my life
because her attitude was like… I don’t
have words for that…

As you read the book you will get to

know that…

It’s hard to let go…

Every single one of us heard that… it’s
easy to let go…
But it’s not as…

You know sometimes we hate

ourselves! Why we fell in love…

As it was destined to… but we blame

other people for that and sometimes
our friends…
My feels for her are like a vast ocean
with some pebbles...
In it and some sand which feels like my
own blood…
Going through my oceanic veins!

The owner of this book

doesn’t provide any
right to any person to
claim the copyright of
this book...
As the content of this
book are original

All Rights are reserved

by the owner

Any person who tries to
copyright this book

Action will be taken

against him/her

Chapter 1
There she was
The day begins with the rush, First day
of the new session as I was late! I don’t
know she’ll be there waiting but not for
me, guess someone else. She was like
an angel sitting on a bench
As I took my first step, still can’t
express how I was feeling, but it was
kind of different.
Never know! She’s the one or she’ll be
the one. “Guess still can’t find out”
If I say how she was looking in the
school uniform, she was looking ____!

Well, the bell ranged and the day

started, me there sitting, lost in my
own thought’s, I remember there’s a
guy with whom I was sitting and
suddenly he calls me and as usual I
Everything was feeling like normal, no
such happening until some point.
But There! I saw her sitting & talking
with her friends
Then the time paused for a while.
I was in a shock, as she was looking
cute, a bit fat, but it was okay…

Then The Class Begins……….!

Chapter 2

She stepped in
As the day’s started rolling! And after
all! That day came where we all are
assigned to our history projects…
And Guess what she was the leader of
the group, and I was the first kid who
got her number, I was extremely happy
and my friends started teasing me…

But you know as you started liking

someone and especially when you are
turning 17, there’s a flow of emotion
gathering around, trapping you inside a
bubble of thought’s, emotion’s, rush,
It feels good but sometimes a lot

As I told you my life was pretty simple

at that time before she stepped in….
I was sitting on my bench and then she
came and said “HIE”…. The time
stopped there as I was looking at her,
completely thoughtless, and when the
time started again I felt something
unusual but kinda surprising with my

As the days passed, we started talking

to each other, had a great
understanding … well, I never dreamed
of that my life could be that tragic with
I don’t know I never wanted a friend
relation with her, instead I wanted to
have a relationship with her, still don’t
know why…

Even today I see her pics, still, think

why all that happen!

Well! I didn’t have a great school life, as

I was an introvert personality…
Which was kinda different past years,
people usually talk to each other, trying
to get closer…
But as you know, I was kinda different

You know! I always share my thoughts

with her, because she’s the only person
who understands me…
How I feel, what I feel, how I think…
I always had a feeling that she’s the key
to my life…

But as time passed I was wrong!

As like a normal introvert person, my

school and my personal life were going
pretty smooth…

…As I started having feeling’s for her,

and always thinking about her…
But she never thinks of me, because
I’m a friend to her….!
For 2 years……!
I waited for her like a loyal person, but
she ignored me like I’m no one to her…

HER ignorance taught me the beauty of

life… if you want to see this
beauty…first, love yourself….!
Chapter 3

The Sunday Morning

As we got finally got a Sunday to chill at

I remember, I had my first phone at

that time, and WhatsApp was new
those days… as you all know, people
are attracted to the new thing or new

So after completing my breakfast, I uh

ran towards my phone just to see
whose message was there… It was her


So from that Sunday morning, we

started talking to each other officially!

As we started talking, my mind started

expanding in a different direction…
Like…. Thinking about her every time,
always wanted to be with her, because
I was totally into her (don’t take my
words in a wrong way)

As the day ended slowly, I started

wondering about tomorrow. As Sunday
was the best day *in a way*!
I ever had…
Chapter 4
An Unusual Morning
Finally, for the first time, I was not
late… as I was early waiting for her…

This time things are little different…As

she came to me and say hi and I was
not lost in my own thought’s…

I don’t why she came to me! And at

that time the part of me was still
somewhere lost! I think maybe in
yesterday thoughts!

Today 2019! It’s been 4 years since we

passed out of the school…still can’t
figure this out why I loved her that
much, though she never cared,
whatever I felt for her…

It’s like you want something badly and

you can’t get it….

How I wanted to love her is kinda

different because …
She’s like Lioness! Guess you never
want to mess with her…

The Day continued….!

Chapter 5
Lyrical love

As the days passed…Life was getting

more unusual…

I started writing Poetries and lines for

her…but you know I never showed
those poetries and lines to her…

As they were my personal thoughts…

OR maybe there was kinda fear that if

she read those things maybe she’ll
leave me…
If she thinks I’m a creep. Who wrote
something for her…

Only the person who's in love know can

figure this out that…*Written words
have a power of Silence which speaks

As she meant everything to me and she

still does...!
Because even today I can’t control my
feelings for her…

My Feelings for her it’s like high tide

and here I consider as the “MOON”

Still now, whenever she came in front

of me…
I’m not able to speak a single word.

Sometimes I think my life is like a

Or Maybe they are inspired by my love

There is less number of parents who

understand the deep meaning of love…
You know I spent 2 years with her in
the same class, still don’t have that
much courage to go in front of her and
say I love you..!

As I told you I wrote something for

her…in short my feeling’s... which are
kinda undeniable but acceptable in its
own way

Here’s something I wrote!

“Dear love
Our love is like a hot air
balloon with the helium
Never settle”
Chapter 6
Parental Thought’s
Few lines I’m going to write right now…
these lines contain the parent

As you started growing up…Whether

you are Girl or Boy…
Parents are kinda insecure regarding
your life…
As they have a fear, that you will take a
wrong track …

As I started growing up, my life was

little shaky…

You know parents have a

misconception! But only their kids can
correct them!
Chapter 7
The Remains
Our friendship lasted for 6 months and
the remaining 1.4 years…

I tried to say sorry too many times! But

she never listens…
I will not say that she’s egoistic
But she’s kinda emotional…
Well, I do love her since school… but
don’t have that much courage, that I
can say that I love her…

She’s my mental peace, you know

whenever I see her, I talk to her…
I feel relaxed…
I don’t know why this happens

Maybe sometimes I think that,

She is the only person I’m left
with…feels like the whole universe is
ended…but I still feel her with me…

“Loved you like my dream”

Chapter 8
Till the time we spent together *in a
way* actually!

Who so ever was her boyfriend… they

were in a relationship with her because
they look for their status…
Not for her


They always want to use her! Anyone

of them never cared for her…

And you know, I always told her that I

love her in my own thoughts!
But what I said is “I am with you, no
matter what”…
Chapter 10
Why I loved her?
The first day I saw her! And the days we
spent together!
I never had that kind of feelings for her
till we are together!

But when she left… I felt her presence

that bad, I couldn’t resist!

She had that kind of attitude I always

She was like a mini bomb, combined of
every single thought, feeling…

Guess that is why I loved her! More

than any person in this world…And I
still do!

You know! When she left I was left with

no choice…
Thought I should die…

Her absence killed me every second…

Chapter 11
The unanswerable
My life without her is the most popular
and unanswerable question…
The answer to this question is still the
biggest mystery of my life…

As she left… I was kept thinking that… I

did something wrong that’s why she
I guess every single male between the
ages of 14-20 goes through this

Chapter 12
Valentine’s Day
The First Valentine day of my life… as
this valentine was too special for me.
Guess why?

Because Today I’m to say to her, that I

love her…

You know! It took me one year in

finding the answer that…
You are the one!

That day I wrote something for her and

that is
“My happiness is
related to you even
after forever”
“I will always stay with
Thank you!
Hi, thanks for being with me! Even for a
small time, but yes you were there with
me… in every bad or good moment in
my life and you are my life…

This book is dedicated to you… in my

own words…
This book contains my thoughts for
As you meant that special to me…
I always see me in you…still, don’t
know why…

Sometimes my life becomes

unanswerable with you… because you
are the key to my life…

You are the mystery of my life!

Always tried to solve you!
Hope you all like
this book
I would love to
hear feedback
All of you
Thank you!
Miss you!
Hope we meet again!

Love you !

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