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S. Laureys et al. (Eds.

Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 177
ISSN 0079-6123
Copyright r 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


A perturbational approach for evaluating the brain’s

capacity for consciousness

Marcello Massimini1,�, Melanie Boly2, Adenauer Casali1, Mario Rosanova1 and

Giulio Tononi3

Department of Clinical Sciences, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Coma Science Group, Cyclotron Research Center and Neurology Department, University of Liege and
CHU Hospital, Belgium
Department of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin, WI, USA

Abstract: How do we evaluate a brain’s capacity to sustain conscious experience if the subject does not
manifest purposeful behaviour and does not respond to questions and commands? What should we
measure in this case? An emerging idea in theoretical neuroscience is that what really matters for
consciousness in the brain is not activity levels, access to sensory inputs or neural synchronization per se,
but rather the ability of different areas of the thalamocortical system to interact causally with each other
to form an integrated whole. In particular, the information integration theory of consciousness (IITC)
argues that consciousness is integrated information and that the brain should be able to generate
consciousness to the extent that it has a large repertoire of available states (information), yet it cannot be
decomposed into a collection of causally independent subsystems (integration). To evaluate the ability to
integrate information among distributed cortical regions, it may not be sufficient to observe the brain in
action. Instead, it is useful to employ a perturbational approach and examine to what extent different
regions of the thalamocortical system can interact causally (integration) and produce specific responses
(information). Thanks to a recently developed technique, transcranial magnetic stimulation and high-
density electroencephalography (TMS/hd-EEG), one can record the immediate reaction of the entire
thalamocortical system to controlled perturbations of different cortical areas. In this chapter, using sleep
as a model of unconsciousness, we show that TMS/hd-EEG can detect clear-cut changes in the ability of
the thalamocortical system to integrate information when the level of consciousness fluctuates across the
sleep–wake cycle. Based on these results, we discuss the potential applications of this novel technique to
evaluate objectively the brain’s capacity for consciousness at the bedside of brain-injured patients.

Keywords: coma; consciousness; transcranial magnetic stimulation; electroencephalography; information;


Evaluating a subject’s level of consciousness

�Corresponding author. The bedside evaluation of patients affected by

Tel.: +39 33 39 92 57 91; Fax: +39 02 48002084; disorders of consciousness (DOC) relies on
E-mail: repeated behavioural observation by trained

DOI: 10.1016/S0079-6123(09)17714-2 201


personnel. During the examination, spontaneous even when motor outputs are absent. However,
and elicited behaviour in response to multisensory there still may be cases, such as in aphasia,
stimulation is recorded in accordance with specific akinetic mutism, catatonic depression or diffuse
scales (Giacino et al., 2004; Gill-Thwaites and dopaminergic lesions, where a patient, although
Munday, 2004; Kalmar and Giacino, 2005; Shiel aware, may not be able to understand or be
et al., 2000). Regardless of the scale employed, willing to respond (Boly et al., 2007). Moreover,
the examiner typically looks for (1) evidence of because of frequent movement artefacts and
awareness of the self or of the environment, (2) because of possible alterations of the normal
evidence of sustained, reproducible, purposeful or coupling of hemodynamics and neuronal firing
voluntary response to tactile, auditory or noxious (Rossini et al., 2004), acquiring and interpreting
stimuli and (3) evidence of language comprehen­ fMRI data is especially difficult in DOC patients
sion and expression (Laureys et al., 2004). If none (Giacino et al., 2006). Hence, the absence of
of these three defining behavioural features can volitional brain activity in the scanner, just like the
be detected during careful and repeated evalua­ absence of purposeful movements during a
tions, the subject is considered unconscious clinical examination, does not necessarily imply
(Royal College of Physicians, 1994), while the absence of awareness.
patients who show non-reflexive behaviour but The behavioural approach and the neuroima­
are unable to communicate their thoughts and ging paradigm represent two different levels at
feelings are ascribed to a recently defined clinical which a communication can be established with a
entity, the minimally conscious state (Giacino DOC patient (Owen et al., 2005). If an overt
et al., 2002). Thus, according to the clinical behaviour fails to signal consciousness, it is still
definition of consciousness, subjects are conscious possible to dig deeper by looking for purposeful
if they can signal that this is the case. However, neural activations. Both methods leave no doubts
since in patients with severe brain injury motor in case of a positive result: if the subjects respond,
responsiveness is often impaired, it may also they are actually aware. Instead, a negative result
happen that a subject is aware but unable to leaves an open question.
move or speak (Schnakers et al., 2009). Therefore,
while detecting the presence of voluntary beha­
viour at the bedside is sufficient to infer that a Evaluating a brain’s capacity for consciousness
subject is aware, its absence does not necessarily
imply unconsciousness (Boly et al., 2007; Laureys In this chapter, we propose an additional level at
et al., 2004; Monti et al., 2009). which consciousness can be studied even when no
Recently, the development of new neuroima­ communication whatsoever (behavioural or
ging protocols has made it possible to probe for neural) can be established with the subject. This
signs of awareness even when subjects are paradigm does not aim at probing the subject in
completely unable to move (Boly et al., 2007; order to elicit wilfull behaviours or neural activa­
Owen and Coleman, 2008). For example, in a tions; rather, it involves probing directly the
recent study (Owen and Coleman, 2008), a subject’s brain to gauge core properties that are
clinically vegetative, seemingly unresponsive theoretically relevant for consciousness. This
patient was put in the scanner and asked to option requires (1) starting from a theory that
imagine playing tennis or navigating through her suggests which properties are fundamental for a
own apartment. Remarkably, the patient showed physical system to give rise to conscious experi­
fMRI patterns of brain activation that were ence and (2) identifying and implementing a
consistent and specific for the requested cognitive practical measuring method to weigh up these
task, just like healthy subjects. This paradigmatic properties in a real brain. Here, we start with the
case demonstrates that the patient’s ability to information integration theory of conscious­
wilfully enter specific neural states upon request ness (IITC) (Tononi, 2004, 2005, 2008), a theory
can be used to detect the presence of awareness that argues that consciousness is integrated

information and that a physical system should be information, whereas a die falling on one of six
able to generate consciousness to the extent that it faces provides B2.6 bits. But then having any
can enter any of a large number of available states conscious experience, even one of pure darkness,
(information), yet it cannot be decomposed into a must be extraordinarily informative, because it
collection of causally independent subsystems rules out countless other experiences instead
(integration). Then, we devise a practical method (think of all the frames of every possible movie).
to gauge the brain’s capacity to integrate informa­ In other words, having any experience is like
tion. To do this we employ a combination of throwing a die with a trillion faces and identifying
transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroen­ which number came up. On the other hand, every
cephalography (TMS/hd-EEG), a technique that experience is an integrated whole that cannot be
allows stimulating directly different subsets of subdivided into independent components. For
cortical neurons and recording the immediate example, with an intact brain you cannot experi­
reaction of the rest of the brain. Based on ence the left half of the visual field independently
measurements performed in sleeping subjects of the right half, or visual shapes independently of
(Massimini et al., 2005, 2007), we argue that this their colour. In other words, the die of experience
method represents an effective way to appreciate, is a single one; throwing multiple dice and
at a general level, to what extent different regions combining the numbers will not help.
of the thalamocortical system can interact globally If the capacity for consciousness corresponds to
(integration) to produce specific responses (infor- the capacity to integrate information, then a
mation). Thus, instead of asking the subjects to physical system should be able to generate
wilfully perform different motor or cognitive consciousness to the extent that it can discriminate
tasks, we directly ‘‘ask’’ (with TMS) their thala­ among a large number of available states (infor-
mocortical system to enter different neural states mation), yet it cannot be decomposed into a
and we assess (with hd-EEG) to what extent these collection of causally independent subsystems
states are integrated and specific. While this (integration). How can one identify such an
approach is not meant to tell whether a subject integrated system, and how can one measure its
is actually conscious or not, it may represent a repertoire of available states? To measure the
principled way to objectively weigh a brain’s repertoire of different states that are available to a
capacity for conscious experience. system, one can use the entropy function, but this
way of measuring information is completely
insensitive to whether the information is inte­
Theoretical guidelines: the integrated information grated. Thus, measuring entropy would not allow
theory of consciousness us to distinguish between one million photodiodes
with a repertoire of two states each, and a single
The IITC takes its start from phenomenology and, integrated system with a repertoire of 21,000,000
by making a critical use of thought experiments, states. To measure information integration, it is
argues that subjective experience is integrated essential to know whether a set of elements
information. Therefore, according to the IITC, constitutes a causally integrated system, or they
any physical system will have subjective experi­ can be broken down into a number of indepen­
ence to the extent that it is capable of integrating dent or quasi-independent subsets among which
information. In this view, experience, i.e. informa­ no information can be integrated.
tion integration, is a fundamental quantity that is, Indeed, the theory claims that the level of
in principle, measurable, just as mass or energy is. consciousness of a physical system is related to the
Information and integration are, on the other repertoire of different states (information) that
hand, the very essence of subjective experience. can be discriminated by the system as a whole
Classically, information is the reduction of uncer­ (integration). Thus, a measure of integrated
tainty among alternatives: when a coin falls on information, called phi (F), has been proposed
one of its two sides, it provides 1 bit of in order to quantify the information generated

when a system discriminates one particular state next section, we try to identify an empirical
of its repertoire, above and beyond the informa­ method to approximate a measure of the capacity
tion generated independently by its parts for integrated information in a human brain.
(Balduzzi and Tononi, 2008; Tononi, 2004).
As demonstrated through computer simula­
tions, information integration is optimized (F is Employing TMS/hd-EEG to evaluate
highest) if the elements of a complex are thalamocortical integration and information
connected in such a way that they are both capacity
functionally specialized (connection patterns are
different for different elements) and functionally Different methods have been proposed in order to
integrated (all elements can be reached from all infer on a subject’s level of consciousness solely
other elements of the network). If functional based on brain activity. Some of these methods,
specialization is lost by replacing the heteroge­ such as spectral analysis (Berthomier et al., 2007)
neous connectivity with a homogeneous one, or if and the proprietary ‘‘bispectral index’’ (Myles
functional integration is lost by rearranging the et al., 2004), seem to correlate empirically with
connections to form small modules, the value of F consciousness but have no clear theoretical
decreases considerably (Tononi and Sporns, foundation. Other measures, such as neural
2003). complexity (Tononi et al., 1994) and causal
According to the IITC, this is exactly why, density (Seth, 2005), are theoretically motivated
among many structures of the brain, the thalamo­ (Seth et al., 2008) but have not yet been tested
cortical system is so special for consciousness: it is empirically. More or less explicitly, all these
naturally organized in a way that appears to measures attempt to capture the coexistence of
emphasize at once both functional specialization functional integration and functional differentia­
and functional integration. Thus, it comprises a tion in spontaneous (mainly hd-EEG) brain
large number of elements that are functionally signals. Yet, to dependably appreciate the brain’s
specialized, becoming activated in different cir­ capacity for consciousness (defined as integrated
cumstances (Bartels and Zeki, 2005). This is true information), one should go beyond spontaneous
at multiple spatial scales, from different cortical activity levels or patterns of temporal correlation
systems dealing with vision, audition, etc., to among distant neuronal groups (functional con­
different cortical areas dealing with shape, colour, nectivity). First, this is because the repertoire of
motion, etc., to different groups of neurons available states is, by definition, potential and,
responding to different directions of motion. On thus, not necessarily observable. Second, because
the other hand, the specialized elements of the it is difficult to say whether a system is actually
thalamocortical system are integrated through an integrated or not by just observing the sponta­
extended network of intra- and inter-areal con­ neous activity it generates. For example, obser­
nections that permit rapid and effective interac­ ving time-varying, complex correlations among
tions within and between areas (Engel et al., retinal neurons that are responding to a rich visual
2001). scene may lead one to the conclusion that the
But then, the theory also explicitly predicts that retina is both functionally specialized and func­
the fading of consciousness should be associated tionally integrated. However, such complex spa-
with either a reduction of integration within tial-temporal correlations do not imply that the
thalamocortical circuits (e.g. they could break retina per se has a capacity for consciousness. In
down into causally independent modules) or a fact, it is enough to perturb a few retinal elements
reduction in information (the repertoire of avail­ and to record from the rest of the cells to realize
able states might shrink), or both. This specific that, to a large extent, the retina is actually
prediction is however difficult to test in humans, composed of segregated modules that do not
since, in practice, F can only be measured interact with each other. Indeed, the ability to
rigorously for small, simulated systems. In the integrate information can only be demonstrated

from a causal perspective; one must employ a humans, thanks to the development of a novel
perturbational approach (effective connectivity) electrophysiological technique, based on the
and examine to what extent subsets of neurons combination of navigated TMS and high-density
can interact causally as a whole (integration) to electroencephalography (Ilmoniemi et al., 1997)
produce responses that are specific for that (Fig. 1). With TMS, the cerebral cortex is
particular perturbation (information). Moreover, stimulated directly by generating a brief but
one should probe causal interactions by directly strong magnetic pulse (o1 ms, 2 T) through a coil
stimulating the cerebral cortex to avoid possible applied to the surface of the scalp. The rapid
subcortical filtering or gating. Finally, since causal change in magnetic field strength induces a
interactions among thalamocortical neurons current flow in the tissue, which results in the
develop on a sub-second time scale (just as activation of underlying neuronal population. The
phenomenal consciousness does), it is very impor­ synchronous volley of action potential thus
tant to record the neural effects of the perturba­ initiated propagates along the available connec­
tion with the appropriate temporal resolution. tion pathways and can produce activations in
Thus, in practice, one should find a way to target cortical regions. By integrating TMS with
stimulate different subsets of cortical neurons and MR-guided infra-red navigation systems, it is also
measure, with good spatial-temporal resolution, possible to render the perturbation controllable
the effects produced by these perturbations in the and reproducible, in most cortical regions. Finally,
rest of the thalamocortical system. Today, this using multi-channel EEG amplifiers that are
measurement can be performed non-invasively in compatible with TMS (Virtanen et al., 1999) one

Fig. 1. TMS/hd-EEG setup. In this example, a subject is sitting on an ergonomic chair while TMS is targeted to the occipital cortex.
The red arrows indicate, from left to right, the three fundamental elements that compose the set-up: (1) a cap for high-density
(60 channels) hd-EEG recordings that is connected to a TMS-compatible amplifier; (2) a focal figure-of-eight stimulating coil (TMS),
held in place by a mechanical arm; (3) the display of the navigated brain stimulation system (NBS). This system employs an infra-red
camera (not visible in this picture) to navigate TMS on a 3D reconstruction of the subject’s MRI. The location and the intensity of the
electric field induced by TMS are estimated and displayed in real time. To prevent the subject from perceiving the click associated with
the coil’s discharge, noise masking is played through inserted earplugs. Please see online version of this article for full color figure.

can record, starting just a few milliseconds after capacity of thalamocortical circuits indepen­
the pulse, the impact of the perturbation on the dently on behaviour.
stimulated target and in distant cortical areas. 5. TMS/hd-EEG can be made portable in order
Indeed, the integrated use of neuro-navigation to overcome the logistical and economic
systems, TMS and multichannel TMS-compatible hurdles that may separate severely brain-
hd-EEG amplifiers together constitute a new injured patients from advanced imaging
brain scanning method in which stimulation is facilities.
navigated into any desired brain target and the
concurrently recorded scalp potentials are pro­ Thus, at least in principle, TMS/hd-EEG may
cessed into source images of the TMS-evoked represent an appropriate tool to approximate a
neuronal activation (Komssi and Kahkonen, theoretical measure of consciousness at the
2006). patient’s bedside. However, the question whether
It is worth highlighting some of the specific this technique may actually detect changes in the
advantages that TMS/hd-EEG may offer as a tool brain’s capacity to integrate information can only
to probe the brain of DOC patients: be answered experimentally. For example, one
should demonstrate that TMS-evoked activations
1. TMS-evoked activations are intrinsically are widespread (integration) and specific (infor-
causal (Paus, 2005). Thus, unlike methods mation) in a conscious brain but that they become
based on temporal correlations, TMS/hd- either local (revealing a loss of integration) or
EEG immediately captures the fundamental stereotypical (revealing a loss of information)
mechanism that underlies integration, i.e. the when the same brain becomes unconscious. In the
ability of different elements of a system to next section, we describe the results of experi­
affect each other. ments where TMS/hd-EEG was used to under­
2. TMS/hd-EEG bypasses sensory pathways stand what changes in human thalamocortical
and subcortical structures to probe directly circuits when consciousness fades upon falling
the thalamocortical system. Therefore, asleep.
unlike peripherally evoked potentials and
evoked motor activations, TMS/hd-EEG
does not depend on the integrity of sensory TMS/hd-EEG detects changes in the brain’s
and motor systems and can access any capacity for integrated information during sleep
patient (deafferentated or paralysed). More­
over, with TMS one can stimulate most Sleep is the only time when healthy humans
cortical areas (including associative cortices) regularly lose consciousness. Subjects awakened
employing several different parameters during slow-wave sleep early in the night may
(intensity, angle, current direction), thus report short, thought-like fragments of experi­
probing a vast repertoire of possible ence, or often nothing at all (Hobson et al., 2000).
responses, above and beyond observable Sleep also exposes several interesting paradoxes
ongoing brain states. about the relationships between consciousness
3. TMS-evoked potentials can be recorded with and the brain. For instance, it was thought that the
millisecond resolution, a time scale that is fading of consciousness during sleep was due to
adequate to capture effective synaptic inter­ the brain shutting down. However, while meta­
actions among neurons. bolic rates decrease in some cortical areas,
4. TMS/hd-EEG does not require the subject thalamocortical neurons remain active during
to be involved in a task and the observed slow-wave sleep also, with mean firing rates
activations are not affected either by the comparable to those of quiet wakefulness
willingness of the patient to participate or by (Steriade et al., 2001). It was also hypothesized
his effort and performance. Hence, this that sensory inputs are blocked during sleep and
approach is well suited to assess the objective that they are necessary to sustain conscious

experience. However, we now know that, even connected brain regions and dissipates rapidly.
during deep sleep, sensory signals continue to This finding is general and can be reproduced
reach the cerebral cortex (Kakigi et al., 2003) after the stimulation of different cortical areas, as
where they are processed subconsciously (Portas long as the subjects are in slow-wave sleep stages
et al., 2000). Gamma activity and synchrony have 3 and 4. Thus, the cortical area that is directly
been viewed as possible correlates of conscious­ engaged by TMS preserves its reactivity but
ness and they were found to be low in slow-wave behaves as an isolated module; in this way,
sleep (Cantero et al., 2004). However, they may TMS/hd-EEG reveals a clear-cut reduction of
be equally low in REM sleep, when subjective cortico-cortical integration occurring during sleep
experience is usually vivid, and they can be high in early in the night. Interestingly, during REM sleep
anaesthesia (Vanderwolf, 2000). On the other late in the night, when dreams become long and
hand, intracranial recordings show that gamma vivid and the level of consciousness returns to
activity (Destexhe et al., 2007) and gamma- levels close to wakefulness (despite the subject
coherence (Bullock et al., 1995) persist during being almost paralysed), thalamocortical integra­
slow-wave sleep. Interestingly, similar paradoxes, tion partially recovers and TMS triggers a more
where neural activity levels, access to sensory widespread and differentiated pattern of activa­
information and the degree of neural synchrony tion (Fig. 2C).
do not correlate with the level of consciousness, TMS/hd-EEG measurements not only indicate
can be found in other conditions such as that during slow-wave sleep the thalamocortical
anaesthesia, epilepsy and DOC patients (Tononi system tends to break down into isolated modules
and Laureys, 2008). In this sense, sleep represents (loss of integration), but also show that the ability
a general model to learn what really matters for of thalamocortical circuits to produce differen­
consciousness. tiated responses (information) is impaired. In
For this reason, in a series of recent experi­ Fig. 3, the responses to two different TMS
ments, we have employed TMS/hd-EEG to perturbations (one applied to premotor cortex
measure what changes in thalamocortical circuits and the other one applied to visual cortex) are
during the transition from wakefulness into compared during wakefulness and slow-wave
different stages of sleep (Massimini et al., 2005, sleep. For each condition, the significant currents
2007). Figure 2A shows the response obtained evoked by TMS are cumulated over the entire
after stimulation of rostral premotor cortex in one post-stimulus interval and are plotted on the
subject during wakefulness. The black traces cortical surface; on the right side of each cortical
represent the voltage recorded from all scalp surface, the time course of the currents recorded
electrodes; the cortical currents associated with from three selected areas are depicted. This
the main peaks of activity are depicted below. The example, as the one reported in the previous
circles on the cortical surface indicate the site of figure, confirms a clear-cut loss of integration
stimulation, while the cross highlights the location during slow-wave sleep by showing that distant
of maximal cortical activation. TMS, applied at an cortical areas cease to be causally affected by the
intensity corresponding to motor threshold, trig­ initial perturbation. On the other hand, it also
gers, during wakefulness, a series of low-ampli­ reveals a clear loss of response specificity. Thus,
tude, high-frequency (25–30 Hz) waves of activity while during wakefulness the premotor and the
associated with cortical activations that propagate visual cortex react to the stimulus with a pattern
along long-range ipsilateral and transcallosal of activation which has a characteristic shape and
connections. Remarkably, the exactly same sti­ frequency content (Rosanova et al., 2009), this
mulation, applied 15 min later, during sleep distinction is clearly obliterated during sleep; the
stages 3 and 4, results in a very different picture local response to TMS becomes, in both cases, a
(Fig. 2B). In this case, TMS triggers a larger, low- simple positive–negative wave.
frequency wave, associated with a strong initial Indeed, if the reactivity of the sleeping brain is
cortical activation that does not propagate to systematically tested by applying TMS at different
Fig. 2. Cortical responses to TMS across the sleep–wake cycle. hd-EEG voltages and current densities are shown from a
representative subject in whom the premotor cortex was stimulated with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) (black arrow). (A)
During waking, stimulation evokes hd-EEG responses first near the stimulation site (circle; the cross is the site of maximum evoked
current) and then, in sequence, at other cortical locations, producing a long-range pattern of activation. (B) During slow-wave sleep,
the stimulus-evoked response remains local, indicating a loss of cortical integration. At the same time, the response recorded from
the electrode located under the stimulator (thick red trace) becomes a positive wave followed by a negative rebound. (C) During
REM sleep, effective connectivity among distant cortical areas recovers, indicating a significant resurgence of cortical integration
(adapted with permission from Massimini et al., 2007). Please see online version of this article for full color figure.

Fig. 3. Loss of cortical integration and differentiation during slow-wave sleep. TMS is applied to premotor cortex (A) and to visual
cortex (B) during wakefulness (left panels) and during slow-wave sleep (right panels). After source modelling, non-parametric
statistics is performed to detect the significant currents induced by TMS. For each condition, the significant currents recorded during
the entire post-stimulus interval are plotted on the cortical surface; on the right side of each cortical surface, the time series of the
currents recorded from three selected areas (Brodmann areas (BA) 8, 6 and 19) are depicted (the time of stimulation is marked by a
red line). With the transition from wakefulness to slow-wave sleep, distant cortical areas cease to be causally affected by the initial
perturbation, indicating a break-down of cortical integration. At the same time, cortical responses to TMS become stereotypical,
indicating a loss of cortical differentiation. Please see online version of this article for full color figure.

intensities and in different cortical areas (Massi­ that is either local (Fig. 2B) or global and non­
mini et al., 2007), one invariably obtains a specific (Fig. 4B).
stereotypical response: a positive wave followed What prevents the emergence of a differen­
by a negative rebound (Fig. 3). Interestingly, this tiated long-range pattern of activation during
positive–negative component develops towards a sleep? It is likely that the mechanism underlying
full-fledged sleep slow wave when TMS is the impaired capacity of the sleeping brain for
delivered at increasing intensities in a scalp region integrated information is the same mechanism that
around the vertex (Massimini et al., 2007). The underlies the occurrence of spontaneous sleep
prominent negative component of TMS-evoked slow-waves, that is bistability in thalamocortical
slow waves is very likely to be associated with a circuits (Tononi and Massimini, 2008). Upon
widespread hyperpolarization in a large popula­ falling asleep, brainstem activating systems reduce
tion of cortical neurons, as is the case for their firing rates, thus increasing the influence of
spontaneous sleep slow waves (Cash et al., 2009; depolarization-dependent potassium currents in
Massimini et al., 2004). Thus, it appears that the thalamic and cortical neurons (McCormick et al.,
only way the sleeping brain can react to a direct 1993). Due to these currents, cortical neurons
cortical perturbation is by producing a slow wave become bistable and inevitably tend to fall into a

Fig. 4. The sleeping brain reacts to TMS by producing stereotypical responses that resemble spontaneous sleep slow-waves. (A)
TMS is delivered at four midline sites along the posterior–anterior axis of the cortex (posterior parietal, sensorimotor, supplementary
motor, rostral premotor). The brain response to TMS is probed, at each site, at two intensities (MO is maximum stimulator output).
The average responses to 15 TMS trials recorded from all channels (referenced to the mastoid) are shown for each intensity and each
cortical site. At all cortical sites, TMS evokes a positive component followed by a negative rebound that develops towards a full-
fledged sleep slow-wave when stimulation is delivered at increasing intensities in a scalp region closer to the sensory-motor cortex.
(B) In this region, TMS triggers a large negative deflection associated with long-lasting currents that spread like an oil-spot to the
surrounding cortex, starting from a fixed local maximum. In this particular case, the brain’s reaction to TMS becomes global but
remains stereotypical and non-specific (adapted with permission from Massimini et al., 2007).

silent, hyperpolarized state (down-state) after a occurring spontaneously or induced by a stimulus

period of activation (up-state). This bistability (like TMS), eventually triggers a stereotypical
provides the mechanism for the slow oscillations of down-state that, in turn, prevents the emergence
sleep where large populations of cortical neurons of specific, long-range patterns of activation.
spontaneously alternate between up- and down- Altogether, TMS/hd-EEG measurements sug­
states (Hill and Tononi, 2005). At the same time, gest that, during slow-wave sleep, the thalamo­
due to bistability, any local activation, whether cortical system, despite being active and reactive,

either breaks down in causally independent patient opens her/his eyes, shows only reflexive
modules (producing a local down-state) or bursts behaviour (Schiff et al., 1999) and enters the
into an explosive and non-specific response vegetative state (Laureys and Boly, 2008)? In
(producing a global down-state and a full-fledged principle, the recovery of arousal, if not paralleled
hd-EEG slow-wave). In no case, during slow- by recovery of awareness, should not be asso­
wave sleep, does TMS result in a balanced, long- ciated with significant changes in the ability of
range, differentiated pattern of activation. The thalamocortical circuits to integrate information.
TMS/hd-EEG perturbational approach also sug­ In this sense, TMS-evoked activation is not
gests that intrinsic bistability in thalamocortical expected to show relevant changes during the
networks, the key mechanism responsible for the transition from coma to the vegetative state. Very
occurrence of the spontaneous slow oscillations different is the condition of locked-in patients
of sleep, may be the reason why information (Plum and Posner, 1972) who awaken from their
integration is impaired in early NREM sleep coma fully conscious (Schnakers et al., 2008) but
(Massimini et al., 2009). While sleep and the completely paralysed, except for the ability to
associated bistability are physiological and rever­ gaze upward; in this case, TMS should trigger
sible processes, pathological processes may simi­ more widespread and differentiated patterns of
larly result in a modification of the brain’s ability activation, just as it does during normal wakeful­
to integrate information and this modification may ness or at most upon entering REM sleep, when
be similarly detected by TMS/hd-EEG. In the subjects are conscious but almost paralysed.
next section, we discuss the possible applications The most important challenge for any objective
of TMS/hd-EEG at the bedside of DOC patients. measure of consciousness is proving itself capable
of detecting a potential for residual cognition when
no communication whatsoever can be established
TMS/EEG in DOC patients: some predictions with the patient. This task is difficult by definition,
since there is no behavioural reference to assess
Given the variety of brain lesions and conditions the subject’s actual level of consciousness. Never­
that are associated to DOC (Laureys et al., 2004, theless, some strategies could be adopted to
2009), it is very difficult to predict what kind of practically validate TMS/hd-EEG measures as a
results TMS/hd-EEG might give in individual dependable marker of the brain’s capacity for
DOC patients. However, an informed guess can consciousness. First, one should demonstrate that
be adopted at least in some specific cases. For using TMS/hd-EEG it is possible to identify
instance, it is conceivable that TMS-evoked significant differences between vegetative and
activations similar to the ones described during minimally conscious patients concerning their
slow-wave sleep may also be found in patients that brain’s capacity for integrated information. A
are in a coma caused by a lesion in the ascending positive result in such a population study would
reticular activating system. In these cases, one indicate that TMS/hd-EEG is sensitive enough to
could predict that, due to bistability, TMS should objectify minimal changes in the brain’s capacity
trigger a stereotypically local, or global, slow for awareness. Second, one should demonstrate
wave, provided that thalamocortical circuits are that the longitudinal TMS/hd-EEG measurements
fundamentally intact. Similarly, due to pathologi­ can predict the individual patient’s outcome. For
cal bistability in cortical circuits (Hahn and instance, it would be relevant to observe TMS-
Durand, 2001), large and stereotypical responses evoked cortical responses that progressively
would be expected in patients that are in a status become more global and specific in the brain of
epilepticus. On the other hand, TMS should intensive care patients shortly before they regain
results in mostly local responses in cases where consciousness at the clinical level. Then, TMS/
connectivity is generally impaired, such as in hd-EEG may be employed as a diagnostic/
patients with diffuse axonal injury (Graham et al., prognostic tool to evaluate covert consciousness
2005). What would happen, instead, when a coma and to foster evidence-based neuro-rehabilitation.

Future perspectives summarize in one number the spatial–temporal

differentiation of the deterministic activation
We attempted at identifying an objective marker produced by this integrated network. This number
of consciousness that is theoretically grounded will be low for modular network, because, in this
and practically measurable. The core message of case, activity remains local, and will be equally
this chapter is that using by TMS/hd-EEG it is low for networks with widespread homogeneous
possible to detect clear-cut changes in the capacity connectivity, because, all elements will respond in
of human thalamocortical circuits to integrate the same way. Only networks that are integrated
information, a theoretical requirement to gener­ and differentiated at the same time are likely to
ate conscious experience, when the level of react to TMS with a response characterized by a
consciousness fluctuates across the sleep–wake high complexity value.
cycle. The implication of this finding is that TMS/ Third, the technique and the appropriate
hd-EEG may be similarly employed to evaluate analysis procedure must be tested in conditions
the brain’s capacity for consciousness at the where consciousness is graded and abolished in
bedside of non-communicative patients. Clearly, a controlled fashion, such as during anaesthesia
before applying this technique to DOC patients, (Alkire et al., 2008). Specifically, it would be
further steps need to be taken. important to apply TMS/hd-EEG measures of
First, TMS/hd-EEG normative data have to be integrated information while consciousness is
defined. Thus, several cortical areas must be altered using different anaesthetics (such as
systematically perturbed in healthy subjects in midazolam, propofol or ketamine) that act
order to determine the specificity and the repro­ through diverse mechanisms and that are asso­
ducibility of cortical responses to TMS. A similar ciated with variable patterns of spontaneous EEG
assessment has been recently performed on a activity. Certainly, a reliable marker should only
limited set of cortical areas (superior occipital correlate with the level of consciousness, whether
lobule, precuneus and premotor) and has revealed this has been altered by physiological sleep,
patterns of TMS-evoked cortical activation that by one anaesthetic or another, or by a patholo­
are specific for the stimulated site and reproduci­ gical process.
ble across subjects (Rosanova et al., 2009). This
database needs to be further extended including
more cortical areas and subjects. Acknowledgements
Second, a standard analysis procedure must
be developed in order to extract from TMS/hd- This work was supported by European grant
EEG data synthetic indices that capture the STREP LSHM-CT-2205-51818 to Marcello Mas­
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tion. In fact, the results presented in this chapter Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research
are suggestive, but only qualitative. Different (FNRS). We thank Andrea Soddu, Silvia Casar­
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