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Interactive Mirror

Shreyansh Khale
Shweta Nathan
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Vidyalankar Institute of Technology
Vidyalankar Institute of Technology
Mumbai, India
Mumbai, India
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Rugveda Salunke Aditi Sathe Prof. Amit Maurya

Department of Electronics and Department of Electronics and Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Telecommunication Telecommunication
Vidyalankar Institute of Technology Vidyalankar Institute of Technology Vidyalankar Institute of Technology
Mumbai, India Mumbai, India Mumbai, India
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Abstract— This paper describes the design and working new buildings were too a concern. This product acts as a
of mirror made smart called Interactive mirror built using
solution for above problems. It also acts as an innovative
raspberry pi. The visual representation of the product is
similar to a regular mirror that can display weather details, and attractive object that can be placed in any
temperature, time and daily news on voice commands. The surrounding.
smart mirror acts as a personal assistant, an enquiry center
and displays important curriculum or college notices. It can A product that can inhibit all the qualities of a regular
answer basic questions, display class timetable and show personal assistant on androids or laptops with application-
directions to various places of an institute. It could be linked based knowledge along with the above-mentioned
to google cloud for various IOT based tasks like home problems with some suitable speech detection modules
automation etc. It uses a proximity sensor to turn on the
and speech convertor engines, all in a small processing
screen if in use and turn back off when not in use. Built on a
strong speech to text engine, it understands various types of power operating system as that of a raspberry pi (Debian).
accents to understand predefined command clearly. The Putting the tasks above in a simplified manner, three
smart or interactive mirror designed by using a raspberry pi basic functionalities that would be fulfilled can be given
as the main controller and a led display that is placed behind as,
the mirror, can serve a variety of endless application-based
commands. With such a wide range of applications, this 1. Personal Assistant-
could certainly become an important part of technology in The mirror acts like a personal assistant. The mirror does
future times. various tasks like updating calendar, setting up reminders,
Keywords—Interactive mirror, notice board, personal
updating date and time, displaying weather, daily news
assistant, enquiry center. and other such general-purpose activities. It can respond
to some of the commands like time, weather, news,
Gmail, technology updates, college notifications,
I. INTRODUCTION birthday, jokes, life.
Mirrors are everyday items that have so far eluded
being made smart. The idea of combining a mirror with 2. Enquiry Centre-
technology, discussing further possibilities and uses are Basic questions related to any workspace are fed into the
some objectives of this paper. The smart mirror is same as database. Such queries can be answered by the mirror.
various smart devices available like smart phones, smart This enquiry center can be very helpful to people who are
televisions, smart lights etc. but with some certain and new to any workspace. These queries will be regarding
specific advantages. The smart mirror was way beyond an finding the direction to any particular classroom, locating
ordinary mirror, having a screen inside that one can any professor etc. This can be an endless module as we
interact with by using voice commands. The smart mirror can configure as many questions as we need. Thus, this
consists of a one-way mirror with a screen attached to it can differ based on the workspace in which you are using
that displays a static web page. this mirror.
The mirror works with the help of a raspberry pi. A
Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer originally 3. Notice board-
designed for education. The Raspberry Pi is slower than a The mirror can be used for displaying various academic
modern laptop or desktop but is still a complete Linux notices in the college. The product is linked with the
computer and can provide all the expected abilities that android device of the administrator so that he can change
implies, at a low-power consumption level. There are the notice and information as and when required to be
several displays or notice boards present that are difficult displayed. These notices are displayed according to
to operate manually. The problem of finding places in various time slots.
II.LITERATURE SURVEY basic functionalities, such as clock, calendar, current
weather, newsfeed etc., and many other third-party
Michael Teeuw’s [1] was the first to develop a smart functionalities. The server module leads all the operations:
mirror and was the first to embrace the idea of using a RPI interaction with the user through the sensors and the
to power an informative mirror. The first smart mirror mirror user interface (UI), information visualization
blog was posted back in 2014, since it was a very new through the mirror UI etc. Summing up, the server module
product it gained a lot of attention back then. The mirror operates four main functionalities following a multi-
uses raspberry pi 2 and display as monitor. It simply thread paradigm: world sensing, information processing,
displayed the time and weather using modules. It was information management and information visualization.
simply an information panel, we cannot interact with the
mirror. A module-based interface was created and A. Notice:
displayed weather, news, time or daily comic strip. This module displays a random notice regarding any
Ryan Nelwan [2] in the year 2016 gathered much academic activities that are to be conducted in the
interest and developed a smart mirror much similar to the college. The notification property contains an object
one developed by teeuw’s, however it had the touch with four arrays: ‘morning’, ‘afternoon’, ‘evening’ and
capability. It serves mostly as an entertainment system ‘anytime’.
where a user can use the touch controls to control music
or run different program, but does not implement any B. Newsfeed:
forms of artificial intelligence. This module displays news headlines based on an
Hannah Mittelstaedt [3] made a home mirror and really simple syndication (RSS) feed. Scrolling
posted in reddit. The mirror used Nexus 7 tablet as the through news headlines happens time-based (update
display panel. Since it was an android tablet so android Interval), but can also be controlled by sending news
widgets were used to display time, weather, date, feed specific notifications to the module. An array of
remainders. The software doesn’t support custom widgets feed URLs are used as source. The URL of the feed is
but it is opensource so anyone can modify it and create a used for headlines.
different version. Home Mirror is a device that also looks
great and it is also easier to build than other devices as it C. Update Notification:
only requires two main parts, the tablet and the mirror. This will display a message whenever a new version of
However, it lacks any kind of interaction. the Magic Mirror application is available.

D. Clock:
III.SYSTEM DESIGN This module displays the current date and time. The
information will be updated real time. It displays time
in 24-hour time format. The time zone Asia/Kolkata is
used for displaying time.

E. Current Weather:
This module displays the current weather, including
the windspeed, the sunset or sunrise time, the
temperature and an icon to display the current
conditions. The location used for weather information
is Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The weather
information is obtained from OpenWeatherMap which
is an online service that provides weather data,
including current weather data and forecasts. For data
sources, it utilizes meteorological broadcast services
,raw data from airport weather stations, raw data from
Figure 1-Block diagram
radar stations, and raw data from other official weather
The software architecture of the system is implemented stations. All data is processed by OpenWeatherMap in
through the web socket communication protocol. The a way that it attempts to provide accurate online
architecture is modular and each single module can be weather forecast data and weather maps.
easily integrated in the Magic Mirror platform. This
platform allows to easily implement a general-purpose
smart mirror on a Raspberry PI computer board with some
F. Weather Forecast: IV. WORKING OF PROJECT
This module displays the weather forecast for the
coming week, including an icon to display the current
conditions, the minimum temperature and the
maximum temperature. The URL used for this module
is same as that of current weather module.

G. Weekly Schedule:
It displays today's timetable from a weekly recurring
schedule of a timetable of particular class. It is
intended for regular weekly schedules, which have a
low update frequency and thus can be maintained

H. Passive infrared Sensor:

It can monitor a passive infrared (PIR) motion sensor
and put your mirror to sleep if nobody uses it by
turning off HDMI output or by turning off the mirror
via a relay.

I. Slide Changer:
This is an extension to the above modules, allowing the
modules to be displayed in a rotating carousel instead of
displaying all of them at once.

J. Alarm:
In this an array is created where all the alarms are
treated as objects. These objects have properties like
time, 24-hour format, days etc. A sound is set for the
alarm and if the sound is not defined alarm will be fired
with default alarm sound.

Along with these certain voice modules can be included

which are accessible through voice commands. They are:
a. Technology news:
This module gives the latest technology news when
asked by the user. Technology News is a social news
website that caters to programmers and entrepreneur,
delivering content related to computer science and
entrepreneurship. Jasper technology news will notify
the user about the top 10 stories.
b. Status:
This module gives information regarding the status of Figure 2 - Workflow diagram.
the mirror like in which platform it is running, its
For the hardware, a Dell computer monitor, a two-way
current CPU utilization, current memory utilization
mirror (or a one-way glass), a Raspberry Pi, USB
microphones, jack speaker and a proximity sensor are
c. Message queuing telemetry transport:
used. Everything was put together in a wooden frame. The
When triggered it publishes a simple message
device has two wooden parts. The back part holds the
queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) event. The
display and the Raspberry Pi and is used to support the
available devices are room, door and the available
device so that it can be hung on a wall. The frame is
messages are on, off, true, false, open, close.
attached to the glass by two small wooden slots.
d. Reboot and Shutdown:
Used to reboot and shutdown the raspberry pi using
not come with a preinstalled operating system. To
install an OS microSD card prepared with an OS image
is needed. And because the software that runs on the
mirror is coded on the same device at least a screen, a
keyboard and a mouse are required.

4. Microphones and Speakers

One mode of interaction with the smart mirror is
through microphones. USB microphones is used
because the Raspberry Pi does not have a regular
microphone input. Speaker can easily be connected with
the output jack port of the raspberry pi.
Figure 3-Hardware design

5. Frame and Support

A breakdown of each of the main parts of the smart mirror
The frame is made of wood and it provides the support
(the two-way mirror glass, display, Raspberry Pi,
for the mirror and all the other components. It frames
microphones, proximity sensors and frame) and how they
the glass and provides a way for hanging the mirror on
are used is described in the following sections:
a wall.
1. One-way mirror
This is probably the most important part of the
hardware because it’s responsible for creating the V. RESULTS
futuristic effect and is the biggest part of the smart
mirror. In the case of this project this essentially means
that the dark or black parts of the screen will be seen as
a reflection and the light parts will be seen normally.

Figure 5-Home screen

Figure 4-One way mirror

2. Display
For the display a Dell monitor is used, comes with a
remote control which is useful to easily turn off the
device’s screen. The monitor is much smaller than the
mirror so a black sticker is used to cover the parts of the
glass which are not covered by the display. An HDMI
to VGA cable was used to connect the display to the
Raspberry Pi for video and audio.

3. Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is a single board computer developed
by the Raspberry Pi foundation in the UK. The Pi does
not work out of the box. It lacks a hard drive and it does Figure 6- Voice interaction
we are using this mirror in college environment, basic
functionalities like barcode scanner or finger print sensor
can be integrated to fulfill basic tasks such as college
attendance or program registrations etc. This could
include registering in programs by scanning of ID cards.

[1] Raspberry Pi. (2019). Magic Mirror - Raspberry Pi.
[online] Available at: Micheal Teaw’s official
website. [Accessed 17 Jan. 2019].
[2] GitHub. (2019). MichMich/MagicMirror. Available
Figure 7-Timetable display at: Mirror Forums [Accessed 17 Jan. 2019].
[3] (2019). Smart Mirror by
evancohen. [online] Available at: http://smart-
The smart mirror which acts as a smart home control [Accessed 17 Jan. 2019].
platform is a futuristic system that provides users with an
[4] Medium. (2019). My Bathroom Mirror Is Smarter
easy-to-use mirror interface, allowing users access to
Than Yours – Max Braun – Medium. [online]
customizable services in a highly interactive manner,
Available at:
while performing other tasks simultaneously. The main
strengths are that this is a new kind of smart device that
94b21c6671ba#.q4932hjfc [Accessed 17 Jan. 2019].
people don’t see every day and it looks very spectacular.
[5] howchoo. (2019). Build a voice-controlled DIY
The mirror works both as a normal mirror as well as a
Raspberry Pi smart mirror with Jasper. [online]
mirror showing daily notifications to the authorized user.
[Accessed 17 Jan. 2019].
There are lots of feeds or notifications that the user can
[6] ‘How to make a smart mirror’ by Hacker Shack
view on the mirror like facebook, Gmail, news etc. The
mirror is also used to display time, weather, date etc. The
vl=en [online] [Accessed 17 Jan. 2019].
mirror also acts as a personal assistant as well as displays
[7] '’
important notices and is also an enquiry center. The user
can interact with the mirror using voice commands. Also,
a PIR sensor is attached which turns on the screen only
when the user is in the proximity range of the mirror. This
reduces power wastage. Smart mirror design has the
advantages of small size, simple operation, low cost, high
degree of user friendly, personalized user interface and
many other advantages which is suitable for many
applications like college, home, offices etc. Overall, the
proposed smart mirror system incorporates various
functionalities to grant users access to personalized
information services.


Nothing is perfect and complete and there is always a
scope of improvement in each and every product.
Everything needs to be updated or upgraded on a timely
basis to cope up with the current technology. Apart from
up gradation there can be many other features as well
which could add up to the proficiency and ability of our
smart mirror. There are many future scopes for this paper
and hopefully it will emerge into biggest benefit in the
field of artificial intelligence. The most basic feature can
be smart mirror-based home automation which will
provide a natural means of interaction by which we can
control the household appliances like switch on/off light
and fans through basic voice commands. Majorly, since

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