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Bangsamoro Organic Law may bring peace, but not good governance

The proposed Bangsamoro Organic Law may succeed in bringing peace and stability in
Mindanao, but it will have little chance at success in the area good governance
I will be in doubt that the BBL [Bangsamoro Basic Law] will result in good
governance due to the rejection of amendment to include an anti-dynasty provision.
Without an anti-dynasty provision, I think the proposed law would lack effective
measures to address the governance issues that for decades have hounded the
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), which will be replaced soon by
virtue of the new law. the failure of governance in the ARMM, aside from the
decades-long conflict, is also to blame for the high incidence of poverty in the region.
The BBL is pro-peace and stability but it lacks teeth to reform the prevailing politics
and governance in ARMM that resulted in its provinces being one of the poorest in
the country, The bicameral conference committee did not include the anti-dynasty
provision in the final version of the proposed Bangsamoro Organic Law because
some members strongly opposed it I am not sure why or they have their own
personal agenda.
Although the provision is included din the senate version but not in the house of
representatives, I agree with Senator Drilon the absence of the provision could
reduce to nothing other measures that Congress has put in place to promote good
governance in the Bangsamoro region.
One of the measures include promoting accountability by maintaining the
Commission of Audit as the exclusive auditor, and the tightening of the
qualifications of Sharia’h courts justices. Although the proponent members of the
BTA are brilliant people this should be their main objectives.
Unfortunately, the future of the Bangsamoro region will be in the hands of a very
few families again, because of our failure to prevent political dynasty unless
political dynasty is addressed, there are always threats of failure of governance in
the ARMM.

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