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SEC. F7001


The grievous threat posed by the various global warming issues seems
to be taking the center stage among the various environmental issues
that threaten the planet today. These global warming problems include
rising temperature, extreme weather conditions, melting glaciers,
rising sea level, extinction of plant and animal species, and many
more. Even though the evidences of global warming, such as the
increase in the frequency of hurricanes and submerging of the coastal
areas and tiny islands, is making the problems of global warming more
and more obvious, several questions about it still remain unanswered.
It is this ignorance on our behalf that is acting as a catalyst for the
hazards of global warming.
What is Global Warming?

The term global warming refers to the rise in the average temperature
of the planet, due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere as a result of various natural and human activities. These
greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, have the
tendency to trap the Sun's heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, in a
phenomena referred to as the greenhouse effect, and contribute to the
problem of global warming.

The reports compiled by the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
suggest that the average temperature of the planet has
increased by 1.8 degree Celsius over the last century,
and continues to increase at an alarming rate. This rise
in temperature is a matter of grave concern, as studies
reveal that it is resulting in a series of adverse effects
on the planet. Before we move on to these global
warming issues, let's try to understand what are the
factors that cause the near-surface temperature to rise.

The main causes of global warming can be broadly categorized into

two groups - natural causes and anthropogenic causes (causes
triggered by humans). The natural causes of global warming such as
the solar variation, feedback effect, natural release of the methane
gas, volcanic eruptions etc, don't cause much harm to the planet. In
fact, these natural causes play a crucial role in regulating the
temperature of the planet, and absence of these would have resulted
in freezing conditions on the planet, thus making it virtually impossible
for the lifeforms to survive. The anthropogenic causes of global
warming, on the other hand, include several human activities which
result in accumulation of various green house gases in the
atmosphere. These activities include pollution caused by vehicles and
industries, methane release triggered by mining and cattle rearing,
depletion of oxygen as a result of deforestation, etc.
Effects of Global Warming:
Global warming is basically resulting in a series of domino
effect on the planet, wherein one thing is leading a
number of subsequent things, and the chain of event
continues. For instance, enormous amount of freshwater
is stored on the planet in the form of glaciers. When the
glaciers at high altitude melt due to global warming,
they cause flash floods in the vicinity, contribute to the
sea level rise by flowing into the ocean, and deplete the
store of fresh water on the planet, thus leaving us
devoid of water to drink. This is just one of the various
examples of some of the most severe global warming
effect on earth. Species extinction is yet another major
effect of global warming on the planet, and the
extinction of the Golden toad, endemic to Costa Rica, is
one of the best example of this phenomena. On one
hand, the oceans are continuously fed by the melting
glaciers, and on the other, rising temperature heat the
ocean water and makes it expand. As the water expands,
it tends to encroach upon the land, thus resulting in a
watery grave for low lying coastal areas and tiny
islands. Incessant heating of water also triggers
devastating hurricanes in the coastal regions.
All this, while we have been turning a blind eye to all
these global warming problems, but lately, the entire
world seems to have woken up from the deep slumber.
Over the last decade or so, several countries have been
trying their best to do their bit in fighting the menace of
global warming. The European Union and Australia, for
example, have banned the manufacturing or import of
incandescent light bulbs, and replaced them with
energy-efficient fluorescent bulbs, which save around 80
percent of energy. Similar global warming solutions are
being implemented by various other nations across the
world. If these efforts continue, we will be able to curb
the problems of global warming to a significant extent, if
not rout them totally.

If you know about climate change, you have probably

wondered if there are any positive effects of global
warming. It is an important question for a concerned
citizen like you to ask. After all, isn't it possible that
global warming could increase productivity, growing
seasons, or insurance business in some areas?
The main source cited for the "benefits" of global warming is
Thomas Gale Moore's paper, "Climate of Fear." But
Moore is one of few critics, and his arguments have been
dismantled by many authors-- not to mention that the
paper was most recently published over a decade ago. It
also helps you to know that Moore has been getting paid
by very biased interest groups for decades.

The unfortunate truth is that the effects you will see from
rising greenhouse gas levels will be devastating. It may
be true that a select few areas could possibly benefit,
but on a global level, warming will wreak havoc on
natural systems- systems that are essential for
supporting human life. And as you'll soon find out, this
understanding is not limited to climate scientists and
environmental activists.

The Effect On Insurance Businesses:

Insurance companies are the second largest industry in the world in

terms of assets. Their job is to secure our economy, and as a
result, you depend on them to secure your business, your home,
your family-- your life.

You might be surprised to find that now, even the insurance industry--
big business-- is fearful of the effects of climate change. There is
a story by Ron Scherer in the Christian Science Monitor
concerning how the insurance companies are responding to the
issue of global warming. The article quotes businessmen like
Clement Booth, a board member of one of the largest insurance
firms in the world, saying, "Climate change represents an ever-
increasing risk, a risk far too great to ignore."
The Effect on Your Insurance:

Your insurance premiums may skyrocket because of the effects of

global warming. As Scherer continues, he tells of the immense
impact this change is already having on people like you:

"Some consumers are already noticing a negative effect of this shift.

In the past year, some 600,000 homeowners living in a zone that
an insurer considers a high storm risk in an era of climate change
have seen their policies cancelled or not renewed. This includes
coastal areas stretching from Texas to New York."

So what does this mean for you?

An unstable future for your children is likely if people like you don't
begin making decisions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
You likely had a childhood with relatively secure sources of food,
shelter and protection from natural disaster. In past decades
Americans have been very fortunate to grow up with such
security. Unfortunately, it is this history that prevents many
people like you from believing in the reality of global warming.

Now, even big business is worried about humans' impact on the planet
and the terrible effects we will begin to see. Unless you want
your children to live in a future like this, you need to learn how u
can help.

Prevention for Global War ming :

Global warming refers to the Earth’s air and oceans gradually
heating up to a point that disrupts balance, a problem
that is continually getting worse. It sounds like a
problem too massive for any one individual to take on,
but it really isn’t. Combining any few of these
suggestions can make more of a dramatic effect than
most people understand. The goal is to emit less carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere. Delicious Reddit Stumble
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Difficulty: Easy Step

1 Drive less. Take bikes, walk or carpool whenever possible.

2 Consider investing in a hybrid or electric vehicle to help

prevent against further global warming.

3 Replace all the light bulbs in and around your home with
energy-efficient fluorescents that use fewer watts for
the same amount of light.

4 Clean or replace your filters monthly.

5 Choose energy-efficient appliances when it's time to buy

new ones.

6 Decrease your air travel.

7 Wash clothes in cold water and line-dry whenever possible.

8 Use a low-flow showerhead, which will lessen the hot water

used but not drop your water pressure in the shower.

9 Cut down on your garbage—buy fewer packaged materials

to prevent further global warming.
10 Unplug electronics when they are not in use, because they
still take up energy. At the very least, turn items off
when they’re not being used.

11 Run the dishwasher and clothes washer only when you

have a full load, and if available, use the energy-saving

12 Insulate your home better, and don’t forget to repair or

replace worn caulking or weather-stripping. Insulate
your water heater.

13 Buy recycled paper products and recycle as much of your

waste as possible.

14 Bring your own reusable canvas grocery bags when

grocery shopping.

15 Plant a tree.

16 Have an energy audit done on your home so you can find

the trouble areas and fix them.

17 Use nontoxic cleaning products.

18 Shop locally for food. A farmer’s market is an excellent

place to visit. And choose fresh food over frozen foods.
Fresh takes less energy to produce.

19 Keep your car tuned up, and check tire pressure often to
save gas.
20 Eat less meat and more organic foods in your diet to do your part in
preventing global warming.

Responding to the challenge of controlling global

Responding to the challenge of controlling global warming will require
fundamental changes in energy
production, transportation, industry, government policies, and
development strategies around the
world. These changes take time. The challenge today is managing the
impacts that cannot be avoided
while taking steps to prevent more severe impacts in the future.

Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, also called greenhouse gas

mitigation, is a necessary
strategy for controlling global warming. There are two major
approaches to slowing the buildup of
greenhouse gases. One is to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels,
thereby reducing greenhouse gas
emissions. The other is to keep carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere
by storing the gas or its carbon
component somewhere else, a strategy known as carbon
sequestration or carbon capture.

Carbon Capture:

One way to keep carbon dioxide emissions from reaching the

atmosphere is to preserve and plant
more trees. Trees, especially young and fast-growing ones, soak up a
great deal of carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere and store carbon atoms in new wood. Worldwide,
forests are being cleared at an
alarming rate, particularly in the tropics. In many areas, there is little
regrowth as land loses fertility
or is changed to other uses, such as farming or housing developments.
In addition, when trees are
burned to clear land, they release stored carbon back into the
atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Slowing
the rate of deforestation and planting new trees can help counteract
the buildup of greenhouse gases.

Carbon dioxide gas can also be captured directly. Carbon dioxide has
traditionally been injected into
depleted oil wells to force more oil out of the ground or seafloor. The
same process can be used to
store carbon dioxide released by a power plant, factory, or any large
stationary source. For example,
since 1996 this process has been used at a natural gas drilling
platform off the coast of Norway.
Carbon dioxide brought to the surface with the natural gas is captured,
compressed, and then injected
into an aquifer deep below the seabed from which it cannot escape. In
most cases, the process of
carbon capture would also involve transporting the gas in compressed
form to suitable locations for
underground storage. Deep ocean waters could also absorb a great
deal of carbon dioxide, although
the environmental effects may be harmful to ocean life. The feasibility
and environmental effects of
these options are under study by international teams.

Energy Sources:

The total worldwide consumption of fossil fuels is increasing by

several percent per year. However, energy use around the world is
slowly shifting away from fuels that release a great deal of carbon
dioxide toward fuels that release somewhat less of this heat-trapping

Wood was the first major source of energy used by humans. With the
advent of the Industrial
Revolution in the mid-1700s, coal became the dominant energy source.
By the mid-1800s oil had
replaced coal in dominance, fueling the internal combustion engines
that were eventually used in

automobiles. By the 1900s, natural gas began to be used worldwide for

heating and lighting. In this
progression, combustion of natural gas releases less carbon dioxide
than oil, which in turn releases
less of the gas than do either coal or wood. However, a reversal of this
trend may be seen as reserves
of oil are used up. Other fuel sources such as tar sands (also known as
oil sands) are beginning to be
utilized. Producing oil from tar sands involves extraction and refining
processes that release carbon
dioxide. In addition, the relative abundance of coal reserves in
countries such as China and the United
States may lead to a new upswing in the use of coal for generating
electricity. Newer technologies for
cleaner coal-burning power plants may help offset the effects.

Significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions can only be

achieved by switching away from fossil-
fuel energy sources. Nuclear power plants release no carbon dioxide
at all, but nuclear energy is
controversial for reasons of safety, security, and the high costs of
nuclear waste disposal. Solar power,
wind power, and hydrogen fuel cells also emit no greenhouse gases.
These energy sources can be
practical, low-pollution alternatives to fossil fuels. Other alternatives
include fuels made from plants,
such as biodiesel (made from used and new vegetable oil) and ethanol
(a plant-based gasoline
additive). Use of these fuels can help reduce total carbon dioxide
emissions from automobiles.
The hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), which uses both an electric motor
and a gasoline or diesel engine,
emits less carbon dioxide than conventional automobiles (see Electric
Car). See also World Energy

International Agreements:

International cooperation is required for the successful reduction of

greenhouse gases. The first
international conference addressing the issue was held in 1992 in Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil. At the United
Nations Conference on Environment and Development, informally
known as the Earth Summit, 150
countries pledged to confront the problem of greenhouse gases by
signing the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). To date, more
than 180 nations have ratified
the UNFCCC, which commits nations to stabilizing greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere at
a level that would avoid dangerous human interference with the
climate. This is to be done so that
ecosystems can adapt naturally to global warming, food production is
not threatened, and economic
development can proceed in a sustainable manner.

The nations at the Earth Summit agreed to meet again to translate

these good intentions into a
binding treaty for emissions reductions. In 1997 in Japan, 160 nations
drafted an agreement known as
the Kyōto Protocol, an amendment to the UNFCCC. This treaty set
mandatory targets for the reduction
of greenhouse gas emissions. Industrialized nations that ratify the
treaty are required to cut their
emissions by an average of 5 percent below 1990 levels. This
reduction is to be achieved no later than
2012, and commitments to start achieving the targets are to begin in
2008. Developing nations are
not required to commit to mandatory reductions in emissions. Under
the Kyōto rules, industrialized
nations are expected to take the first steps because they are
responsible for most emissions to date
and have more resources to devote to emissions-reduction efforts.

The protocol could not go into effect unless industrialized nations

accounting for 55 percent of 1990
greenhouse gas emissions ratified it. That requirement was met in
November 2004 when Russia
approved the treaty, and it went into force in February 2005. By the
end of 2006, 166 nations had
signed and ratified the treaty. Notable exceptions included the United
States and Australia.

In 1998 the United States—then the world’s single largest contributor

to greenhouse gas emissions—
became a signatory to the Kyōto Protocol. However, in 2001 U.S.
president George W. Bush withdrew
support for the treaty. He claimed that the treaty’s goals for reducing
carbon dioxide emissions would
be too costly and would harm the U.S. economy. He also claimed the
treaty put an unfair burden on
industrialized nations. Opposition to the treaty in the United States
was spurred by the oil industry,
the coal industry, and other enterprises that manufacture or depend on
fossil fuels. These opponents
claimed that the economic costs to carry out the Kyōto Protocol could
be as much as $300 billion, due
mainly to higher energy prices. Proponents of the Kyōto Protocol
believed the costs would prove more
modest—$88 billion or less—much of which would be recovered as
Americans switched to more
efficient appliances, vehicles, and industrial processes.

The Kyōto Protocol, which expires in 2012, is only a first step in

addressing greenhouse gas emissions.
To stabilize or reduce emissions in the 21st century, much stronger
and broader action is required. In
part this is because the Kyōto provisions did not take into account the
rapid industrialization of
countries such as China and India, which are among the developing
nations exempted from the
protocol’s mandatory emissions reductions. However, developing
nations are projected to produce half
the world’s greenhouse gases by 2035. Leaders of these nations argue
that emissions controls are a
costly hindrance to economic development. In the past, prosperity and
pollution have tended to go
together, as industrialization has always been a necessary component
of an economy’s development.
Whether or not an economy can grow without increasing greenhouse
gas emissions at the same time
is a question that will be critical as nations such as China and India
continue on the path of

In 2007 the European Union (EU) took the initiative in coming up with a
new international plan to
address global warming. At a “green summit” held in March, the 27
nations of the EU reached a
landmark accord that went above and beyond the Kyōto Protocol in
setting targets to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. The agreement set ambitious targets for
the EU overall, but goals for
individual EU nations and rules of enforcement were to be determined
through additional negotiations.

In the accord EU leaders agreed to reduce emissions by 20 percent

from 1990 levels by 2020—or by
as much as 30 percent if nations outside the EU joined in the
commitments. They also agreed that
renewable sources of energy, such as solar and wind power, would
make up 20 percent of overall EU
energy consumption by 2020 (an increase of about 14 percent). The
accord also called for a 10
percent increase in the use of plant-derived fuels, such as biodiesel
and ethanol. In addition to these
targets, EU leaders agreed to work out a plan to promote energy-
saving fluorescent light bulbs,
following the example of countries such as Australia and Chile that are
officially phasing out less-
efficient incandescent light bulbs.

Programs in the United States:

At a national level, the United States has so far relied on voluntary

programs to reduce emissions. For
example, the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection
Agency, product manufacturers,
local utilities, and retailers have collaborated to implement the Energy
Star program. This program
rates appliances for energy use and gives some money back to
consumers who buy efficient
The U.S. government has also focused on targets for greenhouse gas
intensity, which is the ratio of
emissions per unit of economic output. For the economy as a whole,
greenhouse gas intensity is
usually expressed as emissions per dollar of gross domestic product
(GDP). Greenhouse gas intensity
targets contrast with absolute targets, which limit total emissions (as
in the Kyōto Protocol).
Greenhouse gas intensity can decline even when total emissions rise.
In other words, if the economy
grows faster than emissions, greenhouse gas intensity goes down
while the total amount of emissions
goes up. This has already been the trend in the past few decades in
the United States. Emissions
intensity has decreased due to improvements in energy efficiency and
rapid economic growth in
relatively clean sectors, such as information technology and services.
However, total U.S. emissions
have grown steadily. For example, the emissions intensity of carbon
dioxide in the United States
decreased by 17 percent from 1990 to 2002, even as total carbon
dioxide emissions grew by 18
percent over the same period. This trend of decreasing emissions
intensity is expected to continue in
the future.

In 2007 the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark environmental

ruling—and its first relating to the issue of global warming—that
greenhouse gases are air pollutants as defined by the Clean Air Act.
The court also ordered the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to
reevaluate its policy of not regulating carbon dioxide emissions from
automobiles. The lawsuit, Massachusetts et al.v.Environment al
Protection Agency et al., was filed against the EPA by 12 states and 13
environmental groups that had grown frustrated with the agency’s
inaction on global warming issues.

Apart from the national government, many state and local

governments are also working to curb
greenhouse gas emissions. In 2005 three major initiatives were
announced. First, the government of
California committed to return to 1990 levels by 2020, and reduce
emissions 80 percent below 1990
levels by 2050. Second, seven Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states
established the Regional
Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a mandatory program to limit emissions
from power plants (while allowing
emitters to trade allocations). Third, the mayor of Seattle announced
the Climate Protection Initiative,
committing Seattle to meet the original Kyōto Protocol target for the
United States (before it withdrew
support for the treaty) of 7 percent reductions below 1990 levels.
Since then, hundreds of other city
mayors representing about 50 million Americans have committed to
this initiative.

Individuals, too, can take steps to curb their own emissions. The same
choices that reduce other kinds of pollution work against greenhouse
gases. Every time a consumer buys an energy-efficient appliance, uses
energy-saving light bulbs, adds insulation to a house, recycles
materials, chooses to live near work, or commutes by public
transportation, he or she is fighting global warming.

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