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Problem Sheet Truss Section-B

Question # 1

For the plane truss composed of the three elements

shown in Figure below subjected to a downward force of
10,000 lb applied at node 1, determine the x and y
displacements at node 1 and the stresses in each element.
Let E = 30x106 psi and A = 2 in.2 for all elements. The
lengths of the elements are shown in the figure.

Question # 2
For the two-bar truss shown in Figure
below, determine the displacement in
the y direction of node 1 and the axial
force in each element. A force of P =
1000 kN is applied at node 1 in the
positive y direction while node 1
settles an amount  = 50 mm in the
negative x direction. Let E = 210 GPa
and A = 6:00 10-4 m2 for each
element. The lengths of the elements
are shown in the figure.

Question # 3.

For the truss shown in Figure below, solve for the

horizontal and vertical components of displacement at
node 1 and determine the stress in each element. Also
verify force equilibrium at node 1. All elements have
A1 = 1 in.2 and E = 10x106 psi. Let L = 100 in.

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