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Load Case Definition in CAESAR II

The CAESAR II Load Case Editor is a very versatile instrument for combining native
and combination loads in nearly any manner required by the various piping codes
supported by CAESAR II. To enter the Static Load Case Editor from the CAESAR II
Main Menu select Analysis->Statics. The Static Load Case Editor is shown in the figure


The Technical Reference Manual describes the method for adding or deleting load cases.
Here we will concentrate on which load cases to use to describe a variety of situations.
For assistance in load case definition for an application not covered here or for
clarification of the load cases described below please contact COADE Technical Support
by e-mail at

Standard Load Cases for B31.1, B31.3, ASME SECT III Class 2 & 3, NAVY 505,
B31.4, B31.5, B31.8, B31.11, Canadian Z662, RCC-M C & D, Stoomwezen,
CODETI, Norwegian, FDBR, BS 806 piping codes:

Use these load cases (as recommended by Caesar II) for cases where you have weight,
temperature, and pressure.

L1 W+T1+P1 (OPE)
L2 W+P1 (SUS)
L3 L1-L2 (EXP) *

* Use algebraic combination method under the Load Case Options tab.

Note: Some of the above piping codes perform a code stress check on the operating case
and some do not. See the CAESAR II Quick Reference Guide for the equations used for
obtaining code stress and allowable stress for the various piping codes.

The expansion case is a combination case that results from subtracting the sustained case
from the operating case. As such the expansion case represents the change in the piping
system due to the effect of temperature, but in the presence of other loads. This is
important because the restraint status of the operating and sustained cases can be different
if there are nonlinear restraints (such as +Y, -Z, any restraint with a gap, etc.) or boundary
conditions (friction).

Standard Load Cases for B31.4 Ch IX, B31.8 Ch VIII, and DNV codes:

L1 W+T1+P1 (OPE)
L2 W+P1 (SUS)

No expansion stress is calculated for these piping codes.

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