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IPTC 10692

Khuff Gas Condensate Development

C.H. Whitson, NTNU/PERA, and A. Kuntadi, NTNU

Copyright 2005, International Petroleum Technology Conference

single-phase vs two-phase pipeline flow. Economics are not
This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology considered in our evaluation.
Conference held in Doha, Qatar, 21–23 November 2005.
We estimate deliverability impairment from condensate
This paper was selected for presentation by an IPTC Programme Committee following review
of information contained in an proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
blockage using relative permeability models that reflect the
presented, have not been reviewed by the International Petroleum Technology Conference impact of velocity (capillary number improvement and inertial
and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not
necessarily reflect any position of the International Petroleum Technology Conference, its ef-fect). The velocity effect is particularly important in Khuff
officers, or members. Papers presented at IPTC are subject to publication review by Sponsor
Society Committees of IPTC. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this
wells because of the high-k, low-h layers with unusually-high
paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the International Petroleum flow velocities and convergent flow.
Technology Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an
abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must Layer vertical and areal connectivity can have a profound
contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write
Librarian, IPTC, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
effect on water encroachment. When sufficient lateral
continuity exists, even small aquifers can result in rapid water
Summary encroachment through thin, high-permeability zones. This has
This paper addresses some key reservoir and production issues been studied and is shown to have a lesser effect in Khuff
related to gas and condensate recovery from Khuff reservoirs reservoirs.
in the Middle East – namely Ghawar Khuff, North Field and
South Pars. These fields represent somewhere between 1,000 Introduction
and 2,000 Tcf initial gas in placea, with 30 to 70 billion barrels Ongoing development of Khuff gas condensate fields in the
of condensate in place. We apply engineering methods and Middle East represents the beginning of a paradigm shift in
reservoir simulation to quantify the expected performance of fossil fuel supply. Gas is becoming an international player
Khuff gas condensate fields for a realistic range of geologic together with oil, side-by-side, and no longer the “little
description, petrophysical and fluid properties, and production brother”. Gas is competing for many of the same markets that
facilities based on published information. previously were dominated by oil alone. Gas is an
We review key data for reservoir and production design, environmentally-cleaner fuel than oil. The value of gas on an
summarizing the impact of geologic zonation, areal and energy equivalent basis is rapidly approaching that of oil. The
vertical communication, mean permeability and its variation, North Field (Qatar) – South Pars (Iran) field is considered the
relative permeability, water encroachment, and fluid largest single source of gas supply in the world, and it is
composition on field performance. Because most commercial rapidly being made available to the world market through
development projects involving gas sales export are based on innovative use of LNG tankers and GTL (gas-to-liquid)
delivery contract quotas (DCQs) of 1-1.5 bcf/D for up to 25 conversion. The condensate reserves in Khuff gas fields are
years, well-average plateau length and rate-time is used as a staggering, with probable depletion recovery factors higher
primary measure of performance.b than many oil fields developed with EOR methods.
We try to describe the interplay of reservoir and The main differences between gas condensate and dry gas
production-facilities performance on overall design of field reservoirs are (1) added value to project economy from
deliverability and total well requirements. Other production condensate sales (~15-25% of net income for Khuff
issues not considered in our work but with significant impact reservoirs), and (2) gas deliverability loss due to condensate
on Khuff development strategy include gathering system blockage, thereby requiring more wells to deliver a field
design, rate metering, platform vs. onshore processing, and delivery contract quota, DCQ (~2–4 times the number of wells
for Khuff reservoirs). The net added value of producing a gas
a condensate reservoir vs a dry gas reservoir is the economic
IGIP numbers from public sources have varied widely since they
first started appearing in the early 1980s. They have continuously
balance of these two differences.
grown in size but without clear justification based on published The open literature currently provides a sadly-deficient
petrophysical and geological data. North Field, for example, has knowledge and data base for Khuff reservoirs. The Ghawar
grown from <500 Tcf to >900 Tcf. Without new public data field in Saudi Arabia has been studied and published in
becoming available, independent assessment of the true Khuff IGIP is technical forums several fold more than either North Field or
difficult to verify. South Pars. The results presented in this paper suffer mostly
As discussed in the section Well Requirements, the relationship of from the lack of reliable quantitative information. Still, we
(maximum) average-well rate vs Project cumulative gas production is have made an effort to extract data from all existing public
the fundamental relationship determining how many wells are needed sources to provide what we believe is a realistic and
to deliver a Project DCQ, and therefore a key measure of
2 IPTC 10692

quantitatively-valid description of the three main Khuff gas Radial Model. An r-z radial model with cell radii
condensate fields – North Field, South Pars, and Ghawar. ri+1/ri=constant is used, with 25 grids. This model has a well
Our main effort is to show quantitatively what issues drive radius rw=0.583 ft (7-in wellbore) and outer-boundary radius,
the development of Khuff gas condensate fields. This includes re=4140 ft. Uniform numerical layer thickness of 10 ft are
the prediction of gas and condensate rates, recoveries, and the used for all geological units. Detail gridding and layering are
number of wells required to provide a DCQ. All simulations of presented in Table 2.
well and field performance are available to the public and can
be run with commercially-available software. We hope this Project Coarse Grid Model. A Cartesian model was
provides the public and private sector with a better starting developed for a 10 km x 10 km square Project area with
point in evaluating the development of these giant resources. uniform ∆x and ∆y of 1,930 ft (588 m). Each geological unit is
divided into five numerical layers with a 10-ft high-
Khuff Formation permeability layer in the middle. The 20 production wells are
The Permian Khuff formation containing gas condensate is configured in rectangular patterns 5x4 with each drainage area
wide-spread in the Middle East, with major deposits in Qatar, being uniform. Detail gridding and layering are presented in
Iran, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Abu Dhabi. North Field (NF) Table 2.
in Qatar and South Pars (SP) in Iran are a common source of
supply (NF-SP) at approximately 9,000 ft subsea, with initial PVT Issues
reservoir pressure about ~5,300 psia and temperature of 220oF. The Khuff gas condensate reservoir fluids are typically
Ghawar Khuff (GK) is deeper at about 11,500 ft subsea with described by a low-to-medium CGR ranging from 30-100
higher initial reservoir pressures of 7,000 psia and temperature STB/MMscfa, higher in Ghawar than North Field-South Pars.
275oF. Methane content ranges from 65-85 mol-%, with C6+ ranging
The Khuff Formation is described as a fine-to-coarse from 1.5 to 4.5 mol-%. Non-hydrocarbon content includes
crystalline dolomite with some interbeds of limestone and minor amounts of N2 and CO2, with spatial variation of H2S
anhydrite1. There are four major non-communicating Khuff from <1 to 6 mol-%. Ghawar compositional variations are
geological Units, generally numbered from top to bottom K1, described and correlated in detail in an important reference by
K2, K3 and K4. A layer of anhydrite caps K2, a layer of Temeng et al,7 where they suggest possible reasons for the
mudstone and anhydrite separates K2 and K3, and a layer of observed field compositional variations – including an unusual
anhydrite separates K3 and K42. decreasing CGR with depth. Reservoir temperature ranges
Important geological features reported from numerous from 210-222oF in North Field-South Pars and 250-300oF in
sources1-5 are high-permeability, low-thickness layers the deeper Ghawar Khuff reservoir. Reported dewpoint
consisting of vugs and fractures, located in some or all Khuff pressures are 4,000-6,000 psia, compared with initial NF-SP
Units. These zones apparently have significant areal extent, pressures of ~5,300 psia and Ghawar initial pressure of ~7,000
and contribute the majority of production in any given well. psia. An underlying oil zone has not been reported in the
They are nature’s “in-situ stimulation,” providing 2-20 times literature. Given the proximity of reported North Field K4
higher Khuff reservoir deliverability (effective kh) than would dewpoint8 to initial reservoir pressure, finding an equilibrium
be available if the high-k, low-h (HKLH) zones did not exist. oil downdip is possible.

Reservoir Models EOS Model. A “base-case” set of Khuff gas condensate fluid
Two reservoir models have been developed for simulating properties and their variation have been used in our modeling
performance of the Khuff formation. A Cartesian coarse grid work.7,8 An equation-of-state (EOS) model was developed
model represents a typical block concession (“Project”)6 in the using PhazeComp9, based on published data from North Field
North Field, covering an area of 100 km2 and having an IGIP K4 Unit. That paper presents CVD laboratory data, without
of 37.6 Tcf. Twenty production wells are used in this model reporting the initial gas composition but including the
and completed in all grid blocks. A single-well radial model is composition of the first-depletion-stage gas (at 4,774 psia). To
developed to capture the effect of condensate blockage near generate an estimate of the initial gas composition, we added
well when the bottomhole flowing pressure (BHFP) drops the EOS-calculated incipient oil from the dewpoint calculation
below initial dew point pressure. The radial model is a of the first-stage-depletion gas until the new mixture resulted
representation of one well’s drainage volume in the Project in the reported initial gas dewpoint of 5,135 psia at 220oF.
coarse model, covering an area of five km2 with a well IGIP of This resulting mixture was then used to simulate the lab CVD
1.88 Tcf. test. All reported lab CVD data were used to tune the EOS
Al-Mutairi et al.2 states that Khuff formation has relatively model: gas Z-factors, oil relative volumes, produced gas
low permeability (0.01–10 md) and tends to have “significant” amounts and C7+ molecular weights, and gas composition at
porosity; Al-Shiddiqi and Dawe3 give a porosity range from the 2nd depletion stage of 3,259 psia. Some results of the tuned
4–20%. In our model we assume K1/K4 have uniform
porosity at 10% and K2/K3 are set at 15%. Sealing layers are a
used between the main geological units to eliminate vertical Separator conditions have a pronounced impact on CGR value, and
moreso for leaner gas condensates. We refer to CGRs in this study
communication. Table 1 gives a detail description of the
for a 3-stage separator process with conditions given in the Black Oil
developed reservoir models. Model section. Other literature-reported CGRs may refer to single-
stage or other multi-stage processes; the CGR may be significantly
lower (10-15 STB/MMscf) for a single-stage separation.
IPTC 10692 3

EOS model are shown in Figs. 1-3, and a complete EOS Namely, (1) the Khuff gas is near saturated, and particularly in
description is given in Tables 3 and 4. NF-SP, (2) potentially large drawdowns exist in exploration
Viscosities used in compositional simulation were wells tested/sampled with damage or no stimulation, and (3)
calculated by the LBC correlation. This correlation is tendency of H2S to absorb to metal sample containers. Other
notorious for poor liquid viscosity predictions. C7+ component typical problems in sampling lean gas condensate fluids
critical Z-factors were therefore modified to match an EOS- include improperly-designed sampling conditions such as (1)
calculated equilibrium oil at 2,500 psia, with viscosity higher-than-necessary rates with resultant separator liquid
estimate10 of 0.34 cp. This oil should be representative of the carryover and excessive liquid dropout around the well, (2)
condensate flowing in the blockage region near the well – the sampling after a shut-in or rate reduction, typically leading to
only place in the reservoir where oil flows. overly-rich samples with too-high dewpoints, and (3) long
transient times to re-establish steady-state flow conditions
Black Oil Model. The Sensor11 reservoir simulator can after rate changes, including shut-ins.
generate black-oil tables automatically from an input EOS With widely-varying compositions in Khuff gas
model using the method of Whitson and Torp12. We used a 3- condensate reservoirs, and the potential impact of such
stage separator process with psp1=1,000 psia, Tsp1=80oF, variations on field development, we would recommend the use
psp2=350 psia, Tsp2=70oF, psp3=psc=14.7 psia, and of openhole formation tester sampling to better quantify
Tsp3=Tsc=60oF. Figs. 4-6 show black-oil properties for the compositional variations. These variations are expected to
reference Khuff fluid. map differently for each of the four main Khuff Units, and
Black-oil PVT formulation give an excellent description of possibly within non-communicating layers within a given
phase and volumetric behavior compared with detailed zone.
compositional modeling. Gas and oil recoveries and well
deliverabilities are predicted accurately using a black-oil Reservoir Issues
model, as compared with an EOS-based compositional model. In this section we study the impact of key reservoir parameters
Fevang and Whitson16 discuss the need to treat condensate on production performance. Because the different Khuff gas
viscosities with care to guarantee consistency between black- condensate fields have different reservoir properties, we chose
oil and composition models (particularly in the near-well to consider a “base case” system, comparing its performance
condensate blockage region). This is shown in Fig. 7 where with that resulting from changes in geologic layer description,
the slight difference in rate-time performance is due to black- mean permeability and its variation, vertical communication
oil table condensate viscosities being somewhat too high within a given Khuff Unit, different aquifer sizes, different
because they are generated from a CVD test, whereas near- drainage volumes, skin factor, and relative permeability
well flow is actually a CCE process of the depleted reservoir related to condensate blockage. The range of properties
gas (entering Region 1). considered should provide results that will be useful to most of
the Middle Eastern Khuff gas condensate fields.
Compositional Variation. Ref. 7 gives a comprehensive The base system considers a total Project IGIP of 37.6 Tcf
discussion of the compositional variations observed in the with initial pressure (NF-SP) of 5,315 psia and temperature of
Ghawar Khuff, emphasizing the significance of variation in 220oF. Twenty wells are used to drain the total volume, giving
CGR (C6+ amount) and H2S. They correlate C7+ variation with a well IGIP of 1.88 Tcf. Total kh is 5,000 md-ft for the four
depth, showing a reasonable trend where upstructure gas is non-communicating Khuff Units (1, 2, 3, and 4), with the kh
generally richer than downdip fluids. Furthermore, they show distribution summarized in Table 6.
that the variation of methane content is strongly correlated
with H2S variation, where C1 decreases with increasing H2S. Layering and Permeability. Numerous publications have
Scattered information about North Field and South Pars stated that significant production comes from very limited
indicate a variation of H2S content and CGR similar to intervals of high-permeability (fractured and/or vuggy)
Ghawar, though CGRs are generally lower in NF-SP. sections through which most of the gas enters the wellbore.
Compositional variations in H2S and CGR will clearly We include this general characteristic using a single 10-ft
have significant impact on field development and economics. layer in the middle of each major Khuff geologic unit.
The removal of H2S is expensive and requires proper design of Properties above and below are uniform “low” permeability
process facilities to handle an expected and limited range of sub-zones with full vertical communication to the high-
H2S content. Variation of methane and CGR (C6+) has impact permeability 10-foot zone.
on heating value and condensate value to project economics. Sensitivities were run to compare the base-case layering
Figs. 8-9 and Table 7 give calculated compositional model with (1) a uniform-k description, and (2) a randomly-
variation with depth for our reference NF Khuff 4 sample. A distributed permeability distribution of the low-k layers using
similar calculation was made with a richer reference fluid a log-normal probability density function (PDF) with Dystra-
using initial reservoir conditions in Ghawar Khuff (though we Parsons coefficient V=0.9.
acknowledge that reported compositional variations in Ghawar Fig. 10 shows the random distribution model has almost
do not follow the isothermal chemical/gravity behavior shown the same plateau length as the high-k, low-h model base-case
in Figs. 8-9). model. The uniform-k model gives about two years longer
plateau. Both random-k and base-case models have a 10-ft
Sampling. For a number of reasons we expect that collecting high-k layer.
valid in-situ representative samples has been difficult.
4 IPTC 10692

Our base case has kh=5,000 md-ft. Two sensitivities were estimate (NFw/New)~5, and probably similar for South Pars and
run, one with low kh=1,000 md-ft another with high kh= Ghawar.
25,000 md-ft. Fig. 11 shows that only the high-kh case is able Simulations show that even for Rew>20, water
to produce with plateau of 25 years with 20 wells at 75 breakthrough does not result in a shorter plateau than the case
MMscf/D/well. with no aquifer. Slow water encroachment is mainly attributed
to limited water expansion in the low-k aquifer. Increasing
Vertical Connectivity. We always assume the four main aquifer size has little impact on performance.
Khuff geologic units are non-communicating. Within a given The only way to accelerate water encroachment to the
Khuff unit, the base case assumes complete vertical point where it has an adverse effect on plateau length is (1)
communication with kv/kh=0.1. We tested the sensitivity of add no-flow barriers within a geologic unit, thereby reducing
production performance to kv/kh but did not find any case the gas volume connected with the high-k layer, (2) increase
where kv/kh>0.1 had a significant impact (including studies of aquifer permeability significantly, and/or (3) reduce the
aquifer performance). volume of the high-k layer (e.g. from 10 ft to 1 ft). Neither of
One sensitivity uses a single vertical barrier to separate a the latter two adjustements seem justified in the Khuff
Khuff geologic unit into one sub-zone that includes the high-k geological descriptions found in the open literature.
10-ft layer, and another sub-zone that has no high-k layer. Adding a no-flow barrier within all K units or in K4 only,
Two cases are considered – one where all four main Khuff results in water breakthrough after only 7-8 years of
geologic units are separated into two sub-units, and one case production. Fig. 14 shows the water rates vs time for both
where only K4 is separated into two sub-units. cases. Predicted well water rates (350-800 STB/D) are 5-10
The base case has a plateau of 11 years as shown in Fig. times larger (5-10 STB/MMscf) than solution water rates
12. The existence of vertical barriers within Khuff Units has a (rsw=1 STB/MMscf at 4,000 psia and 220oF).
negative impact on performance. The sub-unit without the The impact of an aquifer on plateau production period is
HKLH layer depletes much slower than the other subunit, summarized in Fig. 15. This figure shows plateau length vs
resulting in significant differential depletion and shorter buffer length Lb for RAQew=5 for cases with and without no-
plateau (Fig. 13). With one seal in K4, plateau is reduced by flow barriers within geologic units. Most of the increased
two years, while seals in all four Khuff Units has a plateau plateau length resulting from the buffer zone is a direct result
four years shorter than the base case without seals. The net of having more gas in place for the producing well, and not
effect of seals is to raise the number of wells required to related to “staying away from” the aquifer.
deliver a 25-year plateau from 72 for the base case, to 100 No-flow barriers clearly have two negative impacts on
with one seal, and to 300 with seals in all Khuff units. production profile, the first one due to differential depletion
(slow depletion from the reservoir not connected with a high-k
Aquifer. We found little discussion in the open literature layer) and, second, an acceleration of water breakthrough in
about aquifer size for the major Khuff fields. Our base model the more-depleted zone with high-k layer.
assumes no aquifer. Our results can not necessarily be applied directly to a
Our approach to modeling an aquifer is to study a single specific Khuff field, but they should give “ball park” impact of
“edge” well which is defined as a well facing the aquifer on aquifer volume, buffer-zone distance, and no-flow barrier on
one side, with no-flow boundaries towards its three neighbors production performance and plateau length.
above, below, and away from the aquifer. Logically the A final note about water production in Khuff fields. With
development strategy along the gas-water contact (GWC) possible water rates up to 5,000 STB/D for a 20-well project, a
would be to locate the edge wells an optimal distance from the potential problem may result during Project shut-down where
GWC to delay water breakthrough. water in the pipeline segregates to low spots and may result in
We use our “Project” layering scheme for each major startup problems.
geologic unit described by a single 10-ft high-k middle layer For a well experiencing water breakthrough, the high-
surrounded by 2 top and 2 bottom low-k layers. x-y gridding is pressure zones will continue to produce gas into the wellbore
11x11 for the single-well drainage area (∆x=∆y=667 ft). The during a shut-in, displacing all water and condensate into the
high-k layer has approximately 80% of the total kh and about (lower-pressure) high-k layer(s). Upon startup the HKLH
2% of the HCPV for each geologic unit. For some cases we layers(s) may produce a “slug” of water-condensate mixture
include an additional gas volume to the well model, for a period until these layers “clean up”. Liquid-rock
representing a “buffer” gas region of length Lb between the interactions (fines migration, emulsions, etc.) in HKLH layers
edge well and GWC; x-y gridding uses ∆x=667 ft and varying following water breakthrough may eventually cause
∆y<667 ft, depending on the size of the buffer zone. significant and lasting damage.
The edge-well aquifer volume, VAQew, is specified with x-y
gridding coarser than used in the gas region. We define the Drainage Volume. The drainage volume per well for Khuff
edge-well aquifer-volume ratio RAQew=VAQew/Vew where Vew is Field and Project development is dictated by the total HCPV
the original well HCPV – not including the extra buffer gas and well deliverabilities given by kh, skin, and tubing size.
volume. Similarly we define the field aquifer-volume ratio as Each well will drain approximately in proportion to it’s
RAQF=VAQF/VF where VAQF is the total field aquifer volume wellhead deliverability20 constant Cw,
and VF is the field HCPV. It can be shown that
RAQew≈(NFw/New)RAQF where NFw is the total wells in the field qgw = Cw ( pc2 − pw2 ) nw ..................................................(1)
and New is the total number of edge wells. For North Field we
IPTC 10692 5

where pc is the average reservoir pressure expressed at surface been used: matrix stimulation, perforation acid washing,
datum, pw is the flowing BHP expressed at surface datum, and hydraulic and acid fracturing13. Acid fracturing is mostly used
nw is the effective backpressure exponent 0.5<nw<1 taking into in Ghawar Khuff, as discussed in several recent papers2,13,14,15.
account the relative contributions of total pressure drop from The main factor contributing to improved production in
flow in the reservoir and tubing; nw~0.5 implies most pressure fracture stimulation are the etched fracture conductivity and
drop exists in the tubing and/or Forchheimer non-Darcy flow acid penetration distance.
in the reservoir, while nw~1 implies most pressure drop is We study the impact of stimulation on plateau period using
Darcy flow in the reservoir. a simple permeability improvement near the well, in all
The deliverability constant Cw includes the kh, skin, and layers.a We consider permeability improvement only up to
tubing geometry (diameter and length). The total kh is distances of 85 ft, with varying permeability enhancement,
determined by completion (whether one or all Khuff representing skins from -2 to -5.
formations are completed) and the total effective kh product Fig. 19 shows the improvement of the plateau for the (no-
which is a composite of high-k, low-h zones and low-k, high-h seal) base case. A skin factor of -5 is needed to achieve a 25-
zones, where the estimated kh in high-k zones 50-90% of the year plateau. Figs. 20 and 21 show results when seals are
total kh while containing only a small percentage of the total introduced to the Khuff Units, showing that even s=-5 is not
HCPV. sufficient to reach a 25-year plateau.
Skin is controlled by drilling conditions, flow cleanup,
stimulation, and wellbore geometry (e.g. incline angle). It also Relative Permeability & Condensate Blockage. Condensate
may be affected by wellbore crossflow or “backflow” of blockage near the well may cause a significant loss in well
condensate and water during shutins. deliverability for low-to-moderate permeability reservoirs.
Original Khuff producers used 5-1/2-in outer-diameter Many Khuff reservoirs fall into this category. When BHFP
tubing, but more recent completions use 7-in tubing. The drops below the dewpoint, an additional pressure drop occurs
larger tubing allows higher rates per well, reducing the total in the near-well region where gas mobility (krg) decreases
number of wells to produce a Project DCQ, or a higher DCQ significantly, usually by a factor of 3 to 30. This phenomenon
for a fixed number of wells. is referred to as “condensate blockage”.
Drainage is not controlled by map-drawn Project drainage A steady-state gas-oil flow region develops from 10 to
areas. Because all of the Khuff reservoirs in North Field and several hundred feet away from the wellbore. Flow
South Pars are not currently developed, and because they equilibrium exists in this region (“Region 1”16). The liquid
share a common source of supply, off-Project drainage will that condenses out of incoming gas reaches a liquid mobility
continue to occur, as it already has for some time. It is readily that balances condensate dropout, thereby stopping further
shown that within a year after start of production, an area of liquid accumulation. The composition (CGR) of fluid flowing
some 20-150 mi2 is being draining under pseudosteady-state through this region becomes constant after a relatively short
conditions (assuming typical Khuff reservoir properties). liquid buildup period (hours to days).
We study the impact of drainage volume on plateau length An important consequence of the flow equilibrium
using a single-well model. The justification for this approach described above is that the relative permeability ratio krg/kro in
is that each well will drain a volume (area) according to its Region 1 is known uniquely as a function of pressure from the
production rate relative to the total (Project) production rate. If flowing (produced wellstream) composition (CGR) and PVT,
all wells produce at the same rate in a given Project, all wells −1
will effectively have the same drainage area (assuming k rg / k ro = (Vro − 1)( µ g / µo ) .........................................(2)
areally-homogeneous rock properties). The drainage shapes
for each well can be highly irregular, as would be expected Where Vro=Vo/(Vo+Vg). The function krg/kro(p) can be
even for the simplest development strategy, but it is readily calculated from PVT data or an EOS model16. Fig. 22 shows
shown that large-scale drainage shape plays only a minor role the simulated liquid relative volume of CVD and CCE
on gas well deliverability. It is the total drainage volume, and experiments from our Khuff EOS model. The CCE tests are
not its shape, that influences how long a well can produce at a conducted on released gas from each pressure in the CVD
given rate before reaching a minimum pressure constraint and experiment – these gases representing approximate
going on decline. wellstreams at a given reservoir pressure. The correlation
Sensitivities were made with the radial model to predict between krg/kro and pressure for a typical Khuff fluid model is
how much additional drainage volume is needed to extend the shown in Fig. 23.
plateau period to 25 years. Figs. 16-18 show that one well The relevant range of krg/kro for Khuff is >1, even for the
needs an IGIP of 5.1 Tcf for our base case. With a seal in K4, richest Ghawar mixtures. For NF-SP the relevant range is
5.53 Tcf IGIP/well is required, while seals in all four Khuff krg/kro >3-5. A lower flowing CGR has a higher krg/kro and krg
Units requires 7.92 Tcf/well. These well IGIPs should be in the near-well region, all else being the same. Fig. 24 shows
compared with the base model volume of 1.8 Tcf/well, the impact of CGR on condensate blockage. We use two
indicating that significant (and unrealistic) off-Project Khuff mixtures, one with CGR of 33 and another with CGR of
drainage would be required to guarantee the Project DCQ with
20 wells. a
The actual stimulation of low-k rock may be difficult if high-k, low-
h layers are included in the interval being treated. It may even be
Well Skin Factor (Stimulation). To enhance gas production difficult to avoid the stimulation of HKLH layer(s) when they are not
from Khuff formation some well stimulation treatments have in the perforated interval.
6 IPTC 10692

50 STB/MMscf. To make a fair comparison of blockage effect blockage. A finely-gridded radial model captures near-well
on deliverability we account for the difference in dewpoints of blockage effects accurately. We compare results from such a
the two gases (about 865 psi). We initialized a radial model radial model with a single-well Cartesian model using
with pressure pi-pd=180 psi above each fluid dewpoint, and we different areal grid sizes: 1x1 (∆x=∆y=7,336 ft), 3x3
impose a constant pi-pwfmin= 2815 psi for both fluids. In Fig. (∆x=∆y=2,445 ft), 9x9 (∆x=∆y=815 ft) and 15x15
24, the richer fluid clearly has a more severe blockage (∆x=∆y=489 ft).
problem.In Khuff wells we expect very high near-well gas Fig. 27 shows the sensitivity of gridding size. The
velocities in high-k, low-h layers. High velocity flow (HVF) difference in plateau period between the radial model and the
has a positive and a negative effect on gas relative 1x1 model is almost 13 years; even the 15x15 model has six
permeability.16-19 High capillary numbers (Nc=vµ/σ) improve years longer plateau than the radial model. Little change in
krg as viscous forces dominate over capillary forces. Non- results are found refining from 9x9 to 15x15. This is because
Darcy or inertial HVF, quantified by the factor β, reduces krg. neither gridding handles the near-well Region 1 condensate
The net effect of these two phenomena is usually an improved blockage issue. The differences between 1x1, 3x3, and (9x9 or
krg compared with traditional Darcy (low-velocity steady-state 15x15) relates to the treatment of Region 2 flow as defined by
gas-oil) flow. Fevang and Whitson16. The Region 2 defines the region where
The magnitude of krg improvement at high velocity is condensate is accumulating (p<pd) but where condensate has
difficult if not impossible to predict without laboratory not yet built up a sufficient saturation to become part of the
measurements. Some correlations exist, but they are only steady-state flow Region 1.
useful in preliminary studies. If condensate blockage is A pseudopressure well calculation16 is needed to treat the
important to well deliverability, as in the Khuff reservoirs, near-well condensate blockage properly in a Cartesian model.
steady-state gas-oil flow measurements must be made. These This method is currently implemented in some commercial
measurements should use gas-oil mixtures which mimic the simulators, though (unfortunately) with varying limitations
actual reservoir fluids (in viscosity and IFT), but much more and success.b With either the 9x9 or 15x15 grid in our
important is that they (a) use mixtures covering the relevant example, a well-connection pseudopressure method should
range of krg/kro (3-50 for Khuff), (b) flow at relevant high accurately predict the same plateau period as the radial fine-
velocities expected in the high-k, low-h zones, and (c) use grid model.
core material representative of the high-k rock.
For this study we evaluate the impact of relative 20-Well Project Model. A 20-well typical North Field Project
permeability on well deliverability using a range of models area was modeled with 20 layers, including one HKLH zone
that provide a physically-realistic relationship for in each geologic unit, a 17x17 areal grid with effective ~4x4
krg=f(krg/kro), accounting semi-quantitatively for Nc and β single-well gridding. Off-Project drainage and edge aquifer
effects. This was achieved by varying the saturation were not included in this model. The main reason for running
exponent in the Sensor analytical relative permeability this model was to estimate the equivalent condensate blockage
correlation, but keeping end-point saturations fixed. This skin required to reproduce single-well radial well
results in an “effective” saturation exponent ne that should not deliverability. Fig. 28 shows results which indicate a large
be given any physical meaning but is useful as a simplistic over-estimation of plateau period using the coarse-grid Project
approach to including, semi-quantitatively, velocity effects on model, about 9 years. Including a constant steady-state skin of
relative permeability.a Fig. 25 shows the correlations used in 13-14 in the well PI calculation results in a plateau from the
our sensitivity studies. For krg/kro =5, the range in krg is from coarse-grid Project model that is consistent with single-well
0.1 (ne=3) to 0.3 (ne=1). For reference we also run one performance using a radial model.
unrealistic (Nc=∞, β=0) case with straight-line kr curves and We should note that if the coarse-grid Project model was
zero end-points, resulting in much higher krg values (e.g. refined to, for example, an equivalent 9x9 single-well
krg=0.84 at krg/kro=5). drainage, the number of grid cells would increase by a factor
Fig. 26 shows the significant impact of relative 5-6, which for our layering would require about 32,000 instead
permeability on plateau period for our base case Khuff radial of 5,780 cells. Based on the grid-sensitivity study discussed
model with kh=5,000 md-ft. Rock curves (ne=3) result in a 7 previously, condensate blockage would still not be treated
year plateau, while significant velocity-improved curves accurately and a “blockage skin” would need be included in
(ne=1) result in a 16 year plateau. The important conclusion the coarse-grid Project model; its value would be less than 13
from this study is that relevant relative permeability for the refined coarse-grid model with equivalent 9x9 single-
measurements are needed to reduce this large uncertainty. well drainage. Using a “condensate blockage skin” in coarse-
grid Project models is not a good, general solution because it
Condensate Blockage and Grid Sensitivity. We studied the depends on many factors, including grid size.
impact of Cartesian gridding on modeling condensate A properly-implemented pseudopressure well calculation
treatment16 would eliminate the need for a condensate
a blockage skin in coarse-grid models. It would also allow
Based on our experience with many gas condensate reservoirs,
interpretation of many steady-state gas-oil core flow tests, and
modeling relative permeabilities in fine-grid simulators, we believe ECL100 and ECL300/black-oil pseudopressure options (GPP) do
that ne values ranging from 3 to 1 define a realistic range of plausible not include velocity effect (Nc and β) on relative permeability, for
relative permeabilities that include both velocity effects (Nc and β) some inexplicable reason. ECL300 does allow this treatment, but all
and variability in base “rock” relative permeabilities. indications suggest a bug in its current implementation.
IPTC 10692 7

proper inclusion of velocity dependence of relative Memory limitations precluded us from running a full-field
permeabilities, inertial HVF (β), and well geometry (vertical, NF-SP model. The 24-component EOS run with our Project
inclined, or vertically fractured) in black-oil and model used 120 MB RAM, while a NF-SP full-field model
compositional models. would required about 5.5 GB RAM. The black-oil Project
The only requirement for the Fevang-Whitson model required 32 MB RAM, or an equivalent NF-SP full-
pseudopressure to accurately describe Region 1 near-well field model memory requirement of 1.5 GB RAM.
blockage is an accurate producing CGR (or composition) in
each well-grid connection. To guarantee an accurate Production Issues
connection CGR requires proper treatment of Region 2 by the The main production issues in Khuff development include
numerical model. Region 2 description may require pressure constraints, tubing design, pipeline design, rate
somewhat-refined coarse grids, say 50-200 ft in x-y direction, metering, and process-facility location. We consider only
but this is readily achieved by “light” LGR (local grid pressure constraints and tubing design. Clearly, however, the
refinement). pressure constraint is related to pipeline and gathering
Fig. 29 shows that gas and condensate recoveries are solution.
accurately predicted by any model, fine-gridded radial, fine-or
coarse-gridded Cartesian, and even a 1x1 model (equivalent to DCQ and Plateau Length. Daily contract quota (DCQ) and
a laboratory CVD test). Producing CGRs may differ however, the period during which DCQ is promised are the fundamental
as shown in Fig. 30. The pseudopressure model is very design criteria by which the number and types of wells are
sensitive to errors in CGR. The over-prediction of CGR in the selected in gas development projects. The number of wells
coarsest 1x1 model (Fig. 30) would result in seriously- needed to guarantee DCQ for the contractual period is
overpredicted blockage effect using pseudopressure. The determined by the remaining average reservoir pressure at end
gridding required to properly treat Region 2 is linked with the of plateau (pc), the minimum pressure constraint (ptmin), and
producing CGR, requiring smaller gridding for leaner average-well deliverability constant Cw, based on Eq. 1. pc is
condensates. mainly determined by IGIP, cumulative production at end of
plateau, differential depletion, and pressure support by aquifer.
Full-Field Model Gridding Requirements. Drainage ptmin is effectively determined by 1st-stage separator pressure,
between North Field and South Pars, as well as inter-Project be it onshore or offshore, where pipeline pressure drops
drainage issues may be important in the future, as well as impact ptmin for onshore processing.
modeling edge water drive. Likewise, a single full-field model The DCQ of most NF-SP development Projects is in the
for Ghawar would be useful for field development planning range of 1-1.5 bcf/D with a plateau up to 25 years. In the base
and history matching. case we set a well gas production rate at 75 MMscf/D
A Khuff full-field model would need to have at least the corresponding to a Project gas production rate of 1.5 bcf/D for
single-well treatment of our Project model (~4x4 Nx-Ny), and 20 wells. Our estimates indicate that NF-SP gas recovery
possibly 9x9 – with pseudopressure well treatment in either factors for 25 years of production at 1.5 bcf/D range from 36-
case. Using twenty numerical layers with proper treatment of 37 % corresponding to average reservoir pressure of 3,000-
HKLH zones is adequate. Areal and layer heterogeneities 3,100 psia with minimum flowing bottomhole pressure of
(permeability, porosity, and fluid properties) are readily 2,500 psia.
handled with such a numerical gridding refinement because
pressure depletion is only affected by barriers and large- Well Requirements. An important design consideration is
contrasting permeability such as the HKLH zones. how many wells are required to deliver a Project DCQ. The
most accurate approach to well-number design is running a
Full-Field Model CPU and Memory Requirements. Table 8 reservoir simulator that includes the drainage volume of a
shows a summary of cpu requirements for a Sensor model project (including off-Project volumes) and aquifer, with a
running on a Pentium M 1.7 GHz laptop with 512 MB RAM, well drilling program – i.e. the location and order of drilling
IMPES formulation using default stable-step (CFL=1.5) time wells. This approach is not usually used.
step control. The cpu scaling of single-well grid Cartesian It is straight-forward to use a single base-case simulation
refinement includes both the effect of grid cell number and run with a fixed number of wells.a This generates a production
stable time stepping used in an IMPES model, resulting in profile for the total field. From this run it is possible to create
quadratic dependence on number of cells. Scaling up the an average-well profile vs Project cumulatiave production.
number of wells from one to NF wells in a field is ~ linear – Alternatively, a single “average-well” simulation can be
e.g., a factor of ~900 for North Field / South Pars made with field-average properties. With this approach it is
(NF~900=1,500 Tcf/1.8 Tcf/well = 45 Project models). possible to accurately describe near-well effects such as
A full-field description of NF-SP with ~4x4 effective
single well gridding requires 260,000 total cells and would a
take about 60 min cpu with the 24-component EOS model; an In this study we run simulations with a constant-rate constraint and
equivalent black-oil run would require about 30 min(!). Using fixed number of wells. Alternatively and a more general approach,
runs the model with maximum rate against constant minimum
a 9x9 single-well gridding scheme requires ~1,500,000 total
flowing pressure constraint. The resulting rate represents maximum
cells and would take about 16 hr cpu with the 24-component deliverability at a given stage of depletion, and the number of wells
EOS model; an equivalent black-oil run would require about calculated from this rate represents the minimum requirement for
half that cpu. wells, with all producing at capacity.
8 IPTC 10692

condensate blockage with proper grid refinement, but it Sensitivities to minimum BHFP (pwfmin) were made to
assumes all wells are identical. quantify the impact on plateau period. Results are shown in
The “average-well” rate-time profile, however calculated, Fig. 32 using the radial fine-grid base-case model. With
is converted to well rate vs cumulative production Gp. The pwfmin=500 psia, the plateau period is extended from 11 to 25
number of wells at a given time is calculated by taking the years, compared with pwfmin=2,500 psia. Realistically it would
ratio of DCQ to average-well rate at current Gp. Issues like only be possible to lower ptmin to 500 psia, which for 7-in
swing production and on-time factors can also be taken into tubing gives pwfmin =1,000 psia, extending the plateau period
account when calculating required wells vs time. This from 11 to 22 years.
approximation is usually excellent because changing drainage Fig. 33 shows the base case radial well simulation using
area per well has relatively little impact on the well-rate-Gp tubing pressure constraint with vertical lift curves given by
relationship.a Eq. 3, with ptmin=1,700 psia. The impact of increasing tubing
Fig. 31 shows an example of how rate-time profiles in Fig. size from 5-1/2-in to 7-in is about 3.5 years (8 vs 11.5 yr
19 are converted to the required number of wells to deliver a plateau). For our base case of kh=5,000 md-ft, 9-in tubing
25-year plateau for a project DCQ of 1.5 bcf/D. This example only provides one additional year of plateau compared with 7-
illustrates the impact of stimulation on required number of in tubing. For lower-kh Khuff wells <2,000 md-ft, 5-1/2-in
wells. tubing is recommended. For higher-kh Khuff wells >25,000
md-ft, 9-in tubing might be considered.
Tubing Design. In the early development of North Field, 5- Several gas field developments in Europe and Australia
1/2-in OD tubing was used, while 7-in tubing is now being use 9-in OD tubing, something that could be considered in
used. In this section we review the effect of tubing size and high-kh Khuff wells. The problem with such large tubing size,
pressure constraints on production performance. other than added drilling and completion costs, is that the
The tubing pressure drop equation20 for gas wells is improvement in plateau length is greatest for high-kh wells. A
highly-variable kh in Khuff wells would require all wells to be
qg = CT ( pw2 − pt2 )0.5 .....................................................(3) drilled with the possibility of running 9-in tubing, while only a
few of the wells might have high enough kh to justify the
where qg is in scf/D, pw represents the flowing BHFP pwf larger tubing.
represented at a surface datum; pw=pwfexp(-S/2), where S is a The impact of minimum pressure constraint was also
constant reflecting TVD and gas specific gravity describing studied for the cases where (a) K4 has a sealing barrier and (b)
the static gas column pressure gradient. pt is flowing tubing all K units have sealing barriers; a sealing barrier separates
pressure, and CT reflects mainly the tubing length and half of the geologic unit volume from the HKLH zone. Results
diameter, where CT1≈CT2(dT1/dT2)2.6. This equation is equally are shown in Figs. 34 and 35. Comparing plateau periods for
valid for gas condensates, though the CT constant may be pwfmin=1000 psia (corresponding to ptmin=500 psia for 7-in
slightly lower than predicted for dry gas, the equation form tubing and 75 MMscf/D), we see that the sealing barrier in K4
still remains valid. We have even found that Eq. 3 applies, in reduces the plateau by about 3 years (from 22 to 19), while
form, for very rich gas condensates with CGRs, though CT sealing barriers in all K units reduce the plateau by about 7
may increase with CGR (approaching dry-gas values for low years (from 22 to 15).
For NF-SP with average reservoir TVD of 9600 ft we have Gathering System and Processing Unit. The gathering
“dry-gas” estimates of CT5.5=60,000 scf/D/psia and system for North Field and South Pars differ fundamentally
CT7=120,000 scf/D/psia for 5-1/2-in and 7-in OD (5-in and from Ghawar for several reasons. First, NF-SP is an offshore
6.5-in ID), respectively; S=0.50 for NF-SP. For Ghawar with development and Ghawar is onshore. Second, Ghawar is
average reservoir TVD of 11,500 ft we have CT5.5=50,000 developed with a single-ownership “unitized” strategy,
scf/D/psia and CT7=100,000 scf/D/psia for 5-1/2-in and 7-in whereas NF and SP are being developed stagewise with many
OD, respectively; S=0.61 for Ghawar. independent Projects having differing ownerships, production
For a BHFP of 2,500 psia used in most of our simulations, strategies, transportation systems, and process facilities – e.g.
the flowing tubing pressure at 75 MMscf/D is 1,850 psia for 7- pipeline sales, LNG and GTL conversion. Most NF-SP
in tubing, and 1,450 psia for 5-1/2” for NF-SP. For 5-1/2-in Projects consist of a 20-25 year constant-rate period with 16-
tubing with pt=1,500 psia in the Ghawar field, pwf=2,840 psia 24 wells per Project and well producing rates from 50-75
at a rate of 75 MMscf/D. MMscf/D. It should be noted that considerable remaining
The BHFP reached when wells go on decline is determined reserves will exist after termination of these initial 20-25 year
by the rate at end of plateau and minimum flowing tubing NF-SP Projects, and a more-unified field development
pressure constraint ptmin. Compression is required to prolong strategy may result due to a more “marginal” value and longer
production at the desired rate when pt reaches ptmin, effectively life of the remaining reserves.
lowering the minimum BHFP. Early NF development used offshore processing and dual
pipelines to shore – one for dry processed gas and another for
condensate. Recent NF-SP development implements onshore
a processing facilities that require multiphase pipelines to shore.
Changing the drainage radius from 4140 ft to 3380 ft, corresponds
to adding 50% more wells in a Project. This “improves” the reservoir
A major concern is what impact produced water may have on
PI by [ln(4140/rw)+s]/ [ln(3380/rw)+s]; for s=0, PI improves 2.5%, multiphase pipeline transportation – and particularly during
and for s=-2, PI improves by 3.3%. startups after a Project shutin.
IPTC 10692 9

Perhaps the main consideration for processing Khuff gas condensate blockage, and (f) sealing barriers within a
condensate streams is the variable H2S content, from <0.5 to geologic Unit that isolate a significant fraction of low-k,
>5 mol-%. Process facility costs associated with H2S are high-h rock from HKLH layers.
significant. Using separate process facilities for each Project 2. Parameters that do not have a significant impact on
results in lost flexibility to mix streams for maintaining a production performance include (a) aquifer size, (b)
lower H2S content in any given process facility. Condensate- vertical-to-horizontal permeability ratio kv/kh, (c)
gas ratios also vary considerably, from <30 to >80 heterogeneity (permeability distribution) of low-k rock,
STB/MMscf. A well-defined spatial distribution of H2S and and (d) PVT formulation (black-oil vs EOS compositional)
CGR has not been published in NF-SP. Apparently K2 and K3 used in modeling.
have, in general, higher H2S content than K1 and K4. 3. Well kh ranging from 1,000-25,000 md-ft was studied,
showing that ~4 years of additional plateau period is
Gas Recycling achieved for each 5,000 md-ft of total well kh (when
Little discussion of gas cycling has been published for Khuff kh>5,000 md-ft).
gas condensate reservoirs, and nothing quantitative. With 4. IGIP per well from 1.88 to >5 Tcf was studied, showing
probable initial condensate in place of 30–70 billion barrels, that ~4-5 years of additional plateau period is achieved for
the target for gas cycling is huge. Ultimate depletion recovery each additional Tcf in-place (for IGIP>1.5 Tcf).
at reservoir pressure of 2000 psia is 60% for gas and 40% for 5. Stimulation skin factor from 0 to -5 was studied, showing
condensate for our base case fluid; for Ghawar, gas and that ~3 years of additional plateau period is achieved for
condensate recoveries would be somewhat higher at the same each additional negative-skin unit.
abandonment pressure because of higher initial pressure, 6. Minimum (bottomhole) flowing pressure constraint from
richer condensate, and higher dewpoint pressure. 2500 to 500 psia was studied, showing that ~3.5 years of
Gas cycling success is primarily a function of vertical additional plateau period is achieved for each 500 psi
sweep efficiency, with layer permeabilities being the most lowered pressure constraint.
important factor. The Khuff HKLH zones could potentially 7. The vertical-to-horizontal permeability ratio kv/kh has
result in very low cycling recoveries because injected gas negligible effect on depletion performance with or without
would only sweep the HKLH zones. The only way to edge-water aquifer support, for kv/kh range 0.1-1.
successfully cycle such a reservoir would be to have two or 8. The aquifer size does not affect production performance
more areally-continuous HKLH zones in a given geologic adversely by premature water breakthrough unless vertical
unit, injecting into only one of the high-k zones and producing barriers isolate a HKLH layer, and even then the produced
from the other(s). Sweep between the two high-k zones would water rates are not excessive and seem to stabilize.
potentially be high, resulting in significant cycling reserves. 9. Gas-oil steady state relative permeability measurements
For North Field and South Pars, the field would need to be should be conducted on high-k cores using (a) a
unitized to initiate an equitable gas cycling project. This is a representative hydrocarbon fluid system (synthetic or
great impediment to gas cycling, even if the geologic layering reservoir), (b) gas-oil flow mixtures with krg/kro ratio from
and sweep efficiency proved attractive. 1-50 (most importantly 3-30), and (c) a range of lab flow
For Ghawar, the layering issue is a potential impediment to rates from low (1-10 cc/min) to velocities expected in
initiating a gas cycling project, in addition to delayed gas HKLH layers (50-200 cc/min). The resulting data should
availability. be fit with a model that properly honors measured
krg=f(krg/kro,v) behavior, properly treating Nc and β
Conclusions velocity effects.
The conclusions presented here assume (a) each geologic 10. The decision about tubing size should balance extra well
Khuff Unit (K1, K2, K3, K4) is non-communicating and has at cost with added well deliverability. As a rule of thumb we
least one high-permeability, low-thickness (HKLH) layer recommend 5-1/2-in OD tubing for lower-kh (<5,000 md-
accounting for the majority of flow into the well; (b) the ft) wells, 7-in OD tubing for kh=5,000-25,000 md-ft, and
HKLH layer(s) have significant areal extent; (c) a very large 9-in tubing for “monster” wells with kh>25,000 md-ft.
part (>98%) of HCPV is found in low-permeability (<1 md)
rock that is communicating partly or completely with at least Nomenclature
one HKLH layer; and (d) gas condensate is low-to-medium AF = acentric factor
CGR with 20-100 STB/MMscf and slightly undersaturated at Bg = gas formation volume factor
reservoir temperatures ranging from 200-250oF. BHFP = bottom hole flowing pressure, psia
We use well rate-time performance and the duration of BIP = binary interaction parameter
plateau production as a gauge for production performance; this Bo = oil formation volume factor
translates into number of wells required to deliver a specified CCE = Constant Composition Expansion
Project DCQ (daily contract quota). We provide quantitative CGR = condensate gas ratio, STB/MMscf
assessment of how performance is affected by several key CT = tubing rate equation constant
parameters for a “base case” (hypothetical) North Field-South CVD = Constant Volume Depletion
Pars Project development. CW = well deliverability constant
1. The key parameters determining production performance DCQ = delivery contract quota
include (a) well kh, (b) well IGIP, (c) stimulation skin, (d) dT = tubing diameter
minimum (tubing) pressure constraint, (e) magnitude of EOS = equation of state
10 IPTC 10692

FVF = formation volume factor v = pore gas velocity

GWC = gas water contact VAQew = edge-well aquifer volume
h = reservoir/layer thickness VAQF = total field aquifer volume
HCPV = hydrocarbon pore volume Vd = dew point volume
HKLH = high-k and low-h Vew = original well HCPV
IGIP = initial gas in place VF = original Field HCPV
k = absolute permeability, md Vo = oil volume
krg = gas relative permeability Vro = CCE oil relative volume, Vo/Vt
krgro = relative permeability of gas at Sw=Swi, Vro = CVD oil relative volume after removal,
So=Sorg Vo/Vd
kro = oil relative permeability Vshift = dimensionless volume translation
krocw = relative permeability of oil at Sw=Swi, Vt = total (oil+gas) volume
Sg=0 Zc = critical Z-factor
krwro = relative permeability of water at Sw=1- ∆x = length of grid blocks respect to x-axis
Sorw, Sg=0 ∆y = length of grid blocks respect to y-axis
kx,ky,kh = horizontal permeability, md ∆z = thickness of grid blocks
kz,kv = vertical permeability, md µo = oil viscosity, cp
Lb = buffer length, ft β = inertial high velocity flow coefficient
LBC = Lohrenz-Bray-Clark ρo = oil density, lb/cuft
md = mili Darcy σ = interfacial tension (IFT)
MMscf = million standard cubic feet
MW = gas molecular weight References
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Technical Conference & Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, Dew point pressure, psia 4945
20. Fetkovich, M.J.: “Multipoint Testing of Gas Wells,” SPE Mid- Connate water saturation (Swc) 0.2
Continental Section, Continuing Education Course, Well Testing Residual oil saturation to water (Sorw) 0.2
Analysis, March 17, 1975. Residual oil saturation to gas (Sorg) 0.2
21. Martin, B.L., III: “ 7” Monobore Completion Design for Qatar's Critical gas saturation (Sgc) 0.1
Offshore North Field,” paper SPE/IADC 39272 presented at the Water relative permeability at Sw=1-Sorw, Sg=0 (krwro) 0.5
1997 SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling Technology Conference Gas relative permeability at Sw=Swc, So=Sorg (krgro) 0.33
held in Bahrain, November 23-25. Gas relative permeability at Sw=Swc, So=0 (krocw) 0.9
22. Al-Maslamani, M.: “Performance of (UNS 8028) Production Exponent for krw curve (nw) 2.5
Tubing Material in Sour Service Environment of Khuff Gas Exponent for krow curve (now) 2.5
Formation,” paper SPE 29785 presented at the SPE 1995 Middle Exponent for krg curve (ng) 2.5
East Oil Show held in Bahrain, March 11-14. Exponent for krog curve (nog) 2.5
23. Whitson, C.H., and Brule, M.R.: Phase Behavior, SPE
Monograph Volume 20, Henry L. Doherty Series (2000).
24. McKetta, J.J. Jr. and Wehe, A.H.: “Hydrocarbon/Water and
Formation Water Correlations,” Petroleum Production Handbook,
T.C. Frick and R.W. Taylor (eds.), SPE, Richardson, Texas
25. Total: “SOUTH PARS: A giant gas field off the Iranian coast,” PROJECT CARTESIAN MODEL Surface Area 10 km x 10 km
e=4 Gridding of Cartesian Model 17x 17 x 24
26. The Energy Information Administration (EIA), U.S. Department Size of total reservoir, ft 32808 x 32808 x 1721
of Energy: “Qatar: Country Analysis Briefs,” ∆x = ∆y, ft 1930 (588 m) RADIAL MODEL
27. The Energy Information Administration (EIA), U.S. Department Surface Area, km 5
of Energy: “Saudi Arabia: Country Analysis Briefs,” Gridding Model 25 x 1 x 145 Well radius (rw), ft 0.583
28. The Energy Information Administration (EIA), U.S. Department Outer boundary radius (re), ft 4140
Radial coordinates, ft 0.69 0.99 1.41 2.01 2.86 4.08
of Energy: “Iran: Country Analysis Briefs,”
5.82 8.29 11.83 16.86 24.04 34.28 48.87 69.68 99.35
141.65 201.96 287.96 410.56
585.37 834.62 1189.98
1696.65 2419.06 3449.05
Average ∆z, ft 10
12 IPTC 10692

Tc Pc Tb
Comp MW AF Vshift SG ZcVisc Pchor
R psia R
N2 28.01 227.2 492.8 0.0370
139.4 0.2724 0.2918 59.1 K1/K4 K2/K3 Ghawar
0.0009 Component
CO2 44.01 547.4 1069.5 0.2250 0.2175 333.3 0.7510 0.2743 80.0 %mol %mol %mol
H2S 34.08 672.1 1300.0 0.0900 0.1015 382.4 0.8085 0.2829 80.1 N2 3.349 3.349 3.306
C1 16.04 343.0 667.0 0.0110
201.6 0.1398 0.2862 71.0 CO2 1.755 1.755 1.744
C2 30.07 549.6 706.6 0.0990 0.0589 332.7 0.3101 0.2792 111.0 H2S 0.529 3.029 0.531
C3 44.10 665.7 616.1 0.1520 0.0908 416.2 0.4990 0.2763 151.0 C1 83.265 80.765 82.501
i-C4 58.12 734.1 527.9 0.1860 0.1095 471.1 0.5726 0.2820 188.8
C2 5.158 5.158 5.153
n-C4 58.12 765.2 550.6 0.2000 0.1103 491.1 0.5925 0.2739 191.0
i-C5 72.15 828.7 490.4 0.2290 0.0977 542.4 0.6312 0.2723 227.4
C3 1.907 1.907 1.922
n-C5 72.15 845.5 488.8 0.2520 0.1195 557.0 0.6375 0.2684 231.0 i-C4 0.409 0.409 0.416
C6 82.32 924.2 491.3 0.2373 0.1341 606.2 0.7036 0.2703 232.6 n-C4 0.699 0.699 0.714
C7 95.36 988.3 457.2 0.2714 0.1429 658.7 0.7367 0.2650 263.9 i-C5 0.280 0.280 0.290
C8 108.77 1043.9 422.8 0.3094 0.1522 707.5 0.7594 0.2652 296.1 n-C5 0.280 0.280 0.291
C9 121.90 1094.1 390.0 0.3500 0.1697 754.0 0.7761 0.2654 327.6
C6 0.390 0.390 0.415
C10 134.78 1138.6 361.7 0.3900 0.1862 796.9 0.7896 0.2655 358.5
C11 147.59 1178.9 337.0 0.4295 0.2018 836.8 0.8009 0.2657 389.2
C7 0.486 0.486 0.532
C12 160.30 1215.6 315.3 0.4684 0.2165 874.3 0.8107 0.2658 419.7 C8 0.361 0.361 0.410
C13 172.91 1249.4 296.3 0.5067 0.2302 909.5 0.8193 0.2660 450.0 C9 0.266 0.266 0.317
C14 185.42 1280.6 279.4 0.5444 0.2430 942.7 0.8270 0.2661 480.0 C10 0.201 0.201 0.254
C15 197.82 1309.5 264.5 0.5814 0.2548 973.9 0.8340 0.2662 509.8 C11 0.153 0.153 0.206
C16 210.11 1336.3 251.1 0.6178 0.2657 1003.4 0.8404 0.2664 539.3
C12 0.116 0.116 0.169
233.39 1383.1 229.3 0.6857 0.2843 1055.8 0.8513 0.2666 595.1 C13 0.089 0.089 0.140
299.51 1493.7 184.6 0.8712 0.3239 1183.8 0.8764 0.2672 753.8 C14 0.068 0.068 0.117
C30+ 477.34 1616.9 167.6 1.0411 0.1154 1309.7 0.9215 0.2677 1180.6
C15 0.052 0.052 0.097
C16 0.040 0.040 0.081
C17-19 0.073 0.073 0.171
C20-29 0.063 0.063 0.186
C30+ 0.012 0.012 0.037
TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00
C7+ 1.98 1.98 2.72
pd, psia 5135 4945 6000
CGR, STB/MMscf 33.49 34.12 49.83
ρSTO, lbm/ft3 47.82 47.79 48.81
TABLE 4 – KHUFF SRK EOS24 BIP APISTO 53.02 53.17 49.30
BIP, kij * µSTO, cp 1.39 1.36 2.10
N2 CO2 H2S
N2 0 0 0.12
CO2 0 0 0.12
C1 0.02 0.12 0.07
C2 0.06 0.15 0.06
C3 0.08 0.15 0.06 kh, md-ft 5000
i-C4 0.08 0.15 0.06 Minimum pwf, psia 2500
n-C4 0.08 0.15 0.06 Well gas rate, MMscf/D 75
i-C5 0.08 0.15 0.06
IGIP/well, Tscf 1.88
n-C5 0.08 0.15 0.06
C6 0.08 0.15 0.05 Skin factor (s) 0
C7 0.08 0.15 0.03 Permeability (md) and Thickness (ft)
C8 0.08 0.15 0.03 Unit klow khigh kavg z, ft
C9 0.08 0.15 0.03
K1 0.4 30.8 1.9 204
C10 0.08 0.15 0.03
C11 0.08 0.15 0.03 K2 1.2 154.4 6 327
C12 0.08 0.15 0.03 K3 1.1 107.8 5.3 255
C13 0.08 0.15 0.03 K4 0.4 103.7 2 645
C14 0.08 0.15 0.03 Other:
C15 0.08 0.15 0.03
C16 0.08 0.15 0.03 1. The one high-k layer is located at the middle of each Unit.
C17-19 0.08 0.15 0.03 2. The high-k layer in each Unit is fully communicating to the upper
C20-29 0.08 0.15 0.03 and lower layers (no vertical seals exist).
C30+ 0.08 0.15 0.03 3. The low-k layers have uniform permeability as listed above.
* Binary Interaction Parameter (BIP) of C1 - C30+ = 0.06887
IPTC 10692 13


North Field, %mol Ghawar Field, %mol 2.5 Experiment
Gas Oil Gas Oil Calculated

Liquid relative vol, %

N2 3.321 1.704 2.727 2.711 2
CO2 1.775 1.525 1.781 1.779
H2S 0.538 0.741 0.630 0.632 1.5
C1 82.848 58.093 75.143 74.918
C2 5.215 5.659 5.579 5.584
C3 1.952 2.729 2.337 2.344
i-C4 0.423 0.688 0.548 0.550
n-C4 0.725 1.301 0.974 0.979
i-C5 0.293 0.619 0.429 0.432
n-C5 0.294 0.659 0.441 0.444 0
C6 0.414 1.174 0.699 0.705 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
C7 0.521 1.824 0.990 1.001 Pres, psig
C8 0.391 1.668 0.839 0.850
Fig. 1 – Liquid drop out (oil relative volume), comparison between
C9 0.291 1.508 0.713 0.724
measured and EOS-calculated, CVD test at 220 F.
C10 0.223 1.390 0.627 0.637
C11 0.171 1.276 0.556 0.566
C12 0.132 1.169 0.498 0.507
C13 0.101 1.069 0.449 0.459
C14 0.078 0.976 0.407 0.416 100
C15 0.061 0.889 0.369 0.378
C16 0.047 0.811 0.334 0.343 90
C17-19 0.088 2.055 0.825 0.848 80 Experiment
Relative Moles Removed, %
C20-29 0.080 4.384 1.395 1.444 Calculated
C30+ 0.016 6.088 0.709 0.748
TOTAL 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 60
C7+ 2.20 25.11 8.71 8.92 50
Psat, psia 5359 5359 7774 7774
CGR, STB/MMscf 38.11 206.73
ρO Surface, lbm/cuft 47.94 51.15
APIO Surface, 52.6 41 20
µO Surface, cp 1.46 4.12 10
North Field :
Ref. fluid = K4 Gas (Table 5); Tres=220 F; Ref. Depth =9,600 ft
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Ghawar Field :
Pres, psig
Ref. fluid = Gas (Table 5); Tres=275 F; Ref. Depth =11,500 ft
Fig. 2 – Cumulative moles produced, comparison between measured
and EOS-calculated, CVD test at 220 F.


Total CPU time, min Experiment
Simulation Gridding 1.05
Grids Single Well Project (20 wells) Calculated

1x1 20 0.018
Gas Z-Factor

3x3 180 0.044

EOS 5x5 500 0.14 0.95
9x9 1620 1.09
15x15 4300 7.68 0.90

EOS ~4x4 5780 1.35

Black Oil ~4x4 5780 0.65

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Pres, psig
Fig. 3 – Produced gas Z-factor, comparison between measured and
EOS-calculated, CVD test at 220 F.
14 IPTC 10692

1.7 1400


Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D

1.6 1200

1.5 1000 BO EOS


Rs, scf/STB
1.4 800
1.3 600

1.2 400 20

1.1 200
1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Time, years
Pressure, psia
Fig. 4 – Oil FVF and solution GOR, black-oil tables. Fig. 7 – Well gas rate comparison between EOS and black-oil radial
model simulations.

1800 34 7000
Reference depth
1500 30 North Field

1200 26
rs, stb/MMscf

GOCNF = 10017 ft
1/Bg, rb/scf

Depth, ft

900 22
Ghawar Field
600 18

300 14
GOCGhawar = 13501 ft
0 10 14000
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 74 76 78 80 82 84 86
Pressure, psia C1 Content, %-mole
Fig. 5 – Gas FVF and solution oil-gas ratio (CGR), black-oil tables.
Fig. 8 – Isothermal compositional gradient calculation of methane and
the calculated GOC for North Field (TR=220 F) and “Ghawar” Khuff
(TR=275 F).

1 0.035 7000
Reference depth
0.8 0.030
North Field
Gas Viscosity, cp
Oil Viscosity, cp

0.6 0.025
Depth, ft

10000 GOCNF = 10017 ft

0.4 0.020
12000 Ghawar Field
0.2 0.015
13000 GOCGhawar = 13501 ft

0 0.010
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Pressure, psia C7+ Content, %-mole
Fig. 6 – Oil and gas viscosities, black-oil tables. Fig. 9 – Isothermal compositional gradient calculation of C7+ and the
calculated GOC for North Field (TR=220 F) and “Ghawar” Khuff
(TR=275 F).
IPTC 10692 15

6500 50
100 1: K4 sub-unit with HKLH layer
2: K4 sub-unit without HKLH layer
5500 40

Average Pressure, psia

80 random 2

Gas Recovery, %
Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D

base uniform 4500 30

3500 20
40 1
2500 10

20 2
1500 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time, years
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time, years Fig. 13 – Average pressure and gas recovery factor comparison
Fig. 10 – Well gas rate for different permeability distributions; no between two sub-units of K4 when a vertical seal exists.
vertical seals.


Water Production Rate, STB/D

80 kh=5000 25000
Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D

1. One seal in K4 - No Buffer
500 2. One seal in K4 - Lb= 3669 ft
60 3
3. One seal in all Khuff units - No Buffer
400 4. One seal in all Khuff units - Lb= 3669 ft

40 300 1
solution water rate 4
20 100
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time, years
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time, years
Fig. 14 – Vertical sealing within Khuff geological Unit(s) and buffer
Fig. 11 – Well gas rate for different kh (md-ft) with pwfmin 2500 psia. length (Lb) effects on water production rate.

1. No seal 1
30 2. One seal in K4
3. One seal in all Khuff units 2
Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D

no seal 25 3
Plateau, years

60 four seals 20
one seal 1
15 2

Plateau with Buffer and 5xAquifer cases

20 5 - - - Plateau with No Buffer and No Aquifer cases

0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Buffer Length (Lb), ft
Time, years
Fig. 15 – Buffer length (Lb) effects on plateau length for different
Fig. 12 – Well gas rate for different vertical sealing within Khuff vertical sealing within Khuff geological Unit(s).
geological Unit(s); pwfmin 2500 psia.
16 IPTC 10692

100 100

80 IGIP=1.88 3.3 5.1 80 s=0 -2 -3.5 -4.9

Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D

Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D




0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time, years
Time, years
Fig. 16 – Well gas rate for different well drainage volumes (Tcf); no Fig. 19 – Well gas rate for different stimulation skin factors; no vertical
vertical seal case. seal case.

100 100

80 IGIP=1.88 5.1 5.53 80 s=0 -2 -3.5 -4.9

Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D
Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D

60 60



0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time, years
Time, years
Fig. 17 – Well gas rate for different well drainage volumes (Tcf); one Fig. 20 – Well gas rate for different stimulation skin factors; one
vertical seal (in K4) case. vertical seal (in K4) case.

100 100

80 80 s=0 -3 -3.5 -4.9

Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D

IGIP=1.88 5.53 7.92

Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D

60 60



0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time, years
Time, years
Fig. 18 – Well gas rate for different well drainage volumes (Tcf); four Fig. 21 – Well gas rate for different stimulation skin factors; four
vertical seals (in K1-K4) case. vertical seals (in K1-K4) case.
IPTC 10692 17

2.4 1
Pd=5135 (CVD) Miscible (straight-line) Nc=∞

Pd=5135 (CCE) 0.7

1.6 Magnitudes of the two velocity
0.6 effects must be measured in

4500 Nc β
Vro, %

1.2 0.5 lab flow tests with high-k core

4000 samples
0.8 3500 0.3
3000 0.2 1.5
2500 0.1 2.5
3 Immiscible (rock) Nc=0
0.0 0
Initial Abandonment
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 1 10 100
High CGR Low CGR at 3500 psia
Pressure, psia Blockage Zone krg/kro
Fig. 22 – Liquid relative volumes of Khuff reservoir fluid from CVD Fig. 25 – krg vs. krg/kro for Khuff reservoirs using approximate relative
(Vo/Vd) and CCE (Vo/Vt) experiments. permeability modell that accounts semi-quantitatively for velocity effect.

3500 4000 80 n=3 2.5 2 1.5 1 miscible

Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D

4500 Pd=5135



1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000
Pressure, psia 0
Fig. 23 – krg/kro vs. pressure for Khuff reservoir fluids. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time, years

Fig. 26 – Well gas rate for different analytical relative permeability

correlation exponent; no vertical seal case.

Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D

CGR=50 CGR=32 STB/MMscf

80 1 23 4 5
Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D



40 1 : Radial n=2.5
0 2 : Cartesian 15 x 15; n=2.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 3 : Cartesian 9 x 9; n=2.5
4 : Cartesian 3 x 3; n=2.5
Time, years 20 5 : Cartesian 1 x 1; n=2.5

Fig. 24 – Rate-time profiles showing impact of CGR on condensate

blockage for two Khuff fluids. Both systems have same degree of initial 0
undersaturation (pi-pd)=180 psi and maximum drawdown (pi- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
pwfmin)=2815 psi. Time, years
Fig. 27 – Well gas rate comparison between radial and Cartesian
model; no vertical seal case.
18 IPTC 10692

100 80
Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D


Well Number
60 50 s=-2
3 4
40 s=-3.5
1: Project skin=13 1 2
2: Radial 30
3: Project no skin
20 4: Project dry gas 20 s=-4.9

0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Time, years
Time, years
Fig. 28 – Well gas rate comparison between Radial model and Project Fig. 31 – Well number required for different stimulation skin factors; no
models. vertical seal case.

6000 100
Cartesian 1x1 ("CVD")
Cartesian 15x15
pwf=2500 1500 500
Average K4 Unit Pressure, psia

Radial Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D 80

4000 Series3

2000 Gas

1000 20
0 20 40 60 80 100 0
Recovery Factor, % 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time, years
Fig. 29 – Recovery factors vs. average pressure in K4 or different grid Fig. 32 – Well gas rate for different bottom hole flowing pressures
sizes in single well Cartesian models and radial models. (psia); no vertical seal case.

35 100
Cartesian 1x1 ("CVD")
Cartesian 9x9 1 : Pt 1700; OD 5.5"
30 80 1 23 4
Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D

Cartesian 15x15 2 : Pwf 2500


Radial 3 : Pt 1700; OD 7"

25 60 4 : Pt 1700; OD 9"

20 40
Difference in CGR
important to pseudo-
pressure treatment
15 of blockage 20

10 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Average K4 Unit Pressure, psia Time, years

Fig. 30 – CGR vs. average pressure in K4 for different grid sizes in Fig. 33 – Well gas rate for different production tubing size (ptmin 1700
single well Cartesian models and radial model. psia) and with BHFP constraint (2500 psia); no vertical seal case.
IPTC 10692 19


80 pwf=2500 1500 500 200

Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time, years
Fig. 34 – Well gas rate for different bottom hole flowing pressures
(psia); one vertical seal (in K4) case.


80 pwf=2500 1500 700

Well Gas Rate, MMscf/D




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time, years
Fig. 35 – Well gas rate for different bottom hole flowing pressures
(psia); four vertical seals (in K1-K4) case.

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