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Chapter 3

Research Methodology

To find the effects of heavy traffic jams caused by the MRT-7 construction to the
academic performance of Carmelian students, we used the quantitative research to
collect numerical data from a group of people, to classify features, count them, and
construct statistical models in an attempt to explain what is observed. This will help us
figure out that heavy traffic jams caused by the MRT-7 construction negatively affect the
academic performance of Carmelian students.

In conducting the survey, travel time were compared between before and during the
construction of MRT-7. The distance between the students’ residents and the location of
the school were also calculated, the respondents were also asked if they’re affected by
the construction of MRT-7, if they answered yes, there is a follow up question “how
does it affect you?” And respondents can choose from the provided choices.


The study was conducted at Mater Carmeli School. The participants in this study are
junior high school Carmelian students. We surveyed ten students every level, from
grade seven up to grade ten. A total of forty students were approached. Participants
were excluded if they live in Sacred Heart Village.

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