Movie Commentary Tracks Are Back

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LIKE MOST PEOPLE, you’ve probably watched Get Out at least once. Maybe twice. But the best way to
see Get Out is with Jordan Peele sitting right next to you. Last spring, long before Get Out's eventual
Oscar win, the movie was released on home video with a commentary track from its writer-director. A
decade ago, in the pre-streaming era, this wouldn’t have been news: Back then, seemingly every movie
got a commentary track, even Good Luck Chuck. Then the DVD market began to decline, and the
commentary track went from a being standard-issue add-on to relative rarity. Even recent Best Picture
nominees like Mad Max: Fury Road, The Wolf of Wall Street, 12 Years a Slave, and Spotlight were
released sans tracks—bad news for anyone looking for behind-the-scenes intel on Mark Ruffalo's little-
Ceasar haircut.

In the last few years, though, several high-profile films—everything from Star Wars: The Last Jedi to Lady
Bird to Get Out—have been released with commentary tracks. That means you can spend your
umpteenth viewing of Peele's film listening to him talk about how he modeled the opening credits on
those of The Shining, or how the film's title was inspired by a routine from Eddie Murphy Delirious. For
casual movie watchers, such details may not be too thrilling. But for film nerds who absorb behind-the-
scenes trivia and how-we-made-it logistics, tracks like the one for Get Out remain the cheapest movie-
making education available.

I've listened to hundreds of commentary tracks over the last 25 years—a pursuit that goes back to the
mid-’90s, when it was possible to rent a laserdisc player(!) and a copy of the Criterion Collection’s The
Silence of the Lambs, and spend a weekend listening to Jonathan Demme and the film's cast and
creators chat for two hours. That track remains a classic of the genre: Demme talks nuts-and-bolts
filmmaking 101; Jodie Foster discusses story arc and character; FBI agent John Douglas talks about serial
killers. It's like taking a half-dozen freshman-level introductory classes at once. There are other classics
of the commentary genre. Some are practical, like the Citizen Kane commentary in which Roger Ebert
breaks down Orson Welles' various on-screen tricks, or the Aliens track in which Jim Cameron discusses
the best lens for special effects. Others play out like their own mini-movies: On the track for The Limey,
director Steven Soderbergh and screenwriter Lem Dobbs semi-gently spar over how the movie came
out—a rare look at the messiness of creative collaboration. Then there are the all-purpose tracks that
combine practical-moviemaking details, flotsam of trivia, and hang-out banter, like the crowded Fight
Club commentary that covers everything from CGI explosions to Rosie O'Donnell giving away the film's
ending on her talk show ("just unforgivable," star Brad Pitt laments). The best commentary tracks don't
bog you down with technical details or fill up dead air with dull plaudits: They footnote the movie
experience, answering questions you may not have known you had about everything from casting to
cinematography to marketing. "You can learn more from John Sturges' audio track on the Bad Day at
Black Rock laserdisc than you can in 20 years of film school,” Paul Thomas Anderson once said.
That might be true‚ but for years the commentary for that 1955 thriller was out of print and near-
impossible to find. Eventually, it popped up on YouTube, which has become home to countless
bootlegged commentary-track rips, some of them listed under fake titles (and some, like Get Out, are
easy to spot). With minimal searching, you can also find MP3s archived on Tumblrs and old blogspot
pages, in case you want to download and watch along—or listen to a commentary track while doing
errands or exercising (maybe I’ve taken the hilarious, deeply non-informative Step Brothers play-by-play
out with me for a long walks). But there are also hundreds of digitally preserved commentary tracks
available through legit means. On FilmStruck—the streaming service featuring older movies from the
Criterion Collection and Turner Classic Movies—you can listen to Terry Gilliam discuss Time Bandits and
Steve James talk Hoop Dreams. Indie powerhouse A24 has produced filmmakers’ commentary tracks
that are bundled on outlets like the iTunes store, meaning you can listen to Paul Schrader walk through
every step of his excellent First Reformed. And Disney has been releasing tracks for recent hits like The
Last Jedi and Avengers: Infinity War. Only a few years ago, commentary tracks seemed all but dead;
now, there are almost too many to keep up with—including the numerous fan-recorded ones available
as podcasts and hours-long YouTube clips. It’s telling that many of the filmmakers (and film lovers) now
recording commentaries are in their thirties and forties—meaning they came of age in the first
commentary-track era during the Bush/Clinton years. When Peele opens his Get Out track, he notes that
it's a "surreal honor" to be recording it—a testament to how crucial these commentaries are for anyone
looking to sneak behind the screen. And now, online, you can pretty much stay there forever.

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