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INTJ Careers 13/03/19, 7)50 PM


You: INTJ (intj)

Your Business
INTJ Career Choices » Type Description
Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(69%) Thinking(9%) Judging(38%) (/personality/intj)
Generally, INTJs have successful careers in areas requiring intense intellectual effort, those that present
» Career Choices
intellectual challenges, and require a creative approach. Due to the characteristics mentioned above, (/personality/intj-careers?
successful INTJs are found in technological companies, particularly in research and development, and EI=-44&SN=-69&TF=9&JP=38)
among corporate lawyers, high- and mid-rank managers in technology companies and financial institutions.
» Learning Style
Jung Career Indicator™ (jung-career-indicator) determines occupations and areas in which (/personality/intj-learning-
people of your type find themselves most fulfilled and content, are most successful, and in style)
which they are likely most represented. The following table lists some examples of areas of
» Communication Skills
occupation suitable from a personality type standpoint, along with examples of educational (/personality/intj-
institutions* where you can receive a relevant degree or training. The table factors in the expressiveness of communication-style)
the four traits of your personality type: Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(69%) Thinking(9%) Judging(38%). Therefore,
» Famous INTJs
INTJ type persons with different expressiveness scores might get a somewhat different list. Areas of (/personality/famous-intjs)
occupation that are more aligned with your result appear first. Click occupation names and school logos to
request program information.
» Personality Type
click to explore (/personality/type)

Natural Science (

» Premium Report
Natural Science Education report)
» Organizations & Business
Users (/personality/staff-
Information Systems (

» Humanmetrics Blog
Computer Science and Software Engineering (/blog)
(COMPUTER-SCIENCE) ( » Hate your manager?
click to explore its-probably-not-just-your-
Librarian (
» Introversion is not a four-
letter word
INCLUDES MATCHING SCHOOL ADS (/post/introversion-is-not-
INTJ Entrepreneur?
» Take learning into your own
In fact, anyone can be an entrepreneur. There are many factors influencing how successful an entrepreneur
hands New! (/post/take-
can be, and your personality preferences is one of the very important ones. Identifying a line of business and your-learning-into-your-
size that fits your entrepreneurial personality preferences (/entrepreneur/types) helps mitigating risks and hands)
increasing chances of being more successful and more content. Determine most favorable for you size and
kinds of businesses and franchises with Entrepreneur Quiz » (/entrepreneur).
The 16 personality
Your Type Preferences types
Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(69%) Thinking(9%) Judging(38%)
(/personality/estj) (/personality/istj)
(/personality/estp) (/personality/istp)
Career Choices and Risk Attitudes
(/risk-taking) ESFJ ISFJ
One of the main reasons for difficulties in a career is (/personality/esfj) (/personality/isfj)
inconsistency between person's natural risk attitudes (like risk ESFP ISFP
aversion or, on the contrary, risk seeking) and career steps they (/personality/esfp) (/personality/isfp)
are taking. This inconsistency leads to stress and emotional
discomfort, reduces confidence in your own abilities, adversely
affecting your career. Take the Risk Attitudes Quiz (/risk-taking) to Degree Finder
understand your risk type and gain additional insights. Page 1 of 3
INTJ Careers 13/03/19, 7)50 PM

Risk Attitudes Quiz comes in handy when considering a job or changing the course of your career, especially -Select Degree Level-
if you:
-Select Category-
lack self-confidence which is keeping you from taking the next step toward your dream job.
-Select Subject-
are over-analytical and cannot stop debating alternatives.
are looking to achieve sustainability in your career. Find Now
change your course too often and want to find out the potential cause for that.

Take the New! Risk Attitudes Quiz » (/risk-taking) to see if the career decisions you make are in line with the
risk attitudes that match your personality. Of Interest
82 Exceptional Schools That Fit
Education Tips Your Personality and Learning
Education is a huge investment of time and money so be ready to ask a lot of questions of any college
or university you are considering. Therefore, create a list of questions and take notes as you get your
answers while talking to an enrolment advisor or when signing up and requesting information.
Be wary of any school that is unable to or refuses to answer any of your questions. A degree is a long-
term commitment and choosing a college or university that understands and can meet your needs should be
one of your top priorities.
Sign up and request information from several schools so that you can compare and, if possible, 1&linkCode=li2&tag=hrpe-
negotiate more favourable conditions. 20&linkId=02c5557369dea245bd020da049a
There is no such thing as the "perfect" college or university. Stay open minded and realize that any
number of schools may be a good fit for you and provide you with the degree and student services that you
Important aspects you should pay attention to include:

School’s accreditation
Financial aid offered
Tuition and fees. What’s included and what isn’t. Payment plans. (
Student services available Perfect-College-You-
Instructors’ credentials Exceptional-
How tests are administered
Time required to complete the program
How long the program has been offered and how many students have enrolled
Key dates 20&linkId=02c5557369dea245bd020da049a
Any requirements or pre-requisites

16 Personality Types: Leadership

Previous: INTJ Type Description (/personality/intj)
Next: INTJ Learning Style (/personality/intj-learning-style) (


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INTJ Careers 13/03/19, 7)50 PM

103 Comments Sort by Newest

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Donovan John
Introvert(31%) iNtuitive(38%) Thinking(41%) Judging(28%).....took the threet times ....give or take same result ..
Introvert(53%) iNtuitive(38%) Thinking(44%) Judging(19%)
Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(28%) Thinking(44%) Judging(53%)
Like · Reply · 5d

Khdeejah Hughes
Introvert (38%) iNtuitive (25%) Thinking (22%) Judging (28%)
Like · Reply · 1w

James Tognarelli
Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(3%) Thinking(50%) Judging(16%)
Like · Reply · 2w

Olivia Martinez
Introvert(84%) iNtuitive(41%) Thinking(62%) Judging(19%)
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Nguyen Gia Thai

Introvert(56%) iNtuitive(9%) Thinking(41%) Judging(62%)
My major in International Economics, and minor in English was a huge mistake it seem. Looking back it's obvious, but 20 years this type of test would not be
present to give me a guidepost~
Like · Reply · 6w

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* Schools mentioned on this page and linked websites do not represent any endorsement of any information presented on this page by any of the schools mentioned or linked websites; nor do they represent any
endorsement by Humanmetrics of any of these schools or linked websites. This list is not intended to be a comprehensive list of occupations for the personality type indicated. People can be successful and/or
comfortable in occupations that are not listed here.

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