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LAW 154 LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Million Pesos for the last 2 consecutive years based on 1991

DIGESTS & REVIEWERS constant prices.

II. NATURE AND STATUS  A Local Government Unit is a political subdivision of the State
which is constituted by law and possessed of substantial control over
II. Nature and Status its own affairs. Remaining to be an intra sovereign subdivision of
A. Municipal Corporations, Local Government, Defined one sovereign nation, but not intended, however, to be an imperium
Local Government Interchangeable with Municipal Corporations in imperio, the local government unit is autonomous in the sense
∙ municipal corporation :: a body politic and corporate constituted by that it is given more powers, authority, responsibilities and
the incorporation of the inhabitants for the purpose of local resources. Power which used to be highly centralized in Manila, is
government thereof; a State agent to assist in the civil government of thereby deconcentrated, enabling especially the peripheral local
the country but chiefly to regulate and administer the local or internal government units to develop not only at their own pace and
affairs of the city, town, or district which is incorporated. discretion but also with their own resources and assets.
∙ Elements:  With its broadened powers and increased responsibilities, a local
i. legal corporation or incorporation government unit must now operate on a much wider scale. More
ii. corporate name by which the artificial personality is known and in extensive operations, in turn, entail more expenses. Understandably,
which all corporate acts are done the vesting of duty, responsibility and accountability in every LGU
iii. inhabitants constituting the population is accompanied with a provision for reasonably adequate resources
iv. territory within which local civil government/ corporate functions to discharge its powers and effectively carry out its
are exercised functions. Availment of such resources is effectuated through (1) the
right to create and broaden its own source of revenue; (2) the right
001. Alvarez vs. Guingona to be allocated a just share in national taxes in the form of internal
∙ On April 18, 1993, RA 7720, entitled “An Act Converting the revenue allotments (IRAs); and (3) the right to be given its equitable
Municipality of Santiago, Isabela into an Independent Component City to share in the proceeds of the utilization and development of the
be known as the City of Santiago” was filed in the HREP with Rep. national wealth, if any, within its territorial boundaries.
Antonio Abaya as the principal author. It was referred to the House ∙ The funds generated from local taxes, IRAs and national wealth
Committee on Local Government and the House Committee on utilization proceeds accrue to the general fund of the local
Apropriations. Subsequently, public hearings were conducted by the government and are used to finance its operations subject to
House Committee on Local Committee, which then submitted a favorable specified modes of spending the same as provided for in the Local
report with amendments. Meanwhile, its counterpart – Senate Bill No. Government Code and its implementing rules and regulations.
1243, entitled “An Act Converting the Municipality of Santiago into an  For purposes of budget preparation, which budget should reflect
Independent Component City to be Known as the City of Santiago” was the estimates of the income of the local government unit, among
filed in the Senate, with Sen. Vicente Sotto III as the principal sponsor, others, the IRAs and the share in the national wealth utilization
just after the first public hearing on HB No. 8817. After public hearings proceeds are considered items of income.
were conducted by the Senate Committee on Local Government, which  Income is defined in the Local Government Code to be all
submitted Committee Report No. 378, which recommended that it be revenues and receipts collected or received forming the gross
approved without amendment, considering that HB No. 8817 was on all accretions of funds of the local government unit.
fours with SB No. 1243.  The IRAs are items of income because they form part of the gross
∙ In 1994, Committee Report No. 378 was passed by the Senate on accretion of the funds of the local government unit. The IRAs
Second Reading and was approved on its Third Reading. The HREP regularly and automatically accrue to the local treasury without need
approved the amendments proposed by the Senate, and the enrolled bill of any further action on the part of the local government unit. They
was signed by the Chief Executive and a plebiscite was held on July 13, thus constitute income which the local government can invariably
1994, wherein a great majority voted in favor of the conversion of rely upon as the source of much needed funds.
Santiago into a city.
 Section 450 (c) of the Local Government Code provides that "the
average annual income shall include the income accruing to the
1. WON RA 7720 is unconstitutional, considering that it did not
general fund, exclusive of special funds, transfers, and non-recurring
originate exclusively in the HREP as mandated by Sec. 24, Art. VI,
1987 Consti
IOW, WON considering that Senate passed SB No. 1243, its own  IRAs are a regular, recurring item of income, distinct from special
version of HB No. 8817, RA No. 7720 can be said to have funds or transfers.
originated in the HREP -- YES ● The IRAs were correctly included in the income of Santiago
∙ The filing of HB No. 8817 was precursive not only of the said Act Municipality and since the Department of Finance certified that its
in question but also of SB No. 1243. Thus, HB No. 8817, was the average annual income for the last 2 consecutive years based on
bill that initiated the legislative process that culminated in the 1991 constant prices is at least P20,000,000, it has met the
enactment of Republic Act No. 7720. No violation of Section 24, requirement as to financial capacity of a city.
Article VI, of the 1987 Constitution is perceptible under the ∙ DISMISSED
circumstances attending the instant controversy.
∙ The filing in the Senate of a substitute bill in anticipation of its 002. Basco vs. Philippine Amusement & Gaming Corp.
receipt of the bill from the House, does not contravene the ∙ Petitioners filed the instant petition seeking to annul the PAGCO
constitutional requirement that a bill of local application should Charter – PD 1869 – because it is allegedly contrary to morals, public
originate in the House of Representatives, for as long as the Senate policy and order and because it constitutes a waiver of the Manila City
does not act thereupon until it receives the House bill. government’s right to impose taxes and license fees, because the law has
2. WON the Municipality of Santiago has not met the minimum intruded into the LGU’s right to impose local taxes and license fees, in
average annual income required under Sec. 450, LGC to be converted contravention of the local autonomy, because it violates the equal
into a component city. protection clause of the constitution since it legalizes PAGCOR, while
IOW, WON IRAs are to be included in the computation of the most other forms of gambling are outlawed and because it violates the
average annual income of a municipality for purposes of its Cory government’s avowed trend of banning monopolistic and crony
conversion into an independent component city – YES economy and toward free enterprise and privatization.
∙ For a municipality to be converted into a component city, it must,
among others, have an average annual income of at least Twenty

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∙ In their Second Amended Petition, petitioners also claim that PD 1869 ∙ Padilla, J., Concurring: The prohibition, control and regulation of
is contrary to the declared national policy of the “new restored gambling pertain to “state policy,” and therefore constitute political
democracy" and the people's will as expressed in the 1987 Constitution. questions. BUT, I do not subscribe to gambling in whatever form.
∙ The government’s defense was premised on the success of PAGCOR in
generating revenues to fund infrastructure and socio-economic projects B. Nature and Status of Municipal Corporations
and the PAGCOR’s creation to centralize all games of chance, expand i. subordinate branch of the government of the state
and improve the country’s tourist attractions and minimize, if not totally ii. exercises delegated branches of government
eradicate, all the evils normally prevalent on the conduct and operation of
gambling clubs and casinos without direct government involvement C. Kinds of Municipal Corporations
∙ ISSUES: Civil Code, Sec. Judicial Persons, State and Political Subdivisions
∙ procedural :: WON Petitioners, as taxpayers and practicing lawyers, 1. municipal corporation proper :: refers to incorporated cities, towns,
have the requisite standing – YES or villages invested with the power of local legislation;
… transcendental importance 2. quasi-municipal corporation :: quasi-corporation, operates directly
∙ WON PD 1869 constitutes a waiver of the right of the City of Manila as an agency of the state to help in the administration of public
to impose taxes and legal fees; that the exemption clause in P.D. 1869 functions
is violative of the principle of local autonomy -- NO └ narrow/limited purpose; not possessed of powers/liabilities of
∙ Sec. 13 (2), pD 1869 exempting PAGCOR from paying any tax of self-governing corporations
any kind or form, income, or otherwise as well as fees, charges or └ generally relates to matters of state as distinguished from
levies of whatever nature, whether National or Local municipal concerns
i. The City of Manila, being a mere Municipal corporation has no 3. Distinguish municipal corporation proper from quasi-municipal
inherent right to impose taxes. corporation.
ii. The Charter of the City of Manila is subject to control by i. voluntary/ involuntary nature of the corporation
Congress. It should be stressed that "municipal corporations are ii. existence/ nonexistence of a charter
mere creatures of Congress, which has the power to "create and iii. whether the purpose of the corporation is solely as a
abolish municipal corporations" due to its "general legislative governmental agency or one for self-government
powers". Congress, therefore, has the power of control over Local 4. Distinguish municipal corporation from public corporation.
governments. ∙ municipal corporation :: applies to incorporated villages, towns and
iii. The City of Manila's power to impose license fees on cities; with power of local administration
gambling, has long been revoked, so only the National WHILE
Government has the power to issue "licenses or permits" for the public corporation :: broader term, established for purposes
operation of gambling. connected with the administration of civil/ local government
iv. Local governments have no power to tax instrumentalities of
the National Government. PAGCOR is a government owned or D. Dual Nature
controlled corporation with an original charter, PD 1869. All of 1. Dual nature and functions of municipal corporations Sec. 15, LGC
its shares of stocks are owned by the National Government. ∙ body politic and corporate endowed with powers to be exercised in
∙ PAGCOR has a dual role, to operate and to regulate gambling accordance with law
casinos. The latter role is governmental, which places it in the i. public/governmental ::as agent of the State for the government of
category of an agency or instrumentality of the Government. Being the territory and the people within the municipal limits. Exercises a
an instrumentality of the Government, PAGCOR should be and part of the sovereignty of the state by delegation
actually is exempt from local taxes. ii. private :: like a business corporation, doing functions not strictly
∙ The power of local government to "impose taxes and fees" is governmental or political; stands for the community in the
always subject to "limitations" which Congress may provide by law. administration of local affairs, beyond the sphere of the public
Since PD 1869 remains an "operative" law until "amended, repealed purposes for which its government powers are conferred.
or revoked" (Sec. 3, Art. XVIII, 1987 Constitution), its "exemption
clause" remains as an exception to the exercise of the power of local 003. Villas vs. City of Manila
governments to impose taxes and fees. It cannot therefore be ∙ In 1734, Don Francisco Carriedo y Perodo bequeathed to the city a fund
violative but rather is consistent with the principle of local for the establishment of waterworks. Such funds was loyally kept and
autonomy. Besides, the principle of local autonomy under the 1987 greatly increased and was enlarged by a special tax upon meat. In 1878,
Constitution simply means "decentralization." It does not make local the works were finally completed and have been since operated by the
governments sovereign within the state or an "imperium in imperio." city.
 Local Government has been described as a political subdivision ∙ ISSUE :: liability of the city of Manila for a debt incurred for coal
of a nation or state which is constituted by law and has substantial supplied for its waterworks system prior to the cession of the Philippine
control of local affairs. In a unitary system of government, such as Islands to the U.S. Manila holds the Carriedo fund, which is liable for
the government under the Philippine Constitution, local obligations incurred in the administration of the Carriedo waterworks.
governments can only be an intra sovereign subdivision of one The Philippine Supreme Court denied relief to the plaintiffs, holding that
sovereign nation, it cannot be animperium in imperio. Local the present municipality is a totally different corporate entity and in no
government in such a system can only mean a measure of way liable for the debts of the Spanish municipality.
decentralization of the function of government. (emphasis supplied).  Public property of Manila as a municipal corporation cannot be said to
As to what state powers should be "decentralized" and what may be have passed to U.S. upon Spain’s cession of the Philippines to U.S. But,
delegated to local government units remains a matter of policy, since the present Manila was reincorporated by the Philippine
which concerns wisdom. It is therefore a political question. Commission with substantially the same municipal powers, area and
∙ As to the alleged violation of PD 1869 of the equal protection clause, inhabitants as the former Manila under Spanish occupation, it is liable for
there is no such violation because classification based on substantial municipal obligations incurred prior to the cession.
differences. … historical continuity of a municipality embracing the inhabitants of
∙ The other issues on monopoly and the immorality of gambling are the territory now occupied by the city of Manila
political issues, while there can be no violations of Secs. 11, 12 & 13  Municipal corporations possess dual character. They exercise powers
of Art. II, Sec. 13 of Art. XIII and Sec. 2 of Art. XIV of the 1987 which are governmental (thus, exercising by delegation a part of state
Consti because these provisions are not self-executing. sovereignty) and powers which are of a private or business character
(thereby standing for the community in the administration of local affairs

Francesse Joy J. Cordon Page 2

wholly beyond the sphere of the public purposes for which its undergo the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process to secure
governmental powers are conferred. aan Environment Compliance Certificate (ECC), before it can proceed
Municipal laws regulating private and domestic rights continue in with the construction of the project.
force until changed by the new ruler. Only laws of a political character ∙ Believing that it was entitled to a CNC, the City of Davao filed a
are totally changed. The property rights relinquished by Spain are petition for mandamus and injunction with RTC, Davao, which granted
limited to those which belong to the public domain. It did not affect the writ of mandamus and injunction in its favor and ordered DENR to
property which belonged to the City of Manila as a municipal issue a CNC in its favor on the ground that LGUs are not bound to
corporation. Absent any express legislative declaration, there is no comply with the EIS law. The DENR’s MR having been denied, it then
reason to suppose that reincorporation intended to permit an escape filed this petition for review on certiorari, and despite the Davao City’s
from the obligations of the old city. new administration expressing its agreement with the DENR that it does
∙ REVERSED and REMANDED with direction to overrule the respective need to secure an ECC first, the Court resolves to adjudicate upon the
demurrers issue for the guidance of the implementers of the EIS law and for the
information of the bench and bar.
004. Lidasan vs. Commission on Elections  An LGU, as a body politic and corporate endowed with powers to be
∙ On June 18, 1966, RA 4790 was enacting separating certain barrios exercised by it in conformity with law, performs dual functions,
from their respective municipalities to constitute a distinct and governmental and proprietary. Governmental functions are those that
independent municipality of the same province to be known as the concern the health, safety and the advancement of the public good or
Municipality of Dianaton, Lanao del Sur, which its seat of government in welfare as affecting the public generally. Proprietary functions are those
Togaig. However, it was later found that some of the barrios lie outside that seek to obtain special corporate benefits or earn pecuniary profit and
of Lanao del Sur and were within the municipality of Buldon, Cotabato, intended for private advantage and benefit. When exercising
while others were in Parang, Cotabato. COMELEC resolved to follow governmental powers and performing governmental duties, an LGU is an
RA 4790. agency of the national government. When engaged in corporate activities,
∙ Since the transfer of 12 barrios from Cotabato to Lanao del Sur changed it acts as an agent of the community in the administration of local affairs.
the boundaries of the 2 provinces, the Office of the President  Presupposing an ECC is necessary, an LGU, like the Davao City,
recommended to COMELEC that the operation of the statute be cannot claim exemption from the coverage of PD 1586, for the are within
suspended until “clarified by correcting legislation”. However, the the scope of the EIS system.
COMELEC refused to obey the President’s order, thus, prompting Bara HOWEVER, since the Artica Sports Dome does not have a significant
Lidasan, a resident and taxpayer of the detached portion of Parang, negative impact because it is not an environmentally critical project
Cotabato and a qualified voted for the 1967 elections, to file the present nor located in an environmentally critical area, it does not need an
original action for certiorari and prohibition. ECC and is thus outside the EIS scope.
∙ ISSUE :: WON Republic Act 4790 is unconstitutional and the ∙ DENIED
COMELEC resolutions implementing the same for electoral purposes
should be nullified. – YES 2. Purposes
∙ defective title :: failure to properly apprise the Legislators of the i. agency/instrument of State in carrying on government functions,
content of the bill which the State cannot conveniently exercise
∙ more than one subject in the title :: failure ii. agency of the inhabitants in regulating municipal franchises and
∙ impossibility of segregation of the 9 barrios in the municipalities of public utilities promotion, management, of local affairs,
Butig and Balabagan in Lanao del Sur with the mere nullification of maintenance of water system, ferries, wharves, etc.
the portion thereof which took away the 12 barrios in the
municipalities of Buldon and Parang BECAUSE they are so mutually 3. General Powers and Attributes
dependent and connected with each other as to constitute conditions, i. sangguniang panlalawigan’s or sangguniang panlungsod’s power
considerations, inducements or compensations for each other, that the to create a barangay within the territorial jurisdiction of a
Legislature intended them as a whole ii. government center, where offices, agencies or branches of the
 Municipal corporations perform twin functions - as a state National Government, LGUs, or GOCCs may, as far as practicable,
instrumentality in carrying out the functions of government AND as an be located
agency of the community in the administration of local affairs. In their iii. in consultation with Philippine Historical Commission,
latter character, they constitute a separate entity acting for their own sangguniang panlalawigan’s power to change the name of the ff.:
purposes and not a subdivision of the State. -component cities and municipalities, upon the recommendation
… Several factors, such as population, territory and income, come to of the sanggunian concerned
the fore in the consideration of whether a group of barrios is capable -provincial roads, avenues, boulevards, thoroughfares and tertiary
of maintaining itself as an independent municipality. schools
… The Legislature could not have intended for the Municipality of -public vocational or technical schools and other post-secondary
Dianaton to function with only 9 barrios. and tertiary schools
+ WON the petitioner is a real party in interest – YES -provincial hospitals, health centers and other health facilities
∙ Every citizen, taxpayer and voter of a community affected by -any other public place or building owned by the provincial
legislation creating a town is entitled to ascertain that the law so government
created is not dismembering his place of residence "in accordance with * analogous power by sanggunians of highly urbanized citizes and
the Constitution." of component cities whose charters prohibit their voters from
∙ Fernando, J., Dissenting: voting for provincial elective officials as independent component
∙ The title of RA 4790 sufficiently embodies its object, because the law cities WRT city barangays; city roads, avenues, boulevards,
does deal with only one subject matter – the creation of the thoroughfares and bridges; public elementary, secondary and
municipality of Dianaton in Lanao del Sur. vocational or technical schools, community colleges and non-
chartered colleges; city hospitals, health centers and other health
005. Republic of the Philippines vs. City of Davao facilities; and any other public place or building owned by the city
∙ On August 11, 2000, the City of Davao filed an application with the government
Environmental Management Bureau for a Certificate of Non-Coverage * analogous power by sanggunians of component cities and
for its proposed project, the Davao City Artica Sports Dome. But the municipalities WRT city and municipal barangays; city,
same was denied, on the ground that the location of the proposed project municipal and barangay roads, avenues, boulevards,
was within an environmentally critical area, thus, the City of Davao must thoroughfares and bridges; city and municipal public elementary,

Francesse Joy J. Cordon Page 3

secondary and vocational or technical schools, post-secondary and assistance agencies without necessity of securing clearance or approval
other tertiary schools; city and municipal hospitals, health centers therefor from any department, agency or office of the National
and other health facilities; and any other public place or building Government or from any higher LGU
owned by the city government PROV. approved by the national agency concerned
* BUT note that a change of name of a public school is only PROV. that when such national agency fails to act on the request for
possible upon the recommendation of the local school board; of approval within 30d fr receipt, deemed approved
public schools, health centers and other health facilities upon the & that local chief executive upon signing such grant agreement or
recommendation f the local health board; of any LGU upon deed of donation, report the nature, amount and terms of such
ratification in a plebiscite conducted for the purpose; and of name, assistance to both Houses of Congress & President
upon notification of the Office of the President, representative of ∙ corporate existence of a new LGU commences upon the election nd
the legislative district concerned and the Bureau of Posts qualification of its chief executive and a majority of the members of its
iv. powers of a political subdivision of the National Government and sanggunian, unless some other time is fixed therefor
as a corporate entity representing the inhabitants of its territory ∙ functions and responsibilities of national agencies and offices
v. powers expressly granted, those necessarily implied therefrom and devolved to them
powers necessary, appropriate or incidental for its efficient and + those necessary, appropriate or incidental to efficient and effective
effective governance and those which are essential to the promotion of provision of the basic services and facilities
the general welfare ∙ liability for death or injury to persons or damage to property
└ preservation and enrichment of culture; promotion of health and
safety; enhancement of the people to a balanced ecology;
encouragement and support to the development of appropriate and
self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities; improvement of
public morals; enhancement of economic prosperity and social
justice; promotion of full employment among their residents;
maintenance of peace and order; and preservation of the comfort and
convenience of their inhabitants
vi. power to generate and apply resources
+ power and authority to establish an org. that shall be responsible
for the efficient and effective implementation of their development
plans, program objectives and priorities
+ power to levy taxes, fees and charges which shall accrue
exclusively for their use and disposition and which shall be retained
by them
+ just share in national taxes, which shall be automatically and
directly released to them
+ equitable share in the proceeds from the utilization and
development of the national wealth and resources within their
respective territorial jurisdictions
+ acquire, develop, lease, encumber, alienate or otherwise dispose of
RP/PP held by them in their proprietary capacity and to apply their
resources and assets for productive, development or welfare
vii. expropriation upon payment of just compensation (deposit of at
least 15% of FMV of the property based on the current tax declaration
of the property to be expropriated + amount determined by the proper
court, based on FMV @ taking
viii. power to reclassify lands through a sanggunian-passed ordinance
after conducting public hearings for the purpose
ix. power to permanently or temporarily close or open any local road,
alley, park or square falling within its jurisdiction through an ordinance
PROV. approved by at least 2/3 of all the members of the
sanggunian and substitution for the public facility subject
PROV. no freedom park shall be closed permanently with provision
for its transfer or relocation to a new site
 close – actual emergency or fiesta celebrations, public rallies,
agricultural or industrial fairs or undertaking of public works and
highways, telecommunications and waterworks projects… shopping
malls, Sunday, flea markets or other public place
x. corporate powers:
└ to have continuous succession in its corporate name
└ to sue and be sued
└ to have and use a corporate seal
└ to acquire and convey RP/PP
└ to enter into contracts upon prior authorization by the sanggunian
└ to exercise such other powers as are granted to corps., ST limits
└ corporate seal
└ full autonomy in the exercise of their proprietary functions and in
the mgt of their economic enterprises ST limits
xi. authority to negotiated and secure financial grants or donations in
kind, in support of basic services or facilities, from local and foreign

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