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If you’ve ever skated, you’ve probably fell on the ice.

This class teaches you how to

save someone who’s falling on ice (assuming you’re both wearing boots, not skates)
and how to be saved. Just a few quick reminders:
-Never go anywhere without a rope, you may need it.
-Always wear boots or shoes on the ice as skates are too dangerous
If you see someone in danger of slipping on the ice, warn them before it
happens. I do know that that is sometimes not enough, but it can help. Never wear
skates on the ice. They make it more difficult. Instead, you should just slide around
on the ice (see Ice Skating to know more).
When you see someone fall on the ice, yell at them so they know that you
know that they are in desperate need for help. Throw them the rope before they hit
the ground. Once they catch it, you both must pretend to be slipping around a bit,
before starting to push and pull at the rope. You must always be slipping and
slidding, and throwing in a few turns wouldn’t hurt your cause.
After about five to twenty minutes of that slidding stuff, do a huge,
exaggerated yank. Once they have reaches you, pull them into a big hug. Start
blubbering about how they almost died. This huge should last three to seven
minutes, and if people stare, let them stare. Then they will know how scary it is to
have skates on the ice.
Now, this class also teaches you how to be saved when you’re about to slip
on the ice. Yell very loudly the second you realize your’re going to fall. Listen for any
other yells, and if you hear one look that way. Catch any rope that gets thrown at
you. Once you’ve caught it, do the same pushing and pulling, slidding and slipping,
wobbling and hobbling thing. It is essential that everything is exaggerated.
After you’ve been yanked back in, you must hug this person who saved you.
Cry about how you’d be dead if they hadn’t heard your desperate call of help and
come to the rescue. After the hug has ended, look at them for a few seconds before
saying thank you tons of times.

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